def __init__(self): # Generate configuration. self.config = ConfigFactory() # Service mappings self.service = { 'openmpi' : { 'server' : self.config.mpi, 'client' : self.config.mpi_client }, 'yarn': { 'server' : self.config.yarn, 'client' : self.config.hadoop_client }, 'gluster': { 'server' : self.config.gluster }, 'cassandra': { 'server' : self.config.cassandra, 'client' : self.config.cassandra_client}, 'titan': { 'server' : self.config.titan, 'client' : self.config.cassandra_client}, 'hadoop': { 'server' : self.config.hadoop, 'client' : self.config.hadoop_client}, 'hive': { 'server' : self.config.hadoop, 'client' : self.config.hadoop_client} } # Docker tools self.docker = DockerFabric() self.deploy = DeployEngine(self.docker) # Initialize the state. self._init_state_db() self._clean_state_db()
def __init__(self): # Image names self.DOCKER_GLUSTER = DEFAULT_DOCKER_REPO + '/gluster' self.DOCKER_HADOOP = DEFAULT_DOCKER_REPO + '/hadoop' self.DOCKER_HADOOP_CLIENT = DEFAULT_DOCKER_REPO + '/hadoop-client' self.DOCKER_HIVE = DEFAULT_DOCKER_REPO + '/hive-metastore' self.DOCKER_CASSANDRA = DEFAULT_DOCKER_REPO + '/cassandra' self.DOCKER_CASSANDRA_CLIENT = DEFAULT_DOCKER_REPO + '/cassandra-client' self.DOCKER_TITAN = DEFAULT_DOCKER_REPO + '/titan' self.DOCKER_MPI = DEFAULT_DOCKER_REPO + '/openmpi' self.DOCKER_MPI_CLIENT = DEFAULT_DOCKER_REPO + '/openmpi' # Generate configuration. self.config = ConfigFactory() # Docker tools self.docker = DockerFabric() self.deploy = DeployEngine(self.docker) # Initialize the state. self._init_state_db()
class DockerManager(object): SSH_PORT = 22 def __init__(self): # Image names self.DOCKER_GLUSTER = DEFAULT_DOCKER_REPO + '/gluster' self.DOCKER_HADOOP = DEFAULT_DOCKER_REPO + '/hadoop' self.DOCKER_HADOOP_CLIENT = DEFAULT_DOCKER_REPO + '/hadoop-client' self.DOCKER_HIVE = DEFAULT_DOCKER_REPO + '/hive-metastore' self.DOCKER_CASSANDRA = DEFAULT_DOCKER_REPO + '/cassandra' self.DOCKER_CASSANDRA_CLIENT = DEFAULT_DOCKER_REPO + '/cassandra-client' self.DOCKER_TITAN = DEFAULT_DOCKER_REPO + '/titan' self.DOCKER_MPI = DEFAULT_DOCKER_REPO + '/openmpi' self.DOCKER_MPI_CLIENT = DEFAULT_DOCKER_REPO + '/openmpi' # Generate configuration. self.config = ConfigFactory() # Docker tools self.docker = DockerFabric() self.deploy = DeployEngine(self.docker) # Initialize the state. self._init_state_db() """ Contact the state database. """ def _init_state_db(self): self.mongo = MongoClient(os.environ['MONGODB'], 27017, connectTimeoutMS=6000) self.cluster_collection = self.mongo['state']['clusters'] self.service_collection = self.mongo['state']['services'] self.snapshot_collection = self.mongo['state']['snapshots'] def _serialize_containers(self, containers): info = [] for c in containers: info.append(c.json()) return info """ Update the service configuration. """ def _update_service_configuration(self, service_uuid, service_info): service = self.service_collection.find_one( {'uuid':service_uuid} ) if not service: self.service_collection.insert( service_info ) else: self.service_collection.update( {'uuid' : service_uuid}, {'$set': service_info} ) """ Get the storage information. """ def _get_service_configuration(self, service_uuid, detailed=False): info = self.service_collection.find_one( {'uuid':service_uuid}, {'_id':False} ) if detailed: return info else: return info['entry'] def _get_inspect_info(self, service_uuid): raw_info = self._get_service_configuration(service_uuid, detailed=True) json_reply = {'uuid' : service_uuid} # Get individual container information json_reply['containers'] = [] for c in raw_info['containers']: json_reply['containers'].append(c) # Now get the entry information json_reply['entry'] = raw_info['entry'] # Check if this service has a user-defined # unique name. if 'uniq' in raw_info: json_reply['uniq'] = raw_info['uniq'] else: json_reply['uniq'] = None return json_reply def _get_snapshot_info(self, stack_uuid): v = self.cluster_collection.find_one( {'uuid' : stack_uuid} ) s = self.snapshot_collection.find_one( {'snapshot_uuid':v['snapshot_uuid']} ) if