def db(cmd, database=None, showall=False, version='8.4'): """Manipulates databases. Commands: createall, dropall""" if database is None: database = app.config['POSTGRESQL_DATABASE_DB'] if showall: out = dict(stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None) else: out = dict(stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) if cmd == 'createall': if prompt_bool("You really want to destroy %s?" % database): sys.stdout.write(" [DROP] database %s..." % database) print 'ok' if call(["dropdb", database], **out) == 0 else 'error' sys.stdout.write("[CREATE] database %s..." % database) print 'ok' if call(["createdb", database], **out) == 0 else 'error' sys.stdout.write("[CREATE] PL/pgSQL language...") print 'ok' if call(["createlang", "plpgsql", database], **out) == 0 else 'error' if version == '8.4': sqls = sql_files_84 else: sqls = sql_files_91 for sql_file in sqls: sys.stdout.write(" [EXEC] SQL file %s..." % sql_file) print 'ok' if call(["psql", "-d", database, "-f", sql_file], **out) == 0 else 'error' elif cmd == 'dropall': if prompt_bool("You really want to destroy %s?" % database): sys.stdout.write(" [DROP] database %s..." % database) print 'ok' if call(["dropdb", database], **out) == 0 else 'error'
def initdb(): """Init/reset database.""" if not prompt_bool("Are you sure? You will lose all your data!"): return db.drop_all() db.create_all() demo = User( username=u'demo', email='*****@*****.**', password='******', role_id=USER, status_id=ACTIVE, user_detail=UserDetail( first_name=u'Demo', last_name=u'Dude', gender=u'female',, 02, 17), phone=1234567890, bio=u'Demo dude is pretty sweet.', url=u'', ), )
def newdb(): """Deletes the database, and creates a new empty one.""" if prompt_bool("Are you sure you want to lose all your data"): try: os.remove('test.db') except OSError: print "Database did not exist" init_db()
def dropdb(): """ Management function to drob DB. Requires root admin access. """ if prompt_bool("Are you sure you want to loose all data?"): if password_valid(): models.db.drop_all() print 'Database dropped' else: print 'Database operation aborted.'
def clear_db(): """Drops and creates all db tables. (DESTRUCTIVE).""" if prompt_bool("May I drop and re-create all database tables"):'dropping all tables...') db.drop_all()'creating all tables...') db.create_all()
def deladmin(): """ Management function to delete admins. """ if password_valid(): username = None while username is None: username = prompt("Please enter admin username").strip() user = admin_models.Admin.query.filter_by(username=username).first() if user: if prompt_bool("Are you sure you want to delete user %s" models.db.session.delete(user) models.db.session.commit() else: print "User does not exist"
def testvals(): """ Management function to create test DB. Requires root admin access. """ if prompt_bool("Are you sure you want to loose all data?"): if password_valid(): try: from tracker import testing except ImportError: print "Unable to load module 'testing' from tracker\ required to build test db" return 1 testing.populate_test_db() print "Test values populated" else: print 'Database operation aborted.'
def drop_db(): " Drop all tables. " from ..ext import db if prompt_bool("Are you sure? You will lose all your data!"): db.drop_all() # Evolution support from flask import current_app from flaskext.evolution import db as evolution_db evolution_db.init_app(current_app) evolution_db.drop_all() print "Database clearing"
def mailall(): "Sends an email to all users" subject = prompt("Subject") message = prompt("Message") from_address = prompt("From", default="*****@*****.**") if prompt_bool("Are you sure ? Email will be sent to everyone!"): with mail.connect() as conn: for user in User.query: message = Message(subject=subject, body=message, sender=from_address, recipients=[]) conn.send(message)
def dropall(): """清理数据库数据""" if prompt_bool("Are you sure? You will lose all your DATA!"): db.drop_all()
def dropall(): if prompt_bool(u"警告:你将要删除全部的数据!你确定否?"): db.drop_all()
def dropall(): '''Deletes all the SQL database data.''' if prompt_bool('Are you sure? This will delete all the data.'): db.drop_all()
def dropall(): "Drops all database tables" if prompt_bool("Are you sure ? You will lose all your data !"): db.drop_all()
def drop_all(): '''Drop PostgreSQL tables''' from cadorsfeed import db import cadorsfeed.models if prompt_bool("Are you sure you want to drop the database tables"): db.drop_all()
def dropall(): if prompt_bool("Are you sure ? You will lose all your data !"): db.drop_all()
def dropall(): """删除所有的表""" if prompt_bool("Are you sure? you will lost all your data"): db.drop_all()"drop all database")