コード例 #1
def LCD_by_rejection(pos, vel, sf_par, sf_per, st, en, jj):
    Takes in a Maxwellian or pseudo-maxwellian distribution. Outputs the number
    and indexes of any particle inside the loss cone
    B0x    = fields.eval_B0x(pos[st: en])
    N_loss = 1

    while N_loss > 0:
        v_perp      = np.sqrt(vel[1, st: en] ** 2 + vel[2, st: en] ** 2)
        N_loss, loss_idx = calc_losses(vel[0, st: en], v_perp, B0x, st=st)

        # Catch for a particle on the boundary : Set 90 degree pitch angle (gyrophase shouldn't overly matter)
        if N_loss == 1:
            if abs(pos[loss_idx[0]]) == const.xmax:
                ww = loss_idx[0]
                vel[0, loss_idx[0]] = 0.
                vel[1, loss_idx[0]] = np.sqrt(vel[0, ww] ** 2 + vel[1, ww] ** 2 + vel[2, ww] ** 2)
                vel[2, loss_idx[0]] = 0.
                N_loss = 0

        if N_loss != 0:   
            new_vx = np.random.normal(0., sf_par, N_loss)             
            new_vy = np.random.normal(0., sf_per, N_loss)
            new_vz = np.random.normal(0., sf_per, N_loss)
            for ii in range(N_loss):
                vel[0, loss_idx[ii]] = new_vx[ii]
                vel[1, loss_idx[ii]] = new_vy[ii]
                vel[2, loss_idx[ii]] = new_vz[ii]
コード例 #2
def init_totally_random():
    pos = np.zeros((3, N), dtype=np.float64)
    vel = np.zeros((3, N), dtype=np.float64)
    idx = np.ones(N, dtype=np.int8) * -1

    for jj in range(Nj):
        idx[idx_start[jj]:idx_end[jj]] = jj  # Set particle idx

        # Particle index ranges
        st = idx_start[jj]
        en = idx_end[jj]

        pos[0, st:en] = np.random.uniform(xmin, xmax, en - st)
        vel[0, st:en] = np.random.normal(0, vth_par[jj], en - st) + drift_v[jj]
        vel[1, st:en] = np.random.normal(0, vth_perp[jj], en - st)
        vel[2, st:en] = np.random.normal(0, vth_perp[jj], en - st)

    print('Initializing particles off-axis')
    B0x = fields.eval_B0x(pos[0, :en])
    v_perp = np.sqrt(vel[1, :en]**2 + vel[2, :en]**2)
    gyangle = get_gyroangle_array(vel[:, :en])
    rL = v_perp / (qm_ratios[idx[:en]] * B0x)
    pos[1, :en] = rL * np.cos(gyangle)
    pos[2, :en] = rL * np.sin(gyangle)
    return pos, vel, idx
コード例 #3
ファイル: particles_1D.py プロジェクト: cycle13/hybrid
def eval_B0_particle(pos, Bp):
    Calculates the B0 magnetic field at the position of a particle. B0x is
    non-uniform in space, and B0r (split into y,z components) is the required
    value to keep div(B) = 0
    These values are added onto the existing value of B at the particle location,
    Bp. B0x is simply equated since we never expect a non-zero wave field in x.
    constant = -a * B_eq
    Bp[0] = eval_B0x(pos[0])
    Bp[1] += constant * pos[0] * pos[1]
    Bp[2] += constant * pos[0] * pos[2]
コード例 #4
def eval_B0_exact(x, v, qmi, approx):
    Solves (maybe?) the exact solution for By,Bz radial (coupled quadratic
    equations of their squares)
    Need to code this manually to separate out the two real solutions.
    The +det term of the quadratic always seems to be nan? Probably some 
    mathematical reason for this (b < 4ac? Check later)
    Just return positive results for each for now, but don't assume this will work
    generally - just for this particle.
    How to work out if it should be the positive or negative solution 
    (of the sqrt) taken? Use v_perp cross B?
    Currently using approximation as guide - not the best solution, but it works
    B0_particle = np.zeros(3)
    B0_x        = eval_B0x(x)
    K2          = (a * B_eq * x / qmi) ** 2     # Constant for calculation
    # Quadratic coefficients of R = By ** 2 :: 4 solutions
    ay = (v[1] ** 2 + v[2] ** 2) * (-K2)
    by = - v[2] ** 2 * K2 * B0_x ** 2
    cy = (v[2] ** 2 * K2) ** 2
    B0_y = np.sqrt(solve_quadratic(ay, by, cy))
    # Quadratic coefficients of Q = Bz ** 2 :: 4 solutions
    az = (v[1] ** 2 + v[2] ** 2) * (-K2)
    bz = - v[1] ** 2 * K2 * B0_x ** 2
    cz = (v[1] ** 2 * K2) ** 2
    B0_z = np.sqrt(solve_quadratic(az, bz, cz))
    # All three of these will always be positive
    # Need a way to work out how to set +/- status
    B0_particle[0] = B0_x
    B0_particle[1] = B0_y
    B0_particle[2] = B0_z
    if approx[1] < 0:
        B0_particle[1] *= -1.0
    if approx[2] < 0:
        B0_particle[2] *= -1.0
    return B0_particle
コード例 #5
ファイル: auxilliary_1D.py プロジェクト: cycle13/hybrid
def interpolate_edges_to_center(B, interp, zero_boundaries=False):
    Used for interpolating values on the B-grid to the E-grid (for E-field calculation)
    with a 3D array (e.g. B). Second derivative y2 is calculated on the B-grid, with
    forwards/backwards difference used for endpoints.
    interp has one more gridpoint than required just because of the array used. interp[-1]
    should remain zero.
    This might be able to be done without the intermediate y2 array since the interpolated
    points don't require previous point values.
    y2 = np.zeros(B.shape, dtype=nb.float64)
    interp *= 0.

