コード例 #1
ファイル: pkgdb.py プロジェクト: tflink/python-fedora
    def get_notify_acls(self, collctn_name=None, collctn_ver=None, eol=False):
        '''Return the package attibutes used by notify

        :kwarg collctn_name: Limit the packages to those in collection with
            this name.  for instance, 'Fedora', 'Fedora EPEL', 'Fedora OLPC'.
        :kwarg collctn_ver: If collctn_name is specified, this allows you to
            also limit to a specific version of a collection.  If collctn_name
            isn't specified, this option does nothing.
        :kwarg eol: If eol is set to True, include eol distributions in the
            notify list.  Default: False
        :kwarg role_list: Note, this will not do anything until pkgdb-0.5.
            List of roles that the user must have the acls for in order to be
            included.  Valid roles are: owner, comaintainer, committer,
            bzwatcher, and vcswatcher
        :rtype: Bunch
        :returns: `Bunch` keyed on package name.  Each entry has a list
            of people to be notified for this package.

        .. versionadded:: 0.3.15
        .. versionchanged:: 0.3.21
            Return Bunch instead of DictContainer
        method = '/lists/notify'

        if collctn_name:
            method = method + '/' + collctn_name
            if collctn_ver:
                method = method + '/' + collctn_ver

        params = {'eol': eol}
        data = self.send_request(method, req_params=params)
        if 'exc' in data:
            raise AppError(data['exc'], data['tg_flash'])
        return data.packages
コード例 #2
ファイル: pkgdb.py プロジェクト: lbazan/python-fedora
    def get_bugzilla_acls(self):
        '''Return the package attributes used by bugzilla.

        :rtype: Bunch
        :returns: `Bunch` contains information needed to setup bugzilla
            for every collection.  It looks like this:
            data[collctn][pkg][attribute] where attribute is one of:
            :owner: FAS username for the owner
            :qacontact: if the package hasa special qacontact, their userid is listed here
            :summary: Short description of the package
            :cclist: list of FAS userids that are watching the package

                >>> print data['Fedora']['bzr']['owner']
                >>> print data['Fedora']['bzr']['qacontact']
                >>> print data['Fedora']['bzr']['summary']
                'Friendly distributed version control system'
                >>> print data['Fedora']['bzr']['cclist']
                {'groups': [], 'people': ['hno', 'shahms', 'toshio']}
                >>> data.keys()
                ['Fedora OLPC', 'Fedora', 'Fedora EPEL']

        .. versionadded:: 0.3.15
        .. versionchanged:: 0.3.21
            Return Bunch instead of DictContainer
        data = self.send_request('/lists/bugzilla')
        if 'exc' in data:
            raise AppError(data['exc'], data['tg_flash'])

        return data.bugzillaAcls
コード例 #3
    def people_query(self, constraints=None, columns=None):
        '''Returns a list of dicts representing database rows

        :arg constraints: A dictionary specifying WHERE constraints on columns
        :arg columns: A list of columns to be selected in the query
        :raises AppError: if the query failed on the server (most likely
            because  the server was given a bad query)
        :returns: A list of dicts representing database rows (the keys of
            the dict are the columns requested)

        .. versionadded::
        if constraints is None:
            constraints = {}
        if columns is None:
            columns = []

        req_params = {}
        req_params['columns'] = ','.join(columns)

            request = self.send_request('json/people_query',
            if request['success']:
                return request['data']
                raise AppError(message=request['error'], name='FASError')
        except FedoraServiceError:
コード例 #4
    def group_data(self, force_refresh=None):
        '''Return administrators/sponsors/users and group type for all groups

        :arg force_refresh: If true, the returned data will be queried from the
            database, as opposed to memcached.
        :raises AppError: if the query failed on the server
        :returns: A dict mapping group names to the group type and the
            user IDs of the administrator, sponsors, and users of the group.

        .. versionadded:: 0.3.8
        params = {}
        if force_refresh:
            params['force_refresh'] = True

            request = self.send_request('json/fas_client/group_data',
            if request['success']:
                return request['data']
                raise AppError(message='FAS server unable to retrieve'
                               ' group members',
        except FedoraServiceError:
コード例 #5
ファイル: pkgdb.py プロジェクト: tflink/python-fedora
    def get_vcs_acls(self):
        '''Return the acls for the version control system.

