class LocalFabric(object): def __init__(self, bootstrap=False): = "local" self.repo = 'public' self.cli = DockerCLI(ferry.install.DOCKER_REGISTRY) self.docker_user = self.cli.docker_user self.inspector = DockerInspector(self.cli) self.bootstrap = bootstrap # The system returns information regarding # the instance types. self.system = System() # Bootstrap mode means that the DHCP network # isn't available yet, so we can't use the network. if not bootstrap: = DHCPClient(ferry.install._get_gateway()) def _get_host(self): cmd = "ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'" return Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) def get_data_dir(self): if 'FERRY_SCRATCH' in os.environ: scratch_dir = os.environ['FERRY_SCRATCH'] else: scratch_dir = os.path.join( ferry.install._get_ferry_dir(server=True), 'scratch') if not os.path.isdir(scratch_dir): os.makedirs(scratch_dir) return scratch_dir def version(self): """ Fetch the current docker version. """ return self.cli.version() def get_fs_type(self): """ Get the filesystem type associated with docker. """ return self.cli.get_fs_type() def quit(self): """ Quit the local fabric. """"quitting local fabric") def restart(self, cluster_uuid, service_uuid, containers): """ Restart the stopped containers. """ new_containers = [] for c in containers: container = self.cli.start(image=c.image, container=c.container, service_type=c.service_type, keydir=c.keydir, keyname=c.keyname, privatekey=c.privatekey, volumes=c.volumes, args=c.args, inspector=self.inspector) container.default_user = self.docker_user new_containers.append(container) # We should wait for a second to let the ssh server start # on the containers (otherwise sometimes we get a connection refused) time.sleep(2) return new_containers def alloc(self, cluster_uuid, service_uuid, container_info, ctype): """ Allocate several instances. """ containers = [] mounts = {} for c in container_info: # Get a new IP address for this container and construct # a default command. gw = ferry.install._get_gateway().split("/")[0] # Check if we should use the manual LXC option. if not 'netenable' in c: ip = lxc_opts = [ " = veth", " = %s/24" % ip, " = %s" % gw, " = ferry0", " = eth0", " = up" ] # Check if we need to forward any ports. host_map = {} for p in c['ports']: p = str(p) s = p.split(":") if len(s) > 1: host = s[0] dest = s[1] else: host = dest = s[0] host_map[dest] = [{'HostIp': '', 'HostPort': host}]'', host, ip, dest) host_map_keys = host_map.keys() else: lxc_opts = None host_map = None host_map_keys = [] # Start a container with a specific image, in daemon mode, # without TTY, and on a specific port if not 'default_cmd' in c: c['default_cmd'] = "/service/sbin/startnode init" container =['type'], image=c['image'], volumes=c['volumes'], keydir=c['keydir'], keyname=c['keyname'], privatekey=c['privatekey'], open_ports=host_map_keys, host_map=host_map, expose_group=c['exposed'], hostname=c['hostname'], default_cmd=c['default_cmd'], args=c['args'], lxc_opts=lxc_opts, inspector=self.inspector, background=False) if container: container.default_user = self.docker_user containers.append(container) if not 'netenable' in c: container.internal_ip = ip container.external_ip = ip, container.container) if 'name' in c: = c['name'] if 'volume_user' in c: mounts[container] = { 'user': c['volume_user'], 'vols': c['volumes'].items() } # We should wait for a second to let the ssh server start # on the containers (otherwise sometimes we get a connection refused) time.sleep(3) # Check if we need to set the file permissions # for the mounted volumes. for c, i in mounts.items(): for _, v in i['vols']: self.cmd([c], 'chown -R %s %s' % (i['user'], v)) return containers def stop(self, cluster_uuid, service_uuid, containers): """ Forceably stop the running containers """ for c in containers: if type(c) is dict: self.cli.stop(c['container']) else: self.cli.stop(c.container) def remove(self, cluster_uuid, service_uuid, containers): """ Remove the running instances """ for c in containers: for p in c.ports.keys():, p) self.cli.remove(c.container) def snapshot(self, containers, cluster_uuid, num_snapshots): """ Save/commit the running instances """ snapshots = [] for c in containers: snapshot_name = '%s-%s-%s:SNAPSHOT-%s' % ( c.image, cluster_uuid, c.host_name, num_snapshots) snapshots.append({ 'image': snapshot_name, 'base': c.image, 'type': c.service_type, 'name':, 'args': c.args, 'ports': c.ports }) self.cli.commit(c, snapshot_name) return snapshots def push(self, image, registry=None): """ Push an image to a remote registry. """ return self.cli.push(image, registry) def pull(self, image): """ Pull a remote image to the local registry. """ return self.cli.pull(image) def halt(self, cluster_uuid, service_uuid, containers): """ Safe stop the containers. """ cmd = '/service/sbin/startnode halt' for c in containers: self.cmd_raw(c.privatekey, c.internal_ip, cmd, c.default_user) def copy(self, containers, from_dir, to_dir): """ Copy over the contents to each container """ for c in containers: self.copy_raw(c.privatekey, c.internal_ip, from_dir, to_dir, c.default_user) def copy_raw(self, key, ip, from_dir, to_dir, user): if key: opts = '-o ConnectTimeout=20 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' scp = 'scp ' + opts + ' -i ' + key + ' -r ' + from_dir + ' ' + user + '@' + ip + ':' + to_dir logging.warning(scp) robust_com(scp) def cmd(self, containers, cmd): """ Run a command on all the containers and collect the output. """ all_output = {} for c in containers: output = self.cmd_raw(c.privatekey, c.internal_ip, cmd, c.default_user) if output.strip() != "": all_output[c.host_name] = output.strip() return all_output def cmd_raw(self, key, ip, cmd, user): if key: ip = user + '@' + ip ssh = 'LC_ALL=C && ssh -o ConnectTimeout=20 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i ' + key + ' -t -t ' + ip + ' \'%s\'' % cmd logging.warning(ssh) out, _, _ = robust_com(ssh) return out else: return '' def login(self): """ Login to a remote registry. Use the login credentials found in the user's home directory. """ config = ferry.install.read_ferry_config() args = config['docker'] if all(k in args for k in ("user", "password", "email")): if 'server' in args: server = args['server'] else: server = '' return self.cli.login(user=args['user'], password=args['password'], email=args['email'], registry=server) logging.error("Could not open login credentials " + ferry.install.DEFAULT_LOGIN_KEY) return False
