コード例 #1
ファイル: tool_icon.py プロジェクト: spongecakekelvin/myCode
def doAppendIcon():
    if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(file_utils.curDir) + '/icons'):
        file_utils.copy_files(os.path.dirname(file_utils.curDir) + '/icons', file_utils.getFullPath('_icon/game_icon'))
    configFile = file_utils.getFullPath("channels_config.xml")
    dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(configFile)  
    root = dom.documentElement
    channellist = root.getElementsByTagName('channel')
    for channel in channellist:
        params = channel.getElementsByTagName("param")
        sdk_name = ""
        fs_app_id = ""
        for param in params:
            if "sdk_name" == param.getAttribute("name"):
                sdk_name = param.getAttribute("value")
            if "fs_app_id" == param.getAttribute("name"):
                fs_app_id = param.getAttribute("value")
        #判断是否有sdk对应的game icon
        if os.path.exists(file_utils.getFullPath("_icon/game_icon/" + fs_app_id + ".png")):
            sdkDemoPath = channel.getAttribute('path')
            resDir = os.path.dirname(file_utils.curDir) + "/" + sdkDemoPath     
            if os.path.exists( resDir ):
                file_utils.printF("icon fusion : channel_icon:%s, game_icon:%s \r\n", fs_app_id, sdk_name)
                appendChannelIconMark(fs_app_id, sdk_name, resDir)
コード例 #2
def handleWXPayActivity(channel, decompileDir, packageName, className,

    sdkDir = decompileDir + '/../sdk/' + channel['sdk']
    if not os.path.exists(sdkDir):
        file_utils.printF("The sdk temp folder is not exists. path:" + sdkDir)
        return 1

    extraFilesPath = sdkDir + '/extraFiles'
    relatedJar = os.path.join(extraFilesPath, 'vivoUnionSDK.jar')
    relatedJar2 = os.path.join(extraFilesPath, 'libammsdk.jar')
    WXPayEntryActivity = os.path.join(extraFilesPath, className + '.java')
    file_utils.modifyFileContent(WXPayEntryActivity, oldPackageName,
                                 packageName + ".wxapi")

    splitdot = ';'
    if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
        splitdot = ':'

    cmd = '"%sjavac" -source 1.7 -target 1.7 "%s" -classpath "%s"%s"%s"%s"%s"' % (
        file_utils.getJavaBinDir(), WXPayEntryActivity, relatedJar, splitdot,
        relatedJar2, splitdot, file_utils.getFullToolPath('android.jar'))

    ret = file_utils.execFormatCmd(cmd)
    if ret:
        return 1

    packageDir = packageName.replace('.', '/')
    srcDir = sdkDir + '/tempDex'
    classDir = srcDir + '/' + packageDir + '/wxapi'

    if not os.path.exists(classDir):

    sourceClassFilePath = os.path.join(extraFilesPath, className + '.class')
    targetClassFilePath = classDir + '/' + className + '.class'

    file_utils.copy_file(sourceClassFilePath, targetClassFilePath)

    targetDexPath = os.path.join(sdkDir, className + '.dex')

    dxTool = file_utils.getFullToolPath("/lib/dx.jar")

    cmd = file_utils.getJavaCMD(
    ) + ' -jar -Xmx512m -Xms512m "%s" --dex --output="%s" "%s"' % (
        dxTool, targetDexPath, srcDir)

    ret = file_utils.execFormatCmd(cmd)

    if ret:
        return 1

    ret = sdk_helper.dex2smali(targetDexPath, decompileDir + '/smali',

    if ret:
        return 1

    return 0
コード例 #3
ファイル: tool_icon.py プロジェクト: spongecakekelvin/myCode
def main():
    file_utils.printF("-------------------------icon fusion start------------------------")
    file_utils.printF("-------------------------icon fusion over------------------------\r\n\r\n")
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: spongecakekelvin/myCode
def main():

        "-------------------------all start------------------------\r\n")