        Note: the return values from this function will be changing when the
        PackageDB updates to 0.5.x.  The return data will look like this::


        :rtype: Bunch
        :returns: `Bunch` representing the vcs acls for every person.
            It looks like this: data[pkg][branch]['commit'].people list of
            users who can commit to the package.  Example::

                >>> print data['bzr']['devel']['commit'].people
                ['toshio', 'hno', 'shahms', 'toshio']
                >>> print data['bzr']['devel']['commit'].groups

        .. versionadded:: 0.3.15
        .. versionchanged:: 0.3.21
            Return Bunch instead of DictContainer
        data = self.send_request('/lists/vcs')
        if 'exc' in data:
            raise AppError(data['exc'], data['tg_flash'])

        return data.packageAcls
コード例 #6
    def person_by_id(self, person_id, auth_params):
        '''Retrieve information about a particular person

        :arg auth_params: Auth information for a particular user.  For
            instance, this can be a username/password pair or a session_id.
            Refer to
            :meth:`fedora.client.proxyclient.ProxyClient.send_request` for all
            the legal values for this.
        :returns: a tuple of session_id and information about the user.
        :raises AppError: if the server returns an exception
        :raises AuthError: if the auth_params do not give access
        request = self.send_request('/json/person_by_id',
                                    req_params={'person_id': person_id},
        if request[1]['success']:
            # In a devel version of FAS, membership info was returned
            # separately
            # This has been corrected in a later version
            # Can remove this code at some point
            if 'approved' in request[1]:
                request[1]['person']['approved_memberships'] = \
            if 'unapproved' in request[1]:
                request[1]['person']['unapproved_memberships'] = \
            return (request[0], request[1]['person'])
            raise AppError(name='Generic AppError',
コード例 #7
 def group_by_name(self, groupname):
     '''Returns a group object based on its name'''
     params = {'groupname': groupname}
     request = self.send_request('json/group_by_name',
     if request['success']:
         return request['group']
         raise AppError(message='FAS server unable to retrieve group'
                        ' %(group)s' % {'group': to_bytes(groupname)},
コード例 #8
    def set_config(self, username, application, attribute, value):
        '''Set a config entry in FAS for the user.

        Note: authentication on the server will prevent anyone but the user
        or a fas admin from viewing or changing their configs.

        :arg username: Username of the person
        :arg application: Application for which the config is set
        :arg attribute: The name of the config key that we're setting
        :arg value: The value to set this to
        :raises AppError: if the server returns an exception
        request = self.send_request('config/set/%s/%s/%s' %
                                    (username, application, attribute),
                                    req_params={'value': value},

        if 'exc' in request:
            raise AppError(name=request['exc'], message=request['tg_flash'])
コード例 #9
    def get_configs_like(self, username, application, pattern=u'*'):
        '''Return the config entries that match the keys and the pattern.

        Note: authentication on the server will prevent anyone but the user
        or a fas admin from viewing or changing their configs.

        :arg username: Username of the person
        :arg application: Application for which the config is set
        :kwarg pattern: A pattern to select values for.  This accepts * as a
            wildcard character. Default='*'
        :raises AppError: if the server returns an exception
        :returns: A dict mapping ``attribute`` to ``value``.
        request = self.send_request('config/list/%s/%s/%s' %
                                    (username, application, pattern),
        if 'exc' in request:
            raise AppError(name=request['exc'], message=request['tg_flash'])

        return request['configs']
コード例 #10
    def get_config(self, username, application, attribute):
        '''Return the config entry for the key values.

        :arg username: Username of the person
        :arg application: Application for which the config is set
        :arg attribute: Attribute key to lookup
        :raises AppError: if the server returns an exception
        :returns: The unicode string that describes the value.  If no entry
            matched the username, application, and attribute then None is
        request = self.send_request('config/list/%s/%s/%s' %
                                    (username, application, attribute),
        if 'exc' in request:
            raise AppError(name=request['exc'], message=request['tg_flash'])

        # Return the value if it exists, else None.
        if 'configs' in request and attribute in request['configs']:
            return request['configs'][attribute]
        return None
コード例 #11
    def user_data(self):
        '''Return user data for all users in FAS

        Note: If the user is not authorized to see password hashes,
        '*' is returned for the hash.

        :raises AppError: if the query failed on the server
        :returns: A dict mapping user IDs to a username, password hash,
            SSH public key, email address, and status.

        .. versionadded:: 0.3.8
            request = self.send_request('json/fas_client/user_data', auth=True)
            if request['success']:
                return request['data']
                raise AppError(message='FAS server unable to retrieve user'
                               ' information',
        except FedoraServiceError:
コード例 #12
ファイル: pkgdb.py プロジェクト: tflink/python-fedora
    def get_package_info(self, pkg, branch=None):
        '''Get information about the package.

