class Report(db.Model, CRUDMixin): __tablename__ = "reports" # TODO: Store in addition to the info below topic title and username # as well. So that in case a user or post gets deleted, we can # still view the report id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) reporter_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(""), nullable=True) reported = db.Column(UTCDateTime(timezone=True), default=time_utcnow, nullable=False) post_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(""), nullable=True) zapped = db.Column(UTCDateTime(timezone=True), nullable=True) zapped_by = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(""), nullable=True) reason = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=True) post = db.relationship("Post", lazy="joined", backref=db.backref('report', cascade='all, delete-orphan')) reporter = db.relationship("User", lazy="joined", foreign_keys=[reporter_id]) zapper = db.relationship("User", lazy="joined", foreign_keys=[zapped_by]) def __repr__(self): return "<{} {}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, def save(self, post=None, user=None): """Saves a report. :param post: The post that should be reported :param user: The user who has reported the post :param reason: The reason why the user has reported the post """ if db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() return self if post and user: self.reporter = user self.reported = time_utcnow() = post db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() return self
class ForumsRead(db.Model, CRUDMixin): __tablename__ = "forumsread" user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"), primary_key=True) user = db.relationship('User', uselist=False, foreign_keys=[user_id]) forum_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"), primary_key=True) forum = db.relationship('Forum', uselist=False, foreign_keys=[forum_id]) last_read = db.Column(UTCDateTime(timezone=True), default=time_utcnow, nullable=False) cleared = db.Column(UTCDateTime(timezone=True), nullable=True)
class PluginStore(CRUDMixin, db.Model): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) key = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False) value = db.Column(db.PickleType, nullable=False) # Available types: string, integer, float, boolean, select, selectmultiple value_type = db.Column(db.Enum(SettingValueType), nullable=False) # Extra attributes like, validation things (min, max length...) # For Select*Fields required: choices extra = db.Column(db.PickleType, nullable=True) plugin_id = db.Column( db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE")) # Display stuff name = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False) description = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=True) __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('key', 'plugin_id', name='plugin_kv_uniq'), ) def __repr__(self): return '<PluginSetting plugin={} key={} value={}>'.format(, self.key, self.value) @classmethod def get_or_create(cls, plugin_id, key): """Returns the PluginStore object or an empty one. The created object still needs to be added to the database session """ obj = cls.query.filter_by(plugin_id=plugin_id, key=key).first() if obj is not None: return obj return PluginStore()
def hidden_by_id(cls): # noqa: B902 return db.Column( db.Integer, db.ForeignKey( "", name="fk_{}_hidden_by".format(cls.__name__) ), nullable=True, )
class Forum(db.Model, CRUDMixin): __tablename__ = "forums" id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) category_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False) title = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False) description = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=True) position = db.Column(db.Integer, default=1, nullable=False) locked = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False) show_moderators = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False) external = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=True) post_count = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0, nullable=False) topic_count = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0, nullable=False) # One-to-one last_post_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(""), nullable=True) # we handle this case ourselfs last_post = db.relationship("Post", backref="last_post_forum", uselist=False, foreign_keys=[last_post_id]) # set to null if the user got deleted last_post_user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("", ondelete="SET NULL"), nullable=True) last_post_user = db.relationship("User", uselist=False, foreign_keys=[last_post_user_id]) # Not nice, but needed to improve the performance; can be set to NULL # if the forum has no posts last_post_title = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=True) last_post_username = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=True) last_post_created = db.Column(UTCDateTime(timezone=True), default=time_utcnow, nullable=True) # One-to-many topics = db.relationship("Topic", backref="forum", lazy="dynamic", cascade="all, delete-orphan") # Many-to-many moderators = db.relationship("User", secondary=moderators, primaryjoin=(moderators.c.forum_id == id), backref=db.backref("forummoderator", lazy="dynamic"), lazy="joined") groups = db.relationship( "Group", secondary=forumgroups, primaryjoin=(forumgroups.c.forum_id == id), backref="forumgroups", lazy="joined", ) # Properties @property def slug(self): """Returns a slugified version from the forum title""" return slugify(self.title) @property def url(self): """Returns the slugified url for the forum""" if self.external: return self.external return url_for("forum.view_forum",, slug=self.slug) @property def last_post_url(self): """Returns the url for the last post in the forum""" return url_for("forum.view_post", post_id=self.last_post_id) # Methods def __repr__(self): """Set to a unique key specific to the object in the database. Required for cache.memoize() to work across requests. """ return "<{} {}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, def update_last_post(self, commit=True): """Updates the last post in the forum.""" last_post = Post.query.\ filter(Post.topic_id ==, Topic.forum_id ==\ order_by(Post.date_created.desc()).\ limit(1)\ .first() # Last post is none when there are no topics in the forum if last_post is not None: # a new last post was found in the forum if last_post != self.last_post: self.last_post = last_post self.last_post_title = last_post.topic.title self.last_post_user_id = last_post.user_id self.last_post_username = last_post.username self.last_post_created = last_post.date_created # No post found.. else: self.last_post = None self.last_post_title = None self.last_post_user = None self.last_post_username = None self.last_post_created = None if commit: db.session.commit() def update_read(self, user, forumsread, topicsread): """Updates the ForumsRead status for the user. In order to work correctly, be sure that `topicsread is **not** `None`. :param user: The user for whom we should check if he has read the forum. :param forumsread: The forumsread object. It is needed to check if if the forum is unread. If `forumsread` is `None` and the forum is unread, it will create a new entry in the `ForumsRead` relation, else (and the forum is still unread) we are just going to update the entry in the `ForumsRead` relation. :param topicsread: The topicsread object is used in combination with the forumsread object to check if the forumsread relation should be updated and therefore is unread. """ if not user.is_authenticated or topicsread is None: return False read_cutoff = None if flaskpet_config['TRACKER_LENGTH'] > 0: read_cutoff = time_utcnow() - timedelta( days=flaskpet_config['TRACKER_LENGTH']) # fetch the unread posts in the forum unread_count = Topic.query.\ outerjoin(TopicsRead, db.and_(TopicsRead.topic_id ==, TopicsRead.user_id ==\ outerjoin(ForumsRead, db.and_(ForumsRead.forum_id == Topic.forum_id, ForumsRead.user_id ==\ filter(Topic.forum_id ==, Topic.last_updated > read_cutoff, db.or_(TopicsRead.last_read == None, # noqa: E711 TopicsRead.last_read < Topic.last_updated), db.or_(ForumsRead.last_read == None, # noqa: E711 ForumsRead.last_read < Topic.last_updated)).\ count() # No unread topics available - trying to mark the forum as read if unread_count == 0: logger.debug("No unread topics. Trying to mark the forum as read.") if forumsread and forumsread.last_read > topicsread.last_read: logger.debug("forumsread.last_read is newer than " "topicsread.last_read. Everything is read.") return False # ForumRead Entry exists - Updating it because a new topic/post # has been submitted and has read everything (obviously, else the # unread_count would be useless). elif forumsread: logger.debug( "Updating existing ForumsRead '{}' object.".format( forumsread)) forumsread.last_read = time_utcnow() return True # No ForumRead Entry existing - creating one. logger.debug("Creating new ForumsRead object.") forumsread = ForumsRead() forumsread.user = user = self forumsread.last_read = time_utcnow() return True # Nothing updated, because there are still more than 0 unread # topicsread logger.debug("No ForumsRead object updated - there are still {} " "unread topics.".format(unread_count)) return False def recalculate(self, last_post=False): """Recalculates the post_count and topic_count in the forum. Returns the forum with the recounted stats. :param last_post: If set to ``True`` it will also try to update the last post columns in the forum. """ topic_count = Topic.query.filter(Topic.forum_id ==, Topic.hidden != True).count() post_count = Post.query.filter(Post.topic_id ==, Topic.forum_id ==, Post.hidden != True, Topic.hidden != True).count() self.topic_count = topic_count self.post_count = post_count if last_post: self.update_last_post() return self def save(self, groups=None): """Saves a forum :param moderators: If given, it will update the moderators in this forum with the given iterable of user objects. :param groups: A list with group objects. """ if db.session.merge(self) else: if groups is None: # importing here because of circular dependencies from flaskpet.user.models import Group self.groups = Group.query.order_by( db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() return self def delete(self, users=None): """Deletes forum. If a list with involved user objects is passed, it will also update their post counts :param users: A list with user objects """ # Delete the forum db.session.delete(self) db.session.commit() # Update the users post count if users: users_list = [] for user in users: user.post_count = Post.query.filter_by( users_list.append(user) db.session.add_all(users_list) db.session.commit() return self def move_topics_to(self, topics): """Moves a bunch a topics to the forum. Returns ``True`` if all topics were moved successfully to the forum. :param topics: A iterable with topic objects. """ status = False for topic in topics: status = topic.move(self) return status # Classmethods @classmethod def get_forum(cls, forum_id, user): """Returns the forum and forumsread object as a tuple for the user. :param forum_id: The forum id :param user: The user object is needed to check if we also need their forumsread object. """ if user.is_authenticated: forum, forumsread = Forum.query.\ filter( == forum_id).\ options(db.joinedload("category")).\ outerjoin(ForumsRead, db.and_(ForumsRead.forum_id ==, ForumsRead.user_id ==\ add_entity(ForumsRead).\ first_or_404() else: forum = Forum.query.filter( == forum_id).first_or_404() forumsread = None return forum, forumsread @classmethod def get_topics(cls, forum_id, user, page=1, per_page=20): """Get the topics for the forum. If the user is logged in, it will perform an outerjoin for the topics with the topicsread and forumsread relation to check if it is read or unread. :param forum_id: The forum id :param user: The user object :param page: The page whom should be loaded :param per_page: How many topics per page should be shown """ if user.is_authenticated: # Now thats intersting - if i don't do the add_entity(Post) # the n+1 still exists when trying to access 'topic.last_post' # but without it it will fire another query. # This way I don't have to use the last_post object when I # iterate over the result set. topics = Topic.query.filter_by(forum_id=forum_id).\ outerjoin(TopicsRead, db.and_(TopicsRead.topic_id ==, TopicsRead.user_id ==\ outerjoin(Post, Topic.last_post_id ==\ add_entity(Post).\ add_entity(TopicsRead).\ order_by(Topic.important.desc(), Topic.last_updated.desc()).\ paginate(page, per_page, True) else: topics = Topic.query.filter_by(forum_id=forum_id).\ outerjoin(Post, Topic.last_post_id ==\ add_entity(Post).\ order_by(Topic.important.desc(), Topic.last_updated.desc()).\ paginate(page, per_page, True) topics.items = [(topic, last_post, None) for topic, last_post, in topics.items] return topics
class Topic(HideableCRUDMixin, db.Model): __tablename__ = "topics" id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) forum_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False) title = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False) user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(""), nullable=True) username = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False) date_created = db.Column(UTCDateTime(timezone=True), default=time_utcnow, nullable=False) last_updated = db.Column(UTCDateTime(timezone=True), default=time_utcnow, nullable=False) locked = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False) important = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False) views = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0, nullable=False) post_count = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0, nullable=False) # One-to-one (uselist=False) relationship between first_post and topic first_post_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=True) first_post = db.relationship("Post", backref="first_post", uselist=False, foreign_keys=[first_post_id]) # One-to-one last_post_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(""), nullable=True) last_post = db.relationship("Post", backref="last_post", uselist=False, foreign_keys=[last_post_id]) # One-to-many posts = db.relationship("Post", backref="topic", lazy="dynamic", primaryjoin="Post.topic_id ==", cascade="all, delete-orphan", post_update=True) # Properties @property def second_last_post(self): """Returns the second last post or None.""" try: return self.posts[-2].id except IndexError: return None @property def slug(self): """Returns a slugified version of the topic title.""" return slugify(self.title) @property def url(self): """Returns the slugified url for the topic.""" return url_for("forum.view_topic",, slug=self.slug) def first_unread(self, topicsread, user, forumsread=None): """Returns the url to the first unread post. If no unread posts exist it will return the url to the topic. :param topicsread: The topicsread object for the topic :param user: The user who should be checked if he has read the last post in the topic :param forumsread: The forumsread object in which the topic is. If you also want to check if the user has marked the forum as read, than you will also need to pass an forumsread object. """ # If the topic is unread try to get the first unread post if topic_is_unread(self, topicsread, user, forumsread): query = Post.query.filter(Post.topic_id == if topicsread is not None: query = query.filter(Post.date_created > topicsread.last_read) post = query.order_by( if post is not None: return post.url return self.url # Methods def __init__(self, title=None, user=None): """Creates a topic object with some initial values. :param title: The title of the topic. :param user: The user of the post. """ if title: self.title = title if user: # setting the user here, even with setting the id, breaks the bulk # insert stuff as they use the session.bulk_save_objects which does # not trigger relationships self.user_id = self.username = user.username self.date_created = self.last_updated = time_utcnow() def __repr__(self): """Set to a unique key specific to the object in the database. Required for cache.memoize() to work across requests. """ return "<{} {}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, @classmethod def get_topic(cls, topic_id, user): topic = Topic.query.filter_by(id=topic_id).first_or_404() return topic def tracker_needs_update(self, forumsread, topicsread): """Returns True if the topicsread tracker needs an update. Also, if the ``TRACKER_LENGTH`` is configured, it will just recognize topics that are newer than the ``TRACKER_LENGTH`` (in days) as unread. :param forumsread: The ForumsRead object is needed because we also need to check if the forum has been cleared sometime ago. :param topicsread: The topicsread object is used to check if there is a new post in the topic. """ read_cutoff = None if flaskpet_config['TRACKER_LENGTH'] > 0: read_cutoff = time_utcnow() - timedelta( days=flaskpet_config['TRACKER_LENGTH']) # The tracker is disabled - abort if read_cutoff is None: logger.debug("Readtracker is disabled.") return False # Else the topic is still below the read_cutoff elif read_cutoff > self.last_post.date_created: logger.debug("Topic is below the read_cutoff (too old).") return False # Can be None (cleared) if the user has never marked the forum as read. # If this condition is false - we need to update the tracker if forumsread and forumsread.cleared is not None and \ forumsread.cleared >= self.last_post.date_created: logger.debug("User has marked the forum as read. No new posts " "since then.") return False if topicsread and topicsread.last_read >= self.last_post.date_created: logger.debug("The last post in this topic has already been read.") return False logger.debug("Topic is unread.") return True def update_read(self, user, forum, forumsread): """Updates the topicsread and forumsread tracker for a specified user, if the topic contains new posts or the user hasn't read the topic. Returns True if the tracker has been updated. :param user: The user for whom the readstracker should be updated. :param forum: The forum in which the topic is. :param forumsread: The forumsread object. It is used to check if there is a new post since the forum has been marked as read. """ # User is not logged in - abort if not user.is_authenticated: return False topicsread = TopicsRead.query.