コード例 #1
ファイル: testFSMParser.py プロジェクト: h4ck3rm1k3/ferenda
    def run_test_file(self, filename, debug=False):
        # some basic recognizers and constructors to parse a simple
        # structured plaintext format.
        def is_header(parser):
            suspect = parser.reader.peek()
            return (len(suspect) > 100 and not suspect.endswith("."))

        def is_section(parser):
            (ordinal,title) = analyze_sectionstart(parser.reader.peek())
            return section_segments_count(ordinal) == 1

        def is_subsection(parser):
            (ordinal,title) = analyze_sectionstart(parser.reader.peek())
            return section_segments_count(ordinal) == 2

        def is_subsubsection(parser):
            (ordinal,title) = analyze_sectionstart(parser.reader.peek())
            return section_segments_count(ordinal) == 3

        def is_preformatted(parser):
            return "   " in parser.reader.peek()

        def is_definition(parser):
            return False

        def is_description(parser):
            return False

        def is_li_decimal(parser):
            listtype = analyze_listitem(parser.reader.peek())[0]
            return listtype in ('decimal','decimal-leading-zero')

        def is_li_alpha(parser):
            listtype = analyze_listitem(parser.reader.peek())[0]
            return listtype in ('lower-alpha','upper-alpha')

        def is_li_roman(parser):
            listtype = analyze_listitem(parser.reader.peek())[0]
            return listtype in ('lower-roman','upper-roman')

        def is_unordereditem(parser):
            listtype = analyze_listitem(parser.reader.peek())[0]
            return listtype in ('disc','circle','square','dash')

        def is_state_a(parser):
            return parser.reader.peek().startswith("State A:")

        def is_state_b(parser):
            return parser.reader.peek().startswith("State B:")

        def is_state_c(parser):
            return parser.reader.peek().startswith("State C:")
        def is_paragraph(parser):
            # c.f. test/files/fsmparser/invalid.txt
            return len(parser.reader.peek()) > 6

        # MAGIC
        def sublist_or_parent(symbol,state_stack):
            constructor = False
            newstate = None
            if symbol == is_li_alpha and "ol-alpha" not in state_stack: # maybe only check state_stack[-2]
                constructor = make_ol_alpha
                newstate = "ol-alpha"
            elif symbol == is_li_roman and "ol-roman" not in state_stack:
                constructor = make_ol_roman
                newstate = "ol-roman"
            elif symbol == is_li_decimal and "ol-decimal" not in state_stack:
                constructor = make_ol_roman
                newstate = "ol-roman"
            return (constructor,newstate)
        def make_body(parser):
            b = elements.Body()
            return parser.make_children(b)
        def make_section(parser):
            (secnumber, title) = analyze_sectionstart(parser.reader.next())
            s = elements.Section(ordinal=secnumber,title=title)
            return parser.make_children(s)

        def make_subsection(parser):
            (secnumber, title) = analyze_sectionstart(parser.reader.next())
            s = elements.Subsection(ordinal=secnumber,title=title)
            return parser.make_children(s)

        def make_subsubsection(parser):
            (secnumber, title) = analyze_sectionstart(parser.reader.next())
            s = elements.Subsubsection(ordinal=secnumber,title=title)
            return parser.make_children(s)

        def make_paragraph(parser):
            return elements.Paragraph([parser.reader.next().strip()])

        def make_preformatted(parser):
            return elements.Preformatted([parser.reader.next()])