        :arg pkg: Name of the package
        :kwarg branch: If given, restrict information returned to this branch
            Allowed branches are listed in :data:`COLLECTIONMAP`
        :raises AppError: If the server returns an exceptiom
        :returns: Package ownership information
        :rtype: Bunch

        .. versionchanged:: 0.3.21
            Return Bunch instead of DictContainer
        data = None
        if branch:
            collection, ver = self.canonical_branch_name(branch)
            data = {'collectionName': collection, 'collectionVersion': ver}
        pkg_info = self.send_request('/acls/name/%s' % pkg, req_params=data)

        if 'status' in pkg_info and not pkg_info['status']:
            raise AppError(name='PackageDBError', message=pkg_info['message'])
        return pkg_info
コード例 #13
class ProxyClient(object):
    # pylint: disable-msg=R0903
    A client to a Fedora Service.  This class is optimized to proxy multiple
    users to a service.  ProxyClient is designed to be threadsafe so that
    code can instantiate one instance of the class and use it for multiple
    requests for different users from different threads.

    If you want something that can manage one user's connection to a Fedora
    Service, then look into using BaseClient instead.

    This class has several attributes.  These may be changed after
    instantiation however, please note that this class is intended to be
    threadsafe.  Changing these values when another thread may affect more
    than just the thread that you are making the change in.  (For instance,
    changing the debug option could cause other threads to start logging debug
    messages in the middle of a method.)

    .. attribute:: base_url

        Initial portion of the url to contact the server.  It is highly
        recommended not to change this value unless you know that no other
        threads are accessing this :class:`ProxyClient` instance.

    .. attribute:: useragent

        Changes the useragent string that is reported to the web server.

    .. attribute:: session_name

        Name of the cookie that holds the authentication value.

    .. attribute:: session_as_cookie

        If :data:`True`, then the session information is saved locally as
        a cookie.  This is here for backwards compatibility.  New code should
        set this to :data:`False` when constructing the :class:`ProxyClient`.

    .. attribute:: debug

        If :data:`True`, then more verbose logging is performed to aid in
        debugging issues.

    .. attribute:: insecure

        If :data:`True` then the connection to the server is not checked to be
        sure that any SSL certificate information is valid.  That means that
        a remote host can lie about who it is.  Useful for development but
        should not be used in production code.

    .. attribute:: retries

        Setting this to a positive integer will retry failed requests to the
        web server this many times.  Setting to a negative integer will retry

    .. attribute:: timeout
        A float describing the timeout of the connection. The timeout only
        affects the connection process itself, not the downloading of the
        response body. Defaults to 30 seconds.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.3.33
        Added the timeout attribute
    log = log

    def __init__(self,
        '''Create a client configured for a particular service.

        :arg base_url: Base of every URL used to contact the server

        :kwarg useragent: useragent string to use.  If not given, default to
            "Fedora ProxyClient/VERSION"
        :kwarg session_name: name of the cookie to use with session handling
        :kwarg session_as_cookie: If set to True, return the session as a
            SimpleCookie.  If False, return a session_id.  This flag allows us
            to maintain compatibility for the 0.3 branch.  In 0.4, code will
            have to deal with session_id's instead of cookies.
        :kwarg debug: If True, log debug information
        :kwarg insecure: If True, do not check server certificates against
            their CA's.  This means that man-in-the-middle attacks are
            possible against the `BaseClient`. You might turn this option on
            for testing against a local version of a server with a self-signed
            certificate but it should be off in production.
        :kwarg retries: if we get an unknown or possibly transient error from
            the server, retry this many times.  Setting this to a negative
            number makes it try forever.  Defaults to zero, no retries.
        :kwarg timeout: A float describing the timeout of the connection. The
            timeout only affects the connection process itself, not the downloading
            of the response body. Defaults to 30 seconds.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.3.33
            Added the timeout kwarg
        # Setup our logger
        self._log_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
        self.debug = debug
        format = logging.Formatter("%(message)s")

        # When we are instantiated, go ahead and silence the python-requests
        # log.  It is kind of noisy in our app server logs.
        if not debug:
            requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests")

        if base_url[-1] != '/':
            base_url = base_url + '/'
        self.base_url = base_url
        self.domain = urlparse(self.base_url).netloc
        self.useragent = useragent or 'Fedora ProxyClient/%(version)s' % {
            'version': __version__
        self.session_name = session_name
        self.session_as_cookie = session_as_cookie
        if session_as_cookie:
                'Returning cookies from send_request() is'
                ' deprecated and will be removed in 0.4.  Please port your'
                ' code to use a session_id instead by calling the ProxyClient'
                ' constructor with session_as_cookie=False'),
        self.insecure = insecure
        self.retries = retries or 0
        self.timeout = timeout or 30.0

    def __get_debug(self):
        '''Return whether we have debug logging turned on.

        :Returns: True if debugging is on, False otherwise.
        if self._log_handler.level <= logging.DEBUG:
            return True
        return False

    def __set_debug(self, debug=False):
        '''Change debug level.

        :kwarg debug: A true value to turn debugging on, false value to turn it
        if debug:

    debug = property(__get_debug,
    When True, we log extra debugging statements.  When False, we only log

    def send_request(self,
        '''Make an HTTP request to a server method.

