class Orders(Table): table_id = 'orders' classes = ['main', 'chart', 'order'] id = Col('id', show=False) customer_name = LinkCol('Customer Name', 'view_customer', url_kwargs=dict(id='customer_ID'), attr='customer_name') orderdate = DateCol('Order Date', date_format='short') stage = AddIconCol('Stage') water = BoolCol('Water', yes_display='Yes', no_display='No') height = Col('Height') span = Col('Span') nodes = Col('Nodes') nutrient_name = Col('Nutrient') repellent_name = Col('Repellent') product_name = Col('Product') lux = Col('Lux', td_html_attrs={'class': 'luxlevel'}, show=False) soil_pH = Col('Soil pH') trim = Col('Trim') transcustomer = BoolCol('Transcustomer', yes_display='Yes', no_display='No') notes = Col('Notes') edit = LinkCol('Edit', 'edit_order', url_kwargs=dict(id='id'), show=False) delete = LinkCol('Delete', 'delete_order', url_kwargs=dict(id='id'), show=False)
class PlantLog(Table): table_id = 'daily_log' classes = ['main', 'chart', 'log'] id = Col('id', show=False) plant_name = LinkCol('Plant Name', 'view_plant', url_kwargs=dict(id='plant_ID'), attr='plant_name') logdate = DateCol('Log Date', date_format='short') stage = AddIconCol('Stage') water = BoolCol('Water', yes_display='Yes', no_display='No') height = Col('Height') span = Col('Span') nodes = Col('Nodes') nutrient_name = Col('Nutrient') repellent_name = Col('Repellent') environment_name = Col('Environment') lux = Col('Lux', td_html_attrs={'class': 'luxlevel'}, show=False) soil_pH = Col('Soil pH') trim = Col('Trim') transplant = BoolCol('Transplant', yes_display='Yes', no_display='No') notes = Col('Notes') edit = LinkCol('Edit', 'edit_log', url_kwargs=dict(id='id'), show=False) delete = LinkCol('Delete', 'delete_log', url_kwargs=dict(id='id'), show=False)
class UserDetailsTable(Table): """Build a users details table.""" thead_attrs = {'style': 'font-size:11px'} classes = [ 'table table-striped', 'table table-hover', 'table table-condensed' ] user_name_id = LinkCol('Edit Details', 'users.users_processing', url_kwargs=dict(user_name='user_name'), anchor_attrs={'style': 'font-size:12px'}) user_name = Col('User Name', allow_sort=True, td_html_attrs={'style': 'font-size:12px'}) full_name = Col('Employee Name', allow_sort=False, td_html_attrs={'style': 'font-size:12px'}) email = Col('Email', allow_sort=True, td_html_attrs={'style': 'font-size:12px'}) confirmation_sent_at = Col('Confirmed Date', allow_sort=True, td_html_attrs={'style': 'font-size:12px'}) is_confirmed = BoolCol('Confirmed Email', allow_sort=True, td_html_attrs={'style': 'font-size:12px'}) confirmed_at = Col('Confirmed Date', allow_sort=True, td_html_attrs={'style': 'font-size:12px'}) is_active = BoolCol('User Active', allow_sort=True, td_html_attrs={'style': 'font-size:12px'}) created_datetime = Col('User Created', allow_sort=True, td_html_attrs={'style': 'font-size:12px'}) login_datetime = Col('Last Logged In', allow_sort=True, td_html_attrs={'style': 'font-size:12px'}) password_last_change_datetime = \ Col('Last Password Change', allow_sort=True, td_html_attrs={'style': 'font-size:12px'}) allow_sort = True def sort_url(self, col_key, reverse=False): """Process sort url for the columns of the tables.""" if reverse: direction = 'desc' else: direction = 'asc' return url_for('users.users_processing', sort=col_key, direction=direction)
class PaperOverviewTable(Table): title = Col('Papertitle ') abstract = Col(' Abstract ') authors = Col(' Authors ') score = Col(' Ratings ') is_accepted = BoolCol(' Accepted ') accept = LinkCol(' Assess ', 'score_overview', url_kwargs=dict(id='id'))
