def print_buttom(self): vn = self.ViewName() render_pdf(url_for(vn, pk=str( return Markup( '<a href="' + url_for(vn) + '" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" data-toggle="tooltip" rel="tooltip"' + 'title="Print">' + '<i class="fa fa-edit"></i>' + '</a>')
def test_pdf(self): client = app.test_client() response = client.get('/foo.pdf') assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.mimetype == 'application/pdf' pdf = assert pdf.startswith(b'%PDF') # The link is somewhere in an uncompressed PDF object. assert b'/URI (' in pdf with app.test_request_context('/foo/'): response = render_pdf(HTML(string=document_html())) assert response.mimetype == 'application/pdf' assert 'Content-Disposition' not in response.headers assert == pdf with app.test_request_context('/foo/'): response = render_pdf(HTML(string=document_html()), download_filename='bar.pdf') assert response.mimetype == 'application/pdf' assert (response.headers['Content-Disposition'] == 'attachment; filename=bar.pdf') assert == pdf with app.test_request_context('/foo/'): response = render_pdf(HTML(string=document_html()), download_filename='bar.pdf', automatic_download=False) assert response.mimetype == 'application/pdf' assert (response.headers['Content-Disposition'] == 'inline; filename=bar.pdf') assert == pdf
def getRightResponse(form, imgUrl, imgTitle, imgExplanation): # checking what kind of output the user wanted either 'pdf' or 'webpage' # there are 2 layers if-elif-else statements # the first one decide btw. 'pdf' or 'webpage' and sends an error message # in case it's neither. # the second layer which is only present in the case of PDF from 1st layer # ^ check btw. with/without header&footer if form['outputType'] == 'pdf': # user wants pdf # -- send pdf to front end in whatever format the user has asked for -- # checking what kind of pdf the user wants if form['pdfType'] == 'yesBanner': # -- send with banner pdf -- # get and store the with banner verion in html src = render_template('showImg.html', imgSrc=imgUrl, imgTitle=imgTitle, imgExplanation=imgExplanation) # convert to pdf and send return render_pdf(HTML(string=src)) elif form['pdfType'] == 'noBanner': # -- send without banner pdf -- # get and store the withOUT banner verion in html src = render_template('noHeader.html', imgSrc=imgUrl, imgTitle=imgTitle, imgExplanation=imgExplanation) # convert to pdf and send return render_pdf(HTML(string=src)) # never trust the user's input / form data :-) else: flash('Error: pdftType can only be "yesBanner" or "noBanner".') return redirect(url_for('viewForm')) elif form['outputType'] == 'webpage': # user wants webpage # send user the webpage return render_template('showImg.html', imgSrc=imgUrl, imgTitle=imgTitle, imgExplanation=imgExplanation) # if any other kind of value has been sent, flash error # might happen in the case of an attacker trying to make an exploit # leaving aside the fact that this is just an APOD kind of API XD else: flash('Error: outputType can only be "pdf" or "webpage".') redirect(url_for('viewForm'))
def export_diary_by_date(): user_name = request.form.get('user_name') date = request.form.get('date') if '-' in date: yyyy, mm, dd = date.split("-") date = mm + dd + yyyy file_location = DIARY_FOLDER + user_name + '/' + date + '.json' if not os.path.exists(file_location): return render_pdf(HTML(string="No diary entry for this day: %s" % date)) pdf_content = '' f = open(file_location) for l in f: pdf_content += l.rstrip() f.close() pdf_content = json.loads(pdf_content) html_content = '<h2>%s</h2>' % date for key in pdf_content: if key == 'content': html_content += '<p>%s</p>' % pdf_content[key] html_content += '<img class="diary_image" src="/static/photos/%s/%s.jpg" />' % ( user_name, date) ## pdfkit method for exporting only works locally. ## does not work on pythonanywhere, since it requires wkhtmltopdf which cannot be installed without root # pdf = pdfkit.from_string(pdf_content, False) # pdfkit can also export from file and url. buggy not solved. # # print(pdf) # response = make_response(pdf) # response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/pdf" # response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "inline; filename=%s.pdf" % date # return response ## testing weasyprint # html = HTML(string='<h1>The title</h1>') html = HTML(string=html_content) css = CSS(string=''' @font-face { font-family: Gentium; src: url(; } h1 { font-family: Gentium } .diary_image { width: 100%; } ''') # html.write_pdf( # '/tmp/example.pdf', stylesheets=[css]) return render_pdf(html, stylesheets=[css])