        The given method is called with any parameters set in ``req_params``.
        If auth is True, then the request is made with an authenticated session
        cookie.  Note that path parameters should be set by adding onto the
        method, not via ``req_params``.

        :arg method: Method to call on the server.  It's a url fragment that
            comes after the base_url set in __init__().  Note that any
            parameters set as extra path information should be listed here,
            not in ``req_params``.
        :kwarg req_params: dict containing extra parameters to send to the
        :kwarg auth_params: dict containing one or more means of authenticating
            to the server.  Valid entries in this dict are:

            :cookie: **Deprecated** Use ``session_id`` instead.  If both
                ``cookie`` and ``session_id`` are set, only ``session_id`` will
                be used.  A ``Cookie.SimpleCookie`` to send as a session cookie
                to the server
            :session_id: Session id to put in a cookie to construct an identity
                for the server
            :username: Username to send to the server
            :password: Password to use with username to send to the server
            :httpauth: If set to ``basic`` then use HTTP Basic Authentication
                to send the username and password to the server.  This may be
                extended in the future to support other httpauth types than

            Note that cookie can be sent alone but if one of username or
            password is set the other must as well.  Code can set all of these
            if it wants and all of them will be sent to the server.  Be careful
            of sending cookies that do not match with the username in this
            case as the server can decide what to do in this case.
        :kwarg file_params: dict of files where the key is the name of the
            file field used in the remote method and the value is the local
            path of the file to be uploaded.  If you want to pass multiple
            files to a single file field, pass the paths as a list of paths.
        :kwarg retries: if we get an unknown or possibly transient error from
            the server, retry this many times.  Setting this to a negative
            number makes it try forever.  Default to use the :attr:`retries`
            value set on the instance or in :meth:`__init__`.
        :kwarg timeout: A float describing the timeout of the connection. The
            timeout only affects the connection process itself, not the
            downloading of the response body. Defaults to the :attr:`timeout`
            value set on the instance or in :meth:`__init__`.
        :returns: If ProxyClient is created with session_as_cookie=True (the
            default), a tuple of session cookie and data from the server.
            If ProxyClient was created with session_as_cookie=False, a tuple
            of session_id and data instead.
        :rtype: tuple of session information and data from server

        .. versionchanged:: 0.3.17
            No longer send tg_format=json parameter.  We rely solely on the
            Accept: application/json header now.
        .. versionchanged:: 0.3.21
            * Return data as a Bunch instead of a DictContainer
            * Add file_params to allow uploading files
        .. versionchanged:: 0.3.33
            Added the timeout kwarg
        self.log.debug(b_('proxyclient.send_request: entered'))

        # parameter mangling
        file_params = file_params or {}

        # Check whether we need to authenticate for this request
        session_id = None
        username = None
        password = None
        if auth_params:
            if 'session_id' in auth_params:
                session_id = auth_params['session_id']
            elif 'cookie' in auth_params:
                    'Giving a cookie to send_request() to'
                    ' authenticate is deprecated and will be removed in 0.4.'
                    ' Please port your code to use session_id instead.'),
                session_id = auth_params['cookie'].output(attrs=[],
            if 'username' in auth_params and 'password' in auth_params:
                username = auth_params['username']
                password = auth_params['password']
            elif 'username' in auth_params or 'password' in auth_params:
                raise AuthError(
                    b_('username and password must both be set in'
                       ' auth_params'))
            if not (session_id or username):
                raise AuthError(
                    b_('No known authentication methods'
                       ' specified: set "cookie" in auth_params or set both'
                       ' username and password in auth_params'))

        # urljoin is slightly different than os.path.join().  Make sure method
        # will work with it.
        method = method.lstrip('/')
        # And join to make our url.
        url = urljoin(self.base_url, urllib.quote(method))

        data = None  # decoded JSON via json.load()

        # Set standard headers
        headers = {
            'User-agent': self.useragent,
            'Accept': 'application/json',

        # Files to upload
        for field_name, local_file_name in file_params:
            file_params[field_name] = open(local_file_name, 'rb')

        cookies = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar()
        # If we have a session_id, send it
        if session_id:
            # Anytime the session_id exists, send it so that visit tracking
            # works.  Will also authenticate us if there's a need.  Note that
            # there's no need to set other cookie attributes because this is a
            # cookie generated client-side.
            cookies.set(self.session_name, session_id)

        complete_params = req_params or {}
        if session_id:
            # Add the csrf protection token
            token = sha_constructor(session_id)
            complete_params.update({'_csrf_token': token.hexdigest()})

        auth = None
        if username and password:
            if auth_params.get('httpauth', '').lower() == 'basic':
                # HTTP Basic auth login
                auth = (username, password)
                # TG login
                # Adding this to the request data prevents it from being logged by
                # apache.
                    'user_name': to_bytes(username),
                    'password': to_bytes(password),
                    'login': '******',