class DockerFabric(object): def __init__(self): self.repo = 'public' self.docker_user = '******' self.cli = DockerCLI() """ Read the location of the directory containing the keys used to communicate with the containers. """ def _read_key_dir(self): f = open(ferry.install.DEFAULT_DOCKER_KEY, 'r') return """ Fetch the current docker version. """ def version(self): return self.cli.version() """ Get the filesystem type associated with docker. """ def get_fs_type(self): return self.cli.get_fs_type() """ Restart the stopped containers. """ def restart(self, container_info): container = self.cli.start(container_info['container'], container_info['type'], container_info['args']) container.default_user = self.docker_user return container """ Allocate several instances. """ def alloc(self, container_info): containers = [] mounts = {} for c in container_info: # Start a container with a specific image, in daemon mode, # without TTY, and on a specific port container = = c['type'], image = c['image'], volumes = c['volumes'], keys = c['keys'], phys_net = None, security_group = c['ports'], expose_group = c['exposed'], hostname = c['hostname'], args= c['args']) container.default_user = self.docker_user containers.append(container) # Not all containers have a unique name. if 'name' in c: = c['name'] if 'volume_user' in c: mounts[container] = {'user':c['volume_user'], 'vols':c['volumes'].items()} # We should wait for a second to let the ssh server start # on the containers (otherwise sometimes we get a connection refused) time.sleep(2) # Check if we need to set the file permissions # for the mounted volumes. for c, i in mounts.items(): for _, v in i['vols']: self.cmd([c], 'chown -R %s %s' % (i['user'], v)) return containers """ Stop the running instances """ def stop(self, containers): for c in containers: self.cli.stop(c.container) """ Remove the running instances """ def remove(self, containers): for c in containers: self.cli.remove(c.container) """ Save/commit the running instances """ def snapshot(self, containers, cluster_uuid, num_snapshots): snapshots = [] for c in containers: snapshot_name = '%s-%s-%s:SNAPSHOT-%s' % (c.image, cluster_uuid, c.host_name, num_snapshots) snapshots.append( {'image' : snapshot_name, 'base' : c.image, 'type' : c.service_type, 'name' :, 'args' : c.args} ) self.cli.commit(c, snapshot_name) return snapshots """ Upload these containers to the specified registry. """ def deploy(self, containers, registry=None): deployed = [] for c in containers: image_name = '%s-%s:DEPLOYED' % (c.image, c.host_name) deployed.append( {'image' : image_name, 'base' : c.image, 'type' : c.service_type, 'name' :, 'args' : c.args} ) if not registry: self.cli.commit(c, image_name) else: self.cli.push(c, registry) return deployed """ Copy over the contents to each container """ def copy(self, containers, from_dir, to_dir): for c in containers: opts = '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' key = '-i ' + self._read_key_dir() + '/id_rsa' scp_cmd = 'scp ' + opts + ' ' + key + ' -r ' + from_dir + ' ' + self.docker_user + '@' + c.internal_ip + ':' + to_dir output = Popen(scp_cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) """ Run a command on all the containers and collect the output. """ def cmd(self, containers, cmd): all_output = {} key = self._read_key_dir() + '/id_rsa' for c in containers: ip = self.docker_user + '@' + c.internal_ip ssh = 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i ' + key + ' -t -t ' + ip + ' \'%s\'' % cmd logging.warning(ssh) output = Popen(ssh, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) all_output[c] = output.strip() return all_output
class DockerFabric(object): def __init__(self, bootstrap=False): self.repo = 'public' self.docker_user = '******' self.cli = DockerCLI(ferry.install.DOCKER_REGISTRY) self.bootstrap = bootstrap # Bootstrap mode means that the DHCP network # isn't available yet, so we can't use the network. if not bootstrap: = DHCPClient(self._get_gateway()) def _get_gateway(self): """ Get the gateway address in CIDR notation. This defines the range of IP addresses available to the containers. """ cmd = "LC_MESSAGES=C ifconfig drydock0 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'" gw = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) cmd = "LC_MESSAGES=C ifconfig drydock0 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f4 | awk '{ print $1}'" netmask = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) mask = map(int, netmask.split(".")) cidr = 1 if mask[3] == 0: cidr = 8 if mask[2] == 0: cidr *= 2 return "%s/%d" % (gw, 32 - cidr) def _get_host(self): cmd = "ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'" return Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) def _read_key_dir(self): """ Read the location of the directory containing the keys used to communicate with the containers. """ keydir = ferry.install._get_key_dir(root=self.bootstrap, server=True) with open(keydir, 'r') as f: k ="://") return k[1], k[0] def version(self): """ Fetch the current docker version. """ return