コード例 #1
    def get(self, id, timestamp):
        :param id, timestamp:

        direction_db = g.con.get_direction(id, timestamp)

        if not direction_db:
            return create_error_response(404, "No direction data found",
                                         'There is no direction data on device id %s with timestamp %s' % (id, timestamp),

        #create collection of links
        links = Collection(
            Link('device', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/'),
            Link('list', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/directions/'),
            Link('all-batteries', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/batteries/')

        #links to dict
        l = links.to_dict()

        #combine links and speed to one dict
        dump = dict(list(l.items()) + list(direction_db.items()))

        #return Response
        return Response(json.dumps(dump), 200, mimetype=JSONHAL)
コード例 #2
    def get(self, id, timestamp):
        :param id, timestamp:

        speed_db = g.con.get_speed(id, timestamp)

        if not speed_db:
             return create_error_response(404, "No speed found",
                                'There is no speed data on device id %s with timestamp %s' % (id, timestamp), 'Speed')

        #create collection of links
        links = Collection(
            Link('device', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/'),
            Link('list', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/speeds/'),
            Link('temperatures-all', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/temperatures/')

        #links to dict
        l = links.to_dict()

        #combine links and speed to one dict
        dump = dict(list(l.items()) + list(speed_db.items()))

        #return Response
        return Response(json.dumps(dump), 200, mimetype=JSONHAL)
コード例 #3
    def get(self, id):
        Get device with given id from db
        :param id

        device_db = g.con.get_device(id)

        if not device_db:
            return create_error_response(404, "No device found",
                                     'There is no device info on given device id %s' % id, 'Device')

        #create collection of links
        links = Collection(
            Link('list', '/wind/api/devices/'),
            Link('data:speeds-all', request.path + '/speeds/')

        #links to dict
        l = links.to_dict()

        #combine links and speed to one dict to be returned in response
        #dump = dict(list(device_db.items()) + list(l.items()))
        dump = dict(list(l.items()) + list(device_db.items()))

        #return Response
        return Response(json.dumps(dump), 200, mimetype=JSONHAL)
コード例 #4
    def get(self, id):
        get all battery values on device
        :param id:

        batteries_db = g.con.get_batteries(id)

        if not batteries_db:
            return create_error_response(404, "No batteries found",
                                     'There is no batteries data on given device id %s' % id, 'Batteries')

        # create collection of links
        links = Collection(
            Link('device', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/'),
            Link('battery', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/battery/{timestamp}')

        # links to dict
        l = links.to_dict()

        # combine links and speed to one dict
        dump = l
        dump.update({'items': batteries_db})

        # return Response
        return Response(json.dumps(dump), 200, mimetype=JSONHAL)
コード例 #5
def getFiles():
    auth = request.headers['Authorization'].split(':')
    if not authenticated(auth):
        return 'Wrong authorization data', 400

    response = requests.get('http://pdf:5000/files')

    fileList = []
    data = response.json()
    for k, v in data.items():
        fileShort = document.Document(data={
            'id': k,
            'name': v
                                               'service/files/' + str(v),
                                               'service/files/' + str(v),
    resp = {key: value for key, value in enumerate(fileList)}
    return json.dumps(resp)
コード例 #6
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: Piotr9923/Projekt_PAMiW
def delete_label(lid):
    errors = []
    links = []
    links.append(Link("labels", "/sender/dashboard", type="GET"))
    links.append(Link("label:new", "/labels", type="POST"))

    login = g.authorization.get("usr")

    if login is None:
        errors.append("Musisz się zalogować")
        document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
        return document.to_json(), 401

    if not db.hexists(f"label:{lid}", "id"):
        errors.append("Taka etykieta nie istnieje")
        document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
        return document.to_json(), 400

    if login != db.hget(f"label:{lid}", "sender").decode():
        errors.append("To nie Twoja etykieta")
        document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
        return document.to_json(), 401

    if db.hexists(f"package:{lid}", "id"):
        errors.append("Nie możesz usunąć tej etykiety")
        document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
        return document.to_json(), 401


