コード例 #1
ファイル: backup.py プロジェクト: 52nlp/brat
def backup(min_interval=MIN_INTERVAL, backup_dir=BACKUP_DIR, data_dir=DATA_DIR):
    if backup_dir is None:

    #XXX: The timeout is arbitary but dependant on the back-up, should we start
    #       with a sane default and then refer to how long the last back-up
    #       took?  
    backup_lock = join_path(DATA_DIR, '.backup.lock')
    with file_lock(backup_lock, pid_policy=PID_WARN, timeout=60):
        _backup(min_interval, backup_dir, data_dir)
コード例 #2
def backup(min_interval=MIN_INTERVAL,
    if backup_dir is None:

    #XXX: The timeout is arbitrary but dependent on the back-up, should we start
    #       with a sane default and then refer to how long the last back-up
    #       took?
    backup_lock = join_path(DATA_DIR, '.backup.lock')
    with file_lock(backup_lock, pid_policy=PID_WARN, timeout=60):
        _backup(min_interval, backup_dir, data_dir)
コード例 #3
ファイル: annotation.py プロジェクト: TsujiiLaboratory/stav
    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        if not self._read_only:
            assert len(self._input_files) == 1, 'more than one valid outfile'

            # We are hitting the disk a lot more than we should here, what we
            # should have is a modification flag in the object but we can't
            # due to how we change the annotations.
            out_str = unicode(self)
            with open_textfile(self._input_files[0], 'r') as old_ann_file:
                old_str = old_ann_file.read()

            # Was it changed?
            if out_str == old_str:
                # Then just return

            from config import WORK_DIR
            # Protect the write so we don't corrupt the file
            with file_lock(path_join(WORK_DIR,
                    basename(self._input_files[0].replace('/', '_')))
                    ) as lock_file:
                #from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
                from tempfile import mkstemp
                # TODO: XXX: Is copyfile really atomic?
                from shutil import copyfile
                # XXX: NamedTemporaryFile only supports encoding for Python 3
                #       so we hack around it.
                #with NamedTemporaryFile('w', suffix='.ann') as tmp_file:
                # Grab the filename, but discard the handle
                _, tmp_fname = mkstemp(suffix='.ann')
                    with open_textfile(tmp_fname, 'w') as tmp_file:
                        #XXX: Temporary hack to make sure we don't write corrupted
                        #       files, but the client will already have the version
                        #       at this stage leading to potential problems upon
                        #       the next change to the file.

                            with Annotations(tmp_file.name) as ann:
                                # Move the temporary file onto the old file
                                copyfile(tmp_file.name, self._input_files[0])
                                # As a matter of convention we adjust the modified
                                # time of the data dir when we write to it. This
                                # helps us to make back-ups
                                now = time()
                                #XXX: Disabled for now!
                                #utime(DATA_DIR, (now, now))
                        except Exception, e:
                            from message import Messager
                            Messager.error('ERROR writing changes: generated annotations cannot be read back in!\n(This is almost certainly a system error, please contact the developers.)\n%s' % e, -1)
                        from os import remove
                    except Exception, e:
                        from message import Messager
                        Messager.error("Error removing temporary file '%s'" % tmp_fname)