コード例 #1
 def test_clear_dofs(self):
     # Define new dofhandler
     mesh = Mesh2D(resolution=(1,1))
     cell = mesh.cells.get_child(0)
     element = QuadFE(2, 'Q2')
     dofhandler = DofHandler(mesh, element)
     # Fill dofs
     # Clear dofs 
     # Check that there are no dofs
コード例 #2
 def test_get_local_dofs(self):
     Extract local dofs from a corner vertex, halfEdge or cell
     local_dofs = {1: {'DQ0': [[0], [], [0]], 
                       'DQ1': [[0,1], [1], []], 
                       'DQ2': [[0,1,2], [1], [2]],
                       'DQ3': [[0,1,2,3], [1], [2,3]]
                   2: {'DQ0': [[0], [], [], [0]],
                       'DQ1': [[0,1,2,3], [1], [], []],
                       'DQ2': [[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], [1], [6], [8]],
                       'DQ3': [[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15], [1], [8,9], [12,13,14,15]]
     etypes = ['DQ' + i for i in '0123']        
     for dim in range(1,3):
         if dim==1:
             mesh = Mesh1D(box=[2,4], resolution=(1,))
             cell = mesh.cells.get_child(0)
             vertex  = cell.get_vertex(1)
             entities = [None, vertex, cell]
         elif dim==2:
             mesh = QuadMesh(box = [0,2,0,2], resolution=(2,2))
             cell = mesh.cells.get_child(1)
             vertex = cell.get_vertex(1)
             half_edge = cell.get_half_edge(2)
             entities = [None, vertex, half_edge, cell]
         for etype in etypes:
             element = QuadFE(dim, etype)
             dofhandler = DofHandler(mesh, element)
             for i_entity in range(len(entities)):
                 entity = entities[i_entity]
                 dofs = dofhandler.get_cell_dofs(cell, entity=entity,
                                                 doftype='local', interior=True)
                 self.assertEqual(local_dofs[dim][etype][i_entity], dofs)
コード例 #3
    def test_set_hanging_nodes(self):
        Check that functions in the finite element space can be interpolated
        by linear combinations of shape functions at supporting nodes.
        TODO: Move this test to tests for system
        # Define QuadMesh with hanging node
        mesh = QuadMesh(resolution=(1,1))        
        c_00 = mesh.cells.get_child(0).get_child(0)
        # Define test functions to interpolate
        test_functions = {'Q1': lambda x,y: x + y, \
                          'Q2': lambda x,y: x**2 + y**2,\
                          'Q3': lambda x,y: x**3*y + y**2*x**2}
        etypes = ['Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3']
        plot = Plot()
        for etype in etypes:
            # Define new element
            element = QuadFE(2,etype)
            # Distribute dofs and set vertices
            dofhandler = DofHandler(mesh, element)
            # Determine hanging nodes
            hanging_nodes = dofhandler.get_hanging_nodes()
            for dof, support in hanging_nodes.items():
                # Get hanging node vertex
                x_hgnd = dofhandler.get_dof_vertices(dof)

                # Extract support indices and weights
                js, ws = support 
                # Extract
                dofs_glb = dofhandler.get_cell_dofs(c_00)
                #print(dof, js)
                # Local dof numbers for supporting nodes
                dofs_loc_supp = [i for i in range(element.n_dofs()) if dofs_glb[i] in js]
                #x_dofs = c_00.reference_map(element.reference_nodes())
                #phi_supp = element.shape(x_hgnd, cell=c_00, local_dofs=dofs_loc_supp)
                #print(phi_supp, js)
                # Evaluate test function at hanging node 
                #f_hgnd = test_functions[etype](x_hgnd[0],x_hgnd[1])

