コード例 #1
def numerical_loop(real_time, pos, vel, Ie, W_elec, idx, B, E_int, q_dens, Ji,
                   Ve, Te, DT, max_inc, data_iter, ch_flag):
    Does the number crunching for a short snippet. Logs number of time variable changes in ch_flag as powers of 2
    (-1 = half, 2 = 4 times slower)
    Array values are mutable: Don't have to be returned. Only integer values

    qq = 0
    while qq < data_iter:
        # Check timestep used for this iteration
        vel, qq, DT, max_inc, data_iter, ch_flag = aux.check_timestep(
            qq, DT, pos, vel, B, E_int, q_dens, Ie, W_elec, max_inc, data_iter,

        # Add timestep to counter
        real_time += DT

        # Main loop
        pos, vel, Ie, W_elec, q_dens_adv, Ji = particles.advance_particles_and_moments(
            pos, vel, Ie, W_elec, idx, B, E_int, DT)
        q_dens = 0.5 * (q_dens + q_dens_adv)
        B = fields.push_B(B, E_int, DT)
        E_half, Ve, Te = fields.calculate_E(B, Ji, q_dens)
        q_dens = q_dens_adv.copy()

        # Predictor-Corrector: Advance fields to start of next timestep
        E_int, B = fields.predictor_corrector(B, E_int, E_half, pos, vel,
                                              q_dens_adv, Ie, W_elec, idx, DT)

        # Increment loop variable
        qq += 1
    return DT, ch_flag, max_inc, data_iter, real_time
コード例 #2
        if ch_flag == 1:
            print 'Timestep halved. Syncing particle velocity with DT = {}'.format(
        elif ch_flag == 2:
            print 'Timestep Doubled. Syncing particle velocity with DT = {}'.format(

        # Main loop
        pos, vel, Ie, W_elec, q_dens_adv, Ji = particles.advance_particles_and_moments(
            pos, vel, Ie, W_elec, idx, B, E_int, DT)
        q_dens = 0.5 * (q_dens + q_dens_adv)
        B = fields.push_B(B, E_int, DT)
        E_half, Ve, Te = fields.calculate_E(B, Ji, q_dens)
        q_dens = q_dens_adv.copy()

        # Predictor-Corrector: Advance fields to start of next timestep
        E_int, B = fields.predictor_corrector(B, E_int, E_half, pos, vel,
                                              q_dens_adv, Ie, W_elec, idx, DT)

        if generate_data == 1:
            if qq % data_iter == 0:
                save.save_data(DT, data_iter, qq, pos, vel, Ji, E_int, B, Ve,
                               Te, q_dens)

        if (qq + 1) % 25 == 0:
            print 'Timestep {} of {} complete'.format(qq + 1, max_inc)

        qq += 1
    print "Time to execute program: {0:.2f} seconds".format(
        round(timer() - start_time, 2))  # Time taken to run simulation
コード例 #3
        if adaptive_timestep == True:
            qq, DT, max_inc, data_iter, plot_iter \
        = aux.check_timestep(qq, DT, pos, vel, B, E_int, q_dens, max_inc, data_iter, plot_iter, idx)

        # MAIN LOOP
        q_dens_adv, Ji = particles.advance_particles_and_moments(
            pos, vel, idx, B, E_int, DT)

        q_dens = 0.5 * (q_dens + q_dens_adv)
        B = fields.push_B(B, E_int, DT)
        E_half, Ve, Te = fields.calculate_E(B, Ji, q_dens)
        q_dens = q_dens_adv.copy()

        E_int, B = fields.predictor_corrector(B, E_int, E_half, pos, vel,
                                              q_dens, idx, DT)

        # OUTPUT
        if qq % data_iter == 0 and generate_data == 1:
            pas.save_data(DT, data_iter, qq, pos, vel, Ji, E_int, B, Ve, Te,

        if qq % plot_iter == 0 and generate_plots == 1:
            pas.create_figure_and_save(pos, vel, E_int, B, q_dens, qq, DT,

        if (qq + 1) % 1 == 0:
            print 'Timestep {} of {} complete'.format(qq + 1, max_inc)

        qq += 1