from fl_reg_determ import reg_determ # number of particle size bins, +1 to replicate wall sbn = 100 + 1 # particle number concentration per size bin before time step (# particle/cc (air)) Pn = np.ones((sbn - 1, 1)) # relative humidity RH = 0.5 TEMP = 298.15 # temperature (K) sbr = np.logspace(-8.4, -5.7, num=(sbn - 1), endpoint=True, base=10.0) # particle radius (m) PInit = 1.0e5 # pressure inside chamber (Pa) # Knudsen number (dimensionless) and dynamic viscosity ((eta_a) eq. 4.54 Jacobson 2005) # (g/m.s) [Kn, eta_a, rho_ai, kin_visc] = reg_determ(RH, TEMP, sbr, PInit) # particle diameters (m) Dp = sbr * 2.0 # Cunningham slip-flow correction (eq. 15.30 of Jacobson (2005)) with constant taken # from text below textbook equation (dimensionless) Gi = 1.0 + Kn * (1.249 + 0.42 * (np.exp(-0.87 / Kn))) # volume of single particles per size bin (m3) Varr = (4.0 / 3.0) * np.pi * sbr**3.0 nc = 1 # number of components MW = np.ones((1, nc)) * 100.0 # component molecular weight (g/mol) # particle phase concentration per component per size bin (molecules/cc (air)) Cn = Varr * (1.0e6) * (1.0 / MW) * si.Avogadro # time that wall loss occurs over (s) t = 60.0 # dummy values for manual setting of wall loss equation inflectDp = 1.0
def coag(RH, T, sbr, sbVi, M, rint, num_molec, num_part, tint, sbbound, num_comp, vdWon, rho, rad0, PInit, testf, num_molec_rint, num_part_rint, sbVj, coag_on): # inputs:--------------------------------------------------------- # RH - relative humidity (fraction) # T - temperature (K) # sbr - size bin radius (m) # sbVi - single particle volume for i sizes (relating to sbr) (m3) # M - molecular weight of components (g/mol) # rint - size of interest (m) # num_molec - molecular concentration (molecules/cc (air)), # arranged by component in rows and size bins in columns, for particles in sbr # num_part - concentration of particles per size bin # (particle/cc (air)) (columns) (excluding walls), for particles in sbr # tint - time interval coagulation occurs over (s) # sbbound - size bin volume boundaries (m3) # num_comp - number of components # vdWon - flagging whether the van der Waals kernel should be calculated or ignored (0 # for ignore, 1 for calculate) # rho - component densities (g/cm3) in a 1D array # rad0 - original radius at size bin centre (um) # PInit - pressure inside chamber (Pa) # testf - unit testing flag (0 for off, 1 for on) # num_molec_rint - molecular concentration (molecules/cc (air)), # arranged by component in rows and size bins in columns, for particles in rint # num_part_rint - concentration of particles per size bin # (particle/cc (air)) (columns) (excluding walls), for particles in rint # sbVj - - single particle volume for j sizes (relating to rint) (m3) # coag_on - whether to allow coagulation to occur (1) or not (0) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # outputs: # Beta - sum of coagulation kernels # -------------------------------------------------------------- # wall parts if testf == 0: # non-testing mode num_molec = num_molec[:, 0:-1] num_molec_rint = num_molec_rint[:, 0:-1] num_part = num_part.reshape(1, -1) # volume concentration of particles (m3/cc (air)) vol_part = (sbVi * num_part).reshape(1, -1) # ensure sbn is integer sbrn = sbn = # call on function to determine the Knudsen no. and therefore flow # regime of each size bin [Kni, eta_ai, rho_ai, kin_visc] = reg_determ(RH, T, sbr, PInit) [Knj, eta_aj, rho_aj, kin_visc] = reg_determ(RH, T, rint, PInit) # Reynold number and terminal fall velocity for each size bin [Rei, Vfi] = Reyn_num(sbr, eta_ai, rho_ai, kin_visc, 1.0e6, Kni) [Rej, Vfj] = Reyn_num(rint, eta_aj, rho_aj, kin_visc, 1.0e6, Knj) # repeat Knudsen number over number of size bins Kni_m = np.tile(Kni, (sbn, 1)) # Cunningham slip-flow correction (15.30) with constant taken # from text below textbook equation (dimensionless) Gi = 1.0 + Kni * (1.249 + 0.42 * (np.exp(-0.87 / Kni))) Gj = 1.0 + Knj * (1.249 + 0.42 * (np.exp(-0.87 / Knj))) # particle diffusion coefficient (15.29) (m2/s) # multiply eta_a by 1.0e-3 to convert from g/m.s to kg/m.s # this makes it consistent with the units of Boltzmann constant Dpi = (((si.k * T) / (6.0 * np.pi * sbr * (eta_ai * 1.0e-3))) * Gi).reshape(sbrn, 1) Dpj = (((si.k * T) / (6.0 * np.pi * rint * (eta_aj * 1.0e-3))) * Gj).reshape(1, sbn) # repeat Dpi over size bins of j (m2/s) Dp_mi = np.repeat(Dpi, sbn, 1) # repeat Dpj over size bins of i (m2/s) Dp_mj = np.repeat(Dpj, sbrn, 0) # matrix for sums of Dp in size bins (m2/s) Dp_sum = Dp_mi + Dp_mj # zero the upper triangle part of the matrix as only the lower is needed # Dp_sum[np.triu_indices(sbrn, 1, m=sbn)] = 0.0 # Brownian collision kernel (m3/particle.s) (p. 508) K_B = np.zeros((sbrn, sbn)) # ensure sbr is a column array and rint is a row array sbr2 = np.zeros((np.max(sbr.shape), 1)) rint2 = np.zeros((1, np.max(rint.shape))) sbr2[:, 0] = sbr[:] rint2[0, :] = rint[:] # repeat size bin radii over size bins (m) rint2 = np.repeat(rint2, sbrn, 0) sbr_m = np.repeat(sbr2, sbn, 