コード例 #1
def fit_predict_only(config, x_test=None, y_test=None):
    estimator = joblib.load('filename.pkl')
    learning_cfg = config.get("learning", None)
    scorers = set_scorer_functions(learning_cfg.get("scorer", ['mae', 'rmse']))
    if (x_test is not None):
        while x_test != 'null':
            log.debug("Predicting unseen data using the trained model...(from previously learned model)")
            y_hat = estimator.predict(x_test)
            #print y_hat
            sys.stdout.write(str(y_hat) + '\n')
            log.debug("Evaluating prediction on the test set...")
            #for scorer_name, scorer_func in scorers:
                #v = scorer_func(y_test, y_hat)
                #log.info("%s = %s" % (scorer_name, v))
            n_input = raw_input()
            x_test = read_features_test(n_input, '\t')
コード例 #2
def run(config):
    Runs the main code of the program. Checks for mandatory parameters, opens
    input files and performs the learning steps.
    # check if the mandatory parameters are set in the config file
    x_train_path = config.get("x_train", None)
    if not x_train_path:
        msg = "'x_train' option not found in the configuration file. \
        The training dataset is mandatory."
        raise Exception(msg)

    y_train_path = config.get("y_train", None)
    if not y_train_path:
        msg = "'y_train' option not found in the configuration file. \
        The training dataset is mandatory."
        raise Exception(msg)
    learning = config.get("learning", None)
    if not learning:
        msg = "'learning' option not found. At least one \
        learning method must be set."
        raise Exception(msg)
    # checks for the optional parameters
    x_test_path = config.get("x_test", None)
    y_test_path = config.get("y_test", None)

    # output file
    output_file_path = config.get("output", None)

    separator = config.get("separator", DEFAULT_SEP)
    labels_path = config.get("labels", None)
    scale = config.get("scale", True)

    log.debug("Opening input files ...")
    log.debug("X_train: %s" % x_train_path)
    log.debug("y_train: %s" % y_train_path)
    log.debug("X_test: %s" % x_test_path)
    log.debug("y_test_path: %s" % y_test_path)
    # open feature and response files    
    X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, labels = \
    open_datasets(x_train_path, y_train_path, x_test_path,
                  y_test_path, separator, labels_path)

    if scale:
        # preprocess and execute mean removal
        X_train, X_test = scale_datasets(X_train, X_test)

    predict_only = config.get("predict_only", False)
    if predict_only:
            feats_lines = []
            line = raw_input()
            X_test = read_features_test(line, '\t')
            y_test = 2
            y_hat = fit_predict_only(config, X_test, y_test)
    # fits training data and predicts the test set using the trained model
            y_hat = fit_predict(config, X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test)