def discussion_add(request): error = "" try: community = CommunityCommunities.objects.get(id=request.POST.get("community_id")) discussion = CommunityDiscussions() = community discussion.user = request.user = request.POST.get("post") discussion.subject = request.POST.get("subject") if request.FILES.get("attachment") is not None and request.FILES.get("attachment").size: try: attachment = FileUploads() attachment.type = "discussion_attachment" attachment.sub_type = attachment.upload = request.FILES.get("attachment") except: attachment = None else: attachment = None if attachment: discussion.attachment = attachment success = True discussion_id = except Exception as e: error = e success = False discussion_id = None return HttpResponse( json.dumps({"Success": success, "DiscussionID": discussion_id, "Error": "Error: {0}".format(error)}), content_type="application/json", )
def discussion_reply(request, discussion_id): discussion = CommunityDiscussions.objects.get(id=discussion_id) reply = CommunityDiscussionReplies() reply.discussion = discussion reply.user = request.user = request.POST.get("post") reply.subject = request.POST.get("subject") if request.FILES.get("attachment") is not None and request.FILES.get("attachment").size: try: attachment = FileUploads() attachment.type = "discussion_attachment" attachment.sub_type = discussion_id attachment.upload = request.FILES.get("attachment") except: attachment = None else: attachment = None if attachment: reply.attachment = attachment discussion.date_reply = reply.date_create return redirect(reverse("community_discussion_view", kwargs={"discussion_id": discussion_id}))
def community_edit_process(request): """ Processes the form data from the community add/edit form. :param request: Request object. :return: JSON response. """ try: # Get all of the form data. community_id = request.POST.get("community_id", "") name = request.POST.get("name", "") motto = request.POST.get("motto", "") hangout = request.POST.get("hangout", "") try: district_id = request.POST.get("district-dropdown", False) if district_id: district = District.objects.get(id=int(district_id)) else: district = None except: district = None try: state_id = request.POST.get("state-dropdown", False) if state_id: state = State.objects.get(id=int(state_id)) else: state = None except: state = None # The logo needs special handling. If the path isn't passed in the post, we'll look to see if it's a new file. if request.POST.get("logo", "nothing") == "nothing": # Try to grab the new file, and if it isn't there, just make it blank. try: logo = FileUploads() logo.type = "community_logos" logo.sub_type = community_id logo.upload = request.FILES.get("logo") except Exception as e: logo = None log.warning("Error uploading logo: {0}".format(e)) else: # If the path was passed in, just use that. logo = None facilitator = request.POST.get("facilitator", "") private = request.POST.get("private", 0) # These all have multiple values, so we'll use the get_post_array function to grab all the values. courses = get_post_array(request.POST, "course") resource_names = get_post_array(request.POST, "resource_name") resource_links = get_post_array(request.POST, "resource_link") # If this is a new community, create a new entry, otherwise, load from the DB. if community_id == "new": community_object = CommunityCommunities() else: community_object = CommunityCommunities.objects.get(id=community_id) # Set all the community values and save to the DB. = name community_object.motto = motto if logo: community_object.logo = logo = hangout community_object.private = int(private) community_object.district = district community_object.state = state # Load the main user object for the facilitator user. user_object = False try: user_object = User.objects.get(email=facilitator) except Exception as e: log.warning("Invalid email for facilitator: {0}".format(e)) # As long as the object loaded correctly, make sure this user is set as the facilitator. if user_object: # First we need to make sure if there is already a facilitator set, we unset them. try: old_facilitator = CommunityUsers.objects.filter(facilitator=True, community=community_object) for f in old_facilitator: f.facilitator = False except: pass # Now we try to load the new user in case they are already a member. try: community_user = CommunityUsers.objects.get(user=user_object, community=community_object) # If they aren't a member already, create a new entry. except: community_user = CommunityUsers() = community_object community_user.user = user_object # Set the facilitator flag to true. community_user.facilitator = True else: raise Exception("A valid facilitator is required to create a community.") # Drop all of the courses before adding those in the form. Otherwise there is a lot of expensive checking. CommunityCourses.objects.filter(community=community_object).delete() # Go through the courses and add them to the DB. for key, course in courses.iteritems(): # We only want to save an entry if there's something in it. if course: course_object = CommunityCourses() = community_object course_object.course = course # Drop all of the resources before adding those in the form. Otherwise there is a lot of expensive checking. CommunityResources.objects.filter(community=community_object).delete() # Go through the resource links, with the index so we can directly access the names and logos. for key, resource_link in resource_links.iteritems(): # We only want to save an entry if there's something in it. if resource_link: resource_object = CommunityResources() = community_object = resource_link = resource_names[key] # The logo needs special handling since we might need to upload the file. First we try the entry in the # FILES and try to upload it. if request.POST.get("resource_logo[{0}]".format(key)): file_id = int(request.POST.get("resource_logo[{0}]".format(key))) logo = FileUploads.objects.get(id=file_id) else: try: logo = FileUploads() logo.type = "community_resource_logos" logo.sub_type = community_id logo.upload = request.FILES.get("resource_logo[{0}]".format(key)) except Exception as e: logo = None log.warning("Error uploading logo: {0}".format(e)) if logo: resource_object.logo = logo return redirect(reverse("community_view", kwargs={"community_id":})) except Exception as e: data = { "error_title": "Problem Saving Community", "error_message": "Error: {0}".format(e), "window_title": "Problem Saving Community", } return render_to_response("error.html", data)