def shoot(charid): if charid == "inrob1" or charid == "inrob2" or charid == "inrob3": if find.plLoc() == "intrrest": gameOver.slowPrint(get.text("killrob2"), 0.03) gameOver.End("death") elif find.plLoc() == "intrsle2": gameOver.slowPrint(get.text("killrob3"), 0.03) gameOver.End("death") if charid == "tarhino": if find.plLoc() == "tanatr3": topicSwitch("chief1", "chief2", "Lake Monster") if charid == "grwolf" or charid == "grwolf2": if find.plLoc() == "grlair2": gameOver.slowPrint(get.text("killvolu"), 0.03) gameOver.End("death") if charid == "grkolbio": print(get.text("kolpleas")) if charid == "peghost": print(get.text("peghhaha")) if charid == "peskele": print(get.text("skelboom"))
def say(*args): inputlist = parse.checkArgs(args,"Say what?","","say") if inputlist: name = find.nameFromID(["player"],"people") print(name[0],"says \""+parse.liToStr(inputlist)+"\"") action.say(inputlist,find.plLoc())
def use(obj1, obj2=""): if obj1 == "budagger" and obj2 == "archtool" or obj1 == "archtool" and obj2 == "budagger": print(get.text("archdagg")) elif obj1 == "budagger": if g.spletterDropped == "0": db.cur.execute( "update save set val = 1 where var = \"spletterDropped\";") g.update() print(get.text("usedagg")) db.cur.execute("update item set locid = \"" + find.plLoc() + "\" where itemid = \"zlatlett\";") topicSwitch("gorhelp") elif obj1 == "zlatlett" and obj2 == "dicnorse" or obj2 == "zlatlett" and obj1 == "dicnorse": db.cur.execute("update save set val = 1 where var = \"spletterRead\";") g.update() print(get.text("letter")) setVis("buairpor", 1) elif obj1 == "zlatlett": print(get.text("uselett")) elif obj1 == "dicnorse": print(get.text("dictonor")) elif obj1 == "archtool": print(get.text("usearch")) elif obj1 == "vikbok1" or obj1 == "vikbok2": print(get.text("vikbook")) setVis("grport", 1) elif obj1 == "viksword" and obj2 == "archtool" or obj1 == "archtool" and obj2 == "viksword": # Somehow the game became a test in the player's attention span and reading comprehension. print(get.text("archfake")) elif obj1 == "viksword" and obj2 == "altar" or obj1 == "altar" and obj2 == "viksword": # This idea was a bit more obvious in the original story. print(get.text("innuendo")) db.cur.execute( "update item set locid = \"pecave\" where itemid = \"guthjorr\";") slot = find.invSlotByItemID(["viksword"]) db.cur.execute("update inventory set item" + str(slot) + " = NULL where charid = \"player\";" ) # Making another global variable is such a drag. elif obj1 == "viksword": print( "This artifact is most certainly very interesting but looks like an ordinary sword on the surface." ) elif obj1 == "guthjorr" and obj2 == "fjorstei" or obj1 == "fjorstei" and obj2 == "guthjorr": # ENDING 1 print( "\n ---- Chapter X: Engiandlátæv ----\n") gameOver.End("immortality") else: print(get.text("archbleh"))
def move(mdir): db.cur.execute("select "+mdir+" from world where fromid = \""+find.plLoc()+"\";") newloc = parse.tupleListToList(db.cur.fetchall()) if newloc[0] == None: print("You can't go there.") else: vis = get.visCheck(newloc[0]) if vis == False: print("You cannot go there!") elif vis == True: charid = "player" db.cur.execute("update people set locid = \""+newloc[0]+"\" where charid = \""+charid+"\";") get.allPrints(newloc[0]) # From the new location: automatically print location description, items, people, and available movement action.move(newloc[0])
def call(*args): if find.plLoc() in g.callLocs: inputlist = parse.checkArgs(args,"Call who?","","call") if inputlist: charid = parse.removeDuplicates(find.idFromName(inputlist,"people",[],False)) while len(charid) > 1: charid = ask.which(charid,"people") if g.debug: print("[DBG] call CHARID:",charid) if charid: if charid[0] in g.callPeople: print("Calling "+find.nameFromID(charid,"people")[0]+".")[0]) else: print("You can't call "+find.nameFromID(charid,"people")[0]+".") else: print("You can't call that person.") else: print("There is no phone here.")