    document = Document(links=links)
    return document.to_json(), 200
コード例 #7
def get_labels_by_sender():
    if g.authorization is None:
        return create_message_response("Unauthorized", 401)
    username = g.authorization.get('sub')
    keys = db.keys(pattern='label*')
    data = []
    label_json = {}
    for key in keys:
        sender = db.hget(key, "sender").decode()
        if username == sender or g.authorization.get('role') == 'courier':
            label_id = key.decode().split(":")[1]
            link = Link('self', '/labels/' + label_id)
            addressee = db.hget(key, "addressee").decode()
            size = db.hget(key, "size").decode()
            po_box_id = db.hget(key, "POBoxId").decode()
            sent = db.hget(key, "sent").decode()
            label_json = {
                "id": label_id,
                "sender": sender,
                "addressee": addressee,
                "size": size,
                "poBox": po_box_id,
                "sent": sent,
            data.append(Embedded(data=label_json, links=[link]))

    links = [Link('self', '/labels/{id}', templated=True)]
    document = Document(embedded={'data': Embedded(data=data)}, links=links)
    return document.to_json()
コード例 #8
    def get(self, id, timestamp):
        :param id, timestamp:

        battery_db = g.con.get_battery(id, timestamp)

        if not battery_db:
            return create_error_response(404, "No battery data found",
                                         'There is no battery data on device id %s with timestamp %s' % (id, timestamp),

        #create collection of links
        links = Collection(
            Link('device', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/'),
            Link('list', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/batteries/')
            # last one, no links to other resources except device and collection

        #links to dict
        l = links.to_dict()

        #combine links and speed to one dict
        dump = dict(list(l.items()) + list(battery_db.items()))

        #return Response
        return Response(json.dumps(dump), 200, mimetype=JSONHAL)
コード例 #9
    def get(self, id):
        get all speeds
        params: id

        #extract speeds from db
        speeds_db = g.con.get_speeds(id)
        if not speeds_db:
            return create_error_response(404, "No speeds found",
                                     'There is no speeds data on given device id %s' % id, 'Speeds')

        # create collection of links
        links = Collection(
            Link('device', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/'),
            Link('speed', '/wind/api/device/' + id + '/speed/{timestamp}')

        # links to dict
        l = links.to_dict()

        # combine links and speed to one dict
        dump = l
        dump.update({'items': speeds_db})

        # return Response
        return Response(json.dumps(dump), 200, mimetype=JSONHAL)
コード例 #10
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: Piotr9923/Projekt_PAMiW
def add_package():
    links = []
    errors = []

    login = g.authorization.get("usr")

    if login is None or login != "Courier":
        errors.append("Brak autoryzacji")
        document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
        return document.to_json(), 401

    label_id = request.json['label_id']

    if label_id is None:
        errors.append("Brak etykiety")
        document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
        return document.to_json(), 400

    links = []
    links.append(Link("packages", "/pacakges", type="GET"))
    links.append(Link("find", "/pacakges/{id}", templated=True, type="GET"))

    if not is_database_available():
        errors.append("Błąd połączenia z bazą danych")
        document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
        return document.to_json(), 500

    if not db.hexists(f"label:{label_id}", "id"):
        errors.append("Taka etykieta nie istnieje")
        document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
        return document.to_json(), 404

    status = db.hget(f"package:{label_id}", "status")
    if status is not None:
        errors.append("Istnieje paczka utworzona z tej etykiety")
        document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
        return document.to_json(), 404

    label = {
        "id": db.hget(f"label:{label_id}", "id").decode(),
        "name": db.hget(f"label:{label_id}", "name").decode(),
        "delivery_id": db.hget(f"label:{label_id}", "delivery_id").decode(),
        "size": db.hget(f"label:{label_id}", "size").decode(),
        "sender": db.hget(f"label:{label_id}", "sender").decode()

    success = create_package(label)

    if not success:
        errors.append("Błąd tworzenia etykiety")
        document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
        return document.to_json(), 500
    document = Document(links=links)
    return document.to_json(), 200

    document = Document(links=links)
    return document.to_json(), 200
コード例 #11
    def test_to_json(self):
        l = Link('foo', '/foo', foo='foo', name='foo')

        expected = json.dumps({'foo': {
            'href': '/foo',
            'name': 'foo',

        assert l.to_json() == expected
コード例 #12
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: Piotr9923/Projekt_PAMiW
def registration():
    form_values = request.json
    errors = []
    if form_values is None:
        return {"error": "Brak JSON"}