    # Calculate second derivative
    for jj in range(1, B.shape[1]):

        # Interior B-nodes, Centered difference
        for ii in range(1, NC):
            y2[ii, jj] = B[ii + 1, jj] - 2 * B[ii, jj] + B[ii - 1, jj]

        # Edge B-nodes, Forwards/Backwards difference
        if zero_boundaries == True:
            y2[0, jj] = 0.
            y2[NC, jj] = 0.
            y2[0, jj] = 2 * B[0, jj] - 5 * B[1, jj] + 4 * B[2, jj] - B[3, jj]
               jj] = 2 * B[NC, jj] - 5 * B[NC - 1, jj] + 4 * B[NC - 2, jj] - B[
                   NC - 3, jj]

    # Do spline interpolation: E[ii] is bracketed by B[ii], B[ii + 1]
    for jj in range(1, B.shape[1]):
        for ii in range(NC):
            interp[ii, jj] = 0.5 * (B[ii, jj] + B[ii + 1, jj] + (1 / 6) *
                                    (y2[ii, jj] + y2[ii + 1, jj]))

    # Add B0x to interpolated array
    for ii in range(NC):
        interp[ii, 0] = fields.eval_B0x(E_nodes[ii])

    # This bit could be removed to allow B0x to vary in green cells naturally
    # interp[:ND,      0] = interp[ND,    0]
    # interp[ND+NX+1:, 0] = interp[ND+NX, 0]
コード例 #6
ファイル: particles_1D.py プロジェクト: cycle13/hybrid
def eval_B0_particle_1D(pos, vel, Bp, qm):
    Calculates the B0 magnetic field at the position of a particle. B0x is
    non-uniform in space, and B0r (split into y,z components) is the required
    value to keep div(B) = 0
    These values are added onto the existing value of B at the particle location,
    Bp. B0x is simply equated since we never expect a non-zero wave field in x.
    Could totally vectorise this. Would have to change to give a particle_temp
    array for memory allocation or something
    Bp[0] = eval_B0x(pos[0])
    cyc_fac = a * B_eq * pos[0] / (qm * Bp[0])

    Bp[1] += vel[2] * cyc_fac
    Bp[2] -= vel[1] * cyc_fac
コード例 #7
def eval_B0_particle(x, v, qmi, b1):
    Calculates the B0 magnetic field at the position of a particle. Neglects B0_r
    and thus local cyclotron depends only on B0_x. Includes b1 in cyclotron, but
    since b1 < B0_r, maybe don't?
    Also, how accurate is this near the equator?
    B0_xp    = np.zeros(3)
    B0_xp[0] = eval_B0x(x)    
    b1t      = np.sqrt(b1[0] ** 2 + b1[1] ** 2 + b1[2] ** 2)
    l_cyc    = qmi * (B0_xp[0] + b1t)
    fac      = a * B_eq * x / l_cyc
    B0_xp[1] =  v[2] * fac
    B0_xp[2] = -v[1] * fac
    return B0_xp
コード例 #8
ファイル: particles_1D.py プロジェクト: cycle13/hybrid
def eval_B0_particle(pos, Bp):
    Calculates the B0 magnetic field at the position of a particle. B0x is
    non-uniform in space, and B0r (split into y,z components) is the required
    value to keep div(B) = 0
    These values are added onto the existing value of B at the particle location,
    Bp. B0x is simply equated since we never expect a non-zero wave field in x.
    Could totally vectorise this. Would have to change to give a particle_temp
    array for memory allocation or something
    rL = np.sqrt(pos[1]**2 + pos[2]**2)