class NodesTable(Table): classes = ['pure-table', 'stretch'] allow_sort = True unique_id = Col('Unique ID') api_key = Col('API Key') owner = Col('Owner') active = BoolCol('Active') # created = DateTimeStringCol('Create Date') # updated = DateTimeStringCol('Updated Date') delete = ButtonCol('Delete', 'delete_node', url_kwargs=dict(id='id'), button_attrs={'class': 'pure-button button-error'}) disable = ButtonCol('Disable', 'disable_node', url_kwargs=dict(id='id'), button_attrs={'class': 'pure-button button-secondary'}) regen = ButtonCol('Regen API Key', 'regen_node_api', url_kwargs=dict(id='id'), button_attrs={'class': 'pure-button button-secondary'}) def sort_url(self, col_key, reverse=False): if col_key == 'delete' or col_key == 'regen' or col_key == 'disable': col_key = 'id' if reverse: direction = 'desc' else: direction = 'asc' return url_for('nodes', sort=col_key, direction=direction)
class MenusDetailsTable(Table): """Build a menus details table.""" thead_attrs = {'style': 'font-size:11px'} classes = ['table table-striped', 'table table-hover', 'table table-condensed'] role_name_id = LinkCol('Edit Details', 'navigation.navmenus', url_kwargs=dict(menu='menu_url'), anchor_attrs={'style': 'font-size:12px'}) menu_name = Col('Menu Name', allow_sort=True, td_html_attrs={'style': 'font-size:12px'}) menu_text = Col('Menu Details', allow_sort=True, td_html_attrs={'style': 'font-size:12px'}) menu_url = Col('Menu URL', allow_sort=True, td_html_attrs={'style': 'font-size:12px'}) is_active = BoolCol('Menu Active', allow_sort=True, td_html_attrs={'style': 'font-size:12px'}) created_datetime = Col('Menu Created', allow_sort=True, td_html_attrs={'style': 'font-size:12px'}) last_modified_datetime = Col('Menu Last Modified', allow_sort=True, td_html_attrs={'style': 'font-size:12px'}) allow_sort = True def sort_url(self, col_key, reverse=False): """Process sort url for the columns of the tables.""" if reverse: direction = 'desc' else: direction = 'asc' return url_for('navigation.navmenus', sort=col_key, direction=direction)
class UsersTable(Table): classes = ['pure-table'] allow_sort = True username = Col('Invite Code') role = Col('Created By') active = BoolCol('Active') created = DatetimeCol('Create Date') updated = DatetimeCol('Updated Date') delete = ButtonCol('Delete', 'delete_user', url_kwargs=dict(id='id'), button_attrs={'class': 'pure-button button-error'}) disable = ButtonCol('Disable', 'disable_user', url_kwargs=dict(id='id'), button_attrs={'class': 'pure-button button-secondary'}) gen_pass = ButtonCol( 'New Password', 'regen_password', url_kwargs=dict(id='id'), button_attrs={'class': 'pure-button button-secondary'}) def sort_url(self, col_key, reverse=False): if col_key == 'delete' or col_key == 'disable' or col_key == 'gen_pass': col_key = 'id' if reverse: direction = 'desc' else: direction = 'asc' return url_for('invites', sort=col_key, direction=direction)
class AdmTasksTable(Table): #allow_sort = True #Done over javascript classes = ['table', 'taskstable', 'admin'] html_attrs = {'id': 'TaskTable'} id = Col('Id') active = BoolCol('Active') equipment = NameCol('Equipment', th_html_attrs={'class': 'col-md-2'}) name = TaskTagCol('Task', th_html_attrs={'class': 'col-md-3'}) priority = Col('Priority') facility = Col('Facility', attr_list=['equipment', 'facility'], th_html_attrs={'class': 'col-md-1'}) cycle = Col('Ccl') cycletype = OptCol('CType', th_html_attrs={'class': 'col-md-1'}, choices=cycletypes.table_choices()) logging = OptCol('Logging', th_html_attrs={'class': 'col-md-1'}, choices=logtypes.table_choices()) link = LinkCol('Edit', 'tasks.edit', url_kwargs=dict(id='id'), th_html_attrs={'class': 'col-md-1'}) ddate = DateCol('DueDate', th_html_attrs={'class': 'col-md-1'})