def drop(*args): inputlist = parse.checkArgs(args, "Drop what?", "", "drop") if inputlist: charid = "player" itemid = parse.removeDuplicates( find.idFromName(inputlist, "item", ["player"])) while len(itemid) > 1: itemid = ask.which(itemid, "item", ["player"]) if itemid: if len(itemid) != 0: slot = find.invSlotByItemID(itemid) loc = find.plLoc() db.cur.execute("update inventory set item" + str(slot) + " = NULL where charid = \"" + charid + "\";") db.cur.execute("update item set locid = \"" + loc + "\" where itemid = \"" + itemid[0] + "\";") print(find.nameFromID(itemid, "item")[0] + " dropped.") else: print("You do not have " + " ".join(inputlist) + ".") else: print("You do not have " + parse.liToStr(inputlist) + ".")
def death(charid): if g.debug: print("[DBG] death", charid[0]) db.cur.execute("update people set locid = NULL where charid = \"" + charid[0] + "\";") deadinv = parse.noneStrip(find.listInvItemIDs(charid, True)) db.cur.execute("select val from people where charid = \"" + charid[0] + "\";") deadval = parse.tupleListToList(db.cur.fetchall()) plloc = find.plLoc() if g.debug: print("DEBUG death DEADINV", deadinv) print("DEBUG death DEADVAL", deadval) if len(deadinv) > 0: for i in range(1, len(deadinv)): db.cur.execute("update inventory set item" + str(i) + " = NULL where charid = \"" + charid[0] + "\";") if len(deadinv) > 0: for a in deadinv: db.cur.execute("update item set locid = \"" + plloc + "\" where itemid = \"" + a + "\";") print("You found " + str(deadval[0]) + " money on " + find.nameFromID(charid, "people")[0] + "\'s body.") db.cur.execute("update people set val = val + \"" + str(deadval[0]) + "\" where charid = \"player\";") if charid[ 0] in g.essentialPeople: # This must be at the bottom to prevent errors. gameOver.End("essential")
def travel(*args): inputlist = parse.checkArgs(args, "Travel where?", "", "to") if inputlist: charid = "player" toid = find.idFromName(inputlist, "location", [], True) while len(toid) > 1: toid = ask.which(toid, "location") if toid: if get.visCheck(toid[0]): if toid[0] in g.worldTravel and find.plLoc() in g.worldTravel: if item.valTrans( 200, ["player"], [], " to travel to " + find.nameFromID(toid, "location")[0]): print("You pay the standard fare of 200.") db.cur.execute( "update people set val = val - 200 where charid = \"player\";" ) print("Traveling to " + find.nameFromID(toid, "location")[0] + ".") if toid[0] == "buairpor" and g.firstBulgaria == "1" and g.Chapters == "1": print( "\n ---- Chapter II: Tracking Zlatin Panayotov ----" ) db.cur.execute( "update save set val = 0 where var = \"firstBulgaria\";" ) g.update() elif toid[0] == "taport" or toid[ 0] == "taairpor" and g.firstTanz == "1" and g.Chapters == "1": print( "\n ---- Chapter III: Retrieving Beast ----" ) db.cur.execute( "update save set val = 0 where var = \"firstTanz\";" ) g.update() elif toid[ 0] == "inairpor" and g.backToIndia == "1" and g.Chapters == "1": print( "\n ---- Chapter IV: The Fjǫrsteinn ----" ) db.cur.execute( "update save set val = 0 where var = \"backToIndia\";" ) g.update() elif toid[ 0] == "grport" and g.grFisherCrater == "0" and g.Chapters == "1": print( "\n ---- Chapter V: The Fabled Guðhjǫrr ----\n" ) # Variable update handled in action. elif toid[ 0] == "peport" and g.firstPeru == "1" and g.Chapters == "1": print( "\n ---- Chapter VIII: The Guðhjǫrr ----" ) db.cur.execute( "update