        # If debug, give people our debug info
        self.log.debug(b_('Creating request %(url)s') % {'url': to_bytes(url)})
            b_('Headers: %(header)s') %
            {'header': to_bytes(headers, nonstring='simplerepr')})
        if self.debug and complete_params:
            debug_data = copy.deepcopy(complete_params)

            if 'password' in debug_data:
                debug_data['password'] = '******'

            self.log.debug(b_('Data: %r') % debug_data)

        if retries is None:
            retries = self.retries

        if timeout is None:
            timeout = self.timeout

        num_tries = 0
        while True:
                response = requests.post(
                    verify=not self.insecure,
            except requests.Timeout:
                self.log.debug(b_('Request timed out'))
                if retries < 0 or num_tries < retries:
                    num_tries += 1
                        b_('Attempt #%(try)s failed') % {'try': num_tries})

            # When the python-requests module gets a response, it attempts to
            # guess the encoding using "charade", a fork of "chardet" which it
            # bundles (and which we are in the process of unbundling:
            # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=910236).
            # That process can take an extraordinarily long time for long
            # response.text strings.. upwards of 30 minutes for FAS queries to
            # /accounts/user/list JSON api!  Therefore, we cut that codepath
            # off at the pass by assuming that the response is 'utf-8'.  We can
            # make that assumption because we're only interfacing with servers
            # that we run (and we know that they all return responses
            # encoded 'utf-8').
            response.encoding = 'utf-8'

            # Check for auth failures
            # Note: old TG apps returned 403 Forbidden on authentication failures.
            # Updated apps return 401 Unauthorized
            # We need to accept both until all apps are updated to return 401.
            http_status = response.status_code
            if http_status in (401, 403):
                # Wrong username or password
                self.log.debug(b_('Authentication failed logging in'))
                raise AuthError(
                    b_('Unable to log into server.  Invalid'
                       ' authentication tokens.  Send new username and password'
            elif http_status >= 400:
                if retries < 0 or num_tries < retries:
                    # Retry the request
                    num_tries += 1
                        b_('Attempt #%(try)s failed') % {'try': num_tries})
                # Fail and raise an error
                    msg = httplib.responses[http_status]
                except (KeyError, AttributeError):
                    msg = b_('Unknown HTTP Server Response')
                raise ServerError(url, http_status, msg)
            # Successfully returned data

        # In case the server returned a new session cookie to us
        new_session = response.cookies.get(self.session_name, '')

            data = response.json
            # Compatibility with newer python-requests
            if callable(data):
                data = data()
        except ValueError, e:
            # The response wasn't JSON data
            raise ServerError(
                url, http_status,
                b_('Error returned from'
                   ' json module while processing %(url)s: %(err)s') % {
                       'url': to_bytes(url),
                       'err': to_bytes(e)

        if 'exc' in data:
            name = data.pop('exc')
            message = data.pop('tg_flash')
            raise AppError(name=name, message=message, extras=data)

        # If we need to return a cookie for deprecated code, convert it here
        if self.session_as_cookie:
            cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
            cookie[self.session_name] = new_session
            new_session = cookie

        self.log.debug(b_('proxyclient.send_request: exited'))
        data = bunchify(data)
        return new_session, data
コード例 #14
ファイル: proxyclient.py プロジェクト: xukaren/python-fedora
    def send_request(self,
        '''Make an HTTP request to a server method.

        The given method is called with any parameters set in ``req_params``.
        If auth is True, then the request is made with an authenticated session
        cookie.  Note that path parameters should be set by adding onto the
        method, not via ``req_params``.

        :arg method: Method to call on the server.  It's a url fragment that
            comes after the base_url set in __init__().  Note that any
            parameters set as extra path information should be listed here,
            not in ``req_params``.
        :kwarg req_params: dict containing extra parameters to send to the
        :kwarg auth_params: dict containing one or more means of authenticating
            to the server.  Valid entries in this dict are:

            :cookie: **Deprecated** Use ``session_id`` instead.  If both
                ``cookie`` and ``session_id`` are set, only ``session_id`` will
                be used.  A ``Cookie.SimpleCookie`` to send as a session cookie
                to the server
            :session_id: Session id to put in a cookie to construct an identity
                for the server
            :username: Username to send to the server
            :password: Password to use with username to send to the server
            :httpauth: If set to ``basic`` then use HTTP Basic Authentication
                to send the username and password to the server.  This may be
                extended in the future to support other httpauth types than

