コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, mrcfile, mrcfile_tilt, norm=None, keepreal=False, invert_data=False, ind=None, window=True, datadir=None):
        # load untilted
        particles_real = load_particles(mrcfile, False, datadir)

        # load tilt series
        particles_tilt_real = load_particles(mrcfile_tilt, False, datadir)

        # filter dataset
        if ind is not None:
            particles_real = particles_real[ind]
            particles_tilt_real = particles_tilt_real[ind]
        N, ny, nx = particles_real.shape
        assert ny == nx, "Images must be square"
        assert ny % 2 == 0, "Image size must be even"
        log('Loaded {} {}x{} images'.format(N, ny, nx))
        assert particles_tilt_real.shape == (N, ny, nx), "Tilt series pair must have same dimensions as untilted particles"
        log('Loaded {} {}x{} tilt pair images'.format(N, ny, nx))

        # Real space window
        if window:
            m = window_mask(ny, .85, .99)
            particles_real *= m
            particles_tilt_real *= m 

        # compute HT
        particles = np.asarray([fft.ht2_center(img) for img in particles_real]).astype(np.float32)
        particles_tilt = np.asarray([fft.ht2_center(img) for img in particles_tilt_real]).astype(np.float32)
        if invert_data: 
            particles *= -1
            particles_tilt *= -1

        # symmetrize HT
        particles = fft.symmetrize_ht(particles)
        particles_tilt = fft.symmetrize_ht(particles_tilt)

        # normalize
        if norm is None:
            norm  = [np.mean(particles), np.std(particles)]
            norm[0] = 0
        particles = (particles - norm[0])/norm[1]
        particles_tilt = (particles_tilt - norm[0])/norm[1]
        log('Normalized HT by {} +/- {}'.format(*norm))

        self.particles = particles
        self.particles_tilt = particles_tilt
        self.norm = norm
        self.N = N
        self.D = particles.shape[1]
        self.keepreal = keepreal
        if keepreal:
            self.particles_real = particles_real
            self.particles_tilt_real = particles_tilt_real
コード例 #2
 def get(self, i):
     img = self.particles[i].get()
     if self.window is not None:
         img *= self.window
     img = fft.ht2_center(img).astype(np.float32)
     if self.invert_data: img *= -1
     img = fft.symmetrize_ht(img)
     img = (img - self.norm[0])/self.norm[1]
     return img
コード例 #3
 def estimate_normalization(self, n=1000):
     n = min(n,self.N)
     imgs = np.asarray([fft.ht2_center(self.particles[i].get()) for i in range(0,self.N, self.N//n)])
     if self.invert_data: imgs *= -1
     imgs = fft.symmetrize_ht(imgs)
     norm = [np.mean(imgs), np.std(imgs)]
     norm[0] = 0
     log('Normalizing HT by {} +/- {}'.format(*norm))
     return norm
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, mrcfile, norm=None, keepreal=False, invert_data=False, ind=None, window=True, datadir=None):
        particles_real = load_particles(mrcfile, False, datadir)
        if ind is not None:
            particles_real = particles_real[ind]
        N, ny, nx = particles_real.shape
        assert ny == nx, "Images must be square"
        assert ny % 2 == 0, "Image size must be even"
        log('Loaded {} {}x{} images'.format(N, ny, nx))

        # Real space window
        if window:
            particles_real *= window_mask(ny, .85, .99)

        # compute HT
        particles = np.asarray([fft.ht2_center(img) for img in particles_real])
        particles = particles.astype(np.float32)
        if invert_data: particles *= -1

        # symmetrize HT
        particles = fft.symmetrize_ht(particles)

        # normalize
        if norm is None:
            norm  = [np.mean(particles), np.std(particles)]
            norm[0] = 0
        particles = (particles - norm[0])/norm[1]
        log('Normalized HT by {} +/- {}'.format(*norm))

        self.particles = particles
        self.N = N
        self.D = particles.shape[1] # ny + 1 after symmetrizing HT
        self.norm = norm
        self.keepreal = keepreal
        if keepreal:
            self.particles_real = particles_real
            log('Normalized real space images by {}'.format(particles_real.std()))
            self.particles_real /= particles_real.std()
コード例 #5
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

import fft
import models
import mrc
from lattice import Lattice

imgs,_,_ = mrc.parse_mrc('data/hand.mrcs')
img = imgs[0]
D = img.shape[0]
ht = fft.ht2_center(img)
ht = fft.symmetrize_ht(ht)
D += 1

lattice = Lattice(D)
model = models.FTSliceDecoder(D**2, D, 10,10,nn.ReLU)

coords = lattice.coords[...,0:2]/2
ht = torch.tensor(ht.astype(np.float32)).view(1,-1)

trans = torch.tensor([5.,10.]).view(1,1,2)
ht_shifted = lattice.translate_ht(ht, trans)
ht_np = ht_shifted.view(D,D).numpy()[0:-1, 0:-1]

img_shifted = fft.ihtn_center(ht_np)