    B0_r = -a * B_eq * pos[0] * rL
    Bp[0] = eval_B0x(pos[0])
    Bp[1] += B0_r * pos[1] / rL
    Bp[2] += B0_r * pos[2] / rL
コード例 #9
ファイル: particles_1D.py プロジェクト: cycle13/hybrid
def eval_B0_particle_1D(pos, vel, idx, Bp):
    Calculates the B0 magnetic field at the position of a particle. B0x is
    non-uniform in space, and B0r (split into y,z components) is the required
    value to keep div(B) = 0
    These values are added onto the existing value of B at the particle location,
    Bp. B0x is simply equated since we never expect a non-zero wave field in x.
    Could totally vectorise this. Would have to change to give a particle_temp
    array for memory allocation or something
    Bp[0] = eval_B0x(pos[0])
    constant = a * B_eq
    for ii in range(idx.shape[0]):
        l_cyc = qm_ratios[idx[ii]] * Bp[0, ii]

        Bp[1, ii] += constant * pos[0, ii] * vel[2, ii] / l_cyc
        Bp[2, ii] -= constant * pos[0, ii] * vel[1, ii] / l_cyc
コード例 #10
ファイル: particles_1D.py プロジェクト: cycle13/hybrid
def position_update(pos, vel, idx, DT, Ie, W_elec):
    Updates the position of the particles using x = x0 + vt. 
    Also updates particle nearest node and weighting.

        pos    -- Particle position array (Also output) 
        vel    -- Particle velocity array (Also output for reflection)
        idx    -- Particle index    array (Also output for reflection)
        DT     -- Simulation time step
        Ie     -- Particle leftmost to nearest node array (Also output)
        W_elec -- Particle weighting array (Also output)
    Note: This function also controls what happens when a particle leaves the 
    simulation boundary.
    NOTE :: This reinitialization thing is super unoptimized and inefficient.
            Maybe initialize array of n_ppc samples for each species, to at least vectorize it
            Count each one being used, start generating new ones if it runs out (but it shouldn't)
    # 28/05/2020 :: Removed np.abs() and -np.sign() factors from v_x calculation
    # See if that helps better simulate the distro function (will "lose" more
    # particles at boundaries, but that'll just slow things down a bit - should
    # still be valid)
    pos[0, :] += vel[0, :] * DT
    pos[1, :] += vel[1, :] * DT
    pos[2, :] += vel[2, :] * DT

    # Check Particle boundary conditions: Re-initialize if at edges
    for ii in nb.prange(pos.shape[1]):
        if (pos[0, ii] < xmin or pos[0, ii] > xmax):
            if particle_reinit == 1:

                # Fix position
                if pos[0, ii] > xmax:
                    pos[0, ii] = 2 * xmax - pos[0, ii]
                elif pos[0, ii] < xmin:
                    pos[0, ii] = 2 * xmin - pos[0, ii]

                # Re-initialize velocity: Vel_x sign so it doesn't go back into boundary
                sf_per = np.sqrt(kB * Tper[idx[ii]] / mass[idx[ii]])
                sf_par = np.sqrt(kB * Tpar[idx[ii]] / mass[idx[ii]])

                if temp_type[idx[ii]] == 0:
                    vel[0, ii] = np.random.normal(0, sf_par)
                    vel[1, ii] = np.random.normal(0, sf_per)
                    vel[2, ii] = np.random.normal(0, sf_per)
                    v_perp = np.sqrt(vel[1, ii]**2 + vel[2, ii]**2)
                    particle_PA = 0.0
                    while np.abs(particle_PA) < loss_cone_xmax:
                        vel[0, ii] = (np.random.normal(
                            0, sf_par)) * (-np.sign(pos[0, ii]))
                        vel[1, ii] = np.random.normal(0, sf_per)
                        vel[2, ii] = np.random.normal(0, sf_per)
                        v_perp = np.sqrt(vel[1, ii]**2 + vel[2, ii]**2)

                        particle_PA = np.arctan(
                            v_perp / vel[0, ii])  # Calculate particle PA's

                # Don't foget : Also need to reinitialize position gyrophase (pos[1:2])
                B0x = eval_B0x(pos[0, ii])
                gyangle = init.get_gyroangle_single(vel[:, ii])
                rL = v_perp / (qm_ratios[idx[ii]] * B0x)
                pos[1, ii] = rL * np.cos(gyangle)
                pos[2, ii] = rL * np.sin(gyangle)

            elif particle_periodic == 1:
                # Mario (Periodic)
                if pos[0, ii] > xmax:
                    pos[0, ii] += xmin - xmax
                elif pos[0, ii] < xmin:
                    pos[0, ii] += xmax - xmin