    firstname = form_values.get("firstname")
    lastname = form_values.get("lastname")
    adress = form_values.get("adress")
    email = form_values.get("mail")
    login = form_values.get("login")
    password = form_values.get("password")
    password2 = form_values.get("password2")

    links = []
    links.append(Link("login", "/sender/login"))
    links.append(Link("register", "/sender/register"))

    if not is_database_available():
        errors.append("Błąd połączenia z bazą danych")
        document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
        return document.to_json(), 500

    if not firstname:
        errors.append("Brak imienia")
    if not lastname:
        errors.append("Brak nazwiska")
    if not adress:
        errors.append("Brak adresu")
    if not email:
        errors.append("Brak maila")
    if not login:
        errors.append("Brak loginu")
    if not password:
        errors.append("Brak hasła")
    if password != password2:
        errors.append("Hasła nie są takie same")
        document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
        return document.to_json(), 400

    if email and login and password and firstname and lastname and adress:
        if is_user(login):
            errors.append("Taka nazwa użytkownika istnieje")
            document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
            return document.to_json(), 400
        document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
        return document.to_json(), 400

    success = save_user(firstname, lastname, login, email, password, adress)
    if not success:
        errors.append("Wystąpił błąd podczas rejestracji. Spróbuj później")
        document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
        return document.to_json(), 500

    document = Document(links=links)
    return document.to_json(), 200
コード例 #13
def update_package(pid):
    errors = []
    links = []
    labels = {}
    links.append(Link("packages", "/pacakges", type="GET"))
    links.append(Link("package:new", "/pacakges", type="POST"))
    links.append(Link("find", "/pacakges/{id}", templated=True, type="GET"))

    login = g.authorization.get("usr")

    if login is None or login != "Courier":
        errors.append("Brak autoryzacji")
        document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
        return document.to_json(), 401

    package_id = request.json['package_id']

    if package_id is None:
        errors.append("Brak Id paczki")
        document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
        return document.to_json(), 400

    if not is_database_available():
        errors.append("Błąd połączenia z bazą danych")
        document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
        return document.to_json(), 500

    if not db.hexists(f"package:{package_id}", "id"):
        errors.append("Taka paczka nie istnieje")
        document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
        return document.to_json(), 404

    status = db.hget(f"package:{package_id}", "status").decode()
    if status == "Odebrana":
            "Ta paczka została odebrana. Nie możesz zmienić jej statusu")
        document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
        return document.to_json(), 404

    sender = db.hget(f"package:{package_id}", "sender").decode()

    if status == "W drodze":
        db.hset(f"package:{package_id}", "status", "Dostarczona")
            f"Paczka o numerze id {package_id} zmieniła status na 'Dostarczona'"
    elif status == "Dostarczona":
        db.hset(f"package:{package_id}", "status", "Odebrana")
            f"Paczka o numerze id {package_id} zmieniła status na 'Odebrana'")

    document = Document(data=labels, links=links)
    return document.to_json(), 200
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_link.py プロジェクト: thisissoon/Flask-HAL
    def test_to_json(self):
        l = Link('foo', '/foo', foo='foo', name='foo')

        expected = json.dumps({
            'foo': {
                'href': '/foo',
                'name': 'foo',

        assert l.to_json() == expected
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_link.py プロジェクト: thisissoon/Flask-HAL
    def test_to_dict(self):
        l = Link('foo', '/foo', foo='foo', name='foo')

        expected = {
            'foo': {
                'href': '/foo',
                'name': 'foo',

        assert l.to_dict() == expected
コード例 #16
    def test_to_dict(self):
        l = Link('foo', '/foo', foo='foo', name='foo')

        expected = {
            'foo': {
                'href': '/foo',
                'name': 'foo',

        assert l.to_dict() == expected
コード例 #17
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: Piotr9923/Projekt_PAMiW
def index():
    links = []
    if g.authorization.get("usr") is None:
        links.append(Link("login", "/sender/login"))
        links.append(Link("register", "/sender/register"))
        document = Document(data={}, links=links)
        return document.to_json(), 200

    links.append(Link("login", "/sender/login", type="POST"))
    links.append(Link("registration", "/sender/register", type="POST"))
    document = Document(data={}, links=links)
    return document.to_json(), 200
コード例 #18
    def test_to_json_repeat_relation(self):
        c = Collection(Link('foo', '/foo'), Link('foo', '/bar'))

        expected = json.dumps(
            {'_links': {
                'foo': [{
                    'href': '/foo'
                }, {
                    'href': '/bar'

        assert c.to_json() == expected
コード例 #19
def root():
    if request.method == 'OPTIONS':
        return allowed_methods(['GET'])
    links = [
        Link('auth', '/auth'),
        Link('labels', '/sender'),
        Link('packages', '/packages')

