コード例 #1
def strategicReduction(logPrefix, infilename, lithArgs, targetTime, lev):
    '''Reduce jsfunfuzz output files using Lithium by using various strategies.'''
    reductionCount = [
    ]  # This is an array because Python does not like assigning to upvars.
    backupFilename = infilename + '-backup'

    def lithReduceCmd(strategy):
        '''Lithium reduction commands accepting various strategies.'''
        reductionCount[0] += 1
        fullLithArgs = [x for x in (strategy + lithArgs)
                        if x]  # Remove empty elements
        print sps.shellify([lithiumpy] + fullLithArgs)

        desc = '-chars' if strategy == '--char' else '-lines'
        (lithResult, lithDetails) = runLithium(
            fullLithArgs, logPrefix + "-" + str(reductionCount[0]) + desc,
        if lithResult == LITH_FINISHED:
            shutil.copy2(infilename, backupFilename)

        return lithResult, lithDetails

    print '\nRunning the first line reduction...\n'
    # Step 1: Run the first instance of line reduction.
    lithResult, lithDetails = lithReduceCmd([])

    if lithDetails is not None:  # lithDetails can be None if testcase no longer becomes interesting
        origNumOfLines = int(lithDetails.split()[0])

    hasTryItOut = False
    hasTryItOutRegex = re.compile('count=[0-9]+; tryItOut\("')

    with open(infilename, 'rb') as f:
        for line in linesWith(f, '; tryItOut("'):
            # Checks if testcase came from jsfunfuzz or compareJIT.
            hasTryItOut = hasTryItOutRegex.match(line)
            if hasTryItOut:  # Stop searching after finding the first tryItOut line.

    # Step 2: Run 1 instance of 1-line reduction after moving tryItOut and count=X around.
    if lithResult == LITH_FINISHED and origNumOfLines <= 50 and hasTryItOut and lev >= JS_VG_AMISS:

        tryItOutAndCountRegex = re.compile('"\);\ncount=([0-9]+); tryItOut\("',
        with open(infilename, 'rb') as f:
            infileContents = f.read()
            infileContents = re.sub(tryItOutAndCountRegex,
                                    ';\\\n"); count=\\1; tryItOut("\\\n',
        with open(infilename, 'wb') as f:

        print '\nRunning 1 instance of 1-line reduction after moving tryItOut and count=X...\n'
        # --chunksize=1: Reduce only individual lines, for only 1 round.
        lithResult, lithDetails = lithReduceCmd(['--chunksize=1'])

    # Step 3: Run 1 instance of 2-line reduction after moving count=X to its own line and add a
    # 1-line offset.
    if lithResult == LITH_FINISHED and origNumOfLines <= 50 and hasTryItOut and lev >= JS_VG_AMISS:
        intendedLines = []
        with open(infilename, 'rb') as f:
            for line in f.readlines(
            ):  # The testcase is likely to already be partially reduced.
                if 'dumpln(cookie' not in line:  # jsfunfuzz-specific line ignore
                    # This should be simpler than re.compile.
                        line.replace('; count=', ';\ncount=').replace(
                            '; tryItOut("', ';\ntryItOut("')
                        # The 1-line offset is added here.
                        .replace('SPLICE DDBEGIN', 'SPLICE DDBEGIN\n'))

        writeLinesToFile(intendedLines, infilename)
        print '\nRunning 1 instance of 2-line reduction after moving count=X to its own line...\n'
        lithResult, lithDetails = lithReduceCmd(['--chunksize=2'])

    # Step 4: Run 1 instance of 2-line reduction again, e.g. to remove pairs of STRICT_MODE lines.
    if lithResult == LITH_FINISHED and origNumOfLines <= 50 and hasTryItOut and lev >= JS_VG_AMISS:
        print '\nRunning 1 instance of 2-line reduction again...\n'
        lithResult, lithDetails = lithReduceCmd(['--chunksize=2'])

    isLevOverallMismatchAsmJsAvailable = (lev == JS_OVERALL_MISMATCH) and \
        fileContainsStr(infilename, 'isAsmJSCompilationAvailable')
    # Step 5 (not always run): Run character reduction within interesting lines.
    if lithResult == LITH_FINISHED and origNumOfLines <= 50 and targetTime is None and \
            lev >= JS_OVERALL_MISMATCH and not isLevOverallMismatchAsmJsAvailable:
        print '\nRunning character reduction...\n'
        lithResult, lithDetails = lithReduceCmd(['--char'])