        "-------------------------all over------------------------")
コード例 #5
def generateNewChannelApk(sourceApkFile, empty_file, channelID):

    file_utils.printF("Now to generate channel %s", channelID)

    targetApk = file_utils.getFullPath("channels/u8-" + channelID + ".apk")
    file_utils.copy_file(sourceApkFile, targetApk)

    zipped = zipfile.ZipFile(targetApk, 'a', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
    emptyChannelFile = "META-INF/u8channel_{channel}".format(channel=channelID)
    zipped.write(empty_file, emptyChannelFile)
コード例 #6
def generateNewChannelApk(sourceApkFile, empty_file, channelID):

    file_utils.printF("Now to generate channel %s", channelID)

    targetApk = file_utils.getFullPath("channels/u8-"+channelID+".apk")
    file_utils.copy_file(sourceApkFile, targetApk)

    zipped = zipfile.ZipFile(targetApk, 'a', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
    emptyChannelFile = "META-INF/u8channel_{channel}".format(channel=channelID)
    zipped.write(empty_file, emptyChannelFile)
コード例 #7
def compileWXEntryActivity(channel, decompileDir, packageName):

	sdkDir = decompileDir + '/../sdk/' + channel['sdk']
	if not os.path.exists(sdkDir):
		file_utils.printF("The sdk temp folder is not exists. path:"+sdkDir)
		return 1

	extraFilesPath = sdkDir + '/extraFiles'
	relatedJar = os.path.join(extraFilesPath, 'MSDK_Android.jar')
	WXPayEntryActivity = os.path.join(extraFilesPath, 'WXEntryActivity.java')
	file_utils.modifyFileContent(WXPayEntryActivity, 'com.example.wegame.wxapi', packageName+".wxapi")

	splitdot = ';'
	if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
		splitdot = ':'

	cmd = '"%sjavac" -source 1.7 -target 1.7 "%s" -classpath "%s"%s"%s"' % (file_utils.getJavaBinDir(), WXPayEntryActivity, relatedJar, splitdot, file_utils.getFullToolPath('android.jar'))

	ret = file_utils.execFormatCmd(cmd)
	if ret:
		return 1

	packageDir = packageName.replace('.', '/')
	srcDir = sdkDir + '/tempDex'
	classDir = srcDir + '/' + packageDir + '/wxapi'

	if not os.path.exists(classDir):

	sourceClassFilePath = os.path.join(extraFilesPath, 'WXEntryActivity.class')
	targetClassFilePath = classDir + '/WXEntryActivity.class'

	file_utils.copy_file(sourceClassFilePath, targetClassFilePath)

	targetDexPath = os.path.join(sdkDir, 'WXEntryActivity.dex')

	dxTool = file_utils.getFullToolPath("/lib/dx.jar")

	cmd = file_utils.getJavaCMD() + ' -jar -Xmx512m -Xms512m "%s" --dex --output="%s" "%s"' % (dxTool, targetDexPath, srcDir)

	ret = file_utils.execFormatCmd(cmd)

	if ret:
		return 1

	ret = apk_utils.dex2smali(targetDexPath, decompileDir+'/smali', "baksmali.jar")

	if ret:
		return 1
コード例 #8
def main():
    file_utils.printF("-------------------------encrypt config start------------------------")
    channels = config_utils.getAllChannels()
   # 循环获取每个channel,将每个channel的属性经过AzDG加密,输出为以channel_name为名的xml文件,并复制该xml文件到path属性下
    for channel in channels:    
        chnXml = config_utils.genChannelParamsXml(channel)
        sdkDemoPath = chnXml.getAttribute("path")
        chnXml.removeAttribute("path") ##不传递给sdk代码
        azdg = AzDG.AzDG()
        jsonStr = config_utils.xmltojson(chnXml.toprettyxml().encode())
        m = azdg.encode(jsonStr)  # 存储加密后的json文本
        fileDir = os.path.dirname(file_utils.curDir) + "\\" + sdkDemoPath
        if os.path.exists( fileDir ):
            path = fileDir + "\\assets\\" + "fssdk_config"
            file_utils.setFileContent(m, path)
            file_utils.printF("* save encrypt config : %s", sdkDemoPath + "\\assets\\")