s: time = s['snapshot_ts'].strftime("%m/%w/%Y (%I:%M %p)") return { 'snapshot_ts' : time, 'snapshot_uuid' : v['snapshot_uuid'] } def _get_service(self, service_type): service = None if service_type == 'mpi': service = self.config.mpi elif service_type == 'yarn': service = self.config.yarn elif service_type == 'gluster': service = self.config.gluster elif service_type == 'cassandra': service = self.config.cassandra elif service_type == 'titan': service = self.config.titan elif service_type == 'hadoop': service = self.config.hadoop elif service_type == 'hive': service = self.config.hadoop elif service_type == 'hadoop-client': service = self.config.hadoop_client elif service_type == 'cassandra-client': service = self.config.cass_client elif service_type == 'mpi-client': service = self.config.mpi_client else: logging.error("unknown service " + service_type) return service """ Helper method to copy directories. shutil fails if the destination already exists. """ def _copytree(src, dst): for item in os.listdir(src): s = os.path.join(src, item) d = os.path.join(dst, item) if os.path.isdir(s): shutil.copytree(s, d) else: shutil.copy2(s, d) def _copy_instance_logs(self, instance, to_dir): service = self._get_service(instance.service_type) log_dir = service.container_log_dir # We're performing a reverse lookup. for d in instance.volumes.keys(): if instance.volumes[d] == log_dir: self._copytree(d, to_dir) return def copy_logs(self, stack_uuid, to_dir): connectors, compute, storage = self._get_cluster_instances(stack_uuid) storage_dir = to_dir + '/' + stack_uuid + '/storage' compute_dir = to_dir + '/' + stack_uuid + '/compute' connector_dir = to_dir + '/' + stack_uuid + '/connectors' for c in connectors: for i in c['instances']: self._copy_instance_logs(i, connector_dir) for c in compute: for i in c['instances']: self._copy_instance_logs(i, compute_dir) for c in storage: for i in c['instances']: self._copy_instance_logs(i, storage_dir) """ Inspect a deployed stack. """ def inspect_deployed(self, uuid, registry): json_reply = {} # Need to inspect the registry to make sure # that all the images are available. return json.dumps(json_reply, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',',':')) """ Inspect a running stack. """ def inspect_stack(self, stack_uuid): json_reply = {} # Get the collection of all backends and connector UUIDS. cluster = self.cluster_collection.find_one( {'uuid': stack_uuid} ) connector_uuids = cluster['connectors'] storage_uuids = [] compute_uuids = [] for b in cluster['backends']['uuids']: if b['storage'] != None: storage_uuids.append(b['storage']) if b['compute'] != None: for c in b['compute']: compute_uuids.append(c) # For each UUID, collect the detailed service information. json_reply['connectors'] = [] for uuid in connector_uuids: json_reply['connectors'].append(self._get_inspect_info(uuid)) json_reply['storage'] = [] for uuid in storage_uuids: json_reply['storage'].append(self._get_inspect_info(uuid)) json_reply['compute'] = [] for uuid in compute_uuids: json_reply['compute'].append(self._get_inspect_info(uuid)) # Now append some snapshot info. json_reply['snapshots'] = self._get_snapshot_info(stack_uuid) return json.dumps(json_reply, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',',':')) """ Query the available snapshots. """ def query_snapshots(self, constraints=None): json_reply = {} values = self.snapshot_collection.find() for v in values: c = self.cluster_collection.find_one( {'uuid':v['cluster_uuid']} ) time = v['snapshot_ts'].strftime("%m/%w/%Y (%I:%M %p)") json_reply[v['snapshot_uuid']] = { 'uuid' : v['snapshot_uuid'], 'base' : c['base'], 'snapshot_ts' : time } return json.dumps(json_reply, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',',':')) """ Query the available stacks. """ def query_stacks(self, constraints=None): json_reply = {} if constraints: values = self.cluster_collection.find(constraints) else: values = self.cluster_collection.find() for v in values: time = '' s = self.snapshot_collection.find_one( {'snapshot_uuid':v['snapshot_uuid']} ) if s: time = v['ts'].strftime("%m/%w/%Y (%I:%M %p)") json_reply[v['uuid']] = { 'uuid' : v['uuid'], 'base' : v['base'], 'ts' : time, 'backends' : v['backends']['uuids'], 'connectors': v['connectors'], 'status' : v['status']} return json.dumps(json_reply, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',',':')) """ Query the deployed applications. """ def query_deployed(self, conf=None): json_reply = {} cursors = self.deploy.find(conf=conf) for c in cursors: for v in c: time = v['ts'].strftime("%m/%w/%Y (%I:%M %p)") c = self.cluster_collection.find_one( {'uuid':v['cluster_uuid']} ) json_reply[v['uuid']] = { 'uuid' : v['uuid'], 'base' : c['base'], 'ts' : time, 'backends' : c['backends']['uuids'], 'connectors': c['connectors'], 'status': 'deployed' } return json.dumps(json_reply, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',',':')) """ Allocate new UUIDs. """ def _new_service_uuid(self): services = self.service_collection.find() return "se-" + str(services.count()) def _new_stack_uuid(self): clusters = self.cluster_collection.find() return "sa-" + str(clusters.count()) def _new_snapshot_uuid(self, cluster_uuid): return "sn-%s-%s" % (cluster_uuid, str(uuid.uuid4())) """ Determine if the supplied UUID is a valid snapshot. """ def is_snapshot(self, snapshot_uuid): v = self.snapshot_collection.find_one( {'snapshot_uuid':snapshot_uuid} ) if v: return True else: return False """ Check if the UUID is of a stopped application. """ def is_stopped(self, uuid, conf=None): cluster = self.cluster_collection.find_one( {'uuid':uuid} ) if cluster: return cluster['status'] == 'stopped' return False """ Check if the UUID is of a stopped application. """ def is_removed(self, uuid, conf=None): cluster = self.cluster_collection.find_one( {'uuid':uuid} ) if cluster: return cluster['status'] == 'removed' return False """ Check if the UUID is of a deployed application. """ def is_deployed(self, uuid, conf=None): v = self.deploy.find( one=True, spec = {'uuid':uuid}, conf = conf ) if v: return True else: return False """ Get the base image of this cluster. """ def get_base_image(self, uuid): cluster = self.cluster_collection.find_one( {'uuid':uuid} ) if cluster: return cluster['base'] return None """ Create a new data directory """ def _new_data_dir(self, service_uuid, storage_type, storage_id): # First check if this data directory already exists. If so, # go ahead and delete it (this will hopefully get rid of all xattr stuff) new_dir = 'tmp/%s/data_%s' % (service_uuid, storage_type + '_' + str(storage_id)) return self._create_dir(new_dir, replace=True) """ Create a new log directory """ def _new_log_dir(self, service_uuid, storage_type, storage_id, replace = False): # First check if this data directory already exists. If so, # go ahead and delete it (this will hopefully get rid of all xattr stuff) new_dir = 'tmp/%s/log_%s' % (service_uuid, storage_type + '_' + str(storage_id)) return self._create_dir(new_dir, replace=replace) def _create_dir(self, new_dir, replace=False): # See if we need to delete an existing data dir. if os.path.exists(new_dir) and replace: logging.warning("deleting dir " + new_dir) shutil.rmtree(new_dir) try: # Now create the new directory and assign # the right permissions. sh.mkdir('-p', new_dir) except: logging.warning(new_dir + " already exists") try: uid, gid = ferry.install._get_ferry_user() os.chown(new_dir, uid, gid) os.chmod(new_dir, 0774) except OSError as e: logging.warning("could not change permissions for " + new_dir) return os.path.abspath(new_dir) def _get_service_environment(self, service, instance, num_instances): container_dir = service.container_data_dir log_dir = service.container_log_dir host_name = service.new_host_name(instance) ports = service.get_necessary_ports(num_instances) exposed = service.get_exposed_ports(num_instances) # Add SSH port for management purposes. exposed.append(DockerManager.SSH_PORT) return container_dir, log_dir, host_name, ports, exposed """ Prepare the environment for storage containers. """ def _prepare_storage_environment(self, service_uuid, num_instances, storage_type, layers, args = None, replace = False): # Generate the data volumes. This basically defines which # directories on the host get mounted in the container. ports = [] exposed = [] plan = {'localhost':{'containers':[]}} # Get the actual number of containers needed. if storage_type == 'gluster': instances = self.config.gluster.get_total_instances(num_instances, layers) elif storage_type == 'cassandra': instances = self.config.cassandra.get_total_instances(num_instances, layers) elif storage_type == 'hadoop': instances = self.config.hadoop.get_total_instances(num_instances, layers) # Now get the new container-specific information. i = 0 for t in instances: instance_type = self._get_instance_image(t) service = self._get_service(t) container_dir, log_dir, host_name, ports, exposed = self._get_service_environment(service, i, num_instances) new_log_dir = self._new_log_dir(service_uuid, t, i, replace=replace) dir_info = { new_log_dir : log_dir } # Only use a data directory mapping if we're not # using BTRFS (this is to get around the xattr problem). if self.docker.get_fs_type() != "btrfs": new_data_dir = self._new_data_dir(service_uuid, t, i) dir_info[new_data_dir] = container_dir container_info = {'image':instance_type, 'type':t, 'volumes':dir_info, 'volume_user':DEFAULT_FERRY_OWNER, 'ports':ports, 'exposed':exposed, 'hostname':host_name, 'args':args} plan['localhost']['containers'].append(container_info) i += 1 return plan """ Prepare the environment for compute containers. """ def _prepare_compute_environment(self, service_uuid, num_instances, compute_type, layers, args = None): # Generate the data volumes. This basically defines which # directories on the host get mounted in the container. ports = [] exposed = [] instance_type = '' plan = {'localhost':{'containers':[]}} # Get the actual number of containers needed. if compute_type == 'yarn': instances = self.config.yarn.get_total_instances(num_instances, layers) elif compute_type == 'mpi': instances = self.config.mpi.get_total_instances(num_instances, layers) i = 0 for t in instances: instance_type = self._get_instance_image(t) service = self._get_service(t) container_dir, log_dir, host_name, ports, exposed = self._get_service_environment(service, i, num_instances) new_log_dir = self._new_log_dir(service_uuid, t, i) dir_info = { new_log_dir : log_dir } container_info = {'image':instance_type, 'volumes':dir_info, 'volume_user':DEFAULT_FERRY_OWNER, 'type':t, 'ports':ports, 'exposed':exposed, 'hostname':host_name, 'args':args} plan['localhost']['containers'].append(container_info) i += 1 return plan """ Fetch the instance type. If the UUID is not associated with a running service, then just use the raw image. Otherwise, look for a snapshot image. """ def _get_instance_image(self, instance_type, uuid=None): image = None if instance_type == 'hadoop-client': image = self.DOCKER_HADOOP_CLIENT elif instance_type == 'cassandra-client': image = self.DOCKER_CASSANDRA_CLIENT elif instance_type == 'mpi-client': image = self.DOCKER_MPI_CLIENT elif instance_type == 'gluster': image = self.DOCKER_GLUSTER elif instance_type == 'cassandra': image = self.DOCKER_CASSANDRA elif instance_type == 'titan': image = self.DOCKER_TITAN elif instance_type == 'hadoop': image = self.DOCKER_HADOOP elif instance_type == 'hive': image = self.DOCKER_HIVE elif instance_type == 'mpi': image = self.DOCKER_MPI elif instance_type == 'yarn': image = self.DOCKER_HADOOP return image """ Prepare the environment for connector containers. """ def _prepare_connector_environment(self, service_uuid, connector_type, instance_type=None, name=None, args=None): ports = [] exposed = [] plan = {'localhost':{'containers':[]}} # Determine the instance type from the connector type. if not instance_type: instance_type = self._get_instance_image(connector_type) service = self._get_service(connector_type) container_dir, log_dir, host_name, ports, exposed = self._get_service_environment(service, 0, 1) new_log_dir = self._new_log_dir(service_uuid, connector_type, 0) dir_info = { new_log_dir : log_dir } container_info = { 'image':instance_type, 'volumes':dir_info, 'volume_user':DEFAULT_FERRY_OWNER, 'type':connector_type, 'ports':ports, 'exposed':exposed, 'hostname':host_name, 'name':name, 'args':args} plan['localhost']['containers'].append(container_info) return plan """ Transfer the configuration to the containers. """ def _transfer_config(self, config_dirs): for c in config_dirs: container = c[0] from_dir = c[1] to_dir = c[2] self.docker.copy([container], from_dir, to_dir) """ Transfer these environment variables to the containers. Since the user normally interacts with these containers by logging in (via ssh), we must place these variables in the profile. """ def _transfer_env_vars(self, containers, env_vars): for k in env_vars.keys(): self.docker.cmd(containers, "echo export %s=%s >> /etc/profile" % (k, env_vars[k])) """ Start the containers on the specified environment """ def _start_containers(self, plan): return self.docker.alloc(plan['localhost']['containers']); """ Restart the stopped containers. """ def _restart_containers(self, container_info): return self.docker.restart(container_info) """ Register the set of services under a single cluster identifier. """ def register_stack(self, backends, connectors, base, uuid=None): if not uuid: cluster_uuid = self._new_stack_uuid() else: cluster_uuid = uuid ts = cluster = { 'uuid' : cluster_uuid, 'backends':backends, 'connectors':connectors, 'num_snapshots':0, 'snapshot_ts':'', 'snapshot_uuid':base, 'base':base, 'status': 'running', 'ts':ts } if not uuid: self.cluster_collection.insert( cluster ) else: self._update_stack(uuid, cluster) return cluster_uuid """ Helper method to update a cluster's status. """ def _update_stack(self, cluster_uuid, state): self.cluster_collection.update( {'uuid' : cluster_uuid}, {'$set' : state} ) def _get_cluster_instances(self, cluster_uuid): all_connectors = [] all_storage = [] all_compute = [] cluster = self.cluster_collection.find_one( {'uuid':cluster_uuid} ) if cluster: backends = cluster['backends'] connector_uuids = cluster['connectors'] for c in connector_uuids: connectors = {'uuid' : c, 'instances' : []} connector_info = self._get_service_configuration(c, detailed=True) for connector in connector_info['containers']: connector_instance = DockerInstance(connector) connectors['instances'].append(connector_instance) connectors['type'] = connector_instance.service_type all_connectors.append(connectors) # Collect all the UUIDs of the backend containers. # and stop them. The backend is considered ephemeral! for b in backends['uuids']: if b['storage'] != None: storage = {'uuid' : b['storage'], 'instances' : []} storage_info = self._get_service_configuration(b['storage'], detailed=True) for s in storage_info['containers']: storage_instance = DockerInstance(s) storage['instances'].append(storage_instance) storage['type'] = storage_instance.service_type all_storage.append(storage) if b['compute'] != None: for c in b['compute']: compute = {'uuid' : c, 'instances' : []} compute_info = self._get_service_configuration(c, detailed=True) for container in compute_info['containers']: compute_instance = DockerInstance(container) compute['instances'].append(compute_instance) compute['type'] = compute_instance.service_type all_compute.append(compute) return all_connectors, all_compute, all_storage """ Stop a running cluster. """ def _stop_stack(self, cluster_uuid): connectors, compute, storage = self._get_cluster_instances(cluster_uuid) for c in connectors: self._stop_service(c['uuid'], c['instances'], c['type']) for c in compute: self._stop_service(c['uuid'], c['instances'], c['type']) for s in storage: self._stop_service(s['uuid'], s['instances'], s['type']) def _purge_stack(self, cluster_uuid): volumes = [] connectors, compute, storage = self._get_cluster_instances(cluster_uuid) for c in connectors: self.docker.remove(c['instances']) for