コード例 #1
def segtrends(x, segments=2, charts=True, window=7):
    Turn minitrends to iterative process more easily adaptable to
    implementation in simple trading systems; allows backtesting functionality.

    :param x: One-dimensional data set
    :param window: How long the trendlines should be. If window < 1, then it
                   will be taken as a percentage of the size of the data
    :param charts: Boolean value saying whether to print chart to screen

    import numpy as np
    y = np.array(x)
    movy = movingaverage(y, window)
    # Implement trendlines and Find the indexes of these maxima in the data
    segments = int(segments)
    maxima = np.ones(segments)
    minima = np.ones(segments) 
    x_maxima = np.ones(segments)
    x_minima = np.ones(segments)
    segsize = int(len(y)/segments)
    for i in range(1, segments+1):
        ind2 = i*segsize
        ind1 = ind2 - segsize
        seg = y[ind1:ind2]
        maxima[i-1] = max(seg)
        minima[i-1] = min(seg)
        x_maxima[i-1] = ind1 + (np.where(seg == maxima[i-1])[0][0])
        x_minima[i-1] = ind1 + (np.where(seg == minima[i-1])[0][0])

    if charts:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    for i in range(0, segments-1):
        maxslope = (maxima[i+1] - maxima[i]) / (x_maxima[i+1] - x_maxima[i])
        a_max = maxima[i] - (maxslope * x_maxima[i])
        b_max = maxima[i] + (maxslope * (len(y) - x_maxima[i]))
        maxline = np.linspace(a_max, b_max, len(y))

        minslope = (minima[i+1] - minima[i]) / (x_minima[i+1] - x_minima[i])
        a_min = minima[i] - (minslope * x_minima[i])
        b_min = minima[i] + (minslope * (len(y) - x_minima[i]))
        minline = np.linspace(a_min, b_min, len(y))

        if charts:
            #plt.plot(maxline, 'g')
            #plt.plot(minline, 'r')

    if charts:
        plt.plot(range(n), movy, 'b')
        plt.plot(x_maxima, maxima, 'g')
        plt.plot(x_minima, minima, 'r')

    # OUTPUT
    return x_maxima, maxima, x_minima, minima
コード例 #2
    def get_orders(cls, x, segments=2, window=7, charts=True, verbose=False):
        ''' generate orders from segtrends '''
        from filter import movingaverage
        from trendy import segtrends
        x_maxima, maxima, x_minima, minima = segtrends(x, segments, window,
        n = len(x)
        y = np.array(x)
        movy = movingaverage(y, window)

        # generate order strategy
        orders = np.zeros(n)
        last_buy = y[0]

        for i in range(1, n):
            # get 2 latest support point y values prior to x
            pmin = minima[np.where(x_minima <= i)]
            pmax = maxima[np.where(x_maxima <= i)]
            buy, last_buy = cls.get_order_from_trend(pmin, pmax, y[i], movy[i],
            orders[i] = buy

        if verbose:
            print "orders", orders
        return orders
コード例 #3
ファイル: trendy.py プロジェクト: syedpeer/pytrade
def segtrends(x, segments=2, window=7, charts=False, title=None):
    Turn minitrends to iterative process more easily adaptable to
    implementation in simple trading systems; allows backtesting functionality.

    :param x: One-dimensional data set
    :param window: How long the trendlines should be. If window < 1, then it
                   will be taken as a percentage of the size of the data
    :param charts: Boolean value saying whether to print chart to screen
    import numpy as np
    y = np.array(x)
    movy = movingaverage(y, window)
    # Implement trendlines and Find the indexes of these maxima in the data
    segments = int(segments)
    maxima = np.ones(segments)
    minima = np.ones(segments) 
    x_maxima = np.ones(segments)
    x_minima = np.ones(segments)
    segsize = int(len(y)/segments)
    for i in range(1, segments+1):
        ind2 = i*segsize
        ind1 = ind2 - segsize
        seg = y[ind1:ind2]
        maxima[i-1] = max(seg)
        minima[i-1] = min(seg)
        x_maxima[i-1] = ind1 + (np.where(seg == maxima[i-1])[0][0])
        x_minima[i-1] = ind1 + (np.where(seg == minima[i-1])[0][0])

    for i in range(0, segments-1):
        maxslope = (maxima[i+1] - maxima[i]) / (x_maxima[i+1] - x_maxima[i])
        a_max = maxima[i] - (maxslope * x_maxima[i])
        b_max = maxima[i] + (maxslope * (len(y) - x_maxima[i]))
        maxline = np.linspace(a_max, b_max, len(y))

        minslope = (minima[i+1] - minima[i]) / (x_minima[i+1] - x_minima[i])
        a_min = minima[i] - (minslope * x_minima[i])
        b_min = minima[i] + (minslope * (len(y) - x_minima[i]))
        minline = np.linspace(a_min, b_min, len(y))

    if charts: 
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        #plt.plot(range(n), movy, 'b')
        plt.plot(range(n), x, 'k')
        plt.plot(x_maxima, maxima, 'g')
        plt.plot(x_minima, minima, 'r')
        if title:

    # OUTPUT
    return x_maxima, maxima, x_minima, minima
コード例 #4
def orders_from_trends(x, segments=2, charts=True, window=7, momentum=False):
    ''' generate orders from segtrends '''
    x_maxima, maxima, x_minima, minima = segtrends(x, segments, charts, window)
    n = len(x)
    y = np.array(x)
    movy = movingaverage(y, window)

    # generate order strategy
    orders = np.zeros(n)
    last_buy = y[0]
    last_sale = y[0]

    for i in range(1, n):
        # get 2 latest support point y values prior to x
        pmin = list(minima[np.where(x_minima <= i)][-2:])
        pmax = list(maxima[np.where(x_maxima <= i)][-2:])
        # sell if support slop is negative
        min_sell = True if ((len(pmin) == 2) and
                            (pmin[1] - pmin[0]) < 0) else False
        max_sell = True if ((len(pmax) == 2) and
                            (pmax[1] - pmax[0]) < 0) else False

        # if support down, sell
        buy = -1 if (min_sell and max_sell) else 0
        # buy only if lower the moving average else sale
        buy = 1 if ((buy == 0) and (y[i] < movy[i])) else -1
        # sell only if ...
        buy = -1 if ((buy == -1) and y[i] > last_buy) else 1

        buy_price_dec = y[i] < last_buy
        sale_price_dec = y[i] < last_sale
        orders[i] = buy
        last_buy = y[i] if (buy == 1) else last_buy
        last_sale = y[i] if (buy == -1) else last_sale

        if momentum:
            # add momentum for buy
            if (buy == 1) and (orders[i - 1] >= 1):
                #if buy_price_dec:
                orders[i] = orders[i -
                                   1] * 2  #round(math.log(2*orders[i-1])+1)
                #   orders[i]=max(1, round(orders[i-1]/2))
            # add momentum for sale
            elif (buy == -1) and (orders[i - 1] <= -1):
                #if sale_price_dec:
                orders[i] *= round(math.log(abs(orders[i - 1] * 2)) + 1)
                #    orders[i]=max(1, round(orders[i-1]/2))

    # OUTPUT
    return orders
コード例 #5
def orders_from_trends(x, segments=2, charts=True, window=7, momentum=False):
    """ generate orders from segtrends """
    x_maxima, maxima, x_minima, minima = segtrends(x, segments, charts, window)
    n = len(x)
    y = np.array(x)
    movy = movingaverage(y, window)

    # generate order strategy
    orders = np.zeros(n)
    last_buy = y[0]
    last_sale = y[0]

    for i in range(1, n):
        # get 2 latest support point y values prior to x
        pmin = list(minima[np.where(x_minima <= i)][-2:])
        pmax = list(maxima[np.where(x_maxima <= i)][-2:])
        # sell if support slop is negative
        min_sell = True if ((len(pmin) == 2) and (pmin[1] - pmin[0]) < 0) else False
        max_sell = True if ((len(pmax) == 2) and (pmax[1] - pmax[0]) < 0) else False

        # if support down, sell
        buy = -1 if (min_sell and max_sell) else 0
        # buy only if lower the moving average else sale
        buy = 1 if ((buy == 0) and (y[i] < movy[i])) else -1
        # sell only if ...
        buy = -1 if ((buy == -1) and y[i] > last_buy) else 1

        buy_price_dec = y[i] < last_buy
        sale_price_dec = y[i] < last_sale
        orders[i] = buy
        last_buy = y[i] if (buy == 1) else last_buy
        last_sale = y[i] if (buy == -1) else last_sale

        if momentum:
            # add momentum for buy
            if (buy == 1) and (orders[i - 1] >= 1):
                # if buy_price_dec:
                orders[i] = orders[i - 1] * 2  # round(math.log(2*orders[i-1])+1)
                # else:
                #   orders[i]=max(1, round(orders[i-1]/2))
            # add momentum for sale
            elif (buy == -1) and (orders[i - 1] <= -1):
                # if sale_price_dec:
                orders[i] *= round(math.log(abs(orders[i - 1] * 2)) + 1)
                # else:
                #    orders[i]=max(1, round(orders[i-1]/2))

    # OUTPUT
    return orders