                # Randomise gyrophase: Prevent bunching at initialization
                if randomise_gyrophase == True:
                    v_perp = np.sqrt(vel[1, ii]**2 + vel[2, ii]**2)
                    theta = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)

                    vel[1, ii] = v_perp * np.sin(theta)
                    vel[2, ii] = v_perp * np.cos(theta)

            elif particle_reflect == 1:
                # Reflect
                if pos[0, ii] > xmax:
                    pos[0, ii] = 2 * xmax - pos[0, ii]
                elif pos[0, ii] < xmin:
                    pos[0, ii] = 2 * xmin - pos[0, ii]

                vel[0, ii] *= -1.0

                # DEACTIVATE PARTICLE (Negative index means they're not pushed or counted in sources)
                idx[ii] -= 128
                vel[:, ii] *= 0.0

    assign_weighting_TSC(pos, Ie, W_elec)
コード例 #11
def position_update(pos, vel, idx, DT, Ie, W_elec):
    Updates the position of the particles using x = x0 + vt. 
    Also updates particle nearest node and weighting.

        pos    -- Particle position array (Also output) 
        vel    -- Particle velocity array (Also output for reflection)
        idx    -- Particle index    array (Also output for reflection)
        DT     -- Simulation time step
        Ie     -- Particle leftmost to nearest node array (Also output)
        W_elec -- Particle weighting array (Also output)
    Note: This function also controls what happens when a particle leaves the 
    simulation boundary. As per Daughton et al. (2006).
    N_lost = np.zeros((2, Nj), dtype=np.int64)

    pos[0, :] += vel[0, :] * DT
    pos[1, :] += vel[1, :] * DT
    pos[2, :] += vel[2, :] * DT

    # Check Particle boundary conditions: Re-initialize if at edges
    for ii in nb.prange(pos.shape[1]):
        if idx[ii] >= 0:
            if (pos[0, ii] < xmin or pos[0, ii] > xmax):

                if pos[0, ii] < xmin:
                    N_lost[0, idx[ii]] += 1
                    N_lost[1, idx[ii]] += 1

                # Move particle to opposite boundary (Periodic)
                if particle_periodic == 1:
                    if pos[0, ii] > xmax:
                        pos[0, ii] += xmin - xmax
                    elif pos[0, ii] < xmin:
                        pos[0, ii] += xmax - xmin

                # Random flux initialization at boundary (Open)
                elif particle_reinit == 1:
                    if pos[0, ii] > xmax:
                        pos[0, ii] = 2 * xmax - pos[0, ii]
                    elif pos[0, ii] < xmin:
                        pos[0, ii] = 2 * xmin - pos[0, ii]

                    if temp_type[idx[ii]] == 0:
                        vel[0, ii] = np.random.normal(0, vth_par[idx[ii]])
                        vel[1, ii] = np.random.normal(0, vth_perp[idx[ii]])
                        vel[2, ii] = np.random.normal(0, vth_perp[idx[ii]])
                        v_perp = np.sqrt(vel[1, ii]**2 + vel[2, ii]**2)
                        particle_PA = 0.0
                        while np.abs(particle_PA) < loss_cone_xmax:
                            vel[0, ii] = np.random.normal(0, vth_par[
                                idx[ii]])  # * (-1.0) * np.sign(pos[0, ii])
                            vel[1, ii] = np.random.normal(0, vth_perp[idx[ii]])
                            vel[2, ii] = np.random.normal(0, vth_perp[idx[ii]])
                            v_perp = np.sqrt(vel[1, ii]**2 + vel[2, ii]**2)

                            particle_PA = np.arctan(
                                v_perp / vel[0, ii])  # Calculate particle PA's

                    # Don't foget : Also need to reinitialize position gyrophase (pos[1:2])
                    B0x = eval_B0x(pos[0, ii])
                    gyangle = init.get_gyroangle_single(vel[:, ii])
                    rL = v_perp / (qm_ratios[idx[ii]] * B0x)
                    pos[1, ii] = rL * np.cos(gyangle)
                    pos[2, ii] = rL * np.sin(gyangle)

                # Deactivate particle (Open, default)
                    pos[:, ii] *= 0.0
                    vel[:, ii] *= 0.0
                    idx[ii] -= 128

    print(N_lost[0, :], N_lost[1, :])
    assign_weighting_CIC(pos, idx, Ie, W_elec)
コード例 #12
def uniform_config_reverseradix_velocity():
    Creates an N-sampled normal distribution across all particle species within each simulation cell

        pos -- 3xN array of particle positions. Pos[0] is uniformly distributed with boundaries depending on its temperature type
        vel -- 3xN array of particle velocities. Each component initialized as a Gaussian with a scale factor determined by the species perp/para temperature
        idx -- N   array of particle indexes, indicating which species it belongs to. Coded as an 8-bit signed integer, allowing values between +/-128
    New function using analytic loadings and reverse-radix shuffling.
    TO DO:
        -- Check with particle plots, is this random enough?
        -- Do a run to see if it fixes boundaries
        -- At some point, have to load loss cone distribution
    pos = np.zeros((3, const.N), dtype=np.float64)
    vel = np.zeros((3, const.N), dtype=np.float64)
    idx = np.ones(const.N, dtype=np.int8) * -1

    for jj in range(const.Nj):
        half_n = const.N_species[
            jj] // 2  # Half particles of species - doubled later

        st = const.idx_start[jj]
        en = const.idx_start[jj] + half_n

        # Set position
        for kk in range(half_n):
            pos[0, st + kk] = 2 * const.xmax * (float(kk) / (half_n - 1))
        pos[0, st:en] -= const.xmax

