コード例 #1
def bruteForce(root):
    currentTree = copy.deepcopy(root)
    minWidth = embedTree(currentTree)
    bestTree = currentTree
    maxSize = 16
    nonLeafNodes = bestTree.getAllNonLeafNodes()

    flippedNodes = nodesToFlip(currentTree)
    if len(flippedNodes) <= maxSize:
        print("Computing optimal solution with", len(flippedNodes),
              "flipped nodes...")
        perms = [
            for node in flippedNodes
        widths = defaultdict(int)
        allOrders = itertools.product(*perms)
        for ordering in allOrders:
            # Note that currentTree is not copied when we check new orderings,
            # so the nodes in flippedNodes are always part of currentTree.
            for i in range(len(perms)):
                flippedNodes[i].children = ordering[i]
            newWidth = embedTree(currentTree)
            widths[newWidth] += 1
            if newWidth < minWidth:
                minWidth = newWidth
                bestTree = copy.deepcopy(currentTree)
        print("Number of ways to achieve each width:", widths)
        print("Error! Tree is too large for brute force (", len(perms),
              "flipped nodes ).")
    return bestTree
コード例 #2
def search(root, prob):
    currentTree = copy.deepcopy(root)
    currentCost = embedTree(currentTree)
    startTemp = currentCost / 100
    totalSteps = 5000.0
    tempDecrease = startTemp / totalSteps
    currentTemp = startTemp

    flippedNodes = nodesToFlip(currentTree)
    while currentTemp > 0:
        flipNode = random.choice(flippedNodes)

        # Save the old ordering
        oldChildren = flipNode.children

        # Generate a new random ordering, and compute the new cost
        newChildren = [c for c in flipNode.children]
        if (len(newChildren) == 2):
            newChildren = [newChildren[1], newChildren[0]]
        flipNode.children = newChildren
        newCost = embedTree(currentTree)

        # print(currentCost, newCost, currentTemp, prob(currentCost, newCost, currentTemp))
        if (random.random() < prob(currentCost, newCost, currentTemp)):
            # If keep, update the cost
            currentCost = newCost
            # Else, return to the old ordering
            flipNode.children = oldChildren
        currentTemp -= tempDecrease

    return currentTree
コード例 #3
        def shapeAndStoreIfBetter(temp, shapes):
            shape = Shape(temp)

            if not shape.type in shapes or shapes[shape.type].better(shape):
                newTree = copy.copy(temp)
                newTree.children = copy.copy(temp.children)
                shape.tree = newTree
                shapes[shape.type] = shape
コード例 #4
def embedTest():
    n0 = Node(0, 8, [])
    n1 = Node(1, 6, [n0])

    n2 = Node(2, 4, [])
    n3 = Node(3, 2, [n2, n1])

    n4 = Node(4, 4, [])
    n5 = Node(5, 6, [])
    n6 = Node(6, 8, [])

    n7 = Node(7, 4, [n5, n6])
    n8 = Node(8, 2, [n4, n7])

    n9 = Node(9, 0, [n3, n8])


    tree = heuristics.identity(n9)

    width = embedTree(tree)
    print("Width: " + str(width))
    print("White: " + str(tree.stats.whitespace))


    save_img(tree, "test")
コード例 #5
    def whitespaceOrder(node):

        for c in node.children:

        if len(node.children) > 4:
            print("Warning going to try more than " + str(len(node.children)) +
                  "! permutations")

#Well do permutations if stable
        stable = copy.copy(node.children)

        best = copy.copy(stable)
        bestWidth = embedTree(node)
        bestWhitespace = node.stats.whitespace
        bestFlip = None

        for i in range(0, len(stable) + 1):

            for flipPerm in itertools.combinations(stable, i):
                for n in flipPerm:

                for perm in itertools.permutations(stable):
                    perm = list(perm)
                    node.children = perm

                    permWidth = embedTree(node)
                    permWhitespace = node.stats.whitespace