self.cli.version() def get_fs_type(self): """ Get the filesystem type associated with docker. """ return self.cli.get_fs_type() def restart(self, containers): """ Restart the stopped containers. """ new_containers = [] for c in containers: container = self.cli.start(c.container, c.service_type, c.keys, c.volumes, c.args) container.default_user = self.docker_user new_containers.append(container) # We should wait for a second to let the ssh server start # on the containers (otherwise sometimes we get a connection refused) time.sleep(2) return new_containers def alloc(self, container_info): """ Allocate several instances. """ containers = [] mounts = {} for c in container_info: # Get a new IP address for this container and construct # a default command. gw = self._get_gateway().split("/")[0] # Check if we should use the manual LXC option. if not 'netenable' in c: ip = lxc_opts = [" = veth", " = %s/24" % ip, " = %s" % gw, " = drydock0", " = eth0", " = up"] # Check if we need to forward any ports. host_map = {} for p in c['ports']: p = str(p) s = p.split(":") if len(s) > 1: host = s[0] dest = s[1] else: host = dest = s[0] host_map[dest] = [{'HostIp' : '', 'HostPort' : host}]'', host, ip, dest) host_map_keys = host_map.keys() else: lxc_opts = None host_map = None host_map_keys = [] # Start a container with a specific image, in daemon mode, # without TTY, and on a specific port c['default_cmd'] = "/service/sbin/startnode init" container = = c['type'], image = c['image'], volumes = c['volumes'], keys = c['keys'], open_ports = host_map_keys, host_map = host_map, expose_group = c['exposed'], hostname = c['hostname'], default_cmd = c['default_cmd'], args= c['args'], lxc_opts = lxc_opts) if container: container.default_user = self.docker_user containers.append(container) if not 'netenable' in c: container.internal_ip = ip, container.container) if 'name' in c: = c['name'] if 'volume_user' in c: mounts[container] = {'user':c['volume_user'], 'vols':c['volumes'].items()} # We should wait for a second to let the ssh server start # on the containers (otherwise sometimes we get a connection refused) time.sleep(2) # Check if we need to set the file permissions # for the mounted volumes. for c, i in mounts.items(): for _, v in i['vols']: self.cmd([c], 'chown -R %s %s' % (i['user'], v)) return containers def stop(self, containers): """ Forceably stop the running containers """ for c in containers: self.cli.stop(c['container']) def remove(self, containers): """ Remove the running instances """ for c in containers: for p in c.ports.keys():, p) self.cli.remove(c.container) def snapshot(self, containers, cluster_uuid, num_snapshots): """ Save/commit the running instances """ snapshots = [] for c in containers: snapshot_name = '%s-%s-%s:SNAPSHOT-%s' % (c.image, cluster_uuid, c.host_name, num_snapshots) snapshots.append( {'image' : snapshot_name, 'base' : c.image, 'type' : c.service_type, 'name' :, 'args' : c.args, 'ports': c.ports} ) self.cli.commit(c, snapshot_name) return snapshots def deploy(self, containers, registry=None): """ Upload these containers to the specified registry. """ deployed = [] for c in containers: image_name = '%s-%s:DEPLOYED' % (c.image, c.host_name) deployed.append( {'image' : image_name, 'base' : c.image, 'type' : c.service_type, 'name' :, 'args' : c.args, 'ports': c.ports} ) if not registry: self.cli.commit(c, image_name) else: self.cli.push(c.image, registry) return deployed def push(self, image, registry=None): """ Push an image to a remote registry. """ return self.cli.push(image, registry) def pull(self, image): """ Pull a remote image to the local registry. """ return self.cli.pull(image) def halt(self, containers): """ Safe stop the containers. """ cmd = '/service/sbin/startnode halt' for c in containers: self.cmd_raw(c.internal_ip, cmd) def copy(self, containers, from_dir, to_dir): """ Copy over the contents to each container """ for c in containers: self.copy_raw(c.internal_ip, from_dir, to_dir) def copy_raw(self, ip, from_dir, to_dir): keydir, _ = self._read_key_dir() opts = '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' key = '-i ' + keydir + '/id_rsa' scp = 'scp ' + opts + ' ' + key + ' -r ' + from_dir + ' ' + self.docker_user + '@' + ip + ':' + to_dir logging.warning(scp) output = Popen(scp, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) def cmd(self, containers, cmd): """ Run a command on all the containers and collect the output. """ all_output = {} for c in containers: output = self.cmd_raw(c.internal_ip, cmd) all_output[c.host_name] = output.strip() return all_output def cmd_raw(self, ip, cmd): keydir, _ = self._read_key_dir() key = keydir + '/id_rsa' ip = self.docker_user + '@' + ip ssh = 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i ' + key + ' -t -t ' + ip + ' \'%s\'' % cmd logging.warning(ssh) output = Popen(ssh, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) return output def login(self): """ Login to a remote registry. Use the login credentials found in the user's home directory. """ with open(ferry.install.DEFAULT_DOCKER_LOGIN, 'r') as f: args = yaml.load(f) args = args['docker'] if all(k in args for k in ("user","password","email")): if 'server' in args: server = args['server'] else: server = '' return self.cli.login(user = args['user'], password = args['password'], email = args['email'], registry = server) logging.error("Could not open login credentials " + ferry.install.DEFAULT_LOGIN_KEY) return False