        # Set velocity for half: Randomly Maxwellian
        arr = np.arange(half_n)

        R_vr = rkbr_uniform_set(arr + 1, base=2)
        R_theta = rkbr_uniform_set(arr, base=3)
        R_vrx = rkbr_uniform_set(arr + 1, base=5)

        vr = const.vth_perp[jj] * np.sqrt(-2 * np.log(R_vr))
        vrx = const.vth_par[jj] * np.sqrt(-2 * np.log(R_vrx))
        theta = R_theta * np.pi * 2

        vel[0, st:en] = vrx * np.sin(theta) + const.drift_v[jj]
        vel[1, st:en] = vr * np.sin(theta)
        vel[2, st:en] = vr * np.cos(theta)
        idx[st:en] = jj

        pos[0, en:en + half_n] = pos[0, st:en]  # Other half, same position
        vel[0, en:en + half_n] = vel[0, st:en] * 1.0  # Set parallel
        vel[1, en:en +
            half_n] = vel[1, st:en] * -1.0  # Invert perp velocities (v2 = -v1)
        vel[2, en:en + half_n] = vel[2, st:en] * -1.0

        idx[st:const.idx_end[jj]] = jj

    # Set initial Larmor radius - rL from v_perp, distributed to y,z based on velocity gyroangle
    print('Initializing particles off-axis')
    B0x = fields.eval_B0x(pos[0, :en])
    v_perp = np.sqrt(vel[1, :en]**2 + vel[2, :en]**2)
    gyangle = get_gyroangle_array(vel[:, :en])
    rL = v_perp / (const.qm_ratios[idx[:en]] * B0x)
    pos[1, :en] = rL * np.cos(gyangle)
    pos[2, :en] = rL * np.sin(gyangle)
    return pos, vel, idx
コード例 #13
def uniform_gaussian_distribution_ultra_quiet():
    '''Creates an N-sampled normal distribution across all particle species within each simulation cell

        pos -- 3xN array of particle positions. Pos[0] is uniformly distributed with boundaries depending on its temperature type
        vel -- 3xN array of particle velocities. Each component initialized as a Gaussian with a scale factor determined by the species perp/para temperature
        idx -- N   array of particle indexes, indicating which species it belongs to. Coded as an 8-bit signed integer, allowing values between +/-128
    Same as UGD_Q() but with 4 particles at each spatial point instead of two. This balances it in 
    vx as well as vy (at least initially) and should allow for flux to be more equal?
    pos = np.zeros((3, const.N), dtype=np.float64)
    vel = np.zeros((3, const.N), dtype=np.float64)
    idx = np.ones(
        dtype=np.int8) * -1  # Start all particles as disabled (idx < 0)

    for jj in range(const.Nj):
        quart_n = const.nsp_ppc[
            jj] // 4  # Quarter of particles per cell - quaded later
        if const.temp_type[
                jj] == 0:  # Change how many cells are loaded between cold/warm populations
            NC_load = const.NX
            if const.rc_hwidth == 0 or const.rc_hwidth > const.NX // 2:  # Need to change this to be something like the FWHM or something
                NC_load = const.NX
                NC_load = 2 * const.rc_hwidth

        # Load particles in each applicable cell
        acc = 0
        offset = 0
        for ii in range(NC_load):
            # Add particle if last cell (for symmetry)
            if ii == NC_load - 1:
                quart_n += 1
                offset = 1

            # Particle index ranges
            st = const.idx_start[jj] + acc
            en = const.idx_start[jj] + acc + quart_n

            # Set position for half: Analytically uniform
            for kk in range(quart_n):
                    st + kk] = const.dx * (float(kk) / (quart_n - offset) + ii)

            # Turn [0, NC] distro into +/- NC/2 distro
            pos[0, st:en] -= NC_load * const.dx / 2

            # Set velocity for half: Randomly Maxwellian
            vel[0, st:en] = np.random.normal(0, const.vth_par[jj],
                                             quart_n) + const.drift_v[jj]
            vel[1, st:en] = np.random.normal(0, const.vth_perp[jj], quart_n)
            vel[2, st:en] = np.random.normal(0, const.vth_perp[jj], quart_n)
            idx[st:en] = jj  # Turn particle on

            # Set Loss Cone Distribution: Reinitialize particles in loss cone (move to a function)
            if const.homogenous == False and const.temp_type[jj] == 1:
                LCD_by_rejection(pos, vel, st, en, jj)