    # if g.authorization is None:
    #     links.append(Link('test', '/test'))
    document = Document(data={}, links=links)
    return document.to_json()
コード例 #20
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: Piotr9923/Projekt_PAMiW
def get_labels():
    data = {}
    links = []
    labels = []
    errors = []

    is_not_send = request.headers.get('is_not_send')

    if is_not_send == "True":
        is_not_send = True
        is_not_send = False

    login = g.authorization.get("usr")

    if login is None or login != "Courier":
        errors.append("Brak autoryzacji")
        document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
        return document.to_json(), 401

    for key in db.scan_iter("label:*"):
        status = db.hget(f"package:{db.hget(key, 'id').decode()}", "status")
        if status is None:
            status = "Utworzona"
            status = status.decode()
        label = {}
        label = {
            "id": db.hget(key, "id").decode(),
            "name": db.hget(key, "name").decode(),
            "delivery_id": db.hget(key, "delivery_id").decode(),
            "size": db.hget(key, "size").decode(),
            "status": status,
            "sender": db.hget(key, "sender").decode()
        if is_not_send:
            if (status == "Utworzona"):

    for label in labels:
        links.append(Link("label:" + (label["id"]), "/labels/" + label["id"]))

    data["labels"] = labels

    links.append(Link("find", "/label/{id}", templated=True))

    document = Document(data=data, links=links)
    return document.to_json(), 200
コード例 #21
    def test_to_json(self):
        c = Collection(Link('foo', '/foo'), Link('bar', '/bar'))

        expected = json.dumps(
            {'_links': {
                'foo': {
                    'href': '/foo'
                'bar': {
                    'href': '/bar'

        assert c.to_json() == expected
コード例 #22
def dashboard():
    data = {}
    links = []
    labels = []
    errors = []

    login = g.authorization.get("usr")
    links.append(Link("find", "/labels/{id}", templated=True))
    links.append(Link("label:new", "/labels", type="POST"))

    if login is None:
        errors.append("Brak autoryzacji")
        document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
        return document.to_json(), 401

    for key in db.scan_iter("label:*"):
        if db.hget(key, "sender").decode() == login:

            status = db.hget(f"package:{db.hget(key, 'id').decode()}",
            if status is None:
                status = "Utworzona"
                status = status.decode()
            label = {}
            label = {
                "id": db.hget(key, "id").decode(),
                "name": db.hget(key, "name").decode(),
                "delivery_id": db.hget(key, "delivery_id").decode(),
                "size": db.hget(key, "size").decode(),
                "status": status


    items = []
    for label in labels:
        item_links = []
        link_info = Link("info", "/labels/" + label["id"], type="GET")
        if label["status"] == "Utworzona":
            link_delete = Link("delete",
                               "/labels/" + label["id"],
        items.append(Embedded(data=label, links=item_links))

    document = Document(embedded={'labels': Embedded(data=items)}, links=links)
    return document.to_json(), 200
コード例 #23
def login():
    form_values = request.json
    if form_values is None:
        return {"error": "Brak JSON"}

    login = form_values.get("login")
    password = form_values.get("password")
    auth0 = form_values.get("auth0")

    links = []
    errors = []
    links.append(Link("login", "/sender/login", type="POST"))
    links.append(Link("registration", "/sender/register", type="POST"))

    if not is_database_available():
        errors.append("Błąd połączenia z bazą danych")
        document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
        return document.to_json(), 500

    if auth0 is None:
        if not login or not password:
            errors.append("Brak loginu lub hasła")
            document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
            return document.to_json(), 400

        if not verify_user(login, password):
            errors.append("Błędny login lub hasło")
            document = Document(data={"errors": errors}, links=links)
            return document.to_json(), 400

