def modify_after_pay(line): print('ccl_op.modify_after_pay:' + line) arr_line = line.split("_") filename = arr_line[0] + '.ccl' year = arr_line[1] month = arr_line[2] day = arr_line[3] file_type = arr_line[5] print('读取ccl文件:' + filename) file ="../" + filename, 'r', encoding=file_op.get_encoding("../" + filename)) file_lines = file.readlines() print('根据当前点击这行的年月日、文件类型去确定修改文件的哪一行:') for index in range(len(file_lines)): print('第{}行:{}'.format(index, str(file_lines[index]))) arr = file_lines[index].split(',') if arr[0] == year and arr[1] == month and arr[2] == day and arr[7].find(file_type) != -1: print('修改之前:' + str(arr)) file_lines[index] = '{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}'.format(arr[0], arr[1], arr[2], arr[3], arr[4], arr[5], 1, arr[7]) print('修改之后:' + str(file_lines[index])) print('回写文件') file = open("../" + filename, 'w', encoding='utf8') file.writelines(file_lines) file.flush() # 不关闭,就不能读 file.close() print('ccl_op.modify_after_pay over')
def count_ccl(ccl_file_curr_user, git_base_path, suffix): file_exist = os.path.exists(ccl_file_curr_user) if not file_exist: print('程序员ccl文件不存在,创建文件。' + ccl_file_curr_user) file = open(ccl_file_curr_user, 'w', encoding='utf8') file.close() ccl_code_total = 0 ccl_newline_total = 0 ccl_comment_total = 0 for filename in os.listdir(git_base_path): filename = git_base_path + '/' + filename if os.path.isfile(filename) and filename.endswith('.ccl'): # print('处理文件:' + filename) f =, 'r', encoding=file_op.get_encoding(filename)) file_lines = f.readlines() for line in file_lines: if len(line.strip()) == 0: continue col = line.split(',') if col[7].find(suffix) >= 0: ccl_newline_total += int(col[3]) ccl_comment_total += int(col[4]) ccl_code_total += int(col[5]) return ccl_code_total, ccl_comment_total, ccl_newline_total
def write_user_ccl(ccl_file_curr_user, push_code, push_newline, push_comment, suffix): file =, 'r', encoding=file_op.get_encoding(ccl_file_curr_user)) file_lines = file.readlines() last_year = 0 last_month = 0 last_day = 0 old_push_code = 0 old_push_newline = 0 old_push_comment = 0 pay_status = 0 file_type = '' if len(file_lines) > 0: print('file_lines='+str(file_lines)) index_last_line = file_op.find_last_line_index(file_lines, suffix) print("index_last_line=" + str(index_last_line)) if index_last_line is not None: col = file_lines[index_last_line].split(',') last_year = col[0] last_month = col[1] last_day = col[2] old_push_comment = int(col[4]) old_push_newline = int(col[3]) old_push_code = int(col[5]) pay_status = col[6] file_type = col[7] curr_year = curr_month = curr_day = print('suffix = {} file_type={}'.format(suffix, file_type)) if curr_year == int(last_year) and curr_month == int(last_month) and curr_day == int(last_day) and file_type.find(suffix) >= 0: file_lines[index_last_line] = '{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}\r'.format( curr_year, curr_month, curr_day, old_push_newline + push_newline, old_push_comment + push_comment, old_push_code + push_code, pay_status, suffix) else: add_line = '{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}\r'.format(curr_year, curr_month, curr_day, push_newline, push_comment, push_code, 0, suffix) # \n系统会转成\r\n,下一次又转一次,所有换行会越来越多,用\r就不会转了。 file_lines.append(add_line) print("ccl文件修改后为:" + str(file_lines)) file = open(ccl_file_curr_user, 'w', encoding='utf8') file.writelines(file_lines) file.flush() # 不关闭,就不能读 file.close()
