コード例 #1
def create_assembly_callable(expr, tensor=None, bcs=None, form_compiler_parameters=None,
                             mat_type=None, sub_mat_type=None,
    r"""Create a callable object than be used to assemble expr into a tensor.

    This is really only designed to be used inside residual and
    jacobian callbacks, since it always assembles back into the
    initially provided tensor.  See also :func:`allocate_matrix`.

    .. warning::

       Really do not use this function unless you know what you're doing.
    if tensor is None:
        raise ValueError("Have to provide tensor to write to")
    if mat_type == "matfree":
        return tensor.assemble
    loops = _assemble(expr, tensor=tensor, bcs=solving._extract_bcs(bcs),

    loops = tuple(loops)

    def thunk():
        for kernel in loops:
    return thunk
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self,
        :param F: the nonlinear form
        :param u: the :class:`.Function` to solve for
        :param bcs: the boundary conditions (optional)
        :param J: the Jacobian J = dF/du (optional)
        :param Jp: a form used for preconditioning the linear system,
                 optional, if not supplied then the Jacobian itself
                 will be used.
        :param dict form_compiler_parameters: parameters to pass to the form
            compiler (optional)
        from firedrake import solving
        from firedrake import function

        # Store input UFL forms and solution Function
        self.F = F
        self.Jp = Jp
        self.u = u
        self.bcs = solving._extract_bcs(bcs)

        # Argument checking
        if not isinstance(self.F, (ufl.Form, slate.slate.TensorBase)):
            raise TypeError(
                "Provided residual is a '%s', not a Form or Slate Tensor" %
        if len(self.F.arguments()) != 1:
            raise ValueError("Provided residual is not a linear form")
        if not isinstance(self.u, function.Function):
            raise TypeError("Provided solution is a '%s', not a Function" %

        # Use the user-provided Jacobian. If none is provided, derive
        # the Jacobian from the residual.
        self.J = J or ufl_expr.derivative(F, u)

        if not isinstance(self.J, (ufl.Form, slate.slate.TensorBase)):
            raise TypeError(
                "Provided Jacobian is a '%s', not a Form or Slate Tensor" %
        if len(self.J.arguments()) != 2:
            raise ValueError("Provided Jacobian is not a bilinear form")
        if self.Jp is not None and not isinstance(
                self.Jp, (ufl.Form, slate.slate.TensorBase)):
            raise TypeError(
                "Provided preconditioner is a '%s', not a Form or Slate Tensor"
                % type(self.Jp).__name__)
        if self.Jp is not None and len(self.Jp.arguments()) != 2:
            raise ValueError("Provided preconditioner is not a bilinear form")

        # Store form compiler parameters
        self.form_compiler_parameters = form_compiler_parameters
        self._constant_jacobian = False
コード例 #3
ファイル: assemble.py プロジェクト: jychang48/firedrake
def assemble(f,
    """Evaluate f.

    :arg f: a :class:`ufl.Form` or :class:`ufl.core.expr.Expr`.
    :arg tensor: an existing tensor object to place the result in
    :arg bcs: a list of boundary conditions to apply (optional).
    :arg form_compiler_parameters: (optional) dict of parameters to pass to
         the form compiler.  Ignored if not assembling a
         :class:`ufl.Form`.  Any parameters provided here will be
         overridden by parameters set on the :class;`ufl.Measure` in the
         form.  For example, if a :data:`quadrature_degree` of 4 is
         specified in this argument, but a degree of 3 is requested in
         the measure, the latter will be used.
    :arg inverse: (optional) if f is a 2-form, then assemble the inverse
         of the local matrices.
    :arg nest: (optional) flag indicating if a 2-form (matrix) on a
         mixed space should be assembled as a block matrix (if
         :data:`nest` is :data:`True`) or not.  The default value is
         taken from the parameters dict :data:`parameters["matnest"]`.

    If f is a :class:`ufl.Form` then this evaluates the corresponding
    integral(s) and returns a :class:`float` for 0-forms, a
    :class:`.Function` for 1-forms and a :class:`.Matrix` for 2-forms.