    # Step 6: Run line reduction after activating SECOND DDBEGIN with a 1-line offset.
    if lithResult == LITH_FINISHED and origNumOfLines <= 50 and hasTryItOut and lev >= JS_VG_AMISS:
        infileContents = []
        with open(infilename, 'rb') as f:
            for line in f.readlines():
                if 'NIGEBDD' in line:
                    infileContents.append(line.replace('NIGEBDD', 'DDBEGIN'))
                        '\n')  # The 1-line offset is added here.
        with open(infilename, 'wb') as f:

        print '\nRunning line reduction with a 1-line offset...\n'
        lithResult, lithDetails = lithReduceCmd([])

    # Step 7: Run line reduction for a final time.
    if lithResult == LITH_FINISHED and origNumOfLines <= 50 and hasTryItOut and lev >= JS_VG_AMISS:
        print '\nRunning the final line reduction...\n'
        lithResult, lithDetails = lithReduceCmd([])

    # Restore from backup if testcase can no longer be reproduced halfway through reduction.
    if lithResult != LITH_FINISHED and lithResult != LITH_PLEASE_CONTINUE:
        # Probably can move instead of copy the backup, once this has stabilised.
        if os.path.isfile(backupFilename):
            shutil.copy2(backupFilename, infilename)
            print 'DEBUG! backupFilename is supposed to be: ' + backupFilename

    return lithResult, lithDetails
コード例 #2
ファイル: pinpoint.py プロジェクト: nth10sd/funfuzz
def strategicReduction(logPrefix, infilename, lithArgs, targetTime, lev):
    """Reduce jsfunfuzz output files using Lithium by using various strategies."""
    reductionCount = [0]  # This is an array because Python does not like assigning to upvars.
    backupFilename = infilename + '-backup'

    def lithReduceCmd(strategy):
        """Lithium reduction commands accepting various strategies."""
        reductionCount[0] += 1
        fullLithArgs = [x for x in (strategy + lithArgs) if x]  # Remove empty elements
        print sps.shellify([lithiumpy] + fullLithArgs)

        desc = '-chars' if strategy == '--char' else '-lines'
        (lithResult, lithDetails) = runLithium(fullLithArgs, logPrefix + "-" +
                                               str(reductionCount[0]) + desc, targetTime)
        if lithResult == LITH_FINISHED:
            shutil.copy2(infilename, backupFilename)

        return lithResult, lithDetails

    print '\nRunning the first line reduction...\n'
    # Step 1: Run the first instance of line reduction.
    lithResult, lithDetails = lithReduceCmd([])

    if lithDetails is not None:  # lithDetails can be None if testcase no longer becomes interesting
        origNumOfLines = int(lithDetails.split()[0])

    hasTryItOut = False
    hasTryItOutRegex = re.compile(r'count=[0-9]+; tryItOut\("')

    with open(infilename, 'rb') as f:
        for line in fileManipulation.linesWith(f, '; tryItOut("'):
            # Checks if testcase came from jsfunfuzz or compareJIT.
            # Do not use .match here, it only matches from the start of the line:
            # https://docs.python.org/2/library/re.html#search-vs-match
            hasTryItOut = hasTryItOutRegex.search(line)
            if hasTryItOut:  # Stop searching after finding the first tryItOut line.

