コード例 #1
ファイル: sgr_north_utils.py プロジェクト: MNewby/Newby-tools
def sgr_sim_density(stripes, params):
    SGA = fi.read_data("../sgrnorth_paper/stream_gen_analysis.txt", ",")
    low_lam, high_lam = 200.0, 314.8  # from Sgr stripes: (200.025901082, 314.707561185)
    size = (high_lam - low_lam) / 15.0
    N_stars = [19386, 18734, 11096, 17044, 18736, 15409, 12519, 12248, 8853, 7328,
               5479, 4450, 3486, 2425, 971, 9511, 16119, 16603]
    south = [79, 82, 86]
    out = []
    for i in range(15):
        print "# - Lambda wedge {0}:".format(i)
        num = str(i)
        name = "./sim_streams/lamsim_out_"+num+".txt"
        data = fi.read_data(name, echo=1)
        total = len(data[:,0])
        other = sc.sum(data[:,3])
        length = 7.653333333  # bin size
        out.append([(low_lam+(size*i)+(size*0.5)), total-other, total, 0.0, total/length])
    for i in range(15,18):
        print "# - Southern wedge {0}:".format(south[i-15])
        data = fi.read_data("./sim_streams/sim_stripe_"+str(south[i-15])+".txt")
        total = len(data[:,0])
        other = sc.sum(data[:,3])
        length = SGA[i,3]
        mu, r, theta, phi, wedge = eval(params[i][4]), eval(params[i][5]), \
            eval(params[i][6]), eval(params[i][7]), stripes[i]
        x,y,z = coor.stream2xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, mu, r, theta, phi, wedge)
        Xs, Ys, Zs, lam, beta, r = sl.law_xyz2sgr_sun(x,y,z)
        out.append([lam, total-other, total, 0.0, total/length])
    fi.write_data(sc.array(out), "sgrNorth_density_sim.txt", ",", " lam(mid), count, SDSS Deff, SDSS/FTO Deff, per degree")
コード例 #2
def sgr_sim_density(stripes, params):
    SGA = fi.read_data("../sgrnorth_paper/stream_gen_analysis.txt", ",")
    low_lam, high_lam = 200.0, 314.8  # from Sgr stripes: (200.025901082, 314.707561185)
    size = (high_lam - low_lam) / 15.0
    N_stars = [
        19386, 18734, 11096, 17044, 18736, 15409, 12519, 12248, 8853, 7328,
        5479, 4450, 3486, 2425, 971, 9511, 16119, 16603
    south = [79, 82, 86]
    out = []
    for i in range(15):
        print "# - Lambda wedge {0}:".format(i)
        num = str(i)
        name = "./sim_streams/lamsim_out_" + num + ".txt"
        data = fi.read_data(name, echo=1)
        total = len(data[:, 0])
        other = sc.sum(data[:, 3])
        length = 7.653333333  # bin size
        out.append([(low_lam + (size * i) + (size * 0.5)), total - other,
                    total, 0.0, total / length])
    for i in range(15, 18):
        print "# - Southern wedge {0}:".format(south[i - 15])
        data = fi.read_data("./sim_streams/sim_stripe_" + str(south[i - 15]) +
        total = len(data[:, 0])
        other = sc.sum(data[:, 3])
        length = SGA[i, 3]
        mu, r, theta, phi, wedge = eval(params[i][4]), eval(params[i][5]), \
            eval(params[i][6]), eval(params[i][7]), stripes[i]
        x, y, z = coor.stream2xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, mu, r, theta, phi, wedge)
        Xs, Ys, Zs, lam, beta, r = sl.law_xyz2sgr_sun(x, y, z)
        out.append([lam, total - other, total, 0.0, total / length])
    fi.write_data(sc.array(out), "sgrNorth_density_sim.txt", ",",
                  " lam(mid), count, SDSS Deff, SDSS/FTO Deff, per degree")
コード例 #3
ファイル: cut.py プロジェクト: MNewby/Newby-tools
def do_cuts(infile, delimiter, outfile, cuts):
    # Get data
    data = fi.read_data(infile, delimiter)
    # cut data
    for i in range(len(cuts)):
        data = do_one_cut(data, cuts[i])
    # write data
    fi.write_data(data, outfile, delimiter)
    print "# - Finished with cuts"
コード例 #4
def do_cuts(infile, delimiter, outfile, cuts):
    # Get data
    data = fi.read_data(infile, delimiter)
    # cut data
    for i in range(len(cuts)):
        data = do_one_cut(data, cuts[i])
    # write data
    fi.write_data(data, outfile, delimiter)
    print "# - Finished with cuts"
コード例 #5
ファイル: cmd_2sigma.py プロジェクト: MNewby/Newby-tools
def rejection(filename, min=None, max=None, bin=0.2, reject=2.0, thresh=1000.0):
    data = fi.read_data(filename, ",")
    if min == None:
        min = np.ma.min(data[:,2])
    if max == None:
        max = np.ma.max(data[:,2])
    data_out = []
    steps = int((max-min)/bin)+1
    for i in range(steps):
        # build a data set for each bin
        data_temp = []
        min_temp, max_temp = (min + i*bin), (min + (i+1)*bin)
        for j in range(len(data[:,0])):
            if (data[j,2] >= min_temp) and (data[j,2] < max_temp):
        print "number of stars in bin {0}: {1}".format(i, len(data_temp))
        if len(data_temp)==0:  continue  #skip empty sets
        # continue checking for rejections until no rejections occur
        kills = [1] 
        while len(kills) > 0:
            kills, new_temp = [], []
            # pack the g-r values into a single list
            g_minus_r = []
            for j in range(len(data_temp)):
            g_minus_r = sc.array(g_minus_r)
            avg = sc.mean(g_minus_r)
            stdev = sc.std(g_minus_r)
            #print avg, stdev
            # Find the values that lie outside 'reject' sigma
            for j in range(len(g_minus_r)):
                diff = ma.fabs( g_minus_r[j] - avg )
                if diff > (reject*stdev):  kills.append(data_temp[j])
                elif diff > thresh:  kills.append(data_temp[j])
                else:  new_temp.append(data_temp[j])
            data_temp = new_temp
        data_out = data_out + data_temp
        print "Stars kept in bin: {0}".format(len(data_temp))
    # restructure data
    data_out = sc.array(data_out)
    print " {0} stars remaining out of {1} original stars".format(len(data_out[:,0]), len(data[:,0]))
    g_minus_r_ori = data[:,2] - data[:,3]
    g_minus_r_out = data_out[:,2] - data_out[:,3]
    # show plot, then ask to save data set
    fig = plt.figure()
    #plt.scatter(g_minus_r_ori, data[:,2], 2, marker='o', facecolor="r", edgecolor='face')
    plt.scatter(g_minus_r_out, data_out[:,2], 1, 'k', 'o')
    plt.ylim(max, min)
    plt.xlim(-1.0, 2.0)
    fname = raw_input("save data? [filename to save, empty to skip]")
    if fname != "":
        fi.write_data(data_out, fname, header="#")
    print "# --- Done"
コード例 #6
def all_stripes(stripes, file_in, out_form="stripe_"):
    t1 = time.time()
    for stripe in stripes:
        fileout = out_form + str(stripe) + ".txt"
        out, map = get_stripe(stripe, file_in)
        fi.write_data(out, fileout)
        plot_sky(map, stripe)
        t2 = time.time()
        print "Time elapsed, stripe {0}: {1} minutes".format(
            stripe, ((t2 - t1) / 60.0))
コード例 #7
def sgr_lam_split(stripes, params):
    # get lambda for stripes
    holder = []
    for i in range(len(stripes)):
        mu, r, theta, phi, wedge = eval(params[i][4]), eval(params[i][5]), \
            eval(params[i][6]), eval(params[i][7]), stripes[i]
        x, y, z = coor.stream2xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, mu, r, theta * deg, phi * deg,
        Xs, Ys, Zs, lam, beta, r = sl.law_xyz2sgr_sun(x, y, z)
        #if lam > 180.0: lam = lam - 360.0
        #lam = -lam
        print lam, beta, r, stripes[i]
        holder.append([lam, beta, r])
    Xs, Ys, Zs, lam, beta, r = sl.law_xyz2sgr_sun(14.655646, 2.270431,
    print lam, beta, r
    # get lambda range for northern Sgr  15 N stripes, 0-14 -> 9-23
    low_lam, high_lam = 200.0, 314.8  # from Sgr stripes: (200.025901082, 314.707561185)
    size = (high_lam - low_lam) / 15.0
    print "# - LAMBDA BIN SIZE: {0}".format(size)
    for h in range(15):
        array = []
        lam_min, lam_max = low_lam + (size * h), low_lam + (size * (h + 1))
        for i in range(15):
            if stripes[i] == 9: num = "09"
            else: num = str(stripes[i])
            name = "./sim_streams/sim_stripe_" + num + ".txt"
            Sgr = open(name, "r")
            for line in Sgr:
                if line.strip() == "": continue
                if line.strip()[0] == "#": continue
                l, b, r, f = line.strip().split()
                x, y, z = coor.lbr2xyz(float(l), float(b), float(r))
                Xs, Ys, Zs, lam, beta, r = sl.law_xyz2sgr_sun(x, y, z)
                #if lam > high_lam:  high_lam = lam
                #if lam < low_lam:  low_lam = lam
                if lam > lam_min:
                    if lam <= lam_max:
                        array.append([lam, beta, r, eval(f)])
            print "# - Stripe " + num + " successfully read in"
                      "lamsim_out_" + str(h) + ".txt",
                      header="Lambda {0}:{1}, lam, beta, r".format(
                          lam_min, lam_max))
    #print low_lam, high_lam
    # bin stripes in lambda, g
    # correct stripes for detection, FTO efficiencies
    # reflect stars about midpoint to correct for missing data on far end
    print "### --- Done"
コード例 #8
ファイル: sgr_north_utils.py プロジェクト: MNewby/Newby-tools
def sgr_lam_split(stripes, params):
