コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, cfg, warebox, storage_cache, startup_synchronization,
                 filesystem_watcher, linker, metadata_db, hashes_db,
                 internal_facade, ui_controller, lockfile_fd, auto_start,
                 input_queue, scheduler):
        @param cfg:
                    Instance of filerockclient.config.ConfigManager.
        @param warebox:
                    Instance of filerockclient.warebox.Warebox.
        @param storage_cache:
                    Instance of filerockclient.databases.storage_cache.
        @param startup_synchronization:
                    Instance of filerockclient.serversession.
        @param filesystem_watcher:
                    Instance of any class in the filerockclient.
                    filesystem_watcher package.
        @param linker:
                    Instance of filerockclient.linker.Linker.
        @param metadata_db:
                    Instance of filerockclient.databases.metadata.
        @param hashes_db:
                    Instance of filerockclient.databases.hashes.HashesDB.
        @param internal_facade:
                    Instance of filerockclient.internal_facade.
        @param ui_controller:
                    Instance of filerockclient.ui.ui_controller.
        @param lockfile_fd:
                    File descriptor of the lock file which ensures there
                    is only one instance of FileRock Client running.
                    Child processes have to close it to avoid stale locks.
        @param auto_start:
                    Boolean flag telling whether ServerSession should
                    connect to the server when started.
        @param input_queue:
                    Instance of filerockclient.util.multi_queue.
                    MultiQueue. It is expected to have the following
                    usercommand: Commands sent by the user
                    sessioncommand: ServerSession internal use commands
                    systemcommand: Commands sent by other client components
                    servermessage: Messages sent by the server.
                    operation: PathnameOperation objects to handle
        @param scheduler:
                    Instance of filerockclient.util.scheduler.Scheduler.

        threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=self.__class__.__name__)
        self.logger = logging.getLogger("FR.%s" % self.__class__.__name__)
        self._input_queue = input_queue
        self.warebox = warebox
        self.startup_synchronization = startup_synchronization
        self.filesystem_watcher = filesystem_watcher
        self._internal_facade = internal_facade
        self._ui_controller = ui_controller
        self.metadataDB = metadata_db
        self.hashesDB = hashes_db
        self.auto_start = auto_start
        self._scheduler = scheduler
        self.storage_cache = storage_cache
        self.linker = linker
        self.warebox = warebox
        self.cfg = cfg
        self._lockfile_fd = lockfile_fd

        self._started = False
        self.must_die = threading.Event()
        # TODO: this flag exists due to auto-disconnection. It will be removed
        # and replaced by a CONNECTFORCE command as soon as ServerSession will
        # stop going automatically to DisconnectedState.
        self.disconnect_other_client = False
        self.operation_responses = {}
        self._pathname2id = {}
        self.output_message_queue = Queue.Queue()
        self.input_keepalive_queue = Queue.Queue()
        self.current_state = None
        self.reconnection_time = 1
        self.num_connection_attempts = 0
        self.max_connection_attempts = MAX_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS
        self._basis_lock = threading.Lock()
        self.server_basis = None
        self.session_id = None
        self.storage_ip_address = None
        self.refused_declare_count = 0
        self._current_basis = None
        self.id = 0
        self._sync_operations = []

        self.keepalive_timer = ConnectionLifeKeeper(self._input_queue,
        self.transaction = Transaction()
        self.transaction_manager = TransactionManager(self.transaction,


        self.client_id = None
        self.username = None
        self.priv_key = None
        self.host = None
        self.port = None
        self.server_certificate = None
        self.storage_hostname = None
        self.refused_declare_max = None
        self.refused_declare_waiting_time = None
        self.commit_threshold_seconds = None
        self.commit_threshold_operations = None
        self.commit_threshold_bytes = None
        self.transaction_cache = None
        self.integrity_manager = None
        self.cryptoAdapter = None
        self.temp_dir = None
        self.connection_reader = None
        self.connection_writer = None
        self.sock = None
        self.listening_operations = False
