def clickRed(self, *args): if args[0].state == "normal": firebase = fire.FirebaseApplication(fburl, token) firebase.put('/', 'redLed', False) self.redLedButton.text = "Off" else: firebase = fire.FirebaseApplication(fburl, token) firebase.put('/', 'redLed', True) self.redLedButton.text = "On"
def clickYellow(self, instance): if (self.yellowLedButton.state == "normal"): firebase = fire.FirebaseApplication(fburl, token) firebase.put('/', 'yellowLed', False) self.yellowLedButton.text = "Off" else: firebase = fire.FirebaseApplication(fburl, token) firebase.put('/', 'yellowLed', True) self.yellowLedButton.text = "On"
class Flag: def __init__(self): self.birthday='' def flag(*data, *a) firebase=firebase.FirebaseApplication('', None) json_data=data['birthdate'] for email in a['email']
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(root, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.cols = 2 firebase = fire.FirebaseApplication(fburl, token) redLedState = firebase.get('/redLed') if (redLedState == True): redLedState = "On" else: redLedState = "Off" yellowLedState = firebase.get('/yellowLed') if (yellowLedState == True): yellowLedState = "On" else: yellowLedState = "Off" self.add_widget(Label(text="Yellow LED", size_hint=(0.5, 1))) self.yellowLedButton = ToggleButton(text=yellowLedState, on_press=self.clickYellow, size_hint=(0.5, 0.5)) self.add_widget(self.yellowLedButton) self.add_widget(Label(text="Red LED", size_hint=(0.5, 1))) self.redLedButton = ToggleButton(text=redLedState, on_press=self.clickRed, size_hint=(0.5, 0.5)) self.add_widget(self.redLedButton)
def __init__(self, pattern): path = '{}/teachers_cache.txt'.format(os.getcwd()) self.pattern = pattern self.teachers_file = open(path, 'r') self.firebase_client = firebase.FirebaseApplication( "", None) self.teacher_info = dict()
def firebase_upload(self, dns, url, name, document): ''' url_endpoint - destination to store document data document - local file location of document ''' client = firebase.FirebaseApplication(dns, None) error_count = 0 while True: try: if isinstance(document, str): with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), document), 'r') as f: db_dict = json.load(f) print "pushing large dict.." result = client.put(url, name, db_dict, params={'print': 'silent'}) print result elif isinstance(document, dict): result = client.put(url, name, document, params={'print': 'silent'}) except Exception as e: print e if error_count > 20: break else: error_count += 1 continue else: error_count = 0 break
def __init__(self): print "Executing ..." firebaseDetails = FirebaseDetails() self.firebase = fb.FirebaseApplication(firebaseDetails.getURL(), firebaseDetails.getAuth()) self.URL = "" # self.test() self.startLoop()
def get(self): firebas = firebase.FirebaseApplication( '', None) id = firebas.get('/id', None) for i in id:"ID" + i) self.render("map.html")
def __init__(self, url='', secret_key='5zF8T37NlZB1HBHkb9T1zAZ6c2cPbXiXlzP5yJ8P', email='*****@*****.**'): self.authentication = firebase.FirebaseAuthentication( secret_key, email, True, True) self.fb = firebase.FirebaseApplication(url, self.authentication) self.url = url
def get_firebase_app(root_url = _ROOT_URL): """Returns firebase db reference with given root_url Returns: FirebaseApplication: firebase db Args: root_url (str): firebase root url """ return firebase.FirebaseApplication(root_url, None);
def upload(self, document_tuple): ''' input: ('food_code': 'food_document') uploads given dictionary to firebase destination ''' curproc = multiprocessing.current_process() client = firebase.FirebaseApplication(self.dns, None) return client.put(self.url, document_tuple[0], document_tuple[1], params={'print': 'silent'})
def Upload_to_Firebase(json): DSN = 'https://<application>' database = firebase.FirebaseApplication(DSN) node = '/' + 'current-concerts' # Delete existing data database.delete(node, None) # Add new data, json)