c in compute: self.docker.remove(c['instances']) for s in storage: for i in s['instances']: for v in i.volumes.keys(): volumes.append(v) self.docker.remove(s['instances']) # Now remove the data directories. for v in volumes: shutil.rmtree(v) """ Take a snapshot of an existing stack. """ def _snapshot_stack(self, cluster_uuid): cluster = self.cluster_collection.find_one( {'uuid':cluster_uuid} ) if cluster: # We need to deserialize the docker containers from the cluster/service # description so that the snapshot code has access to certain pieces # of information (service type, etc.). connectors = [] connector_uuids = cluster['connectors'] for c in connector_uuids: connector_info = self._get_service_configuration(c, detailed=True) connectors.append(DockerInstance(connector_info['containers'][0])) cs_snapshots = self.docker.snapshot(connectors, cluster_uuid, cluster['num_snapshots']) # Register the snapshot in the snapshot state. snapshot_uuid = self._new_snapshot_uuid(cluster_uuid) snapshot_ts = snapshot_state = { 'snapshot_ts' : snapshot_ts, 'snapshot_uuid' : snapshot_uuid, 'snapshot_cs' : cs_snapshots, 'cluster_uuid' : cluster_uuid} self.snapshot_collection.insert( snapshot_state ) # Now update the cluster state. cluster_state = { 'num_snapshots' : cluster['num_snapshots'] + 1, 'snapshot_uuid' : snapshot_uuid } self.cluster_collection.update( {'uuid':cluster_uuid}, {"$set": cluster_state } ) """ Allocate a new compute cluster. """ def allocate_compute(self, compute_type, storage_uuid, args, num_instances=1, layers=[]): # Allocate a UUID. service_uuid = self._new_service_uuid() service = self._get_service(compute_type) # Generate the data volumes. This basically defines which # directories on the host get mounted in the container. plan = self._prepare_compute_environment(service_uuid, num_instances, compute_type, layers, args) # Get the entry point for the storage layer. storage_entry = self._get_service_configuration(storage_uuid) # Allocate all the containers. containers = self._start_containers(plan) # Generate a configuration dir. config_dirs, entry_point = self.config.generate_compute_configuration(service_uuid, containers, service, args, [storage_entry]) # Now copy over the configuration. self._transfer_config(config_dirs) container_info = self._serialize_containers(containers) service = {'uuid':service_uuid, 'containers':container_info, 'class':'compute', 'type':compute_type, 'entry':entry_point, 'storage':storage_uuid, 'status':'running'} self._update_service_configuration(service_uuid, service) # After the docker instance start, we need to start the # actual storage service (gluster, etc.). self._start_service(service_uuid, containers, compute_type) return service_uuid def _start_service(self, uuid, containers, service_type): entry_point = self._get_service_configuration(uuid) service = self._get_service(service_type) service.start_service(containers, entry_point, self.docker) def _stop_service(self, uuid, containers, service_type): entry_point = self._get_service_configuration(uuid) service = self._get_service(service_type) service.stop_service(containers, entry_point, self.docker) """ Create a storage cluster and start a particular personality on that cluster. """ def allocate_storage(self, storage_type, num_instances=1, layers=[], args=None, replace=False): # Allocate a UUID. service_uuid = self._new_service_uuid() service = self._get_service(storage_type) # Generate the data volumes. This basically defines which # directories on the host get mounted in the container. plan = self._prepare_storage_environment(service_uuid, num_instances, storage_type, layers, args, replace) # Allocate all the containers. containers = self._start_containers(plan) # Generate a configuration dir. config_dirs, entry_point = self.config.generate_storage_configuration(service_uuid, containers, service, args) # Now copy over the configuration. self._transfer_config(config_dirs) container_info = self._serialize_containers(containers) service = {'uuid':service_uuid, 