            path = fileDir + "\\additional\\assets\\" + "fssdk_config"
            file_utils.setFileContent(m, path)
            file_utils.printF("* save encrypt config : %s", sdkDemoPath + "\\additional\\assets\\")
                # 解密
                # content = azdg.decode(m)
                # file_utils.setFileContent(content, file_utils.curDir + "\\" + param.getAttribute("value") + ".txt")

    file_utils.printF("-------------------------encrypt config over------------------------\r\n\r\n")
コード例 #9
def copyAndRenameImg(demoName, demoDir):
    splashDir = file_utils.curDir + '/_splashes/' + demoName
    demoResDir = demoDir + '/res/drawable-hdpi'
    for i in range(1, 6):
        splashFullPath = demoResDir + '/' + 'game_splash_' + str(i) + '.png'
        if os.path.exists(splashFullPath):
        img_path = splashDir + '/' + str(i) + '.png'
        if os.path.exists(img_path):
            if not os.path.exists(demoResDir):
            shutil.copy(img_path, splashFullPath)
            file_utils.printF("copy splash : %s", demoName + ': game_splash_' + str(i))   
コード例 #10
def modify(channels, sourceApkFile):

    sourceApkFile = sourceApkFile.replace('\\', '/')
    if not os.path.exists(sourceApkFile):
        file_utils.printF("The source apk file is not exists")

    tempFolder = file_utils.getFullPath('temp')
    if not os.path.exists(tempFolder):

    empty_file = os.path.join(tempFolder, "temp.txt")
    f = open(empty_file, 'w')

    for channel in channels:
        generateNewChannelApk(sourceApkFile, empty_file, channel)

コード例 #11
def modify(channels, sourceApkFile):

    sourceApkFile = sourceApkFile.replace('\\', '/')
    if not os.path.exists(sourceApkFile):
        file_utils.printF("The source apk file is not exists")

    tempFolder = file_utils.getFullPath('temp')
    if not os.path.exists(tempFolder):

    empty_file = os.path.join(tempFolder, "temp.txt")
    f = open(empty_file, 'w')

    for channel in channels:
        generateNewChannelApk(sourceApkFile, empty_file, channel)

コード例 #12
ファイル: tool_icon.py プロジェクト: spongecakekelvin/myCode
def getAppIconName(dir):

    manifestFile = dir + "/AndroidManifest.xml"
    manifestFile = file_utils.getFullPath(manifestFile)
    ET.register_namespace('android', androidNS)
    tree = ET.parse(manifestFile)
    root = tree.getroot()

    applicationNode = root.find('application')
    if applicationNode is not None:
        return "icon"

    key = '{'+androidNS+'}icon'
    iconName = applicationNode.get(key)

    if not iconName:
        return "icon"

    name = iconName[10:]

    file_utils.printF("The game icon name is now %s", name)
    return name
コード例 #13
def entry():
    sourceApkFile = file_utils.getFullPath("u8source.apk")
    channelsFile = file_utils.getFullPath("channels.txt")

    if not os.path.exists(channelsFile):
        file_utils.printF("The channels.txt file is not exists.")

    f = open(channelsFile)
    channelLines = f.readlines()

    channels = []
    if channelLines != None and len(channelLines) > 0:

        for line in channelLines:
            targetChannel = line.strip()

        file_utils.printF("There is no channel configed in channels.txt")

    modify(channels, sourceApkFile)
コード例 #14
def entry():
    sourceApkFile = file_utils.getFullPath("u8source.apk")
    channelsFile = file_utils.getFullPath("channels.txt")

    if not os.path.exists(channelsFile):
        file_utils.printF("The channels.txt file is not exists.")

