def pytest_collection_modifyitems(session, config, items): # XXX: This also handles moving long_running tests to the front of the test module # There are a few different ways to handle this batter, but rather than building in logic # for both smoke and long_running marks to make sure each one reorders tests with respect to # the other, it made sense to just combine this here for now and organize these marks better # later on. yield # Split marked and unmarked tests split_tests = defaultdict(list) for item in items: for mark in ('smoke', 'long_running'): if mark in item.keywords: key = mark break else: key = None split_tests[key].append(item) # Now rebuild the items list with the smoke tests first, followed by long_running # with unmarked tests at the end session.items = split_tests['smoke'] + split_tests['long_running'] + split_tests[None] if split_tests['smoke']: # If there are smoke tests, use the fancy smoke test reporter smoke_tests = config.pluginmanager.getplugin('smoke_tests') reporter(config).write_sep('=', 'Running smoke tests') smoke_tests.start_time = time() smoke_tests.halt_on_fail = config.getvalue('haltonsmokefail')
def pytest_collection_modifyitems(session, config, items): # Just to print out the appliance's streams reporter(config).write("\nAppliance's streams: [{}]\n".format(", ".join(get_streams_id()))) # Bail out if the appliance stream or version do not match check_stream = config.getvalue("check_stream").lower().strip() if check_stream: curr = current_stream() if check_stream != curr: raise Exception( "Stream mismatch - wanted {} but appliance is {}".format(check_stream, curr))
def pytest_collection_modifyitems(session, config, items): # Just to print out the appliance's streams reporter(config).write("\nAppliance's streams: [{}]\n".format(", ".join( get_streams_id()))) # Bail out if the appliance stream or version do not match check_stream = config.getvalue("check_stream").lower().strip() if check_stream: curr = current_stream() if check_stream != curr: raise Exception( "Stream mismatch - wanted {} but appliance is {}".format( check_stream, curr))
def pytest_collection_modifyitems(session, config, items): # Split marked and unmarked tests split_tests = defaultdict(list) for item in items: key = 'smoke' if 'smoke' in item.keywords else 'non_smoke' split_tests[key].append(item) # Now rebuild the items list with the smoke tests first session.items = split_tests['smoke'] + split_tests['non_smoke'] if split_tests['smoke']: smoke_tests = config.pluginmanager.getplugin('smoke_tests') reporter(config).write_sep('=', 'Running smoke tests') smoke_tests.start_time = time() smoke_tests.halt_on_fail = config.getvalue('haltonsmokefail')
def pytest_configure(config): """Configures the parallel session, then fires pytest_parallel_configured.""" reporter = terminalreporter.reporter() if not config.option.appliances: appliances = load_appliances_from_config(conf.env) reporter.write_line('Retrieved these appliances from the conf.env', red=True) else: appliance_config = { 'appliances': [{'base_url': base_url} for base_url in config.option.appliances]} # Grab the possible globals from the conf.env for key, value in ( (key, value) for key, value in conf.env.items() if key in IPAppliance.CONFIG_MAPPING and key not in IPAppliance.CONFIG_NONGLOBAL): appliance_config[key] = value appliances = load_appliances_from_config(appliance_config) reporter.write_line('Retrieved these appliances from the --appliance parameters', red=True) for appliance in appliances: reporter.write_line('* {!r}'.format(appliance), cyan=True) if len(appliances) > 1: session = ParallelSession(config, appliances) config.pluginmanager.register(session, "parallel_session") store.parallelizer_role = 'master' reporter.write_line( 'As a parallelizer master kicking off parallel session for these {} appliances'.format( len(appliances)), green=True) config.hook.pytest_parallel_configured(parallel_session=session) else: reporter.write_line('No parallelization required', green=True) config.hook.pytest_parallel_configured(parallel_session=None)
def pytest_sessionfinish(session, exitstatus): udf_log_file = log_path.join('unused_data_files.log') if udf_log_file.check(): # Clean up old udf log if it exists udf_log_file.remove() if session.config.option.udf_report is False: # Short out here if not making a report return # Output an unused data files log after a test run data_files = set() for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(str(data_path)): for filename in filenames: filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) data_files.add(filepath) unused_data_files = data_files - seen_data_files if unused_data_files: # Write the log of unused data files out, minus the data dir prefix udf_log = ''.join( (line[len(str(data_path)):] + '\n' for line in unused_data_files) ) udf_log_file.write(udf_log + '\n') # Throw a notice into the terminal reporter to check the log tr = reporter() tr.write_line('') tr.write_sep( '-', '%d unused data files after test run, check %s' % ( len(unused_data_files), udf_log_file.basename ) )