    # get lambda for stripes
    holder = []
    for i in range(len(stripes)):
        mu, r, theta, phi, wedge = eval(params[i][4]), eval(params[i][5]), \
            eval(params[i][6]), eval(params[i][7]), stripes[i]
        x,y,z = coor.stream2xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, mu, r, theta*deg, phi*deg, wedge)
        Xs, Ys, Zs, lam, beta, r = sl.law_xyz2sgr_sun(x,y,z)
        #if lam > 180.0: lam = lam - 360.0
        #lam = -lam
        print lam, beta, r, stripes[i]
        holder.append([lam, beta, r])
    Xs, Ys, Zs, lam, beta, r = sl.law_xyz2sgr_sun(14.655646, 2.270431, -5.887377)
    print lam, beta, r
    # get lambda range for northern Sgr  15 N stripes, 0-14 -> 9-23
    low_lam, high_lam = 200.0, 314.8  # from Sgr stripes: (200.025901082, 314.707561185)
    size = (high_lam - low_lam) / 15.0
    print "# - LAMBDA BIN SIZE: {0}".format(size)
    for h in range(15):
        array = []
        lam_min, lam_max = low_lam+(size*h), low_lam+(size*(h+1))
        for i in range(15):
            if stripes[i] == 9:  num = "09"
            else:  num = str(stripes[i])
            name = "./sim_streams/sim_stripe_"+num+".txt"
            Sgr = open(name, "r")
            for line in Sgr:
                if line.strip() == "":  continue
                if line.strip()[0] == "#":  continue
                l,b,r,f = line.strip().split()
                x,y,z = coor.lbr2xyz(float(l), float(b), float(r))
                Xs, Ys, Zs, lam, beta, r = sl.law_xyz2sgr_sun(x,y,z)        
                #if lam > high_lam:  high_lam = lam
                #if lam < low_lam:  low_lam = lam
                if lam > lam_min:
                    if lam <= lam_max:
                        array.append([lam, beta, r, eval(f)])
            print "# - Stripe "+num+" successfully read in"
        fi.write_data(sc.array(array), "lamsim_out_"+str(h)+".txt",
                      header="Lambda {0}:{1}, lam, beta, r".format(lam_min, lam_max))
    #print low_lam, high_lam
    # bin stripes in lambda, g
    # correct stripes for detection, FTO efficiencies
    # reflect stars about midpoint to correct for missing data on far end
    print "### --- Done"
コード例 #9
ファイル: SDSStoMW.py プロジェクト: MNewby/Newby-tools
def convert(filename, RaDec=0):
    readfile = open(filename, "r")
    holder, MW = [], []
    for line in readfile:
        if line[0] == "#":  continue
        if line.strip() == "": continue
        holder = line.split(",")
        for i in range(len(holder)):  holder[i] = eval(holder[i])
        if RaDec==1:
            l,b = coor.EqTolb(holder[0], holder[1])
            holder[0], holder[1] = round(l,6) , round(b,6)
        r = coor.getr(holder[2], 4.2)
        holder[2] = round(r, 6)
    nstars = len(MW)
    out = sc.array(MW)
    fi.write_data(out, filename[:-4]+"_new.txt", " ", str(nstars))
コード例 #10
ファイル: SDSStoMW.py プロジェクト: weissj3/Newby-tools
def convert(filename, RaDec=0):
    readfile = open(filename, "r")
    holder, MW = [], []
    for line in readfile:
        if line[0] == "#": continue
        if line.strip() == "": continue
        holder = line.split(",")
        for i in range(len(holder)):
            holder[i] = eval(holder[i])
        if RaDec == 1:
            l, b = coor.EqTolb(holder[0], holder[1])
            holder[0], holder[1] = round(l, 6), round(b, 6)
        r = coor.getr(holder[2], 4.2)
        holder[2] = round(r, 6)
    nstars = len(MW)
    out = sc.array(MW)
    fi.write_data(out, filename[:-4] + "_new.txt", " ", str(nstars))
コード例 #11
ファイル: match_data.py プロジェクト: weissj3/Newby-tools
def separate_stars(sort,
                   files=["matched.txt", "nomatch1.txt", "nomatch2.txt"]):
    # Matched stars
    holder = []
    for i in range(sort.l1):
        if sort.flags1[i] == 1:
            holder.append(sort.data1[i, :])
    fi.write_data(sc.array(holder), files[0])
    s1 = len(holder)
    # Unmatched 1
    holder = []
    for i in range(sort.l1):
        if sort.flags1[i] == 0:
            holder.append(sort.data1[i, :])
    fi.write_data(sc.array(holder), files[1])
    s2 = len(holder)
    # Unmatched 2
    holder = []
    for i in range(sort.l2):
        if sort.flags2[i] == 0:
            holder.append(sort.data2[i, :])
    fi.write_data(sc.array(holder), files[2])
    s3 = len(holder)
    print "# - {0} matched stars, {1} unmatched in file 1, {2} unmatched in file 2".format(
        s1, s2, s3)
コード例 #12
ファイル: YSO_script.py プロジェクト: MNewby/Newby-tools
def save_hists(l_hist=None, red_hist=None, dered_hist=None):
    if l_hist != None:
        print "# --- length of l_hist: {0}".format(len(l_hist))
        l_out = sc.zeros((360, 2),float)
        for i in range(len(l_out[:,0])):
            l_out[i,0] = float(i)
            l_out[i,1] = l_hist[i]
        fi.write_data(l_out, "l_hist_data.csv", delimiter=",",
                      header="angle, number of stars")
    if red_hist != None:
        print "# --- shape of red_hist: {0}".format(red_hist.shape)
        fi.write_data(red_hist, "red_hist_data.csv", delimiter=",")
    if dered_hist != None:
        print "# --- shape of dered_hist: {0}".format(dered_hist.shape)
        fi.write_data(dered_hist, "dered_hist_data.csv", delimiter=",")
コード例 #13
ファイル: YSO_script.py プロジェクト: weissj3/Newby-tools
def save_hists(l_hist=None, red_hist=None, dered_hist=None):
    if l_hist != None:
        print "# --- length of l_hist: {0}".format(len(l_hist))
        l_out = sc.zeros((360, 2), float)
        for i in range(len(l_out[:, 0])):
            l_out[i, 0] = float(i)
            l_out[i, 1] = l_hist[i]
                      header="angle, number of stars")
    if red_hist != None:
        print "# --- shape of red_hist: {0}".format(red_hist.shape)
        fi.write_data(red_hist, "red_hist_data.csv", delimiter=",")
    if dered_hist != None:
        print "# --- shape of dered_hist: {0}".format(dered_hist.shape)
        fi.write_data(dered_hist, "dered_hist_data.csv", delimiter=",")
コード例 #14
ファイル: match_data.py プロジェクト: MNewby/Newby-tools
def separate_stars(sort, files=["matched.txt", "nomatch1.txt", "nomatch2.txt"]):
    # Matched stars
    holder = []
    for i in range(sort.l1):
        if sort.flags1[i] == 1:
    fi.write_data(sc.array(holder), files[0])
    s1 = len(holder)
    # Unmatched 1
    holder = []
    for i in range(sort.l1):
        if sort.flags1[i] == 0:
    fi.write_data(sc.array(holder), files[1])
    s2 = len(holder)
    # Unmatched 2
    holder = []
    for i in range(sort.l2):
        if sort.flags2[i] == 0:
    fi.write_data(sc.array(holder), files[2])
    s3 = len(holder)
    print "# - {0} matched stars, {1} unmatched in file 1, {2} unmatched in file 2".format(s1,s2,s3)
コード例 #15
ファイル: getAnnulus.py プロジェクト: MNewby/Newby-tools
def get_dist(point, center):
    # both ra, dec tuples
    x = (point[0] - center[0])*(point[0] - center[0])
    y = (point[1] - center[1])*(point[1] - center[1])
    return np.sqrt(x + y)
def make_annulus_series(data, step, limits, center, c_cut=None):
    """ """
    incs = int((limits[1] - limits[0]) / step) + 1
    an_hist = []
    for i in range(incs):
        d_cut = ( (i*step)+limits[0], ((i+1)*step)+limits[0])
        height = get_annulus(data, c_cut, center, d_cut)
        pos = (i*step)+limits[0]
        an_hist.append([pos, height])
    return sc.array(an_hist)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    data = fi.read_data('HR_NGC_5053.csv', ",")
    step = 0.005
    limits = (0.0, 0.14)
    center = (199.109, 17.697)  #Ra, dec
    c_cut = (0.2, 0.5)
    gc_prof = make_annulus_series(data, step, limits, center, c_cut)
    fi.write_data(gc_prof, "annuli_out_med.txt")
    fig = plt.figure(1)
    plt.bar(gc_prof[:,0], gc_prof[:,1], step)
    plt.xlabel("Radius, degrees")
    print "# --- Done"
コード例 #16
def compare_plot(out, size):
    #Make plot
    fig = plt.figure()
    plt.bar(out[:, 0], out[:, 1], size)
    #x = sc.arange(0.0, 47.0, 1.0)
    #y = func.SDSS_error_function(x, [1.02, 0.119, -3.53])
    #plt.plot(x, y, 'k-')
    plt.xlabel(r'Sun-centered $r$ (kpc)')
    plt.ylabel(r'$(\rho_{1} / \rho_{2})$ (stars/kpc)')
    #plt.savefig(("diff.ps"), papertype='letter')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    file1 = "stars-82.txt"
    file2 = "stars-82-coadd2.txt"
    file3 = "matched-82-1arcsec.txt"
    mag = 0
    size = 1.0
    out1 = do_compare_wedges(file1, file3, stripe=82, mag=mag, size=size)
    out2 = do_compare_wedges(file3, file2, stripe=82, mag=mag, size=size)
    out = sc.zeros((len(out2[:, 0]), 2))
    for i in range(len(out[:, 0])):
        out[i, 0], out[i, 1] = out2[i, 0], (out1[i, 1] * out2[i, 1])
    compare_plot(out, size)
    for i in range(len(out[:, 0])):
        out[i, 0] = out[i, 0] + (size / 2.0)
    fi.write_data(out, "eps1_eps2.txt")
コード例 #17
        errors = hes.get_hessian_errors(gfe.get_2gauss_y, best_parameters,
                                        hist_data[:, 0], hist_data[:, 1],
                                        sig_in, step_size)

