コード例 #1
ファイル: opm.py プロジェクト: ObjectJS/opm-python
class StaticPackage():
    u''' 静态编译库 '''

    def __init__(self, root_path, publish_path = None, workspace = None, listener = None):
        self.url = None
        self.combines = {}
        self.listener = listener
        self.workspace = workspace

        self.root = root_path # 框架所在本地目录
        self.publish_path = publish_path # 发布文件的目录路径

        self.source_path = '' # 源文件的目录路径
        self.resource_path = '' # 资源文件目录路径
        self.library_path = '' # 库文件目录路径
        self.library_folders = {}

        self.combine_cache = {self.root: self} # 存储在combine过程中生成的package

        self.resource_dir = None

        self.serverPrefix = ''
        self.serverUrl = ''
        self.serverRoot = ''

        if not self.workspace: self.load_workspace()
        if not self.listener: self.init_listener()

    def load_workspace(self):
        workspace_path = Workspace.get_workspace(self.root)
        if workspace_path:
            self.workspace = Workspace(workspace_path)

    def init_listener(self):
        # 不是所有的库都需要有publish_path
        if self.publish_path:
            self.listener = FileListener(os.path.join(self.publish_path, INFO_PATH))

    def get_package(self, root_path):
        u''' 从缓存中获取package引用,如果没有则生成新的并加入缓存 '''
        package = self.combine_cache.get(root_path)
        if not package:
            package = StaticPackage(root_path, self.publish_path, workspace = self.workspace, listener = self.listener)
            self.combine_cache[root_path] = package
            package.combine_cache = self.combine_cache

        return package

    def get_publish_files(self):
        u''' 发布目录所有的css/js文件 '''

        def get_files(dir_path):
            paths = []
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir_path):
                if '.svn' in root:
                    dirs[:] = []
                for file in files:
                    path = os.path.join(root, file)
                    if os.path.splitext(path)[1] in ('.css', '.js'):

            return paths

        files = get_files(self.publish_path)
        return files

    def get_reverse_libs(self, all = False):
        u''' 所有被依赖库 '''

        libs = []
        if self.workspace:
            for local_path in self.workspace.url_packages.values():
                package = self.get_package(local_path)

                # 自己的路径在package相关library中,加入package的路径
                if self.root in package.get_libs():

                    if package.root not in libs:

                    if all:
                        sublibs = package.get_reverse_libs(all = True)
                        libs.extend([subpath for subpath in sublibs if subpath not in libs and subpath != self.root])

        return libs

    def get_sub_packages(self):
        subs = []

        if self.workspace:
            for package_root in self.workspace.local_packages:
                if package_root != self.root and package_root.startswith(self.root):

            # 遍历磁盘

        return subs

    def get_libs(self, all = False):
        u''' 所有依赖库 '''

        libs = []

        def get_sub(local_path):
            package = self.get_package(local_path)
            if package:
                sublibs = package.get_libs(all = True)
                libs.extend([subpath for subpath in sublibs if subpath not in libs])

        if self.workspace:

            if all:
                # 获取sub_packages的所有依赖库
                sub_packages = self.get_sub_packages()
                for local_path in sub_packages:

            for url in self.library_folders.values():
                # url有可能写错了,或者url更改了
                local_path = self.workspace.url_packages.get(url)

                if local_path:
                    if local_path not in libs:

                    if all:

                    raise PackageNotFoundException(url, self.root)

        return libs

    def get_relation_files(self, source, all = False):
        u''' 在合并过程中相关的文件列表 '''

        filetype = os.path.splitext(source)[1]

        if filetype == '.css' and os.path.exists(source):

            def pathTransformer(path):
                return self.get_library_path(path)

            imports, urls = csscompiler.getUrls(source, pathTransformer = pathTransformer, recursion = all, inAll = True)
            # 需要监视的文件列表
            files = [source]
            for aurl in urls:
                # 不支持 http:// 和 绝对路径 
                if not urlparse(aurl)[0] and not urlparse(aurl)[2].startswith('/'):
                    file = os.path.join(os.path.split(source)[0], aurl)
                    file = self.get_library_path(file)

            return files

        elif filetype == '.js' and (source in self.combines.keys() or os.path.exists(source)):
            if all:
                return [file.path for file in self.get_combine_files(source)]
                return self.combines[source]