def document_pdf(): calc_id = 22 query = "select id, timestamp, TipoC, h1, h2, d, b, L, Coh, roz, Dens, AcSis, TipoProt, DistCor, SH_B, SV_B, LongBulon, DiamAcero, Adh, fck, DiamPerf, FSI, FR, R1, R1Cumple, R2, R2Cumple, R1R2, R1R2Cumple, PNd, P1, P1Cumple, P2, P2Cumple, P3, P3Cumple,FSfinal, FSfinalCumple from calculations where id = %s" % calc_id cur = db.session.execute(query) form = CalcForm() results = cur.fetchone() # reutilizamos el template de presentacion de resultados = calc_id = results[2] results[3] results[4] results[5] results[6] results[7] results[8] results[9] results[10] results[11] results[12] #html = render_template('core/calc_prot.html', TipoC =, TipoProt = "NetProtect", form=form, method = "POST") html =render_template('core/test_pdf.html', TipoC = "C1" ) print "Html ok" return render_pdf(HTML(string=html))
def view_report_pdf(report_id): # Find report consultation_report = ConsultationReport.query.get(report_id) if consultation_report is None: flash('This report could not be found.', 'error') return redirect(url_for('consultations.view_consultations')) # Load the consultation consultation = Consultation.query.get(consultation_report.consultation_id) if consultation is None: flash('This consultation could not be found.', 'error') return redirect(url_for('consultations.view_consultations')) # Load student and teacher student = User.query.get(consultation.student_id) teacher = User.query.get(consultation.teacher_id) if app.models.is_admin(current_user.username) or consultation.student_id == html = reference_pdf( consultation_report = consultation_report, consultation = consultation, student = student, teacher = teacher ) return render_pdf (HTML(string=html)) abort (403)
def collection(locale): form = toPDF_wrap(locale)() print(request.method) collection_ids = getCollection() collection = [] custom_image_ids = [] # Get pairs from session object for id in collection_ids: collection.append(Word.query.get(int(id))) custom_image_ids = custom_images_in_collection(collection) print(custom_image_ids) if request.method == "POST": if getCollection(): if form.validate_on_submit(): # Background file name is defined in the declaration of wtf choices in bgfilename = template = render_template("mypdf.html", collection=collection) html = HTML(string=template, base_url=request.base_url) # This bit of CSS is dynamically generated, the rest is hard coded in the template css = CSS( string= '@page :left { background-image: url(/static/permaimages/' + bgfilename + '.png);}') count_as_used(collection_ids) return render_pdf(html, stylesheets=[css]) return render_template("collection.html", collection=collection, form=form)
def dash_pdf(): dash_list = session.get('dash_list') vendor_name = session.get('vendor_name') html = render_template('dashboard_pdf.html', dash_list=dash_list, vendor_name=vendor_name) return render_pdf(HTML(string=html))
def pdf_case_report(institute_id, case_name): """Download a pdf report for a case""" institute_obj, case_obj = institute_and_case(store, institute_id, case_name) data = controllers.case_report_content(store, institute_obj, case_obj) # add coverage report on the bottom of this report if current_app.config.get("SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"): data["coverage_report"] = controllers.coverage_report_contents( store, institute_obj, case_obj, request.url_root) # workaround to be able to print the case pedigree to pdf if case_obj.get("madeline_info") is not None: with open(os.path.join(cases_bp.static_folder, "madeline.svg"), "w") as temp_madeline: temp_madeline.write(case_obj["madeline_info"]) html_report = render_template( "cases/case_report.html", institute=institute_obj, case=case_obj, format="pdf", **data, ) return render_pdf( HTML(string=html_report), download_filename=case_obj["display_name"] + "_" +"%Y-%m-%d") + "_scout.pdf", )
def render_label_as_pdf(): if request.method == 'POST': wine_label = request.form['wine-label'] review_site = request.form['review-site'] points = request.form['points'] points_length = len(points) description = request.form['description'] star = request.form['star'] blank = request.form['blank'] html = render_template('results.html', wine_label=wine_label, review_site=review_site, points=points, description=description, star=star, blank=blank, points_length=points_length) return render_pdf(HTML(string=html))
def pdf(): cartdetails, totalsum, product_pricing = getusercartdetails() html = render_template("pdf.html", cartData=cartdetails, totalsum=totalsum, product_pricing=product_pricing) return render_pdf(HTML(string=html))
def inspection_report_pdf(room=None, date=None, inp_date_time=None): """ Make a PDF from inspection_report view """ return render_pdf( url_for('inspection_report', room=room, date=date, inp_date_time=inp_date_time))
def panel_export(panel_id): """Export panel to PDF file""" panel_obj = store.panel(panel_id) data = controllers.panel_export(store, panel_obj) data['report_created_at'] ="%Y-%m-%d") html_report = render_template('panels/panel_pdf_simple.html', **data) return render_pdf(HTML(string=html_report), download_filename=data['panel']['panel_name']+'_'+str(data['panel']['version'])+'_'"%Y-%m-%d")+'_scout.pdf')
