コード例 #1
def makeScriptPathRelative( scriptFilepath ):
	will attempt to transform the name of the given script into the shortest possible path relative
	to the python search paths defined in sys.path.

	For example, just say you have a package called "foo"
	this package contains the script: "bar.py"

	given the full path to bar.py this function will return:
	scriptFilepath = Path( scriptFilepath )

	sysPaths = map( Path, sys.path )
	bestFitPath = None
	for p in sysPaths:
		if scriptFilepath.isUnder( p ) or len( p ) > len( bestFitPath ):
			if bestFitPath is None:
				bestFitPath = p

	if bestFitPath is None:
		raise ValueError( "Cannot find a path under any of the paths in sys.path!" )

	shortestPath = scriptFilepath - bestFitPath

	return shortestPath
コード例 #2
def isScriptInSuperiorBranch( scriptPath ):
	returns whether the given scriptPath can be found in a directory searched before
	the given script.  Ie, if the following paths are in sys.path:
	sys.path = [ 'd:/somePath', 'd:/otherPath' ]

	isScriptInSuperiorBranch( 'd:/otherPath/someScript.py' )

	if there is a someScript.py in d:/somePath, this function will return True
	if not isinstance( scriptPath, Path ):
		scriptPath = Path( scriptPath )

	originalPath = scriptPath
	for p in sys.path:
		if scriptPath.isUnder( p ):
			scriptPath = scriptPath - p

	for p in sys.path:
		possibleSuperiorPath = p / scriptPath
		if possibleSuperiorPath.exists:
			if possibleSuperiorPath == originalPath:
				return None

			return possibleSuperiorPath
コード例 #3
	def getFiles( self ):
		files = []
		for d in self._dirs:
			skipDir = False
			for dd in self._dirsExclude:
				if d.isUnder( dd ):
					skipDir = True

			if skipDir:

			for dirPath, dirNames, fileNames in os.walk( d ):
				dirPath = Path( dirPath )

				skipDir = False
				for d in self._dirsExclude:
					if dirPath.isUnder( d ):
						skipDir = True

				if skipDir:

				for f in fileNames:
					f = dirPath / f
					if f.hasExtension( 'py' ):
						files.append( f )

					#if the cmd script looks like its a python cmd script, then add it to the list - the DepFinder class knows how to deal with these files
					elif f.hasExtension( 'cmd' ):
						with file( f ) as fopen:
							line = fopen.readline().strip()
							if '@setlocal ' in line and '& python' in line:
								files.append( f )

		return files