    If f is an expression other than a form, it will be evaluated
    pointwise on the :class:`.Function`\s in the expression. This will
    only succeed if all the Functions are on the same

    If ``tensor`` is supplied, the assembled result will be placed
    there, otherwise a new object of the appropriate type will be

    If ``bcs`` is supplied and ``f`` is a 2-form, the rows and columns
    of the resulting :class:`.Matrix` corresponding to boundary nodes
    will be set to 0 and the diagonal entries to 1. If ``f`` is a
    1-form, the vector entries at boundary nodes are set to the
    boundary condition values.

    if isinstance(f, ufl.form.Form):
        return _assemble(f,
    elif isinstance(f, ufl.core.expr.Expr):
        return assemble_expressions.assemble_expression(f)
        raise TypeError("Unable to assemble: %r" % f)
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, F, u, bcs=None, J=None,
        :param F: the nonlinear form
        :param u: the :class:`.Function` to solve for
        :param bcs: the boundary conditions (optional)
        :param J: the Jacobian J = dF/du (optional)
        :param Jp: a form used for preconditioning the linear system,
                 optional, if not supplied then the Jacobian itself
                 will be used.
        :param dict form_compiler_parameters: parameters to pass to the form
            compiler (optional)
        :param nest: indicate if matrices on mixed spaces should be
               built as monolithic operators (suitable for direct
               solves), or as nested blocks (suitable for fieldsplit
               preconditioning).  If not provided, uses the default
               given by ``parameters["matnest"]``.
        from firedrake import solving
        from firedrake import function

        # Store input UFL forms and solution Function
        self.F = F
        self.Jp = Jp
        self.u = u
        self.bcs = solving._extract_bcs(bcs)

        # Argument checking
        if not isinstance(self.F, ufl.Form):
            raise TypeError("Provided residual is a '%s', not a Form" % type(self.F).__name__)
        if len(self.F.arguments()) != 1:
            raise ValueError("Provided residual is not a linear form")
        if not isinstance(self.u, function.Function):
            raise TypeError("Provided solution is a '%s', not a Function" % type(self.u).__name__)

        # Use the user-provided Jacobian. If none is provided, derive
        # the Jacobian from the residual.
        self.J = J or ufl_expr.derivative(F, u)

        if not isinstance(self.J, ufl.Form):
            raise TypeError("Provided Jacobian is a '%s', not a Form" % type(self.J).__name__)
        if len(self.J.arguments()) != 2:
            raise ValueError("Provided Jacobian is not a bilinear form")
        if self.Jp is not None and not isinstance(self.Jp, ufl.Form):
            raise TypeError("Provided preconditioner is a '%s', not a Form" % type(self.Jp).__name__)
        if self.Jp is not None and len(self.Jp.arguments()) != 2:
            raise ValueError("Provided preconditioner is not a bilinear form")

        self._nest = nest
        # Store form compiler parameters
        self.form_compiler_parameters = form_compiler_parameters
        self._constant_jacobian = False
コード例 #5
    def __init__(self, *args, bcs=None, J=None, Jp=None, method="topological", V=None, is_linear=False, Jp_eq_J=False):
        from firedrake.variational_solver import check_pde_args, is_form_consistent
        if isinstance(args[0], ufl.classes.Equation):
            # initial construction from equation
            eq = args[0]
            u = args[1]
            sub_domain = args[2]
            if V is None:
                V = eq.lhs.arguments()[0].function_space()
            bcs = solving._extract_bcs(bcs)
            # Jp_eq_J is progressively evaluated as the tree is constructed
            self.Jp_eq_J = Jp is None and all([bc.Jp_eq_J for bc in bcs])