def document_pdf(): calc_id = 22 query = "select id, timestamp, TipoC, h1, h2, d, b, L, Coh, roz, Dens, AcSis, TipoProt, DistCor, SH_B, SV_B, LongBulon, DiamAcero, Adh, fck, DiamPerf, FSI, FR, R1, R1Cumple, R2, R2Cumple, R1R2, R1R2Cumple, PNd, P1, P1Cumple, P2, P2Cumple, P3, P3Cumple,FSfinal, FSfinalCumple from calculations where id = %s" % calc_id cur = db.session.execute(query) form = CalcForm() results = cur.fetchone() # reutilizamos el template de presentacion de resultados = calc_id = results[2] = results[3] = results[4] = results[5] = results[6] = results[7] = results[8] = results[9] = results[10] = results[11] = results[12] #html = render_template('core/calc_prot.html', TipoC =, TipoProt = "NetProtect", form=form, method = "POST") html = render_template('core/test_pdf.html', TipoC="C1") print "Html ok" return render_pdf(HTML(string=html))
def pdf(sid,giveback=False): if sid == "None": student = models.Student() thepdf = render_template('leaps/admin/student_pdf', students=[]) elif sid == "selected": query = json.loads(request.values.get('q','{"query":{"match_all":{}}}')) selected = json.loads(request.values.get('selected','[]')) s = models.Student.query(q=query) students = [] for i in s.get('hits',{}).get('hits',[]): if len(selected) == 0 or i['_source']['id'] in selected: students.append( i['_source'] ) if len(students) == 0: abort(404) else: thepdf = render_template('leaps/admin/student_pdf', students=students) else: student = models.Student.pull(sid) if student is None: abort(404) else: thepdf = render_template('leaps/admin/student_pdf', students=[]) if giveback: return thepdf else: return render_pdf(HTML(string=thepdf))
def receipt(sdatetime, booking): bookingob = models.Booking.query.filter_by(id=booking).first() userid = bookingob.user_id user = models.User.query.filter_by(id=userid).first() useremail = datebooked = bookingob.booking_time name = endtime = bookingob.end_time starttime = bookingob.start_time # strdatetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(sdatetime,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M") duration = endtime - starttime duration_hours = duration.total_seconds() / 3600.0 time = duration_hours numbikes = bookingob.bike_amount total = bookingob.cost html = render_template('receipt.html', datebooked=datebooked, booking=booking, name=name, useremail=useremail, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, time=time, numbikes=numbikes, latefee=0, total=total) return render_pdf(HTML(string=html))
def download_pdf(schema, eq_id, form_type): session_data = get_session_store().session_data if _is_submission_viewable(schema.json, session_data.submitted_time): submitted_data = data_access.get_by_key(SubmittedResponse, session_data.tx_id) if submitted_data: filename = '{}_{}.pdf'.format(eq_id, form_type) html = _render_submission_page(session_data, submitted_data, schema, eq_id, form_type) css = """ .header__main { background: none !important; } .header__title { color: black !important; } """ return render_pdf(HTML(string=html), [CSS(string=css)], filename) return redirect( url_for('post_submission.get_thank_you', eq_id=eq_id, form_type=form_type))
def endereco_acervo(cpf): global bearer_token data = get_data_requerimentos(cpf, bearer_token['access_token']) html = render_template('endereco_acervo.html', data=data, return render_pdf(HTML(string=html))
def mousereport_pdf(animal_id): html = mousereport(animal_id=animal_id) stylesheets = [ CSS(url_for('static', filename='styles.css')), CSS(url_for('static', filename='datajoint.css')) ] return render_pdf(HTML(string=html), stylesheets=stylesheets)
def pdf(index, presentation): """Make a PDF from a presentation.""" return render_pdf( url_for('presentation', action='view', index=index, presentation=presentation))
def report_12(mg_id): sam = SampleInfo.query.filter(SampleInfo.mg_id == mg_id).first() mutations = Mutation.query.filter(Mutation.mg_id == mg_id).all() req_mg = sam.req_mg path_rep = path.join(os.getcwd(), current_app.config['REPORT_FILE'], req_mg) file_report = os.path.join(path_rep, '迈景基因检测报告_{}.pdf'.format(req_mg)) mutation = [] for mu in mutations: for tag in mu.tag: if '审核通过' in mutation.append(mu) explanation = Explanation.query.filter(Explanation.mg_id == mg_id).all() html = render_template('report/base_pgm.html', sam=sam, mutation=mutation, explanation=explanation) # return html # pdf = render_pdf(HTML(string=html)) # HTML(string=html).write_pdf(file_report) # return render_pdf(HTML(string=html), download_filename='{}.pdf'.format(req_mg), automatic_download=True)