def pytest_configure(config): reporter = terminalreporter.reporter() if config.getoption('--dummy-appliance'): appliances = [DummyAppliance.from_config(config)] reporter.write_line('Retrieved Dummy Appliance', red=True) elif appliances = [] elif config.option.appliances: appliances = appliances_from_cli(config.option.appliances) reporter.write_line('Retrieved these appliances from the --appliance parameters', red=True) elif config.getoption('--use-sprout'): from .sprout.plugin import mangle_in_sprout_appliances mangle_in_sprout_appliances(config) appliances = appliances_from_cli(config.option.appliances) reporter.write_line('Retrieved these appliances from the --sprout-* parameters', red=True) else: appliances = load_appliances_from_config(conf.env) reporter.write_line('Retrieved these appliances from the conf.env', red=True) if not for appliance in appliances: reporter.write_line('* {!r}'.format(appliance), cyan=True) appliance = appliances[0] if not appliance.is_dev: appliance.set_session_timeout(86400) stack.push(appliance) plugin = ApplianceHolderPlugin(appliance, appliances) config.pluginmanager.register(plugin, PLUGIN_KEY)
def pytest_configure(config): reporter = terminalreporter.reporter() if config.getoption('--dummy-appliance'): appliances = [DummyAppliance.from_config(config)] reporter.write_line('Retrieved Dummy Appliance', red=True) elif appliances = [] elif config.option.appliances: appliances = appliances_from_cli(config.option.appliances) reporter.write_line('Retrieved these appliances from the --appliance parameters', red=True) elif config.getoption('--use-sprout'): from .sprout.plugin import mangle_in_sprout_appliances mangle_in_sprout_appliances(config) appliances = appliances_from_cli(config.option.appliances) reporter.write_line('Retrieved these appliances from the --sprout-* parameters', red=True) else: appliances = load_appliances_from_config(conf.env) reporter.write_line('Retrieved these appliances from the conf.env', red=True) if not for appliance in appliances: reporter.write_line('* {!r}'.format(appliance), cyan=True) appliance = appliances[0] appliance.set_session_timeout(86400) stack.push(appliance) plugin = ApplianceHolderPlugin(appliance, appliances) config.pluginmanager.register(plugin, "appliance-holder")
def pytest_sessionfinish(session, exitstatus): udf_log_file = log_path.join('unused_data_files.log') if udf_log_file.check(): # Clean up old udf log if it exists udf_log_file.remove() if session.config.option.udf_report is False: # Short out here if not making a report return # Output an unused data files log after a test run data_files = set() for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(str(data_path)): for filename in filenames: filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) data_files.add(filepath) unused_data_files = data_files - seen_data_files if unused_data_files: # Write the log of unused data files out, minus the data dir prefix udf_log = ''.join( (line[len(str(data_path)):] + '\n' for line in unused_data_files)) udf_log_file.write(udf_log + '\n') # Throw a notice into the terminal reporter to check the log tr = reporter() tr.write_line('') tr.write_sep( '-', '%d unused data files after test run, check %s' % (len(unused_data_files), udf_log_file.basename))
def pytest_configure(config): global appliance global pool_id global sprout if not config.option.appliances and (config.option.use_sprout and config.option.sprout_appliances == 1): terminal = reporter() sprout = SproutClient.from_config() terminal.write("Requesting a single appliance from sprout...\n") pool_id = sprout.request_appliances( config.option.sprout_group, count=config.option.sprout_appliances, version=config.option.sprout_version, date=config.option.sprout_date, lease_time=config.option.sprout_timeout) terminal.write( "Appliance pool {}. Waiting for fulfillment ...\n".format(pool_id)) at_exit(destroy_the_pool) if config.option.sprout_desc is not None: sprout.set_pool_description(pool_id, str(config.option.sprout_desc)) try: result = wait_for( lambda: sprout.request_check(pool_id)["fulfilled"], num_sec=config.option.sprout_provision_timeout * 60, delay=5, message="requesting appliance was fulfilled") except: pool = sprout.request_check(pool_id) dump_pool_info(lambda x: terminal.write("{}\n".format(x)), pool) terminal.write("Destroying the pool on error.