    f = open(channelsFile)
    channelLines = f.readlines()

    channels = []
    if channelLines != None and len(channelLines) > 0:

        for line in channelLines:
            targetChannel = line.strip()

        file_utils.printF("There is no channel configed in channels.txt")

    modify(channels, sourceApkFile)
コード例 #15
def main():
    file_utils.printF("-------------------------copy splashes start------------------------")
    configFile = file_utils.getFullPath("channels_config.xml")
    dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(configFile)  
    root = dom.documentElement
    channellist = root.getElementsByTagName('channel')
    for channel in channellist:

        sdk_name = ""
        params = channel.getElementsByTagName("param")
        for param in params:
            if "sdk_name" == param.getAttribute("name"):
                sdk_name = param.getAttribute("value")
        demoDir = os.path.dirname(file_utils.curDir) + "/" + channel.getAttribute('path')            
        if os.path.exists( demoDir ):
            copyAndRenameImg(sdk_name, demoDir)
        #    file_utils.printF("can not find dir: %s", demoDir)
    file_utils.printF("-------------------------copy splashes over------------------------\r\n\r\n")
コード例 #16
def main():

        "-------------------------encrypt config start------------------------"
    channels = config_utils.getAllChannels()

    # 循环获取每个channel,将每个channel的属性经过AzDG加密,输出为以channel_name为名的xml文件,并复制该xml文件到path属性下
    for channel in channels:
        chnXml = config_utils.genChannelParamsXml(channel)
        sdkDemoPath = chnXml.getAttribute("path")
        chnXml.removeAttribute("path")  ##不传递给sdk代码

        azdg = AzDG.AzDG()
        jsonStr = config_utils.xmltojson(chnXml.toprettyxml().encode())
        m = azdg.encode(jsonStr)  # 存储加密后的json文本

        fileDir = os.path.dirname(file_utils.curDir) + "\\" + sdkDemoPath
        if os.path.exists(fileDir):
            path = fileDir + "\\assets\\" + "fssdk_config"
            file_utils.setFileContent(m, path)
            file_utils.printF("* save encrypt config : %s",
                              sdkDemoPath + "\\assets\\")

            path = fileDir + "\\additional\\assets\\" + "fssdk_config"
            file_utils.setFileContent(m, path)
            file_utils.printF("* save encrypt config : %s",
                              sdkDemoPath + "\\additional\\assets\\")

            # 解密
            # content = azdg.decode(m)
            # file_utils.setFileContent(content, file_utils.curDir + "\\" + param.getAttribute("value") + ".txt")

        "-------------------------encrypt config over------------------------\r\n\r\n"
コード例 #17
def compileJava2Smali(channel, decompileDir, packageName, className, dependencyLibs):
    sdkDir = decompileDir + '/../sdk/' + channel['sdk']
    if not os.path.exists(sdkDir):
        file_utils.printF("The sdk temp folder is not exists. path:" + sdkDir)
        return 1

    extraFilesPath = sdkDir + '/extraFiles'
    # relatedJar = os.path.join(extraFilesPath, 'vivoUnionSDK.jar')
    # relatedJar2 = os.path.join(extraFilesPath, 'libammsdk.jar')

    if not os.path.exists(extraFilesPath):
        log_utils.error("compileJava2Smali failed. please put java file and related jars in extraFiles folder")
        return 1

    javaFile = os.path.join(extraFilesPath, className + '.java')
    replaceJavaPackage(javaFile, packageName)

    splitdot = ';'
    if platform.system() == 'Darwin' or platform.system() == 'Linux':
        splitdot = ':'

    cmd = '"%sjavac" -source 1.7 -target 1.7 "%s" -classpath ' % (file_utils.getJavaBinDir(), javaFile)

    for lib in dependencyLibs:
        cmd = cmd + '"' + os.path.join(extraFilesPath, lib) + '"' + splitdot

    cmd = cmd + '"' + file_utils.getFullToolPath('android.jar') + '"'