def index(): id_variable = request.args.get('i', default=False, type=str) download = request.args.get('d', default=0, type=int) if id_variable: post = db.session.query(Invoice).filter_by(id=id_variable).all() output = json.loads(json.dumps(post, cls=AlchemyEncoder)) items = literal_eval(post[0].items) html_text = render_template("invoice-template.html", post=post[0], items=items) if download: return render_pdf( HTML(string=html_text, base_url=""), download_filename="AndreaHasani-{}-{}.pdf".format( post[0].type, post[0].id)) else: return render_template("invoice-template.html", post=post[0], items=items) else: if current_user.is_authenticated: return redirect(url_for('dashboard')) else: return redirect(url_for('login'))
def reimbursements_pdf(code, invoice_year, invoice_quarter): practice = Practice.query.filter(Practice.code == code).first() q = Recruit.query.filter(Recruit.practice_code == code).filter( Recruit.invoice_year == invoice_year).filter( Recruit.invoice_quarter == invoice_quarter) participants = q.order_by(Recruit.recruited_date.asc()).all() totals = { 'count': len(participants), 'submitted': sum(1 for i in participants if i.reimbursed_status == 'Yes'), 'excluded': sum(1 for i in participants if i.status == 'Excluded'), 'value': sum(1 for i in participants if i.reimbursed_status == 'Yes') * 16, } html = render_template('practices/reimbursements/pdf.html', participants=participants, practice=practice, invoice_year=invoice_year, invoice_quarter=invoice_quarter, totals=totals, now=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) return render_pdf(HTML(string=html))
def pdf_case_report(institute_id, case_name): """Download a pdf report for a case""" institute_obj, case_obj = institute_and_case(store, institute_id, case_name) data = controllers.case_report_content(store, institute_obj, case_obj) # add coverage report on the bottom of this report if current_app.config.get('SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'): data['coverage_report'] = controllers.coverage_report_contents( store, institute_obj, case_obj, request.url_root) # workaround to be able to print the case pedigree to pdf if case_obj.get('madeline_info') is not None: with open(os.path.join(cases_bp.static_folder, 'madeline.svg'), 'w') as temp_madeline: temp_madeline.write(case_obj['madeline_info']) html_report = render_template('cases/case_report.html', institute=institute_obj, case=case_obj, format='pdf', **data) return render_pdf(HTML(string=html_report), download_filename=case_obj['display_name'] + '_' +"%Y-%m-%d") + '_scout.pdf')
def pdf_view(self): inst_id = request.args.get('id', '') inst = self.model.query.filter( == inst_id).first() extra = {'name': inst.instoreCategory} return render_pdf( HTML(string=self._view_handler(self.pdf_template, inst_id, True, ** extra)))
def workshops(): if request.method == 'GET': printparam = request.args.get('print') if printparam: n = 0 html = render_template('printregistrationdetails.html', enumerate=enumerate,len=len,utc_to_local=utc_to_local, datetime=datetime,workshops=app.config['WORKSHOPS'],page="workshops") return render_pdf(HTML(string=html)) return render_template('workshops.html',workshops=app.config['WORKSHOPS'],page="workshops") else: register = request.form.get('register') unregister = request.form.get('unregister')'Unregister: {}'.format(unregister)) if register: if register+'_registered' in User.__dict__: if g.user.__dict__[register+'_registered'] == False: setattr(g.user,register+'_registered',True) setattr(g.user,register+'_registered_on',datetime.datetime.utcnow()) db.session.commit() elif unregister: if unregister+'_registered' in User.__dict__: if g.user.__dict__[unregister+'_registered'] == True: setattr(g.user,unregister+'_registered',False) setattr(g.user,unregister+'_registered_on',None) db.session.commit() return render_template('workshops.html',workshops=app.config['WORKSHOPS'],page="workshops")
def generate_pdf(version=None): import StringIO from flask_weasyprint import HTML, render_pdf now ='%d.%m.%Y'); #users = models.Aasi.query.all() # fetch the latest print_version from the database latest = db.session.query(db.func.max(models.Aasi.print_version)).one()[0] if version == None or version == 0: # if no version parameter given, print all users = models.Aasi.query.filter_by(verified=True) elif int(version) <= latest: # otherwise fetch older print versions and create the pdf users = models.Aasi.query.filter_by(verified=True, print_version=int(version)) else: # else, get all the unprinted ones and append their version users = models.Aasi.query.filter_by(verified=True, print_version=0) for user in users: user.print_version = latest+1 db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() # TODO: find a way to refresh the session? users = models.Aasi.query.filter_by(verified=True, print_version=latest+1) html = render_template('piikki.html', users=users, now=now) return render_pdf(HTML(string=html))
