コード例 #1
def run_optimizer(optimizer, dim, fID, instance, logfile, lb, ub, max_FEs,
                  data_path, bbob_opt):
    """Parallel BBOB/COCO experiment wrapper
    # Set different seed for different processes
    start = time()
    seed = np.mod(int(start) + os.getpid(), 1000)

    data_path = os.path.join(data_path, str(instance))
    max_FEs = eval(max_FEs)

    f = fgeneric.LoggingFunction(data_path, **bbob_opt)
    f.setfun(*bn.instantiate(fID, iinstance=instance))

    opt = optimizer(dim, f.evalfun, f.ftarget, max_FEs, lb, ub, logfile)

    with open(logfile, 'a') as fout:
            "{} on f{} in {}D, instance {}: FEs={}, fbest-ftarget={:.4e}, "
            "elapsed time [m]: {:.3f}\n".format(optimizer, fID, dim, instance,
                                                f.fbest - f.ftarget,
                                                (time() - start) / 60.))
コード例 #2
def perform_bbob_benchmarks(iinstances, trials):
    # creating the function object
    f = fgeneric.LoggingFunction(datapath, **opts)

    # cumulative sum of the errors of each 'run' of the heuristic
    result = 0.0

    # for each function instance
    for iinstance in iinstances:

        # for each trial
        for trial in trials:
            # initializing the becnhmark in the selected function
                *bn.instantiate(objective_function_id, iinstance=iinstance))

            # running the heuristic
            # _, _, = random_search(f.evalfun, dimension, maxfunevals, box_restr, f.ftarget)
            _, _, = pso(f.evalfun, dimension, maxfunevals, box_restr,

            # printing information related to each 'run'
                '  f%d in %d-D, instance %d: FEs=%d, '
                'fbest-ftarget=%.4e, elapsed time [h]: %.2f\n' %
                (objective_function_id, dimension, iinstance, f.evaluations,
                 f.fbest - f.ftarget, (time.time() - t0) / 60. / 60.))

            # there's no need to store the best solution found in each 'run' because the benchmark
            # saves it ('the fitness') in 'f.fbest'. the value of the 'global optimum' found by our
            # heuristic is stored in 'f.ftarget' and the 'error' can be measured by 'f.fbest - f.ftarget'.

            #  computing cumulative sum for each 'run'
            result += f.fbest - f.ftarget

            # finilizing benchmark for the current 'run'

    return result
コード例 #3
        # Test if we reached the optimum of the function
        # Remember that ">" for fitness means better (not greater)
        if best.fitness > opt:
            return best

    return best

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Maximum number of restart for an algorithm that detects stagnation
    maxrestarts = 1000

    # Create a COCO experiment that will log the results under the
    # ./output directory
    e = fgeneric.LoggingFunction("output")

    # Iterate over all desired test dimensions
    for dim in (2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 40):
        # Set the maximum number function evaluation granted to the algorithm
        # This is usually function of the dimensionality of the problem
        maxfuncevals = 100 * dim**2
        minfuncevals = dim + 2

        # Iterate over a set of benchmarks (noise free benchmarks here)
        for f_name in bn.nfreeIDs:

            # Iterate over all the instance of a single problem
            # Rotation, translation, etc.
            for instance in chain(list(range(1, 6)), list(range(21, 31))):
コード例 #4
        xpop = 10. * np.random.rand(popsize, dim) - 5.
        fvalues = fun(xpop)
        idx = np.argsort(fvalues)
        if fbest > fvalues[idx[0]]:
            fbest = fvalues[idx[0]]
            xbest = xpop[idx[0]]
        if fbest < ftarget:  # task achieved

    return xbest

t0 = time.time()

f = fgeneric.LoggingFunction(datapath, **opts)
for dim in dimensions:  # small dimensions first, for CPU reasons
    for fun_id in function_ids:
        for iinstance in instances:
            f.setfun(*bbobbenchmarks.instantiate(fun_id, iinstance=iinstance))