\ filter(TopicsRead.user_id ==, TopicsRead.topic_id == if not self.tracker_needs_update(forumsread, topicsread): return False # Because we return True/False if the trackers have been # updated, we need to store the status in a temporary variable updated = False # A new post has been submitted that the user hasn't read. # Updating... if topicsread: logger.debug( "Updating existing TopicsRead '{}' object.".format(topicsread)) topicsread.last_read = time_utcnow() updated = True # The user has not visited the topic before. Inserting him in # the TopicsRead model. elif not topicsread: logger.debug("Creating new TopicsRead object.") topicsread = TopicsRead() topicsread.user = user topicsread.topic = self = topicsread.last_read = time_utcnow() updated = True # No unread posts else: updated = False # Save True/False if the forums tracker has been updated. updated = forum.update_read(user, forumsread, topicsread) return updated def recalculate(self): """Recalculates the post count in the topic.""" post_count = Post.query.filter_by( self.post_count = post_count return self def move(self, new_forum): """Moves a topic to the given forum. Returns True if it could successfully move the topic to forum. :param new_forum: The new forum for the topic """ # if the target forum is the current forum, abort if == new_forum: return False old_forum = -= self.post_count -= 1 = new_forum new_forum.post_count += self.post_count new_forum.topic_count += 1 db.session.commit() new_forum.update_last_post() old_forum.update_last_post() TopicsRead.query.filter_by( return True def save(self, user=None, forum=None, post=None): """Saves a topic and returns the topic object. If no parameters are given, it will only update the topic. :param user: The user who has created the topic :param forum: The forum where the topic is stored :param post: The post object which is connected to the topic """ current_app.pluggy.hook.flaskpet_event_topic_save_before(topic=self) # Updates the topic if db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() current_app.pluggy.hook.flaskpet_event_topic_save_after( topic=self, is_new=False) return self # Set the forum and user id = forum self.user = user self.username = user.username # Set the last_updated time. Needed for the readstracker self.date_created = self.last_updated = time_utcnow() # Insert and commit the topic db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() # Create the topic post, self) # Update the first and last post id self.last_post = self.first_post = post # Update the topic count forum.topic_count += 1 db.session.commit() current_app.pluggy.hook.flaskpet_event_topic_save_after(topic=self, is_new=True) return self def delete(self, users=None): """Deletes a topic with the corresponding posts. If a list with user objects is passed it will also update their post counts :param users: A list with user objects """ forum = db.session.delete(self) self._fix_user_post_counts(users or self.involved_users().all()) self._fix_post_counts(forum) # forum.last_post_id shouldn't usually be none if forum.last_post_id is None or \ self.last_post_id == forum.last_post_id: forum.update_last_post(commit=False) db.session.commit() return self def hide(self, user, users=None): """Soft deletes a topic from a forum """ if self.hidden: return self._remove_topic_from_forum() super(Topic, self).hide(user) self._handle_first_post() self._fix_user_post_counts(users or self.involved_users().all()) self._fix_post_counts( db.session.commit() return self def unhide(self, users=None): """Restores a hidden topic to a forum """ if not self.hidden: return super(Topic, self).unhide() self._handle_first_post() self._restore_topic_to_forum() self._fix_user_post_counts(users or self.involved_users().all()) db.session.commit() return self def _remove_topic_from_forum(self): # Grab the second last topic in the forum + parents/childs topics = Topic.query.filter( Topic.forum_id == self.forum_id, Topic.hidden != True).order_by( Topic.last_post_id.desc()).limit(2).offset(0).all() # do we want to replace the topic with the last post in the forum? if len(topics) > 1: if topics[0] == self: # Now the second last post will be the last post = topics[1].last_post = topics[1].title = topics[1].user = topics[1].username = topics[1].last_updated else: = None = None = None = None = None def _fix_user_post_counts(self, users=None): # Update the post counts if users: for user in users: user.post_count = Post.query.filter( Post.user_id ==, == Post.topic_id, Topic.hidden != True, Post.hidden != True).count() def _fix_post_counts(self, forum): clauses = [Topic.forum_id ==] if self.hidden: clauses.extend([ !=, Topic.hidden != True, ]) else: clauses.append(db.or_( ==, Topic.hidden != True)) forum.topic_count = Topic.query.filter(*clauses).count() post_count = clauses + [ Post.topic_id ==, ] if self.hidden: post_count.append(Post.hidden != True) else: post_count.append( db.or_(Post.hidden != True, == forum.post_count = Post.query.distinct().filter(*post_count).count() def _restore_topic_to_forum(self): if ( is None or < self.last_updated): = self.last_post = self.title = self.user = self.username = self.last_updated def _handle_first_post(self): # have to do this specially because otherwise we start recurisve calls self.first_post.hidden = self.hidden self.first_post.hidden_by = self.hidden_by self.first_post.hidden_at = self.hidden_at def involved_users(self): """ Returns a query of all users involved in the topic """ # todo: Find circular import and break it from flaskpet.user.models import User return User.query.distinct().filter(Post.topic_id ==, == Post.user_id)
