def handle_fitting_request(jobtype, fitting_task, model_name): form = StartFittingForm() mf = current_user.gc_metrics_file.first() if mf is None: flash('First upload your GoldenCheetah metrics file.') return redirect(url_for('uploads.gc_metrics_file')) metric_names = sorted(mf.csv_column_names()) metric_names = list(filter(lambda n: n not in metric_blacklist, metric_names)) choices = list(zip(metric_names, metric_names)) form.load_metric_choice.choices = choices form.perf_metric_choice.choices = choices if form.validate_on_submit(): if current_user.has_pending_jobs(jobtype): m = 'Sorry, this type of job is already pending for you.' else: if jobtype == JobType.ff_fitting: algo = 'SLSQP' else: algo = 'LEAST_SQUARES' load_metric = perf_metric = fitting_task.delay(, load_metric, perf_metric, algo) '''perf_metric = '60 min Peak Power' # perf_metric = '60m_critical_power' # perf_metric = '60min Leistungsmaximum' algos = ['LEAST_SQUARES', 'L-BFGS-B', 'TNC', 'SLSQP', 'CMA-ES', 'DE'] load_metrics = ['BikeScore', 'TSS', 'TRIMP Points', 'TRIMP Zonal Points', 'TRIMP(100) Points'] # load_metrics = ['skiba_bike_score', 'coggan_tss', 'trimp_points', # 'trimp_zonal_points', 'trimp_100_points'] # load_metrics = ['BikeScore', 'TSS', 'TRIMP Punkte', # 'TRIMP Punkte für Zonen', 'TRIMP(100) Punkte'] for algo in algos: for load_metric in load_metrics: t = fitting_task.delay(, load_metric, perf_metric, algo) t.get() print('algo {} for metric {} finished'.format(algo, load_metric)) ''' m = Markup('Parameter fitting for {} has been started.<br>' 'Depending on server load, this can take a while.<br>' 'We\'ll mail you a notification when the job is done.'. format(model_name)) flash(m) return redirect(url_for('main.index')) default_load_metric_idx = default_selection_index(mf.default_load_metric(), metric_names) default_perf_metric_idx = default_selection_index(mf.default_perf_metric(), metric_names) return render_template('training/fitting.html', form=form, model_name=model_name, default_load_metric_index=default_load_metric_idx, default_perf_metric_index=default_perf_metric_idx)
def pp_genplan(): form = GeneratePlanForm() mf = current_user.gc_metrics_file.first() if mf is None: flash('First upload your GoldenCheetah metrics file.') return redirect(url_for('uploads.gc_metrics_file')) pp_parms = current_user.pp_parameters.first() if pp_parms is None: flash('First start your PerPot parameter fitting') return redirect(url_for('training.pp_fitting')) if current_user.is_over_pp_plans_limit(): flash(Markup('Sorry, you have reached the limit of {} PerPot plans.<br>' 'Delete some to generate new ones.'. format(PLANS_LIMIT))) return redirect(url_for('training.pp_myplans')) if form.validate_on_submit(): if current_user.has_pending_jobs(JobType.pp_genplan): m = 'Sorry, this type of job is already pending for you.' else: must_have_metrics = [pp_parms.load_metric, pp_parms.perf_metric] start_date = next_monday_after(mf.last_training(must_have_metrics)) start_perf = current_user.pp_next_monday_pp() off_weeks = sorted(parse_comma_separated_ints( off_weeks = dec_list_elems(off_weeks) # users start at index 1 off_day_dates = parse_comma_separated_dates( off_day_indexes = dates_to_indexes(start_date, off_day_dates, int( goal = pp_parms.scale_perf_value(float( max_load = pp_parms.scale_load_value(float( if is None: min_load = 0.0 else: min_load = pp_parms.scale_load_value(float( plan_request = PlanRequest(, model_parms=pp_parms, start_date=start_date, start_perf=start_perf, goal=goal, length=int(, max_load=max_load, min_load=min_load, off_weeks=off_weeks, off_days=off_day_indexes, weekly_cycle=parse_cycle_days(form)) pp_genplan_task.delay(, plan_request) # pp_genplan_cmaes_task.delay(, plan_request) m = Markup('PerPot plan generation has been started.<br>' 'Depending on server load, this can take a while.<br>' 'We\'ll mail you a notification when the job is done.') flash(m) return redirect(url_for('main.index')) try: next_monday_pp_scaled = current_user.pp_next_monday_pp() print('next_monday_pp_scaled {}'.format(next_monday_pp_scaled)) next_monday_pp = pp_parms.unscale_perf_value(next_monday_pp_scaled) print('next_monday_pp {}'.format(next_monday_pp)) must_have_metrics = [pp_parms.load_metric, pp_parms.perf_metric] start_date = next_monday_after(mf.last_training(must_have_metrics)) form.max_load.label.text += \ ' (e.g. 100 {})*'.format(pp_parms.load_metric) return render_template('training/genplan.html', form=form, model='PerPot', next_monday=start_date, next_monday_p=next_monday_pp) except: m = Markup("Unfortunately your metrics export file can't be parsed.<br>" "Please check if a needed column is missing or any values " "are mangled.<br>" "You can upload a new metrics export anytime.<br>" "Please contact us, if you are sure your data is correct.") flash(m) return redirect(url_for('main.index'))