            # Quiet start : Initialize second half of v_perp
            vel[0, en:en + quart_n] = vel[0, st:en] * 1.0  # Set parallel
            pos[0, en:en + quart_n] = pos[0,
                                          st:en]  # Other half, same position
            vel[1, en:en + quart_n] = vel[
                1, st:en] * -1.0  # Invert perp velocities (v2 = -v1)
            vel[2, en:en + quart_n] = vel[2, st:en] * -1.0
            idx[en:en + quart_n] = jj  # Turn particle on

            # Quieter start : Initialize second half of v_para
            en2 = en + quart_n
            vel[0, en2:en2 +
                2 * quart_n] = vel[0, st:en2] * -1.0  # Set anti-parallel

            pos[0, en2:en2 + 2 * quart_n] = pos[0, st:en2]  # Same positions
            vel[1, en2:en2 +
                2 * quart_n] = vel[1, st:en2]  # Same perpendicular velocities
            vel[2, en2:en2 + 2 * quart_n] = vel[2, st:en2]
            idx[en2:en2 + 2 * quart_n] = jj  # Turn particle on

            acc += quart_n * 4

    # Set initial Larmor radius - rL from v_perp, distributed to y,z based on velocity gyroangle
    print('Initializing particles off-axis')
    B0x = fields.eval_B0x(pos[0, :acc])
    v_perp = np.sqrt(vel[1, :acc]**2 + vel[2, :acc]**2)
    gyangle = get_gyroangle_array(vel[:, :acc])
    rL = v_perp / (const.qm_ratios[idx[:acc]] * B0x)
    pos[1, :acc] = rL * np.cos(gyangle)
    pos[2, :acc] = rL * np.sin(gyangle)

    return pos, vel, idx
コード例 #14
def uniform_config_random_velocity_gaussian_T():
    '''Creates an N-sampled normal distribution across all particle species within each simulation cell

        pos -- 3xN array of particle positions. Pos[0] is uniformly distributed with boundaries depending on its temperature type
        vel -- 3xN array of particle velocities. Each component initialized as a Gaussian with a scale factor determined by the species perp/para temperature
        idx -- N   array of particle indexes, indicating which species it belongs to. Coded as an 8-bit signed integer, allowing values between +/-128
    This one varies temperature by position as a gaussian - i.e. every particle is loaded from a 
    slightly different normal distribution. Because of this, don't bother loading cellwise.
    Also, Gaussian only applied to hot component. Cold components remain homogenous and isotropic
    pos = np.zeros((3, const.N), dtype=np.float64)
    vel = np.zeros((3, const.N), dtype=np.float64)
    idx = np.ones(
        dtype=np.int8) * -1  # Start all particles as disabled (idx < 0)

    for jj in range(const.Nj):
        half_n = const.N_species[
            jj] // 2  # Half particles of species - doubled later

        st = const.idx_start[jj]
        en = const.idx_start[jj] + half_n

        # Set position
        for kk in range(half_n):
            pos[0, st + kk] = 2 * const.xmax * (float(kk) / (half_n - 1))
        pos[0, st:en] -= const.xmax
        idx[st:en] = jj

        if const.temp_type[jj] == 1:
            # Set velocity: Position varying temperature (Gaussian)
            vth_par_gauss, vth_perp_gauss = get_vth_at_x(pos[0, st:en], jj)
            mu = np.zeros(const.N_species[jj] // 2)

            # Set velocity for half: Randomly Maxwellian but with varying vth in space
            vel[0, st:en] = np.random.normal(
                mu, vth_par_gauss,
                const.N_species[jj] // 2) + const.drift_v[jj]
            vel[1, st:en] = np.random.normal(mu, vth_perp_gauss,
                                             const.N_species[jj] // 2)
            vel[2, st:en] = np.random.normal(mu, vth_perp_gauss,
                                             const.N_species[jj] // 2)

            # Set Loss Cone Distribution: Reinitialize particles in loss cone (move to a function)
            if const.homogenous == False:
                LCD_by_rejection_varying_vth(pos, vel, st, en, jj,
                                             vth_par_gauss, vth_perp_gauss)
            # Set velocity for half: Randomly Maxwellian, isotropic and homogenous
            vel[0, st:en] = np.random.normal(
                0.0, const.vth_par[jj],
                const.N_species[jj] // 2) + const.drift_v[jj]
            vel[1, st:en] = np.random.normal(0.0, const.vth_perp[jj],
                                             const.N_species[jj] // 2)
            vel[2, st:en] = np.random.normal(0.0, const.vth_perp[jj],
                                             const.N_species[jj] // 2)

        pos[0, en:en + half_n] = pos[0, st:en]  # Other half, same position
        vel[0, en:en + half_n] = vel[0, st:en] * 1.0  # Set parallel
        vel[1, en:en +
            half_n] = vel[1, st:en] * -1.0  # Invert perp velocities (v2 = -v1)
        vel[2, en:en + half_n] = vel[2, st:en] * -1.0