            # 永远返回一个数组
            return []

    def get_combine_included(self, file):
        u''' 某个文件在当前库中被哪些文件引用了 '''

        files = []
        for combine in self.combines:
            for include in self.combines[combine]:
                if self.get_library_path(include) == file:

        return files

    def get_included(self, source, all = False):
        if os.path.splitext(source)[1] == '.css':
            return []
            # 到workspace中找一圈
            feed_files = []
            if self.workspace:
                for local_path in self.workspace.local_packages.keys():
                    package = self.get_package(local_path)
                feed_files = self.get_combine_included(source)

            if all:
                others = []
                for feed_file in feed_files:
                    others.extend(self.get_included(feed_file, all = True))


            return feed_files

    def get_combine_files(self, path):
        @param path 执行合并的文件
        @return combine_files 数组用来存储此文件相关的最小颗粒度的实体文件(非合并出来的文件)

        combine_files = [] # 存储整个合并过程中最小粒度的文件,最终会按照顺序进行合并

        if path not in self.combines.keys():
            return [File(path)]

        for include in self.combines[path]:

            include = self.get_library_path(include)

            # package变量用来存储需要执行combine方法的package
            # 本框架外部文件
            if not include.startswith(self.source_path):
                root_path = StaticPackage.get_root(include)
                package = self.get_package(root_path)
            # 默认为本package内部文件,为self
                package = self

            # 一个合并出来的文件
            if include in package.combines.keys():
                rFiles = package.get_combine_files(include)

            elif include.find('node_modules') != -1:
                combine_files.append(ModuleFile(include, self.module_base))

            # 一个最小粒度的文件

        return combine_files

    def combine(self, output, files):
        u''' 将files文件列表合并成一个文件并写入到output '''

        text = ''
        for file in files:
            text += file.read()

        target_dir = os.path.dirname(output)
        if not os.path.exists(target_dir): os.makedirs(target_dir)
        open(output, 'wb').write(text)

    def compile(self, filename, force = False):
        filename = os.path.realpath(filename)
        source, mode = self.parse(filename)
        if not source or not self.publish_path or not filename.startswith(self.publish_path):
            return None, None

        # 传进来的有可能是源文件路径 TODO
        if filename.startswith(self.source_path):
            return None, None

        relation_files = self.get_relation_files(source, all = True)
        if not relation_files:
            # 没有源文件的发布文件
            return None, None

        modified, not_exists = self.listener.update(filename, relation_files)

        filetype = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
        if filetype == '.js':
            if force or len(modified):
                combine_files = self.get_combine_files(source)
                self.combine(filename, combine_files)

            return modified, not_exists

        elif filetype == '.css':
            if DEBUG:
            csscompiler.DEBUG = DEBUG

            def pathTransformer(path):
                return self.get_library_path(path)

            if modified or force:
                name = os.path.split(filename)[1]
                cssId = hashlib.md5(urljoin('/' + urljoin(self.serverRoot, self.serverUrl), name)).hexdigest()[:8]

                compiler = CSSCompiler(pathTransformer = pathTransformer)
                css = compiler.compile(source, mode = mode, cssId = cssId)
                css = self.replace_css_url(css, source, name)
                self.write_file(filename, css)

            return (modified, not_exists)

        return None, None

    def replace_css_url(self, css, source, target):
        u''' 将css源文件中的url路径进行转换 '''

        def replaceURL(m):
            url = m.group(1)
            urltuple = urlparse(url)

