コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, pdf):
        self.list_data = list(
        )  # to store the states of ordered/unordered list
        # TODO: put this in render() Directory containing markdown (and images)
        self.indir = None
        self.pdf = pdf
        self.doc = fitz.open()
        self.toc = []
        self.currentPage = None

        global width, height
        width, height = fitz.PaperSize(
            properties.paperSize)  # choose paper format
コード例 #2
ファイル: pdf.py プロジェクト: syhxczy/python_tool
    def pdftopic(self, pdffile, rate=50):
        doc = fitz.open(pdffile)
        width, height = fitz.PaperSize("a4")

        for pg in range(doc.pageCount):
            page = doc[pg]
            zoom = int(rate)
            rotate = int(0)
            trans = fitz.Matrix(zoom / 100.0, zoom / 100.0).preRotate(rotate)
            pm = page.getPixmap(matrix=trans, alpha=False)
            pic = self.picpath + str(pg + 1) + ".jpg"

コード例 #3
assert startyear.isdigit(), "year must be positive numeric"
startyear = int(startyear)

assert startyear > 0, "year must be positive numeric"

# We use a nicer mono-spaced font than the PDF builtin 'Courier'.
# If you do not know one, set ffile to None and fname to 'Courier'
ffile = "c:/windows/fonts/dejavusansmono.ttf"
fname = "F0"

doc = fitz.open()
cal = calendar.LocaleTextCalendar(locale="es")  # use your locale
#cal = calendar.TextCalendar()                   # or stick with English

w, h = fitz.PaperSize("a4-l")  # get sizes for A4 landscape paper

txt = cal.formatyear(startyear, m=4)

txt = cal.formatyear(startyear + 1, m=4)
コード例 #4
ファイル: spumoni.py プロジェクト: julienfr112/PyMuPDF
The only purpose of this ugly picture is to show that creating it with PyMuPDF
definitely is at least as easy and straightforward ...


green, pink, brown = getColor("green"), getColor("pink"), getColor("brown")
clist = (pink, green, brown)       # make a list of these colors
top  = 72                          # some convenience constants
left = right = top / 2
nrects = 14
fname = "Helvetica-Bold"           # fontname
doc = fitz.open()                  # empty new document
cw = doc._getCharWidths(fname)     # get glyph widths of the font
text = "SPUMONI"                   # the ominous text
textl = sum([cw[ord(c)] for c in text])     # get total glyph width of text
width, height = fitz.PaperSize("letter")
page = doc.newPage(-1, width = width, height = height)     # insert new page
rwidth = (width - 2*left) / nrects # rect width, leaves borders of 36 px
fsize = (width - 2*left) / textl   # optimum fontsize
rheight = 400                      # rect height
for i in range(nrects-2):          # draw colored rectangles (last 2 stay white)
    r = fitz.Rect(left + i*rwidth, top, left + (i+1)*rwidth, top + rheight)
    page.drawRect(r, color = clist[i % 3], fill = clist[i % 3])
# draw outer black border
page.drawRect(fitz.Rect(left, top, width - right, top + rheight))
# insert the big text in white letters, a little above rectangle's middle line
page.insertText(fitz.Point(left, top + (rheight + fsize*0.7)/2), text,
                fontsize=fsize, fontname = fname, color = getColor("white"))

# now the wafer cone with its 3 defining points
points = (fitz.Point(width/2, top + rheight),        # center of bottom line
コード例 #5
ファイル: 4-up.py プロジェクト: zzang2004/PyMuPDF
(3) This should run very fast: needed less than 25 sec on a Python 3.6 64bit,
    Windows 10, AMD 4.0 GHz for the 1'310 pages of the Adobe manual.
    Without save-options "garbage" and "deflate" this goes below 4 seconds, but
    results in a bigger file.
PyMuPDF 1.12.1 or later
from __future__ import print_function
import fitz, sys
infile = sys.argv[1]
src = fitz.open(infile)
doc = fitz.open()  # empty output PDF

width, height = fitz.PaperSize("a4")  # A4 portrait output page format
r = fitz.Rect(0, 0, width, height)

# define the 4 rectangles per page
r1 = r * 0.5  # top left rect
r2 = r1 + (r1.width, 0, r1.width, 0)  # top right
r3 = r1 + (0, r1.height, 0, r1.height)  # bottom left
r4 = fitz.Rect(r1.br, r.br)  # bottom right

# put them in a list
r_tab = [r1, r2, r3, r4]

# now copy input pages to output
for spage in src:
    if spage.number % 4 == 0:  # create new output page
        page = doc.newPage(-1, width=width, height=height)
コード例 #6
    for f in files:
        if f.endswith('.pdf'):
            input_file = join(root, f)
            output_file = join('D:\\py\\new_CR\\exception', f)
            barcode_mark = 'D:\\py\\title.png'
            doc = fitz.open(input_file)
            page = doc[0]
            rect_mark = fitz.Rect(0, 0, 1024, 50)
            pix_1 = fitz.Pixmap(barcode_mark)
            page.insertImage(rect_mark, pixmap=pix_1, overlay=True)

for root, dirs, files in walk('D:\\py\\new_CR\\exception'):
    for f in files:
        doc = fitz.open(join(root, f))
        width, height = fitz.PaperSize('a4')
        totaling = doc.pageCount
        for pg in range(totaling):
            page = doc[pg]
            zoom = int(100)
            rotate = int(0)
            trans = fitz.Matrix(zoom / 60, zoom / 60).preRotate(rotate)
            pm = page.getPixmap(matrix=trans, alpha=False)
            lurl = 'D:\\py\\new_CR\\{}.jpg'.format(str(f)[0:12])

for root, dirs, files in walk('D:\\py\\new_CR\\exception'):
    for f in files:
        if '.jpg' in f:
            doc_pdf = fitz.open()
コード例 #7
        if path[-4:] == ".pdf":