def get_app_fb(path=None): url = cfg.FIREBASE_STORAGE_URL + cfg.FIREBASE_DATA_URL + "/" if path is not None: if url[-1] == "/": url = url[:-1] url += "/" + path if url[-1] <> "/": url += "/" f = fb.FirebaseApplication(url, None) return f
def buttonbusiness(self): self.btn_clicks += 1 fb = firebase.FirebaseApplication( '') varDate ='Asia/Kuala_Lumpur').format('YYYY-MM-DD') date = '/' + varDate qnum = str(self.btn_clicks) queue = '/' + qnum utc = arrow.utcnow() # QR Code Content qrcontent = varDate + '|' + qnum qc = pyqrcode.create(qrcontent) qc.png('toPrint/qc.png', scale=8) # print(qc.terminal(quiet_zone=1)) pdf = FPDF(orientation='P', format='A4') pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font("Arial", size=20) imgTemp = BytesIO() imgDoc = canvas.Canvas(imgTemp, pagesize=A4) path = 'toPrint/qc.png' imgDoc.drawImage(path, 150, 490) pdf.cell(200, 10, txt="Queue Ticket", ln=1, align="C") pdf.image('toPrint/qc.png', 93, 20, 33) pdf.cell(198, 80, qnum, 0, 1, 'C') pdf.cell(198, -50, txt="Counter 8", ln=1, align="C") pdf.output("toPrint/ticketPrint.pdf") fb.put( '', '/queues' + date + queue, { "QNum": qnum, "Status": "Pending", "Service": "Business", "Time":'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur').format('HH:mm:ss'), "TDate":'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur').format('YYYY-MM-DD'), }) # subprocess.Popen("/home/pi/PycharmProjects/piQueue/toPrint/ticketPrint.pdf", stdin=subprocess.PIPE) # for windows # # os.startfile("/home/pi/PycharmProjects/piQueue/toPrint/ticketPrint.pdf", "print") # for pi # os.system( "lpr -P Printer_Name /home/pi/PycharmProjects/piQueue/toPrint/ticketPrint.pdf" )
def send_data(): firebaseq = firebase.FirebaseApplication( '', None) result = firebaseq.get('', '') d = {} for data in result: if data == "present": continue else: #print result[data] for key, value in result[data].items(): if key == "output": continue else: try: d[key].append(value) except KeyError: d[key] = [value] return d
def __init__(self, uid=None, passwd=None): self.firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication( "", None) self.user_hash = None self.allowed = False try: self.users = self.firebase.get("/users/", None) except: print("Connection Error") pass if uid and passwd: self.login_account(uid, passwd) else: print("You don't input ID, PASSWD") ans = raw_input("Would you like create your own account?") if ans in ["yes", "y"]: self.enroll_account() print("Wel come!") else: print("Now is offline")
def handle(self, room_name, *args, **kwargs): self.firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication(settings.FIREBASE_URL) auth = firebase.FirebaseAuthentication(settings.FIREBASE_TOKEN, '*****@*****.**') self.firebase.authentication = auth self.rdio = Rdio(RDIO_OAUTH2_KEY, RDIO_OAUTH2_SECRET, {}) self.party_name = room_name self.party_data = self.get_party_data() self.currently_playing = None self.last_saw_users = self.currently_playing = None if 'player' in self.party_data and 'playingTrack' in self.party_data[ 'player']: track_key = self.party_data['player']['playingTrack']['trackKey'] self.current_track_duration = self.rdio.get( keys=track_key)[track_key]['duration'] self.current_start_time = - timedelta( seconds=self.party_data['player']['position']) else: self.current_track_duration = None self.current_start_time = None
def accessdbFirebaseWithAuth(dsn, SECRET_KEY, email, admin=False): ''' ------------FUNZIONAMENTO---------------- Funzione tramite la quale si apre la connessione col Database Parametri d'ingresso: dsn -> url del database SECRET_KEY -> Chiave segreta del database Firebase email -> email fittizia da attribuire ad ogni centralina (utile alla scrittura dei log) admin -> possibilità di accedere al database in modalità admin (utile all'utilizzo della funzione quando il file viene richiamato come script per effettuare test) Parametro di ritorno: db -> variabile che contiene il collegamento al database tramite cui si effettuano le operazioni su di esso ''' from firebase import firebase import datetime auth = firebase.FirebaseAuthentication( SECRET_KEY, email, admin, admin) # funzione che serve a creare l'autenticazione db = firebase.FirebaseApplication( dsn, auth ) # accedo al database con l'url "dsn" e l'autorizzazione e istanzio l'oggetto db return db # ritorna l'oggetto tramite il quale accediamo al DataBase