    links = []
    data = {}
    links.append(Link("labels", "/sender/dashboard", type="GET"))
    links.append(Link("label:new", "/labels", type="POST"))

    if not db.hexists(f"user:{login}", "auth0"):
        db.hset(f"user:{login}", "auth0", "True")
        db.hset(f"user:{login}", "name", form_values.get("name"))
        db.hset(f"user:{login}", "email", form_values.get("email"))

    payload = {
        "exp": datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=JWT_TIME),
        "usr": login
    token = encode(payload, JWT_SECRET, algorithm='HS256')
    data["status"] = "logged"
    data["token"] = token
    document = Document(data=data, links=links)
    return document.to_json(), 200
コード例 #24
    def test_to_dict(self):
        c = Collection(Link('foo', '/foo'), Link('bar', '/bar'))

        expected = {
            '_links': {
                'foo': {
                    'href': '/foo'
                'bar': {
                    'href': '/bar'

        assert c.to_dict() == expected
コード例 #25
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: Wydzials/AlPaczka
def change_status(id):
    if g.username != COURIER_NAME:
        return error("Unauthorized", "Brak dostępu.", 401)

    json_data = request.json
    if not json_data:
        return error("No JSON provided",
                     "Niepoprawne żądanie, brak zawartości JSON.")

    status = json_data.get("status")
    if status not in ["label", "in transit", "delivered", "collected"]:
        return error("Invalid status type", "Nieprawidłowy status paczki.")

    package = "package:" + id
    if not db.hexists(package, "status"):
        return error("Package not found",
                     "Nie znaleziono paczki o danym identyfikatorze.")

    if status != db.hget(package, "status"):
        sender = db.hget(package, "sender")
        recipient = db.hget(package, "recipient")
        box_id = db.hget(package, "box_id")
            f"Nowy status paczki dla adresata '{recipient}', nadanej do skrytki numer {box_id}!\nOdśwież stronę, aby zobaczyć zmiany."
        db.hset(package, "status", status)

    links = [Link("packages", "/courier/packages")]
    document = Document(data={"package": db.hgetall(package)}, links=links)
    return document.to_json()
コード例 #26
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: Wydzials/AlPaczka
def delete_sender_package(username, id):
    if username != g.get("username") or g.get("username") == COURIER_NAME:
        return error("Unauthorized", "Brak dostępu.", 401)

    is_package_sender = db.sismember(f"user_packages:{username}",

    if not db.hget(f"package:{id}", "recipient"):
        return error("Package not found", "Nie znaleziono paczki")

    if not is_package_sender:
        return error("Unauthorized", "Brak dostępu.", 401)

    if not db.hget(f"package:{id}", "status") == "label":
        return error("Package in transit cannot be deleted",
                     "Nie można usunąć, paczka jest już w drodze.")

    db.srem(f"user_packages:{username}", f"package:{id}")

    log("Deleted package: " + id + " from sender: " + username)

    links = [Link("package:create", "/sender/" + g.username + "/packages")]
    document = Document(data={"status": "ok"}, links=links)
    return document.to_json()
コード例 #27
    def get(self):
        Get all devices available

        devices_db = g.con.get_devices()

        if not devices_db:
            return create_error_response(404, "No devices found",
                                     'There is no devices in DB', 'Devices')

        # create collection of links
        links = Collection(
            Link('device', '/wind/api/device/{id}')

        # links to dict
        l = links.to_dict()

        # combine links and speed to one dict and add items where the actual values are
        dump = l
        dump.update({'items': devices_db})

        # return Response
        return Response(json.dumps(dump), 200, mimetype=JSONHAL)
コード例 #28
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: kareman/swiftenv-api
def version_detail(name):
    version = Version.objects.get(version=name)
    links = [Link(rel, url) for (rel, url) in version.binaries.items()]
    return Document(data={
        'version': version.version
コード例 #29
def add_user():
    if request.method == 'OPTIONS':
        return allowed_methods(['POST'])