                #print('Weighted sum of support function', np.dot(phi_supp,ws))
                #print(f_hgnd - np.dot(phi_supp, ws))
                #phi_hgnd = element.shape(x_dofs, cell=c_00, local_dofs=dofs_loc_hgnd)
            #plot.mesh(mesh, dofhandler=dofhandler, dofs=True)
            # Evaluate 
            c_01 = mesh.cells.get_child(0).get_child(1)
            c_022 = mesh.cells.get_child(0).get_child(2).get_child(2)
            x_ref = element.reference_nodes()
            x = c_01.reference_map(x_ref)
コード例 #4
 def test_share_dofs_with_children(self):
     # 1D Test
     mesh = Mesh1D(resolution=(1,))
     for etype in ['DQ0','DQ1', 'DQ2', 'DQ3', 'Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3']:
         # New DofHandler
         element = QuadFE(1, etype)
         dh = DofHandler(mesh, element)
         # Fill in parent dofs and share with children
         cell = mesh.cells.get_child(0)
         # Expected dofs for children
         left_child_dofs = {'DQ0': [None], 
                            'DQ1': [0, None], 
                            'DQ2': [0, 2, None], 
                            'DQ3': [0, None, None, 2], 
                            'Q1': [0, None], 
                            'Q2': [0, 2, None], 
                            'Q3': [0, None, None, 2]}
         right_child_dofs = {'DQ0': [None],
                             'DQ1': [None, 1],
                             'DQ2': [None, 1, None],
                             'DQ3': [None, 1, 3, None], 
                             'Q1':[None, 1], 
                             'Q2': [2, 1, None],
                             'Q3': [None, 1, 3, None]}
         left_child = cell.get_child(0)
         right_child = cell.get_child(1)
         # Check whether shared dofs are as expected.
         self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(left_child), left_child_dofs[etype])
         self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(right_child), right_child_dofs[etype])
     # 2D Test
     mesh = QuadMesh(resolution=(1,1))
     for etype in ['DQ0','DQ1', 'DQ2', 'DQ3', 'Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3']:
         # New dofhandler
         element = QuadFE(2, etype)
         dh = DofHandler(mesh, element)
         # Fill in parent dofs and share with children
         cell = mesh.cells.get_child(0)
         # Expected dofs for children
         child_dofs = {0: {'DQ0': [None], 
                            'DQ1': [0, None, None, None], 
                            'DQ2': [0, 4, 8, 7, None, None, None, None, None], 
                            'DQ3': [0, None, None, None, None, 4, None, None, 
                                    None, None, 11, None, None, None, None, 12], 
                            'Q1': [0, None, None, None], 
                            'Q2': [0, 4, 8, 7, None, None, None, None, None], 
                            'Q3': [0, None, None, None, None, 4, None, None, 
                                   None, None, 11, None, None, None, None, 12]}, 
                       1: {'DQ0': [None], 
                            'DQ1': [None, 1, None, None], 
                            'DQ2': [None, 1, 5, None, None, None, None, None, None], 
                            'DQ3': [None, 1, None, None, 5, None, None, 6, 
                                    None, None, None, None, None, None, 13, None], 
                            'Q1': [None, 1, None, None], 
                            'Q2': [4, 1, 5, 8, None, None, None, None, None], 
                            'Q3': [None, 1, None, None, 5, None, None, 6, 
                                   None, None, None, None, None, None, 13, None]},
                       2: {'DQ0': [None], 
                            'DQ1': [None, None, 2, None], 
                            'DQ2': [None, None, 2, 6, None, None, None, None, None], 
                            'DQ3': [None, None, 2, None, None, None, 7, None, 
                                    None, 8, None, None, 15, None, None, None], 
                            'Q1': [None, None, 2, None], 
                            'Q2': [8, 5, 2, 6, None, None, None, None, None], 
                            'Q3': [None, None, 2, None, None, None, 7, None, 
                                    None, 8, None, None, 15, None, None, None]},
                       3: {'DQ0': [None], 
                            'DQ1': [None, None, None, 3], 
                            'DQ2': [None, None, None, 3, None, None, None, None, None], 
                            'DQ3': [None, None, None, 3, None, None, None, 
                                    None, 9, None, None, 10, None, 14, None, None], 
                            'Q1': [None, None, None, 3], 
                            'Q2': [7, 8, 6, 3, None, None, None, None, None], 
                            'Q3': [None, None, None, 3, None, None, None, 
                                    None, 9, None, None, 10, None, 14, None, None]}}
         for i in range(4):
             child = cell.get_child(i)
             # Check whether shared dofs are as expected
             self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(child), child_dofs[i][etype])