    ret = file_utils.execFormatCmd(cmd)
    if ret:
        return 1

    packageDir = packageName.replace('.', '/')
    srcDir = sdkDir + '/tempDex'
    classDir = srcDir + '/' + packageDir

    if not os.path.exists(classDir):

    classFiles = file_utils.list_files_with_ext(extraFilesPath, [], '.class')
    for cf in classFiles:
        targetClassFilePath = os.path.join(classDir, os.path.basename(cf))
        file_utils.copy_file(cf, targetClassFilePath)

    targetDexPath = os.path.join(sdkDir, className + '.dex')

    dxTool = file_utils.getFullToolPath("/lib/dx.jar")

    cmd = file_utils.getJavaCMD() + ' -jar -Xmx512m -Xms512m "%s" --dex --output="%s" "%s"' % (
        dxTool, targetDexPath, srcDir)

    ret = file_utils.execFormatCmd(cmd)

    if ret:
        return 1

    ret = dex2smali(targetDexPath, decompileDir + '/smali', "baksmali.jar")

    if ret:
        return 1

    return 0
コード例 #18
def execute(channel, decompileDir, packageName):

	sdkDir = decompileDir + '/../sdk/' + channel['sdk']
	if not os.path.exists(sdkDir):
		file_utils.printF("The sdk temp folder is not exists. path:"+sdkDir)
		return 1

	extraFilesPath = sdkDir + '/extraFiles'
	relatedJar = os.path.join(extraFilesPath, '360SDK.jar')
	WXPayEntryActivity = os.path.join(extraFilesPath, 'WXEntryActivity.java')
	file_utils.modifyFileContent(WXPayEntryActivity, 'com.u8.sdk.qh360.wxapi', packageName+".wxapi")

	splitdot = ';'
	if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
		splitdot = ':'

	cmd = '"%sjavac" -source 1.7 -target 1.7 "%s" -classpath "%s"%s"%s"' % (file_utils.getJavaBinDir(), WXPayEntryActivity, relatedJar, splitdot, file_utils.getFullToolPath('android.jar'))

	ret = file_utils.execFormatCmd(cmd)
	if ret:
		return 1

	packageDir = packageName.replace('.', '/')
	srcDir = sdkDir + '/tempDex'
	classDir = srcDir + '/' + packageDir + '/wxapi'

	if not os.path.exists(classDir):

	sourceClassFilePath = os.path.join(extraFilesPath, 'WXEntryActivity.class')
	targetClassFilePath = classDir + '/WXEntryActivity.class'

	file_utils.copy_file(sourceClassFilePath, targetClassFilePath)

	targetDexPath = os.path.join(sdkDir, 'WXEntryActivity.dex')

	dxTool = file_utils.getFullToolPath("/lib/dx.jar")

	cmd = file_utils.getJavaCMD() + ' -jar -Xmx512m -Xms512m "%s" --dex --output="%s" "%s"' % (dxTool, targetDexPath, srcDir)

	ret = file_utils.execFormatCmd(cmd)

	if ret:
		return 1

	ret = apk_utils.dex2smali(targetDexPath, decompileDir+'/smali', "baksmali.jar")

	if ret:
		return 1

	manifest = decompileDir + '/AndroidManifest.xml'
	ET.register_namespace('android', androidNS)
	name = '{' + androidNS + '}name'
	hostKey = '{'+androidNS+'}host'
	configChanges = '{' + androidNS + '}configChanges'
	exported = '{' + androidNS + '}exported'
	screenOrientation = '{' + androidNS + '}screenOrientation'
	tree = ET.parse(manifest)
	root = tree.getroot()

	appNode = root.find('application')
	if appNode is None:
		return 1

	activityNode = SubElement(appNode, 'activity')
	activityNode.set(name, packageName + '.wxapi.WXEntryActivity')
	activityNode.set(configChanges, 'keyboardHidden|orientation')
	activityNode.set(exported, 'true')
	activityNode.set(screenOrientation, 'portrait')