        print '#- Distance, fwhm, mu, sigma_l, sigma_r, amplitude, errors for run', gc_name
        print '$ ', con_dist, (gfe.full_width_half_max(best_parameters[1],best_parameters[2])), \
            best_parameters[0], best_parameters[1], best_parameters[2], best_parameters[3], \
            errors[0], errors[1], errors[2], errors[3]

        if (gcp.plot_hist(hist_data, gc_name, 1, best_parameters, 0,
                          plot_file) == 1):
            print '#-Histogram plotted'
        if (gcp.plot_HR_diagram(con_clus, real_dist, gc_name, [1.0, 7.0],
                                [0.0, 0.6], plot_file) == 1):
            #if (gcp.plot_HR_diagram(gce.select_stars_with_sigmoid(con_clus, con_dist, low_limit=0.0,high_limit=0.6),
            #                        real_dist, gc_name,[1.0,7.0],[0.0,0.6], plot_file) == 1):
            print '#-HR diagram plotted'
        if run == 0:
            if (gcp.plot_infiles(main_data, back_data, gc_name,
                                 plot_file) == 1):
                print '-Skyplot finished'
        print '******', gc_name, '-process complete*****'
        """ EXTRA"""
        #print cluster, run
                     (NAME[cluster] + '_' +
                      str(round(CONVOLVE[cluster][run])) + '_' + '.txt'),
print '#---ALL RUNS COMPLETE---'
コード例 #18
ファイル: con.py プロジェクト: weissj3/Newby-tools
        no_g = no_g + 1
    if (sigma_r > 0.0):
        r[i] = np.random.normal(y[i,3], sigma_r)
        r[i] = y[i,3]
        no_r = no_r + 1
    #print sigma_g, sigma_r, g[i], r[i]
###Two columns, absolute g and g-r
print '-uncon g:', no_g, 'uncon r:', no_r
if columns == 2:
    m = sc.zeros((l,2))
    for i in range(l):
        m[i,0] = g[i] - 5.*(np.log10(distance*1000) - 1.)
        m[i,1] = g[i] - r[i]
###Four columns:  Ra, Dec, app_g, app_r; usually used for .csv output
elif columns == 4:
    m = sc.zeros((l,4))
    for i in range(l):
        m[i,0] = y[i,0]
        m[i,1] = y[i,1]
        m[i,2] = g[i]
        m[i,3] = r[i]
    m = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    print "-Please use a valid column number"

if f.write_data(m, outfile, ' ') == 1:
    print '-Convolved data written successfully'

コード例 #19
ファイル: isocrone_fit.py プロジェクト: MNewby/Newby-tools
            for j in range(len(kill_list)):
                for k in range(len(kill_list)):  kill_list[k] = (kill_list[k]-1)
#Fit strips to Girardi isocrones using different fit functions
#now have 'iso_array' and 'fit_array' - save to file!
if (save_data==1):
    outname = cluster_name + '_out.txt'
    out_data = sc.zeros((iso_l, 4),float)
    out_data[:,0], out_data[:,1], out_data[:,2], out_data[:,3] = \
        iso_array[:,0], iso_array[:,1], fit_array[:,1], fit_array[:,2]
    dist_str = (str(distance))
    header_txt = 'g, iso g-r, fiducial g-r, uncertainty mean, from file ' + iso_file + ' with distance ' + dist_str
    #print out_data
    #print out_data.shape
    if (f.write_data(out_data, outname, header=header_txt) == 1):
        print 'iso g, iso g-r, fid g-r, fiducial sigma, data successfully saved'
#fit distances?  Hard!  Need to start from beginning..."""
A = -0.01463
B = 0.08929
y = iso_array[:,0]
x = (fit_array[:,1] - iso_array[:,1])
plt.scatter(x,y, c='black', marker='+', label='Subtracted data')
plt.plot([0.0,0.0], [np.ma.min(iso_array[:,0]),np.ma.max(iso_array[:,0])], 'r-', label='_nolegend_')
plt.plot([(A*np.ma.min(y)+B),(A*np.ma.max(y)+B)], [np.ma.min(y), np.ma.max(y)], 'g:', label='Line Fit')
#plt.plot([(A*np.ma.min(y)+B),np.ma.min(y)], [(A*np.ma.max(y)+B), np.ma.max(y)], 'g:', label='Line Fit')
plt.errorbar(iso_array[:,1],iso_array[:,0], fmt='o', mfc='c', mec='c', mew=1, label='Girardi isocrone')
plt.errorbar(fit_array[:,1],iso_array[:,0],xerr=fit_array[:,2], fmt=None, ecolor='k')
plt.scatter(fit_array[:,1],iso_array[:,0], marker='d', c='black', label='Fiducial sequence')
コード例 #20
ファイル: GCplotresults.py プロジェクト: weissj3/Newby-tools
        points = []
        for i in range(len(margins)):
            holder = []
            for j in range(len(avg_in[:, 0])):
                if ((avg_in[j, 0] > (margins[i] - 2))
                        and avg_in[j, 0] < margins[i]):
                    holder.append(avg_in[j, y])
            data_point = [(margins[i] - 1.0), sc.mean(holder), sc.std(holder)]
        averages = sc.array(points)
        plt.errorbar(averages[:, 0],
                     averages[:, 1],
                     yerr=averages[:, 2],
                     header=('Distance, Average, Standard Deviation for ' +
        print '#-Printed and plotted averages and standard deviations'
    #plt.title('Plot of convolved data')
    fig.savefig(plot_file, papertype='letter')
    print '#-plot successfully created'
print '#---All Plots sucessfully created'
コード例 #21
ファイル: modify_hist.py プロジェクト: MNewby/Newby-tools
#newer_far = far_data[:,1] - sc.mean(y)
#for i in range(len(newer_far)):
#    if newer_far[i] < 0.0:  newer_far[i] = 0.0
out_array = sc.zeros((len(far_data), 3), float)
out_array[:,0] = avg_data[:,0]
out_array[:,1] = new_far[:]
#h.plot_histogram(out_array, 0.2, limits = [], name='far_clus_renormed', x_label=r'$M_g$')
h.plot_multiple_hist(out_array[:,0], [avg_data[:,1], new_far], 0.2,
                     limits = [], name=(clus_name+'_and_avg_two'), x_label=r'$M_g$')
ratio_data = []
for i in range(len(new_far)):
    ratio_data.append( [ far_data[i,0], (new_far[i] / avg_data[i,1]), error_array[i] ])
f.write_data(sc.array(ratio_data), (clus_name+"_ratio_data_new.txt") )