コード例 #5
    def test_share_dofs_with_neighbors(self):
        # =====================================================================
        # 1D 
        # =====================================================================
        # Non-Periodic
        # Define new mesh
        mesh = Mesh1D(resolution=(2,))
        lcell = mesh.cells.get_child(0)
        rcell = mesh.cells.get_child(1)
        etypes = ['DQ0','DQ1', 'DQ2', 'DQ3', 'Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3']
        # Specify expected dofs
        edofs = dict.fromkeys(etypes)
        edofs['DQ0'] = None
        edofs['DQ1'] = None
        edofs['DQ2'] = None
        edofs['DQ3'] = None
        edofs['Q1'] = [1, None]
        edofs['Q2'] = [1, None, None]
        edofs['Q3'] = [1, None, None, None]
        for etype in etypes:
            # New Dofhandler
            element = QuadFE(1,etype)
            dh = DofHandler(mesh, element)
            # Fill left dofs and share with right neighbor
            dh.share_dofs_with_neighbors(lcell, lcell.get_vertex(1))
            self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(rcell), edofs[etype])
            # Fill left dofs and share with all neighbors
            self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(rcell), edofs[etype])
        # Periodic
        # Define new mesh
        mesh = Mesh1D(resolution=(2,), periodic=True)
        lcell = mesh.cells.get_child(0)
        rcell = mesh.cells.get_child(1)
        # Specify expected dofs
        edofs = dict.fromkeys(etypes)
        edofs['DQ0'] = {'right': None, 'all': None}
        edofs['DQ1'] = {'right': None, 'all': None}
        edofs['DQ2'] = {'right': None, 'all': None}
        edofs['DQ3'] = {'right': None, 'all': None}
        edofs['Q1'] = {'right': [1, None], 'all': [1, 0]}
        edofs['Q2'] = {'right': [1, None, None], 'all': [1, 0, None]}
        edofs['Q3'] = {'right': [1, None, None, None], 
                       'all': [1, 0, None, None]}
        for etype in etypes:
            # New Dofhandler
            element = QuadFE(1,etype)
            dh = DofHandler(mesh, element)
            # Fill left dofs and share with right neighbor
            dh.share_dofs_with_neighbors(lcell, lcell.get_vertex(1))
            self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(rcell), edofs[etype]['right'])
            # Fill left dofs and share with all neighbors
            self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(rcell), edofs[etype]['all'])
        # =====================================================================
        # 2D
        # =====================================================================
        # Non-periodic
        mesh = Mesh2D(resolution=(2,2))
        c00 = mesh.cells.get_child(0)
        c10 = mesh.cells.get_child(1)
        c11 = mesh.cells.get_child(3)
        edofs = dict.fromkeys(etypes)
        edofs['DQ0'] = {'vertex': {c10: None, c11: None}, 
                        'edge': {c10: None, c11: None}, 
                        'all': {c10: None, c11: None}}
        edofs['DQ1'] = {'vertex': {c10: None, c11: None}, 
                        'edge': {c10: None, c11: None}, 
                        'all': {c10: None, c11: None}}
        edofs['DQ2'] = {'vertex': {c10: None, c11: None}, 
                        'edge': {c10: None, c11: None}, 
                        'all': {c10: None, c11: None}}
        edofs['DQ3'] = {'vertex': {c10: None, c11: None}, 
                        'edge': {c10: None, c11: None}, 
                        'all': {c10: None, c11: None}}
        edofs['Q1'] = {'vertex': {c10: [2], c11: [2]}, 
                        'edge': {c10: None, c11: None}, 
                        'all': {c10: [1,None, None, 2], 
                                c11: [2, None, None, None]}}
        edofs['Q2'] = {'vertex': {c10: [2], c11: [2]}, 
                        'edge': {c10: [5], c11: None}, 
                        'all': {c10: [1, None, None, 2, None, None, None, 5, None], 
                                c11: [2] + [None]*8}}
        edofs['Q3'] = {'vertex': {c10: [2], c11: [2]}, 
                        'edge': {c10: [7,6], c11: None}, 
                        'all': {c10: [1, None, None, 2, None, None, None, None, 
                                      None, None, 7, 6, None, None, None, None], 
                                c11: [2] + [None]*15}}
        for etype in etypes:
            # New element 
            element = QuadFE(2, etype)
            # New dofhandler
            dh = DofHandler(mesh, element)
            # ***************************            
            # Share dofs accross vertex 2
            # ***************************
            # Fill 
            # Share 
            vertex = c00.get_vertex(2)
            dh.share_dofs_with_neighbors(c00, vertex)
            # Check
            self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(c10, vertex), edofs[etype]['vertex'][c10])
            self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(c11, vertex), edofs[etype]['vertex'][c11])
            # Clear