#        def make_unorderedlist(parser):
#            listtype = analyze_listitem(parser.reader.peek())[0]
#            assert ordinal is None
#            ul = elements.UnorderedList(type=listtype)
#            ul.append(parser.make_child(IN_UNORDEREDLIST)) # 1st element of list
#            return parser.make_children(ul)
#        setattr(make_unorderedlist,'newstate','unorderedlist')

        def make_ol_decimal(parser):
            return make_orderedlist(parser,"decimal","ol-decimal")

        def make_ol_alpha(parser):
            return make_orderedlist(parser,"lower-alpha", "ol-alpha")

        def make_ol_roman(parser):
            return make_orderedlist(parser,"lower-roman", "ol-roman")

        def make_listitem(parser):
            chunk = parser.reader.next()
            (listtype,ordinal,separator,rest) = analyze_listitem(chunk)
            li = elements.ListItem(ordinal=ordinal)
            return parser.make_children(li)

        def make_state_a(parser):
            return elements.Paragraph([parser.reader.next().strip()],id="state-a")
        # setattr(make_state_a, 'newstate', 'state-a')

        def make_state_b(parser):
            return elements.Paragraph([parser.reader.next().strip()],id="state-b")
        # setattr(make_state_b, 'newstate', 'state-b')

        def make_state_c(parser):
            return elements.Paragraph([parser.reader.next().strip()],id="state-c")
        # setattr(make_state_c, 'newstate', 'state-c')
        # HELPERS
        def section_segments_count(s):
            return ((s is not None) and 

        def make_orderedlist(parser,listtype,childstate):
            listtype = analyze_listitem(parser.reader.peek())[0]
            ol = elements.OrderedList(type=listtype)
            return parser.make_children(ol)

        # matches
        # "1 Blahonga"
        # "1.2.3. This is a subsubsection"
        re_sectionstart = re.compile("^(\d[\.\d]*) +(.*[^\.])$").match
        def analyze_sectionstart(chunk):
            m = re_sectionstart(chunk)
            if m:
                return (m.group(1).rstrip("."), m.group(2).strip())
                return (None,chunk)

        def analyze_listitem(chunk):
            # returns: same as list-style-type in CSS2.1, sans
            # 'georgian', 'armenian' and 'greek', plus 'dashed'
            listtype = ordinal = separator = rest = None
            # match "1. Foo…" or "14) bar…" but not "4 This is a heading"
            m = re.match('^(\d+)([\.\)]) +',chunk)
            if m:
                if chunk.startswith("0"):
                (ordinal,separator) = m.groups()
                rest = chunk[m.end():]
                return (listtype,ordinal,separator,rest)

            # match "IX. Foo… or "vii) bar…" but not "vi is a sucky
            # editor" or "MMXIII is the current year"
            m = re.match('^([IVXivx]+)([\.\)]) +', chunk)
            if m:
                if chunk[0].islower():
                    listtype = 'lower-roman'
                    listtype = 'upper-roman'
                (ordinal,separator) = m.groups()
                rest = chunk[m.end():]
                return (listtype,ordinal,separator,rest)

            # match "a. Foo… or "z) bar…" but not "to. Next sentence…"
            m = re.match('^([A-Za-z])([\.\)]) +', chunk)
            if m:
                if chunk[0].islower():
                    listtype = 'lower-alpha'
                    listtype = 'upper-alpha'
                (ordinal,separator) = m.groups()
                rest = chunk[m.end():]
                return (listtype,ordinal,separator,rest)

            if chunk.startswith("* "):
                return ("disc",None,None,chunk)
            if chunk.startswith("- "):
                return ("dash",None,None,chunk)
            return (listtype,ordinal,separator,chunk) # None * 3

        # MAIN CODE
        p = FSMParser()
        p.set_transitions({("body", is_paragraph): (make_paragraph, None),
                           ("body", is_section): (make_section,"section"),
                           ("body", is_state_a): (make_state_a, "state-a"),
                           ("state-a", is_state_b): (make_state_b, "state-b"),
                           ("state-b", is_state_c): (make_state_c, "state-c"),
                           ("state-c", is_section): (False, None),
                           ("section", is_paragraph): (make_paragraph, None),
                           ("section", is_subsection): (make_subsection, "subsection"),
                           ("subsection", is_paragraph): (make_paragraph,None),
                           ("subsection", is_subsection): (False,None),
                           ("subsection", is_state_a): (False,"body"), 
                           ("subsection", is_subsubsection): (make_subsubsection,"subsubsection"),
                           ("subsubsection", is_paragraph): (make_paragraph,None),
                           ("subsubsection", is_section): (False, None),
                           ("subsection", is_section): (False, None),
                           ("section", is_section): (False, None),
                           ("body", is_li_decimal): (make_ol_decimal, "ol-decimal"),