class Post(HideableCRUDMixin, db.Model): __tablename__ = "posts" id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) topic_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE", use_alter=True), nullable=True) user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(""), nullable=True) username = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False) content = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False) date_created = db.Column(UTCDateTime(timezone=True), default=time_utcnow, nullable=False) date_modified = db.Column(UTCDateTime(timezone=True), nullable=True) modified_by = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=True) # Properties @property def url(self): """Returns the url for the post.""" return url_for("forum.view_post", # Methods def __init__(self, content=None, user=None, topic=None): """Creates a post object with some initial values. :param content: The content of the post. :param user: The user of the post. :param topic: Can either be the topic_id or the topic object. """ if content: self.content = content if user: # setting user here -- even with setting the user id explicitly # breaks the bulk insert for some reason self.user_id = self.username = user.username if topic: self.topic_id = topic if isinstance(topic, int) else self.date_created = time_utcnow() def __repr__(self): """Set to a unique key specific to the object in the database. Required for cache.memoize() to work across requests. """ return "<{} {}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, def save(self, user=None, topic=None): """Saves a new post. If no parameters are passed we assume that you will just update an existing post. It returns the object after the operation was successful. :param user: The user who has created the post :param topic: The topic in which the post was created """ current_app.pluggy.hook.flaskpet_event_post_save_before(post=self) # update/edit the post if db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() current_app.pluggy.hook.flaskpet_event_post_save_after( post=self, is_new=False) return self # Adding a new post if user and topic: created = time_utcnow() self.user = user self.username = user.username self.topic = topic self.date_created = created if not topic.hidden: topic.last_updated = created topic.last_post = self # Update the last post info for the forum = self = self.user = topic.title = user.username = created # Update the post counts user.post_count += 1 topic.post_count += 1 += 1 # And commit it! db.session.add(topic) db.session.commit() current_app.pluggy.hook.flaskpet_event_post_save_after(post=self, is_new=True) return self def delete(self): """Deletes a post and returns self.""" # This will delete the whole topic if self.topic.first_post == self: self.topic.delete() return self db.session.delete(self) self._deal_with_last_post() self._update_counts() db.session.commit() return self def hide(self, user): if self.hidden: return if self.topic.first_post == self: self.topic.hide(user) return self super(Post, self).hide(user) self._deal_with_last_post() self._update_counts() db.session.commit() return self def unhide(self): if not self.hidden: return if self.topic.first_post == self: self.topic.unhide() return self self._restore_post_to_topic() super(Post, self).unhide() self._update_counts() db.session.commit() return self def _deal_with_last_post(self): if self.topic.last_post == self: # update the last post in the forum if self.topic.last_post == # We need the second last post in the forum here, # because the last post will be deleted second_last_post = Post.query.filter( Post.topic_id ==, Topic.forum_id ==, Post.hidden != True, != if second_last_post: # now lets update the second last post to the last post = second_last_post = second_last_post.topic.title # noqa = second_last_post.user = second_last_post.username # noqa = second_last_post.date_created # noqa else: = None = None = None = None = None # check if there is a second last post in this topic if self.topic.second_last_post is not None: # Now the second last post will be the last post self.topic.last_post_id = self.topic.second_last_post # there is no second last post, now the last post is also the # first post else: self.topic.last_post = self.topic.first_post self.topic.last_updated = self.topic.last_post.date_created def _update_counts(self): if self.hidden: clauses = [Post.hidden != True, !