def pdf_clases(): # flag de generar pdf """ Listado de personas """ check_edit_or_admin() roles = db.session.query(Rol).filter(Rol.tipo_rol == 'C')\ .join(relacion_miembros_roles, relacion_miembros_roles.c.id_rol ==\ .join(Miembro, == relacion_miembros_roles.c.id_miembro)\ .add_columns(, Rol.nombre_rol) query = db.session.query(Miembro)\ .outerjoin(relacion_miembros_roles, == relacion_miembros_roles.c.id_miembro)\ .outerjoin(Rol, == relacion_miembros_roles.c.id_rol)\ .outerjoin(Direccion, Miembro.id_direccion ==\ .outerjoin(TipoMiembro, Miembro.id_tipomiembro ==\ .outerjoin(EstadoCivil, Miembro.id_estadocivil ==\ .filter(Rol.tipo_rol == 'C')\ .add_columns(, Miembro.fullname,, Miembro.telefono_fijo, Miembro.telefono_movil, EstadoCivil.nombre_estado, TipoMiembro.nombre_tipomiembro, Direccion.tipo_via, Direccion.nombre_via, Direccion.nro_via, Direccion.portalescalotros_via, Direccion.cp_via, Direccion.ciudad_via, Direccion.provincia_via, Direccion.pais_via) query_miembros = query.all() from flask_weasyprint import HTML, render_pdf salida = render_template('informes/pdf_clases.html', informes=query_miembros, roles=roles) return render_pdf(HTML(string=salida))
def show_report(uuid): REPORTS = { "students": lambda report: report.teacher.students.filter_by(is_active=True).join( User, Student.user).order_by(, "lessons": lambda report: report.teacher.lessons.filter( and_( Appointment.is_approved == True, < report.until, > report.since, )), "kilometers": lambda report: report.teacher.kilometers.filter( and_( < report.until, > report.since, ==, )), } report = Report.query.filter_by(uuid=uuid).first() if not report: raise RouteError("Report was not found.") report_data = REPORTS.get( html = flask.render_template( f"reports/{}.html", data=report_data(report).all(), teacher=report.teacher, report=report, ) return render_pdf(HTML(string=html))
def paperpdf(): exp_length = 30 currency_amount = 5.00 currency_type = 'USD' crypto_currency = 'NANO' nano_amount = modules.currency.get_fiat_conversion(currency_type, crypto_currency, currency_amount) if currency_type == 'USD': currency_mark = '$' elif currency_type == 'EUR': currency_mark = u"\u20AC" else: currency_mark = u"\u00A3" gen_date ="%b %d, %y") exp_date = ( + timedelta(days=exp_length)).strftime("%b %d, %y") nano_price = modules.currency.get_fiat_price(currency_type, crypto_currency) qr_img = "papertipqr.png" qr_link = "" num_tip = 12 html = render_template('papertip.html', nano_amount=nano_amount, currency_mark=currency_mark, currency_amount=currency_amount, gen_date=gen_date, exp_date=exp_date, nano_price=nano_price, qr_img=qr_img, qr_link=qr_link, num_tip=num_tip, currency=CURRENCY) return render_pdf(HTML(string=html))
def scanreport_pdf(animal_id, session, scan_idx): html = scanreport(animal_id=animal_id, session=session, scan_idx=scan_idx) stylesheets = [ CSS(url_for('static', filename='styles.css')), CSS(url_for('static', filename='datajoint.css')) ] return render_pdf(HTML(string=html), stylesheets=stylesheets)
def get_certificate(user_id): user = userservice.check_hackers(user_id) if user is None: return 'Sorry but you have not participated devsummit' mail_template = EmailHackaton("devsummit-hackathon-certificate.html") mail_template = + ' ' + user.last_name) return render_pdf(HTML(string=mail_template))
def get_patient_admission_discharge_summary_pdf(patient_id, admission_id): query = md.Admission.query\ .filter(md.Admission.patient_id == patient_id)\ .filter( == admission_id)\ .filter(md.Admission.end_time != None) admission = query.first() if admission is None: return errors.resource_not_found("Item with not found.") return render_pdf( HTML( string=render_template( 'admission/discharge-summary.html', admission=admission ) ), stylesheets=[ CSS( string=render_template( 'admission/discharge-summary.css' ) ) ] )
def render_report(story): data = Parser(story) results = data.receive() html = render_template('page.html', story=story, results=results) return render_pdf(HTML(string=html))
def confirm_pdf(booking_id): booking = Book.query.get(booking_id) journey = Journey.query.get(booking.journey_id) from_city = City.query.get(journey.from_city_id) to_city = City.query.get(journey.to_city_id) flight = Flight.query.get(journey.flight_id) html = render_template('pdf.html', booking = booking,journey=journey,from_city=from_city,to_city=to_city,flight=flight) return render_pdf(HTML(string=html))
def new(): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('new.invoice.html') name = request.form['name'] html = render_template('invoice.pdf.html', name=name) #return html return render_pdf(HTML(string=html))
