コード例 #1

def Z(z):
    return Bu * ((z / H) - 0.5)

def n():
    return Bu**(-1) * sqrt(
        (Bu * 0.5 - tanh(Bu * 0.5)) * (coth(Bu * 0.5) - Bu * 0.5))

a = -4.5
Bu = 0.5
b_exp = a * sqrt(Nsq) * (
    -(1. - Bu * 0.5 * coth(Bu * 0.5)) * sinh(Z(z)) * cos(pi * (x - L) / L) -
    n() * Bu * cosh(Z(z)) * sin(pi * (x - L) / L))
b_pert = Function(Vb).interpolate(b_exp)

# set total buoyancy
b0.project(b_b + b_pert)

# calculate hydrostatic pressure
p_b = Function(Vp)
incompressible_hydrostatic_balance(state, b_b, p_b)
incompressible_hydrostatic_balance(state, b0, p0)

# set x component of velocity
dbdy = parameters.dbdy
u = -dbdy / f * (z - H / 2)

# set y component of velocity
コード例 #2
def coth(x):
    return cosh(x) / sinh(x)
コード例 #3
def build_initial_conditions(prognostic_variables, simulation_parameters):
    Initialises the prognostic variables based on the
    initial condition string.

    :arg prognostic_variables: a PrognosticVariables object.
    :arg simulation_parameters: a dictionary containing the simulation parameters.

    mesh = simulation_parameters['mesh'][-1]
    ic = simulation_parameters['ic'][-1]
    alphasq = simulation_parameters['alphasq'][-1]
    c0 = simulation_parameters['c0'][-1]
    gamma = simulation_parameters['gamma'][-1]
    x, = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
    Ld = simulation_parameters['Ld'][-1]
    deltax = Ld / simulation_parameters['resolution'][-1]
    w = simulation_parameters['peak_width'][-1]
    epsilon = 1

    ic_dict = {
        (0.2 * 2 /
         (exp(x - 403. / 15. * 40. / Ld) + exp(-x + 403. / 15. * 40. / Ld)) +
         0.5 * 2 /
         (exp(x - 203. / 15. * 40. / Ld) + exp(-x + 203. / 15. * 40. / Ld))),
        0.5 * exp(-((x - 10.) / 2.)**2),
        0.5 * exp(-((x - 10.) / 1.)**2),
        0.5 * exp(-((x - 10.) / 3.)**2),
        conditional(x < Ld / 2., exp((x - Ld / 2) / sqrt(alphasq)),
                    exp(-(x - Ld / 2) / sqrt(alphasq))),
        0.5 * 2 /
        (exp(x - 203. / 15. * 40. / Ld) + exp(-x + 203. / 15. * 40. / Ld)),
        0.5 * 2 / (exp(x - Ld / 4) + exp(-x + Ld / 4)),
        0.5 * 2 / (exp((x - Ld / 4) / w) + exp((-x + Ld / 4) / w)),
        Constant(2 * pi**2 / (9 * 40**2)),
        Constant(2000) * cosh((2000**0.5 / 2) * (x - 0.75))**(-2) +
        Constant(1000) * cosh(1000**0.5 / 2 * (x - 0.25))**(-2),
        exp(-sqrt((x - Ld / 2)**2 + epsilon * deltax**2) / sqrt(alphasq)),
            x < Ld / 4,
            exp((x - Ld / 4) / sqrt(alphasq)) -
            exp(-(x + Ld / 4) / sqrt(alphasq)),
                x < 3 * Ld / 4,
                exp(-(x - Ld / 4) / sqrt(alphasq)) - exp(
                    (x - 3 * Ld / 4) / sqrt(alphasq)),
                exp((x - 5 * Ld / 4) / sqrt(alphasq)) -
                exp(-(x - 3 * Ld / 4) / sqrt(alphasq)))),
            x < Ld / 4,
            exp((x - Ld / 4) / sqrt(alphasq)) + 0.5 * exp(
                (x - Ld / 2) / sqrt(alphasq)),
                x < Ld / 2,
                exp(-(x - Ld / 4) / sqrt(alphasq)) + 0.5 * exp(
                    (x - Ld / 2) / sqrt(alphasq)),
                    x < 3 * Ld / 4,
                    exp(-(x - Ld / 4) / sqrt(alphasq)) +
                    0.5 * exp(-(x - Ld / 2) / sqrt(alphasq)),
                    exp((x - 5 * Ld / 4) / sqrt(alphasq)) +
                    0.5 * exp(-(x - Ld / 2) / sqrt(alphasq))))),
        'periodic_peakon': (conditional(
            x < Ld / 2, 0.5 / (1 - exp(-Ld / sqrt(alphasq))) *
            (exp((x - Ld / 2) / sqrt(alphasq)) +
             exp(-Ld / sqrt(alphasq)) * exp(-(x - Ld / 2) / sqrt(alphasq))),
            0.5 / (1 - exp(-Ld / sqrt(alphasq))) *
            (exp(-(x - Ld / 2) / sqrt(alphasq)) +
             exp(-Ld / sqrt(alphasq)) * exp((x - Ld / 2) / sqrt(alphasq))))),
        conditional(x < Ld / 4, (cos(pi * (x - Ld / 8) / (2 * Ld / 8)))**2,
        1 / (exp((x - Ld / 4) / Ld) + exp((-x + Ld / 4) / Ld)) - 1 / (exp(
            (Ld - x - Ld / 4) / Ld) + exp((Ld + x + Ld / 4) / Ld))

