def __init__(self, iface): # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface # initialize plugin directory self.plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # initialize locale locale = QSettings().value("locale/userLocale")[0:2] localePath = os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, 'i18n', 'findduplocations_{}.qm'.format(locale)) if os.path.exists(localePath): self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(localePath) if qVersion() > '4.3.3': QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) # Create the dialog (after translation) and keep reference self.dlg = FindDupLocationsDialog()
class FindDupLocations: def __init__(self, iface): # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface # initialize plugin directory self.plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # initialize locale locale = QSettings().value("locale/userLocale")[0:2] localePath = os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, 'i18n', 'findduplocations_{}.qm'.format(locale)) if os.path.exists(localePath): self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(localePath) if qVersion() > '4.3.3': QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) # Create the dialog (after translation) and keep reference self.dlg = FindDupLocationsDialog() def initGui(self): # Create action that will start plugin configuration self.action = QtGui.QAction( QtGui.QIcon(":/plugins/findduplocations/icon.png"), u"Find Dup Locs", self.iface.mainWindow()) # connect the action to the run method self.action.triggered.connect( # Add toolbar button and menu item self.iface.addToolBarIcon(self.action) self.iface.addPluginToMenu(u"&Find Duplicate Locations", self.action) def unload(self): # Remove the plugin menu item and icon self.iface.removePluginMenu(u"&Find Duplicate Locations", self.action) self.iface.removeToolBarIcon(self.action) # run method that performs all the real work def run(self): # show the dialog self.ui = self.dlg.ui self.get_databases() self.ui.pbRunQry.pressed.connect(self.dup_locs_sql) self.ui.pbClose.pressed.connect(self.close_fdl) #! Commented out below - templated from PluginBuilder - result never #! equaled 1. # Run the dialog event loop ##result = self.dlg.exec_() # See if OK was pressed ##QtGui.QMessageBox.information(None,"result",str(result)) ##if result == 1: # do something useful (delete the line containing pass and # substitute with your code) ##self.iface = iface ##self.ui = self.dlg.Ui_FindDupLocations() ##self.get_databases() #.pressed.connect(self.close_edm) #Create functions to run query to find duplocations def get_databases(self): ''' Connect to a project database ''' global curDb global curPrjName # get list of IDBA projects from folder names dList = [] dList = os.listdir('C:\iDAnalyst\projects') self.ui.cbxChoosePrjct.clear() for dnm in dList: dstr = "C:\\iDAnalyst\\projects\\" + dnm if os.path.isdir(dstr): self.ui.cbxChoosePrjct.addItem(dnm) def dup_locs_sql(self): ''' Connect to selected database and run SQL to find unique x/y with multiple location codes ### Consider using script - and excutescript see ### ''' global curDb global curPrjName curPrjName = str(self.ui.cbxChoosePrjct.currentText()) ##QtGui.QMessageBox.information(None,"Current Project",curPrjName) curDb = '' curDb = "C:\\iDAnalyst\\projects\\"+curPrjName+"\\db\\"+curPrjName+"_ida.db" ##QtGui.QMessageBox.information(None,"Current Database",curDb) CrdPrec = self.ui.spxAdjPrecision.value() con = sqlite3.connect(curDb) sql = "drop VIEW if exists main.UNQ_loc_coord;" cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(sql) prec = str(CrdPrec) sql2 = "create VIEW main.UNQ_loc_coord as " \ + " select distinct location, ROUND(X,"+prec+") as Xcoord, ROUND(Y,"+prec+") as Ycoord from ida_allresults;" cur2 = con.cursor() cur2.execute(sql2) sql3 = "drop VIEW if exists main.UNQ_coord_cnt;" cur3 = con.cursor() cur3.execute(sql3) sql4 = "CREATE VIEW main.UNQ_coord_cnt as " \ + " SELECT distinct Xcoord, Ycoord, count(location) from UNQ_loc_coord" \ + " GROUP BY Xcoord, Ycoord" \ + " HAVING count(location)>1 ;" cur4 = con.cursor() cur4.execute(sql4)self.ui.pbRunQry.pressed.connect(self.dup_locs_sql) self.ui.pbClose.pressed.connect(self.close_fdl) sql5 = "drop VIEW if exists main.DupLocCodes;" cur5 = con.cursor() cur5.execute(sql5) sql6 = "CREATE VIEW main.DupLocCodes as " \ + " SELECT DISTINCT ar.location, ar.X, ar.Y " \ + " FROM ida_allresults as ar INNER JOIN UNQ_coord_cnt as vw on ar.X = vw.Xcoord and ar.Y = vw.Ycoord ORDER BY X, Y, location;" cur6 = con.cursor() cur6.execute(sql6) sql7 = "select * from DupLocCodes" \ + " ORDER BY X, Y, location ;" cur7 = con.cursor() cur7.execute(sql7) dup_locs_lst = cur7.fetchall() #con.close() #QtGui.QMessageBox.information(None,"CheckSQL", str(dup_locs_lst)) locs = [] for f in dup_locs_lst: locs.append(str(f[0])) if len(locs) == 0: QtGui.QMessageBox.information(None,"No duplicate locations", "All unique pairs of" \ + " X/Y coordinates at the selected level of precision are associated with unique location identifiers.") else: sql8 = "select count(*) from UNQ_coord_cnt" cur8 = con.cursor() cur8.execute(sql8) UnqXY = str(cur8.fetchone()[0]) QtGui.QMessageBox.information(None,"Number of Unique X/Y", "There are "+UnqXY+" unique XY pairs with more than 1 location code associated" \ + " with them. Please review to determine if these associations are correct.") #LIST RESULTS IN lstListLocations self.ui.lstListLocations.clear() for rec in dup_locs_lst: loc = rec[0] Xcoord = rec[1] Ycoord = rec[2] pad1 = '%'+str(40-len(loc))+'s' pad2 = '%-'+str(40-len(str(Xcoord)))+'s' ##QtGui.QMessageBox.information(None,"length", "Pad1= "+pad1+"; Pad2= "+pad2) #! 2014-04-02: create 20-length of string pad to be able to left justify all at the same place in list box. self.ui.lstListLocations.addItem(str(loc) + '%20s' % str(Xcoord)+ '%20s' % str(Ycoord)) ##self.ui.lstListLocations.addItem(str(loc) + pad1 % str(Xcoord) + pad2 % str(Ycoord)) #QtGui.QMessageBox.information(None,"CheckSQL", str(dup_locs_lst)) con.close()