            Note that cookie can be sent alone but if one of username or
            password is set the other must as well.  Code can set all of these
            if it wants and all of them will be sent to the server.  Be careful
            of sending cookies that do not match with the username in this
            case as the server can decide what to do in this case.
        :kwarg file_params: dict of files where the key is the name of the
            file field used in the remote method and the value is the local
            path of the file to be uploaded.  If you want to pass multiple
            files to a single file field, pass the paths as a list of paths.
        :kwarg retries: if we get an unknown or possibly transient error from
            the server, retry this many times.  Setting this to a negative
            number makes it try forever.  Default to use the :attr:`retries`
            value set on the instance or in :meth:`__init__`.
        :kwarg timeout: A float describing the timeout of the connection. The
            timeout only affects the connection process itself, not the
            downloading of the response body. Defaults to the :attr:`timeout`
            value set on the instance or in :meth:`__init__`.
        :returns: If ProxyClient is created with session_as_cookie=True (the
            default), a tuple of session cookie and data from the server.
            If ProxyClient was created with session_as_cookie=False, a tuple
            of session_id and data instead.
        :rtype: tuple of session information and data from server

        .. versionchanged:: 0.3.17
            No longer send tg_format=json parameter.  We rely solely on the
            Accept: application/json header now.
        .. versionchanged:: 0.3.21
            * Return data as a Bunch instead of a DictContainer
            * Add file_params to allow uploading files
        .. versionchanged:: 0.3.33
            Added the timeout kwarg
        self.log.debug('proxyclient.send_request: entered')

        # parameter mangling
        file_params = file_params or {}

        # Check whether we need to authenticate for this request
        session_id = None
        username = None
        password = None
        if auth_params:
            if 'session_id' in auth_params:
                session_id = auth_params['session_id']
            elif 'cookie' in auth_params:
                    'Giving a cookie to send_request() to'
                    ' authenticate is deprecated and will be removed in 0.4.'
                    ' Please port your code to use session_id instead.',
                session_id = auth_params['cookie'].output(attrs=[],
            if 'username' in auth_params and 'password' in auth_params:
                username = auth_params['username']
                password = auth_params['password']
            elif 'username' in auth_params or 'password' in auth_params:
                raise AuthError('username and password must both be set in'
                                ' auth_params')
            if not (session_id or username):
                raise AuthError(
                    'No known authentication methods'
                    ' specified: set "cookie" in auth_params or set both'
                    ' username and password in auth_params')

        # urljoin is slightly different than os.path.join().  Make sure method
        # will work with it.
        method = method.lstrip('/')
        # And join to make our url.
        url = urljoin(self.base_url, quote(method))

        data = None  # decoded JSON via json.load()

        # Set standard headers
        headers = {
            'User-agent': self.useragent,
            'Accept': 'application/json',

        # Files to upload
        for field_name, local_file_name in file_params:
            file_params[field_name] = open(local_file_name, 'rb')

        cookies = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar()
        # If we have a session_id, send it
        if session_id:
            # Anytime the session_id exists, send it so that visit tracking
            # works.  Will also authenticate us if there's a need.  Note that
            # there's no need to set other cookie attributes because this is a
            # cookie generated client-side.
            cookies.set(self.session_name, session_id)

        complete_params = req_params or {}
        if session_id:
            # Add the csrf protection token
            token = sha1(to_bytes(session_id))
            complete_params.update({'_csrf_token': token.hexdigest()})

        auth = None
        if username and password:
            if auth_params.get('httpauth', '').lower() == 'basic':
                # HTTP Basic auth login
                auth = (username, password)
                # TG login
                # Adding this to the request data prevents it from being
                # logged by apache.
                    'user_name': to_bytes(username),
                    'password': to_bytes(password),
                    'login': '******',

        # If debug, give people our debug info
        self.log.debug('Creating request %(url)s' % {'url': to_bytes(url)})
        self.log.debug('Headers: %(header)s' %
                       {'header': to_bytes(headers, nonstring='simplerepr')})
        if self.debug and complete_params:
            debug_data = copy.deepcopy(complete_params)

            if 'password' in debug_data:
                debug_data['password'] = '******'

            self.log.debug('Data: %r' % debug_data)

