def __init__(self, move_group, offset, tool_link, action_topic='/move_group'): ''' Constructor ''' super(MoveitToJointsDynState, self).__init__( outcomes=['reached', 'planning_failed', 'control_failed'], input_keys=['joint_values', 'joint_names']) self._offset = offset self._tool_link = tool_link self._action_topic = action_topic self._fk_srv_topic = '/compute_fk' self._cartesian_srv_topic = '/compute_cartesian_path' self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: MoveGroupAction}) self._fk_srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._fk_srv_topic: GetPositionFK}) self._cartesian_srv = ProxyServiceCaller( {self._cartesian_srv_topic: GetCartesianPath}) self._current_group_name = move_group self._joint_names = None self._planning_failed = False self._control_failed = False self._success = False self._traj_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( 'execute_trajectory', moveit_msgs.msg.ExecuteTrajectoryAction) self._traj_client.wait_for_server() self._traj_exec_result = None
def __init__(self, robot_name): """Constructor""" super(CaptureCharUcoState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'fail']) self.robot_name = robot_name self.move_mode = 'p2p' self.pose_indx = 0 self.hand_eye_service = '/camera/hand_eye_calibration' self.hand_eye_client = ProxyServiceCaller({self.hand_eye_service: hand_eye_calibration}) self.get_feedback_service = self.robot_name +'/get_kinematics_pose' self.get_feedback_client = ProxyServiceCaller({self.get_feedback_service: GetKinematicsPose})
def test_service_caller(self): t1 = '/service_1' rospy.Service(t1, Trigger, lambda r: (True, 'ok')) srv = ProxyServiceCaller({t1: Trigger}) result =, TriggerRequest()) self.assertIsNotNone(result) self.assertTrue(result.success) self.assertEqual(result.message, 'ok') self.assertFalse(srv.is_available('/not_there')) srv = ProxyServiceCaller({'/invalid': Trigger}, wait_duration=.1) self.assertFalse(srv.is_available('/invalid'))
def __init__(self, controller='joint_state_head', duration=120, interval=[2.0, 4.0], joints=[], minimal=[], maximal=[]): super(RandJointsMovements, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed'], input_keys=['config']) # Store topic parameter for later use. self._controller = 'motion/controller/' + controller # create proxies self._set_operational_caller = ProxyServiceCaller( {self._controller + '/set_operational': SetBool}) self._publisher = ProxyPublisher( {self._controller + '/in_joints_ref': JointState}) # state self._start_timestamp = None self._movement_timestamp = None self._movement_duration = Duration() # user input self.set_movement_parameters(duration, interval, joints, minimal, maximal) # error in enter hook self._error = False
def __init__(self, sentence, input_keys=[], emotion=0, block=True): """Constructor""" super(SaraSay, self).__init__(outcomes=['done'], input_keys=input_keys) if not (isinstance(sentence, types.LambdaType) and sentence.__name__ == "<lambda>") and len(input_keys) is not 0: raise ValueError( "In state " + type(self).__name__ + " saying \"" + sentence + "\", you need to define a lambda function for sentence.") # Get parameters self.msg = say() self.sentence = sentence self.emotion = UInt8() = emotion self.block = block # Set topics self.emotion_topic = "sara_face/Emotion" self.say_topic = "/say" self.sayServiceTopic = "/wm_say" self.emotionPub = ProxyPublisher({self.emotion_topic: UInt8}) # Prepare wm_tts if self.block: self.sayClient = ProxyServiceCaller( {self.sayServiceTopic: say_service}) else: self.sayPub = ProxyPublisher({self.say_topic: say}) # Initialise the face sub self.emotionSub = ProxySubscriberCached({self.emotion_topic: UInt8}) self.lastEmotion = None
def __init__(self, group, offset, joint_names, tool_link, rotation): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(ComputeGraspState, self).__init__(outcomes=['continue', 'failed'], input_keys=['pose'], output_keys=['joint_values', 'joint_names']) self._group = group self._offset = offset self._joint_names = joint_names self._tool_link = tool_link self._rotation = rotation self._srv_name = '/compute_ik' self._ik_srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._srv_name: GetPositionIK}) # tf to transfor the object pose self._tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer( rospy.Duration(10.0)) #tf buffer length self._tf_listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self._tf_buffer) self._robot1_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( 'execute_trajectory', moveit_msgs.msg.ExecuteTrajectoryAction) self._robot1_client.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo('Execute Trajectory server is available for robot1')
def __init__(self, config_name, move_group="", duration=1.0, wait_for_execution=True, action_topic='/execute_kinematic_path', robot_name=""): ''' Constructor ''' super(SrdfStateToMoveitExecute, self).__init__( outcomes=['reached', 'request_failed', 'moveit_failed', 'param_error']) self._config_name = config_name self._robot_name = robot_name self._move_group = move_group self._duration = duration self._wait_for_execution = wait_for_execution self._action_topic = action_topic self._client = ProxyServiceCaller({self._action_topic: ExecuteKnownTrajectory}) # self._action_topic = action_topic # self._client = ProxyActionServer({self._action_topic: ExecuteTrajectoryAction}) self._request_failed = False self._moveit_failed = False self._success = False self._srdf_param = None if rospy.has_param("/robot_description_semantic"): self._srdf_param = rospy.get_param("/robot_description_semantic") else: Logger.logerror('Unable to get parameter: /robot_description_semantic') self._param_error = False self._srdf = None self._response = None