                    if permWhitespace < bestWhitespace or (
                            permWhitespace == bestWhitespace
                            and permWidth < bestWidth):
                        best = copy.copy(perm)
                        bestWidth = permWidth
                        bestWhitespace = permWhitespace
                        bestFlip = flipPerm

                node.children = stable
                for n in flipPerm:

        node.children = best
        if bestFlip:
            for n in bestFlip:
コード例 #6
    def runTests(id, tree, tests):

        results = []

        print("Running " + str(id), end="\t")
        print("Lower bound: ", lowerBound(tree))
        for heuristic, name in tests:

            start = time.process_time()
            resultTree = heuristic(tree)
            resultWidth = embedTree(resultTree)
            end = time.process_time()
            results.append((name, resultWidth))

            if not suppressImage:
                save_img(resultTree, imagePath + name + "_" + str(id))
            print(name + " took " + "{:.2f}".format(end - start) + "s",
                  end=" ")

        return results
コード例 #7
def test():
    n0 = Node(0, 6, [])
    n1 = Node(1, 8, [])
    n2 = Node(2, 4, [n0, n1])

    n3 = Node(3, 8, [])
    n4 = Node(4, 10, [])
    n5 = Node(5, 6, [n3, n4])

    n6 = Node(6, 12, [])

    n7 = Node(7, 2, [n2, n5, n6])

    n8 = Node(8, 4, [])
    n9 = Node(9, 6, [])
    n10 = Node(10, 2, [n8, n9])

    n11 = Node(11, 0, [n7, n10])

    tree = heuristics.nodesToLeaf(n11)

    width = embedTree(tree)
    print("Width: " + str(width))
    print("White: " + str(tree.stats.whitespace))
    bottomRect, topRect = approximateWithTwoRects(tree.stats.leftBorder,

    print("BottomRect: " + str(bottomRect))
    print("TopRect: " + str(topRect))

    s = Shape(bottomRect, topRect, tree)

    #tree.printMe(0, lambda n : str((n.dNode, str(n))) )
    #tree.printMe(0, lambda n : str((n.dNode, str(n.stats))) )
    save_img(tree, "test")
コード例 #8
def branch_and_bound(tree):
    currentTree = copy.deepcopy(root)
    minWidth = embedTree(currentTree)
    nonLeafNodes = currentTree.getAllNonLeafNodes()
コード例 #9
def smallTest():
    n0 = Node(0, 10, [])
    n1 = Node(1, 10, [])
    n2 = Node(2, 8, [n0, n1])

    n3 = Node(3, 8, [])
    n4 = Node(4, 6, [n3])
    n5 = Node(5, 4, [])
    n6 = Node(6, 2, [n4, n5])

    n7 = Node(7, 0, [n2, n6])

    tree = heuristics.tetris(n7)

    width = embedTree(tree)
    print("Width: " + str(width))
    print("White: " + str(tree.stats.whitespace))

    s = Shape(tree)
    print("BottomRect: " + str(s.bottomRect))
    print("TopRect: " + str(s.topRect))


    print("Shape tests--------------------------------")

    r0 = Rect(10, 0, 0, 10)
    r1 = Rect(20, 0, 10, 30)

    print(s.getType(r1, r0))
    r0.left = 10
    r0.right = 20
    print(s.getType(r1, r0))
    r0.left = 20
    r0.right = 30
    print(s.getType(r1, r0))
    r0.left = 1
    r0.right = 29
    print(s.getType(r1, r0))
    r0.left = 0
    r0.right = 30
    print(s.getType(r1, r0))
    r1.left = 0
    r1.right = 10
    print(s.getType(r1, r0))
    r1.left = 10
    r1.right = 20
    print(s.getType(r1, r0))
    r1.left = 10
    r1.right = 30
    print(s.getType(r1, r0))
    r1.left = 1
    r1.right = 29
    print(s.getType(r1, r0))
    r1.left = 0
    r1.right = 30
    print(s.getType(r1, r0))
    r1.left = 10
    r1.right = 50
    print(s.getType(r1, r0))
    r0.left = 20
    r0.right = 60
    print(s.getType(r1, r0))