1) # zero the upper triangle part of the matrix as only the lower is needed # rint2[np.triu_indices(sbrn, 1, m=sbn)] = 0.0 # sbr_m[np.triu_indices(sbrn, 1, m=sbn)] = 0.0 # matrix for size bins sums (m) sbr_sum = sbr_m + rint2 # size bins in continuum regime i = ((Kni < 1.0).reshape(sbrn, 1)) # spread across rint (j) i = np.repeat(i, sbn, 1) # Brownian collision kernel (15.28) (m3/particle.s) in the continuum regime K_B[i] = 4.0 * np.pi * (sbr_sum[i]) * (Dp_sum[i]) # size bins in free-molecular regime i = ((Kni > 10.0).reshape(sbrn, 1)) # spread across rint (j) i = np.repeat(i, sbn, 1) # single particle mass (g): # first, number of moles per component in a single particle (relating to sbr) num_mol_single_sbr = (num_molec / num_part) / si.N_A # second product of number of moles and molecular weight weight_compon = num_mol_single_sbr * M # final sum mass across components for single particle mass (g) Mpi = np.sum(weight_compon, 0) # number of moles per component in a single particle (relating to rint) num_mol_single_rint = (num_molec_rint / num_part_rint) / si.N_A # second product of number of moles and molecular weight weight_compon = num_mol_single_rint * M Mpj = np.sum(weight_compon, 0) # thermal speed of particle (15.32) (m/s) (multiply mass by 1.0e-3 to # convert from g to kg and therefore be consistent with Boltzmann's # constant (1.380658e-23kgm2/s2.K.molec)) nu_pi = np.repeat( (((8.0 * si.k * T) / (np.pi * (Mpi * 1.0e-3)))**0.5).reshape(sbrn, 1), sbn, 1) nu_pj = np.repeat( (((8.0 * si.k * T) / (np.pi * (Mpj * 1.0e-3)))**0.5).reshape(1, sbn), sbrn, 0) # sum of squares of speeds (m2) (15.31) nu_p_sum = nu_pi**2.0 + nu_pj**2.0 # Brownian collision kernel (15.31) (m3/particle.s) K_B[i] = np.pi * (sbr_sum[i]**2.0) * (nu_p_sum[i]**0.5) # size bins in transition regime, where the transition regime corresponds to particles # of size i, not size j i = (1.0 <= Kni) j = (Kni <= 10.0) # size bins in transition regime i = (i * j).reshape(sbrn, 1) # size bins in transition regime # spread across rint (j) i = np.repeat(i, sbn, 1) # particle mean free path (15.34) (m) lam_pi = ((8.0 * Dpi[:, 0]) / (np.pi * nu_pi[:, 0])) lam_pj = ((8.0 * Dp_mj[0, :]) / (np.pi * nu_pj[0, :])) # mean distance from centre of a sphere travelled by particles # leaving sphere's surface and travelling lam_p (m) (15.34) sig_pi = np.repeat( (((2.0 * sbr + lam_pi)**3.0 - (4.0 * sbr**2.0 + lam_pi**2.0)**1.5) / (6.0 * sbr * lam_pi) - 2.0 * sbr).reshape(-1, 1), sbn, 1) sig_pj = np.repeat( (((2.0 * rint + lam_pj)**3.0 - (4.0 * rint**2.0 + lam_pj**2.0)**1.5) / (6.0 * rint * lam_pj) - 2.0 * rint).reshape(1, -1), sbrn, 0) # sum mean distances (m) sig_p_sum = sig_pi**2.0 + sig_pj**2.0 # kernel numerator K_Bnum = 4.0 * np.pi * sbr_sum[i] * Dp_sum[i] # left term kernel denominator K_Blden = (sbr_sum[i] / (sbr_sum[i] + (sig_p_sum[i])**0.5)) # right term kernel denominator K_Brden = ((4.0 * Dp_sum[i]) / (((nu_p_sum[i])**0.5) * sbr_sum[i])) # collision kernel (15.33) (m3/particle.s) K_B[i] = (K_Bnum / (K_Blden + K_Brden)) if testf == 1: # testing flag on fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6)) ax0.loglog(sbr * 10**6, K_B[:, 0] * 10**6, label='Brownian') ax0.set_xlabel(r'Radius of second particle ($\rm{\mu}$m)', fontsize=10) ax0.set_ylabel( r'Coagulation kernel ($\rm{cm^{3}particle^{-1}s^{-1}}$)', fontsize=10) ax1.loglog(sbr * 10**6, K_B[:, 1] * 10**6, label='Brownian') ax1.set_xlabel(r'Radius of second particle ($\rm{\mu}$m)', fontsize=10) ax1.set_ylabel( r'Coagulation kernel ($\rm{cm^{3}particle^{-1}s^{-1}}$)', fontsize=10) # Convective Brownian Diffusion Enhancement kernel: # particle Schmidt number for i and jsize bins (dimensionless) (15.36) Scpi = kin_visc / Dpi Scpj = kin_visc / Dpj # repeat Rej over sbrn and Rei over sbn Re_jm = np.repeat(Rej.reshape(1, sbn), sbrn, 0) Re_im = np.repeat(Rei.reshape(sbrn, 1), sbn, 1) Scpj_m = np.repeat(Scpj.reshape(1, sbn), sbrn, 0) Scpi_m = np.repeat(Scpi.reshape(sbrn, 1), sbn, 1) # repeat Reynold number and Schmidt number arrays over size bins i = (Re_jm <= 1.0) j = rint2 >= sbr2 i2 = i * j # Rej less than or equal to 1, and rj greater than or equal to ri i3 = (Re_im <= 1.0) j2 = rint2 < sbr2 j3 = i3 * j2 # Rei less than or equal to 1 and ri greater than rj i = (Re_jm > 1.0) i3 = i * j # Rej greater than 1 and rj greater than or equal to ri i4 = (Re_im > 1.0) j4 = i4 * j2 # Rei greater than 1 and ri greater than rj # convective Brownian diffusion enhancement kernel (15.35) K_DE = np.zeros((sbrn, sbn)) # convective Brownian diffusion enhancement kernel (15.35) # condition for both K_DE equation is r_j>=r_i K_DE[i2] = (K_B[i2] * 0.45 * Re_jm[i2]**(1.0 / 3.0) * Scpi_m[i2]**(1.0 / 3.0)) K_DE[j3] = (K_B[j3] * 0.45 * Re_im[j3]**(1.0 / 3.0) * Scpj_m[j3]**(1.0 / 3.0)) K_DE[i3] = (K_B[i3] * 0.45 * Re_jm[i3]**(1.0 / 2.0) * Scpi_m[i3]**(1.0 / 3.0)) K_DE[j4] = (K_B[j4] * 0.45 * Re_im[j4]**(1.0 / 2.0) * Scpj_m[j4]**(1.0 / 3.0)) if testf == 1: ax0.loglog(sbr * 10**6, K_DE[:, 0] * 10**6, label='Diff. Enhancement') ax1.loglog(sbr * 10**6, K_DE[:, 1] * 10**6, label='Diff. Enhancement') # Gravitational Collection Kernel: Ecoll = np.zeros((sbrn, sbn)) j = rint2 >= sbr2 Ecoll[j] = ((sbr2.repeat(sbn, 1))[j])**2.0 / ((sbr_sum[j])**2.0) j = rint2 < sbr2 Ecoll[j] = (rint2[j])**2.0 / ((sbr_sum[j])**2.0) # Gravitational collection kernel (15.37) # difference in terminal fall velocities del_Vf = np.abs( np.repeat(Vfj.reshape(1, sbn), sbrn, 0) - Vfi.reshape(sbrn, 1)) K_GC = Ecoll * np.pi * ((sbr_sum)**2.0) * del_Vf if testf == 1: ax0.loglog(sbr * 10**6, K_GC[:, 0] * 10**6, label='Settling') ax1.loglog(sbr * 10**6, K_GC[:, 1] * 10**6, label='Settling') # Kernel for Turbulent Inertial Motion: # rate of dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy per gram of medium # (m2/s3) (8.4 for a typical value (which is apparently taken # from Pruppacher and Klett 1997 (p. 511 Jacobson (2005))) epsilon = 5.0e-4 # kernel for turbulent inertial motion (15.40) K_TI = (((np.pi * epsilon**(3.0 / 4.0)) / (si.g * kin_visc**(1.0 / 4.0))) * (sbr_sum**2.0) * del_Vf) if testf == 1: ax0.loglog(sbr * 10**6, K_TI[:, 0] * 10**6, label='Turb. inertia') ax1.loglog(sbr * 10**6, K_TI[:, 1] * 10**6, label='Turb. inertia') # kernel for Turbulent Shear (15.41) K_TS = ((8.0 * np.pi * epsilon) / (15.0 * kin_visc))**0.5 * (sbr_sum**3.0) if testf == 1: ax0.loglog(sbr * 10**6, K_TS[:, 0] * 10**6, label='Turb. shear') ax1.loglog(sbr * 10**6, K_TS[:, 1] * 10**6, label='Turb. shear') # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Van der Waals/viscous collision kernel: # particle radius (m) radi = sbr2 # radii array (m) # van der Waals factor results array and particle pair # Knudsen number array: radii of particle i # in 1st dim., radii of particle j in 2nd # ratios of second particle radius to first particle - this # approach commented out but useful for comparing with Fig. 15.8 # Jacobson (2005) res_all = np.zeros((radi.shape[0], rint.shape[0])) res_Knp = np.zeros((radi.shape[0], rint.shape[0])) A_H = 200.0 * (si.k * 1.0e3 * T) # Hamaker constant for j in range(0, rint.shape[0]): if vdWon == 0: # when omitting van der Waals calculation for expediency break for i in range(0, radi.shape[0]): ri = radi[i] rj = rint[j] a = (-A_H / (6.0 * si.k * 1.0e3 * T)) * 2.0 * ri * rj a1 = (-A_H / 6.0) * 2.0 * ri * rj b = (-A_H / (6.0 * si.k * 1.0e3 * T)) b1 = (-A_H / 6.0) # square of sum of size bin radii (m2) c = (ri + rj)**2.0 # square of difference in size bin radii (m2) d = (ri - rj)**2.0 # product of radii (m2) e = ri * rj # sum of radii (m) f = ri + rj # difference of radii (m) g = ri - rj # define the integration in 15.44 def integrand(x, a, b, c, d, e, f, g): Dterm = (1.0 + ((2.6 * e) / (c)) * ((e / (f * (x - g)))**0.5) + e / (f * (x - g))) Ep0_1 = a / (x**2.0 - c) Ep0_2 = a / (x**2.0 - d) Ep0_3 = b * np.log((x**2.0 - c) / (x**2.0 - d)) rterm = 1.0 / (x**2.0) return Dterm * np.exp(Ep0_1 + Ep0_2 + Ep0_3) * rterm # define the integration in 15.43 def integrand2(x, a1, b1, c, d, e, f, g, T): # terms of Ep0 Ep0_1 = a1 / (x**2.0 - c) Ep0_2 = a1 / (x**2.0 - d) Ep0_3 = b1 * np.log((x**2.0 - c) / (x**2.0 - d)) Ep0 = Ep0_1 + Ep0_2 + Ep0_3 # terms of first differential Ep0 Ep1_1 = (-2.0 * a1 * x) / ((x**2.0 - c)**2.0) Ep1_2 = (-2.0 * a1 * x) / ((x**2.0 - d)**2.0) Ep1_3 = (2.0 * b1 * x) / (x**2.0 - c) Ep1_4 = (-2.0 * b1 * x) / (x**2.0 - d) Ep1 = Ep1_1 + Ep1_2 + Ep1_3 + Ep1_4 # terms of second differential Ep0 Ep2_1 = (6.0 * a1 * x**4.0 - 4.0 * a1 * c * x**2.0 - 2.0 * a1 * c**2.0) / ((x**2.0 - c)**4.0) Ep2_2 = (6.0 * a1 * x**4.0 - 4.0 * a1 * d * x**2.0 - 2.0 * a1 * d**2.0) / ((x**2.0 - d)**4.0) Ep2_3 = (-2.0 * b1 * x**2.0 - 2.0 * b1 * c) / ( (x**2.0 - c)**2.0) Ep2_4 = (2.0 * b1 * x**2.0 + 2.0 * b1 * d) / ( (x**2.0 - d)**2.0) Ep2 = Ep2_1 + Ep2_2 + Ep2_3 + Ep2_4 return (Ep1 + x * Ep2) * np.exp( (-1.0 / (si.k * 1.0e3 * T)) * ((x / 2.0) * Ep1 + Ep0)) * (x**2.0) # integration bounds - note both integral functions # fall to negligible values after (ri+rj)*1.0e2 and if # infinity used as the upper bound numerical issues # arise, therefore use (ri+rj)*1.0e2 for upper bound ilu = (ri + rj) * 1.0e2 # upper ill = (ri + rj) # lower # integration in 15.44 res = integ.quad(integrand, ill, ilu, args=(a, b, c, d, e, f, g), points=([ill * 2.0]), limit=1000) # integration in 15.43 res2 = integ.quad(integrand2, ill, ilu, args=(a1, b1, c, d, e, f, g, T), points=([ill * 2.0]), limit=1000) # 15.44 and 15.43 W_c = 1.0 / (f * res[0]) W_k = (-1.0 / (2.0 * c * (si.k * 1.0e3) * T)) * res2[0] # ----------------------------------------- # particle Knudsen number calculated above # Cunningham slip-correction factor (dimensionless) Gi = 1.0 + Kni[i] * (1.249 + 0.42 * (np.exp(-0.87 / Kni[i]))) Gj = 1.0 + Knj[j] * (1.249 + 0.42 * (np.exp(-0.87 / Knj[j]))) # particle diffusion coefficient (15.29) (m2/s) (note the # Boltzmann constant has units (kg m2)/(s2 K), so *1e3 to # convert to g from kg) Dpi = (((si.k * 1.0e3) * T) / (6.0 * np.pi * ri * eta_ai)) * Gi Dpj = (((si.k * 1.0e3) * T) / (6.0 * np.pi * rj * eta_aj)) * Gj Mi = ((4.0 / 3.0) * np.pi * ri**3.0) * 1.0e6 Mj = ((4.0 / 3.0) * np.pi * rj**3.0) * 1.0e6 vbari = ((8.0 * si.k * 1.0e3 * T) / (np.pi * Mi))**0.5 #15.32 vbarj = ((8.0 * si.k * 1.0e3 * T) / (np.pi * Mj))**0.5 #15.32 # mean free path (15.34) lami = (8.0 * Dpi) / (np.pi * vbari) lamj = (8.0 * Dpj) / (np.pi * vbarj) Knp = ((lami**2.0 + lamj**2.0)**0.5) / (ri + rj) # ----------------------------------------- # get the van der Waals/viscous collision correction # factor (15.42): fac = 4.0 * (Dpi + Dpj) / (((vbari**2.0 + vbarj**2.0)**0.5) * (ri + rj)) V_E = (W_c * (1.0 + fac)) / (1.0 + (W_c / W_k) * fac) # fill in results res_Knp[i, j] = Knp res_all[i, j] = V_E # Van der Waals/collision coagulation kernel if vdWon == 0: K_V = K_B * (1.0 - 1.0 ) # when omitting van der Waals correction for expediency else: K_V = K_B * (res_all - 1.0) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # total coagulation kernel (m3/particle.s), with sbr in rows and rint in columns # eq. 15.27 of Jacobson (2005) says that the sum of kernels should be multiplied # by a dimensionless coalescence efficiency. For particles under 2um this should be # close to unity it says in the coalescence efficiency section. Beta = (K_B + K_DE + K_GC + K_TI + K_TS + K_V) if (testf == 1): # plot to compare to Fig. 15.7 of Jacobson (2005) ax0.loglog(sbr * 10**6, Beta[:, 0] * 10**6, label='Total') ax1.loglog(sbr * 10**6, Beta[:, 1] * 10**6, label='Total') plt.legend() return () # zero beta for any size bins that have low number of particles ish = np.squeeze(num_part < 1.0e-10) Beta[ish, :] = 0.0 ish = np.squeeze(num_part_rint < 1.0e-10) Beta[:, ish] = 0.0 # Perform coagulation, using the implicit approach of Jacobson (2005), given in # eq. 15.5 # scale up by 1e6 to convert to cm3/particle.s from m3/particle.s # and therefore be consistent with particle concentrations which are # (# particles/cm3 (air)). For the production term due to coagulation below, we use # only the k,j coordinates in beta, where j goes as high as k-1, therefore, production # only uses the lower left triangle in beta. However, the loss term below uses # k,j coordinates where j goes from 1 to the number of size bins if coag_on == 1: Beta = Beta * 1.0e6 if coag_on == 0: Beta = Beta * 0.0 # matrix with volume of coagulated particles resulting from pairing of k and j # particles single particle volumes of k and j (m3) sbVmatk = (sbVi.reshape(-1, 1)).repeat(sbn, 1) sbVmatj = (sbVj.reshape(1, -1)).repeat(sbrn, 0) # combined volume of single coagulated particles (m3) coagV = sbVmatk + sbVmatj # matrix for number concentration at t-h in size bins repeated across rows num_partj = np.tile(num_part.reshape(1, -1), (sbn, 1)) # matrix for volume concentration at t-h in size bins repeated across rows vol_partj = np.tile(vol_part.reshape(1, -1), (sbn, 1)) # molecular concentration for k and j particles (# particles /cc (air)), components in # rows and size bins in columns. j will represent the original concentration, # whereas molec_k will be updated during size bin loop below molec_k = np.zeros((num_molec.shape)) molec_j = np.zeros((num_molec.shape)) molec_k[:, :] = num_molec[:, :] molec_j[:, :] = num_molec[:, :] # use eq. 15.8 of Jacobson (2005) to estimate n_{k,t} # size bin loop, starting (importantly) with smallest size bin for sbi in range(sbn): # matrix for updated number concentrations (all those with index<sbi) are # concentrations at t, not t-h (concentrations spread across columns) # (# particles/cc (air)) num_partk = np.tile(num_part.reshape(-1, 1), (1, sbrn)) # index of k,j size bin pairs that can coagulate to give a volume that fits # into k volind = (coagV >= sbbound[0, sbi]) * (coagV < sbbound[0, sbi + 1]) # note in Eq. 15.8, we use n_{k-j,t}, and even though coagulation of sbi with # itself may produce a particle within the sbi bin, its number concentration # has not yet been updated (from t-h to t), so we can't use it here, instead # we explicitly account for coagulation with itself below volind[sbi, :] = 0.0 volind[:, sbi] = 0.0 # using only the relevant k-j pairs in beta, number of particles from k and j # size bins coagulating to give new particle in sbi (#particles/cc.s). # This accounts for both the upper and lower diagonal of Beta, so considers # k-j pairs as well as j-k numsum_ind = (Beta * volind) * (num_partk * num_partj) # sum to get the total rate of number of particles coagulating (from k and j) # (#particles/cc.s) numsum = (numsum_ind.sum()).sum() # numerator, note we use num_partj as want n_{k,t-h}; multiply by 0.5 since 2 # particles make 1 num = num_partj[0, sbi] + 0.5 * tint * numsum # particle number only from sbi when newly coagulated particles give a volume # outside the current bounds volind = coagV[sbi, :] >= sbbound[0, sbi + 1] # lose half the number of particles of sbi coagulating with itself to give a # volume in sbi if (coagV[sbi, sbi] >= sbbound[0, sbi] and coagV[sbi, sbi] < sbbound[0, sbi + 1]): volind[sbi] = 0.5 # denominator, representing particle number loss from this size