### Get histogram files in, convert to absolute magnitude, then average
file_names = ['6205_normed_hist.txt', '5904_normed_hist.txt', '5272_normed_hist.txt']
dist = [7.7, 8.0, 10.4]
counts = [2164, 3698, 4364]
data = []
for cluster in file_names:
# Get absolute magnitudes and check that they are equal
abs_mags = []
for i in range(len(data)):
    modulus = (5.*(m.log10(dist[i]*1000) - 1.))
    abs_mags.append(data[i][:,0] - modulus)
for i in range(len(abs_mags[0])):
    if (round(abs_mags[0][i], 3) == round(abs_mags[1][i], 3) == round(abs_mags[2][i], 3)):
        print "#--Absolute magnitudes check out"
コード例 #22
ファイル: selectf.py プロジェクト: MNewby/Newby-tools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import files as f

'''selects out only a portion of a data set
Used for f-turnoff stars right now.
---Matthew Newby '''

starfile = "convolved_5904_cluster_lilcon.txt"
outfile = 'convolved_5904_cluster_lilcon_f.txt'
low_limit = 0.0
high_limit = 0.3

y = f.read_data(starfile)
l, w = y.shape
index = sc.zeros(l, int)
for i in range(l):
    if (y[i,2] - y[i,3]) >= low_limit:
        if (y[i,2] - y[i,3]) <= high_limit:
            index[i] = 1
s = sc.sum(index)
print '-Stars in data set:', l, 'Stars in f-turnoff:', s
new_data = sc.zeros((s,w))
j = 0
for i in range(l):
    if index[i] == 1:
        new_data[j,:] = y[i,:]
        j = j + 1
if (j != s):  print '-!!! stars out not equal to f-turnoff:', j, s
if f.write_data(new_data, outfile, ' ') == 1:
    print '-F-turnoff stars written successfully'
コード例 #23
ファイル: binary_test.py プロジェクト: weissj3/Newby-tools
for i in range(len(x1)):
    if np.random.uniform() < 0.2:
        x2[i] = x1[i] + 0.05
        x2[i] = x1[i]

y1, z1 = np.histogram(x1, 40, range=(0.0, 0.4))
y2, z2 = np.histogram(x2, 40, range=(0.0, 0.4))

m1 = sc.zeros((len(y1), 2))
m1[:, 0] = (z1[:-1] + 0.005)
m1[:, 1] = y1
m2 = sc.zeros((len(y2), 2))
m2[:, 0] = (z2[:-1] + 0.005)
m2[:, 1] = y2
fi.write_data(m1, "ori_color.txt")
fi.write_data(m2, "new_color.txt")

plt.bar(z2[:-1], y2, 0.01, color="blue")
plt.bar(z1[:-1], y1, 0.01, color="green", fill=None)
''' For magnitude study
""" For double-sided Gaussian """
N1 = 642 #N2*(0.36/0.76)
N2 = 1357 #2000.0 / ((0.36/0.76)+1)

a1 = np.random.normal(4.2, 0.36, N1)
a2 = np.random.normal(4.2, 0.76, N2)
holder = []
for i in range(len(a1)):
コード例 #24
ファイル: convolve.py プロジェクト: MNewby/Newby-tools
r = sc.zeros(l)
for i in range(l):
    #print y[i,2], y[i,3]
    sigma_g = a_g + np.exp(b_g*(y[i,2] + diff_mag) + c_g)
    sigma_r = a_r + np.exp(b_r*(y[i,3] + diff_mag) + c_r) 
    g[i] = np.random.normal(y[i,2], sigma_g)
    r[i] = np.random.normal(y[i,3], sigma_r)
    #print sigma_g, sigma_r, g[i], r[i]
###Two columns, absolute g and g-r
if columns == 2:
    m = sc.zeros((l,2))
    for i in range(l):
        m[i,0] = g[i] - 5.*(np.log10(distance*1000) - 1.)
        m[i,1] = g[i] - r[i]
###Four columns:  Ra, Dec, app_g, app_r
elif columns == 4:
    m = sc.zeros((l,4))
    for i in range(l):
        m[i,0] = y[i,0]
        m[i,1] = y[i,1]
        m[i,2] = g[i]
        m[i,3] = r[i]
    m = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    print "-Please use a valid column number"

if f.write_data(m, 'convolved_5904_cluster.csv', ',') == 1:
    print '-Convolved data written succesfully'

コード例 #25
    x = (point[0] - center[0]) * (point[0] - center[0])
    y = (point[1] - center[1]) * (point[1] - center[1])
    return np.sqrt(x + y)

def make_annulus_series(data, step, limits, center, c_cut=None):
    """ """
    incs = int((limits[1] - limits[0]) / step) + 1
    an_hist = []
    for i in range(incs):
        d_cut = ((i * step) + limits[0], ((i + 1) * step) + limits[0])
        height = get_annulus(data, c_cut, center, d_cut)
        pos = (i * step) + limits[0]
        an_hist.append([pos, height])
    return sc.array(an_hist)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    data = fi.read_data('HR_NGC_5053.csv', ",")
    step = 0.005
    limits = (0.0, 0.14)
    center = (199.109, 17.697)  #Ra, dec
    c_cut = (0.2, 0.5)
    gc_prof = make_annulus_series(data, step, limits, center, c_cut)
    fi.write_data(gc_prof, "annuli_out_med.txt")
    fig = plt.figure(1)
    plt.bar(gc_prof[:, 0], gc_prof[:, 1], step)
    plt.xlabel("Radius, degrees")
    print "# --- Done"
コード例 #26
ファイル: GCscript.py プロジェクト: MNewby/Newby-tools
        print '#-GD app mu:', (best_parameters[0] + 5.*(m.log10(real_dist*1000) - 1.))
        print '#-GD fwhm:', (gfe.full_width_half_max(best_parameters[1],best_parameters[2]))

        lh,wh = hist_data.shape
        sig_in = sc.ones(lh)
        step_size = [0.01, 0.001, 0.001, 0.01]
        errors = hes.get_hessian_errors(gfe.get_2gauss_y, best_parameters, hist_data[:,0],
                                         hist_data[:,1], sig_in, step_size)

        print '#- Distance, fwhm, mu, sigma_l, sigma_r, amplitude, errors for run', gc_name
        print '$ ', con_dist, (gfe.full_width_half_max(best_parameters[1],best_parameters[2])), \
            best_parameters[0], best_parameters[1], best_parameters[2], best_parameters[3], \
            errors[0], errors[1], errors[2], errors[3]
        if (gcp.plot_hist(hist_data, gc_name, 1, best_parameters, 0, plot_file) == 1):  
            print '#-Histogram plotted'
        if (gcp.plot_HR_diagram(con_clus, real_dist, gc_name,[1.0,7.0],[0.0,0.6], plot_file) == 1):
        #if (gcp.plot_HR_diagram(gce.select_stars_with_sigmoid(con_clus, con_dist, low_limit=0.0,high_limit=0.6),
        #                        real_dist, gc_name,[1.0,7.0],[0.0,0.6], plot_file) == 1):
            print '#-HR diagram plotted'
        if run == 0:
            if (gcp.plot_infiles(main_data, back_data, gc_name, plot_file) == 1):
                print '-Skyplot finished'
        print '******', gc_name, '-process complete*****'
        """ EXTRA"""
        #print cluster, run
        f.write_data(hist_data, (NAME[cluster]+'_'+str(round(CONVOLVE[cluster][run]))+'_'+'.txt'),
                     delimiter='\t', header=str(best_parameters))
print '#---ALL RUNS COMPLETE---'
コード例 #27
        if high_cut != None:
            if data[i, col] > high_cut:
        holder.append(data[i, :])
    return sc.array(holder)

""" Main Cutting Function """

def cut_data(data, *args):
    new_data = []
    if len(args) == 0:
        print "!!! NO ARGUMENTS DEFINING CUT !!!\n"
    for arg in args:
        if new_data == []: new_data = cut_once(data, arg)
        else: new_data = cut_once(new_data, arg)
    return new_data

