コード例 #1
def print_smallest_error():
    # Initialize smallest_error as 0
    smallest_error = 0
    # Initialize total_number_of_matches as length of match_data_for_error_reference
    total_number_of_matches = len(match_data_for_error_reference.index)
    # alliance_position is 1,2,or 3 for red alliance teams and 4,5, or 6 for blue alliance teams
    alliance_position = 1
    # alliance_score_position is 7 for red alliance and 8 for blue alliance
    alliance_score_position = 7
    # For loop iterates two times, once for each alliance
    for x in range(2):
        # For loop that iterates through total_number_of_matches
        for a in range(total_number_of_matches):
            # Set error_checker as the difference between the sum of the predicted opr of teams in the match
            # and the true score
            error_checker = find_teams_data.find_opr(match_data_for_error_reference.iloc[a, alliance_position]) \
                            + find_teams_data.find_opr(match_data_for_error_reference.iloc[a, alliance_position + 1]) \
                            + find_teams_data.find_opr(match_data_for_error_reference.iloc[a, alliance_position + 2]) \
                            - match_data_for_error_reference.iloc[a, alliance_score_position]
            # If the error_checker is smaller than smallest_error, set smallest_error as error_checker value
            if error_checker < abs(smallest_error):
                smallest_error = error_checker
        # Set alliance_position as 4 for blue alliance teams
        alliance_position = 4
        # Set alliance_position as 8 for blue alliance scores
        alliance_score_position = 8
    # Print smallest_error
コード例 #2
def print_average_error_per_match():
    # The sum of errors
    error_sum = 0
    # total_number_of_matches is used for the for loop
    total_number_of_matches = len(match_data_for_error_reference.index)
    # alliance_position is 1,2,or 3 for red alliance teams and 4,5, or 6 for blue alliance teams
    alliance_position = 1
    # alliance_score_position is 7 for red alliance and 8 for blue alliance
    alliance_score_position = 7
    # For loop iterates two times, once for each alliance
    for x in range(2):
        # For loop that iterates through total_number_of_matches
        for a in range(total_number_of_matches):
            # Set error_sum as the sum of difference between the sum of the predicted opr of teams
            # in the match and the true score and the previous error_sum
            error_sum = error_sum + find_teams_data.find_opr(match_data_for_error_reference.iloc[a, alliance_position]) \
                        + find_teams_data.find_opr(match_data_for_error_reference.iloc[a, alliance_position + 1]) \
                        + find_teams_data.find_opr(match_data_for_error_reference.iloc[a, alliance_position + 2]) \
                        - match_data_for_error_reference.iloc[a, alliance_score_position]
        # Set alliance_position as 4 for blue alliance teams
        alliance_position = 4
        # Set alliance_position as 8 for blue alliance scores
        alliance_score_position = 8
    # Initialize total_scores_from_error_reference to be the total number of scores from match_data_for_error_reference
    total_scores_from_error_reference = 2 * len(
    # Divide the error sum by total_scores_from_error_reference and print
    print(error_sum / total_scores_from_error_reference)
コード例 #3
def send_opr_to_csv():
    # Create empty total_teams x 2 array with objects as data type
    opr_data_for_csv = np.empty((create_matrices.total_teams, 2),

    # For loop that iterates through the number of total teams
    for x in range(create_matrices.total_teams):
        # Records team numbers into opr_data_for_csv array
        opr_data_for_csv[x, 0] = create_matrices.team_numbers.iloc[0, x]
    # For loop that iterates through the number of total teams
    for y in range(create_matrices.total_teams):
        # Records opr into opr_data_for_csv array
        opr_data_for_csv[y, 1] = str(

    # Create new pandas DataFrame  with opr_data_for_csv array data with 'Team Number' and 'Offensive Power Rating'
    # as column titles
    df = pd.DataFrame(opr_data_for_csv,
                      columns=['Team Number', 'Offensive Power Rating'])
    # Create csv file called 'opr_data.csv' with df as data
コード例 #4
    print("5. Print Average Error Per Match")
    print("6. Time to calculate opr matrix")
    print("7. Graph")
    print("8. Send OPR data to csv")
    print("9. Exit")

    # Prompt for uer input
    choice = input("Please select a choice:")

    # Calculate the OPR of one team
    if choice == '1':
        # Ask for user input for team choice, then print calculated OPR
            team_choice = input("Please input a team number:")
            print("The OPR for " + str(team_choice) + " is " +
                  str(find_teams_data.find_opr('frc' + team_choice)))
        # Print error prompt if input is invalid
                "Please input only team numbers of teams who competed in the events"