            # 如果没有协议,则需要进行处理
            if not urltuple[0]:
                # 如果是绝对路径,则同serverPrefix+serverRoot进行拼接
                if url.startswith('/'):
                    prefix = urljoin(self.serverPrefix, self.serverRoot)
                    url = urljoin(prefix, url)

                # 如果是相对路径
                    # 拼出prefix http://xnimg.cn/n/apps/msg/
                    prefix = urljoin(self.serverPrefix, self.serverRoot)
                    prefix = urljoin(prefix, self.serverUrl)

                    # 本地路径
                    path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.split(source)[0], url))

                    # 拼出url css/global-all-min.css
                    relative = target[len(self.publish_path) + 1:].replace('\\', '/')
                    url = urljoin(relative, url)

                    # 在同一目录树的库中,判断url引用的是否是source目录中的东西
                    # 如果是source中的,source中的所有东西都会复制到publish中,因此不需要针对publish进行路径转换
                    # 如果是resource中的,resource会复制到publish中,需要进行路径转换
                    # 如果不是url引用的文件不是source中的,没有复制过程,需要针对publish进行路径转换

                    if self.resource_path and path.startswith(self.resource_path):
                        resource_publish_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self.publish_path, self.resource_dir))
                        url = urljoin(relativeURI(path2uri(self.publish_path), path2uri(resource_publish_path)), url)
                    elif not path.startswith(self.source_path):
                        url = urljoin(relativeURI(path2uri(self.publish_path), path2uri(self.source_path)), url)

                    # 合并成最终的url http://xnimg.cn/n/core/css/global-all-min.css
                    url = urljoin(prefix, url)

            return 'url(' + url + ')'

        return re.sub(r'url\([\'"]?(.+?)[\'"]?\)', replaceURL, css) # 绝对路径

    def build_files(self):
        u''' 复制相关文件 '''

        if not self.publish_path:
            return []

        files = self.build_source_files()
        if self.resource_path:

        return files

    def build_source_files(self):
        # package下的所有资源文件,忽略 lib 目录
        allFiles = []
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.source_path):
            folders = re.split(r'[/\\]', root)
            if '.svn' in folders \
               or root.startswith(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self.source_path, 'lib'))):
            for file in files:
                if os.path.splitext(file)[1] in ('.css', '.xhtml', '.html', '.js', '.xsl', '.xml', '.un~', '.tmp', '.swp'): continue
                path = os.path.join(root, file)

        modified, notExists = self.listener.update(self.source_path, allFiles)

        files = []
        for file in modified:
            target = os.path.join(self.publish_path, file[len(self.source_path) + 1:])
            target_dir = os.path.dirname(target)
            if not os.path.exists(target_dir):

            shutil.copy(file, target)

        return files

    def build_resource_files(self):
        # package下的所有资源文件,忽略 lib 目录
        allFiles = []
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.resource_path):
            folders = re.split(r'[/\\]', root)
            if '.svn' in folders:
            for file in files:
                path = os.path.join(root, file)

        modified, notExists = self.listener.update(self.resource_path, allFiles)

        files = []
        for file in modified:
            resource_publish_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self.publish_path, self.resource_dir))
            target = os.path.join(resource_publish_path, file[len(self.resource_path) + 1:])
            target_dir = os.path.dirname(target)
            if not os.path.exists(target_dir):

            shutil.copy(file, target)

        return files

    def write_file(self, path, txt):
        cssfile = open(path, 'wb')

    def joinpath(self, path1, path2):
        return os.path.realpath(os.path.join(path1, path2))

    def parse_config(self, xmlConfig):
        # 已通过source文件读取到publish_path信息
        # 或者已经通过构造函数传进了publish_path信息
        # 不用通过template-config.xml读取
        # source引用方式下,不需要配置文件的publish配置
        if self.publish_path:

        # 没有source文件,publish_path同库在同一个目录树,需要通过publish配置生成publish_path信息
            publishNode = xmlConfig.find('publish')
            if publishNode != None:
                publishDir = xmlConfig.find('publish').get('dir')
                if not publishDir.endswith('/'): publishDir += '/'

                self.publish_path = self.joinpath(self.root, publishDir)

        self.url = xmlConfig.get('url')

        # source 是必需的
        sourceDir = xmlConfig.find('source').attrib['dir']
        if not sourceDir.endswith('/'): sourceDir += '/'
        self.source_path = self.joinpath(self.root, sourceDir)

        libraryNode = xmlConfig.find('library')
        if libraryNode != None:
            libraryDir = libraryNode.get('dir')
            self.library_path = self.joinpath(self.root, libraryDir)
            folderNodes = libraryNode.findall('folder')
            for folderNode in folderNodes:
               self.library_folders[folderNode.get('name')] = folderNode.get('url')

        resourceNode = xmlConfig.find('resource')
        if resourceNode != None and 'dir' in resourceNode.attrib.keys():
            self.resource_dir = resourceNode.attrib['dir']
            if not self.resource_dir.endswith('/'): self.resource_dir += '/'
            self.resource_path = self.joinpath(self.root, self.resource_dir)

        serverNode = xmlConfig.find('server')
        if serverNode != None:
            if 'prefix' in serverNode.attrib:
                self.serverPrefix = serverNode.attrib['prefix']

            if 'url' in serverNode.attrib:
                self.serverUrl = serverNode.attrib['url']

            if 'root' in serverNode.attrib:
                self.serverRoot = serverNode.attrib['root']

        if self.serverUrl and not self.serverUrl.endswith('/'):
            self.serverUrl = self.serverUrl + '/'

        if self.serverRoot and not self.serverRoot.endswith('/'):
            self.serverRoot = self.serverRoot + '/'

        self.module_base = xmlConfig.get('module-base')

        combinesXML = xmlConfig.findall('source/combine')
        if combinesXML:
            for combine in combinesXML:
                key = self.joinpath(self.source_path, combine.get('path'))
                includesXML = combine.findall('include')
                includes = []
                for include in includesXML:
                    if include.get('module'):
                        includePath = self.joinpath(self.source_path, 'node_modules/' + include.get('module'))
                        includePath = self.joinpath(self.source_path, include.get('path'))


                self.combines[key] = includes

    def load_config(self):
        ''' 解析配置文件 '''
        path = os.path.join(self.root, CONFIG_FILENAME)
        xmlConfig = ElementTree.parse(path)

    def get_library_path(self, includePath):
        includePath = os.path.realpath(includePath)
        # lib下的,要通过packages转换一下路径
        if includePath.startswith(self.library_path):
            path = includePath[len(self.library_path) + 1:]
            if path.find(os.sep) != -1: # lib/xxx.js 直接放,没有在一个library目录中
                folderName, pathInPackage = path.split(os.sep, 1) # lib下的目录名和相应package的内部路径
                if folderName in self.library_folders.keys():
                    url = self.library_folders[folderName]
                    if not self.workspace:
                        raise WorkspaceNotFoundException()

                    local_path = self.workspace.url_packages.get(url)
                    if local_path:
                        package = self.get_package(local_path)
                        new_path = os.path.join(package.root, pathInPackage)
                        return os.path.realpath(new_path)
                    # 在lib下,也定义了folder,但是相对应的url没有在packages中配置本地磁盘的路径,或者相应的库没有配置package的url属性
                        raise PackageNotFoundException(url, self.root)

        return includePath

    def parse(self, path):
        u''' source 和 publish 路径一一对应 '''

        path = os.path.realpath(path)

        if path.startswith(self.source_path):
            return path, None

        elif self.publish_path and path.startswith(self.publish_path):
            package_path = path[len(self.publish_path) + 1:]

