def __init__(self, default_mcast_group, default_port, networks_count, parent=None): ''' Creates an input dialog. @param default_port: the default discovery port @type default_port: C{int} @param networks_count: the count of discovering ports @type networks_count: C{int} ''' QDialog.__init__(self, parent=parent) threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.default_port = default_port self.setObjectName('NetworkDiscoveryDialog') self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose, True) self.setWindowFlags(Qt.Window) self.setWindowTitle('Network Discovery') self.resize(728, 512) self.verticalLayout = QVBoxLayout(self) self.verticalLayout.setObjectName("verticalLayout") self.verticalLayout.setContentsMargins(1, 1, 1, 1) self.display = QTextBrowser(self) self.display.setReadOnly(True) self.verticalLayout.addWidget(self.display) self.display_clear_signal.connect(self.display.clear) self.display_append_signal.connect(self.display.append) self.display.anchorClicked.connect(self.on_anchorClicked) self.status_label = QLabel('0 messages', self) self.verticalLayout.addWidget(self.status_label) self.status_text_signal.connect(self.status_label.setText) self._msg_counts = dict() self._networks_count = networks_count self._running = True self._received_msgs = 0 self._discovered = dict() self._hosts = dict() # resolution for hostname and address self.mutex = threading.RLock() self.sockets = [] with self.mutex: try: for p in range(networks_count): msock = DiscoverSocket(default_port + p, default_mcast_group) self.sockets.append(msock) msock.settimeout(self.TIMEOUT) except Exception as e: self.display.setText(utf8(e)) self.setDaemon(True) self.start()
def run_node(startcfg): ''' Start a node local or on specified host using a :class:`.startcfg.StartConfig` :param startcfg: start configuration e.g. returned by :meth:`create_start_config` :type startcfg: :class:`fkie_node_manager_daemon.startcfg.StartConfig` :raise exceptions.StartException: on errors :raise exceptions.BinarySelectionRequest: on multiple binaries :see: :meth:`` ''' hostname = startcfg.hostname nodename = roslib.names.ns_join(startcfg.namespace, if not hostname or host.is_local(hostname, wait=True): # run on local host # interpret arguments with path elements args = [] for arg in startcfg.args: new_arg = arg if arg.startswith('$(find'): new_arg = interpret_path(arg) rospy.logdebug("interpret arg '%s' to '%s'" % (arg, new_arg)) args.append(new_arg) # set name and namespace of the node if args.append("__name:=%s" % if startcfg.namespace: args.append("__ns:=%s" % startcfg.namespace) # add remap arguments for key, val in startcfg.remaps.items(): args.append("%s:=%s" % (key, val)) cmd_type = startcfg.binary_path # get binary path from package if not cmd_type: try: cmd = roslib.packages.find_node(startcfg.package, startcfg.binary) except (roslib.packages.ROSPkgException, rospkg.ResourceNotFound) as e: # multiple nodes, invalid package rospy.logwarn("resource not found: %s" % utf8(e)) raise exceptions.ResourceNotFound( startcfg.package, "resource not found: %s" % utf8(e)) if isinstance(cmd, types.StringTypes): cmd = [cmd] if cmd is None or len(cmd) == 0: raise exceptions.StartException( '%s in package [%s] not found!' % (startcfg.binary, startcfg.package)) if len(cmd) > 1: # Open selection for executables err = 'Multiple executables with same name in package [%s] found:' % startcfg.package raise exceptions.BinarySelectionRequest(cmd, err) else: cmd_type = cmd[0] try: global STARTED_BINARIES STARTED_BINARIES[nodename] = (cmd_type, os.path.getmtime(cmd_type)) except Exception: pass cwd = get_cwd(startcfg.cwd, cmd_type) # set environment new_env = dict(os.environ) # add environment from launch new_env.update(startcfg.env) if startcfg.namespace: new_env['ROS_NAMESPACE'] = startcfg.namespace # set logging if startcfg.logformat: new_env['ROSCONSOLE_FORMAT'] = '%s' % startcfg.logformat if startcfg.loglevel: new_env['ROSCONSOLE_CONFIG_FILE'] = _rosconsole_cfg_file( startcfg.package, startcfg.loglevel) # handle