            # *****************************
            # Share dofs across half_edge 1
            # *****************************
            # Fill
            # Share
            edge = c00.get_half_edge(1)
            twin = edge.twin()
            dh.share_dofs_with_neighbors(c00, edge)
            # Check
            self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(c10, twin, interior=True), edofs[etype]['edge'][c10])
            self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(c11, twin, interior=True), edofs[etype]['edge'][c11])
            # Clear
            # *****************************
            # Share dofs with all neighbors
            # *****************************
            # Fill
            # Share
            # Check
            self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(c10), edofs[etype]['all'][c10])
            self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(c11), edofs[etype]['all'][c11])
        # Periodic in both directions   
        mesh = Mesh2D(resolution=(2,2), periodic={0,1})
        c00 = mesh.cells.get_child(0)
        c10 = mesh.cells.get_child(1)
        c11 = mesh.cells.get_child(3)
        edofs = dict.fromkeys(etypes)
        edofs['DQ0'] = {'vertex': {c10: None, c11: None}, 
                        'edge': {c10: None, c11: None}, 
                        'all': {c10: None, c11: None}}
        edofs['DQ1'] = {'vertex': {c10: None, c11: None}, 
                        'edge': {c10: None, c11: None}, 
                        'all': {c10: None, c11: None}}
        edofs['DQ2'] = {'vertex': {c10: None, c11: None}, 
                        'edge': {c10: None, c11: None}, 
                        'all': {c10: None, c11: None}}
        edofs['DQ3'] = {'vertex': {c10: None, c11: None}, 
                        'edge': {c10: None, c11: None}, 
                        'all': {c10: None, c11: None}}
        edofs['Q1'] = {'vertex': {c10: [0], c11: [0]}, 
                        'edge': {c10: None, c11: None}, 
                        'all': {c10: [1,0, 3, 2], 
                                c11: [2, 3, 0, 1]}}
        edofs['Q2'] = {'vertex': {c10: [0], c11: [0]}, 
                        'edge': {c10: [7], c11: None}, 
                        'all': {c10: [1, 0, 3, 2, None, 7, None, 5, None], 
                                c11: [2,3,0,1] + [None]*5}}
        edofs['Q3'] = {'vertex': {c10: [0], c11: [0]}, 
                        'edge': {c10: [11,10], c11: None}, 
                        'all': {c10: [1, 0, 3, 2, None, None, 11, 10, 
                                      None, None, 7, 6, None, None, None, None], 
                                c11: [2,3,0,1] + [None]*12}}
        for etype in etypes:
            # New element 
            element = QuadFE(2, etype)
            # New dofhandler
            dh = DofHandler(mesh, element)
            # ***************************            
            # Share dofs accross vertex 0
            # ***************************
            # Fill 
            # Share 
            vertex = c00.get_vertex(0)   
            dh.share_dofs_with_neighbors(c00, vertex)
            # Check
            c10_vertex = vertex.get_periodic_pair(c10)[0]
            self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(c10, c10_vertex), edofs[etype]['vertex'][c10])
            c11_vertex = vertex.get_periodic_pair(c11)[0]
            self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(c11, c11_vertex), edofs[etype]['vertex'][c11])
            # Clear