import firebase as fb import matplotlib.pyplot as plt (superSecret, url) = ('IMXOxXD3FjOOUoMGJlkAK5pAtn89mGIWAEnaKJhP', '') basicURL = "" headerKey = "X-TBA-App-Id" headerValue = "blm:OPRs:004" auth = fb.FirebaseAuthentication(superSecret, "*****@*****.**", True, True) def zscore(lis, x): return (x - np.mean(lis)) / np.std(lis) def oprFromZScore(lis, z): return (z * np.std(lis)) + np.mean(lis) firebase = fb.FirebaseApplication(url, auth) teams = map(lambda k: k.encode('utf-8'), firebase.get('/Teams', None).keys()) fpas = map(lambda k: np.log(firebase.get('/Teams/' + k + '/calculatedData', 'firstPickAbility')), teams) o = requests.get(basicURL + "event/" + "2016casj" + "/stats" ,headers={headerKey:headerValue}).json()["oprs"] oprs = map(lambda k: o[k], teams) normalOPRs = map(lambda e: np.log10(e), oprs) zscores = map(lambda a: zscore(fpas, a), fpas) print zscores zScoreToLogOPR = map(lambda a: oprFromZScore(normalOPRs, a), zscores) fpaToOPR = map(lambda a: 10 ** a, zScoreToLogOPR) print len(fpaToOPR), len(oprs) print zip(oprs, fpaToOPR) plt.hist(oprs, bins=10) plt.hist(fpaToOPR, bins=12, alpha = 0.3)
import firebase url = '' connection = firebase.FirebaseApplication(url) node = [] see = 'download' result = connection.get('/AmnatCharoen/speedtest/Bangkok', None) print result for i in result: print result[i][see][0]
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import firebase import time fburl = "" token = "STPBn7iDLmuAITbCgSvAjVKV7HfzxBX1FyTSnzQj" firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication(fburl, token) # Use the BCM GPIO numbers as the numbering scheme GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # Use GPIO12, 16, 20 and 21 for the buttons. buttons = {'red': 24, 'yellow': 23} # Set GPIO numbers in the list: [12, 16, 20, 21] as input with pull-down resistor. GPIO.setup(buttons.values(), GPIO.IN, GPIO.PUD_DOWN) redStatus = firebase.get('/redLed') yellowStatus = firebase.get('/yellowLed') while True: # Check each button to determine whether any of them has been pressed. If # the OK button is pressed, the program exits the while loop and writes the # movement_list to the Firebase database. If any of the directional buttons # are pressed, the commands should be stored in the movement_list. # Write your code here if (redStatus == False): GPIO.output(23) = GPIO.HIGH time.sleep(0.25)
import firebase as firebase fb = firebase.FirebaseApplication('', None) job = {'duration': 30, 'status': 'waiting', 'keywords': 'happy'} fb.put('/jobs', 'j-20', job)
value["car_id"]]["timestamp"] < value["timestamp"]: # Same car_id but newer data cars[value["car_id"]] = value except: cars[value["car_id"]] = value for key, value in cars.items(): print(key, value) return cars @socketio.on('trigger_camera') def trigger_camera(): print('trigger_camera received, broadcasting') emit('trigger_camera', broadcast=True) @socketio.on('update_ui') def update_ui(): print('update ui in main') emit('update_ui_for_browser', broadcast=True) if __name__ == '__main__': PREV_STATION = 1 MY_STATION_ID = 2 firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication( '', None)