class CloudFabric(object): def __init__(self, bootstrap=False): = "cloud" self.repo = 'public' self._init_cloudfabric() self.bootstrap = bootstrap self.cli = DockerCLI() self.cli.key = self.launcher._get_host_key() self.docker_user = self.cli.docker_user self.inspector = CloudInspector(self) # The system returns information regarding # the instance types. self.system = self.launcher.system def _load_class(self, class_name): """ Dynamically load a class """ s = class_name.split("/") module_path = s[0] clazz_name = s[1] module = importlib.import_module(module_path) for n, o in inspect.getmembers(module): if inspect.isclass(o): if o.__module__ == module_path and o.__name__ == clazz_name: return o(self) return None def _init_cloudfabric(self): conf = ferry.install.read_ferry_config() # The actual cloud launcher. This lets us customize # launching into different cloud environments that each # may be slightly different (HP Cloud, Rackspace, etc). launcher = conf["system"]["mode"] self.launcher = self._load_class(launcher) # Determine if we are using this fabric in proxy # mode. Proxy mode means that the client is external # to the network, but controller has direct access. self.proxy = bool(conf["system"]["proxy"]) # Check if the launcher supports proxy mode. if self.proxy and not self.launcher.support_proxy(): logging.error("%s does not support proxy mode" % def get_data_dir(self): return "/ferry/data" def version(self): """ Fetch the current docker version. """ return "0.1" def get_fs_type(self): """ Get the filesystem type associated with docker. """ return "xfs" def quit(self): """ Quit the cloud fabric. """"quitting cloud fabric") self.launcher.quit() def restart(self, cluster_uuid, service_uuid, containers): """ Restart the stopped containers. """ # First need to restart all the virtual machines. logging.warning("restarting virtual machines...") addrs = self.launcher._restart_stack(cluster_uuid, service_uuid) # Then need to restart Ferry on all the hosts. logging.warning("restarting ferry...") cmd = "source /etc/profile && ferry server -n" for ip in addrs: output, err, _ = self.cmd_raw(self.cli.key, ip, cmd, self.docker_user) # Finally, restart the stopped containers. logging.warning("restarting containers...") cmd = "cat /ferry/containers/ && rm /ferry/containers/" for c in containers: # Before restarting the containers, we need to learn their # container IDs. It should be stored on a cidfile. output, err, _ = self.cmd_raw(self.cli.key, c.external_ip, cmd, self.launcher.ssh_user) c.container = output.strip() self.cli.start(image=c.image, container=c.container, service_type=c.service_type, keydir=c.keydir, keyname=c.keyname, privatekey=c.privatekey, volumes=c.volumes, args=c.args, server=c.external_ip, user=self.launcher.ssh_user, inspector=self.inspector, background=True) return containers def _copy_public_keys(self, container, server): """ Copy over the public ssh key to the server so that we can start the container correctly. """ keydir = container['keydir'].values()[0] self.copy_raw(key=self.cli.key, ip=server, from_dir=keydir + "/" + container["keyname"], to_dir="/ferry/keys/", user=self.launcher.ssh_user) def _verify_public_keys(self, server): """ Verify that the public key has been copied over correctly. """ out, _, _ = self.cmd_raw(key=self.cli.key, ip=server, cmd="ls /ferry/keys", user=self.launcher.ssh_user) if out and out.strip() == "": return False elif out: logging.warning("found ssh key: " + out.strip()) return True else: return False def _verify_ferry_server(self, server): """ Verify that the docker daemon is actually running on the server. """ # Try a couple times before giving up. for i in range(0, 2): out, err, success = self.cmd_raw( key=self.cli.key, ip=server, cmd="if [ -f /var/run/ ]; then echo \"launched\"; fi", user=self.launcher.ssh_user) if success and out and out.strip() != "": logging.warning("docker daemon " + out.strip()) return True elif not success: return False else: time.sleep(6) return False def _execute_server_init(self, server): """ Restart the Ferry docker daemon. """ out, err, _ = self.cmd_raw(key=self.cli.key, ip=server, cmd="ferry server -n && sleep 3", user=self.launcher.ssh_user) logging.warning("restart ferry out: " + out) logging.warning("restart ferry err: " + err) def execute_docker_containers(self, cinfo, lxc_opts, private_ip, server_ip, background=True, simulate=False): """ Run the Docker container and use the cloud inspector to get information about the container/VM. """ host_map = None host_map_keys = [] mounts = {} if not 'default_cmd' in cinfo: cinfo['default_cmd'] = "/service/sbin/startnode init" container =['type'], image=cinfo['image'], volumes=cinfo['volumes'], keydir={'/service/keys': '/ferry/keys'}, keyname=cinfo['keyname'], privatekey=cinfo['privatekey'], open_ports=host_map_keys, host_map=host_map, expose_group=cinfo['exposed'], hostname=cinfo['hostname'], default_cmd=cinfo['default_cmd'], args=cinfo['args'], lxc_opts=lxc_opts, server=server_ip, user=self.launcher.ssh_user, inspector=self.inspector, background=background, simulate=simulate) if container: container.manage_ip = server_ip container.internal_ip = private_ip if self.proxy: # Otherwise, the controller can only interact with the # VMs via their public IP address. container.external_ip = server_ip else: # When the fabric controller is acting in proxy mode, # it can contact the VMs via their private addresses. container.external_ip = private_ip container.vm = self.launcher.default_personality container.default_user = self.cli.docker_user if 'name' in cinfo: = cinfo['name'] if 'volume_user' in cinfo: mounts[container] = { 'user': cinfo['volume_user'], 'vols': cinfo['volumes'].items() } # We should wait for a second to let the ssh server start # on the containers (otherwise sometimes we get a connection refused) time.sleep(3) return container, mounts else: return None, None def alloc(self, cluster_uuid, service_uuid, container_info, ctype): """ Allocate a new service cluster. """ containers = self.launcher.alloc(cluster_uuid, service_uuid, container_info, ctype, self.proxy) if