def get_fund_mess(self, financials, curr_price, earnings, sentiment, days_to_earnings, day_stocks=None): mess = "" mess += ''.join("Detail | ") financials.sort_values(by=["date"], inplace=True, ascending=True) if len(financials) > 0: cols = [ "date", "shortRatio", "sharesShortPriorMonth", "fiftyDayAverage", "beta", "dividendRate", "exDividendDate", "priceToSalesTrailing12Months", "enterpriseToRevenue", "profitMargins", "enterpriseToEbitda", "trailingEps", "forwardEps", "priceToBook", "bookValue", "pegRatio", "earningsQuarterlyGrowth", "bid", "volume", "trailingPE", "forwardPE", "heldPercentInstitutions", "heldPercentInsiders" ] mess += ''.join([ "T_EPS->F_EPS: ", str( Utils.calc_perc(financials.iloc[0].trailingEps, financials.iloc[0].forwardEps)), "%\n\r", "T_PE->F_PE: ", str( Utils.calc_perc(financials.iloc[0].trailingPE, financials.iloc[0].forwardPE)) + "%\n\r" ]) for item in cols: # financials[item].dropna(inplace=True) first = financials.iloc[0][item] last = financials.iloc[-1][item] mess += ''.join([ item + ": ", str(Utils.human_format(first)), " -> ", str(Utils.human_format(last)), " | ", str(Utils.calc_perc(first, last)), "%\n\r", ]) mess += ''.join([ str(financials.iloc[0].sector), ' | ', str(financials.iloc[0].industry), "\n\r", str("Current Price: "), ' | ', str(curr_price), "\n\r", str("Days to earn.: "), ' | ', str(days_to_earnings), " D", "\n\r" ]) if earnings is not None and len(earnings) > 0: mess += str("Earn. est. | act. | surp.: ") + str(earnings.iloc[-1].epsestimate) + \ ' | ' + str(earnings.iloc[-1].epsactual) + \ ' | ' + str(earnings.iloc[-1].epssurprisepct) + "\n\r" if sentiment is not None and len(sentiment) > 0: mess += str("Sentiment article/title: ") + str(sentiment.sentiment_summary_avg.to_list()) + \ '/' + str(sentiment.sentiment_title_avg.to_list()) if sentiment is not None and len(sentiment)>0 else str("Sentiment: NaN ") + "\n\r" if financials is not None and len(financials) > 0: mess += str(financials.iloc[0].longBusinessSummary) + "\n\r" sector_mess, spy_mess, vol_mess = self.get_common_mess(self.stocks) mess += "\n\r" + sector_mess mess += "\n\r" + spy_mess mess += "\n\r" + vol_mess hl = FinI.get_fib_hl(self.stocks, curr_price) mess += "\n\r" + "Loss: " + str(Utils.calc_perc(curr_price, hl["l"])) + "% " + " " + str(hl['l']) +" | "+\ " Price: " + str(curr_price) + \ " | " + "Profit: " + str(hl['h']) + \ " " + str(Utils.calc_perc(curr_price, hl["h"])) + "% \n\r" mess += self.get_fib_mess(self.stocks, curr_price) + "\n\r" print("get_fund_mess() - done") return mess
def buy_sell(self, stocks_day, stocks_15, spy, spy_row15, spy_row_day): """ By sell backtrading simaltion with specific strategy Args: stocks_day ([type]): [description] stocks_15 ([type]): [description] spy ([type]): [description] spy_row15 ([type]): [description] spy_row_day ([type]): [description] """ # self.stocks = self.stocks.append(stocks_day.iloc[-1]) self.db.last_date = stocks_15.iloc[-1].name sym = stocks_day.iloc[-1].sym # send only one buy suggestion per day hash_warn = hash(sym + str(stocks_15.index[-1].strftime("%d/%m/%Y"))) hl = FinI.get_fib_hl(stocks_day, stocks_day.iloc[-1].close) # if len(stocks_day) > 1: # stocks_day = sdf.retype(stocks_day) # stocks_day = FinI.add_indicators(stocks_day) stocks_day.sort_index(ascending=True, inplace=True) stocks_day["flpd"] = Utils.calc_flpd(stocks_day) hl = FinI.get_fib_hl(stocks_day, stocks_15.iloc[-1].close) #OLD CHECK SELL moved to this Fce # self.check_sell(stocks_15.iloc[-1]) earnings, sentiment, financials = self.db.get_fundamentals( stocks_day.iloc[-1]["sym"]) self.set_mess_data(fin=financials, sen=sentiment, earn=earnings, spy=spy, stc=stocks_day) # st.write("BUYSELL OPEN trades amount:" + str(len( #-----------------------------SELL------------------------------------------ if len( > 0:"not selled stocks:" + str([ == "open"]))"Current SYM: " + str(stocks_15.iloc[-1].sym)) bs =[ == stocks_15.iloc[-1].sym] if len(bs) > 0: st.write( "--------------------SELLING----------------------------" ) for index, row in bs.iterrows(): if Utils.calc_perc(stocks_15.iloc[-1].close, hl["h"], 2) <= 1 or \ chi.check_sma9(stocks=stocks_day, live_stocks=stocks_15, buy=False): #[( == stocks_15.iloc[-1].sym) & ( == "open")] =[-1], sell_price=stocks_15.iloc[-1].close, sold_stock = sym=stocks_15.iloc[-1].sym, price=stocks_15.iloc[-1].close, sell_date=stocks_15.iloc[-1].name) st.write(sold_stock) # st.write(sym + " | Selling Profit: " + str(stocks_15.iloc[-1].sym) + " | " + str(stocks_15.index[-1]) + " | " + # " | B.S.:" + str(row["buy"]) + "/" + str(stocks_15.iloc[-1].close) + # " | " + str(Utils.calc_perc(row["buy"], stocks_15.iloc[-1].close)) + # "% | " + str(stocks_15.iloc[-1].name) + # " | ", stocks_15.iloc[-1].name) #, "Selling Profit: " + str(stocks_15.iloc[-1].sym) + " | " + str(stocks_15.index[-1]) + " | " + # " | B.S.:" + str(row["buy"]) + "/" + str(stocks_15.iloc[-1].close) + # " | " + str(Utils.calc_perc(row["buy"], stocks_15.iloc[-1].close)) + # "% | " + str(stocks_15.iloc[-1].name) + # " | ", stocks_15.iloc[-1].name), debug=True) #------------------------------------------------------------BUY--------------------------------------------- if hash_warn not in self.warning_check_list \ and stocks_day.iloc[-1]["flpd"] > 0 \ and chi.check_financials(financials) \ and (len( == 0 or stocks_15.iloc[-1].sym not in[ == "open"].sym) \ and chi.check_pre_sma9(stocks_day, live_stocks=stocks_15): # and chi.check_sentiment(sentiment) \ # and chi.check_financials(financials) \ self.warning_check_list.append(hash_warn)[-1], stocks_15.iloc[-1].close, table_name="buy_sell_lt", profit_loss={ "profit": hl["h"], "loss": hl["l"] }) st.write( "---------------------------BUYiNG-------------------------------" ) # st.write( sym + " | Buy: " + str(stocks_15.iloc[-1].sym) + " | " + str(stocks_15.index[-1]) + " | " + str(stocks_15.iloc[-1].close) + " | " + str(hl), stocks_15.iloc[-1].name)