    ic_expr = ic_dict[ic]

    if prognostic_variables.scheme in ['upwind', 'LASCH']:

        VCG5 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 5)
        smooth_condition = Function(VCG5).interpolate(ic_expr)

        # need to find initial m by solving helmholtz problem
        CG1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
        u0 = prognostic_variables.u
        p = TestFunction(CG1)
        m_CG = Function(CG1)
        ones = Function(prognostic_variables.Vu).project(

        Lm = (p * m_CG - p * dot(ones, u0) -
              alphasq * p.dx(0) * dot(ones, u0.dx(0))) * dx
        mprob0 = NonlinearVariationalProblem(Lm, m_CG)
        msolver0 = NonlinearVariationalSolver(mprob0,
                                                  'ksp_type': 'preonly',
                                                  'pc_type': 'lu'

        if prognostic_variables.scheme == 'LASCH':

    elif prognostic_variables.scheme in ('conforming', 'hydrodynamic', 'test',
        if ic == 'peakon':
            Vu = prognostic_variables.Vu
            # delta = Function(Vu)
            # middle_index = int(len(delta.dat.data[:]) / 2)
            # delta.dat.data[middle_index] = 1
            # u0 = prognostic_variables.u
            # phi = TestFunction(Vu)
            # eqn = phi * u0 * dx + alphasq * phi.dx(0) * u0.dx(0) * dx - phi * delta * dx
            # prob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(eqn, u0)
            # solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(prob)
            # solver.solve()
            # W = MixedFunctionSpace((Vu, Vu))
            # psi, phi = TestFunctions(W)
            # w = Function(W)
            # u, F = w.split()
            # u.interpolate(ic_expr)
            # u, F = split(w)
            # eqn = (psi * u * dx - psi * (0.5 * u * u + F) * dx
            #        + phi * F * dx + alphasq * phi.dx(0) * F.dx(0) * dx
            #        - phi * u * u * dx - 0.5 * alphasq * phi * u.dx(0) * u.dx(0) * dx)
            # u, F = w.split()
            # prob = NonlinearVariationalProblem(eqn, w)
            # solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(prob)
            # solver.solve()
            # prognostic_variables.u.assign(u)
            # prognostic_variables.u.interpolate(ic_expr)
            VCG5 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 5)
            smooth_condition = Function(VCG5).interpolate(ic_expr)

        if prognostic_variables.scheme in [
                'LASCH_hydrodynamic', 'LASCH_hydrodynamic_m'

        raise NotImplementedError('Other schemes not yet implemented.')