respawn if startcfg.respawn: if startcfg.respawn_delay > 0: new_env['RESPAWN_DELAY'] = '%d' % startcfg.respawn_delay respawn_params = _get_respawn_params(startcfg.fullname, startcfg.params) if respawn_params['max'] > 0: new_env['RESPAWN_MAX'] = '%d' % respawn_params['max'] if respawn_params['min_runtime'] > 0: new_env['RESPAWN_MIN_RUNTIME'] = '%d' % respawn_params[ 'min_runtime'] cmd_type = "%s %s %s" % (settings.RESPAWN_SCRIPT, startcfg.prefix, cmd_type) else: cmd_type = "%s %s" % (startcfg.prefix, cmd_type) # check for masteruri masteruri = startcfg.masteruri if masteruri is None: masteruri = masteruri_from_ros() if masteruri is not None: if 'ROS_MASTER_URI' not in startcfg.env: new_env['ROS_MASTER_URI'] = masteruri # host in startcfg is a nmduri -> get host name ros_hostname = host.get_ros_hostname(masteruri, hostname) if ros_hostname: addr = socket.gethostbyname(ros_hostname) if addr in set(ip for _n, ip in DiscoverSocket.localifs()): new_env['ROS_HOSTNAME'] = ros_hostname # load params to ROS master _load_parameters(masteruri, startcfg.params, startcfg.clear_params) # start cmd_str = utf8( '%s %s %s' % (screen.get_cmd(startcfg.fullname, new_env, startcfg.env.keys()), cmd_type, ' '.join(args))) rospy.loginfo("%s (launch_file: '%s', masteruri: %s)" % (cmd_str, startcfg.config_path, masteruri)) rospy.logdebug("environment while run node '%s': '%s'" % (cmd_str, new_env)) SupervisedPopen(shlex.split(cmd_str), cwd=cwd, env=new_env, object_id="run_node_%s" % startcfg.fullname, description="Run [%s]%s" % (utf8(startcfg.package), utf8(startcfg.binary))) else: nmduri = startcfg.nmduri rospy.loginfo("remote run node '%s' at '%s'" % (nodename, nmduri)) startcfg.params.update(_params_to_package_path(startcfg.params)) startcfg.args = _args_to_package_path(startcfg.args) # run on a remote machine channel = remote.get_insecure_channel(nmduri) if channel is None: raise exceptions.StartException( "Unknown launch manager url for host %s to start %s" % (host, startcfg.fullname)) lm = LaunchStub(channel) lm.start_standalone_node(startcfg)
def runNode(package, executable, name, args, prefix='', repawn=False, masteruri=None, loglevel=''): ''' Runs a ROS node. Starts a roscore if needed. ''' if not masteruri: masteruri = masteruri_from_ros() # start roscore, if needed nm.StartHandler._prepareROSMaster(masteruri) # start node try: cmd = roslib.packages.find_node(package, executable) except roslib.packages.ROSPkgException as e: # multiple nodes, invalid package raise nm.StartException(str(e)) # handle different result types str or array of string (electric / fuerte) import types if isinstance(cmd, types.StringTypes): cmd = [cmd] if cmd is None or len(cmd) == 0: raise nm.StartException(' '.join([ executable, 'in package [', package, '] not found!\n\nThe package was created?\nIs the binary executable?\n' ])) # create string for node parameter. Set arguments with spaces into "'". node_params = ' '.join(''.join(["'", a, "'"]) if a.find(' ') > -1 else a for a in args[1:]) cmd_args = [ screen.get_cmd(name), RESPAWN_SCRIPT if repawn else '', prefix, cmd[0], node_params ] print('run on remote host:', ' '.join(cmd_args)) # determine the current working path arg_cwd = getCwdArg('__cwd', args) cwd = nm.get_ros_home() if not (arg_cwd is None): if arg_cwd == 'ROS_HOME': cwd = nm.get_ros_home() elif arg_cwd == 'node': cwd = os.path.dirname(cmd[0]) # set the masteruri to launch with other one master new_env = dict(os.environ) new_env['ROS_MASTER_URI'] = masteruri ros_hostname = nmdhost.get_ros_hostname(masteruri) if ros_hostname: addr = socket.gethostbyname(ros_hostname) if addr in set(ip for _n, ip in DiscoverSocket.localifs()): new_env['ROS_HOSTNAME'] = ros_hostname if loglevel: new_env['ROSCONSOLE_CONFIG_FILE'] = rosconsole_cfg_file(package) subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(str(' '.join(cmd_args))), cwd=cwd, env=new_env) if len(cmd) > 1: rospy.logwarn( 'Multiple executables are found! The first one was started! Exceutables:\n%s', str(cmd))