            # linear
            if isinstance(eq.lhs, ufl.Form) and isinstance(eq.rhs, ufl.Form):
                J = eq.lhs
                Jp = Jp or J
                if eq.rhs == 0:
                    F = ufl_expr.action(J, u)
                    if not isinstance(eq.rhs, (ufl.Form, slate.slate.TensorBase)):
                        raise TypeError("Provided BC RHS is a '%s', not a Form or Slate Tensor" % type(eq.rhs).__name__)
                    if len(eq.rhs.arguments()) != 1:
                        raise ValueError("Provided BC RHS is not a linear form")
                    F = ufl_expr.action(J, u) - eq.rhs
                self.is_linear = True
            # nonlinear
                if eq.rhs != 0:
                    raise TypeError("RHS of a nonlinear form equation has to be 0")
                F = eq.lhs
                J = J or ufl_expr.derivative(F, u)
                Jp = Jp or J
                self.is_linear = False
            # Check form style consistency
            is_form_consistent(self.is_linear, bcs)
            # Argument checking
            check_pde_args(F, J, Jp)
            # EquationBCSplit objects for `F`, `J`, and `Jp`
            self._F = EquationBCSplit(F, u, sub_domain, bcs=[bc if isinstance(bc, DirichletBC) else bc._F for bc in bcs], method=method, V=V)
            self._J = EquationBCSplit(J, u, sub_domain, bcs=[bc if isinstance(bc, DirichletBC) else bc._J for bc in bcs], method=method, V=V)
            self._Jp = EquationBCSplit(Jp, u, sub_domain, bcs=[bc if isinstance(bc, DirichletBC) else bc._Jp for bc in bcs], method=method, V=V)
        elif all(isinstance(args[i], EquationBCSplit) for i in range(3)):
            # reconstruction for splitting `solving_utils.split`
            self.Jp_eq_J = Jp_eq_J
            self.is_linear = is_linear
            self._F = args[0]
            self._J = args[1]
            self._Jp = args[2]
            raise TypeError("Wrong EquationBC arguments")
コード例 #6
ファイル: bcs.py プロジェクト: firedrakeproject/firedrake
    def __init__(self, *args, bcs=None, J=None, Jp=None, method="topological", V=None, is_linear=False, Jp_eq_J=False):
        from firedrake.variational_solver import check_pde_args, is_form_consistent
        if isinstance(args[0], ufl.classes.Equation):
            # initial construction from equation
            eq = args[0]
            u = args[1]
            sub_domain = args[2]
            if V is None:
                V = eq.lhs.arguments()[0].function_space()
            bcs = solving._extract_bcs(bcs)
            # Jp_eq_J is progressively evaluated as the tree is constructed
            self.Jp_eq_J = Jp is None and all([bc.Jp_eq_J for bc in bcs])

            # linear
            if isinstance(eq.lhs, ufl.Form) and isinstance(eq.rhs, ufl.Form):
                J = eq.lhs
                Jp = Jp or J
                if eq.rhs == 0:
                    F = ufl_expr.action(J, u)
                    if not isinstance(eq.rhs, (ufl.Form, slate.slate.TensorBase)):
                        raise TypeError("Provided BC RHS is a '%s', not a Form or Slate Tensor" % type(eq.rhs).__name__)
                    if len(eq.rhs.arguments()) != 1:
                        raise ValueError("Provided BC RHS is not a linear form")
                    F = ufl_expr.action(J, u) - eq.rhs
                self.is_linear = True
            # nonlinear
                if eq.rhs != 0:
                    raise TypeError("RHS of a nonlinear form equation has to be 0")
                F = eq.lhs
                J = J or ufl_expr.derivative(F, u)
                Jp = Jp or J
                self.is_linear = False
            # Check form style consistency
            is_form_consistent(self.is_linear, bcs)
            # Argument checking
            check_pde_args(F, J, Jp)
            # EquationBCSplit objects for `F`, `J`, and `Jp`
            self._F = EquationBCSplit(F, u, sub_domain, bcs=[bc if isinstance(bc, DirichletBC) else bc._F for bc in bcs], method=method, V=V)
            self._J = EquationBCSplit(J, u, sub_domain, bcs=[bc if isinstance(bc, DirichletBC) else bc._J for bc in bcs], method=method, V=V)
            self._Jp = EquationBCSplit(Jp, u, sub_domain, bcs=[bc if isinstance(bc, DirichletBC) else bc._Jp for bc in bcs], method=method, V=V)
        elif all(isinstance(args[i], EquationBCSplit) for i in range(3)):
            # reconstruction for splitting `solving_utils.split`
            self.Jp_eq_J = Jp_eq_J
            self.is_linear = is_linear
            self._F = args[0]
            self._J = args[1]
            self._Jp = args[2]
            raise TypeError("Wrong EquationBC arguments")
コード例 #7
ファイル: assemble.py プロジェクト: jshipton/firedrake
def assemble(f, tensor=None, bcs=None, form_compiler_parameters=None,
             inverse=False, nest=None):
    """Evaluate f.

    :arg f: a :class:`~ufl.classes.Form` or :class:`~ufl.classes.Expr`.
    :arg tensor: an existing tensor object to place the result in
    :arg bcs: a list of boundary conditions to apply (optional).
    :arg form_compiler_parameters: (optional) dict of parameters to pass to
         the form compiler.  Ignored if not assembling a
         :class:`~ufl.classes.Form`.  Any parameters provided here will be
         overridden by parameters set on the :class:`~ufl.classes.Measure` in the
         form.  For example, if a ``quadrature_degree`` of 4 is
         specified in this argument, but a degree of 3 is requested in
         the measure, the latter will be used.
    :arg inverse: (optional) if f is a 2-form, then assemble the inverse
         of the local matrices.
    :arg nest: (optional) flag indicating if a 2-form (matrix) on a
         mixed space should be assembled as a block matrix (if
         ``nest`` is ``True``) or not.  The default value is
         taken from the parameters dict, ``parameters["matnest"]``.