# Try to sort after 3rd part in filename
	idx = sortFiles([os.path.basename(s) for s in pdffiles], args.sep, args.nsort)
	pdffiles = [pdffiles[i] for i in idx]
	print([os.path.basename(s) for s in pdffiles])
except Exception as e:
	print("Something went wrong while sorting filenames, continuing without:")

doc = fitz.open()

width, height = fitz.PaperSize(pagesize)

for path in pdffiles:
	print("adding {}".format(path))
	incremental = doc.pageCount > 0 # need an initial document for incremental save

	# flag for printing two landscape pages onto portrait
	isFirstLandscape = True

	src = fitz.open(path)
	for n in range(src.pageCount):
		if pageOrientation(src[n]) == "portrait":
			pos = 0
			page = doc.newPage(-1, width = width, height = height)
コード例 #8
rc = False
if str is bytes:
    imgdir = sys.argv[1]  # where my files are
    rc, imgdir = psg.GetPathBox("Make a PDF from Embedded Files",
                                "Enter file directory:")

if not imgdir:
    raise SystemExit()

t0 = mytime()  # set start timer

doc = fitz.open()

width, height = fitz.PaperSize("a4")
rect = fitz.Rect(0, 0, width, height) + (36, 36, -36, -36)
imglist = os.listdir(imgdir)
imgcount = len(imglist)

for i, f in enumerate(imglist):
    path = os.path.join(imgdir, f)
    if not os.path.isfile(path):
        print("skipping non-file '%s'!" % f)

    if str is not bytes:
        psg.EasyProgressMeter("Embedding Files", i + 1, imgcount,
                              "dir: " + imgdir, "file: " + f)
        print("embedding file '%s', (%i / %i)" % (f, i + 1, imgcount))
コード例 #9
Formula of lines per page (nlines) is also used by the 'insertPage' method.

def pixlen(text, widthlist, fontsize):
    """Calculate the length of text in pixels, given a list of (font-specific)
    glyph widths and the fontsize. Parameter 'widthlist' should have been
    created by 'doc._getCharWidths()'."""
    pl = 0.0
    for t in text:
        pl += widthlist[ord(t)]
    return pl * fontsize

width, height = fitz.PaperSize("a4")  # choose paper format
fontsz = 10  # choose font size of text
lineheight = fontsz * 1.2  # line height is 20% larger
# the above gives the following lines per page:
nlines = int((height - 108.0) / lineheight)

# choose a nice mono-spaced font of the system, instead of 'Courier'.
# To use a standard PDF base14 font, e.g. set font='Courier' and ffile=None
ffile = "C:/windows/fonts/consola.ttf"  # font file
font = "F0"  # fontname

sourcefile = open(ifn)  # we are going to convert this file
line_ctr = 0  # page line counter
total_ctr = 0  # total line counter
out_ctr = 0  # count output lines
out_buf = ""  # text of one page
コード例 #10
    mytime = time.clock

rc = False
if str is bytes:
    imgdir = sys.argv[1]               # where my files are
    rc, imgdir = psg.GetPathBox("Make a PDF from Attached Files",
                                "Enter file directory:")

if not imgdir:
    raise SystemExit()

t0 = mytime()                          # set start timer

width, height = fitz.PaperSize("a6-l") # get paper format

doc = fitz.open()                      # open empty PDF
page = doc.newPage(width = width,      # make new page
                   height = height)

# define sub rect to receive text and annotation symbols
rect = fitz.Rect(0, 0, width, height) + (36, 36, -36, -36)

imglist = os.listdir(imgdir)           # directory listing
imgcount = len(imglist)                # number of files

# calculate number of pages we will create
per_page = ((width - 72) // 25) * ((height - 36 - 56) // 35)
pages = int(round(imgcount / per_page + 0.5))
コード例 #11
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: Koubae/Programming-CookBook
import fitz
import calendar
import sys
assert len(sys.argv) == 2, '"need start year as the one and only parameter"'

startyear = sys.argv[1]
assert startyear.isdigit(), "year must be positive numeric"
startyear = int(startyear)
assert startyear > 0, "year must be positive numeric"

doc = fitz.open()
cal = calendar.LocaleTextCalendar(locale="en")
w, h = fitz.PaperSize('a4-l')

txt = cal.formatyear(startyear, m=4)
doc.insertPage(-1, txt, fontsize=12, fontname="Courier", width=w, height=h)

txt = cal.formatyear(startyear + 1, m=4)

txt = cal.formatyear(startyear + 2, m=4)