save set val = 0 where var = \"firstPeru\";" ) g.update(), toid[0]) db.cur.execute("update people set locid = \"" + toid[0] + "\" where charid = \"" + charid + "\";") cmd.look() elif toid[0] == "netoti" or toid[0] == "inbussta": # Bus fare. if item.valTrans(20, ["player"], ["inbusdri"], " to take the bus"): print("You pay the bus fare of 20 money.") db.cur.execute( "update people set val = val - 20 where charid = \"player\";" ), toid[0]) db.cur.execute("update people set locid = \"" + toid[0] + "\" where charid = \"" + charid + "\";") cmd.look() elif toid[0] == "pecave2" or toid[ 0] == "pecave": # INTO THE PIT WITH YOU! if "flalight" in find.listInvItemIDs( ): # Flashlight check AKA. FU PL dundundun = True else: dundundun = False if g.debug: print("[DBG] travel FLASHLIGHT CHECK:", dundundun, toid[0]) if dundundun: # Why would you pick it up? action.setVis("pecave2", 0) action.setVis("pecave", 1) print("Traveling to the " + find.nameFromID(["pecave"], "location")[0] + "."), "pecave") db.cur.execute( "update people set locid = \"pecave\" where charid = \"" + charid + "\";") cmd.look() else: action.setVis("pecave", 0) action.setVis("pecave2", 1) print("Traveling to the " + find.nameFromID(["pecave2"], "location")[0] + "."), "pecave2") db.cur.execute( "update people set locid = \"pecave2\" where charid = \"" + charid + "\";") cmd.look() else: print("Traveling to " + find.nameFromID(toid, "location")[0] + "."), toid[0]) db.cur.execute("update people set locid = \"" + toid[0] + "\" where charid = \"" + charid + "\";") cmd.look() else: print("You can't travel there.") else: print("You can't travel there.")
def examine(*args): place = False if len(args) == 0: place = True elif len(args) != 0 and args[0][0] == "here" or args[0][0] == "area": place = True else: inputlist = args[0] if not place: invitem = find.idFromName(inputlist, "item", ["player"]) if g.debug: print("[DBG] examine ITEM INV:", invitem) #if not invitem: locitem = find.idFromName(inputlist, "item") if g.debug: print("[DBG] examine ITEM LOCAL:", locitem) person = find.idFromName(inputlist, "people") if g.debug: print("[DBG] examine PERSON:", person) while len(invitem) > 1: invitem = ask.which(invitem, "item", ["player"]) if g.debug: print("[DBG] examine ITEM INV LOOP:", invitem) while len(locitem) > 1: locitem = ask.which(locitem, "item") if g.debug: print("[DBG] examine ITEM LOCAL LOOP:", locitem) while len(person) > 1: person = ask.which(person, "people") if g.debug: print("[DBG] examine PERSON LOOP:", person) if g.debug: print("[DBG] examine FOUND:", locitem, invitem, person) if invitem: db.cur.execute( "select dsc from itemtype, item where item.itemid = \"" + invitem[0] + "\" and item.typeid = itemtype.typeid;") result = parse.tupleListToList(db.cur.fetchall()) if result: print(result[0]) elif locitem: db.cur.execute( "select dsc from itemtype, item where item.itemid = \"" + locitem[0] + "\" and item.typeid = itemtype.typeid;") result = parse.tupleListToList(db.cur.fetchall()) if result: print(result[0]) elif person: db.cur.execute("select dsc from people where people.charid = \"" + person[0] + "\";") result = parse.tupleListToList(db.cur.fetchall()) if result: print(result[0]) get.topics(person) else: print("You cannot examine that.") elif place: action.examine(find.plLoc()) else: print("ERROR")