        p.debug = debug

        p.initial_state = "body"
        p.initial_constructor = make_body
        b = p.parse(tr.getiterator(tr.readparagraph))
        return p, b
コード例 #2
but by the catch-all is_paragraph. The recognizers are run in the
order specified by FSMParser.set_transitions().

    This is a preformatted section.
        It could be used for source code,
    |   line drawings   |
        or what have                 you.

Second section

The above new section implicitly closed the first section which we
were in. This was made explicit by the last transition rule, which
stated that any time a section is encountered while in the "section"
state, we should not create any more children (False) but instead
return to our previous state (which in this case is "body", but for a
more complex language could be any number of states)."""

p = FSMParser()
p.set_recognizers(is_section, is_preformatted, is_paragraph)
p.initial_constructor = make_body
p.initial_state = "body"
body = p.parse(text.split("\n\n"))
# print(elements.serialize(body))

# end main
return_value = elements.serialize(body)
コード例 #3
ファイル: fsmparser-example.py プロジェクト: zigit/ferenda
but by the catch-all is_paragraph. The recognizers are run in the
order specified by FSMParser.set_transitions().

    This is a preformatted section.
        It could be used for source code,
    |   line drawings   |
        or what have                 you.

Second section

The above new section implicitly closed the first section which we
were in. This was made explicit by the last transition rule, which
stated that any time a section is encountered while in the "section"
state, we should not create any more children (False) but instead
return to our previous state (which in this case is "body", but for a
more complex language could be any number of states)."""

p = FSMParser()
p.set_recognizers(is_section, is_preformatted, is_paragraph)
p.initial_constructor = make_body
p.initial_state = "body"
body = p.parse(text.split("\n\n"))
# print(elements.serialize(body))

# end main
return_value = elements.serialize(body)
コード例 #4
ファイル: testFSMParser.py プロジェクト: zigit/ferenda
    def run_test_file(self, filename, debug=False):
        # some basic recognizers and constructors to parse a simple
        # structured plaintext format.
        def is_header(parser):
            suspect = parser.reader.peek()
            return (len(suspect) > 100 and not suspect.endswith("."))

        def is_section(parser):
            (ordinal, title) = analyze_sectionstart(parser.reader.peek())
            return section_segments_count(ordinal) == 1

        def is_subsection(parser):
            (ordinal, title) = analyze_sectionstart(parser.reader.peek())
            return section_segments_count(ordinal) == 2

        def is_subsubsection(parser):
            (ordinal, title) = analyze_sectionstart(parser.reader.peek())
            return section_segments_count(ordinal) == 3

        def is_preformatted(parser):
            return "   " in parser.reader.peek()

        def is_definition(parser):
            return False

        def is_description(parser):
            return False

        def is_li_decimal(parser):
            listtype = analyze_listitem(parser.reader.peek())[0]
            return listtype in ('decimal', 'decimal-leading-zero')

        def is_li_alpha(parser):
            listtype = analyze_listitem(parser.reader.peek())[0]
            return listtype in ('lower-alpha', 'upper-alpha')

        def is_li_roman(parser):
            listtype = analyze_listitem(parser.reader.peek())[0]
            return listtype in ('lower-roman', 'upper-roman')

        def is_unordereditem(parser):
            listtype = analyze_listitem(parser.reader.peek())[0]
            return listtype in ('disc', 'circle', 'square', 'dash')

        def is_state_a(parser):
            return parser.reader.peek().startswith("State A:")

        def is_state_b(parser):
            return parser.reader.peek().startswith("State B:")

        def is_state_c(parser):
            return parser.reader.peek().startswith("State C:")

        def is_paragraph(parser):
            # c.f. test/files/fsmparser/invalid.txt
            return len(parser.reader.peek()) > 6

