コード例 #1
 def get_included_files(self, grpc_path='grpc://localhost:12321', recursive=True, include_args={}, include_pattern=[], search_in_ext=[]):
     :param str grpc_path: the root path to search for included files
     :param bool recursive: True for recursive search
     :param include_args: dictionary with arguments to override while include.
     :type include_args: {str: str}
     :param include_pattern: the list with regular expression patterns to find include files.
     :type include_pattern: [str]
     :param search_in_ext: file extensions to search in
     :type search_in_ext: [str]
     :return: Returns an iterator for tuple with root path, line number, path of included file, file exists or not, file size and dictionary with defined arguments.
     :rtype: iterator (str, int, str, bool, int, {str: str})
     dorequest = False
         for entry in self._cache_file_includes[grpc_path]:
             do_return = True
             if not recursive and entry.rec_depth != 0:
                 do_return = False
             if do_return:
                 rospy.logdebug("get_included_files from cache: %s, include_args: %s" % (entry.inc_path, entry.args))
                 yield entry
     except KeyError:
         dorequest = True
     if dorequest:
         current_path = grpc_path
             uri, path = nmdurl.split(current_path)
             lm, channel = self.get_launch_manager(uri)
             rospy.logdebug("get_included_files for %s, recursive: %s, include_args: %s, pattern: %s, search_in_ext: %s" % (grpc_path, recursive, include_args, include_pattern, search_in_ext))
             reply = lm.get_included_files(path, recursive, include_args, include_pattern, search_in_ext)
             url, _ = nmdurl.split(grpc_path, with_scheme=True)
             # initialize requested path in cache
             if recursive:
                 if grpc_path not in self._cache_file_includes:
                     self._cache_file_includes[grpc_path] = []
             for inc_file in reply:
                 entry = inc_file
                 entry.path_or_str = nmdurl.join(url, inc_file.path_or_str)
                 entry.inc_path = nmdurl.join(url, inc_file.inc_path)
                 # initialize and add returned root path to cache, only on recursive
                 if recursive:
                     if current_path not in self._cache_file_includes:
                         self._cache_file_includes[current_path] = []
                 yield entry
         except grpc._channel._Rendezvous as grpc_error:
             if grpc_error.code() == grpc.StatusCode.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED:
                 raise exceptions.GrpcTimeout(grpc_path, grpc_error)
             self.close_channel(channel, uri)
コード例 #2
    def load_launch(self, grpc_path, masteruri='', host='', package='', launch='', args={}):
        Loads given file on remote grpc-server.

        :return: Path of loaded file
        :rtype: str
        uri, path = nmdurl.split(grpc_path)
        lm, channel = self.get_launch_manager(uri)
        myargs = args
        request_args = True
        nexttry = True
        ok = False
        launch_file = ''
        args_res = {}
        while nexttry:
                rospy.logdebug("load launch file on gRPC server: %s" % (grpc_path))
                launch_file, args_res = lm.load_launch(package, launch, path=path, args=myargs, request_args=request_args, masteruri=masteruri, host=host)
                nexttry = False
                ok = True
            except exceptions.LaunchSelectionRequest as lsr:
                # TODO: selection dialog
                rospy.logwarn("%s\n  ...load the last one!" % lsr)
                path = lsr.choices[-1]
            except exceptions.ParamSelectionRequest as psr:
                rospy.loginfo("Params requered for: %s" % ["%s:=%s" % (name, value) for name, value in psr.choices.items()])
                request_args = False
                myargs = psr.choices
                # request the args: the dialog must run in the main thread of Qt
                params = {}
                for name, value in psr.choices.items():
                    params[name] = {':value': value, ':type': 'string'}
                raise LaunchArgsSelectionRequest(grpc_path, params, 'Needs input for args')
            except exceptions.AlreadyOpenException as aoe:
                nexttry = False
                ok = True
                launch_file = aoe.path
            except grpc._channel._Rendezvous as grpc_error:
                if grpc_error.code() == grpc.StatusCode.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED:
                    raise exceptions.GrpcTimeout(grpc_path, grpc_error)
                self.close_channel(channel, uri)
        launch_file = nmdurl.join("grpc://%s" % uri, launch_file)
        rospy.logdebug("  load launch file result - %s: %s" % ('OK' if ok else "ERR", launch_file))
        with self._args_lock:
            rospy.logdebug("add args after load %s: %s" % (launch_file, args_res))
            self._launch_args[launch_file] = args_res
        return launch_file, args_res
コード例 #3
 def reload_launch(self, grpc_path, masteruri=''):
     rospy.logdebug("reload launch %s" % grpc_path)
     uri, path = nmdurl.split(grpc_path)
     lm, channel = self.get_launch_manager(uri)
     launch_file = ''
         launch_files, changed_nodes = lm.reload_launch(path, masteruri=masteruri)
         if launch_files:
             launch_file = launch_files[0]
         return launch_file, [node for node in changed_nodes]
     except grpc._channel._Rendezvous as grpc_error:
         if grpc_error.code() == grpc.StatusCode.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED:
             raise exceptions.GrpcTimeout(grpc_path, grpc_error)
         self.close_channel(channel, uri)