    If f is a :class:`~ufl.classes.Form` then this evaluates the corresponding
    integral(s) and returns a :class:`float` for 0-forms, a
    :class:`.Function` for 1-forms and a :class:`.Matrix` for 2-forms.

    If f is an expression other than a form, it will be evaluated
    pointwise on the :class:`.Function`\s in the expression. This will
    only succeed if all the Functions are on the same

    If ``tensor`` is supplied, the assembled result will be placed
    there, otherwise a new object of the appropriate type will be

    If ``bcs`` is supplied and ``f`` is a 2-form, the rows and columns
    of the resulting :class:`.Matrix` corresponding to boundary nodes
    will be set to 0 and the diagonal entries to 1. If ``f`` is a
    1-form, the vector entries at boundary nodes are set to the
    boundary condition values.

    if isinstance(f, ufl.form.Form):
        return _assemble(f, tensor=tensor, bcs=solving._extract_bcs(bcs),
                         inverse=inverse, nest=nest)
    elif isinstance(f, ufl.core.expr.Expr):
        return assemble_expressions.assemble_expression(f)
        raise TypeError("Unable to assemble: %r" % f)
コード例 #8
    def __init__(self, F, u, bcs=None, J=None,
        :param F: the nonlinear form
        :param u: the :class:`.Function` to solve for
        :param bcs: the boundary conditions (optional)
        :param J: the Jacobian J = dF/du (optional)
        :param Jp: a form used for preconditioning the linear system,
                 optional, if not supplied then the Jacobian itself
                 will be used.
        :param dict form_compiler_parameters: parameters to pass to the form
            compiler (optional)
        from firedrake import solving
        from firedrake import function

        # Store input UFL forms and solution Function
        self.F = F
        self.Jp = Jp
        self.u = u
        self.bcs = solving._extract_bcs(bcs)

        # Argument checking
        if not isinstance(self.F, ufl.Form):
            raise TypeError("Provided residual is a '%s', not a Form" % type(self.F).__name__)
        if len(self.F.arguments()) != 1:
            raise ValueError("Provided residual is not a linear form")
        if not isinstance(self.u, function.Function):
            raise TypeError("Provided solution is a '%s', not a Function" % type(self.u).__name__)

        # Use the user-provided Jacobian. If none is provided, derive
        # the Jacobian from the residual.
        self.J = J or ufl_expr.derivative(F, u)

        if not isinstance(self.J, ufl.Form):
            raise TypeError("Provided Jacobian is a '%s', not a Form" % type(self.J).__name__)
        if len(self.J.arguments()) != 2:
            raise ValueError("Provided Jacobian is not a bilinear form")
        if self.Jp is not None and not isinstance(self.Jp, ufl.Form):
            raise TypeError("Provided preconditioner is a '%s', not a Form" % type(self.Jp).__name__)
        if self.Jp is not None and len(self.Jp.arguments()) != 2:
            raise ValueError("Provided preconditioner is not a bilinear form")

        # Store form compiler parameters
        self.form_compiler_parameters = form_compiler_parameters
        self._constant_jacobian = False
コード例 #9
    def __init__(self,
        :param F: the nonlinear form
        :param u: the :class:`.Function` to solve for
        :param bcs: the boundary conditions (optional)
        :param J: the Jacobian J = dF/du (optional)
        :param Jp: a form used for preconditioning the linear system,
                 optional, if not supplied then the Jacobian itself
                 will be used.
        :param dict form_compiler_parameters: parameters to pass to the form
            compiler (optional)
        :is_linear: internally used to check if all domain/bc forms
            are given either in 'A == b' style or in 'F == 0' style.
        from firedrake import solving
        from firedrake import function

        self.bcs = solving._extract_bcs(bcs)
        # Check form style consistency
        self.is_linear = is_linear
        is_form_consistent(self.is_linear, self.bcs)
        self.Jp_eq_J = Jp is None

        self.u = u
        self.F = F
        self.Jp = Jp
        if not isinstance(self.u, function.Function):
            raise TypeError("Provided solution is a '%s', not a Function" %
        # Use the user-provided Jacobian. If none is provided, derive
        # the Jacobian from the residual.
        self.J = J or ufl_expr.derivative(F, u)