def export_project_pdf(project_id): ''' Make a PDF straight from HTML in a string and send it to the user. ''' html = '' for value in generate(project_id): html += value return render_pdf(HTML(string=html))
def printable(pid): profile = manager.db.profile.get(pid) qr_string = "WIFI:S:%s;T:WPA;P:%s" % (profile.ssid, profile.psk) if profile is None: flask.flash('Network disappeared in the meantime.', 'warning') return flask.redirect('/') html = flask.render_template('printable.html', **locals()) return render_pdf(HTML(string=html))
def generate_pdf_flask_response(pdf_data): """ Return a Flask response object with a PDF as an attachment. :param pdf_data: String of data to input into PDF. :return: Flask Response """ html = HTML(string=pdf_data) return render_pdf(html)
def report_to_pdf(): chatroom = request.args.get('chatroom') begin_date = request.args.get('begin_date') end_date = request.args.get('end_date') return render_pdf(url_for('report_to_html', chatroom=chatroom, begin_date=begin_date, end_date=end_date))
def spielerZettel(runde, begegnungen): from flask_weasyprint import HTML, render_pdf l = begegnungen.split('!') now ="%d.%m.%Y") html = render_template('spieler_zettel.html', begegnungen=zip(l[0::2], l[1::2]), runde=runde, date=now, tables=_Counter()) return render_pdf(HTML(string=html), download_filename='begegnungen_runde{}.pdf'.format(runde))
def display_title_pdf(title_number): title = _get_register_title(title_number) if title: full_title_data = api_client.get_official_copy_data(title_number) if full_title_data: sub_registers = full_title_data.get('official_copy_data', {}).get('sub_registers') if sub_registers: html = _create_pdf_template(sub_registers, title, title_number) return render_pdf(HTML(string=html)) abort(404)
def pdf (calc_id=1): query = "select id, timestamp, TipoC, h1, h2, d, b, L, Coh, roz, Dens, AcSis, TipoProt, DistCor, SH_B, SV_B, LongBulon, DiamAcero, Adh, fck, DiamPerf, FSI, FR, R1, R1Cumple, R2, R2Cumple, R1R2, R1R2Cumple, PNd, P1, P1Cumple, P2, P2Cumple, P3, P3Cumple,FSfinal, FSfinalCumple from calculations where id = %s" % calc_id cur = db.session.execute(query) # reutilizamos el template de presentacion de resultados form = CalcForm() results = cur.fetchone() = calc_id = results[2] results[3] results[4] results[5] results[6] results[7] results[8] results[9] results[10] results[11] results[12] results[13] results[14] results[15] results[16] results[17] results[18] results[19] results[20] results[21] results[22] results[23] results[24] results[25] results[26] results[27] results[28] results[29] results[30] results[31] results[32] results[33] results[34] results[35] results[36] results[37] html =render_template('core/report.html', form=form ) return render_pdf(HTML(string=html))
def render(self) : html = HTML(string = render_template( self.template, user = self.user, all_courses = ), encoding = Config.encoding ) css = [ CSS(url_for("static", filename = "css/bootstrap.min.css")) ] doc = render_pdf(html, stylesheets = css, download_filename = self.filename.encode(Config.encoding)) return doc
def getpdf(sid): school = current_user.is_school student = models.Student.pull(sid) if student is None: abort(404) elif['status'] in ["new","awaiting_interview","absent"] and (current_user.is_super or current_user.do_admin or['school'] == school): thepdf = pdf(sid,True) return render_pdf(HTML(string=thepdf)) else: abort(401)
def pdf(): data_dict = request.form if request.method == 'POST' else request.args # make a PDF from another view response = render_pdf(url_for('', **data_dict)) # check if the request is to download the file right away if 'dl' in request.args: fname = 'coverage-report.pdf' header = "attachment; filename={}".format(fname) response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = header return response
def bid_create_pdf(bid_id_pdf, save_to_disk): bid = Bid.query.get(bid_id_pdf) address = Address.query.get(bid.address_id) customer = Customer.query.get(address.customer_id) html = render_template('bid_pdf.html', bid_id=bid_id_pdf, sum_of_items=sum_all_items_one_bid(bid_id_pdf), items=query_one_bid_items(bid_id_pdf), bid=query_bid(bid_id_pdf),'US/Central')).strftime('%x'), address=address, customer=customer) if save_to_disk: # useful path examples # Set appropriate slash depending on OS if =='nt': base_dir = "{}\\{}".format(os.getcwd(), 'customer_data') else: base_dir = "{}/{}".format(os.getcwd(), 'customer_data') # Escape illegal directory path characters and replace with underscore customer_name = for character in ['<', '>', ':', '"', '/', '\\', '|', '?', '*', ' ']: if character in customer_name: customer_name = customer_name.replace(character, "_") # Set appropriate slash depending on OS if =='nt': customer_folder = "{}_{}\\".format(customer_name, else: customer_folder = "{}_{}/".format(customer_name, # Create the directory path directory = os.path.join(base_dir, customer_folder) # Create directory if it doesnt exist if not os.path.isdir(directory): os.makedirs(directory) # Combine generate filename and combine with path current_date ='US/Central')).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M') filename = "{}_{}.pdf".format(customer_name, current_date) path = directory + filename # Create pdf and store it on server HTML(string=html).write_pdf(path) flash("The bid was saved to hard disk") return redirect(url_for('bid.bid_edit', #return html return render_pdf(HTML(string=html))