=] else: clauses = [db.or_(Post.hidden != True, ==] user_post_clauses = clauses + [ Post.user_id ==, == Post.topic_id, Topic.hidden != True, ] # Update the post counts self.user.post_count = Post.query.filter(*user_post_clauses).count() if self.topic.hidden: self.topic.post_count = 0 else: topic_post_clauses = clauses + [ Post.topic_id ==, ] self.topic.post_count = Post.query.filter( *topic_post_clauses).count() forum_post_clauses = clauses + [ Post.topic_id ==, Topic.forum_id ==, Topic.hidden != True, ] = Post.query.filter( *forum_post_clauses).count() def _restore_post_to_topic(self): last_unhidden_post = Post.query.filter( Post.topic_id == self.topic_id, !=, Post.hidden != True, ).limit(1).first() # should never be None, but deal with it anyways to be safe if (last_unhidden_post and self.date_created > last_unhidden_post.date_created): self.topic.last_post = self self.second_last_post = last_unhidden_post # if we're the newest in the topic again, we might be the newest # in the forum again only set if our parent topic isn't hidden if (not self.topic.hidden and (not or self.date_created > = self = self.topic.title = self.user = self.username = self.date_created
from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased from flaskpet.extensions import db from flaskpet.utils.database import (CRUDMixin, HideableCRUDMixin, UTCDateTime, make_comparable) from flaskpet.utils.helpers import (get_categories_and_forums, get_forums, slugify, time_utcnow, topic_is_unread) from flaskpet.utils.settings import flaskpet_config logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) moderators = db.Table( 'moderators', db.Column('user_id', db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('', ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False), db.Column('forum_id', db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('', ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False)) topictracker = db.Table( 'topictracker', db.Column('user_id', db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('', ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False), db.Column('topic_id', db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('', ondelete="CASCADE"),
class Setting(db.Model, CRUDMixin): __tablename__ = "settings" key = db.Column(db.String(255), primary_key=True) value = db.Column(db.PickleType, nullable=False) settingsgroup = db.Column(db.String(255), db.ForeignKey('settingsgroup.key', ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False) # The name (displayed in the form) name = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False) # The description (displayed in the form) description = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False) # Available types: string, integer, float, boolean, select, selectmultiple value_type = db.Column(db.Enum(SettingValueType), nullable=False) # Extra attributes like, validation things (min, max length...) # For Select*Fields required: choices extra = db.Column(db.PickleType) @classmethod def get_form(cls, group): """Returns a Form for all settings found in :class:`SettingsGroup`. :param group: The settingsgroup name. It is used to get the settings which are in the specified group. """ return generate_settings_form(settings=group.settings) @classmethod def get_all(cls): return cls.query.all() @classmethod def update(cls, settings, app=None): """Updates the cache and stores the changes in the database. :param settings: A dictionary with setting items. """ # update the database for key, value in iteritems(settings): setting = cls.query.filter(Setting.key == key.lower()).first() setting.value = value db.session.add(setting) db.session.commit() cls.invalidate_cache() @classmethod def get_settings(cls, from_group=None): """This will return all settings with the key as the key for the dict and the values are packed again in a dict which contains the remaining attributes. :param from_group: Optionally - Returns only the settings from a group. """ result = None if from_group is not None: result = from_group.settings else: result = cls.query.all() settings = {} for setting in result: settings[setting.key] = setting.value return settings @classmethod @cache.cached(key_prefix="settings") def as_dict(cls, from_group=None, upper=True): """Returns all settings as a dict. This method is cached. If you want to invalidate the cache, simply execute ``self.invalidate_cache()``. :param from_group: Returns only the settings from the group as a dict. :param upper: If upper is ``True``, the key will use upper-case letters. Defaults to ``False``. """ settings = {} result = None if from_group is not None: result = SettingsGroup.query.filter_by(key=from_group).\ first_or_404() result = result.settings else: result = cls.query.all() for setting in result: if upper: setting_key = setting.key.upper() else: setting_key = setting.key settings[setting_key] = setting.value return settings @classmethod def invalidate_cache(cls): """Invalidates this objects cached metadata.""" cache.delete_memoized(cls.as_dict, cls)