\n") sprout.destroy_pool(pool_id) raise terminal.write("Provisioning took {0:.1f} seconds\n".format( result.duration)) request = sprout.request_check(pool_id) ip_address = request["appliances"][0]["ip_address"] terminal.write( "Appliance requested at address {} ...\n".format(ip_address)) reset_timer(sprout, pool_id, config.option.sprout_timeout) terminal.write("Appliance lease timer is running ...\n") appliance = IPAppliance(address=ip_address) appliance.push() # Retrieve and print the template_name for Jenkins to pick up template_name = request["appliances"][0]["template_name"] conf.runtime["cfme_data"]["basic_info"][ "appliance_template"] = template_name terminal.write("appliance_template=\"{}\";\n".format(template_name)) with project_path.join('.appliance_template').open( 'w') as template_file: template_file.write( 'export appliance_template="{}"'.format(template_name)) terminal.write("Single appliance Sprout setup finished.\n") # And set also the appliances_provider provider = request["appliances"][0]["provider"] terminal.write("appliance_provider=\"{}\";\n".format(provider)) conf.runtime["cfme_data"]["basic_info"][ "appliances_provider"] = provider yield
def pytest_sessionstart(session): config = session.config # Just to print out the appliance's streams from fixtures.terminalreporter import reporter holder = config.pluginmanager.getplugin('appliance-holder') reporter(config).write("\nAppliance's streams: [{}]\n".format(", ".join( get_streams_id(holder.held_appliance)))) # Bail out if the appliance stream or version do not match check_stream = config.getvalue("check_stream").lower().strip() if check_stream: holder = config.pluginmanager.get_plugin("appliance-holder") curr = if check_stream != curr: raise Exception( "Stream mismatch - wanted {} but appliance is {}".format( check_stream, curr))
def pytest_sessionstart(session): config = session.config # Just to print out the appliance's streams from fixtures.terminalreporter import reporter holder = config.pluginmanager.getplugin('appliance-holder') reporter(config).write( "\nAppliance's streams: [{}]\n".format( ", ".join(get_streams_id(holder.held_appliance)))) # Bail out if the appliance stream or version do not match check_stream = config.getvalue("check_stream").lower().strip() if check_stream: holder = config.pluginmanager.get_plugin("appliance-holder") curr = if check_stream != curr: raise Exception( "Stream mismatch - wanted {} but appliance is {}".format( check_stream, curr))
def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.shuttingdown = False self.countfailures = 0 self.log = create_sublogger('dsession') self.maxfail = config.getvalue("maxfail") self.queue = queue.Queue() self._failed_collection_errors = {} self.terminal = reporter() self.trdist = TerminalDistReporter(config) config.pluginmanager.register(self.trdist, "terminaldistreporter")
def pytest_configure(config): global appliance global pool_id global sprout yield if not config.option.appliances and (config.option.use_sprout and config.option.sprout_appliances == 1): terminal = reporter() sprout = SproutClient.from_config() terminal.write("Requesting single appliance from sprout...\n") pool_id = sprout.request_appliances( config.option.sprout_group, count=config.option.sprout_appliances, version=config.option.sprout_version, date=config.option.sprout_date, lease_time=config.option.sprout_timeout ) terminal.write("Appliance pool {}. Waiting for fulfillment ...\n".format(pool_id)) at_exit(destroy_the_pool) if config.option.sprout_desc is not None: sprout.set_pool_description(pool_id, str(config.option.sprout_desc)) try: result = wait_for( lambda: sprout.request_check(pool_id)["fulfilled"], num_sec=config.option.sprout_provision_timeout * 60, delay=5, message="requesting appliance was fulfilled" ) except: pool = sprout.request_check(pool_id) dump_pool_info(lambda x: terminal.write("{}\n".format(x)), pool) terminal.write("Destroying the pool on error.\n") sprout.destroy_pool(pool_id) raise terminal.write("Provisioning took {0:.1f} seconds\n".format(result.duration)) request = sprout.request_check(pool_id) ip_address = request["appliances"][0]["ip_address"] terminal.write("Appliance requested at address {} ...\n".format(ip_address)) reset_timer(sprout, pool_id, config.option.sprout_timeout) terminal.write("Appliance lease timer is running ...\n") appliance = IPAppliance(address=ip_address) # Retrieve and print the template_name for Jenkins to pick up template_name = request["appliances"][0]["template_name"] conf.runtime["cfme_data"]["basic_info"]["appliance_template"] = template_name terminal.write("appliance_template=\"{}\";\n".format(template_name)) with project_path.join('.appliance_template').open('w') as template_file: template_file.write('export appliance_template="{}"'.format(template_name)) terminal.write("Single appliance Sprout setup finished.\n") # And set also the appliances_provider provider = request["appliances"][0]["provider"] terminal.write("appliance_provider=\"{}\";\n".format(provider)) conf.runtime["cfme_data"]["basic_info"]["appliances_provider"] = provider