bin den = 1.0 + tint * ((Beta[sbi, :] * volind * num_partj[0, :]).sum()) # updated number concentration (#particles/cc (air)) eq. 15.8 Jacobson (2005) num_part[0, sbi] = num / den # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # particle concentration rate coagulating from each size bin volind = (coagV >= sbbound[0, sbi]) * (coagV < sbbound[0, sbi + 1]) # Eq. 15.8 with loss term removed numsum_ind = (Beta * volind) * (num_partk * num_partj) numsumj = ((numsum_ind.sum(axis=0)) * 0.5).reshape(-1, 1) numsumk = ((numsum_ind.sum(axis=1)) * 0.5).reshape(-1, 1) # ignore any particles from sbi that coagulate to give a particle in sbi numsumj[sbi] = 0.0 numsumk[sbi] = 0.0 # particle concentration gained by sbi from each smaller bin num_contr = np.squeeze((numsumj + numsumk) * tint) # molecular concentration gained by sbi from each smaller bin, note that if # molec_k (new concentration) used instead of molec_j (old concentration), # mass conservation issues can arise when two neighbouring size bins with very # different original number concentration coagulate to # give a particle in a larger size bin molec_contr = ((num_contr / num_partj[0, :]).reshape(1, -1) * molec_j).sum(axis=1) # particle number only from sbi when newly coagulated particles give a volume # outside the current bounds volind = coagV[sbi, :] >= sbbound[0, sbi + 1] # number concentration of particles lost from sbi to produce larger particles # through coagulation, Eq. 15.8 with production term removed num_lost = num_partj[0, sbi] - num_partj[0, sbi] / (1.0 + tint * ( (Beta[sbi, :] * volind * num_partj[0, :]).sum())) # molecular concentration represented by this loss # note that Eq. 11 in GMD paper is equal to the num_lost equation above and this # equation combined molec_loss = molec_j[:, sbi] * (num_lost / num_partj[0, sbi]) # new molecular concentration in sbi molec_k[:, sbi] = molec_k[:, sbi] + (molec_contr - molec_loss) # using new molecular concentration, calculate new dimensions per size bin MV = (M[:, 0] / (rho)).reshape(num_comp, 1) # molar volume (cc/mol) # new volume of single particle per size bin (um3) ish = num_part[0, :] > 1.0e-20 # only use size bins where particles reside Vnew = np.zeros((sbrn)) Vnew[ish] = np.sum( ((molec_k[:, ish] / (si.N_A * num_part[0, ish])) * MV * 1.0e12), 0) # new combined volume of all particles per size bin (um3) Vtot = Vnew * num_part[0, :] # remove particles and their corresponding component concentrations if their volume # is negligibly small negl_indx = (Vtot / Vtot.sum()) < 1.0e-12 num_part[0, negl_indx] = 1.0e-40 Vnew[negl_indx] = 0.0 molec_k[:, negl_indx] = 1.0e-40 # check that new volumes fit inside intended size bin bounds # plt.plot(sbbound[0, 1:20]-Vnew[0:19]*1.0e-18) # # new radius per size bin (um) rad = ((3.0 * Vnew) / (4.0 * np.pi))**(1.0 / 3.0) # size bins with no particle assigned central radius ish = num_part[0, :] <= 1.0e-20 rad[ish] = rad0[ish] # just want particle number concentration as an array with one dimension if num_part.ndim > 1: num_part = num_part[0, :] # molecular concentrations (molecules/cc (air)) y = molec_k.flatten(order='F') # call on the moving centre method for ensuring particles in correct size bin (num_part, Vnew, y, rad, redt, blank, tnew) = movcen(num_part, sbbound[0, :] * 1.0e18, np.transpose(y.reshape(sbn, num_comp)), rho, sbn, num_comp, M, sbVi[0, :], 0.0, 0, MV) # return number of particles/cc(air) per size bin (columns) and # number of molecules (molecules/cc(air)) flattened into species followed by size bins return (num_part, y, rad, Gi, eta_ai, Vnew)
def coag(RH, T, sbr, sbVi, M, rint, num_molec, num_part, tint, sbbound, num_comp, vdWon, rho, rad0, PInit): # -------------------------------------------------------------- # inputs: # RH - relative humidity (fraction) # T - temperature (K) # sbr - size bin radius (m) # sbVi - single particle volume for i sizes (m3) # M - molecular weight of components (g/mol) # rint - size of interest (m) # num_molec - molecular concentration (molecules/cc (air)), # arranged by component in rows and size bins in columns # num_part - concentration of particles per size bin # (particle/cc (air)) (columns) (excluding walls) # tint - time interval coagulation occurs over (s) # sbbound - size bin volume boundaries (m3) # num_comp - number of components # vdWon - saying whether the van der Waals kernel should be calculated or ignored # rho - components densities (g/cm3) in a 1D array # rad0 - original radius at size bin centre (um) # PInit - pressure inside chamber (Pa) # -------------------------------------------------------------- # outputs: # Beta - sum of coagulation kernels # -------------------------------------------------------------- # wall parts num_molec = num_molec[:, 0:-1] num_part = num_part.reshape(1, -1) # ensure sbn is integer sbn = sbrn = # call on function to determine the Knudsen no. and therefore flow # regime of each size bin [Kni, eta_ai, rho_ai, kin_visc] = reg_determ(RH, T, sbr, PInit) [Knj, eta_aj, rho_aj, kin_visc] = reg_determ(RH, T, rint, PInit) # Reynold