	#append host
	activityNodeLst = appNode.findall('activity')
	if activityNodeLst is not None and len(activityNodeLst) > 0:
		for activityNode in activityNodeLst:
			activityName = activityNode.get(name)
			if activityName == 'com.qihoo.gamecenter.sdk.activity.ContainerActivity':
				intentNodeLst = activityNode.findall('intent-filter')
				find = False
				if intentNodeLst is not None:
					for itNode in intentNodeLst:
                                                dataNodeList = itNode.findall('data')
                                                for dataNode in dataNodeList :
                                                        if dataNode.get(hostKey) == 'com.qihoo.gamecenter.sdk.demosp':
                                                                dataNode.set(hostKey, packageName)
                                                                find = True
                                                if find:

	tree.write(manifest, 'UTF-8')

	return 0
コード例 #19
def execute(channel, decompileDir, packageName):

    sdkDir = decompileDir + '/../sdk/' + channel['sdk']
    if not os.path.exists(sdkDir):
        file_utils.printF("The sdk temp folder is not exists. path:" + sdkDir)
        return 1

    extraFilesPath = sdkDir + '/extraFiles'
    relatedJar = os.path.join(extraFilesPath, '360SDK.jar')
    WXPayEntryActivity = os.path.join(extraFilesPath, 'WXEntryActivity.java')
    file_utils.modifyFileContent(WXPayEntryActivity, 'com.u8.sdk.qh360.wxapi',
                                 packageName + ".wxapi")

    splitdot = ';'
    if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
        splitdot = ':'

    cmd = '"%sjavac" -source 1.7 -target 1.7 "%s" -classpath "%s"%s"%s"' % (
        file_utils.getJavaBinDir(), WXPayEntryActivity, relatedJar, splitdot,

    ret = file_utils.execFormatCmd(cmd)
    if ret:
        return 1

    packageDir = packageName.replace('.', '/')
    srcDir = sdkDir + '/tempDex'
    classDir = srcDir + '/' + packageDir + '/wxapi'

    if not os.path.exists(classDir):

    sourceClassFilePath = os.path.join(extraFilesPath, 'WXEntryActivity.class')
    targetClassFilePath = classDir + '/WXEntryActivity.class'

    file_utils.copy_file(sourceClassFilePath, targetClassFilePath)

    targetDexPath = os.path.join(sdkDir, 'WXEntryActivity.dex')

    dxTool = file_utils.getFullToolPath("/lib/dx.jar")

    cmd = file_utils.getJavaCMD(
    ) + ' -jar -Xmx512m -Xms512m "%s" --dex --output="%s" "%s"' % (
        dxTool, targetDexPath, srcDir)

    ret = file_utils.execFormatCmd(cmd)

    if ret:
        return 1

    ret = apk_utils.dex2smali(targetDexPath, decompileDir + '/smali')

    if ret:
        return 1

    manifest = decompileDir + '/AndroidManifest.xml'
    ET.register_namespace('android', androidNS)
    name = '{' + androidNS + '}name'
    hostKey = '{' + androidNS + '}host'
    configChanges = '{' + androidNS + '}configChanges'
    exported = '{' + androidNS + '}exported'
    screenOrientation = '{' + androidNS + '}screenOrientation'
    authoritiesKey = '{' + androidNS + '}authorities'
    tree = ET.parse(manifest)
    root = tree.getroot()

    appNode = root.find('application')
    if appNode is None:
        return 1

    activityNode = SubElement(appNode, 'activity')
    activityNode.set(name, packageName + '.wxapi.WXEntryActivity')
    activityNode.set(configChanges, 'keyboardHidden|orientation')
    activityNode.set(exported, 'true')
    activityNode.set(screenOrientation, 'portrait')

    # appkey = ""

    # if 'params' in channel:
    # 	params = channel['params']
    # 	for param in params:
    # 		if param['name'] == 'QHOPENSDK_APPKEY':
    # 			appkey = param['value']
    # 			break