def pdf(sid,giveback=False): if sid == "None": student = models.Student() thepdf = render_template('leaps/admin/student_pdf', students=[]) elif sid == "selected": query = json.loads(request.values.get('q','{"query":{"match_all":{}}}')) selected = json.loads(request.values.get('selected','[]')) s = models.Student.query(q=query) students = [] for i in s.get('hits',{}).get('hits',[]): if len(selected) == 0 or i['_source']['id'] in selected: if not i['_source'].get('simd_pc',False): if i['_source']['simd_decile'] == 'unknown': i['_source']['simd_pc'] = 'unknown' else: try: dec = int(i['_source'].get('simd_decile',0)) if dec == 10 and int(i['_source'].get('simd_quintile',0)) == 5: dec = 100 elif dec < 10: dec = dec * 10 i['_source']['simd_pc'] = str(dec) except: i['_source']['simd_pc'] = 'unknown' students.append( i['_source'] ) if len(students) == 0: abort(404) else: thepdf = render_template('leaps/admin/student_pdf', students=students) else: student = models.Student.pull(sid) if student is None: abort(404) else: if not'simd_pc',False): if['simd_decile'] == 'unknown':['simd_pc'] = 'unknown' else: try: dec = int('simd_decile',0)) if dec == 10 and int('simd_quintile',0)) == 5: dec = 100 elif dec < 10: dec = dec * 10['simd_pc'] = str(dec) except:['simd_pc'] = 'unknown' thepdf = render_template('leaps/admin/student_pdf', students=[]) if giveback: return thepdf else: return render_pdf(HTML(string=thepdf))
def pdf(group_id): data_dict = request.form if request.method == "POST" else request.args # make a PDF from another view response = render_pdf(url_for("", group_id=group_id, **data_dict)) # check if the request is to download the file right away if "dl" in request.args: fname = "coverage-report_{}.pdf".format(group_id) header = "attachment; filename={}".format(fname) response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = header return response
def bid_create_receipt(bid_id_pdf): bid = Bid.query.get(bid_id_pdf) address = Address.query.get(bid.address_id) customer = Customer.query.get(address.customer_id) html = render_template('receipt_pdf.html', bid_id=bid_id_pdf, sum_of_items=sum_all_items_one_bid(bid_id_pdf), items=query_one_bid_items(bid_id_pdf), bid=query_bid(bid_id_pdf),'US/Central')).strftime('%x'), address=address, customer=customer) return render_pdf(HTML(string=html))
def download(): # Get report report = renderRequest(request) # turn Flask rendered response into WeasyPrint HTML Object report = HTML(string = report) # render html object into PDF report = render_pdf(report) # Return pdf as download attachment w/ cookie - for use with the jquery.FileDownload plugin response = make_response(report) response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=town_profile.pdf" response.headers["Set-Cookie"] = "fileDownload=true; path=/" return response
def pdf(route, filter_id): # make a PDF from another view if route in ('samples', 'groups'): response = render_pdf(url_for("report.{}".format(route), filter_id=filter_id)) else: return abort(404) # check if the request is to download the file right away if 'dl' in request.args: fname = "coverage-report_{}.pdf".format(filter_id) response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' + fname return response
def test_pdf(self): client = app.test_client() response = client.get('/foo.pdf') assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.mimetype == 'application/pdf' pdf = assert pdf.startswith(b'%PDF') # The link is somewhere in an uncompressed PDF object. assert b'/URI (' in pdf with app.test_request_context('/foo/'): response = render_pdf(HTML(string=document_html())) assert response.mimetype == 'application/pdf' assert 'Content-Disposition' not in response.headers assert == pdf with app.test_request_context('/foo/'): response = render_pdf(HTML(string=document_html()), download_filename='bar.pdf') assert response.mimetype == 'application/pdf' assert (response.headers['Content-Disposition'] == 'attachment; filename=bar.pdf') assert == pdf
def export_notes(): ''' GET request returns the notes associated with this photo in pdf form. ''' if request.method == 'POST': return 'Bad request', 400 id = request.args.get('id') photo = get_photo_from_id(id) tmp = render_template('notes.html', notes=Markup(photo.notes)) response = render_pdf(HTML(string=tmp), download_filename='notes.pdf') return response