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import files as fi
    file_in = "noU_NGC_5466_background.csv"
    data = fi.read_data(file_in, ",")
    data_out = cut_data(data, (2, 20.0, 21.0), (3, None, 20.0))
    fi.write_data(data_out, (file_in[:-4] + "_cut.txt"))
    #print data_out
    #print "length of data:", len(data[:,0]), "; length of cut data:", len(data_out[:,0])
コード例 #28
ファイル: turnoff_fit.py プロジェクト: MNewby/Newby-tools
        if data[j,2] > (mu+spread):  continue
        if data[j,2] < (mu-spread):  continue
    histogram = h.make_hist(holder, 0.01)
    h.plot_histogram(histogram, 0.01, name=('hist_'+str(i)), x_label=r'$(g-r)_0$')
    #h.plot_multiple_hist(histogram[:,0], [histogram[:,1]], 0.01, name=('hist_'+str(i)), x_label=r'$(g-r)_0$')
    #x_col, y_col, sig_col = histogram[:,0], (histogram[:,1]/len(holder)), (func.poisson_errors(histogram[:,1])/len(holder) )
    x_col, y_col, sig_col = histogram[:,0], (histogram[:,1]), (func.poisson_errors(histogram[:,1]))
    #print x_col, y_col, sig_col
    start_params = sc.array([0.2, 0.1, sc.ma.max(y_col)])
    steps = sc.array([0.001, 0.001, 0.01])
    function = func.gaussian_function
    #Fit function
    MCMC_fit, errors, best_fit = mc.do_MCMC(function, start_params, steps, x_col, y_col,
                              sig_col, name=('histfit_'+str(i)), number_steps=10000, save=0)
    best_fit = gd.gradient_descent(function, best_fit, x_col, y_col, sig_col)
    errors = he.get_hessian_errors(function, best_fit, x_col, y_col, sig_col, steps)
    turnoff.append([best_fit[0], best_fit[1], errors[0], errors[1]])
#    if (pdf.plot_function(x_col, y_col, function, best_fit, save_name=('histfitplot_'+str(i)), 
#                      title=['', r'$(g-r)_0$', 'Normalized Counts'], save=1) == 1):
    plt.scatter(x_col, y_col)
    func_x = sc.arange( (sc.ma.min(x_col)*0.9), (sc.ma.max(x_col)*1.1), 0.01)
    func_y = function(func_x, best_fit)
    plt.plot(func_x, func_y)
    plt.savefig(('histfitplot_'+str(i)+'.ps'), papertype='letter')
    print  "#-Fit dataplot saved"
#print turnoff
print turnoff
if f.write_data(sc.array(turnoff), 'turnoff_out_fixed.txt') == 1:
    print "#-All Results Successfully saved"
コード例 #29
l, w = y.shape
g = sc.zeros(l)
r = sc.zeros(l)
for i in range(l):
    #print y[i,2], y[i,3]
    sigma_g = a_g + np.exp(b_g * (y[i, 2] + diff_mag) + c_g)
    sigma_r = a_r + np.exp(b_r * (y[i, 3] + diff_mag) + c_r)
    g[i] = np.random.normal(y[i, 2], sigma_g)
    r[i] = np.random.normal(y[i, 3], sigma_r)
    #print sigma_g, sigma_r, g[i], r[i]
###Two columns, absolute g and g-r
if columns == 2:
    m = sc.zeros((l, 2))
    for i in range(l):
        m[i, 0] = g[i] - 5. * (np.log10(distance * 1000) - 1.)
        m[i, 1] = g[i] - r[i]
###Four columns:  Ra, Dec, app_g, app_r
elif columns == 4:
    m = sc.zeros((l, 4))
    for i in range(l):
        m[i, 0] = y[i, 0]
        m[i, 1] = y[i, 1]
        m[i, 2] = g[i]
        m[i, 3] = r[i]
    m = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    print "-Please use a valid column number"

if f.write_data(m, 'convolved_5904_cluster.csv', ',') == 1:
    print '-Convolved data written succesfully'
コード例 #30
ファイル: FIT_script.py プロジェクト: weissj3/Newby-tools
import math as m
import numpy as np
import scipy as sc
import files as f
import gradient_descent as gd
import monte_carlo as mc
import Hessian_errors as he
import plot_data_function as pdf
import time
import functions as func
'''python script for running gc scripts
Matthew Newby, Sept 6, 2010'''
'''Add Limits to parameters and data! '''
# Generate Gaussian Data
sig = 10.0
x = sc.arange(0.0, 10.0, 0.1)
y = (func.gaussian_function(x, [10.0, 3.5, 0.8]) )#+ np.random.normal(0.0, sig, len(x)))
out = sc.zeros((len(x),3))
for i in range(len(x)):
    out[i,0], out[i,1], out[i,2] = x[i], y[i], sig
f.write_data(out, "test_out_p.txt")

#Setup variables
filename = 'Pal13_backsub_cluscut.txt'
function = func.get_2gauss_y
identifier = ['text', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H']

#Load data
コード例 #31
def rejection(filename,
    data = fi.read_data(filename, ",")
    if min == None:
        min = np.ma.min(data[:, 2])
    if max == None:
        max = np.ma.max(data[:, 2])
    data_out = []
    steps = int((max - min) / bin) + 1
    for i in range(steps):
        # build a data set for each bin
        data_temp = []
        min_temp, max_temp = (min + i * bin), (min + (i + 1) * bin)
        for j in range(len(data[:, 0])):
            if (data[j, 2] >= min_temp) and (data[j, 2] < max_temp):
                data_temp.append(data[j, :])
        print "number of stars in bin {0}: {1}".format(i, len(data_temp))
        if len(data_temp) == 0: continue  #skip empty sets
        # continue checking for rejections until no rejections occur
        kills = [1]
        while len(kills) > 0:
            kills, new_temp = [], []
            # pack the g-r values into a single list
            g_minus_r = []
            for j in range(len(data_temp)):
                g_minus_r.append(data_temp[j][2] - data_temp[j][3])
            g_minus_r = sc.array(g_minus_r)
            avg = sc.mean(g_minus_r)
            stdev = sc.std(g_minus_r)
            #print avg, stdev
            # Find the values that lie outside 'reject' sigma
            for j in range(len(g_minus_r)):
                diff = ma.fabs(g_minus_r[j] - avg)
                if diff > (reject * stdev): kills.append(data_temp[j])
                elif diff > thresh: kills.append(data_temp[j])
                else: new_temp.append(data_temp[j])
            data_temp = new_temp
        data_out = data_out + data_temp
        print "Stars kept in bin: {0}".format(len(data_temp))
    # restructure data
    data_out = sc.array(data_out)
    print " {0} stars remaining out of {1} original stars".format(
        len(data_out[:, 0]), len(data[:, 0]))
    g_minus_r_ori = data[:, 2] - data[:, 3]
    g_minus_r_out = data_out[:, 2] - data_out[:, 3]
    # show plot, then ask to save data set
    fig = plt.figure()
    #plt.scatter(g_minus_r_ori, data[:,2], 2, marker='o', facecolor="r", edgecolor='face')
    plt.scatter(g_minus_r_out, data_out[:, 2], 1, 'k', 'o')
    plt.ylim(max, min)
    plt.xlim(-1.0, 2.0)
    fname = raw_input("save data? [filename to save, empty to skip]")
    if fname != "":
        fi.write_data(data_out, fname, header="#")
    print "# --- Done"
コード例 #32
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import files as f
'''selects out only a portion of a data set
Used for f-turnoff stars right now.
---Matthew Newby '''

starfile = "convolved_5904_cluster_lilcon.txt"
outfile = 'convolved_5904_cluster_lilcon_f.txt'
low_limit = 0.0
high_limit = 0.3