def destroy_the_pool(): global sprout global pool_id terminal = reporter() if sprout is not None and pool_id is not None and sprout.pool_exists(pool_id): terminal.write("Destroying pool {}\n".format(pool_id)) try: sprout.destroy_pool(pool_id) wait_for(lambda: not sprout.pool_exists(pool_id), num_sec=300, delay=10) except Exception as e: terminal.write("Exception raised: {} - {}\n".format(type(e).__name__, str(e))) sprout = None pool_id = None
def pytest_collection_modifyitems(session, config, items): len_collected = len(items) items[:] = filter(lambda item: not item.get_marker('uncollect'), items) len_filtered = len(items) filtered_count = len_collected - len_filtered if filtered_count: # A warning should go into log/cfme.log when a test has this mark applied. # It might be good to write uncollected test names out via terminalreporter, # but I suspect it would be extremely spammy. It might be useful in the # --collect-only output? terminalreporter = reporter(config) terminalreporter.write('collected %d items' % len_filtered, bold=True) terminalreporter.write(' (uncollected %d items)\n' % filtered_count)
def pytest_unconfigure(self, config): """ Collect and clean up the testing. If the event testing is active, collects results, stops the listener and generates the report. """ if config.getoption("event_testing_enabled"): # Collect results try: # Report to the terminal termreporter = reporter(config) termreporter.write_sep('-', 'Stopping event listener') finally: self.stop()
def pytest_collection_modifyitems(session, config, items): if not config.getvalue("bugzilla"): return loose = cfme_data.get("bugzilla", {}).get("loose", []) if isinstance(loose, basestring): loose = [i.strip() for i in loose.strip().split(",")] terminalreporter = reporter(config) terminalreporter.write("\nChecking bugs in Bugzilla...\n") bugz = _bz.Bugzilla( url=config.getvalue("bugzilla_url"), user=config.getvalue("bugzilla_user"), password=config.getvalue("bugzilla_password"), cookiefile=None, tokenfile=None) progress = ("-", "\\", "|", "/") # Very simple eye-candy to not pollute tests output progressbar = 0 last_line_length = 0 try: for item in filter(lambda item: item.get_marker("bugzilla") is not None, items): marker = item.get_marker("bugzilla") item._bugzilla = bugz terminalreporter.write("\r{}".format(last_line_length * " ")) terminalreporter.write("\r{}: {}".format(progress[progressbar], progressbar = (progressbar + 1) % len(progress) last_line_length = 3 + len( item._bugzilla_bugs = resolve_bugs(bugz, loose, *marker.args) item._skip_func = kwargify(marker.kwargs.get("skip_when", None)) item._xfail_func = kwargify(marker.kwargs.get("xfail_when", None)) item._unskip_dict = {} for bug_id, function in marker.kwargs.get("unskip", {}).iteritems(): item._unskip_dict[bug_id] = kwargify(function) terminalreporter.write("\r{} bugs retrieved\n".format(len(_bugs_cache))) terminalreporter.write("All bugs summary:\n") for bug_id, bug in _bugs_cache.iteritems(): terminalreporter.write("#{} {} {}\n".format(bug_id, bug.status, bug.summary)) except xmlrpclib.Fault as exception: # It can happen that the user account does not have required rights. if exception.faultCode == 102: terminalreporter.write("\n\n======= !!!BAILING OUT. NOT ENOUGH RIGHTS!!! =======\n") # remove any possible bugzilla markings in the test items so that does not get tested for item in filter(lambda item: item.get_marker("bugzilla") is not None, items): if hasattr(item, "_bugzilla"): delattr(item, "_bugzilla") if hasattr(item, "_bugzilla_bugs"): delattr(item, "_bugzilla_bugs") terminalreporter.write("======= !!!BUGZILLA INTEGRATION DISABLED!!! =======\n")
def pytest_sessionfinish(session, exitstatus): global appliance global timer global pool_id global sprout yield terminal = reporter() if timer is not None: terminal.write("Stopping timer\n") timer.cancel() timer = None if appliance is not None: terminal.write("Popping out the appliance\n") appliance.pop() appliance = None destroy_the_pool()