            # *****************************
            # Share dofs across half_edge 3
            # *****************************
            # Fill
            # Share
            edge = c00.get_half_edge(3)
            twin = edge.twin()
            dh.share_dofs_with_neighbors(c00, edge)
            # Check
            self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(c10, twin, interior=True), edofs[etype]['edge'][c10])
            self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(c11, twin, interior=True), edofs[etype]['edge'][c11])
            # Clear
            # *****************************
            # Share dofs with all neighbors
            # *****************************
            # Fill
            # Share            
            # Check
            self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(c10), edofs[etype]['all'][c10])
            self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(c11), edofs[etype]['all'][c11])
コード例 #6
 def test_assign_get_global_dofs(self):
     # Assigning Dofs to entities within cell
     # =====================================================================
     # 1D
     # =====================================================================
     mesh = Mesh1D(resolution=(1,))
     cell = mesh.cells.get_child(0)
     etypes = ['DQ0', 'DQ1', 'DQ2', 'DQ3']
     # Expected Dofs
     edofs = dict.fromkeys(etypes)
     edofs['DQ0'] = {'all': [0], 'pos': ([0], [2]), 'vertex': None, 'edge': None}
     edofs['DQ1'] = {'all': [0,1], 'pos': ([1], [3]), 'vertex': (1, [1]), 'edge': None}
     edofs['DQ2'] = {'all': [0,1,2], 'pos': ([2], [6]), 'vertex': (1, [1]), 'edge': [3]}
     edofs['DQ3'] = {'all': [0,1,2,3], 'pos': ([3], [6]), 'vertex': (1, [1]), 'edge': [3,4]}
     for etype in etypes:
         # New Dofhandler
         element = QuadFE(1,etype)
         dh = DofHandler(mesh, element)
         for key in edofs[etype].keys():
             # Assign all dofs
             if key=='all':
                 dh.assign_dofs(edofs[etype][key], cell)
                 self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(cell), edofs[etype][key])
             # Assign dofs at given positions
             elif key=='pos':
                 pos, dofs = edofs[etype]['pos']
                 dh.assign_dofs(dofs, cell, pos=pos)
                 self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(cell)[pos[0]], dofs[0])
             # Assign dofs to given vertex
             elif key=='vertex':
                 if edofs[etype]['vertex'] is not None:
                     v_num, dofs = edofs[etype]['vertex']
                     vertex = cell.get_vertex(v_num)
                     dh.assign_dofs(dofs, cell, vertex)
                     self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(cell, vertex), dofs)
             # Assign dofs to interval
             elif key=='edge':
                 if edofs[etype][key] is not None:
                     dofs = edofs[etype][key]
                     dh.assign_dofs(dofs, cell, cell)
                     self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(cell, cell, interior=True), dofs)
             # Clear dofs to reuse DofHandler
     # =====================================================================    
     # 2D
     # =====================================================================
     # New mesh
     mesh = Mesh2D(resolution=(1,1))
     cell = mesh.cells.get_child(0)
     etypes = ['DQ0', 'Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3']
     # List of dofs to assign and check
     edofs = dict.fromkeys(etypes)
     edofs['DQ0'] = {'all': [0], 'pos': ([0],[2]) , 
                     'vertex': None, 'edge': None, 'cell': [0] }
     edofs['Q1'] = {'all': [0,1,2,3], 'pos': ([1],[2]), 
                    'vertex': (1,[2]), 'edge': None, 'cell': None }
     edofs['Q2'] = {'all': [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], 'pos': ([5],[7]) , 
                    'vertex': (3,[4]), 'edge': (2, [1]), 'cell': [1] }
     edofs['Q3'] = {'all': [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15], 'pos': ([11],[111]), 
                    'vertex': (3,[1]), 'edge': (3,[2,3]), 'cell': [1,2,3,4]}
     for etype in etypes:
         # New element adn Dofhandler
         element = QuadFE(2, etype)
         dh = DofHandler(mesh, element)
         for key in edofs[etype].keys():
             # Assign all dofs
             if key=='all':
                 dh.assign_dofs(edofs[etype][key], cell)
                 self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(cell), edofs[etype][key])
             # Assign dofs to specific position
             elif key=='pos':
                 pos, dofs = edofs[etype][key]
                 dh.assign_dofs(dofs, cell, pos=pos)
             # Assign dof to specific vertex
             elif key=='vertex':
                 if edofs[etype][key] is not None:
                     v_num, dofs = edofs[etype][key]