        # MAGIC
        def sublist_or_parent(symbol, state_stack):
            constructor = False
            newstate = None
            if symbol == is_li_alpha and "ol-alpha" not in state_stack:  # maybe only check state_stack[-2]
                constructor = make_ol_alpha
                newstate = "ol-alpha"
            elif symbol == is_li_roman and "ol-roman" not in state_stack:
                constructor = make_ol_roman
                newstate = "ol-roman"
            elif symbol == is_li_decimal and "ol-decimal" not in state_stack:
                constructor = make_ol_roman
                newstate = "ol-roman"
            return (constructor, newstate)

        def make_body(parser):
            b = elements.Body()
            return parser.make_children(b)

        def make_section(parser):
            (secnumber, title) = analyze_sectionstart(parser.reader.next())
            s = elements.Section(ordinal=secnumber, title=title)
            return parser.make_children(s)

        def make_subsection(parser):
            (secnumber, title) = analyze_sectionstart(parser.reader.next())
            s = elements.Subsection(ordinal=secnumber, title=title)
            return parser.make_children(s)

        def make_subsubsection(parser):
            (secnumber, title) = analyze_sectionstart(parser.reader.next())
            s = elements.Subsubsection(ordinal=secnumber, title=title)
            return parser.make_children(s)

        def make_paragraph(parser):
            return elements.Paragraph([parser.reader.next().strip()])

        def make_preformatted(parser):
            return elements.Preformatted([parser.reader.next()])

#        def make_unorderedlist(parser):
#            listtype = analyze_listitem(parser.reader.peek())[0]
#            assert ordinal is None
#            ul = elements.UnorderedList(type=listtype)
#            ul.append(parser.make_child(IN_UNORDEREDLIST)) # 1st element of list
#            return parser.make_children(ul)
#        setattr(make_unorderedlist,'newstate','unorderedlist')

        def make_ol_decimal(parser):
            return make_orderedlist(parser, "decimal", "ol-decimal")

        def make_ol_alpha(parser):
            return make_orderedlist(parser, "lower-alpha", "ol-alpha")

        def make_ol_roman(parser):
            return make_orderedlist(parser, "lower-roman", "ol-roman")

        def make_listitem(parser):
            chunk = parser.reader.next()
            (listtype, ordinal, separator, rest) = analyze_listitem(chunk)
            li = elements.ListItem(ordinal=ordinal)
            return parser.make_children(li)

        # NOTE: no @newstate decorator for these -- we transition from
        # one state to the next, not push a new state onto the stack
        def make_state_a(parser):
            return elements.Paragraph([parser.reader.next().strip()],

        def make_state_b(parser):
            return elements.Paragraph([parser.reader.next().strip()],

        def make_state_c(parser):
            return elements.Paragraph([parser.reader.next().strip()],

        # HELPERS
        def section_segments_count(s):
            return ((s is not None) and len(list(filter(None, s.split(".")))))

        def make_orderedlist(parser, listtype, childstate):
            listtype = analyze_listitem(parser.reader.peek())[0]
            ol = elements.OrderedList(type=listtype)
            ol.append(parser.make_child(make_listitem, "listitem"))
            return parser.make_children(ol)