def pytest_collection_modifyitems(session, config, items): if not config.getvalue("bugzilla"): return loose = cfme_data.get("bugzilla", {}).get("loose", []) if isinstance(loose, basestring): loose = [i.strip() for i in loose.strip().split(",")] terminalreporter = reporter(config) terminalreporter.write("\nChecking bugs in Bugzilla...\n") bugz = _bz.Bugzilla( url=config.getvalue("bugzilla_url"), user=config.getvalue("bugzilla_user"), password=config.getvalue("bugzilla_password")) progress = ("-", "\\", "|", "/") # Very simple eye-candy to not pollute tests output progressbar = 0 last_line_length = 0 try: for item in filter(lambda item: item.get_marker("bugzilla") is not None, items): marker = item.get_marker("bugzilla") item._bugzilla = bugz terminalreporter.write("\r{}".format(last_line_length * " ")) terminalreporter.write("\r{}: {}".format(progress[progressbar], progressbar = (progressbar + 1) % len(progress) last_line_length = 3 + len( item._bugzilla_bugs = resolve_bugs(bugz, loose, *marker.args) item._skip_func = kwargify(marker.kwargs.get("skip_when", None)) item._xfail_func = kwargify(marker.kwargs.get("xfail_when", None)) item._unskip_dict = {} for bug_id, function in marker.kwargs.get("unskip", {}).iteritems(): item._unskip_dict[bug_id] = kwargify(function) terminalreporter.write("\r{} bugs retrieved\n".format(len(_bugs_cache))) terminalreporter.write("All bugs summary:\n") for bug_id, bug in _bugs_cache.iteritems(): terminalreporter.write("#{} {} {}\n".format(bug_id, bug.status, bug.summary)) except xmlrpclib.Fault as exception: # It can happen that the user account does not have required rights. if exception.faultCode == 102: terminalreporter.write("\n\n======= !!!BAILING OUT. NOT ENOUGH RIGHTS!!! =======\n") # remove any possible bugzilla markings in the test items so that does not get tested for item in filter(lambda item: item.get_marker("bugzilla") is not None, items): if hasattr(item, "_bugzilla"): delattr(item, "_bugzilla") if hasattr(item, "_bugzilla_bugs"): delattr(item, "_bugzilla_bugs") terminalreporter.write("======= !!!BUGZILLA INTEGRATION DISABLED!!! =======\n")
def destroy_the_pool(): global sprout global pool_id terminal = reporter() if sprout is not None and pool_id is not None and sprout.pool_exists( pool_id): terminal.write("Destroying pool {}\n".format(pool_id)) try: sprout.destroy_pool(pool_id) wait_for(lambda: not sprout.pool_exists(pool_id), num_sec=300, delay=10) except Exception as e: terminal.write("Exception raised: {} - {}\n".format( type(e).__name__, str(e))) sprout = None pool_id = None
def pytest_configure(config): """Configures the parallel session, then fires pytest_parallel_configured.""" reporter = terminalreporter.reporter() holder = config.pluginmanager.get_plugin("appliance-holder") appliances = holder.appliances if len(appliances) > 1: session = ParallelSession(config, appliances) config.pluginmanager.register(session, "parallel_session") store.parallelizer_role = 'master' reporter.write_line( 'As a parallelizer master kicking off parallel session for these {} appliances'.format( len(appliances)), green=True) config.hook.pytest_parallel_configured(parallel_session=session) else: reporter.write_line('No parallelization required', green=True) config.hook.pytest_parallel_configured(parallel_session=None)
def pytest_configure(config): """Configures the parallel session, then fires pytest_parallel_configured.""" reporter = terminalreporter.reporter() holder = config.pluginmanager.get_plugin("appliance-holder") appliances = holder.appliances if len(appliances) > 1: session = ParallelSession(config, appliances) config.pluginmanager.register(session, "parallel_session") store.parallelizer_role = 'master' reporter.write_line( 'As a parallelizer master kicking off parallel session for these {} appliances' .format(len(appliances)), green=True) config.hook.pytest_parallel_configured(parallel_session=session) else: reporter.write_line('No parallelization required', green=True) config.hook.pytest_parallel_configured(parallel_session=None)
def pytest_sessionstart(self, session): # If reporter() gave us a fake terminal reporter in __init__, the real # terminal reporter is registered by now self.terminal = reporter() self.nodemanager = NodeManager(self.config) self.nodemanager.setup_nodes(putevent=self.queue.put)
def pytest_configure(config): smoke_tests = SmokeTests(reporter(config)) config.pluginmanager.register(smoke_tests, 'smoke_tests') config.addinivalue_line('markers', __doc__.splitlines()[0])
def __init__(self, config): self.config = config = reporter(config) self._status = {} self._lastlen = 0
def pytest_configure(config): yield smoke_tests = SmokeTests(reporter(config)) config.pluginmanager.register(smoke_tests, 'smoke_tests') config.addinivalue_line('markers', __doc__.splitlines()[0])