        # Argument checking
        check_pde_args(self.F, self.J, self.Jp)

        # Store form compiler parameters
        self.form_compiler_parameters = form_compiler_parameters
        self._constant_jacobian = False
コード例 #10
    def __init__(self,
        :param F: the nonlinear form
        :param u: the :class:`.Function` to solve for
        :param bcs: the boundary conditions (optional)
        :param J: the Jacobian J = dF/du (optional)
        :param Jp: a form used for preconditioning the linear system,
                 optional, if not supplied then the Jacobian itself
                 will be used.
        :param dict form_compiler_parameters: parameters to pass to the form
            compiler (optional)
        :param nest: indicate if matrices on mixed spaces should be
               built as monolithic operators (suitable for direct
               solves), or as nested blocks (suitable for fieldsplit
               preconditioning).  If not provided, uses the default
               given by ``parameters["matnest"]``.
        from firedrake import solving

        # Extract and check arguments
        u = solving._extract_u(u)
        bcs = solving._extract_bcs(bcs)

        # Store input UFL forms and solution Function
        self.F = F
        # Use the user-provided Jacobian. If none is provided, derive
        # the Jacobian from the residual.
        self.J = J or ufl_expr.derivative(F, u)
        self.Jp = Jp
        self.u = u
        self.bcs = bcs

        self._nest = nest
        # Store form compiler parameters
        self.form_compiler_parameters = form_compiler_parameters
        self._constant_jacobian = False
コード例 #11
    def __init__(self, F, u, bcs=None, J=None,
        :param F: the nonlinear form
        :param u: the :class:`.Function` to solve for
        :param bcs: the boundary conditions (optional)
        :param J: the Jacobian J = dF/du (optional)
        :param Jp: a form used for preconditioning the linear system,
                 optional, if not supplied then the Jacobian itself
                 will be used.
        :param dict form_compiler_parameters: parameters to pass to the form
            compiler (optional)
        :is_linear: internally used to check if all domain/bc forms
            are given either in 'A == b' style or in 'F == 0' style.
        from firedrake import solving
        from firedrake import function

        self.bcs = solving._extract_bcs(bcs)
        # Check form style consistency
        self.is_linear = is_linear
        is_form_consistent(self.is_linear, self.bcs)
        self.Jp_eq_J = Jp is None

        self.u = u
        self.F = F
        self.Jp = Jp
        if not isinstance(self.u, function.Function):
            raise TypeError("Provided solution is a '%s', not a Function" % type(self.u).__name__)
        # Use the user-provided Jacobian. If none is provided, derive
        # the Jacobian from the residual.
        self.J = J or ufl_expr.derivative(F, u)

        # Argument checking
        check_pde_args(self.F, self.J, self.Jp)

        # Store form compiler parameters
        self.form_compiler_parameters = form_compiler_parameters
        self._constant_jacobian = False
コード例 #12
    def __init__(self, F, u, bcs=None, J=None,
        :param F: the nonlinear form
        :param u: the :class:`.Function` to solve for
        :param bcs: the boundary conditions (optional)
        :param J: the Jacobian J = dF/du (optional)
        :param Jp: a form used for preconditioning the linear system,
                 optional, if not supplied then the Jacobian itself
                 will be used.
        :param dict form_compiler_parameters: parameters to pass to the form
            compiler (optional)
        :param nest: indicate if matrices on mixed spaces should be
               built as monolithic operators (suitable for direct
               solves), or as nested blocks (suitable for fieldsplit
               preconditioning).  If not provided, uses the default
               given by ``parameters["matnest"]``.
        from firedrake import solving

        # Extract and check arguments
        u = solving._extract_u(u)
        bcs = solving._extract_bcs(bcs)

        # Store input UFL forms and solution Function
        self.F = F
        # Use the user-provided Jacobian. If none is provided, derive
        # the Jacobian from the residual.
        self.J = J or ufl_expr.derivative(F, u)
        self.Jp = Jp
        self.u = u
        self.bcs = bcs

        self._nest = nest
        # Store form compiler parameters
        self.form_compiler_parameters = form_compiler_parameters
        self._constant_jacobian = False
コード例 #13
ファイル: assemble.py プロジェクト: connorjward/firedrake
def assemble_form(expr, tensor, bcs, diagonal, assembly_type,
                  form_compiler_parameters, mat_type, sub_mat_type, appctx,
    """Assemble an expression.