'containers':container_info, 'class':'storage', 'type':storage_type, 'entry':entry_point, 'status':'running'} self._update_service_configuration(service_uuid, service) # After the docker instance start, we need to start the # actual storage service (gluster, etc.). self._start_service(service_uuid, containers, storage_type) return service_uuid """ Get the default deployment conf file. """ def _get_default_conf(self): return FERRY_HOME + '/data/conf/deploy_default.json' """ Get the deployment configuration parameters. """ def _get_deploy_params(self, mode, conf): # First just find and read the configuration file. if conf == 'default': conf = self._get_default_conf() # Read the configuration file. if os.path.exists(conf): f = open(conf, 'r').read() j = json.loads(f) # Now find the right configuration. if mode in j: j[mode]['_mode'] = mode return j[mode] return None """ Deploy an existing stack. """ def deploy_stack(self, cluster_uuid, params=None): containers = [] cluster = self.cluster_collection.find_one( {'uuid':cluster_uuid} ) if cluster: connector_uuids = cluster['connectors'] for c in connector_uuids: connector_info = self._get_service_configuration(c, detailed=True) containers.append(DockerInstance(connector_info['containers'][0])) self.deploy.deploy(cluster_uuid, containers, params) # Check if we need to try starting the # stack right away. if params and 'start-on-create' in params: return True return False """ Manage the stack. """ def manage_stack(self, stack_uuid, action): status = 'running' if(action == 'snapshot'): # The user wants to take a snapshot of the current stack. This # doesn't actually stop anything. self._snapshot_stack(stack_uuid) elif(action == 'stop'): self._stop_stack(stack_uuid) status = 'stopped' service_status = { 'uuid':stack_uuid, 'status':status } self._update_stack(stack_uuid, service_status) elif(action == 'rm'): # First need to check if the stack is stopped. if self.is_stopped(stack_uuid): self._purge_stack(stack_uuid) status = 'removed' service_status = { 'uuid':stack_uuid, 'status':status } self._update_stack(stack_uuid, service_status) else: return { 'uuid' : stack_uuid, 'status' : False, 'msg': 'Stack is running. Please stop first' } return { 'uuid' : stack_uuid, 'status' : True, 'msg': status } """ Lookup the stopped backend info. """ def fetch_stopped_backend(self, uuid): service = self.cluster_collection.find_one( {'uuid':uuid} ) if service: return service['backends']['backend'] """ Lookup the snapshot backend info. """ def fetch_snapshot_backend(self, snapshot_uuid): snapshot = self.cluster_collection.find_one( {'snapshot_uuid':snapshot_uuid} ) if snapshot: return snapshot['backends']['backend'] """ Lookup the deployed backend info. """ def fetch_deployed_backend(self, app_uuid, conf=None): app = self.deploy.find( one = True, spec = { 'uuid' : app_uuid }, conf = conf ) stack = self.cluster_collection.find_one( {'uuid':app['cluster_uuid'] } ) if stack: return stack['backends']['backend'] """ Lookup the deployed application connector info and instantiate. """ def allocate_stopped_connectors(self, app_uuid, backend_info, conf = None): connector_info = [] cluster = self.cluster_collection.find_one( {'uuid':app_uuid} ) if cluster: for cuid in cluster['connectors']: # Retrieve the actual service information. This will # contain the container ID. s = self._get_service_configuration(cuid, detailed=True) for c in s['containers']: connector_info.append(self.restart_connector(service_uuid = app_uuid, connector_type = c['type'], backend = backend_info, name = c['name'], args = c['args'], container = c['container'])) return connector_info """ Lookup the deployed application connector info and instantiate. """ def allocate_deployed_connectors(self, app_uuid, backend_info, conf = None): connector_info = [] app = self.deploy.find( one = True, spec = { 'uuid' : app_uuid }, conf = conf) if app: for c in app['connectors']: connector_info.append(self.allocate_connector(connector_type = c['type'], backend = backend_info, name = c['name'], args = c['args'], image = c['image'])) return connector_info """ Lookup the snapshot connector info and instantiate. """ def allocate_snapshot_connectors(self, snapshot_uuid, backend_info): connector_info = [] snapshot = self.snapshot_collection.find_one( {'snapshot_uuid':snapshot_uuid} ) if snapshot: for s in snapshot['snapshot_cs']: connector_info.append(self.allocate_connector(connector_type = s['type'], backend = backend_info, name = s['name'], args = s['args'], image = s['image'])) return connector_info """ Restart a stopped connector with an existing storage service. """ def restart_connector(self, service_uuid, connector_type, backend=None, name=None, args=None, container=None): service = self._get_service(connector_type) # Allocate all the containers. container = self._restart_containers({ 'container': container, 'type' : connector_type, 'args' : args}) # Initialize the connector and connect to the storage. storage_entry = [] compute_entry = [] for b in backend: if b['storage']: storage_entry.append(self._get_service_configuration(b['storage'])) if b['compute']: for c in b['compute']: compute_entry.append(self._get_service_configuration(c)) # Generate the environment variables that will be # injected into the containers. env_vars = self.config.generate_env_vars(storage_entry, compute_entry) # Now generate the configuration files that will be # transferred to the containers. config_dirs, entry_point = self.config.generate_connector_configuration(service_uuid, [container], service, storage_entry, compute_entry, args) # Now copy over the configuration. self._transfer_config(config_dirs) self._transfer_env_vars([container], env_vars) # Update the connector state. container_info = self._serialize_containers([container]) service = {'uuid':service_uuid, 'containers':container_info, 'class':'connector', 'type':connector_type, 'entry':entry_point, 'uniq': name, 'status':'running'} self._update_service_configuration(service_uuid, service) # Start the connector personality. self._start_service(service_uuid, [container], connector_type) return service_uuid """ Allocate a new connector and associate with an existing storage service. """ def allocate_connector(self, connector_type, backend=None, name=None, args=None, image=None): # Allocate a UUID. service_uuid = self._new_service_uuid() service = self._get_service(connector_type) # Generate the data volumes. This basically defines which # directories on the host get mounted in the container. plan = self._prepare_connector_environment(service_uuid = service_uuid, connector_type = connector_type, instance_type = image, name = name, args = args) # Allocate all the containers. containers = self._start_containers(plan) # Initialize the connector and connect to the storage. storage_entry = [] compute_entry = [] if backend: for b in backend: if b['storage']: storage_entry.append(self._get_service_configuration(b['storage'])) if b['compute']: for c in b['compute']: compute_entry.append(self._get_service_configuration(c)) # Generate the environment variables that will be # injected into the containers. env_vars = self.config.generate_env_vars(storage_entry, compute_entry) # Now generate the configuration files that will be # transferred to the containers. config_dirs, entry_point = self.config.generate_connector_configuration(service_uuid, containers, service, storage_entry, compute_entry, args) # Now copy over the configuration. self._transfer_config(config_dirs) self._transfer_env_vars(containers, env_vars) # Update the connector state. container_info = self._serialize_containers(containers) service = {'uuid':service_uuid, 'containers':container_info, 'class':'connector', 'type':connector_type, 'entry':entry_point, 'uniq': name, 'status':'running'} self._update_service_configuration(service_uuid, service) # Start the connector personality. self._start_service(service_uuid, containers, connector_type) return service_uuid """ Fetch the current docker version. """ def version(self): return self.docker.version()