class StudyTable(Table): def sort_url(self, col_id, reverse=False): pass edit = LinkCol( 'edit', 'edit_study', url_kwargs=dict(study_id='STUDYID'), anchor_attrs={'class': 'btn btn-icon btn-primary', 'title': 'Edit Study'}, th_html_attrs={'class': 'mat-icon text-center', 'title': 'Edit Study'} ) details = LinkCol( 'ballot', 'study_details', url_kwargs=dict(study_id='STUDYID'), anchor_attrs={'class': 'btn btn-icon btn-default', 'title': 'Edit Questions'}, th_html_attrs={'class': 'mat-icon text-center', 'title': 'Edit Questions'} ) add_inv = LinkCol( 'person_add', 'new_investigator', url_kwargs=dict(study_id='STUDYID'), anchor_attrs={'class': 'btn btn-icon btn-accent', 'title': 'Add Investigator'}, th_html_attrs={'class': 'mat-icon text-center', 'title': 'Add Investigator'} ) STUDYID = Col('Study Id') TITLE = Col('Title') NETBADGEID = Col('User') DATE_MODIFIED = DatetimeCol('Last Update', "medium") Q_COMPLETE = BoolCol('Complete?') requirements = NestedTableCol('Requirements', RequirementsTable) investigators = NestedTableCol('Investigators', InvestigatorsTable) delete = LinkCol( 'delete', 'del_study', url_kwargs=dict(study_id='STUDYID'), anchor_attrs={'class': 'btn btn-icon btn-warn', 'title': 'Delete Study'}, th_html_attrs={'class': 'mat-icon text-center', 'title': 'Delete Study'} )
class CurrentModelsTable(Table): classes = ["table", "table-striped"] name = Col("Model name") active = BoolCol('Active', yes_display='Yes', no_display='No') link = LinkCol('Activate', 'activate_model', url_kwargs=dict(id='id'), anchor_attrs={'class': 'myclass'})
class Result(Table): id = Col('Id', show=False) #numb=Col('Number') typename = Col('Type') itemname = Col('Name') size_i = Col('Size') price = Col('Price') day = Col('Date') isold = BoolCol('Sold') edit = LinkCol('Edit', 'edit', url_kwargs=dict(id='id'))
class BlockchainTable(Table): # Class to format the table classes = ['table', 'table-striped'] from_user = Col('From') to_user = Col('To') amount = Col('Amount') timestamp = DatetimeCol('Timestamp', datetime_format='full') nonce = Col('Nonce') miner_verify = BoolCol('Transaction Verified')
class DirectoryTableForClone(Table): classes = [ 'table', 'table-light', 'table-bordered', 'thead-light', 'tbody-light', 'my-table' ] is_dir = BoolCol('isFolder', yes_display='yes', no_display='no') name = LinkCol(name='name', endpoint='repository_command_route', attr='name', url_kwargs=dict(command='name'))
class ItemTable(Table): classes = ['table table-striped'] thead_classes = ['thead-dark'] _id = Col('Name') art = Col('Klasse') kind = Col('Art') haveit = BoolCol('Vorhanden', yes_display='ja', no_display='nein') changeit = ButtonCol('ändern', 'update', url_kwargs=dict(id="_id", richtung="haveit")) deleteit = ButtonCol('löschen', 'deleteit', url_kwargs=dict(id="_id"))
class RegistrationTable(Table): classes = [ "table", "table-bordered", "table-striped", "mb-0", "compact", "fixed-bottom" ] first_name = Col('First Name') last_name = Col('Last Name') is_member = BoolCol("Is a Member", no_display='') # Show nots as blank sale_type = Col('Entry Type ') pay_method = Col("Payment Method") payment = Col("Payment Amount") event_name = Col('event_name')
class DirectoryTable(Table): classes = [ 'table', 'table-light', 'table-bordered', 'thead-light', 'tbody-light', 'my-table' ] is_dir = BoolCol( '', yes_display='<img class="my-image" src="static/folder_icon.png">', no_display='<img class="my-image" src="static/file_icon.png">', show=True) name = LinkCol(name='name', endpoint='github_command_route', attr='name', url_kwargs=dict(command='name'))
class UserTable(Table): allow_sort = True classes = ['table', 'usertable'] id = Col('id') username = Col('TXState ID') link = ButtonCol('Edit', 'admin.useredit', url_kwargs=dict(id='id')) nickname = Col('Name') email = Col('e-mail') roles = RolesCol('Roles') active = BoolCol('Active') def sort_url(self, col_key, reverse=False): if reverse: direction = 'desc' else: direction = 'asc' return url_for('admin.home', sort=col_key, direction=direction)