def rent(*args): if find.plLoc() in g.rentlocs: inputlist = parse.checkArgs(args, "Rent what?", "", "rent") if g.debug: print("[DBG] rent INPUTLIST:", inputlist) if inputlist: count = 0 seller = [g.rentppl[g.rentlocs.index(find.plLoc())]] if g.debug: print("[DBG] rent ARGS:", seller, find.plLoc()) if find.plLoc() == "grinn1": if inputlist[0] == "room": if action.checkTopic("kolrule") and item.valTrans( 100, ["player"], ["grinnkee"], " to rent a room" ): # Player has spoken to Kolbiorn and has enough money. db.cur.execute( "update people set val = val - 100 where charid = \"player\";" ) db.cur.execute( "update people set val = val + 100 where charid = \"" + seller[0] + "\";")"", seller[0], True) count += 1 else: if count < 1: # Not an elegant solution but it works. (When found many items.) print("There is no", parse.liToStr(inputlist), "to rent here.") count += 1 elif seller[0] == "grportma": if action.getVis("grbay"): # Player knows about ship. itemid = parse.removeDuplicates( find.idFromName(inputlist, "item", seller, False)) if g.debug: print("[DBG] rent SELLER HAS:", itemid) while len(itemid) > 1: itemid = ask.which(itemid, "item", seller) if g.debug: print("[DBG] rent BUYING:", itemid) if len(itemid) == 1: fromSlot = find.invSlotByItemID(itemid, seller) if fromSlot != 0: # Found item in inventory. val = find.listValueByID(itemid, "item")[0] string = " to rent " + find.nameFromID( itemid, "item")[0] if item.valTrans( val, ["player"], seller, string): # Player has enough money. item.transfer(itemid, ["player"], seller, "rent", val)[0], seller[0]) count += 1 else: if count < 1: # Not an elegant solution but it works. (When found many items.) print( "\"What would I need that for?\" you think to yourself." ) count += 1 if g.debug: print("[DBG] rent BAY VIS:", action.getVis("grbay")) else: if count < 1: # Not an elegant solution but it works. (When found many items.) print("There is no", parse.liToStr(inputlist), "to rent here.") count += 1 else: print("There's nothing to rent here.")
def talk(charid, dlgid): if g.debug: print("[DBG]", charid, dlgid) if charid == "spgorka": if dlgid == "gorhelp": if ask.yn(): if "budagger" in find.listInvItemIDs(): print(get.dlg("gorhhold")) if ask.yn(): print(get.dlg("gorhh2")) print(get.text("gordagg")) topicSwitch("gorhelp") if g.spletterDropped == "0": db.cur.execute( "update save set val = 1 where var = \"spletterDropped\";" ) g.update() db.cur.execute("update item set locid = \"" + find.plLoc() + "\" where itemid = \"zlatlett\";") else: print(get.dlg("gorhh3")) print(get.text("gordagg")) topicSwitch("gorhelp") if g.spletterDropped == "0": db.cur.execute( "update save set val = 1 where var = \"spletterDropped\";" ) g.update() db.cur.execute("update item set locid = \"" + find.plLoc() + "\" where itemid = \"zlatlett\";") else: print(get.dlg("gornodag")) else: print(get.dlg("gorsigh")) if dlgid == "gorlet2": db.cur.execute( "update people set val = val + 4125 where charid = \"player\";" ) topicSwitch("gorlet2") topicSwitch("gorgreet", "gorgre2", "Greet") setVis("buairpor", 1) if dlgid == "gordone": if ask.yn(): print(get.dlg("gormore")) else: gameOver.End("artifacts") if charid == "bugeorgi": if dlgid == "georgi1": # Traveling if item.valTrans(10, ["player"], ["bugeorgi"], " to take the cab"): db.cur.execute( "update people set locid = \"bueleusa\" where charid = \"player\";" ) db.cur.execute( "update