                     vertex = cell.get_vertex(v_num)
                     dh.assign_dofs(dofs, cell, vertex)
                     self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(cell, vertex), dofs)
             # Assign dofs to specific edge
             elif key=='edge':
                 if edofs[etype][key] is not None:
                     e_num, dofs = edofs[etype][key]
                     he = cell.get_half_edge(e_num)
                     dh.assign_dofs(dofs, cell, he)
                     self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(cell, he, interior=True),dofs)
             # Assign dofs to cell interior
             elif key=='cell':
                 if edofs[etype][key] is not None:
                     dofs = edofs[etype][key]
                     dh.assign_dofs(dofs, cell, cell)
                     self.assertEqual(dh.get_cell_dofs(cell, cell, interior=True), dofs)
             # Clear dofs to re-use DofHandler
コード例 #7
 def test_fill_dofs(self):
     etypes = ['DQ0', 'DQ1','DQ2', 'DQ3', 'Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3']
     # =====================================================================
     # 1D 
     # =====================================================================
     # Non-periodic
     mesh = Mesh1D(resolution=(1,))
     expected_dofs = {'DQ0': [0], 
                      'DQ1': [0,1], 
                      'DQ2': [0,1,2], 
                      'DQ3': [0,1,2,3],
                      'Q1': [0,1],
                      'Q2': [0,1,2],
                      'Q3': [0,1,2,3]}
     cell = mesh.cells.get_child(0)
     for etype in etypes:
         element = QuadFE(1, etype) 
         dofhandler = DofHandler(mesh, element)
         dofs = dofhandler.get_cell_dofs(cell)
         self.assertEqual(expected_dofs[etype], dofs)
     # Periodic 
     mesh = Mesh1D(resolution=(1,), periodic=True)
     expected_dofs = {'DQ0': [0], 
                      'DQ1': [0,1], 
                      'DQ2': [0,1,2], 
                      'DQ3': [0,1,2,3],
                      'Q1': [0,0],
                      'Q2': [0,0,1],
                      'Q3': [0,0,1,2]}
     cell = mesh.cells.get_child(0)
     for etype in etypes:
         element = QuadFE(1, etype) 
         dofhandler = DofHandler(mesh, element)
         dofs = dofhandler.get_cell_dofs(cell)
         self.assertEqual(dofs, expected_dofs[etype])
     # =====================================================================
     # 2D
     # =====================================================================
     # Non-periodic
     mesh = Mesh2D(resolution=(1,1))
     cell = mesh.cells.get_child(0)
     expected_dofs = {'DQ0': [0], 
                      'DQ1': [0,1,2,3], 
                      'DQ2': [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], 
                      'DQ3': [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15], 
                      'Q0': [0], 
                      'Q1': [0,1,2,3], 
                      'Q2': [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], 
                      'Q3': [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]}
     for etype in etypes:
         element = QuadFE(2, etype)
         dofhandler = DofHandler(mesh, element)
         dofs = dofhandler.get_cell_dofs(cell)
         self.assertEqual(dofs, expected_dofs[etype])
     # Periodic x direction
     mesh = Mesh2D(resolution=(1,1), periodic={0})
     cell = mesh.cells.get_child(0)
     expected_dofs = {'DQ0': [0], 
                      'DQ1': [0,1,2,3], 
                      'DQ2': [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], 
                      'DQ3': [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15], 
                      'Q0': [0], 
                      'Q1': [0,0,1,1], 
                      'Q2': [0,0,1,1,2,3,4,3,5], 
                      'Q3': [0,0,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,5,4,8,9,10,11]}
     for etype in etypes:
         element = QuadFE(2, etype)
         dofhandler = DofHandler(mesh, element)
         dofs = dofhandler.get_cell_dofs(cell)
         self.assertEqual(dofs, expected_dofs[etype])
     # Periodic in both directions
     mesh = Mesh2D(resolution=(1,1), periodic={0,1})
     cell = mesh.cells.get_child(0)
     expected_dofs = {'DQ0': [0], 
                      'DQ1': [0,1,2,3], 
                      'DQ2': [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], 
                      'DQ3': [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15], 
                      'Q0': [0], 
                      'Q1': [0,0,0,0], 
                      'Q2': [0,0,0,0,1,2,1,2,3], 
                      'Q3': [0,0,0,0,1,2,3,4,2,1,4,3,5,6,7,8]}
     for etype in etypes:
         element = QuadFE(2, etype)
         dofhandler = DofHandler(mesh, element)
         dofs = dofhandler.get_cell_dofs(cell)
         self.assertEqual(dofs, expected_dofs[etype])
コード例 #8
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