    # Calculate the OPR of three team
    elif choice == '2':
        # Ask for three teams, then print the predicted score
            first_team_choice = input("Please input the first team number:")
            second_team_choice = input("Please input the second team number:")
            third_team_choice = input("Please input the third team number:")
            print("The predicted score is " + str(
                predicted_score('frc' + first_team_choice, 'frc' +
コード例 #5
def graph_error():
    # Initialize total_number_of_matches as length of match_data_for_error_reference
    total_number_of_matches = len(match_data_for_error_reference.index)
    # alliance_position is 1,2,or 3 for red alliance teams and 4,5, or 6 for blue alliance teams
    alliance_position = 1
    # alliance_score_position is 7 for red alliance and 8 for blue alliance
    alliance_score_position = 7
    # error_graph_array_counter is used to iterate through error_graph_array_y
    error_graph_array_counter = 0
    # For loop iterates two times, once for each alliance
    for x in range(2):
        # For loop that iterates through total_number_of_matches
        for a in range(total_number_of_matches):
            # Set current position in error_graph_array_y as the difference between the sum of
            # the predicted opr of teams in the match and the true score
                error_graph_array_counter] = find_teams_data.find_opr(
                    match_data_for_error_reference.iloc[a, alliance_position]
                ) + find_teams_data.find_opr(
                        a, alliance_position + 1]) + find_teams_data.find_opr(
                                a, alliance_position +
                                2]) - match_data_for_error_reference.iloc[
                                    a, alliance_score_position]
            # Set current position in error_graph_array_x as the value of the array counter. This is used to store the
            # "x-coordinate" of the error value.
                error_graph_array_counter] = error_graph_array_counter
            # Increment error_graph_array_counter
            error_graph_array_counter = error_graph_array_counter + 1
        # Set alliance_position as 4 for blue alliance teams
        alliance_position = 4
        # Set alliance_position as 8 for blue alliance scores
        alliance_score_position = 8

    # Initialize fig and ax for
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    # Create histogram using error_graph_array_y data, 14 bins, yellow colour, and edge colour gray
    # Initialize counts, bins, and patches as values from this histogram
    counts, bins, patches = ax.hist(error_graph_array_y,

    # Set the ticks to be at the edges of the bins.
    # Set the xaxis's tick labels to be formatted with 1 decimal place...

    # Change the colors of bars at the edges...
    #twentyfifth, seventyfifth = np.percentile(error_graph_array_y, [25, 75])
    #for patch, rightside, leftside in zip(patches, bins[1:], bins[:-1]):
    #if rightside < twentyfifth:
    #elif leftside > seventyfifth:

    # Label the raw counts below the x-axis...
    # bin_centers = 0.5 * np.diff(bins) + bins[:-1]
    # for count, x in zip(counts, bin_centers):
    # Label the raw counts
    # ax.annotate(str(int(count)), xy=(x, 0), xycoords=('data', 'axes fraction'),
    # xytext=(0, -18), textcoords='offset points', va='top', ha='center')

    # Label the percentages
    #percent = '%0.0f%%' % (100 * float(count) / counts.sum())
    #ax.annotate(percent, xy=(x, 0), xycoords=('data', 'axes fraction'),
    #xytext=(0, -32), textcoords='offset points', va='top', ha='center')

    # Create more room at the bottom of the plot
    # Set y label as 'Number In Bin'
    ax.set_ylabel('Number In Bin')
    # Label the x axis
    ax.set_xlabel("Error From Predicted Score and Real Score")
    # Set number of y axis ticks for histogram
    ax.locator_params(axis="y", nbins=10)
    # Fit a normal distribution to the data
    # Initialize mu as mean and std as standard deviation
    mu, std = norm.fit(error_graph_array_y)
    # Set xmin and xmax from plt data
    xmin, xmax = plt.xlim()
    # Set x as the linspace with parameters xmin, xmax, and 100
    x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 100)
    # Plot the PDF of the data using x, mu, and std
    p = norm.pdf(x, mu, std)

    # Generate twin axes of ax called ax2
    ax2 = ax.twinx()
    # Create y label for ax2 called 'Normal Distribution Scale' and colour blue
    ax2.set_ylabel('Normal Distribution Scale', color='tab:blue')
    # Plot normal distribution on ax2
    ax2.plot(x, p, 'k', linewidth=2, color='tab:blue')
    # Set the ticks on ax2 y axis as blue
    ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='tab:blue')
    # Set ax2 bottom limit as 0
    # Set the graph to a tight layout, so the y-label of ax2 is not clipped
    # Temporary title for chart with mean and standard deviation
    #title = "Fit results: mu = %.2f,  std = %.2f" % (mu, std)
    # New Title
    title = "Histogram of Error Per Match Over Gaussian Distribution"

    # Plot the graph