        if retries is None:
            retries = self.retries

        if timeout is None:
            timeout = self.timeout

        num_tries = 0
        while True:
                response = requests.post(
                    verify=not self.insecure,
            except (requests.Timeout, requests.exceptions.SSLError) as e:
                if isinstance(e, requests.exceptions.SSLError):
                    # And now we know how not to code a library exception
                    # hierarchy...  We're expecting that requests is raising
                    # the following stupidity:
                    # requests.exceptions.SSLError(
                    #   urllib3.exceptions.SSLError(
                    #     ssl.SSLError('The read operation timed out')))
                    # If we weren't interested in reraising the exception with
                    # full tracdeback we could use a try: except instead of
                    # this gross conditional.  But we need to code defensively
                    # because we don't want to raise an unrelated exception
                    # here and if requests/urllib3 can do this sort of
                    # nonsense, they may change the nonsense in the future
                    # And a note on the __class__.__name__/__module__ parsing:
                    # On top of all the other things it does wrong, requests
                    # is bundling a copy of urllib3.  Distros can unbundle it.
                    # But because of the bundling, python will think
                    # exceptions raised by the version downloaded by pypi
                    # (requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.SSLError) are
                    # different than the exceptions raised by the unbundled
                    # distro version (urllib3.exceptions.SSLError).  We could
                    # do a try: except trying to import both of these
                    # SSLErrors and then code to detect either one of them but
                    # the whole thing is just stupid.  So we'll use a stupid
                    # hack of our own that (1) means we don't have to depend
                    # on urllib3 just for this exception and (2) is (slightly)
                    # less likely to break on the whims of the requests
                    # author.
                    if not (e.args
                            and e.args[0].__class__.__name__ == 'SSLError'
                            and e.args[0].__class__.__module__.endswith(
                                'urllib3.exceptions') and e.args[0].args
                            and isinstance(e.args[0].args[0], ssl.SSLError)
                            and e.args[0].args[0].args
                            and 'timed out' in e.args[0].args[0].args[0]):
                        # We're only interested in timeouts here
                self.log.debug('Request timed out')
                if retries < 0 or num_tries < retries:
                    num_tries += 1
                    self.log.debug('Attempt #%(try)s failed' %
                                   {'try': num_tries})
                # Fail and raise an error
                # Raising our own exception protects the user from the
                # implementation detail of requests vs pycurl vs urllib
                raise ServerError(
                    url, -1, 'Request timed out after %s seconds' % timeout)

            # When the python-requests module gets a response, it attempts to
            # guess the encoding using chardet (or a fork)
            # That process can take an extraordinarily long time for long
            # response.text strings.. upwards of 30 minutes for FAS queries to
            # /accounts/user/list JSON api!  Therefore, we cut that codepath
            # off at the pass by assuming that the response is 'utf-8'.  We can
            # make that assumption because we're only interfacing with servers
            # that we run (and we know that they all return responses
            # encoded 'utf-8').
            response.encoding = 'utf-8'

            # Check for auth failures
            # Note: old TG apps returned 403 Forbidden on authentication
            # failures.
            # Updated apps return 401 Unauthorized
            # We need to accept both until all apps are updated to return 401.
            http_status = response.status_code
            if http_status in (401, 403):
                # Wrong username or password
                self.log.debug('Authentication failed logging in')
                raise AuthError(
                    'Unable to log into server.  Invalid'
                    ' authentication tokens.  Send new username and password')
            elif http_status >= 400:
                if retries < 0 or num_tries < retries:
                    # Retry the request
                    num_tries += 1
                    self.log.debug('Attempt #%(try)s failed' %
                                   {'try': num_tries})
                # Fail and raise an error
                    msg = httplib.responses[http_status]
                except (KeyError, AttributeError):
                    msg = 'Unknown HTTP Server Response'
                raise ServerError(url, http_status, msg)
            # Successfully returned data

        # In case the server returned a new session cookie to us
        new_session = response.cookies.get(self.session_name, '')

            data = response.json()
        except ValueError as e:
            # The response wasn't JSON data
            raise ServerError(
                url, http_status, 'Error returned from'
                ' json module while processing %(url)s: %(err)s' % {
                    'url': to_bytes(url),
                    'err': to_bytes(e)

        if 'exc' in data:
            name = data.pop('exc')
            message = data.pop('tg_flash')
            raise AppError(name=name, message=message, extras=data)

        # If we need to return a cookie for deprecated code, convert it here
        if self.session_as_cookie:
            cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
            cookie[self.session_name] = new_session
            new_session = cookie

        self.log.debug('proxyclient.send_request: exited')
        data = munchify(data)
        return new_session, data
コード例 #15
ファイル: pkgdb.py プロジェクト: tflink/python-fedora
    def add_package(self,
        '''Add a package to the database.

        :arg pkg: Name of the package to edit
        :kwarg owner: If set, make this person the owner of both branches
        :kwarg description: If set, make this the description of both branches
        :kwarg branches: List of branches to operate on
        :kwarg cc_list: If set, list or tuple of usernames to watch the
        :kwarg comaintainers: If set, list or tuple of usernames to comaintain
            the package.
        :kwarg groups: If set, list or tuple of group names that can commit to
            the package.
        :raises AppError: If the server returns an error