            # independent restarts until maxfunevals or ftarget is reached
            for restarts in xrange(maxrestarts + 1):
                if restarts > 0:
                    f.restart('independent restart')  # additional info
                run_optimizer(f.evalfun, dim,
                              eval(maxfunevals) - f.evaluations, f.ftarget)
                if (f.fbest < f.ftarget or
                        f.evaluations + eval(minfunevals) > eval(maxfunevals)):
コード例 #5
            xbest = alg.best_solution[0]

        if fbest < ftarget:  # task achieved 

        # compute the next population

    return xbest

timings = []
runs = []
dims = []
for dim in (2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160):  # 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5120, 10240, 20480):
    nbrun = 0
    f = fgeneric.LoggingFunction('tmp').setfun(*bn.instantiate(8, 1))
    t0 = time.time()
    while time.time() - t0 < 30: # at least 30 seconds
        run_optimizer(f.evalfun, dim, eval(MAX_FUN_EVALS), f.ftarget)  # adjust maxfunevals
        nbrun = nbrun + 1
    timings.append((time.time() - t0) / f.evaluations)
    dims.append(dim)    # not really needed
    runs.append(nbrun)  # not really needed
    print '\nDimensions:',
    for i in dims:
        print ' %11d ' % i,
    print '\n      runs:',
    for i in runs:
        print ' %11d ' % i,
    print '\n times [s]:',
コード例 #6
        BSF_Epoch = []

        FId = int(sys.argv[1])
        D = int(sys.argv[2])  # Number of Dimensions
        F_flag = sys.argv[3]  # "Vector"  # Cte, Scalar, Vector
        ms_type = sys.argv[4]  # 'population'  # population  static individual
        NP = int(sys.argv[5])  # 20  # Population Number
        ms_indx = sys.argv[6]  # index of mutation scheme
        Bound = int(sys.argv[7])
        Cr = 0.5  # CrossOver Rate
        VTR = 1e-8  # Value to Reach
        N_Epoch = 30  # Number of Epochs
        NFC = 10000 * D  # Number of Function Calls
        LB = -Bound  #
        UB = Bound  # Upper bound
        f_gen = fgeneric.LoggingFunction('tmp').setfun(*bn.instantiate(FId))
        OGV = f_gen.ftarget  # Optimal Global Value to Reach
        readme_log = 'D:' + str(D) + ' NP:' + str(NP) + ' NFC:' + str(NFC) + \
                     ' MF:' + F_flag + ' MST:' + ms_type + ' MSI:' + str(ms_indx) + \
                     ' Limit:' + str(Bound) + 'N_Epoch:' + str(N_Epoch) + ' Cr:' + str(Cr) + ' VTR:' + str(VTR)

        logging.basicConfig(filename=script_name[:-3] + '.log',

        ms_list = ['rand1', 'best1', 'tbest1', 'best2', 'rand2']

        if ms_indx == 'null':
            ms_indx = 'null'
            ms_indx = int(ms_indx)
コード例 #7
fileLocation = "FunctionData"

if not os.path.exists(fileLocation):

def DataLog(fun_id, dim):

    filename = fileLocation + "/DATA-FunID-%d-DIM-%d" % (fun_id, dim)
    file_ = open(filename, 'w')
    for _ in range(dataLength):
        xpop = 10. * np.random.rand(dim) - 5
        line = ""
        for num in xpop:
            line = line + str(num) + ", "
        line = line + str(f.evalfun(xpop)) + "\n"

def DataLogAllFun(dimNum):
    for fid in range(1, 25):
        f.setfun(*bbobbenchmarks.instantiate(fid, 1))
        DataLog(fid, dimNum)

f = fgeneric.LoggingFunction(datapath)
#f.setfun(*bbobbenchmarks.instantiate(fun_id, 0))
for dimNum in dim:
コード例 #8
ファイル: cocofile.py プロジェクト: Maskeww/bioCoursework1
CAPITALIZATION indicates code adaptations to be made.
This script as well as files bbobbenchmarks.py and fgeneric.py need to be
in the current working directory.

Under unix-like systems:
    nohup nice python exampleexperiment.py [data_path [dimensions [functions [instances]]]] > output.txt &

import sys  # in case we want to control what to run via command line args
import time
import numpy as np
import fgeneric as fg
import bbobbenchmarks
from neuralnetwork import NeuralNetwork
e = fg.LoggingFunction(
    comments='x0 uniformly sampled in [0, 1]^5, default settings')
argv = sys.argv[1:]  # shortcut for input arguments
copy = []
datapath = '/home/cs4/ma1017/Desktop/bbob.v15.03/python/bbob_pproc/results' if len(
    argv) < 1 else argv[0]  #'PUT_MY_BBOB_DATA_PATH'

dimensions = [2] if len(argv) < 2 else eval(argv[1])
function_ids = [1
                ]  #bbobbenchmarks.nfreeIDs if len(argv) < 3 else eval(argv[2])
# function_ids = bbobbenchmarks.noisyIDs if len(argv) < 3 else eval(argv[2])
instances = range(1, 6) + range(41, 51) if len(argv) < 4 else eval(argv[3])

opts = dict(
    algid='tester',  #'PUT ALGORITHM NAME',