not containers: # The underlying cloud infrastructure could not allocate # the service cluster. Sometimes it's just a temporary glitch, so # get rid of the attempt and try some more. logging.error("Failed to allocate service cluster. Trying again.") self.launcher._delete_stack(cluster_uuid, service_uuid) return self.launcher.alloc(cluster_uuid, service_uuid, container_info, ctype, self.proxy) else: return containers def stop(self, cluster_uuid, service_uuid, containers): """ Stop the running containers """ self.remove(cluster_uuid, service_uuid, containers) def halt(self, cluster_uuid, service_uuid, containers): """ Safe stop the containers. """ # Stop the containers in the VMs. Stopping the container # should jump us back out to the host. Afterwards, quit # ferry so that we can restart later. halt = '/service/sbin/startnode halt' ferry = 'ferry quit' for c in containers: self.cmd_raw(c.privatekey, c.external_ip, halt, c.default_user) self.cmd_raw(self.cli.key, c.manage_ip, ferry, self.launcher.ssh_user) # Now go ahead and stop the VMs. self.launcher._stop_stack(cluster_uuid, service_uuid) def remove(self, cluster_uuid, service_uuid, containers): """ Remove the running instances """ self.launcher._delete_stack(cluster_uuid, service_uuid) def copy(self, containers, from_dir, to_dir): """ Copy over the contents to each container """ for c in containers: self.copy_raw(c.privatekey, c.external_ip, from_dir, to_dir, c.default_user) def copy_raw(self, key, ip, from_dir, to_dir, user): opts = '-o ConnectTimeout=20 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' scp = 'scp ' + opts + ' -i ' + key + ' -r ' + from_dir + ' ' + user + '@' + ip + ':' + to_dir logging.warning(scp) robust_com(scp) def cmd(self, containers, cmd): """ Run a command on all the containers and collect the output. """ all_output = {} for c in containers: output, _, _ = self.cmd_raw(c.privatekey, c.external_ip, cmd, c.default_user) if output.strip() != "": all_output[c.host_name] = output.strip() return all_output def cmd_raw(self, key, ip, cmd, user): ip = user + '@' + ip ssh = 'LC_ALL=C && ssh -o ConnectTimeout=20 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i ' + key + ' -t -t ' + ip + ' \'%s\'' % cmd logging.warning(ssh) return robust_com(ssh)
class CloudFabric(object): def __init__(self, bootstrap=False): = "cloud" self.repo = 'public' self._init_cloudfabric() self.bootstrap = bootstrap self.cli = DockerCLI() self.cli.key = self.launcher._get_host_key() self.docker_user = self.cli.docker_user self.inspector = CloudInspector(self) # The system returns information regarding # the instance types. self.system = self.launcher.system def _load_class(self, class_name): """ Dynamically load a class """ s = class_name.split("/") module_path = s[0] clazz_name = s[1] module = importlib.import_module(module_path) for n, o in inspect.getmembers(module): if inspect.isclass(o): if o.__module__ == module_path and o.__name__ == clazz_name: return o(self) return None def _init_cloudfabric(self): conf = ferry.install.read_ferry_config() # The actual cloud launcher. This lets us customize # launching into different cloud environments that each # may be slightly different (HP Cloud, Rackspace, etc). launcher = conf["system"]["mode"] self.launcher = self._load_class(launcher) # Determine if we are using this fabric in proxy # mode. Proxy mode means that the client is external # to the network, but controller has direct access. self.proxy = bool(conf["system"]["proxy"]) # Check if the launcher supports proxy mode. if self.proxy and not self.launcher.support_proxy(): logging.error("%s does not support proxy mode" % def get_data_dir(self): return "/ferry/data" def installed_images(self): """ List all the installed Docker images. We should really contact the index server responsible for serving out images and ask it. """ images = [] image_string = self.cli.images() for image in image_string.split(): image_name = image.strip() if image_name != "REPOSITORY" and image_name != "<none>": images.append(image_name) return images def version(self): """ Fetch the current docker version. """ return "0.1" def get_fs_type(self): """ Get the filesystem type associated with docker. """ return "xfs" def quit(self): """ Quit the cloud fabric. """"quitting cloud fabric") self.launcher.quit() def restart(self, cluster_uuid, service_uuid, containers): """ Restart the stopped containers. """ # First need to restart all the virtual machines. logging.warning("restarting virtual machines...") addrs = self.launcher._restart_stack(cluster_uuid, service_uuid) # Then need to restart Ferry on all the hosts. logging.warning("restarting ferry...") cmd = "source /etc/profile && ferry server -n" for ip in addrs: output, err, _ = self.cmd_raw(self.cli.key, ip, cmd, self.docker_user) # Finally, restart the stopped containers. logging.warning("restarting containers...") cmd = "cat /ferry/containers/ && rm /ferry/containers/" for c in containers: # Before restarting the containers, we need to learn their # container IDs. It should be stored on a cidfile. output, err, _ = self.cmd_raw(self.cli.key, c.external_ip, cmd, self.launcher.ssh_user) c.container = output.strip() self.cli.start(image = c.image, container = c.container, service_type = c.service_type, keydir = c.keydir, keyname = c.keyname, privatekey = c.privatekey, volumes = c.volumes, args = c.args, server = c.external_ip, user = self.launcher.ssh_user, inspector = self.inspector, background = True) return containers def _copy_public_keys(self, container, server): """ Copy over the public ssh key to the server so that we can start the container correctly. """ keydir = container['keydir'].values()[0] self.copy_raw(key = self.cli.key, ip = server, from_dir = keydir + "/" + container["keyname"], to_dir = "/ferry/keys/", user = self.launcher.ssh_user) def _verify_public_keys(self, server): """ Verify that the public key has been copied over correctly. """ out, _, _ = self.cmd_raw(key = self.cli.key, ip = server, cmd = "ls /ferry/keys", user = self.launcher.ssh_user) if out and out.strip() == "": return False elif out: logging.warning("found ssh key: " + out.strip()) return True else: return False def _verify_ferry_server(self, server): """ Verify that the docker daemon is actually running on the server. """ # Try a couple times before giving up. for i in range(0, 2): out, err, success = self.cmd_raw(key = self.cli.key, ip = server, cmd = "if [ -f /var/run/ ]; then echo \"launched\"; fi", user = self.launcher.ssh_user) if success and out and out.strip() != "": logging.warning("docker daemon " + out.strip()) return True elif not success: return False else: time.sleep(6) return False def _execute_server_init(self, server): """ Restart the Ferry docker daemon. """ out, err, _ = self.cmd_raw(key = self.cli.key, ip = server, cmd = "ferry server -n && sleep 3", user = self.launcher.ssh_user) logging.warning("restart ferry out: " + out) logging.warning("restart ferry err: " + err) def execute_docker_containers(self, cinfo, lxc_opts, private_ip, server_ip, background=True, simulate=False): """ Run the Docker container and use the cloud inspector to get information about the container/VM. """ host_map = None host_map_keys = [] mounts = {} if not 'default_cmd' in cinfo: cinfo['default_cmd'] = "/service/sbin/startnode init" container = = cinfo['type'], image = cinfo['image'], volumes = cinfo['volumes'], keydir = { '/service/keys' : '/ferry/keys' }, keyname = cinfo['keyname'], privatekey = cinfo['privatekey'], open_ports = host_map_keys, host_map = host_map, expose_group = cinfo['exposed'], hostname = cinfo['hostname'], default_cmd = cinfo['default_cmd'], args= cinfo['args'], lxc_opts = lxc_opts, server = server_ip, user = self.launcher.ssh_user, inspector = self.inspector, background = background, simulate= simulate) if container: container.manage_ip = server_ip container.internal_ip = private_ip if self.proxy: # Otherwise, the controller can only interact with the # VMs via their public IP address. container.external_ip = server_ip else: # When the fabric controller is acting in proxy mode, # it can contact the VMs via their private addresses. container.external_ip = private_ip container.vm = self.launcher.default_personality container.default_user = self.cli.docker_user if 'name' in cinfo: = cinfo['name'] if 'volume_user' in cinfo: mounts[container] = {'user':cinfo['volume_user'], 'vols':cinfo['volumes'].items()} # We should wait for a second to let the ssh server start # on the containers (otherwise sometimes we get a connection refused) time.sleep(3) return container, mounts else: return None, None def alloc(self, cluster_uuid, service_uuid, container_info, ctype): """ Allocate a new service cluster. """ containers = self.launcher.alloc(cluster_uuid, service_uuid, container_info, ctype, self.proxy) if not containers: # The underlying cloud infrastructure could not allocate # the service cluster. Sometimes it's just a temporary glitch, so # get rid of the attempt and try some more. logging.error("Failed to allocate service cluster. Trying again.") self.launcher._delete_stack(cluster_uuid, service_uuid) return self.launcher.alloc(cluster_uuid, service_uuid, container_info, ctype, self.proxy) else: return containers def stop(self, cluster_uuid, service_uuid, containers): """ Stop the running containers """ self.remove(cluster_uuid, service_uuid, containers) def halt(self, cluster_uuid, service_uuid, containers): """ Safe stop the containers. """ # Stop the containers in the VMs. Stopping the container # should jump us back out to the host. Afterwards, quit # ferry so that we can restart later. halt = '/service/sbin/startnode halt' ferry = 'ferry quit' for c in containers: self.cmd_raw(c.privatekey, c.external_ip, halt, c.default_user) self.cmd_raw(self.cli.key, c.manage_ip, ferry, self.launcher.ssh_user) # Now go ahead and stop the VMs. self.launcher._stop_stack(cluster_uuid, service_uuid) def remove(self, cluster_uuid, service_uuid, containers): """ Remove the running instances """ self.launcher._delete_stack(cluster_uuid, service_uuid) def copy(self, containers, from_dir, to_dir): """ Copy over the contents to each container """ for c in containers: self.copy_raw(c.privatekey, c.external_ip, from_dir, to_dir, c.default_user) def copy_raw(self, key, ip, from_dir, to_dir, user): opts = '-o ConnectTimeout=20 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' scp = 'scp ' + opts + ' -i ' + key + ' -r ' + from_dir + ' ' + user + '@' + ip + ':' + to_dir logging.warning(scp) robust_com(scp) def cmd(self, containers, cmd): """ Run a command on all the containers and collect the output. """ all_output = {} for c in containers: output, _, _ = self.cmd_raw(c.privatekey, c.external_ip, cmd, c.default_user) if output.strip() != "": all_output[c.host_name] = output.strip() return all_output def cmd_raw(self, key, ip, cmd, user): ip = user + '@' + ip ssh = 'LC_ALL=C && ssh -o ConnectTimeout=20 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i ' + key + ' -t -t ' + ip + ' \'%s\'' % cmd logging.warning(ssh) return robust_com(ssh)