            if os.path.splitext(path)[1] == '.css':
                # xxx-all-min.css --> xxx
                package_path = os.path.splitext(package_path)[0].split('-')
                if len(package_path) < 3: return (None, None)
                name = '-'.join(package_path[:-2])
                mode = package_path[-2]
                source = os.path.join(self.source_path, name + '.css')
                source = os.path.join(self.source_path, package_path)
                mode = None

            return source, mode

        # 有可能是lib下的
            return None, None

    def link(self):
        u''' 连接源库与发布库 '''

        if self.url:
            package_file_path = os.path.join(self.publish_path, PACKAGE_FILENAME)
            open(package_file_path, 'wb').write(self.url)

        source_path = os.path.join(self.publish_path, SOURCE_FILENAME)
        source_dir = os.path.dirname(source_path)
        if not os.path.exists(source_dir):

        open(source_path, 'wb').write(self.root)

    def init(root_path):
        u''' 初始化一个目录为源库 '''

        root_path = os.path.realpath(root_path)
        config_path = os.path.join(root_path, CONFIG_FILENAME)

        if os.path.exists(config_path):
            raise PackageExistsException(root_path)

        if not os.path.exists(root_path):

        open(config_path, 'wb').write(
            '<package>\n\t<library dir="lib">\n\t</library>\n\t<source dir="src">\n\t</source>\n\t<resource dir="res">\n\t</resource>\n</package>'

    def is_root(path):
        u''' path是否是一个静态库的根路径 '''
        return os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, CONFIG_FILENAME))

    def get_root(path):
        return StaticPackage.get_roots(path)[1]

    def get_publish(path):
        u''' 一个路径的发布库根路径 '''
        return StaticPackage.get_roots(path, just_publish_path = True)

    def get_roots(path, just_publish_path = False, workspace = None):
        u''' 通过遍历父目录查找root及publish_path '''

        publish_path = None
        root_path = None

        if os.path.isfile(path):
            path = os.path.dirname(path)

        while True:
            # 通过找 source 的方式读取到地址
            publish_source_path = os.path.join(path, SOURCE_FILENAME)
            if os.path.exists(publish_source_path):
                publish_path = path
                root_path = os.path.realpath(open(publish_source_path, 'r').read().strip())
                if just_publish_path: break

            # 通过.package 文件读取到地址
            if workspace:
                package_file_path = os.path.join(path, PACKAGE_FILENAME)
                if os.path.exists(package_file_path):
                    publish_path = path
                    package_url = open(package_file_path, 'r').read().strip()
                    package = workspace.get_package_by_url(package_url)
                    if not package:
                        raise PackageNotFoundException(package_url)
                    root_path = package.root
                    if just_publish_path: break

            # 直接找到配置文件
            if not just_publish_path and StaticPackage.is_root(path):
                root_path = os.path.realpath(path)

            newpath = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(path, '../'))
            if newpath == path: break # 已经到根目录了,停止循环
            else: path = newpath

        if just_publish_path:
            return publish_path
            return publish_path, root_path
コード例 #2
ファイル: opm.py プロジェクト: ObjectJS/opm-python
 def init_listener(self):
     # 不是所有的库都需要有publish_path
     if self.publish_path:
         self.listener = FileListener(os.path.join(self.publish_path, INFO_PATH))
コード例 #3
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: BenBurdsall/healthcheck
from flask import Flask, Response
import os
from filelistener import FileListener

HN = "HN"

fl = FileListener('/app/logs/vc3.log', 60)

app = Flask(__name__)

def home():

    if not fl.isFileBeingModified():
        print("File is not healthy - causing an HTTP error code ")
        status_code = Response(status=500)
        return status_code

    ver = '(not set)'
    if VERSION in os.environ:
        ver = os.environ[VERSION]

    hostname = "(not set)"
    if HN in os.environ:
        hostname = os.environ[HN]

    return f'<h1> {hostname} is healthy, running version {ver} </h1> '