    # Step 2: Run 1 instance of 1-line reduction after moving tryItOut and count=X around.
    if lithResult == LITH_FINISHED and origNumOfLines <= 50 and hasTryItOut and lev >= JS_VG_AMISS:

        tryItOutAndCountRegex = re.compile(r'"\);\ncount=([0-9]+); tryItOut\("', re.MULTILINE)
        with open(infilename, 'rb') as f:
            infileContents = f.read()
            infileContents = re.sub(tryItOutAndCountRegex, ';\\\n"); count=\\1; tryItOut("\\\n',
        with open(infilename, 'wb') as f:

        print '\nRunning 1 instance of 1-line reduction after moving tryItOut and count=X...\n'
        # --chunksize=1: Reduce only individual lines, for only 1 round.
        lithResult, lithDetails = lithReduceCmd(['--chunksize=1'])

    # Step 3: Run 1 instance of 2-line reduction after moving count=X to its own line and add a
    # 1-line offset.
    if lithResult == LITH_FINISHED and origNumOfLines <= 50 and hasTryItOut and lev >= JS_VG_AMISS:
        intendedLines = []
        with open(infilename, 'rb') as f:
            for line in f:  # The testcase is likely to already be partially reduced.
                if 'dumpln(cookie' not in line:  # jsfunfuzz-specific line ignore
                    # This should be simpler than re.compile.
                    intendedLines.append(line.replace('; count=', ';\ncount=')
                                         .replace('; tryItOut("', ';\ntryItOut("')
                                         # The 1-line offset is added here.
                                         .replace('SPLICE DDBEGIN', 'SPLICE DDBEGIN\n'))

        fileManipulation.writeLinesToFile(intendedLines, infilename)
        print '\nRunning 1 instance of 2-line reduction after moving count=X to its own line...\n'
        lithResult, lithDetails = lithReduceCmd(['--chunksize=2'])

    # Step 4: Run 1 instance of 2-line reduction again, e.g. to remove pairs of STRICT_MODE lines.
    if lithResult == LITH_FINISHED and origNumOfLines <= 50 and hasTryItOut and lev >= JS_VG_AMISS:
        print '\nRunning 1 instance of 2-line reduction again...\n'
        lithResult, lithDetails = lithReduceCmd(['--chunksize=2'])

    isLevOverallMismatchAsmJsAvailable = (lev == JS_OVERALL_MISMATCH) and \
        fileContainsStr(infilename, 'isAsmJSCompilationAvailable')
    # Step 5 (not always run): Run character reduction within interesting lines.
    if lithResult == LITH_FINISHED and origNumOfLines <= 50 and targetTime is None and \
            lev >= JS_OVERALL_MISMATCH and not isLevOverallMismatchAsmJsAvailable:
        print '\nRunning character reduction...\n'
        lithResult, lithDetails = lithReduceCmd(['--char'])

    # Step 6: Run line reduction after activating SECOND DDBEGIN with a 1-line offset.
    if lithResult == LITH_FINISHED and origNumOfLines <= 50 and hasTryItOut and lev >= JS_VG_AMISS:
        infileContents = []
        with open(infilename, 'rb') as f:
            for line in f:
                if 'NIGEBDD' in line:
                    infileContents.append(line.replace('NIGEBDD', 'DDBEGIN'))
                    infileContents.append('\n')  # The 1-line offset is added here.
        with open(infilename, 'wb') as f:

        print '\nRunning line reduction with a 1-line offset...\n'
        lithResult, lithDetails = lithReduceCmd([])

    # Step 7: Run line reduction for a final time.
    if lithResult == LITH_FINISHED and origNumOfLines <= 50 and hasTryItOut and lev >= JS_VG_AMISS:
        print '\nRunning the final line reduction...\n'
        lithResult, lithDetails = lithReduceCmd([])

    # Restore from backup if testcase can no longer be reproduced halfway through reduction.
    if lithResult != LITH_FINISHED and lithResult != LITH_PLEASE_CONTINUE:
        # Probably can move instead of copy the backup, once this has stabilised.
        if os.path.isfile(backupFilename):
            shutil.copy2(backupFilename, infilename)
            print 'DEBUG! backupFilename is supposed to be: ' + backupFilename

    return lithResult, lithDetails