    #append host
    activityNodeLst = appNode.findall('activity')
    if activityNodeLst is not None and len(activityNodeLst) > 0:
        for activityNode in activityNodeLst:
            activityName = activityNode.get(name)
            if activityName == 'com.qihoo.gamecenter.sdk.activity.ContainerActivity':
                intentNodeLst = activityNode.findall('intent-filter')
                if intentNodeLst is not None:
                    for itNode in intentNodeLst:
                        dataNode = SubElement(itNode, 'data')
                        dataNode.set(hostKey, packageName)

            # elif activityName == 'com.qihoo.gamecenter.sdk.activity.QhDeepLinkActivity':
            # 	intentNodeLst = activityNode.findall('intent-filter')
            # 	if intentNodeLst is not None:
            # 		for itNode in intentNodeLst:
            # 			dataNodeLst = itNode.findall('data')
            # 			if dataNodeLst is not None:
            # 				for dNode in dataNodeLst:
            # 					dNode.set(hostKey, appkey)
            # 					break

    providerNodeLst = appNode.findall("provider")
    if providerNodeLst is not None and len(providerNodeLst) > 0:
        for pNode in providerNodeLst:
            pName = pNode.get(name)
            if pName == 'com.qihoo.pushsdk.keepalive.account.SyncProvider':
                          packageName + ".cx.accounts.syncprovider")

    tree.write(manifest, 'UTF-8')

    #modify res/xml/qihoo_game_sdk_sync_adapter.xml
    resXml = decompileDir + '/res/xml/qihoo_game_sdk_sync_adapter.xml'
    if os.path.exists(resXml):
            resXml, 'com.qihoo.gamecenter.sdk.demosp.cx.accounts.syncprovider',
            packageName + ".cx.accounts.syncprovider")

    return 0
コード例 #20
ファイル: tool_icon.py プロジェクト: spongecakekelvin/myCode
def appendChannelIconMark(gameIconName, channelIconName, demoPath):
    from PIL import Image

    gameIconPath = file_utils.getFullPath('_icon/game_icon/' + gameIconName + '.png')
    if not os.path.exists(gameIconPath):
        file_utils.printF("Can not find game icon : %s", gameIconPath)
        return 1

    gameIcon = Image.open(gameIconPath)
    rlImg = gameIcon

    channelIconPath = file_utils.getFullPath('_icon/channel_icon/' + channelIconName + '.png')
    if os.path.exists(channelIconPath):
        markIcon = Image.open(channelIconPath)
        rlImg = appendIconMark(gameIcon, markIcon, (0, 0))

    # rlImg.show()

    drawbleSize = (48, 48)
    ldpiSize = (36, 36)
    mdpiSize = (48, 48)
    hdpiSize = (72, 72)
    xhdpiSize = (96, 96)
    xxhdpiSize = (144,144)

    drawbleIcon = rlImg.resize(drawbleSize, Image.ANTIALIAS)
    ldpiIcon = rlImg.resize(ldpiSize, Image.ANTIALIAS)
    mdpiIcon = rlImg.resize(mdpiSize, Image.ANTIALIAS)
    hdpiIcon = rlImg.resize(hdpiSize, Image.ANTIALIAS)
    xhdpiIcon = rlImg.resize(xhdpiSize, Image.ANTIALIAS)
    xxhdpiIcon = rlImg.resize(xxhdpiSize, Image.ANTIALIAS)

    sdkResPath = demoPath + '/res/'
    drawblePath = file_utils.getFullPath(sdkResPath + 'drawable')
    ldpiPath = file_utils.getFullPath(sdkResPath + 'drawable-ldpi')
    mdpiPath = file_utils.getFullPath(sdkResPath + 'drawable-mdpi')
    hdpiPath = file_utils.getFullPath(sdkResPath + 'drawable-hdpi')
    xhdpiPath = file_utils.getFullPath(sdkResPath + 'drawable-xhdpi')
    xxhdpiPath = file_utils.getFullPath(sdkResPath + 'drawable-xxhdpi')

    if not os.path.exists(drawblePath):
    if not os.path.exists(ldpiPath):