    :arg expr: a :class:`~ufl.classes.Form` or a :class:`~slate.TensorBase`

    See :func:`assemble` for a description of the possible additional arguments
    and return values.
    # Do some setup of the arguments and wrap them in a namedtuple.
    bcs = solving._extract_bcs(bcs)
    if assembly_type == "solution":
        assembly_type = _AssemblyType.SOLUTION
    elif assembly_type == "residual":
        assembly_type = _AssemblyType.RESIDUAL
        raise ValueError(
            "assembly_type must be either 'solution' or 'residual'")
    mat_type, sub_mat_type = _get_mat_type(mat_type, sub_mat_type,
    opts = _AssemblyOpts(diagonal, assembly_type, form_compiler_parameters,
                         mat_type, sub_mat_type, appctx, options_prefix)

    assembly_rank = _get_assembly_rank(expr, diagonal)
    if assembly_rank == _AssemblyRank.SCALAR:
        if tensor:
            raise ValueError("Can't assemble 0-form into existing tensor")
        return _assemble_scalar(expr, bcs, opts)
    elif assembly_rank == _AssemblyRank.VECTOR:
        return _assemble_vector(expr, tensor, bcs, opts)
    elif assembly_rank == _AssemblyRank.MATRIX:
        return _assemble_matrix(expr, tensor, bcs, opts)
        raise AssertionError
コード例 #14
def assemble(f, tensor=None, bcs=None, form_compiler_parameters=None,
             inverse=False, mat_type=None, sub_mat_type=None,
             appctx={}, options_prefix=None, **kwargs):
    r"""Evaluate f.

    :arg f: a :class:`~ufl.classes.Form`, :class:`~ufl.classes.Expr` or
            a :class:`~slate.TensorBase` expression.
    :arg tensor: an existing tensor object to place the result in
    :arg bcs: a list of boundary conditions to apply (optional).
    :arg form_compiler_parameters: (optional) dict of parameters to pass to
         the form compiler.  Ignored if not assembling a
         :class:`~ufl.classes.Form`.  Any parameters provided here will be
         overridden by parameters set on the :class:`~ufl.classes.Measure` in the
         form.  For example, if a ``quadrature_degree`` of 4 is
         specified in this argument, but a degree of 3 is requested in
         the measure, the latter will be used.
    :arg inverse: (optional) if f is a 2-form, then assemble the inverse
         of the local matrices.
    :arg mat_type: (optional) string indicating how a 2-form (matrix) should be
         assembled -- either as a monolithic matrix ('aij' or 'baij'), a block matrix
         ('nest'), or left as a :class:`.ImplicitMatrix` giving matrix-free
         actions ('matfree').  If not supplied, the default value in
         ``parameters["default_matrix_type"]`` is used.  BAIJ differs
         from AIJ in that only the block sparsity rather than the dof
         sparsity is constructed.  This can result in some memory
         savings, but does not work with all PETSc preconditioners.
         BAIJ matrices only make sense for non-mixed matrices.
    :arg sub_mat_type: (optional) string indicating the matrix type to
         use *inside* a nested block matrix.  Only makes sense if
         ``mat_type`` is ``nest``.  May be one of 'aij' or 'baij'.  If
         not supplied, defaults to ``parameters["default_sub_matrix_type"]``.
    :arg appctx: Additional information to hang on the assembled
         matrix if an implicit matrix is requested (mat_type "matfree").
    :arg options_prefix: PETSc options prefix to apply to matrices.

    If f is a :class:`~ufl.classes.Form` then this evaluates the corresponding
    integral(s) and returns a :class:`float` for 0-forms, a
    :class:`.Function` for 1-forms and a :class:`.Matrix` or :class:`.ImplicitMatrix`
    for 2-forms.

    If f is an expression other than a form, it will be evaluated
    pointwise on the :class:`.Function`\s in the expression. This will
    only succeed if all the Functions are on the same

    If f is a Slate tensor expression, then it will be compiled using Slate's
    linear algebra compiler.