y = f.read_data(starfile)
l, w = y.shape
index = sc.zeros(l, int)
for i in range(l):
    if (y[i, 2] - y[i, 3]) >= low_limit:
        if (y[i, 2] - y[i, 3]) <= high_limit:
            index[i] = 1
s = sc.sum(index)
print '-Stars in data set:', l, 'Stars in f-turnoff:', s
new_data = sc.zeros((s, w))
j = 0
for i in range(l):
    if index[i] == 1:
        new_data[j, :] = y[i, :]
        j = j + 1
if (j != s): print '-!!! stars out not equal to f-turnoff:', j, s
if f.write_data(new_data, outfile, ' ') == 1:
    print '-F-turnoff stars written successfully'
コード例 #33
                '''stick it in the value holder'''
                print '#---', holder
                print "### DEAD", killed, "###"
            '''Average all the values in 'values' '''
            hold_array = sc.array(values)
            holder = []
            for i in range(10):
                holder.append(sc.mean(hold_array[:, i]))
            print holder
        "distance (kpc), blue-in-blue, b-y, b-r; y-b, y-y, y-r; r-b, r-y, r-r")
    print '#---All Done!'
"""  Probably crap!
def convolve(data_in, real_dist, con_dist):
    a_u = 2.71e-03
    b_u = 0.80
    c_u = -19.2
    a_g = 3.11e-04
    b_g = 0.79
    c_g = -20.0
    a_r = -2.63e-05
    b_r = 0.80
    c_r = -19.8
    diff_mag = 5.0*(np.log10(con_dist / real_dist))
コード例 #34
ファイル: GCplotresults.py プロジェクト: MNewby/Newby-tools
#            'k--')
    #now finds the average y of all points in dist. bins of size 2.0,
    # and outputs the set of points
    if (find_average == 1):
        avg_in = f.read_data(file_to_average)
        distances = avg_in[:,x]
        values = avg_in[:,y]
        margins = [9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29]
        points = []
        for i in range(len(margins)):
            holder = []
            for j in range(len(avg_in[:,0])):
                if ( (avg_in[j,0] > (margins[i]-2) ) and avg_in[j,0] < margins[i]):
            data_point = [ (margins[i]-1.0), sc.mean(holder), sc.std(holder) ]
        averages = sc.array(points)
        plt.errorbar(averages[:,0], averages[:,1], yerr=averages[:,2], fmt='o', color='b',
                     ecolor='b', markersize=4)
        f.write_data(averages, averages_file,
                     header=('Distance, Average, Standard Deviation for '+axes_names[y]) )
        print '#-Printed and plotted averages and standard deviations'
    #plt.title('Plot of convolved data')
    fig.savefig(plot_file, papertype='letter')
    print '#-plot successfully created'
print '#---All Plots sucessfully created'
コード例 #35
ファイル: fiducial_maker.py プロジェクト: weissj3/Newby-tools
            reject = 0
            print 'kill length', len(kill_list), 'bin', (i)
            for j in range(len(kill_list)):
                for k in range(len(kill_list)):
                    kill_list[k] = (kill_list[k] - 1)
#now have 'iso_array' and 'fit_array' - save to file!
if (save_data == 1):
    outname = cluster_name + '_fiducial_out.txt'
    dist_str = (str(distance))
    header_txt = 'g, g-r, uncertainty mean, from file ' + data_file + ' with distance ' + dist_str
    #print out_data
    #print out_data.shape
    if (f.write_data(fit_array, outname, header=header_txt) == 1):
        print 'iso g, g-r, sigma, data successfully saved'
#fit distances?  Hard!  Need to start from beginning..."""
y = gc_array[:, 0]
x = gc_array[:, 1]
plt.scatter(x, y, c='black', marker='+', label='HR data')
plt.errorbar(fit_array[:, 1],
             fit_array[:, 0],
             xerr=fit_array[:, 2],
plt.scatter(fit_array[:, 1],
            fit_array[:, 0],
コード例 #36
ファイル: con_old.py プロジェクト: weissj3/Newby-tools
l, w = y.shape
g = sc.zeros(l)
r = sc.zeros(l)
for i in range(l):
    #print y[i,2], y[i,3]
    sigma_g = a_g + np.exp(b_g * (y[i, 2] + diff_mag) + c_g)
    sigma_r = a_r + np.exp(b_r * (y[i, 3] + diff_mag) + c_r)
    g[i] = np.random.normal(y[i, 2], sigma_g)
    r[i] = np.random.normal(y[i, 3], sigma_r)
    #print sigma_g, sigma_r, g[i], r[i]
###Two columns, absolute g and g-r
if columns == 2:
    m = sc.zeros((l, 2))
    for i in range(l):
        m[i, 0] = g[i] - 5. * (np.log10(distance * 1000) - 1.)
        m[i, 1] = g[i] - r[i]
###Four columns:  Ra, Dec, app_g, app_r; usually used for .csv output
elif columns == 4:
    m = sc.zeros((l, 4))
    for i in range(l):
        m[i, 0] = y[i, 0]
        m[i, 1] = y[i, 1]
        m[i, 2] = g[i]
        m[i, 3] = r[i]
    m = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    print "-Please use a valid column number"

if f.write_data(m, outfile, ',') == 1:
    print '-Convolved data written successfully'
コード例 #37
 # Read arguments
 filename = sys.argv[1]
 column = int(sys.argv[2])
 size = float(sys.argv[3])
 if len(sys.argv) > 4:
     spread = [float(sys.argv[4]), float(sys.argv[5])]
     spread = []
 if len(sys.argv) > 6:
     name = sys.argv[6]
     name = 'quick'
 # Load Data
 suffix = filename[-4:]
 if suffix == '.txt':
     data = f.read_data(filename)
 elif suffix == '.csv':
     data = f.read_csv(filename)
 # Run scripts
 to_bin = data[:, column]
 reg_hist = make_hist(to_bin, size, spread)
 plot_histogram(reg_hist, size, name=(name + '_normal'))
              fileout=(name + '_normal.txt'),
              header='# Centers, Counts')
 cum_hist = cumulative_hist(to_bin, size, spread)
 plot_histogram(cum_hist, size, name=(name + '_cumulative'))
              fileout=(name + '_cumulative.txt'),
              header='# Centers, Counts')
 print '#done with quick histograms'
コード例 #38
    for i in range(len(data[:,0])):
        if low_cut != None:
            if data[i,col] < low_cut:
        if high_cut != None:
            if data[i,col] > high_cut:
    return sc.array(holder)

""" Main Cutting Function """
def cut_data(data, *args):
    new_data = []
    if len(args) == 0:
        print "!!! NO ARGUMENTS DEFINING CUT !!!\n"
    for arg in args:
        if new_data == []:  new_data = cut_once(data, arg)
        else:  new_data = cut_once(new_data, arg)
    return new_data

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import files as fi
    file_in = "noU_NGC_5466_background.csv"
    data = fi.read_data(file_in, ",")
    data_out = cut_data(data, (2, 20.0, 21.0), (3, None, 20.0))
    fi.write_data(data_out, (file_in[:-4]+"_cut.txt"))
    #print data_out
    #print "length of data:", len(data[:,0]), "; length of cut data:", len(data_out[:,0])
コード例 #39

""" for randomly selecting stars from the unmatched star file 
import astro_coordinates as coor

data = fi.read_data("no_matches_82.txt", ",")
samples = np.random.uniform(0, len(data[:,0]), 20)
for i in range(len(samples)):
    l, b = data[samples[i],0], data[samples[i],1]
    ra, dec = coor.lbToEq(l,b)
    print float(ra), float(dec)

""" For double-sided Gaussian """
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
N1 = 642 #N2*(0.36/0.76)
N2 = 1357 #2000.0 / ((0.36/0.76)+1)

a1 = np.random.normal(4.2, 0.36, N1)
a2 = np.random.normal(4.2, 0.76, N2)
holder = []
for i in range(len(a1)):
    if a1[i] < 4.2:  holder.append(a1[i])
for i in range(len(a2)):
    if a2[i] > 4.2:  holder.append(a2[i])
x1 = sc.array(holder)
コード例 #40
ファイル: make_test_data.py プロジェクト: weissj3/Newby-tools
import functions as func
import time
'''python script for quickly creating test data sets.
Matthew Newby, May 26, 2011'''

out_file = "test_poly_out.txt"
function = func.Nth_order_polynomial
parameters = [11.0, -1.0, 0.5]

x = sc.arange(-4.0, 4.0, 0.1)
y = function(x, parameters)
sig = 1.0  #1 sigma value for errors, takes:  None or float

out = sc.ones((len(x), 3))
out[:, 0] = x
if (sig == None): out[:, 1] = y
    for i in range(len(y)):
        out[i, 1] = np.random.normal(y[i], sig)
        out[i, 2] = float(sig)

if fi.write_data(out, out_file, header="#-x, y, sig"):
    print "#- File output succeeded"

plt.scatter(out[:, 0], out[:, 1], 2, 'k', 'o')
print "# - Done"
コード例 #41
ファイル: compare_wedges.py プロジェクト: MNewby/Newby-tools
    return out