def termin_pdf(termin_id): termin = Termin.query.get(termin_id) abort(404) if termin is None else False zoznam=[] for student_terminu in termin.prihlaseni_studenti: sp = Student_predmet.query.filter_by(student=student_terminu.student,predmet=termin.predmet).first() zoznam.append(sp) # Make a PDF straight from HTML in a string. html = render_template('ucitel/template_pre_pdf.html', prihlaseni_studenti=zoznam) return render_pdf(HTML(string=html))
def get(self): #se obtiene los datos de post del server idProyecto=flask.request.args.get('idProyecto', '') if idProyecto=='' or idProyecto == None: return idProyecto=int(idProyecto) #html=self.getHead() html='' html="<table><tr><td><div><img src='/static/images/blue-23957_640.png' width='150px'/></div></td><td>" html=html+"<h3>Informe de Solicitudes de Cambio</h3></tr>" proyecto=sesion.query(Proyecto).filter(Proyecto.idProyecto==idProyecto).first() lider=sesion.query(Usuario).join(Proyecto).filter( html=html+"<tr><td><h4>Proyecto: "+proyecto.nombreProyecto+"</h4></td><td><h4> Lider: "+lider.username+ "</h4></td></tr></table>" solicitudes=sesion.query(SolicitudCambio).filter(SolicitudCambio.idProyecto==idProyecto).all() for solicitud in solicitudes: html=html+"<div><hr></hr></div>" html=html+"<div><table>" html=html+"<tr><td><h5>Solicitud: "+solicitud.descripcion+"</h5></td><td><h5>Estado: "+solicitud.estado+"</h5></td></tr>" solicitante=sesion.query(Usuario).filter( html=html+"<tr><td><h5>Solicitante: "+solicitante.apellidos+", "+solicitante.nombres+" ["+solicitante.username+"]</h5></td></tr>" votos=sesion.query(Voto).filter( html=html+"<tr><td><h5>Votantes:</h5></td></tr>" html=html+"</table></div>" html=html+"<div><table>" for voto in votos: votante=sesion.query(Usuario).filter( html=html+"<tr><td><p>Votante: "+votante.apellidos+", "+votante.nombres+" ["+votante.username+"]</p></td>" elVoto='' if"si": elVoto="Aprobar" elif"no": elVoto="Rechazar" elif"p": elVoto="Pendiente" html=html+"<td>_____</td><td><p>Voto: "+elVoto+"</p><td></tr> " html=html+"</table></div>" lbRotas=sesion.query(LineaBase).filter( html=html+"<div><table>" html=html+"<tr><td><h5>Linea/s Base/s Afectada/s</h5></td></tr>" for lb in lbRotas: fase=sesion.query(Fase).filter(Fase.idFase==lb.idFase).first() html=html+"<tr><td><p>Fase: "+fase.tag+"____Linea Base: "+lb.descripcion+"</p></td>" html=html+"</table></div>" return render_pdf(HTML(string=html))
def render(style, otype=None): otype = otype or request.args.get('type', 'html') source = request.args.get('source') if source: parent = p.dirname(p.dirname(__file__)) path = p.join(parent, source) stream = file(path, 'r') items = yaml.safe_load(stream).items() [setattr(g, k, v) for k, v in items] if otype.startswith('html'): html = render_template('%s.html' % style).replace('<table>', table) html_doc = HTML(string=html) stylesheets = find_stylesheets( html_doc.root_element, html_doc.media_type, html_doc.url_fetcher, ) urls = [sheet.base_url for sheet in stylesheets] style_urls = filter(lambda x: x.endswith('css'), urls) styles = _get_styles(app, style_urls) kwargs = {'styles': styles} if source: [setattr(g, k, v) for k, v in items] return render_template('%s.html' % style, **kwargs).replace( '<table>', table) elif otype.startswith('md'): h = html2text.HTML2Text() # h.ignore_links = True h.ignore_emphasis = True h.body_width = 65 return h.handle(render_template('%s.html' % style)) elif otype.startswith('pdf'): kwargs = {'to_print': True} return render_pdf(url_for('index', style=style)) elif otype.startswith('png'): kwargs = {'to_print': True} html = render_template('%s.html' % style, **kwargs).replace( '<table>', table) html_doc = HTML(string=html) return Response(html_doc.write_png(), mimetype='image/png') else: pass
def pdf_case_report(institute_id, case_name): """Download a pdf report for a case""" institute_obj, case_obj = institute_and_case(store, institute_id, case_name) data = controllers.case_report_content(store, institute_obj, case_obj) # add coverage report on the bottom of this report if current_app.config.get('SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'): data['coverage_report'] = controllers.coverage_report_contents(store, institute_obj, case_obj, request.url_root) # workaround to be able to print the case pedigree to pdf if case_obj.get('madeline_info') is not None: with open(os.path.join(cases_bp.static_folder, 'madeline.svg'), 'w') as temp_madeline: temp_madeline.write(case_obj['madeline_info']) html_report = render_template('cases/case_report.html', institute=institute_obj, case=case_obj, format='pdf', **data) return render_pdf(HTML(string=html_report), download_filename=case_obj['display_name']+'_'"%Y-%m-%d")+'_scout.pdf')