    If ``tensor`` is supplied, the assembled result will be placed
    there, otherwise a new object of the appropriate type will be

    If ``bcs`` is supplied and ``f`` is a 2-form, the rows and columns
    of the resulting :class:`.Matrix` corresponding to boundary nodes
    will be set to 0 and the diagonal entries to 1. If ``f`` is a
    1-form, the vector entries at boundary nodes are set to the
    boundary condition values.

    if "nest" in kwargs:
        nest = kwargs.pop("nest")
        from firedrake.logging import warning, RED
        warning(RED % "The 'nest' argument is deprecated, please set 'mat_type' instead")
        if nest is not None:
            mat_type = "nest" if nest else "aij"

    collect_loops = kwargs.pop("collect_loops", False)
    allocate_only = kwargs.pop("allocate_only", False)
    if len(kwargs) > 0:
        raise TypeError("Unknown keyword arguments '%s'" % ', '.join(kwargs.keys()))

    if isinstance(f, (ufl.form.Form, slate.TensorBase)):
        loops = _assemble(f, tensor=tensor, bcs=solving._extract_bcs(bcs),
                          inverse=inverse, mat_type=mat_type,
                          sub_mat_type=sub_mat_type, appctx=appctx,
                          assemble_now=not collect_loops,
        loops = tuple(loops)
        if collect_loops and not allocate_only:
            # Will this be useful?
            return loops
            for l in loops:
                m = l()
            return m

    elif isinstance(f, ufl.core.expr.Expr):
        return assemble_expressions.assemble_expression(f)
        raise TypeError("Unable to assemble: %r" % f)
コード例 #15
    def __init__(self,
        :param F: the nonlinear form
        :param u: the :class:`.Function` to solve for
        :param bcs: the boundary conditions (optional)
        :param J: the Jacobian J = dF/du (optional)
        :param Jp: a form used for preconditioning the linear system,
                 optional, if not supplied then the Jacobian itself
                 will be used.
        :param dict form_compiler_parameters: parameters to pass to the form
            compiler (optional)
        :param nest: indicate if matrices on mixed spaces should be
               built as monolithic operators (suitable for direct
               solves), or as nested blocks (suitable for fieldsplit
               preconditioning).  If not provided, uses the default
               given by ``parameters["matnest"]``.
        from firedrake import solving
        from firedrake import function

        # Store input UFL forms and solution Function
        self.F = F
        self.Jp = Jp
        self.u = u
        self.bcs = solving._extract_bcs(bcs)

        # Argument checking
        if not isinstance(self.F, ufl.Form):
            raise TypeError("Provided residual is a '%s', not a Form" %
        if len(self.F.arguments()) != 1:
            raise ValueError("Provided residual is not a linear form")
        if not isinstance(self.u, function.Function):
            raise TypeError("Provided solution is a '%s', not a Function" %

        # Use the user-provided Jacobian. If none is provided, derive
        # the Jacobian from the residual.
        self.J = J or ufl_expr.derivative(F, u)

        if not isinstance(self.J, ufl.Form):
            raise TypeError("Provided Jacobian is a '%s', not a Form" %
        if len(self.J.arguments()) != 2:
            raise ValueError("Provided Jacobian is not a bilinear form")
        if self.Jp is not None and not isinstance(self.Jp, ufl.Form):
            raise TypeError("Provided preconditioner is a '%s', not a Form" %
        if self.Jp is not None and len(self.Jp.arguments()) != 2:
            raise ValueError("Provided preconditioner is not a bilinear form")

        self._nest = nest
        # Store form compiler parameters
        self.form_compiler_parameters = form_compiler_parameters
        self._constant_jacobian = False
コード例 #16
ファイル: assemble.py プロジェクト: tlroy/firedrake
def assemble(f,
    """Evaluate f.

    :arg f: a :class:`~ufl.classes.Form`, :class:`~ufl.classes.Expr` or
            a :class:`~slate.TensorBase` expression.
    :arg tensor: an existing tensor object to place the result in
    :arg bcs: a list of boundary conditions to apply (optional).
    :arg form_compiler_parameters: (optional) dict of parameters to pass to
         the form compiler.  Ignored if not assembling a
         :class:`~ufl.classes.Form`.  Any parameters provided here will be
         overridden by parameters set on the :class:`~ufl.classes.Measure` in the
         form.  For example, if a ``quadrature_degree`` of 4 is
         specified in this argument, but a degree of 3 is requested in
         the measure, the latter will be used.
    :arg inverse: (optional) if f is a 2-form, then assemble the inverse
         of the local matrices.
    :arg mat_type: (optional) string indicating how a 2-form (matrix) should be
         assembled -- either as a monolithic matrix ('aij' or 'baij'), a block matrix
         ('nest'), or left as a :class:`.ImplicitMatrix` giving matrix-free
         actions ('matfree').  If not supplied, the default value in
         ``parameters["default_matrix_type"]`` is used.  BAIJ differs
         from AIJ in that only the block sparsity rather than the dof
         sparsity is constructed.  This can result in some memory
         savings, but does not work with all PETSc preconditioners.
         BAIJ matrices only make sense for non-mixed matrices.
    :arg sub_mat_type: (optional) string indicating the matrix type to
         use *inside* a nested block matrix.  Only makes sense if
         ``mat_type`` is ``nest``.  May be one of 'aij' or 'baij'.  If
         not supplied, defaults to ``parameters["default_sub_matrix_type"]``.
    :arg appctx: Additional information to hang on the assembled
         matrix if an implicit matrix is requested (mat_type "matfree").
    :arg options_prefix: PETSc options prefix to apply to matrices.

