コード例 #1
ファイル: queryIceblink.py プロジェクト: kulp/libfpgalink
# Read the JEDEC ID from the flash chip on the Lattice IceBlink40 board. This
# example demonstrates the usage of the bit-level I/O and SPI functions. The
# board has MISO=PB3, MOSI=PB2, SS=PB0, SCK=PB1, CRESET=PB6 & POWER=C2.
import fl

VID_PID = "1D50:602B:0001"
handle = fl.FLHandle()

    # Connect, reset the board, open SPI interface & get SS port:
    handle = fl.flOpen(VID_PID)
    fl.flMultiBitPortAccess(handle, "B6-,C2-")  # RESET low & cut the power
    fl.flSingleBitPortAccess(handle, 2, 2, fl.PIN_HIGH)  # power on in RESET
    fl.progOpen(handle, PROG_CONFIG)
    (port, bit) = fl.progGetPort(handle, fl.LP_SS)
    fl.flSingleBitPortAccess(handle, port, bit, fl.PIN_HIGH)
    # Send JEDEC device-id command, retrieve three bytes back
    fl.flSingleBitPortAccess(handle, port, bit, fl.PIN_LOW)
    fl.spiSend(handle, b"\x9F", fl.SPI_MSBFIRST)
    bs = fl.spiRecv(handle, 3, fl.SPI_MSBFIRST)
    print("JEDEC ID: {}".format(
        " ".join(["{:02X}".format(b) for b in bs])))
    fl.flSingleBitPortAccess(handle, port, bit, fl.PIN_HIGH)
    # Close SPI interface, release reset and close connection
コード例 #2
conn = fl.FLHandle()

    if ( not fl.flIsDeviceAvailable(VID_PID) ):
        print("Loading firmware...")
        fl.flLoadStandardFirmware("04b4:8613", VID_PID)

        fl.flAwaitDevice(VID_PID, 600)

    conn = fl.flOpen(VID_PID)

    fl.flSingleBitPortAccess(conn, 3, 7, fl.PIN_LOW)
    print("flMultiBitPortAccess() returned {:032b}".format(
        fl.flMultiBitPortAccess(conn, "D7+")))

    print("flGetFirmwareID(): {:04X}".format(fl.flGetFirmwareID(conn)))
    print("flGetFirmwareVersion(): {:08X}".format(fl.flGetFirmwareVersion(conn)))
    print("flIsNeroCapable(): {}".format(fl.flIsNeroCapable(conn)))
    print("flIsCommCapable(): {}".format(fl.flIsCommCapable(conn, CONDUIT)))

    fl.progOpen(conn, PROG_CONFIG)
    print("progGetPort(): {")
    (port, bit) = fl.progGetPort(conn, fl.LP_MISO)
    print("  MISO: {:c}{}".format(ord('A')+port, bit))
    (port, bit) = fl.progGetPort(conn, fl.LP_MOSI)
    print("  MOSI: {:c}{}".format(ord('A')+port, bit))
    (port, bit) = fl.progGetPort(conn, fl.LP_SS)
    print("  SS:   {:c}{}".format(ord('A')+port, bit))
コード例 #3
# Read the JEDEC ID from the flash chip on the Lattice IceBlink40 board. This
# example demonstrates the usage of the bit-level I/O and SPI functions. The
# board has MISO=PB3, MOSI=PB2, SS=PB0, SCK=PB1, CRESET=PB6 & POWER=C2.
import fl

VID_PID = "1D50:602B:0001"
handle = fl.FLHandle()

    # Connect, reset the board, open SPI interface & get SS port:
    handle = fl.flOpen(VID_PID)
    fl.flMultiBitPortAccess(handle, "B6-,C2-")  # RESET low & cut the power
    fl.flSingleBitPortAccess(handle, 2, 2, fl.PIN_HIGH)  # power on in RESET
    fl.progOpen(handle, PROG_CONFIG)
    (port, bit) = fl.progGetPort(handle, fl.LP_SS)
    fl.flSingleBitPortAccess(handle, port, bit, fl.PIN_HIGH)

    # Send JEDEC device-id command, retrieve three bytes back
    fl.flSingleBitPortAccess(handle, port, bit, fl.PIN_LOW)
    fl.spiSend(handle, b"\x9F", fl.SPI_MSBFIRST)
    bs = fl.spiRecv(handle, 3, fl.SPI_MSBFIRST)
    print("JEDEC ID: {}".format(" ".join(["{:02X}".format(b) for b in bs])))
    fl.flSingleBitPortAccess(handle, port, bit, fl.PIN_HIGH)

    # Close SPI interface, release reset and close connection
コード例 #4
ファイル: flcli.py プロジェクト: kulp/libfpgalink
            ivp = argList.i[0]
            print("Loading firmware into {}...".format(ivp))
            fl.flLoadStandardFirmware(ivp, vp)

            print("Awaiting renumeration...")
            if not fl.flAwaitDevice(vp, 600):
                raise fl.FLException("FPGALink device did not renumerate properly as {}".format(vp))

            print("Attempting to open connection to FPGALink device {} again...".format(vp))
            handle = fl.flOpen(vp)
            raise fl.FLException("Could not open FPGALink device at {} and no initial VID:PID was supplied".format(vp))

    if argList.d:
        print("Configuring ports...")
        rb = "{:0{}b}".format(fl.flMultiBitPortAccess(handle, argList.d[0]), 32)
            "Readback:   28   24   20   16    12    8    4    0\n          {} {} {} {}  {} {} {} {}".format(
                rb[0:4], rb[4:8], rb[8:12], rb[12:16], rb[16:20], rb[20:24], rb[24:28], rb[28:32]

    conduit = 1
    if argList.c:
        conduit = int(argList.c[0])

    isNeroCapable = fl.flIsNeroCapable(handle)
    isCommCapable = fl.flIsCommCapable(handle, conduit)
    fl.flSelectConduit(handle, conduit)
コード例 #5
            ivp = argList.i[0]
            print("Loading firmware into {}...".format(ivp))
            fl.flLoadStandardFirmware(ivp, vp);

            print("Awaiting renumeration...")
            if ( not fl.flAwaitDevice(vp, 600) ):
                raise fl.FLException("FPGALink device did not renumerate properly as {}".format(vp))

            print("Attempting to open connection to FPGALink device {} again...".format(vp))
            handle = fl.flOpen(vp)
            raise fl.FLException("Could not open FPGALink device at {} and no initial VID:PID was supplied".format(vp))
    if ( argList.d ):
        print("Configuring ports...")
        rb = "{:0{}b}".format(fl.flMultiBitPortAccess(handle, argList.d[0]), 32)
        print("Readback:   28   24   20   16    12    8    4    0\n          {} {} {} {}  {} {} {} {}".format(
            rb[0:4], rb[4:8], rb[8:12], rb[12:16], rb[16:20], rb[20:24], rb[24:28], rb[28:32]))

    conduit = 1
    if ( argList.c ):
        conduit = int(argList.c[0])

    isNeroCapable = fl.flIsNeroCapable(handle)
    isCommCapable = fl.flIsCommCapable(handle, conduit)
    fl.flSelectConduit(handle, conduit)

    if ( argList.q ):
        if ( isNeroCapable ):
            chain = fl.jtagScanChain(handle, argList.q[0])