people set locid = \"bueleusa\" where charid = \"bugeorgi\";" ) topicSwitch("georgi1", "georgi2", "Airport") cmd.look() if dlgid == "georgi2": if item.valTrans(10, ["player"], ["bugeorgi"], " to take the cab"): db.cur.execute( "update people set locid = \"buairpor\" where charid = \"player\";" ) db.cur.execute( "update people set locid = \"buairpor\" where charid = \"bugeorgi\";" ) topicSwitch("georgi2", "georgi1", "Eleusa Monastery") cmd.look() if charid == "bumonica": if dlgid == "monica2": setVis("inairpor", 1) if charid == "timonk2": if dlgid == "monk2": setVis("timonyar", 1) if charid == "tizlatin": if dlgid == "zlagem": if ask.yn(): print(get.dlg("zlamyth")) else: print(get.dlg("zlanmyth")) item.transfer(["vikbok2"], ["player"], ["tizlatin"], "give") topicSwitch("zlagem", "zlapet", "Fjörsteinn") if dlgid == "zlapet": setVis("taairpor", 1) setVis("taport", 1) if charid == "taneema": if dlgid == "neema": db.cur.execute( "update people set locid = \"taarusha\" where charid = \"player\";" ) db.cur.execute( "update people set locid = \"taarusha\" where charid = \"taneema\";" ) topicSwitch("neema", "neema1", "Airport") cmd.look() if dlgid == "neema1": db.cur.execute( "update people set locid = \"taoutair\" where charid = \"player\";" ) db.cur.execute( "update people set locid = \"taoutair\" where charid = \"taneema\";" ) topicSwitch("neema1", "neema", "Lake Natron") cmd.look() if charid == "tachief": if dlgid == "chief2": item.transfer(["pet"], ["player"], ["tachief"], "give") topicSwitch("chief2") db.cur.execute( "update save set val = 1 where var = \"backToIndia\";") g.update() if charid == "grjens": if dlgid == "jensword": if ask.yn(): if item.valTrans(1200, ["player"], ["grjens"], " to buy the sword"): item.transfer(["kolbswor"], ["player"], ["grjens"], "buy", 1200) print(get.dlg("jensty")) topicSwitch("jensword") if g.Chapters == "1": print( "\n ---- Chapter VII: Call of the Inca ----\n" ) # Oh my goodness I didn't even realize the pun when I came up with this title. else: print(get.dlg("jensalt")) if g.Chapters == "1": print( "\n ---- Chapter VI: Necklace of a Shaman ----\n" ) if charid == "grsailor": if dlgid == "grsail2": # Traveling if item.valTrans(70, ["player"], ["grsailor"], " to sail"): db.cur.execute( "update people set locid = \"grbay\" where charid = \"player\";" ) db.cur.execute( "update people set locid = \"grbay\" where charid = \"grsailor\";" ) topicSwitch("grsail2", "grsail3", "Back to Port") cmd.look() print(get.text("shiphere")) if dlgid == "grsail3": db.cur.execute( "update people set locid = \"grport\" where charid = \"player\";" ) db.cur.execute( "update people set locid = \"grport\" where charid = \"grsailor\";" ) topicSwitch("grsail3", "grsail2", "Melville Bay") cmd.look() if charid == "grkolbio": if dlgid == "kolrule": # Tell about stolen sword. db.cur.execute( "update people set locid = NULL where charid = \"grlone\";") topicSwitch("", "innlone", "Lone Patron") if dlgid == "kolexch": # Player asks about stuff. db.cur.execute( "update people set locid = NULL where charid = \"grkolbio\";") topicSwitch("kolexch") setVis("peport", 1) if charid == "grinnkee": if dlgid == "innlone": # Tell about Jens. topicSwitch("", "innroom1", "Room") if charid == "pecook": if dlgid == "deusexma": # LET THERE BE TREASURE! topicSwitch("deusexma") setVis("pecave2", 1) # Why would you pick it up?