def compare_plot(out, size):
    #Make plot
    fig = plt.figure()
    plt.bar(out[:,0], out[:,1], size)
    #x = sc.arange(0.0, 47.0, 1.0)
    #y = func.SDSS_error_function(x, [1.02, 0.119, -3.53])
    #plt.plot(x, y, 'k-')
    plt.xlabel(r'Sun-centered $r$ (kpc)')
    plt.ylabel(r'$(\rho_{1} / \rho_{2})$ (stars/kpc)')
    #plt.savefig(("diff.ps"), papertype='letter')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    mag = 0
    size = 1.0
    out1 = do_compare_wedges(file1, file3, stripe=82, mag=mag, size=size)
    out2 = do_compare_wedges(file3, file2, stripe=82, mag=mag, size=size)
    out = sc.zeros((len(out2[:,0]),2))
    for i in range(len(out[:,0])):
        out[i,0], out[i,1] = out2[i,0], (out1[i,1]*out2[i,1])
    compare_plot(out, size)
    for i in range(len(out[:,0])):
        out[i,0] = out[i,0] + (size/2.0)
    fi.write_data(out, "eps1_eps2.txt")
コード例 #42
ファイル: GC_CAscript.py プロジェクト: weissj3/Newby-tools
                    red_stars = red_stars + 1
                    yellow_stars = yellow_stars + 1
            '''Count Data - red'''
            blue_stars, yellow_stars, red_stars = 0, 0, 0
            for i in range(len(red_con)):
                g_minus_r = (red_con[i][2] - red_con[i][3])
                if g_minus_r < BLUE_LIMIT:
                    blue_stars = blue_stars + 1
                elif g_minus_r > RED_LIMIT:
                    red_stars = red_stars + 1
                    yellow_stars = yellow_stars + 1
            '''stick it in the value holder'''
            print '#---', holder
        '''Average all the values in 'values' '''
        hold_array = sc.array(values)
        holder = []
        for i in range(10):
        print holder
f.write_data(sc.array(data_out), 'new_output.txt')
print '#---All Done!'
コード例 #43
ファイル: metal_CA.py プロジェクト: MNewby/Newby-tools
        fig = plt.figure(i+1)
        plt.bar(histograms[i][1][:-1], histograms[i][0], 0.1)
        plt.bar(ref[1][:-1], ref[0], 0.1, fill=False, edgecolor='r', ls="dashed")
        if ids != None:
            out = "{0} kpc, {1} stars,\n{2} of original".format(ids[i],
                            t_stars, round( (float(t_stars)/float(o_stars)), 2 ) )
            plt.text(0.0, 120.0, out, fontsize=12)
        plt.savefig(tag+"_"+str(ids[i])[:5]+".ps", papertype='letter')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    d = sc.array([7.7, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0, 30.0, 40.0])
    #d = sc.arange(1.0, 82.0, 10.0)
    tag = "real_noFx"
    averages = 10
    limits = (-4.0, 2.0)
    bins = (limits[1] - limits[0]) / 0.1
    print "limits = {0}, bins = {1}, averages = {2}".format(limits, bins, averages)
    output = metal_con("NGC_6205_nofield.txt", d, 7.7, bins=bins, limits=limits,
              avgs=averages, detection=1, tag=tag)
    for i in range(len(output)):
        out = sc.zeros( (len(output[i][0]),2), float)
        out[:,0], out[:,1] = output[i][0], output[i][1][:-1]
        #print out.shape
        fi.write_data(out, "hist_"+tag+"_"+str(d[i])[:5]+".txt", header=tag+"_"+str(d[i])[:5])
    #do background as well?
    """ Address distance, color cuts? Distances only make sense when convolving a
    cluster, need to modify for convolution of background."""
    print "# --- Done"
コード例 #44
    start_params = sc.array([0.2, 0.1, sc.ma.max(y_col)])
    steps = sc.array([0.001, 0.001, 0.01])
    function = func.gaussian_function
    #Fit function
    MCMC_fit, errors, best_fit = mc.do_MCMC(function,
                                            name=('histfit_' + str(i)),
    best_fit = gd.gradient_descent(function, best_fit, x_col, y_col, sig_col)
    errors = he.get_hessian_errors(function, best_fit, x_col, y_col, sig_col,
    turnoff.append([best_fit[0], best_fit[1], errors[0], errors[1]])
    #    if (pdf.plot_function(x_col, y_col, function, best_fit, save_name=('histfitplot_'+str(i)),
    #                      title=['', r'$(g-r)_0$', 'Normalized Counts'], save=1) == 1):
    plt.scatter(x_col, y_col)
    func_x = sc.arange((sc.ma.min(x_col) * 0.9), (sc.ma.max(x_col) * 1.1),
    func_y = function(func_x, best_fit)
    plt.plot(func_x, func_y)
    plt.savefig(('histfitplot_' + str(i) + '.ps'), papertype='letter')
    print "#-Fit dataplot saved"
#print turnoff
print turnoff
if f.write_data(sc.array(turnoff), 'turnoff_out_fixed.txt') == 1:
    print "#-All Results Successfully saved"
コード例 #45
ファイル: fiducial_maker.py プロジェクト: MNewby/Newby-tools
            fit_array[(i-1),2] = (fit_array[(i-1),2] / float(len(star_list)))
            reject = 0
            print 'kill length', len(kill_list), 'bin', (i)
            for j in range(len(kill_list)):
                for k in range(len(kill_list)):  kill_list[k] = (kill_list[k]-1)
#now have 'iso_array' and 'fit_array' - save to file!
if (save_data==1):
    outname = cluster_name + '_fiducial_out.txt'
    dist_str = (str(distance))
    header_txt = 'g, g-r, uncertainty mean, from file ' + data_file + ' with distance ' + dist_str
    #print out_data
    #print out_data.shape
    if (f.write_data(fit_array, outname, header=header_txt) == 1):
        print 'iso g, g-r, sigma, data successfully saved'
#fit distances?  Hard!  Need to start from beginning..."""
y = gc_array[:,0]
x = gc_array[:,1]
plt.scatter(x,y, c='black', marker='+', label='HR data')
plt.errorbar(fit_array[:,1],fit_array[:,0],xerr=fit_array[:,2], fmt=None, ecolor='g')
plt.scatter(fit_array[:,1],fit_array[:,0], c='green', label='fiducial sequence')
plt.title(plot_title, fontsize='small')
leg = plt.legend(loc='best')
for t in leg.get_texts():
コード例 #46
ファイル: make_test_data.py プロジェクト: MNewby/Newby-tools
import time

'''python script for quickly creating test data sets.
Matthew Newby, May 26, 2011'''

out_file = "test_poly_out.txt"
function = func.Nth_order_polynomial
parameters = [11.0, -1.0, 0.5]

x = sc.arange(-4.0, 4.0, 0.1)
y = function(x, parameters)
sig = 1.0  #1 sigma value for errors, takes:  None or float 

out = sc.ones((len(x), 3))
out[:,0] = x
if (sig == None):  out[:,1] = y
    np.random.seed( int(time.time()) )
    for i in range(len(y)):
        out[i,1] = np.random.normal(y[i], sig)
        out[i,2] = float(sig)

if fi.write_data(out, out_file, header="#-x, y, sig"):
    print "#- File output succeeded"
print "# - Done"
コード例 #47
ファイル: hist.py プロジェクト: MNewby/Newby-tools
    return 1

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print '#- number of arguments:', (len(sys.argv)-1)
    # Read arguments
    filename = sys.argv[1]
    column = int(sys.argv[2])
    size = float(sys.argv[3])
    if len(sys.argv) > 4:
        spread = [float(sys.argv[4]), float(sys.argv[5])]
    else:  spread = []
    if len(sys.argv) > 6:
        name = sys.argv[6]
    else:  name = 'quick'
    # Load Data
    suffix = filename[-4:]
    if suffix == '.txt':
        data = f.read_data(filename)
    elif suffix == '.csv':
        data = f.read_csv(filename)
    # Run scripts
    to_bin = data[:,column]
    reg_hist = make_hist(to_bin, size, spread)
    plot_histogram(reg_hist, size, name=(name+'_normal') )
    f.write_data(reg_hist, fileout=(name+'_normal.txt'), header='# Centers, Counts')
    cum_hist = cumulative_hist(to_bin, size, spread)
    plot_histogram(cum_hist, size, name=(name+'_cumulative') )
    f.write_data(cum_hist, fileout=(name+'_cumulative.txt'), header='# Centers, Counts')
    print '#done with quick histograms'
コード例 #48
def sgr_xz_plot(folder="./sep_lbr/",
    x_min, x_max, x_size = -50.0, 50.0, bin_size
    z_min, z_max, z_size = 0.0, 100.0, bin_size
    x_bins, z_bins = int((x_max - x_min) / x_size) + 1, int(
        (z_max - z_min) / z_size) + 1
    if infile == None:
        H = sc.zeros((z_bins, x_bins), float)
        files = glob.glob(folder + "/*.txt")
        for file in files:
            data = fi.read_data(file)
            wedge = int(file[-6:-4])
            for i in range(len(data[:, 0])):
                if primary == 1:
                    if test_primary(data[i, 0],
                                    data[i, 1],
                                    high=23) == 0:
                x, y, z = coor.lbr2xyz(data[i, 0], data[i, 1], data[i, 2])
                if x < x_min or x > x_max: continue
                if z < z_min or z > z_max: continue  #FLAG
                xi, zi = int((x - x_min) / x_size), int(
                    (z - z_min) / z_size)  #FLAG
                H[zi, xi] = H[zi, xi] + 1.0
        if outfile != None: fi.write_data(H, outfile)
    else: H = fi.read_data(infile)
    if scale == 1: H = sc.sqrt(H)
    #Make the plot
    sp = plt.subplot(111)
    if color == 1: cmap = spectral_wb
    else: cmap = binary
    plt.imshow(H, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap)  #vmin=0.0, vmax=15.0)
    bar = plt.colorbar(orientation='vertical')
    if scale == 1:
        bar_ticks = sc.arange(0.0, 17.0, 4.0)
        bar_labels = []
        for i in range(len(bar_ticks)):
        bar.set_ticklabels(bar_labels, update_ticks=True)
    Earth = [-8.5, 0.0, 0.0]
    plt.scatter((Earth[0] - x_min) / x_size, (Earth[2] - z_min) / z_size,
    # Clean up
    y_lim = plt.ylim()
    plt.ylim(y_lim[1], y_lim[0])
    #plt.xlim(-25.0, 270.0)
    #plt.ylim(-25.0, 270.0)
    #plt.setp(sp.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
    #plt.setp(sp.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
    #plt.setp(sp.get_xticklines(),  visible=False)
    #plt.setp(sp.get_yticklines(),  visible=False)
    # Show plot
コード例 #49
plt.text(-0.2, 16.0, "NGC 5024 - dirty", fontsize=8)