        idx[st:const.idx_end[jj]] = jj

    # Set initial Larmor radius - rL from v_perp, distributed to y,z based on velocity gyroangle
    print('Initializing particles off-axis')
    B0x = fields.eval_B0x(pos[0, :en])
    v_perp = np.sqrt(vel[1, :en]**2 + vel[2, :en]**2)
    gyangle = get_gyroangle_array(vel[:, :en])
    rL = v_perp / (const.qm_ratios[idx[:en]] * B0x)
    pos[1, :en] = rL * np.cos(gyangle)
    pos[2, :en] = rL * np.sin(gyangle)

    return pos, vel, idx
コード例 #15
def uniform_config_random_velocity():
    '''Creates an N-sampled normal distribution across all particle species within each simulation cell

        pos -- 3xN array of particle positions. Pos[0] is uniformly distributed with boundaries depending on its temperature type
        vel -- 3xN array of particle velocities. Each component initialized as a Gaussian with a scale factor determined by the species perp/para temperature
        idx -- N   array of particle indexes, indicating which species it belongs to. Coded as an 8-bit signed integer, allowing values between +/-128
    Note: y,z components of particle positions intialized with identical gyrophases, since only the projection
    onto the x-axis interacts with the simulation fields. pos y,z are kept ONLY to calculate/track the Larmor radius 
    of each particle. This initial position suffers the same issue as trying to update the radial field using 
    B0r = 0 for the Larmor radius approximation, however because this is only an initial condition, at worst this
    will just cause a variation in the Larmor radius with position in x, but this will at least be conserved 
    throughout the simulation, and not drift with time.

    # Could use temp_type[jj] == 1 for RC LCD only
    pos = np.zeros((3, const.N), dtype=np.float64)
    vel = np.zeros((3, const.N), dtype=np.float64)
    idx = np.ones(
        dtype=np.int8) * -1  # Start all particles as disabled (idx < 0)

    for jj in range(const.Nj):
        half_n = const.nsp_ppc[
            jj] // 2  # Half particles per cell - doubled later
        if const.temp_type[
                jj] == 0:  # Change how many cells are loaded between cold/warm populations
            NC_load = const.NX
            if const.rc_hwidth == 0 or const.rc_hwidth > const.NX // 2:  # Need to change this to be something like the FWHM or something
                NC_load = const.NX
                NC_load = 2 * const.rc_hwidth

        # Load particles in each applicable cell
        acc = 0
        offset = 0
        for ii in range(NC_load):
            # Add particle if last cell (for symmetry)
            if ii == NC_load - 1:
                half_n += 1
                offset = 1

            # Particle index ranges
            st = const.idx_start[jj] + acc
            en = const.idx_start[jj] + acc + half_n

            # Set position for half: Analytically uniform
            for kk in range(half_n):
                    st + kk] = const.dx * (float(kk) / (half_n - offset) + ii)

            # Turn [0, NC] distro into +/- NC/2 distro
            pos[0, st:en] -= NC_load * const.dx / 2

            # Set velocity for half: Randomly Maxwellian
            vel[0, st:en] = np.random.normal(0, const.vth_par[jj],
                                             half_n) + const.drift_v[jj]
            vel[1, st:en] = np.random.normal(0, const.vth_perp[jj], half_n)
            vel[2, st:en] = np.random.normal(0, const.vth_perp[jj], half_n)
            idx[st:en] = jj  # Turn particle on

            # Set Loss Cone Distribution: Reinitialize particles in loss cone (move to a function)
            if const.homogenous == False and const.temp_type[jj] == 1:
                LCD_by_rejection(pos, vel, st, en, jj)

            # Quiet start : Initialize second half
            if const.quiet_start == True:
                vel[0, en:en + half_n] = vel[0, st:en] * 1.0  # Set parallel
                    en:en + half_n] = vel[0, st:en] * -1.0  # Set anti-parallel

            pos[0, en:en + half_n] = pos[0, st:en]  # Other half, same position
            vel[1, en:en + half_n] = vel[
                1, st:en] * -1.0  # Invert perp velocities (v2 = -v1)
            vel[2, en:en + half_n] = vel[2, st:en] * -1.0
            idx[en:en + half_n] = jj  # Turn particle on

            acc += half_n * 2

    # Set initial Larmor radius - rL from v_perp, distributed to y,z based on velocity gyroangle
    print('Initializing particles off-axis')
    B0x = fields.eval_B0x(pos[0, :en])
    v_perp = np.sqrt(vel[1, :en]**2 + vel[2, :en]**2)
    gyangle = get_gyroangle_array(vel[:, :en])
    rL = v_perp / (const.qm_ratios[idx[:en]] * B0x)
    pos[1, :en] = rL * np.cos(gyangle)
    pos[2, :en] = rL * np.sin(gyangle)

    return pos, vel, idx
コード例 #16
def uniform_gaussian_distribution_quiet():
    '''Creates an N-sampled normal distribution across all particle species within each simulation cell