class OrderTable(Table): classes = ['table', 'table-hover', 'table-condensed', 'table-striped'] id = LinkCol('ID', 'order_summary', url_kwargs=dict(id='id'), attr_list=['id']) user = Col('Created By') order_name = Col('Name') timestamp = DatetimeCol('Created On') archived = BoolCol('Archived') def __init__(self, orders, **kwargs): items = [] for order in orders: items.append({'id':, 'user':, 'order_name': order.order_name, 'timestamp': order.timestamp, 'archived': order.archived}) super().__init__(items, **kwargs)
class PropertyTable(Table): classes = [ 'table', 'table-striped', 'table-bordered', 'table-hover', 'table-sm' ] thead_classes = ['thead-dark'] property_id = Col('ID') district = Col('District') estate = Col('Estate') block = Col('Block') floor = Col('Floor') flat = Col('Flat') area = Col('Gross area sq. ft.') bedrooms = Col('Bedrooms') hascarpark = BoolCol('Provide Car Park', yes_display='Y', no_display='N') selling_price = PriceCol('Selling Price', column_html_attrs={'class': 'price'}) rental_price = PriceCol('Rental Price', column_html_attrs={'class': 'price'}) for_transaction_type = Col('Transaction Type') owner = Col('Owner')
class RolesDetailsTable(Table): """Build a role details table.""" thead_attrs = {'style': 'font-size:11px'} classes = [ 'table table-striped', 'table table-hover', 'table table-condensed' ] role_name_id = LinkCol('Edit Details', 'users.roles_processing', url_kwargs=dict(role_name='role_name'), anchor_attrs={'style': 'font-size:12px'}) role_name = Col('Role Name', allow_sort=True, td_html_attrs={'style': 'font-size:12px'}) role_description = Col('Role Description', allow_sort=False, td_html_attrs={'style': 'font-size:12px'}) is_active = BoolCol('Role Active', allow_sort=True, td_html_attrs={'style': 'font-size:12px'}) created_datetime = Col('Role Created', allow_sort=True, td_html_attrs={'style': 'font-size:12px'}) last_modified_datetime = Col('Role Modified', allow_sort=True, td_html_attrs={'style': 'font-size:12px'}) allow_sort = True def sort_url(self, col_key, reverse=False): """Process sort url for the columns of the tables.""" if reverse: direction = 'desc' else: direction = 'asc' return url_for('users.users_processing', sort=col_key, direction=direction)
class ImageAnalysisTable(Table): image_id = LinkCol("Image id", endpoint="image_analysis", url_kwargs=dict(image_url='image_id'), attr='image_id') segment = LinkCol("Segmentation", endpoint="show_image", url_kwargs=dict(image_url='segment'), allow_sort=False) tumor = Col('Tumor Analysis') diagnosis = Diagnosis("Tumor Type") confidence = Col( "Confidence" ) #LinkCol("Image Location", endpoint="images", url_kwargs=dict(image_url='image'), attr='image') dt = Col('Datetime') recommendations = Col("Recommendations") verified = BoolCol("Verified") change = ButtonCol("Change Image analysis", endpoint="edit_analysis", url_kwargs=dict(image_url='image_id'), td_html_attrs={"class": "change-button"}) delete = ButtonCol("Delete", endpoint="image_analysis", url_kwargs=dict(delete_id='image_id'), allow_sort=False, td_html_attrs={"class": "dbutton"}) allow_sort = True def sort_url(self, col_key, reverse=False): if reverse: direction = 'desc' else: direction = 'asc' return url_for('image_analysis', sort=col_key, direction=direction)
class SourdoughTable(Table): name = Col('Sourdough') birthday = Col('Birthday') alive = BoolCol('Alive', yes_display='Yes', no_display='No') id = Col('Id')
class MyTable(Table): yesno = BoolCol('YesNo Heading')
class AccountTable(Table): id = Col("#") username = Col("Username") password = Col("Password (hash)") is_admin = BoolCol("Admin?")
class MyTable(Table): yesno = BoolCol('YesNo Heading', yes_display='Affirmative', no_display='Negatory')
class NotificationTable(Table): type = Col('type') date = BetterDatetimeCol('Date', "medium", tzinfo=get_timezone('US/Eastern'), locale='en') successful = BoolCol('Success?') error_message = Col('error')