class LocalFabric(object): def __init__(self, bootstrap=False): = "local" self.repo = 'public' self.cli = DockerCLI(ferry.install.DOCKER_REGISTRY) self.docker_user = self.cli.docker_user self.inspector = DockerInspector(self.cli) self.bootstrap = bootstrap # The system returns information regarding # the instance types. self.system = System() # Bootstrap mode means that the DHCP network # isn't available yet, so we can't use the network. if not bootstrap: = DHCPClient(ferry.install._get_gateway()) def _get_host(self): cmd = "ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'" return Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) def get_data_dir(self): if 'FERRY_SCRATCH' in os.environ: scratch_dir = os.environ['FERRY_SCRATCH'] else: scratch_dir = os.path.join(ferry.install._get_ferry_dir(server=True), 'scratch') if not os.path.isdir(scratch_dir): os.makedirs(scratch_dir) return scratch_dir def installed_images(self): """ List all the installed Docker images. """ images = [] image_string = self.cli.images() for image in image_string.split(): image_name = image.strip() if image_name != "REPOSITORY" and image_name != "<none>": images.append(image_name) return images def version(self): """ Fetch the current docker version. """ return self.cli.version() def get_fs_type(self): """ Get the filesystem type associated with docker. """ return self.cli.get_fs_type() def quit(self): """ Quit the local fabric. """"quitting local fabric") def restart(self, cluster_uuid, service_uuid, containers): """ Restart the stopped containers. """ new_containers = [] for c in containers: container = self.cli.start(image = c.image, container = c.container, service_type = c.service_type, keydir = c.keydir, keyname = c.keyname, privatekey = c.privatekey, volumes = c.volumes, args = c.args, inspector = self.inspector) container.default_user = self.docker_user new_containers.append(container) # We should wait for a second to let the ssh server start # on the containers (otherwise sometimes we get a connection refused) time.sleep(2) return new_containers def alloc(self, cluster_uuid, service_uuid, container_info, ctype): """ Allocate several instances. """ containers = [] mounts = {} for c in container_info: # Get a new IP address for this container and construct # a default command. gw = ferry.install._get_gateway().split("/")[0] # Check if we should use the manual LXC option. if not 'netenable' in c: ip = lxc_opts = [" = veth", " = %s/24" % ip, " = %s" % gw, " = ferry0", " = eth0", " = up"] # Check if we need to forward any ports. host_map = {} for p in c['ports']: p = str(p) s = p.split(":") if len(s) > 1: host = s[0] dest = s[1] else: host = dest = s[0] host_map[dest] = [{'HostIp' : '', 'HostPort' : host}]'', host, ip, dest) host_map_keys = host_map.keys() else: lxc_opts = None host_map = None host_map_keys = [] # Start a container with a specific image, in daemon mode, # without TTY, and on a specific port if not 'default_cmd' in c: c['default_cmd'] = "/service/sbin/startnode init" container = = c['type'], image = c['image'], volumes = c['volumes'], keydir = c['keydir'], keyname = c['keyname'], privatekey = c['privatekey'], open_ports = host_map_keys, host_map = host_map, expose_group = c['exposed'], hostname = c['hostname'], default_cmd = c['default_cmd'], args= c['args'], lxc_opts = lxc_opts, inspector = self.inspector, background = False) if container: container.default_user = self.docker_user containers.append(container) if not 'netenable' in c: container.internal_ip = ip container.external_ip = ip, container.container) if 'name' in c: = c['name'] if 'volume_user' in c: mounts[container] = {'user':c['volume_user'], 'vols':c['volumes'].items()} # We should wait for a second to let the ssh server start # on the containers (otherwise sometimes we get a connection refused) time.sleep(3) # Check if we need to set the file permissions # for the mounted volumes. for c, i in mounts.items(): for _, v in i['vols']: self.cmd([c], 'chown -R %s %s' % (i['user'], v)) return containers def stop(self, cluster_uuid, service_uuid, containers): """ Forceably stop the running containers """ for c in containers: if type(c) is dict: self.cli.stop(c['container']) else: self.cli.stop(c.container) def remove(self, cluster_uuid, service_uuid, containers): """ Remove the running instances """ for c in containers: for p in c.ports.keys():, p) self.cli.remove(c.container) def snapshot(self, containers, cluster_uuid, num_snapshots): """ Save/commit the running instances """ snapshots = [] for c in containers: snapshot_name = '%s-%s-%s:SNAPSHOT-%s' % (c.image, cluster_uuid, c.host_name, num_snapshots) snapshots.append( {'image' : snapshot_name, 'base' : c.image, 'type' : c.service_type, 'name' :, 'args' : c.args, 'ports': c.ports} ) self.cli.commit(c, snapshot_name) return snapshots def push(self, image, registry=None): """ Push an image to a remote registry. """ return self.cli.push(image, registry) def pull(self, image): """ Pull a remote image to the local registry. """ return self.cli.pull(image) def halt(self, cluster_uuid, service_uuid, containers): """ Safe stop the containers. """ cmd = '/service/sbin/startnode halt' for c in containers: self.cmd_raw(c.privatekey, c.internal_ip, cmd, c.default_user) def copy(self, containers, from_dir, to_dir): """ Copy over the contents to each container """ for c in containers: self.copy_raw(c.privatekey, c.internal_ip, from_dir, to_dir, c.default_user) def copy_raw(self, key, ip, from_dir, to_dir, user): if key: opts = '-o ConnectTimeout=20 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' scp = 'scp ' + opts + ' -i ' + key + ' -r ' + from_dir + ' ' + user + '@' + ip + ':' + to_dir logging.warning(scp) robust_com(scp) def cmd(self, containers, cmd): """ Run a command on all the containers and collect the output. """ all_output = {} for c in containers: output = self.cmd_raw(c.privatekey, c.internal_ip, cmd, c.default_user) if output.strip() != "": all_output[c.host_name] = output.strip() return all_output def cmd_raw(self, key, ip, cmd, user): if key: ip = user + '@' + ip ssh = 'LC_ALL=C && ssh -o ConnectTimeout=20 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i ' + key + ' -t -t ' + ip + ' \'%s\'' % cmd logging.warning(ssh) out, _, _ = robust_com(ssh) return out else: return '' def login(self): """ Login to a remote registry. Use the login credentials found in the user's home directory. """ config = ferry.install.read_ferry_config() args = config['docker'] if all(k in args for k in ("user","password","email")): if 'server' in args: server = args['server'] else: server = '' return self.cli.login(user = args['user'], password = args['password'], email = args['email'], registry = server) logging.error("Could not open login credentials " + ferry.install.DEFAULT_LOGIN_KEY) return False