        pos -- 3xN array of particle positions. Pos[0] is uniformly distributed with boundaries depending on its temperature type
        vel -- 3xN array of particle velocities. Each component initialized as a Gaussian with a scale factor determined by the species perp/para temperature
        idx -- N   array of particle indexes, indicating which species it belongs to. Coded as an 8-bit signed integer, allowing values between +/-128
    Note: y,z components of particle positions intialized with identical gyrophases, since only the projection
    onto the x-axis interacts with the simulation fields. pos y,z are kept ONLY to calculate/track the Larmor radius 
    of each particle. This initial position suffers the same issue as trying to update the radial field using 
    B0r = 0 for the Larmor radius approximation, however because this is only an initial condition, at worst this
    will just cause a variation in the Larmor radius with position in x, but this will at least be conserved 
    throughout the simulation, and not drift with time.

    # Could use temp_type[jj] == 1 for RC LCD only
    pos = np.zeros((3, N), dtype=np.float64)
    vel = np.zeros((3, N), dtype=np.float64)
    idx = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.int8)

    for jj in range(Nj):
        idx[idx_start[jj]:idx_end[jj]] = jj  # Set particle idx

        half_n = nsp_ppc[jj] // 2  # Half particles per cell - doubled later
        sf_par = np.sqrt(kB * Tpar[jj] /
                         mass[jj])  # Scale factors for velocity initialization
        sf_per = np.sqrt(kB * Tper[jj] / mass[jj])

        if temp_type[
                jj] == 0:  # Change how many cells are loaded between cold/warm populations
            NC_load = NX
            if rc_hwidth == 0 or rc_hwidth > NX // 2:
                NC_load = NX
                NC_load = 2 * rc_hwidth

        # Load particles in each applicable cell
        acc = 0
        offset = 0
        for ii in range(NC_load):
            # Add particle if last cell (for symmetry)
            if ii == NC_load - 1:
                half_n += 1
                offset = 1

            # Particle index ranges
            st = idx_start[jj] + acc
            en = idx_start[jj] + acc + half_n

            # Set position for half: Analytically uniform
            for kk in range(half_n):
                pos[0, st + kk] = dx * (float(kk) / (half_n - offset) + ii)

            # Turn [0, NC] distro into +/- NC/2 distro
            pos[0, st:en] -= NC_load * dx / 2

            # Set velocity for half: Randomly Maxwellian
            vel[0, st:en] = np.random.normal(0, sf_par, half_n) + drift_v[jj]
            vel[1, st:en] = np.random.normal(0, sf_per, half_n)
            vel[2, st:en] = np.random.normal(0, sf_per, half_n)

            # Set Loss Cone Distribution: Reinitialize particles in loss cone
            B0x = fields.eval_B0x(pos[0, st:en])
            if const.homogenous == False:
                N_loss = const.N_species[jj]

                while N_loss > 0:
                    v_perp = np.sqrt(vel[1, st:en]**2 + vel[2, st:en]**2)

                    N_loss, loss_idx = calc_losses(vel[0, st:en],

                    # Catch for a particle on the boundary : Set 90 degree pitch angle (gyrophase shouldn't overly matter)
                    if N_loss == 1:
                        if abs(pos[0, loss_idx[0]]) == const.xmax:
                            ww = loss_idx[0]
                            vel[0, loss_idx[0]] = 0.
                            vel[1, loss_idx[0]] = np.sqrt(vel[0, ww]**2 +
                                                          vel[1, ww]**2 +
                                                          vel[2, ww]**2)
                            vel[2, loss_idx[0]] = 0.
                            N_loss = 0

                    if N_loss != 0:
                        vel[0, loss_idx] = np.random.normal(0., sf_par, N_loss)
                        vel[1, loss_idx] = np.random.normal(0., sf_per, N_loss)
                        vel[2, loss_idx] = np.random.normal(0., sf_per, N_loss)
                v_perp = np.sqrt(vel[1, st:en]**2 + vel[2, st:en]**2)

            vel[0, en:en +
                half_n] = vel[0, st:en] * -1.0  # Invert velocities (v2 = -v1)
            vel[1, en:en + half_n] = vel[1, st:en] * -1.0
            vel[2, en:en + half_n] = vel[2, st:en] * -1.0

            pos[0, en:en + half_n] = pos[0, st:en]  # Other half, same position

            acc += half_n * 2

    # Set initial Larmor radius - rL from v_perp, distributed to y,z based on velocity gyroangle
    print('Initializing particles off-axis')
    B0x = fields.eval_B0x(pos[0])
    v_perp = np.sqrt(vel[1]**2 + vel[2]**2)
    gyangle = get_gyroangle_from_velocity(vel)
    rL = v_perp / (qm_ratios[idx] * B0x)
    pos[1] = rL * np.cos(gyangle)
    pos[2] = rL * np.sin(gyangle)

    return pos, vel, idx