        .. versionadded:: 0.3.13
        # See if we have the information to
        # create it
        if not owner:
            raise AppError(name='AppError',
                           message='We do not have '
                           'enough information to create package %(pkg)s. '
                           'Need version owner.' % {'pkg': to_bytes(pkg)})

        data = {'owner': owner, 'summary': description}
        # This call creates the package and an initial branch for
        # Fedora devel
        response = self.send_request('/acls/dispatcher/add_package/%s' % pkg,
        if 'status' in response and not response['status']:
            raise AppError(
                message='PackageDB returned an error creating %(pkg)s:'
                ' %(msg)s' % {
                    'pkg': to_bytes(pkg),
                    'msg': to_bytes(response['message'])

        if cc_list:
            data['ccList'] = json.dumps(cc_list)
        if comaintainers:
            data['comaintList'] = json.dumps(comaintainers)

        # Parse the groups information
        if groups:
            data['groups'] = json.dumps(groups)

        # Parse the Branch abbreviations into collections
        if branches:
            data['collections'] = []
            data['collections'] = branches
        del data['owner']

        if cc_list or comaintainers or groups or branches:
            response = self.send_request('/acls/dispatcher/'
                                         'edit_package/%s' % pkg,
            if 'status' in response and not response['status']:
                raise AppError(name='PackageDBError',
                               message='Unable to save all information for'
                               ' %(pkg)s: %(msg)s' % {
                                   'pkg': to_bytes(pkg),
                                   'msg': to_bytes(response['message'])
コード例 #16
ファイル: pkgdb.py プロジェクト: tflink/python-fedora
    def edit_package(self,
        '''Edit a package.

        :arg pkg: Name of the package to edit
        :kwarg owner: If set, make this person the owner of both branches
        :kwarg description: If set, make this the description of both branches
        :kwarg branches: List of branches to operate on
        :kwarg cc_list: If set, list or tuple of usernames to watch the
        :kwarg comaintainers: If set, list or tuple of usernames to comaintain
            the package.
        :kwarg groups: If set, list or tuple of group names that can commit to
            the package.
        :raises AppError: If the server returns an error

        This method takes information about a package and either edits the
        package to reflect the changes to information.

        Note: This method will be going away in favor of methods that do
        smaller chunks of work:

        1) A method to add a new branch
        2) A method to edit an existing package
        3) A method to edit an existing branch

        .. versionadded:: 0.3.13
        # Change the branches, owners, or anything else that needs changing
        data = {}
        if owner:
            data['owner'] = owner
        if description:
            data['summary'] = description
        if cc_list:
            data['ccList'] = json.dumps(cc_list)
        if comaintainers:
            data['comaintList'] = json.dumps(comaintainers)

        # Parse the groups information
        if groups:
            data['groups'] = json.dumps(groups)

        # Parse the Branch abbreviations into collections
        if branches:
            data['collections'] = []
            data['collections'] = branches

        # Request the changes
        response = self.send_request('/acls/dispatcher/edit_package/%s' % pkg,
        if 'status' in response and not response['status']:
            raise AppError(name='PackageDBError',
                           message='Unable to save'
                           ' all information for %(pkg)s: %(msg)s' % {
                               'pkg': to_bytes(pkg),
                               'msg': to_bytes(response['message'])
コード例 #17
ファイル: pkgdb.py プロジェクト: tflink/python-fedora
    def get_owners(self,
        '''Retrieve the ownership information for a package.

        :arg package: Name of the package to retrieve package information
        :kwarg collctn_name: Limit the returned information to this collection
            ('Fedora', 'Fedora EPEL', Fedora OLPC', etc)
        :kwarg collctn_ver: If collection is specified, further limit to this
            version of the collection.
        :kwarg collection: old/deprecated argument; use collctn_name
        :kward collection_ver: old/deprecated argument; use collctn_ver
        :raises AppError: If the server returns an error
        :rtype: Bunch
        :return: dict of ownership information for the package

        .. versionchanged:: 0.3.17
            Rename collection and collection_ver to collctn_name and
        .. versionchanged:: 0.3.21
            Return Bunch instead of DictContainer
        if (collctn_name and collection) or (collctn_ver and collection_ver):
                'collection and collection_ver are deprecated'
                ' names for collctn_name and collctn_ver respectively.'
                '  Ignoring the values given in them.',

        if collection and not collctn_name:
                'collection has been renamed to collctn_name.\n'
                'Please start using the new name.  collection will go '
                'away in 0.4.x.',
            collctn_name = collection

        if collection_ver and not collctn_ver:
                'collection_ver has been renamed to collctn_ver.'
                '\nPlease start using the new name.  collection_ver will go '
                'away in 0.4.x.',
            collctn_ver = collection_ver

        method = '/acls/name/%s' % package
        if collctn_name:
            method = method + '/' + collctn_name
            if collctn_ver:
                method = method + '/' + collctn_ver

        response = self.send_request(method)
        if 'status' in response and not response['status']:
            raise AppError(name='PackageDBError', message=response['message'])
        ###FIXME: Really should reformat the data so we show either a
        # dict keyed by collection + version or
        # list of collection, version, owner
        return response