def followevent(event=None): user_doc = record.user # copy the record to save user information userid = event.source.user_id if event else "testid" hashed_userid = sha256(userid.encode()).hexdigest() user_doc["userid"] = hashed_userid user_doc["context"] = "" user_doc["options"] = { "calil": True, "google": False, "honto": False, "amazon": True, "rakuten": False, "yodobashi": False, "yahoo": False, "mercari": True, "rakuma": False, "paypayfleamarket": False } status = "" try: logger.debug(user_doc) if db.user.find(hashed_userid): raise DuplicateUserError db.user.set(hashed_userid, user_doc)"Successed in registaring new follower!") status = """登録ありがとうございます。\nメニューにて"Help"を参照してください。""" except DuplicateUserError:"This user is already registared.") status = "This user is already registared" except Exception as e:"Faild to registaring new follower!") status = "Fail" finally: if event: line_bot_api.reply_message( event.reply_token, messages=TextSendMessage(text=status) ) return status
def add_library(event=None, libinfo=None): try: status = add.favolib(event, libinfo) except InvalidName:"This user is not registared.") status = "This user is not registared" except DuplicateLibraryError:"This library is already registared.") status = "This library is already registared" except Exception as e: status = "fail" finally: if event: line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, messages=TextSendMessage(text=status))
def chat(event=None): # user_doc = record.user # copy the record to save user information # userid = event.source.user_id if event else "testid" # hashed_userid = sha256(userid.encode()).hexdigest() text = event.message.text if event else "some text" status = "" try: cmd = text.split(" ") if event.reply_token == "00000000000000000000000000000000": event = None return 200 elif cmd[0] == "help": status = HELP elif cmd[0].replace("-", "").isdigit() and len(cmd[0].replace( "-", "")) == 13: isbn2message(event, cmd[0].replace("-", "")) event = None else: status = "すみません、よくわかりません。""Successed chatting!") except DuplicateLibraryError: status = "This library is already registared" except Exception as e:"Faild to registaring new follower!") status = "Fail" finally: if event: line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, messages=TextSendMessage(text=status)) return status
def add_bookmark(event=None): try: status = add.bookmark(event) except DuplicateUserError:"This user is already registared.") status = "This user is already registared" except DuplicateBookError:"This book is already registared.") status = "This book is already registared" except UserNotFound:"Users are not found.") status = "Users are not found." except Exception as e: status = "fail" finally: if event: line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, messages=TextSendMessage(text=status))
def isbn2message(event, isbn): """ Create from isbn to message and send it. Parameters ---------- event: LINE event LINE event isbn: str The isbn which a user input. Returns ------- None Raises ------ None """ userid = event.source.user_id if event else "testid" hashed_userid = sha256(userid.encode()).hexdigest() favolib = db.user.find(hashed_userid)["favolib"] logger.debug(favolib) bookstatus = [] try: bookdoc = call_api.openbd(isbn) if bookdoc: flex_message = send.bookmeta(bookdoc, hashed_userid) add.history(event, bookdoc) else: bookdoc, flex_message = send.compact_bookmeta(isbn) add.history(event, bookdoc) line_bot_api.push_message(event.source.user_id, messages=flex_message) for library in favolib: try: bookstatus.append( (call_api.calil(isbn, library["systemid"]), library["systemid"])) except BookNotFound: pass if bookstatus: # When you cannot get book meta information from google books api, you pass NoneType to this function. flex_message = send.bookstatus(bookstatus) line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, messages=flex_message) event = None else: raise BookNotFound except MetadataNotFound: pass except BookNotFound:"book not found") status = "book not found" except Exception as e: status = "Fail" finally: # A message is already sent, event is None. if event: flexcontent = flexbox.notfound flexcontent["body"]["contents"][0]["text"] = status line_bot_api.reply_message(event.reply_token, messages=FlexSendMessage( alt_text=status, contents=flexcontent))