cam.release() gc.collect() #Initialize Files Directory OS_UPPER_PATH = os.getcwd() weights_file = OS_UPPER_PATH + "/KERAS_Weights_CNR_Parks_tuned_lr_1_e4_dc_5e_4_A.h5" temp_img_name = "tmp_big_img_captured.jpg" temp_cropped_img_name = "_tmp_cropped_img.jpg" time_output_name = "time_statistics.txt" garbage_list = [] time_counter = TimeCounter() writer = FileWriterObject(OS_UPPER_PATH + "/" + time_output_name) #Initialize firebase firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication( '', None) #Crop position set img_crop_pos = {} img_crop_pos[0] = ImageCropSet(x=458, y=518, w=60, h=60) img_crop_pos[1] = ImageCropSet(x=385, y=480, w=67, h=56) img_crop_pos[2] = ImageCropSet(x=646, y=504, w=60, h=60) img_crop_pos[3] = ImageCropSet(x=149, y=310, w=16, h=16) img_crop_pos[4] = ImageCropSet(x=133, y=301, w=15, h=15) img_crop_pos[5] = ImageCropSet(x=458, y=518, w=60, h=60) img_crop_pos[6] = ImageCropSet(x=385, y=480, w=67, h=56) img_crop_pos[7] = ImageCropSet(x=646, y=504, w=60, h=60) img_crop_pos[8] = ImageCropSet(x=149, y=310, w=16, h=16) img_crop_pos[9] = ImageCropSet(x=133, y=301, w=15, h=15) img_crop_pos[10] = ImageCropSet(x=149, y=310, w=16, h=16) img_crop_pos[11] = ImageCropSet(x=133, y=301, w=15, h=15)
def __init__(self): os.chdir('/home/vinicius/rembot') self.file = open('contact/teachers_cache.txt', 'w') self.firebase_client = firebase.FirebaseApplication( "", None)
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import firebase as firebase x=y=z=0; LED=3; FAN=5; AC=7; GPIO.cleanup(); GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD); GPIO.setup(LED,GPIO.OUT); GPIO.setup(FAN,GPIO.OUT); GPIO.setup(AC,GPIO.OUT); firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication('',None); while True: x = firebase.get('LIGHT',None); y = firebase.get('FAN',None); z = firebase.get('AC',None); if(x==1): GPIO.output(LED,True); else: GPIO.output(LED,False); if(y==1): GPIO.output(FAN,True); else: GPIO.output(FAN,False); if(z==1): GPIO.output(AC,True); else: GPIO.output(AC,False);
import serial import subprocess GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setwarnings(False) LED_OUT = 10 MOTION_IN = 8 device_file = "" url = '' fb = firebase.FirebaseApplication(url, None) GPIO.setup(LED_OUT, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(MOTION_IN, GPIO.IN) os.system('modprobe w1-gpio') os.system('modprobe w1-therm') base_dir = '/sys/bus/w1/devices/' device_folder = glob.glob(base_dir + '28*')[0] device_file = device_folder + '/w1_slave' print("Sensor initializing............") time.sleep(1) print('Sensor Ready....')
#Test User1 = 'xXBfXTFkDFb466ZsFGDTCCq3fkw1' #API Token stripe.api_key = 'sk_test_TdclpRssaEx5YI1mr5sVOdJu' token = 'AIzaSyBIzEsqTlE5GvUHS1ZBxR8BNDnwGYzfxk4' DNS = '' DNSUSERS = '' path = r'C:\Users/Brendan\Desktop\qwkpass-firebase-adminsdk-nsrie-62475f3567.json' users = '/Users' #Authentication cred = credentials.Certificate(path) default_app = firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred) db = firebase.FirebaseApplication(DNS) #Main while 1 == 1: charge = [] #Scan User name = input('Please scan your pass to exit! \n') #Convert User to str info = db.get(users, name) info_str = (str(info)) if info_str == 'None': print("Case 1") print('Error! You are not registered!')
import json import firebase from firebase.firebase import FirebaseApplication, FirebaseAuthentication from firebase import jsonutil firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication( '', None) key = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' def encrypt(n, plaintext): result = '' for l in plaintext.lower(): try: i = (key.index(l) + n) % 26 result += key[i] except ValueError: result += l return result.lower() def decrypt(n, ciphertext): result = '' for l in ciphertext: try:
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import time import firebase import RPi.GPIO as GPIO GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) app = firebase.FirebaseApplication("", None) status = app.get("/1", "status") debug = True def set_status(code): global status os.system("./ {}".format(code)) status = code def print_debug(signal, strength): if debug: print("Current status: {}, current signal: {}, strength: {}".format( status, signal, strength)) def listen_at(port, threshold=2, limit=20, delay=0.5): GPIO.setup(port, GPIO.IN) strength = 0