number and terminal fall velocity for each size bin [Rei, Vfi] = Reyn_num(sbr, eta_ai, rho_ai, kin_visc, 1.0e6, Kni) [Rej, Vfj] = Reyn_num(sbr, eta_aj, rho_aj, kin_visc, 1.0e6, Knj) # repeat Knudsen number over number of size bins Kni_m = np.tile(Kni, (sbn, 1)) # Cunningham slip-flow correction (15.30) with constant taken # from text below (dimensionless) Gi = 1.0 + Kni * (1.249 + 0.42 * (np.exp(-0.87 / Kni))) Gj = 1.0 + Knj * (1.249 + 0.42 * (np.exp(-0.87 / Knj))) # particle diffusion coefficient (15.29) (m2/s) # multiply eta_a by 1.0e-3 to convert from g/m.s to kg/m.s # this makes it consistent with the units of Boltzmann constant Dpi = (((si.k * T) / (6.0 * np.pi * sbr * (eta_ai * 1.0e-3))) * Gi).reshape(sbrn, 1) Dpj = (((si.k * T) / (6.0 * np.pi * rint * (eta_aj * 1.0e-3))) * Gj).reshape(1, sbn) # repeat Dpj over size bins of i (m) Dp_mj = np.repeat(Dpj, sbrn, 0) # matrix for sums of Dp in size bins (m2/s) Dp_sum = Dpi + Dp_mj # zero the upper triangle part of the matrix as only the lower is needed Dp_sum[np.triu_indices(sbrn, 1)] = 0.0 # Brownian collision kernel (m3/particle.s) (p. 508) K_B = np.zeros((sbrn, sbn)) # ensure sbr is a column array and rint is a row array sbr2 = np.zeros((np.max(sbr.shape), 1)) rint2 = np.zeros((1, np.max(rint.shape))) sbr2[:, 0] = sbr[:] rint2[0, :] = rint[:] # repeat size bin radii over size bins (m) rint2 = np.repeat(rint2, sbrn, 0) sbr_m = np.repeat(sbr2, sbn, 1) # zero the upper triangle part of the matrix as only the lower is needed rint2[np.triu_indices(sbrn, 1)] = 0.0 sbr_m[np.triu_indices(sbrn, 1)] = 0.0 # matrix for size bins sums (m) sbr_sum = sbr2 + rint2 # size bins in continuum regime i = ((Kni < 1.0).reshape(sbrn, 1)) # spread across rint (j) i = np.repeat(i, sbn, 1) # collision kernel (15.28) (m3/particle.s) K_B[i] = 4.0 * np.pi * (sbr_sum[i]) * (Dp_sum[i]) # size bins in free-molecular regime i = ((Kni > 10.0).reshape(sbrn, 1)) # spread across rint (j) i = np.repeat(i, sbn, 1) # single particle mass (g): # first, number of moles per component in a single particle num_mol_single = (num_molec / num_part) / si.N_A # second product of number of moles and molecular weight weight_compon = num_mol_single * M # final sum mass across components for single particle mass (g) Mpi = np.sum(weight_compon, 0) Mpj = np.sum(weight_compon, 0) # thermal speed of particle (15.32) (m/s) (multiply mass by 1.0e-3 to # convert from g to kg and therefore be consistent with Boltzmann's # constant (1.380658e-23kgm2/s2.K.molec)) nu_pi = (((8.0 * si.k * T) / (np.pi * (Mpi * 1.0e-3)))**0.5).reshape( sbrn, 1) nu_pj = np.zeros((sbrn, sbn)) ind = Mpj > 0 # prevent division by zero nu_pj[ind] = ((8.0 * si.k * T) / (np.pi * (Mpj[ind] * 1.0e-3)))**0.5 # sum of squares of speeds (m2) (15.31) nu_p_sum = nu_pi**2.0 + nu_pj**2.0 # collision kernel (15.31) K_B[i] = np.pi * (sbr_sum[i]**2.0) * ((nu_p_sum[i])**(0.5)) # size bins in transition regime i = (1.0 <= Kni) j = (Kni <= 10.0) # size bins in transition regime i = (i * j).reshape(sbrn, 1) # size bins in transition regime # spread across rint (j) i = np.repeat(i, sbn, 1) # particle mean free path (15.34) (m) lam_pi = ((8.0 * Dpi) / (np.pi * nu_pi)) lam_pj = np.zeros((sbrn, sbn)) ind = nu_pj > 0 # prevent division by zero lam_pj[ind] = ((8.0 * Dp_mj[ind]) / (np.pi * nu_pj[ind])) # mean distance from centre of a sphere travelled by particles # leaving sphere's surface and travelling lam_p (m) (15.34) sig_pi = (((2.0 * sbr + lam_pi)**3.0 - (4.0 * sbr**2.0 + lam_pi**2.0)**1.5) / (6.0 * sbr * lam_pi) - 2.0 * sbr) sig_pj = np.zeros((sbrn, sbn)) ind = rint2 > 0 # prevent division by zero sig_pj[ind] = (((2.0 * rint2[ind] + lam_pj[ind])**3.0 - (4.0 * rint2[ind]**2.0 + lam_pj[ind]**2.0)**1.5) / (6.0 * rint2[ind] * lam_pj[ind]) - 2.0 * np.repeat(sbr2, sbn, 1)[ind]) # sum mean distances (m) sig_p_sum = sig_pi**2.0 + sig_pj**2.0 # kernel numerator K_Bnum = 4.0 * np.pi * sbr_sum[i] * Dp_sum[i] # left term kernel denominator K_Blden = (sbr_sum[i] / (sbr_sum[i] + (sig_p_sum[i])**0.5)) # right term kernel denominator K_Brden = ((4.0 * Dp_sum[i]) / (((nu_p_sum[i])**0.5) * sbr_sum[i])) # collision kernel (15.33) K_B[i] = (K_Bnum / (K_Blden + K_Brden)) # Convective Brownian Diffusion Enhancement kernel: # particle Schmidt number for i and jsize bins (dimensionless) (15.36) Scpi = kin_visc / Dpi Scpj = kin_visc / Dpj # repeat Rej over sbrn and Rei over sbn Re_jm = np.repeat(Rej.reshape(1, sbn), sbrn, 0) Re_im = np.repeat(Rei.reshape(sbrn, 1), sbn, 1) Scpj_m = np.repeat(Scpj.reshape(1, sbn), sbrn, 0) Scpi_m = np.repeat(Scpi.reshape(sbrn, 1), sbn, 1) # repeat Reynold number and Schmidt number arrays over size bins i = (Re_jm <= 1.0) j = rint2 >= sbr2 i2 = i * j # Rej less than or equal to 1, and rj greater than or equal to ri i3 = (Re_im <= 1.0) j2 = rint2 < sbr2 j3 = i3 * j2 # Rei less than or equal to 1 and ri greater than rj i = (Re_jm > 1.0) i3 = i * j # Rej greater than 1 and rj greater than or equal to ri i4 = (Re_im > 1.0) j4 = i4 * j2 # Rei greater than 1 and ri greater than rj # convective Brownian diffusion enhancement kernel (15.35) K_DE = np.zeros((sbrn, sbn)) # convective Brownian diffusion enhancement kernel (15.35) # condition for both K_DE equation is r_j>=r_i K_DE[i2] = (K_B[i2] * 0.45 * Re_jm[i2]**(1.0 / 3.0) * Scpi_m[i2]**(1.0 / 3.0)) K_DE[j3] = (K_B[j3] * 0.45 * Re_im[j3]**(1.0 / 3.0) * Scpj_m[j3]**(1.0 / 3.0)) K_DE[i3] = (K_B[i3] * 0.45 * Re_jm[i3]**(1.0 / 2.0) * Scpi_m[i3]**(1.0 / 3.0)) K_DE[j4] = (K_B[j4] * 0.45 * Re_im[j4]**(1.0 / 2.0) * Scpj_m[j4]**(1.0 / 3.0)) # Gravitational Collection Kernel: Ecoll = np.zeros((sbrn, sbn)) j = rint2 >= sbr2 Ecoll[j] = ((sbr2.repeat(sbn, 1))[j])**2.0 / ((sbr_sum[j])**2.0) j = rint2 < sbr2 Ecoll[j] = (rint2[j])**2.0 / ((sbr_sum[j])**2.0) # Gravitational collection kernel (15.37) # difference in terminal fall velocities del_Vf = np.abs( np.repeat(Vfj.reshape(1, sbn), sbrn, 0) - Vfi.reshape(sbrn, 1)) K_GC = Ecoll * np.pi * ((sbr_sum)**2.0) * del_Vf # Kernel for Turbulent Inertial Motion: # rate of dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy per gram of medium # (m2/s3) (8.4 for a typical value (which is apparently taken # from Pruppacher and Klett 1997 (p. 511 Jacobson (2005))) epsilon = 5.0e-4 # kernel for turbulent inertial motion (15.40) K_TI = (((np.pi * epsilon**(3.0 / 4.0)) / (si.g * kin_visc**(1.0 / 4.0))) * (sbr_sum**2.0) * del_Vf) # kernel for Turbulent Shear (15.41) K_TS = ((8.0 * np.pi * epsilon) / (15.0 * kin_visc))**0.5 * (sbr_sum**3.0) # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # van der Waals/viscous collision kernel: # particle radius (m) radi = sbr2 # radii array (m) # van der Waals factor results array and particle pair # Knudsen number array: radii of particle i # in 1st dim., radii of particle j in 2nd # ratios of second particle radius to first particle - this # approach commented out but useful for comparing with Fig. 15.8 # Jacobson (2005) res_all = np.zeros((radi.shape[0], rint.shape[0])) res_Knp = np.zeros((radi.shape[0], rint.shape[0])) A_H = 200.0 * (si.k * 1.0e3 * T) # Hamaker constant for j in range(0, rint.shape[0]): if vdWon == 0: # when omitting van der Waals calculation for expediency break for i in range(0, radi.shape[0]): ri = radi[i] rj = rint[j] a = (-A_H / (6.0 * si.k * 1.0e3 * T)) * 2.0 * ri * rj a1 = (-A_H / 6.0) * 2.0 * ri * rj b = (-A_H / (6.0 * si.k * 1.0e3 * T)) b1 = (-A_H / 6.0) # square of sum of size bin radii (m2) c = (ri + rj)**2.0 # square of difference in size bin radii (m2) d = (ri - rj)**2.0 # product of radii (m2) e = ri * rj # sum of radii (m) f = ri + rj # difference of radii (m) g = ri - rj # define the integration in 15.44 def integrand(x, a, b, c, d, e, f, g): Dterm = (1.0 + ((2.6 * e) / (c)) * ((e / (f * (x - g)))**0.5) + e / (f * (x - g))) Ep0_1 = a / (x**2.0 - c) Ep0_2 = a / (x**2.0 - d) Ep0_3 = b * np.log((x**2.0 - c) / (x**2.0 - d)) rterm = 1.0 / (x**2.0) return Dterm * np.exp(Ep0_1 + Ep0_2 + Ep0_3) * rterm # define the integration in 15.43 def integrand2(x, a1, b1, c, d, e, f, g, T): # terms of Ep0 Ep0_1 = a1 / (x**2.0 - c) Ep0_2 = a1 / (x**2.0 - d) Ep0_3 = b1 * np.log((x**2.0 - c) / (x**2.0 - d)) Ep0 = Ep0_1 + Ep0_2 + Ep0_3 # terms of first differential Ep0 Ep1_1 = (-2.0 * a1 * x) / ((x**2.0 - c)**2.0) Ep1_2 = (-2.0 * a1 * x) / ((x**2.0 - d)**2.0) Ep1_3 = (2.0 * b1 * x) / (x**2.0 - c) Ep1_4 = (-2.0 * b1 * x) / (x**2.0 - d) Ep1 = Ep1_1 + Ep1_2 + Ep1_3 + Ep1_4 # terms of second differential Ep0 Ep2_1 = (6.0 * a1 * x**4.0 - 4.0 * a1 * c * x**2.0 - 2.0 * a1 * c**2.0) / ((x**2.0 - c)**4.0) Ep2_2 = (6.0 * a1 * x**4.0 - 4.0 * a1 * d * x**2.0 - 2.0 * a1 * d**2.0) / ((x**2.0 - d)**4.0) Ep2_3 = (-2.0 * b1 * x**2.0 - 2.0 * b1 * c) / ( (x**2.0 - c)**2.0) Ep2_4 = (2.0 * b1 * x**2.0 + 2.0 * b1 * d) / ( (x**2.0 - d)**2.0) Ep2 = Ep2_1 + Ep2_2 + Ep2_3 + Ep2_4 return (Ep1 + x * Ep2) * np.exp( (-1.0 / (si.k * 1.0e3 * T)) * ((x / 2.0) * Ep1 + Ep0)) * (x**2.0) # integration bounds - note both integral functions # fall to negligible values after (ri+rj)*1.0e2 and if # infinity used as the upper bound numerical issues # arise, therefore use (ri+rj)*1.0e2 for upper bound ilu = (ri + rj) * 1.0e2 # upper ill = (ri + rj) # lower # integration in 15.44 res = integ.quad(integrand, ill, ilu, args=(a, b, c, d, e, f, g), points=([ill * 2.0]), limit=1000) # integration in 15.43 res2 = integ.quad(integrand2, ill, ilu, args=(a1, b1, c, d, e, f, g, T), points=([ill * 2.0]), limit=1000) # 15.44 and 15.43 W_c = 1.0 / (f * res[0]) W_k = (-1.0 / (2.0 * c * (si.k * 1.0e3) * T)) * res2[0] # ----------------------------------------- # particle Knudsen number calculated above Gi = 1.0 + Kni[i] * (1.249 + 0.42 * (np.exp(-0.87 / Kni[i]))) Gj = 1.0 + Knj[j] * (1.249 + 0.42 * (np.exp(-0.87 / Knj[j]))) # particle diffusion coefficient (15.29) (m2/s) (note the # Boltzmann constant has units (kg m2)/(s2 K), so *1e3 to # convert to g from kg) Dpi = (((si.k * 1.0e3) * T) / (6.0 * np.pi * ri * eta_ai)) * Gi Dpj = (((si.k * 1.0e3) * T) / (6.0 * np.pi * rj * eta_aj)) * Gj Mi = ((4.0 / 3.0) * np.pi * ri**3.0) * 1.0e6 Mj = ((4.0 / 3.0) * np.pi * rj**3.0) * 1.0e6 vbari = ((8.0 * si.k * 1.0e3 * T) / (np.pi * Mi))**0.5 #15.32 vbarj = ((8.0 * si.k * 1.0e3 * T) / (np.pi * Mj))**0.5 #15.32 # mean free path (15.34) lami = (8.0 * Dpi) / (np.pi * vbari) lamj = (8.0 * Dpj) / (np.pi * vbarj) Knp = ((lami**2.0 + lamj**2.0)**0.5) / (ri + rj) # ----------------------------------------- # get the van der Waals/viscous collision correction # factor (15.42): fac = 4.0 * (Dpi + Dpj) / (((vbari**2.0 + vbarj**2.0)**0.5) * (ri + rj)) V_E = (W_c * (1.0 + fac)) / (1.0 + (W_c / W_k) * fac) # fill in results res_Knp[i, j] = Knp res_all[i, j] = V_E # van der Waals/collision coagulation kernel if vdWon == 0: K_V = K_B * (1.0 - 1.0 ) # when omitting van der Waals correction for expediency else: K_V = K_B * (res_all - 1.0) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # total coagulation kernel (m3/particle.s), with sbr in rows and rint in columns # eq. 15.27 of Jacobson (2005) says that the sum of kernels should be multiplied # by a dimensionless coalescence efficiency. For particles under 2um this should be # close to unity it says in the coalescence efficiency section. Beta = (K_B + K_DE + K_GC + K_TI + K_TS + K_V) # zero beta for any size bins that don't have particles ish = np.squeeze(num_part < 1.0e-10) Beta[ish, :] = 0.0 Beta[:, ish] = 0.0 # Perform coagulation, using the implicit approach of Jacobson (2005), given in # eq. 15.5 # product of Beta and time interval (m3/particle), scale up by 1e6 to convert to # cm3/particle and therefore consistent with particle concentrations which are # (# particles/cm3 (air)) Beta = Beta * tint * 1.0e6 # now produce matrices for number concentration in size bins repeated across rows # and columns num_partk = np.tile(num_part.reshape(-1, 1), (1, sbrn)) num_partj = np.tile(num_part.reshape(1, -1), (sbn, 1)) # matrix with volume of coagulated particles resulting from pairing of k and j # particles # single particle volumes of i and j (m3) sbVmati = (sbVi.reshape(sbrn, 1)).repeat(sbrn, 1) sbVmatj = sbVi.repeat(sbrn, 0) # combined volume of single coagulated particles (m3) coagV = sbVmati + sbVmatj # set as lower triangular matrices, as the upper triangle is just a repetition of the # lower and therefore would cause duplication coagV[np.triu_indices(sbrn, k=1, m=None)] = -1.0 MV = ((M[:, 0] / (rho)).reshape(num_comp, 1)) # molar volume (cc/mol) # total volume of molecules in each size bin (m3) V0 = np.sum( ((num_molec[:, :] / (6.0221409e+23 * num_part[0, :])) * MV * 1.0e-6), 0) # for recording new number of molecules following coagulation num_molec2 = np.zeros((num_comp, sbn)) num_molec2[:, :] = num_molec[:, :] for sbi in range(sbn): # loop through size bins # index of where new particles for this size bin come from new_ind = (coagV >= sbbound[0, sbi]) * (coagV < sbbound[0, sbi + 1]) Beta2 = np.zeros((sbn, sbrn)) Beta2[:, :] = Beta * new_ind # Beta with only the relevant kernels left # number of particles coagulating for every k-j pair, eq. 15.5 of Jacobson (2005) numcoag = Beta2 * num_partk * num_partj numcoagtot = Beta * num_partk * num_partj # all kernels, for loss calculation # effect change in number of particles Pn_gain = ((numcoag).sum().sum()) Pn_lost = ((numcoagtot[sbi, :]).sum()) + ((numcoagtot[:, sbi]).sum()) num_part[0, sbi] += Pn_gain - Pn_lost # fraction of number of k particles coagulating with j for production numfrack = (numcoag / num_partk) # sum over columns to get total fraction of k contributing to new particles numfrack = numfrack.sum(1) # fraction of number of j particles coagulating with k for production numfracj = (numcoag / num_partj) # sum over rows to get total fraction of j contributing to new particles numfracj = numfracj.sum(0) # now multiply each by number of molecules per size bin and sum over size bins # for total molecules going to new size bin molec_gain = (numfrack * num_molec + numfracj * num_molec).sum(1) # now, for molecules lost from k # first get number of particles lost from k and divide by total number numfrack = ((numcoagtot[sbi, :].sum() + numcoagtot[:, sbi].sum())) / num_partk[sbi, 0] molec_lost = numfrack * num_molec[:, sbi] molec_change = molec_gain - molec_lost num_molec2[:, sbi] += molec_change MV = (M[:, 0] / (rho)).reshape(num_comp, 1) # molar volume (cc/mol) # new volume of single particle per size bin (um3) ish = num_part[0, :] > 1.0e-20 # only use size bins where particles reside Vnew = np.zeros((sbrn)) Vnew[ish] = np.sum(((num_molec2[:, ish] / (6.0221409e+23 * num_part[0, ish])) * MV * 1.0e12), 0) # new radius per size bin (um) ish = num_part[ 0, :] <= 1.0e-20 # only use size bins where particles reside rad = ((3.0 * Vnew) / (4.0 * np.pi))**(1.0 / 3.0) rad[ish] = rad0[ish] # return number of particles/cc(air) per size bin (columns) and # number of molecules (molecules/cc(air)) flattened into species followed by size bins return (np.squeeze(num_part), num_molec2.flatten(order='F'), rad, Gi, eta_ai, Vnew)