class DockerFabric(object): def __init__(self): self.repo = 'public' self.docker_user = '******' self.cli = DockerCLI() = DHCPClient(self._get_gateway()) def _get_gateway(self): cmd = "ifconfig drydock0 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'" gw = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) cmd = "ifconfig drydock0 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f4 | awk '{ print $1}'" netmask = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) mask = map(int, netmask.split(".")) cidr = 1 if mask[3] == 0: cidr = 8 if mask[2] == 0: cidr *= 2 return "%s/%d" % (gw, 32 - cidr) def _get_host(self): cmd = "ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'" return Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) """ Read the location of the directory containing the keys used to communicate with the containers. """ def _read_key_dir(self): f = open(ferry.install.DEFAULT_DOCKER_KEY, 'r') k ="://") return k[1], k[0] """ Fetch the current docker version. """ def version(self): return self.cli.version() """ Get the filesystem type associated with docker. """ def get_fs_type(self): return self.cli.get_fs_type() """ Restart the stopped containers. """ def restart(self, container_info): containers = [] for c in container_info: container = self.cli.start(c['container'], c['type'], c['keys'], c['volumes'], c['args']) container.default_user = self.docker_user containers.append(container) # We should wait for a second to let the ssh server start # on the containers (otherwise sometimes we get a connection refused) time.sleep(2) return containers """ Allocate several instances. """ def alloc(self, container_info): containers = [] mounts = {} for c in container_info: # Get a new IP address for this container and construct # a default command. ip = gw = self._get_gateway().split("/")[0] lxc_opts = [" = veth", " = %s" % ip, " = %s" % gw, " = drydock0", " = eth0", " = up"] c['default_cmd'] = "/service/sbin/startnode init" # Check if we need to forward any ports. host_map = {} for p in c['ports']: p = str(p) s = p.split(":") if len(s) > 1: host = s[0] dest = s[1] else: host = dest = s[0] host_map[dest] = [{'HostIp' : '', 'HostPort' : host}]'', host, ip, dest) # Start a container with a specific image, in daemon mode, # without TTY, and on a specific port container = = c['type'], image = c['image'], volumes = c['volumes'], keys = c['keys'], open_ports = host_map.keys(), host_map = host_map, expose_group = c['exposed'], hostname = c['hostname'], default_cmd = c['default_cmd'], args= c['args'], lxc_opts = lxc_opts) if container: container.default_user = self.docker_user container.internal_ip = ip containers.append(container), container.container) if 'name' in c: = c['name'] if 'volume_user' in c: mounts[container] = {'user':c['volume_user'], 'vols':c['volumes'].items()} # We should wait for a second to let the ssh server start # on the containers (otherwise sometimes we get a connection refused) time.sleep(2) # Check if we need to set the file permissions # for the mounted volumes. for c, i in mounts.items(): for _, v in i['vols']: self.cmd([c], 'chown -R %s %s' % (i['user'], v)) return containers """ Stop the running instances """ def stop(self, containers): for c in containers: self.cli.stop(c.container) """ Remove the running instances """ def remove(self, containers): for c in containers: for p in c.ports.keys():, p) self.cli.remove(c.container) """ Save/commit the running instances """ def snapshot(self, containers, cluster_uuid, num_snapshots): snapshots = [] for c in containers: snapshot_name = '%s-%s-%s:SNAPSHOT-%s' % (c.image, cluster_uuid, c.host_name, num_snapshots) snapshots.append( {'image' : snapshot_name, 'base' : c.image, 'type' : c.service_type, 'name' :, 'args' : c.args, 'ports': c.ports} ) self.cli.commit(c, snapshot_name) return snapshots """ Upload these containers to the specified registry. """ def deploy(self, containers, registry=None): deployed = [] for c in containers: image_name = '%s-%s:DEPLOYED' % (c.image, c.host_name) deployed.append( {'image' : image_name, 'base' : c.image, 'type' : c.service_type, 'name' :, 'args' : c.args, 'ports': c.ports} ) if not registry: self.cli.commit(c, image_name) else: self.cli.push(c, registry) return deployed """ Copy over the contents to each container """ def copy(self, containers, from_dir, to_dir): for c in containers: keydir, _ = self._read_key_dir() opts = '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' key = '-i ' + keydir + '/id_rsa' scp_cmd = 'scp ' + opts + ' ' + key + ' -r ' + from_dir + ' ' + self.docker_user + '@' + c.internal_ip + ':' + to_dir output = Popen(scp_cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) """ Run a command on all the containers and collect the output. """ def cmd(self, containers, cmd): all_output = {} keydir, _ = self._read_key_dir() key = keydir + '/id_rsa' for c in containers: ip = self.docker_user + '@' + c.internal_ip ssh = 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i ' + key + ' -t -t ' + ip + ' \'%s\'' % cmd logging.warning(ssh) output = Popen(ssh, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) all_output[c] = output.strip() return all_output