def make_main_ui(self): # 遍历以ccl文件(以后这个是要改的),展示所有程序员push代码的记录。 upper_folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "..")) index_line = 0 cost_money = 0 left_money = 0 print(upper_folder) wx.StaticText( self.pnl, label= "成员\t\t\t\t年\t\t月\t\t日\t\t空白行\t\t注释行\t\t代码行\t\t代码总行数\t\t代码类型\t\t是否付款", pos=(30, 80), size=(1300, 30)) dic_code_total = {} for filename in os.listdir(upper_folder): if os.path.isfile(upper_folder + '/' + filename) and filename.endswith('.ccl'): f = + '/' + filename, 'r', encoding=file_op.get_encoding(upper_folder + '/' + filename)) fl = f.readlines() # 遍历文件里每一条记录。 for index in range(len(fl)): if len(fl[index].strip()) == 0: continue cost_money += self.create_ui_line(filename, fl[index], index_line, dic_code_total) index_line += 1 left_money = 10000 - cost_money st = wx.StaticText(self.pnl, label="奖池剩余奖金:" + str(left_money), pos=(25, 25)) font = st.GetFont() font.PointSize += 10 st.SetFont(font)
def on_pay(self, event): if not self.validate_pay(): return line = event.EventObject.GetName() arr_line = line.split("\t") filename = 'data_' + arr_line[0] + '.txt' year = arr_line[1] month = arr_line[2] day = arr_line[3] file ="../" + filename, 'r', encoding=file_op.get_encoding("../" + filename)) file_lines = file.readlines() # 根据当前点击这行的年月日去确定修改文件的哪一行。 for index in range(len(file_lines)): l = file_lines[index].split(',') if l[0] == year and l[1] == month and l[2] == day: file_lines[index] = '{},{},{},{},{},{},{}\n'.format( l[0], l[1], l[2], l[3], l[4], l[5], 1) # 写入文件 file = open("../" + filename, 'w', encoding='utf8') file.writelines(file_lines) file.flush() # 不关闭,就不能读 file.close() wx.MessageBox("支付状态修改成功!") self.Destroy() frm = PayFrame(None, title='支付小工具') frm.Show()
if not file_exist: print('程序员count文件不存在,创建文件。' + file_name_curr_user) file = open(file_name_curr_user, 'w', encoding='utf8') file.close() print('遍历所有*.ccl文件, 计算工作者提交的代码总量。') code_txt_total = 0 newline_txt_total = 0 comment_txt_total = 0 for filename in os.listdir(git_base_path): filename = git_base_path + '/' + filename if os.path.isfile(filename) and filename.endswith('.ccl'): print('处理文件:' + filename) f =, 'r', encoding=file_op.get_encoding(filename)) file_lines = f.readlines() for line in file_lines: if len(line.strip()) == 0: continue col = line.split(',') newline_txt_total += int(col[3]) comment_txt_total += int(col[4]) code_txt_total += int(col[5]) print('txt贡献代码行数为:' + str(code_txt_total)) push_code = code_total - code_txt_total push_newline = newline_total - newline_txt_total push_comment = comment_total - comment_txt_total
count = count + file_op.count_code(path) elif path == '-h' or path == '/h': print('Usage: count_code_lines [directory name, [...]]') exit(1) else: print('The Directory ' + path +' do not exist.') exit(2) # 在windows平台下,使用系统的记事本以UTF-8编码格式存储了一个文本文件, # 但是由于Microsoft开发记事本的团队使用了一个非常怪异的行为来保存UTF-8编码的文件, # 它们自作聪明地在每个文件开头添加了0xefbbbf(十六进制)的字符, # 所以我们就会遇到很多不可思议的问题,比如,网页第一行可能会显示一个“?”, # 明明正确的程序一编译就报出语法错误,等等。 # 可以使用 Sublime Text 编辑器-文件-保存编码-utf-8 f ='data.txt', 'r', encoding=file_op.get_encoding('data.txt')) fl = f.readlines() s = fl[-1] #print(s) l = s.split(',') lastyear = l[0] lastmonth = l[1] lastday = l[2] lastcodeline = l[3] year = month = day =