        # matches
        # "1 Blahonga"
        # "1.2.3. This is a subsubsection"
        re_sectionstart = re.compile("^(\d[\.\d]*) +(.*[^\.])$").match

        def analyze_sectionstart(chunk):
            m = re_sectionstart(chunk)
            if m:
                return (m.group(1).rstrip("."), m.group(2).strip())
                return (None, chunk)

        def analyze_listitem(chunk):
            # returns: same as list-style-type in CSS2.1, sans
            # 'georgian', 'armenian' and 'greek', plus 'dashed'
            listtype = ordinal = separator = rest = None
            # match "1. Foo…" or "14) bar…" but not "4 This is a heading"
            m = re.match('^(\d+)([\.\)]) +', chunk)
            if m:
                if chunk.startswith("0"):
                    listtype = "decimal-leading-zero"
                    listtype = "decimal"
                (ordinal, separator) = m.groups()
                rest = chunk[m.end():]
                return (listtype, ordinal, separator, rest)

            # match "IX. Foo… or "vii) bar…" but not "vi is a sucky
            # editor" or "MMXIII is the current year"
            m = re.match('^([IVXivx]+)([\.\)]) +', chunk)
            if m:
                if chunk[0].islower():
                    listtype = 'lower-roman'
                    listtype = 'upper-roman'
                (ordinal, separator) = m.groups()
                rest = chunk[m.end():]
                return (listtype, ordinal, separator, rest)

            # match "a. Foo… or "z) bar…" but not "to. Next sentence…"
            m = re.match('^([A-Za-z])([\.\)]) +', chunk)
            if m:
                if chunk[0].islower():
                    listtype = 'lower-alpha'
                    listtype = 'upper-alpha'
                (ordinal, separator) = m.groups()
                rest = chunk[m.end():]
                return (listtype, ordinal, separator, rest)

            if chunk.startswith("* "):
                return ("disc", None, None, chunk)
            if chunk.startswith("- "):
                return ("dash", None, None, chunk)

            return (listtype, ordinal, separator, chunk)  # None * 3

        # MAIN CODE
        p = FSMParser()
        p.set_recognizers(is_li_decimal, is_li_roman, is_li_alpha, is_header,
                          is_section, is_subsection, is_subsubsection,
                          is_preformatted, is_definition, is_description,
                          is_state_a, is_state_b, is_state_c, is_paragraph)
            ("body", is_paragraph): (make_paragraph, None),
            ("body", is_section): (make_section, "section"),
            ("body", is_state_a): (make_state_a, "state-a"),
            ("state-a", is_state_b): (make_state_b, "state-b"),
            ("state-b", is_state_c): (make_state_c, "state-c"),
            ("state-c", is_section): (False, None),
            ("section", is_paragraph): (make_paragraph, None),
            ("section", is_subsection): (make_subsection, "subsection"),
            ("subsection", is_paragraph): (make_paragraph, None),
            ("subsection", is_subsection): (False, None),
            ("subsection", is_state_a): (False, "body"),
            ("subsection", is_subsubsection):
            (make_subsubsection, "subsubsection"),
            ("subsubsection", is_paragraph): (make_paragraph, None),
            ("subsubsection", is_section): (False, None),
            ("subsection", is_section): (False, None),
            ("section", is_section): (False, None),
            ("body", is_li_decimal): (make_ol_decimal, "ol-decimal"),
            ("ol-decimal", is_li_decimal): (make_listitem, "listitem"),
            ("ol-decimal", is_li_alpha): (make_ol_alpha, "ol-alpha"),
            ("ol-alpha", is_li_alpha): (make_listitem, "listitem"),
            ("ol-alpha", is_li_roman): (make_ol_roman, "ol-roman"),
            ("ol-roman", is_li_roman): (make_listitem, "listitem"),
            ("ol-roman", is_li_alpha): (False, None),
            ("ol-alpha", is_li_decimal): (False, None),
            ("listitem", is_li_alpha):
            ("listitem", is_li_roman):
            ("listitem", is_li_decimal):

        p.debug = debug

        tr = TextReader(filename, encoding="utf-8", linesep=TextReader.UNIX)
        p.initial_state = "body"
        p.initial_constructor = make_body
        b = p.parse(tr.getiterator(tr.readparagraph))
        return p, b