# TODO: Add global dofs to

mesh = QuadMesh(resolution=(2, 1))

Q = QuadFE(2, 'Q1')
dofhandler = DofHandler(mesh, Q)

l2g = dict.fromkeys(mesh.cells.get_leaves())
for cell in mesh.cells.get_leaves():
    n_dofs = Q.n_dofs()
    gdofs = dofhandler.get_cell_dofs(cell)
    # Initialize local-to-global map
    if l2g[cell] is None:
        # Dictionary keys are global dofs in cell
        l2g[cell] = dict.fromkeys(gdofs)
        # Values are expansion coefficients ito local basis
        I = np.identity(n_dofs)
        for i in range(n_dofs):
            l2g[cell][gdofs[i]] = I[i, :]
コード例 #9
    plot = Plot(time=0.1)
    plot.mesh(mesh, regions=[('integrate', 'cell')])

    # Finite Element Space
    DQ0 = QuadFE(1, 'DQ0')
    dh_0 = DofHandler(mesh, DQ0)
    n = dh_0.n_dofs()

    leaves = mesh.cells.get_leaves()
    for cell in mesh.cells.get_leaves():
        c_dof = dh_0.get_cell_dofs(cell)[0]

    phi_0 = Basis(dh_0)
    psi_0 = Basis(dh_0, subforest_flag=l_max - 1)

    #plot.mesh(mesh, dofhandler=dh)
    C = Covariance(dh_0, name='gaussian', parameters={'l': 0.05})
    eta = GaussianField(n, K=C)
    eta_path = Nodal(data=eta.sample(), basis=phi_0)

    assembler = Assembler(Form(1, test=phi_0, flag='integrate'))
    L = assembler.get_vector()
コード例 #10

dhQ0 = DofHandler(mesh, Q0)

phi_0 = Basis(dhQ1)
phi_1 = Basis(dhQ1, subforest_flag='coarse')
cell = mesh.cells.get_leaves(subforest_flag='coarse')[0]

print(mesh.cells.is_contained_in('fine', 'coarse'))
# Evaluate phi_1 on cell
sub_dofs = []
for child in cell.get_leaves(flag='fine'):

sub_dofs = list(set(sub_dofs))
x = dhQ1.get_dof_vertices(dofs=sub_dofs)
x_ref = cell.reference_map(x, mapsto='reference')

data = phi_1.eval(x_ref, cell)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')

print(data.shape, x.shape)
ax.scatter3D(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], data[:, 0])