    firstname = request.json.get('firstname')
    lastname = request.json.get('lastname')
    username = request.json.get('username')
    password = request.json.get('password')
    email = request.json.get('email')
    address = request.json.get('address')
    pl = 'ąćęłńóśźż'
    if not re.compile(f'[A-Z{PL}][a-z{pl}]+').match(firstname):
        return create_message_response("Invalid firstname", 400)
    if not re.compile(f'[A-Z{PL}][a-z{pl}]+').match(lastname):
        return create_message_response("Invalid lastname", 400)
    if not re.compile('[a-z]{3,12}').match(username):
        return create_message_response("Invalid username", 400)
    if not re.compile('.{8,}').match(password.strip()):
        return create_message_response("Invalid password", 400)
    if not re.compile(
        return create_message_response("Invalid email", 400)
    if address is None:
        return create_message_response("Empty address", 400)
    if user_exists(username):
        return create_message_response("Username already exists", 400)
    if not save_user(username, firstname, lastname, address, password, email):
        return create_message_response("An error occurred", 500)

    links = [Link('next', '/auth/login')]
    data = {'message': 'Account created'}
    document = Document(data=data, links=links)
    return document.to_json()
コード例 #30
def add_label():
    if g.authorization is None:
        return create_message_response("Unauthorized", 401)
    sender = g.authorization.get('sub')
    size = request.json.get('size')
    addressee = request.json.get('addressee')
    po_box_id = request.json.get('POBoxId')
    if addressee is None:
        return create_message_response("Invalid addressee", 400)
    if size not in ('XS', 'S', 'M', 'L', 'XL'):
        return create_message_response("Invalid size", 400)
    if po_box_id is None:
        return create_message_response("Invalid PO box id", 400)
    label_id = uuid.uuid4()
    db.hset(f"label:{label_id}", "sender", f"{sender}")
    db.hset(f"label:{label_id}", "addressee", f"{addressee}")
    db.hset(f"label:{label_id}", "size", f"{size}")
    db.hset(f"label:{label_id}", "POBoxId", f"{po_box_id}")
    db.hset(f"label:{label_id}", "sent", "false")

    data = {
        "id": str(label_id),
        "sender": sender,
        "addressee": addressee,
        "size": size,
        "POBoxId": po_box_id,
        "sent": "false"
    links = [Link('self', '/labels/' + str(label_id))]
    document = Document(data=data, links=links)
    return document.to_json()
コード例 #31
def sender_get_label(label_uuid):
    if request.method == 'OPTIONS':
        return allowed_methods(['GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE'])
    if g.authorization is None:
        return create_message_response("Unauthorized", 401)
    if not db.hexists(f"label:{label_uuid}", "size"):
        return create_message_response("Label not Found", 404)
    username = g.authorization.get('sub')
    if not g.authorization.get('role') == 'courier' or db.hget(
            f"label:{label_uuid}", "sender").decode() == username:
        return create_message_response("Label not found", 404)
    receiver = db.hget(f"label:{label_uuid}", "receiver").decode()
    size = db.hget(f"label:{label_uuid}", "size").decode()
    po_box_id = db.hget(f"label:{label_uuid}", "POBoxId").decode()
    sent = db.hget(f"label:{label_uuid}", "sent").decode()
    data = {
        "labelId": label_uuid,
        "username": username,
        "receiver": receiver,
        "size": size,
        "POBoxId": po_box_id,
        "sent": sent
    links = [Link('self', '/labels/' + label_uuid)]
    document = Document(data=data, links=links)
    return document.to_json()
コード例 #32
def package_create():
    if g.authorization is None or g.authorization.get('role') != 'courier':
        return create_message_response("Unauthorized", 401)

    label_id = request.json.get('labelId')
    if not db.hexists(f"label:{label_id}", "size"):
        return create_message_response("Label not Found", 404)

    if not db.hget(f"label:{label_id}", "sent").decode() == 'false':
        return create_message_response("Label already sent", 400)

    db.hset(f"label:{label_id}", "sent", 'true')

    package_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

    db.hset(f"package:{package_id}", "packageId", f"{package_id}")
    db.hset(f"package:{package_id}", "labelId", f"{label_id}")
    db.hset(f"package:{package_id}", "status", "IN_TRANSIT")

    data = {
        "packageId": package_id,
        "labelId": label_id,
        "status": "IN_TRANSIT"

    links = [Link('self', '/packages/{id}', templated=True)]
    document = Document(embedded={'data': Embedded(data=data)}, links=links)
    return document.to_json()