    if not os.path.exists(mdpiPath):

    if not os.path.exists(hdpiPath):

    if not os.path.exists(xhdpiPath):

    if not os.path.exists(xxhdpiPath):

    gameIconName = getAppIconName(demoPath) + '.png'
    drawbleIcon.save(os.path.join(drawblePath, gameIconName), 'PNG' ,quality = 95)
    ldpiIcon.save(os.path.join(ldpiPath, gameIconName), 'PNG' ,quality = 95)
    mdpiIcon.save(os.path.join(mdpiPath, gameIconName), 'PNG' ,quality = 95)
    hdpiIcon.save(os.path.join(hdpiPath, gameIconName), 'PNG' ,quality = 95)
    xhdpiIcon.save(os.path.join(xhdpiPath, gameIconName), 'PNG' ,quality = 95)
    xxhdpiIcon.save(os.path.join(xxhdpiPath, gameIconName), 'PNG' ,quality = 95)

    return 0
コード例 #21
ファイル: script.py プロジェクト: leo0228/U8AAR
def generateWXEntryActivity(channel, pluginInfo, decompileDir, packageName):

    sdkDir = decompileDir + '/../plugins/' + pluginInfo['name']
    if not os.path.exists(sdkDir):
        file_utils.printF("The plugin temp folder is not exists. path:" +
        return 1

    extraFilesPath = sdkDir + '/extraFiles'
    relatedJar = os.path.join(extraFilesPath, 'ShareSDK-Wechat-Core.jar')
    WXPayEntryActivity = os.path.join(extraFilesPath, 'WXEntryActivity.java')
                                 packageName + ".wxapi")

    splitdot = ';'
    if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
        splitdot = ':'

    cmd = '"%sjavac" -source 1.7 -target 1.7 "%s" -classpath "%s"%s"%s"' % (
        file_utils.getJavaBinDir(), WXPayEntryActivity, relatedJar, splitdot,

    ret = file_utils.execFormatCmd(cmd)
    if ret:
        return 1

    packageDir = packageName.replace('.', '/')
    srcDir = sdkDir + '/tempDex'
    classDir = srcDir + '/' + packageDir + '/wxapi'

    if not os.path.exists(classDir):

    sourceClassFilePath = os.path.join(extraFilesPath, 'WXEntryActivity.class')
    targetClassFilePath = classDir + '/WXEntryActivity.class'

    file_utils.copy_file(sourceClassFilePath, targetClassFilePath)

    targetDexPath = os.path.join(sdkDir, 'WXEntryActivity.dex')

    dxTool = file_utils.getFullToolPath("/lib/dx.jar")

    cmd = file_utils.getJavaCMD(
    ) + ' -jar -Xmx512m -Xms512m "%s" --dex --output="%s" "%s"' % (
        dxTool, targetDexPath, srcDir)

    ret = file_utils.execFormatCmd(cmd)

    if ret:
        return 1

    ret = apk_utils.dex2smali(targetDexPath, decompileDir + '/smali')

    if ret:
        return 1

    manifest = decompileDir + '/AndroidManifest.xml'
    ET.register_namespace('android', androidNS)
    name = '{' + androidNS + '}name'
    theme = '{' + androidNS + '}theme'
    configChanges = '{' + androidNS + '}configChanges'
    exported = '{' + androidNS + '}exported'
    screenOrientation = '{' + androidNS + '}screenOrientation'
    tree = ET.parse(manifest)
    root = tree.getroot()

    appNode = root.find('application')
    if appNode is None:
        return 1

    activityNode = SubElement(appNode, 'activity')
    activityNode.set(name, packageName + '.wxapi.WXEntryActivity')
    activityNode.set(theme, '@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar')
    activityNode.set(configChanges, 'keyboardHidden|orientation')
    activityNode.set(exported, 'true')
    activityNode.set(screenOrientation, 'portrait')

    tree.write(manifest, 'UTF-8')

    return 0