    If f is a :class:`~ufl.classes.Form` then this evaluates the corresponding
    integral(s) and returns a :class:`float` for 0-forms, a
    :class:`.Function` for 1-forms and a :class:`.Matrix` or :class:`.ImplicitMatrix`
    for 2-forms.

    If f is an expression other than a form, it will be evaluated
    pointwise on the :class:`.Function`\s in the expression. This will
    only succeed if all the Functions are on the same

    If f is a Slate tensor expression, then it will be compiled using Slate's
    linear algebra compiler.

    If ``tensor`` is supplied, the assembled result will be placed
    there, otherwise a new object of the appropriate type will be

    If ``bcs`` is supplied and ``f`` is a 2-form, the rows and columns
    of the resulting :class:`.Matrix` corresponding to boundary nodes
    will be set to 0 and the diagonal entries to 1. If ``f`` is a
    1-form, the vector entries at boundary nodes are set to the
    boundary condition values.

    if "nest" in kwargs:
        nest = kwargs.pop("nest")
        from firedrake.logging import warning, RED
            RED %
            "The 'nest' argument is deprecated, please set 'mat_type' instead")
        if nest is not None:
            mat_type = "nest" if nest else "aij"

    collect_loops = kwargs.pop("collect_loops", False)
    allocate_only = kwargs.pop("allocate_only", False)
    if len(kwargs) > 0:
        raise TypeError("Unknown keyword arguments '%s'" %
                        ', '.join(kwargs.keys()))

    if isinstance(f, (ufl.form.Form, slate.TensorBase)):
        return _assemble(f,
    elif isinstance(f, ufl.core.expr.Expr):
        return assemble_expressions.assemble_expression(f)
        raise TypeError("Unable to assemble: %r" % f)
コード例 #17
    def __init__(
        :param F: the nonlinear form
        :param u: the :class:`.Function` to solve for
        :param udot: the :class:`.Function` for time derivative
        :param tspan: the tuple for start time and end time
        :param time: the :class:`.Constant` for time-dependent weak forms
        :param bcs: the boundary conditions (optional)
        :param J: the Jacobian J = sigma*dF/dudot + dF/du (optional)
        :param Jp: a form used for preconditioning the linear system,
                 optional, if not supplied then the Jacobian itself
                 will be used.
        :param dict form_compiler_parameters: parameters to pass to the form
            compiler (optional)
        :is_linear: internally used to check if all domain/bc forms
            are given either in 'A == b' style or in 'F == 0' style.
        from firedrake import solving
        from firedrake import function, Constant

        self.bcs = solving._extract_bcs(bcs)
        # Check form style consistency
        self.is_linear = is_linear
        is_form_consistent(self.is_linear, self.bcs)
        self.Jp_eq_J = Jp is None

        self.u = u
        self.udot = udot
        self.tspan = tspan
        self.F = F
        self.Jp = Jp
        if not isinstance(self.u, function.Function):
            raise TypeError(
                "Provided solution is a '%s', not a Function" % type(self.u).__name__
        if not isinstance(self.udot, function.Function):
            raise TypeError(
                "Provided time derivative is a '%s', not a Function"
                % type(self.udot).__name__

        # current value of time that may be used in weak form
        self.time = time or Constant(0.0)
        # timeshift value provided by the solver
        self.shift = Constant(1.0)

        # Use the user-provided Jacobian. If none is provided, derive
        # the Jacobian from the residual.
        self.J = J or self.shift * ufl_expr.derivative(F, udot) + ufl_expr.derivative(
            F, u

        # Argument checking
        check_pde_args(self.F, self.J, self.Jp)

        # Store form compiler parameters
        self.form_compiler_parameters = form_compiler_parameters
        self._constant_jacobian = False