コード例 #1
    def get(self, dataset_id):
        """ Returns exports of images and annotations in the dataset (only owners) """
        dataset = current_user.find_dataset_by_id(dataset_id)

        if dataset is None:
            return {"message": "Invalid dataset ID"}, 400

        if not current_user.can_download(dataset):
            return {
                "You do not have permission to download the dataset's annotations"
            }, 403

        exports = ExportModel.objects(

        dict_export = []
        for export in exports:

            time_delta = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - export.created_at
                'id': export.id,
                'ago': query_util.td_format(time_delta),
                'tags': export.tags

        return dict_export
コード例 #2
    def post(self, dataset_id):
        """ Adds coco formatted annotations to the dataset """
        args = coco_upload.parse_args()
        coco = args['coco']

        dataset = current_user.find_dataset_by_id(dataset_id)
        if dataset is None:
            return {'message': 'Invalid dataset ID'}, 400

        return dataset.import_coco(json.load(coco))
コード例 #3
    def delete(self, export_id):
        """ Returns exports """
        export = ExportModel.objects(id=export_id).first()
        if export is None:
            return {"message": "Invalid export ID"}, 400

        dataset = current_user.find_dataset_by_id(export.dataset_id)
        if dataset is None:
            return {"message": "Invalid dataset ID"}, 400

        return {'success': True}
コード例 #4
    def get(self, image_id):
        """ Called when loading from the annotator client """
        image = ImageModel.objects(id=image_id)\

        if image is None:
            return {'success': False, 'message': 'Could not load image'}, 400
        dataset = current_user.find_dataset_by_id(image.dataset_id)
        if dataset is None:
            return {'success': False, 'message': 'Could not find associated dataset'}, 400

        categories = CategoryModel.objects(deleted=False)\

        # Get next and previous image
        images = ImageModel.objects(dataset_id=dataset.id, deleted=False)
        pre = images.filter(file_name__lt=image.file_name).order_by('-file_name').first()
        nex = images.filter(file_name__gt=image.file_name).order_by('file_name').first()

        preferences = {}
        if not Config.LOGIN_DISABLED:
            preferences = current_user.get_preferences()
        # Generate data about the image to return to client
        data = {
            'image': query_util.fix_ids(image),
            'categories': [],
            'dataset': query_util.fix_ids(dataset),
            'preferences': preferences,
            'permissions': {
                'dataset': dataset.permissions(current_user),
                'image': image.permissions(current_user)

        data['image']['previous'] = pre.id if pre else None
        data['image']['next'] = nex.id if nex else None

        for category in categories:
            category = query_util.fix_ids(category[1])

            category_id = category.get('id')
            annotations = AnnotationModel.objects(image_id=image_id, category_id=category_id, deleted=False)\

            category['show'] = True
            category['visualize'] = False
            category['annotations'] = [] if annotations is None else query_util.fix_ids(annotations)

        return data
コード例 #5
    def get(self, dataset_id):
        """ Returns coco of images and annotations in the dataset (only owners) """
        dataset = current_user.find_dataset_by_id(dataset_id)

        if dataset is None:
            return {"message": "Invalid dataset ID"}, 400

        if not current_user.can_download(dataset):
            return {
                "You do not have permission to download the dataset's annotations"
            }, 403

        return coco_util.get_dataset_coco(dataset)
コード例 #6
    def get(self, export_id):
        """ Returns exports """
        export = ExportModel.objects(id=export_id).first()
        if export is None:
            return {"message": "Invalid export ID"}, 400

        dataset = current_user.find_dataset_by_id(export.dataset_id)
        if dataset is None:
            return {"message": "Invalid dataset ID"}, 400

        time_delta = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - export.created_at
        d = fix_ids(export)
        d['ago'] = query_util.td_format(time_delta)
        return d