def post(self): '''Insert the image and sepia tone it''' image = createImage(request.json) createSepia(image.imageLocalLocation) return image, 201
def post(self): '''Insert the image and invert it''' image = createImage(request.json) invert(image.imageLocalLocation) return image, 201
def post(self): '''Insert the image in database''' image = createImage(request.json) return image, 201
def post(self): '''Insert the image and convert to black and white''' image = createImage(request.json) blackAndWhite(image.imageLocalLocation) return image, 201
def post(self): '''Insert the image and pixelize it''' image = createImage(request.json) pixelize(image.imageLocalLocation) return image, 201
def post(self): '''Insert the image and do xorSynth over it''' image = createImage(request.json) xorSynth(image.imageLocalLocation) return image, 201
def post(self): '''Insert the image and find its fractal lines''' image = createImage(request.json) line(image.imageLocalLocation) return image, 201
def post(self): '''Insert the image and Blur''' image = createImage(request.json) blur(image.imageLocalLocation) return image, 201
def post(self): '''Insert the image and Swap its rgb channels''' image = createImage(request.json) swapChannels(image.imageLocalLocation) return image, 201
def post(self): '''Insert the image and Greyscale''' image = createImage(request.json) greyscale(image.imageLocalLocation) return image, 201
def post(self): '''Insert the image and Mask it''' image = createImage(request.json) mask(image.imageLocalLocation) return image, 201