def parse_feeds(feed_urls, mod_since_utc=None, text_processor=None): """ Parses the specified feeds and returns their JSON representations RSS-Redirects are followed automatically by including both feeds in the result. """ visited_urls = set() result = [] for url in feed_urls: try: feed = parse_feed(url, text_processor, mod_since_utc) except FetchFeedException as ffe: feed = Feed() feed.urls = [url] feed.new_location = None feed.add_error('fetch-feed', str(ffe)) if not feed: continue visited = feed.urls new_loc = feed.new_location # we follow RSS-redirects automatically if new_loc and new_loc not in (list(visited_urls) + visited): feed_urls.append(new_loc) visited_urls.add(url) result.append(feed) return result
def get_feed(self): feed = Feed(text_processor=self.text_processor) feed.title = self.get_title() = self.get_link() feed.description = self.get_description() feed.subtitle = self.get_subtitle() = self.get_author() feed.language = self.get_language() feed.urls = self.get_urls() feed.new_location = self.get_new_location() feed.logo = self.get_logo_url() feed.tags = self.get_feed_tags() feed.hub = self.get_hub_url() feed.http_last_modified = self.get_last_modified() feed.http_etag = self.get_etag() feed.flattr = self.get_flattr() feed.license = self.get_license() #feed.logo_data = self.get_logo_inline() feed.set_episodes(self.get_episodes()) return feed