""" for randomly selecting stars from the unmatched star file 
import astro_coordinates as coor

data = fi.read_data("no_matches_82.txt", ",")
samples = np.random.uniform(0, len(data[:,0]), 20)
for i in range(len(samples)):
    l, b = data[samples[i],0], data[samples[i],1]
    ra, dec = coor.lbToEq(l,b)
    print float(ra), float(dec)
""" For double-sided Gaussian """
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
N1 = 642 #N2*(0.36/0.76)
N2 = 1357 #2000.0 / ((0.36/0.76)+1)

a1 = np.random.normal(4.2, 0.36, N1)
a2 = np.random.normal(4.2, 0.76, N2)
holder = []
for i in range(len(a1)):
    if a1[i] < 4.2:  holder.append(a1[i])
for i in range(len(a2)):
    if a2[i] > 4.2:  holder.append(a2[i])
x1 = sc.array(holder)
コード例 #50
def lbpolar_plot(folder,
    """ Makes a polar plot centered at the north or south Galactic caps, 
		using all files in a given folder.  Files should be in l,b,r format.
		hemi: 	'N' for Northern Galactic cap, 'S' for Southern Galactic cap
		bin_size:  size of bins, in (roughly) degrees
		outfile:  if not None, outputs the derived histogram to the file
		infile:  if not None, reads in the histogram from the file 
		color:  1 for spectral color map, 0 for black and white
		scale:  1 to sqrt bin counts, 0 to leave the bin counts
		primary:  1 to test wedges for primary stars (SDSS), 0 to skip test
    x_size, y_size, b_min = bin_size, bin_size, 30.0
    b_min = 90.0 - b_min  # Flips it around so that 90.0 is at the origin
    # Initialize custom histogram
    x_bins, y_bins = int(2.0 * b_min / x_size) + 1, int(
        2.0 * b_min / y_size) + 1
    if infile == None:
        H = sc.zeros((y_bins, x_bins), float)
        # Iterate over files
        files = glob.glob(folder + "/*.txt")
        for file in files:
            data = fi.read_data(file)
            wedge = int(file.split("/")[-1][6:8])
            if hemi == 'S': data[:, 1] = -1.0 * data[:, 1]
            for i in range(len(data[:, 0])):
                if primary == 1:
                    if test_primary(data[i, 0],
                                    data[i, 1],
                                    high=23) == 0:
                xi = int(
                    ((90.0 - data[i, 1]) * sc.cos(data[i, 0] * rad) + b_min) /
                yi = int(
                    ((90.0 - data[i, 1]) * sc.sin(data[i, 0] * rad) + b_min) /
                if xi < 0 or xi > x_bins - 1: continue
                if yi < 0 or yi > y_bins - 1: continue
                H[yi, xi] = H[yi, xi] + 1.0
        if outfile != None: fi.write_data(H, outfile)
    else: H = fi.read_data(infile, delimiter=None)
    if scale == 1: H = sc.sqrt(H)
    # plot data
    sp = plt.subplot(111)
    if color == 1: cmap = spectral_wb
    else: cmap = binary
    plt.imshow(H, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap, vmin=0.0,
               vmax=12.0)  #extent=extent,
    bar = plt.colorbar(orientation='vertical')
    if scale == 1:
        bar_ticks = sc.arange(0.0, 17.0, 4.0)
        bar_labels = []
        #for i in range(len(bar_ticks)):
        #    bar_labels.append(str(int(bar_ticks[i]**2)))
        #bar.set_ticklabels(bar_labels, update_ticks=True)
    # plot axes - l
    for i in [30.0, 45.0, 60.0, 75.0]:
        l = sc.arange(0.0, 361.0, 1.0)
        x = ((90.0 - i) /
             (bin_size)) * sc.cos(l * rad) + (b_min / x_size)  # FLAG x_size
        y = ((90.0 - i) /
             (bin_size)) * sc.sin(l * rad) + (b_min / y_size)  # FLAG y_size
        if i % 2 == 0: plt.plot(x, y, 'k-')
        else: plt.plot(x, y, 'k:', linewidth=0.5)
        if hemi == 'S':
            plt.text(x[89] + 1.0,
                     y[89] + 1.0,
                     "$b=" + str(-1.0 * int(i)) + "^{\circ}$",
            plt.text(x[89] + 1.0,
                     y[89] + 1.0,
                     r"$b=" + str(int(i)) + r"^{\circ}$",
    # plot axes - b
    for i in sc.arange(0.0, 180.0, 15.0):
        b = sc.arange(-1.0 * (b_min + 5.0),
                      (b_min + 5.0) + 1.0, 10.0) / bin_size  # FLAG
        x = b * sc.cos(i * rad) + (b_min / x_size)  # FLAG x_size
        y = b * sc.sin(i * rad) + (b_min / y_size)  # FLAG y_size
        if i % 90 == 0: plt.plot(x, y, 'k-')
        else: plt.plot(x, y, 'k:')
        if i % 30 == 0:
            if i == 0.0: pre = r"$l="
            else: pre = r"$"
            x0 = (b[0] - 4.0) * sc.cos(i * rad) + (b_min / x_size
                                                   )  # FLAG x_size
            y0 = (b[0] - 4.0) * sc.sin(i * rad) + (b_min / y_size
                                                   )  # FLAG y_size
                     r"$" + str(int(i + 180.0)) + r"^{\circ}$",
                     rotation=(i + 90.0))
            x1 = (b[-1] + 4.0) * sc.cos(i * rad) + (b_min / x_size
                                                    )  # FLAG x_size
            y1 = (b[-1] + 4.0) * sc.sin(i * rad) + (b_min / y_size
                                                    )  # FLAG y_size
                     pre + str(int(i)) + r"^{\circ}$",
                     rotation=(i - 90.0))
    # Clean up
    #y_lim = plt.ylim()
    #plt.ylim(y_lim[1], y_lim[0])
    plt.xlim(-25.0, 270.0)
    plt.ylim(-25.0, 270.0)
    plt.setp(sp.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
    plt.setp(sp.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
    plt.setp(sp.get_xticklines(), visible=False)
    plt.setp(sp.get_yticklines(), visible=False)
    # Show plot
コード例 #51
ファイル: isocrone_fit.py プロジェクト: weissj3/Newby-tools
                for k in range(len(kill_list)):
                    kill_list[k] = (kill_list[k] - 1)
#Fit strips to Girardi isocrones using different fit functions
#now have 'iso_array' and 'fit_array' - save to file!
if (save_data == 1):
    outname = cluster_name + '_out.txt'
    out_data = sc.zeros((iso_l, 4), float)
    out_data[:,0], out_data[:,1], out_data[:,2], out_data[:,3] = \
        iso_array[:,0], iso_array[:,1], fit_array[:,1], fit_array[:,2]
    dist_str = (str(distance))
    header_txt = 'g, iso g-r, fiducial g-r, uncertainty mean, from file ' + iso_file + ' with distance ' + dist_str
    #print out_data
    #print out_data.shape
    if (f.write_data(out_data, outname, header=header_txt) == 1):
        print 'iso g, iso g-r, fid g-r, fiducial sigma, data successfully saved'
#fit distances?  Hard!  Need to start from beginning..."""
A = -0.01463
B = 0.08929
y = iso_array[:, 0]
x = (fit_array[:, 1] - iso_array[:, 1])
plt.scatter(x, y, c='black', marker='+', label='Subtracted data')
plt.plot([0.0, 0.0], [np.ma.min(iso_array[:, 0]),
                      np.ma.max(iso_array[:, 0])],
plt.plot([(A * np.ma.min(y) + B), (A * np.ma.max(y) + B)],
         [np.ma.min(y), np.ma.max(y)],
コード例 #52

if __name__ == "__main__":
    d = sc.array([7.7, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0, 30.0, 40.0])
    #d = sc.arange(1.0, 82.0, 10.0)
    tag = "real_noFx"
    averages = 10
    limits = (-4.0, 2.0)
    bins = (limits[1] - limits[0]) / 0.1
    print "limits = {0}, bins = {1}, averages = {2}".format(
        limits, bins, averages)
    output = metal_con("NGC_6205_nofield.txt",
    for i in range(len(output)):
        out = sc.zeros((len(output[i][0]), 2), float)
        out[:, 0], out[:, 1] = output[i][0], output[i][1][:-1]
        #print out.shape
                      "hist_" + tag + "_" + str(d[i])[:5] + ".txt",
                      header=tag + "_" + str(d[i])[:5])
    #do background as well?
    """ Address distance, color cuts? Distances only make sense when convolving a
    cluster, need to modify for convolution of background."""
    print "# --- Done"