def on_enter(self, userdata): # This method is called when the state becomes active, i.e. a transition from another state to this one is taken. # It is primarily used to start actions which are associated with this state. self._move_group = userdata.move_group self._move_group_prefix = userdata.move_group_prefix self._tool_link = userdata.tool_link self._offset = userdata.offset self._rotation = userdata.rotation self._srv_name = userdata.move_group_prefix + '/compute_ik' self._ik_srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._srv_name: GetPositionIK}) self._robot1_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(userdata.move_group_prefix + '/execute_trajectory', moveit_msgs.msg.ExecuteTrajectoryAction) self._robot1_client.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo('Execute Trajectory server is available for robot') # Get transform between camera and robot1_base while True: rospy.sleep(0.1) try: target_pose = self._tf_buffer.transform(userdata.pose, "world") break except (tf2_ros.LookupException, tf2_ros.ConnectivityException, tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException): rospy.logerr("ComputeGraspState::on_enter - Failed to transform to world") continue # the grasp pose is defined as being located on top of the item target_pose.pose.position.z += self._offset + 0.0 # rotate the object pose 180 degrees around - now works with -90??? #q_orig = [target_pose.pose.orientation.x, target_pose.pose.orientation.y, target_pose.pose.orientation.z, target_pose.pose.orientation.w] q_orig = [0, 0, 0, 1] #q_rot = quaternion_from_euler(self._rotation, 0, 0) q_rot = quaternion_from_euler(self._rotation, math.pi/2.0, 0) # math.pi/2.0 added by gerard!! #q_rot = quaternion_from_euler(math.pi/-2.0, 0, 0) res_q = quaternion_multiply(q_rot, q_orig) target_pose.pose.orientation = geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion(*res_q) # use ik service to compute joint_values self._srv_req = GetPositionIKRequest() self._srv_req.ik_request.group_name = self._move_group self._srv_req.ik_request.robot_state.joint_state = rospy.wait_for_message(self._move_group_prefix + '/joint_states', sensor_msgs.msg.JointState) self._srv_req.ik_request.ik_link_name = self._tool_link # TODO: this needs to be a parameter self._srv_req.ik_request.pose_stamped = target_pose self._srv_req.ik_request.avoid_collisions = True self._srv_req.ik_request.attempts = 500 try: self._srv_result =, self._srv_req) self._failed = False except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Could not call IK: ' + str(e)) self._failed = True
def __init__(self, tolerance): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(AlignWithGate, self).__init__(outcomes = ['Aligned', 'CantSee']) #To catch the sent srv_type in the state parameter self._v_topic = "/vision/gate" self.sway_left_client = ProxyServiceCaller({'/autonomous/sway_left': Empty}) # pass required clients as dict (topic: type) self.sway_right_client = ProxyServiceCaller({'/autonomous/sway_right': Empty}) # pass required clients as dict (topic: type) self.heave_down_client = ProxyServiceCaller({'/autonomous/heave_down': Empty}) # pass required clients as dict (topic: type) self.heave_up_client = ProxyServiceCaller({'/autonomous/heave_up': Empty}) # pass required clients as dict (topic: type) self.stop_client = ProxyServiceCaller({'/autonomous/stop_vehicle': Empty}) # pass required clients as dict (topic: type) self.vision_sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._v_topic: vision_target}) self.width = rospy.get_param("frame_width") self.height = rospy.get_param("frame_height") self.width_h = (self.width/2) + tolerance self.width_l = (self.width/2) - tolerance self.height_h = (self.height/2) + tolerance self.height_l = (self.height/2) - tolerance self.inrange_flag = True Logger.loginfo("initiated allign gate state")
def __init__(self): # See for basic explanations. super(SaraNLUrestaurant, self).__init__(outcomes=['understood', 'fail'], input_keys=['sentence'], output_keys=['orderList']) self.serviceName = "/Restaurant_NLU_Service" Logger.loginfo("waiting forservice: " + self.serviceName) self.serviceNLU = ProxyServiceCaller({self.serviceName: RestaurantNLUService})
def __init__(self, stop): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(SetConveyorPowerState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['succeeded', 'failed'], input_keys = ['speed']) # Store state parameter for later use. self._stop = stop # initialize service proxy self._srv_name = '/omtp/conveyor/control' self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._srv_name: ConveyorBeltControl})
def __init__(self, object_name): super(RecognizeObjectState, self).__init__(outcomes=['detected', 'not_detected', 'failed'], input_keys=['pointcloud']) self._srv_topic = '/recognition_service/sv_recognition' self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._srv_topic: recognize}) self._object_name = object_name self._srv_result = None self._failed = False
def __init__(self): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(Wait_getCloserVictim, self).__init__( outcomes=['waiting', 'restart', 'preempted'], input_keys=['task_details_task_id', 'params_distance'], output_keys=['pose', 'params_distance']) self._allocated_task = '/taskallocation/allocatedTask' self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._allocated_task: Task}) self._topic_get_task = 'taskallocation/get_task' self.getTask = ProxyServiceCaller({self._topic_get_task: GetTask})
def __init__(self, depth): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(MovementServiceCaller, self).__init__(outcomes=['Done', 'Failed']) #To catch the sent srv_type in the state parameter self._topic = "/autonomous/depth_control" self._srv_type = depth_adv self._depth = depth self.service_client = ProxyServiceCaller( {self._topic: self._srv_type}) # pass required clients as dict (topic: type) Logger.loginfo("initiated %s service caller" % self._topic)
def __init__(self): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(DetectPlaneState, self).__init__(outcomes=['continue', 'failed']) # The constructor is called when building the state machine, not when actually starting the behavior. # Thus, we cannot save the starting time now and will do so later. self._srv_topic = "/detect_plane_srv" self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._srv_topic: Trigger}) self._srv_result = None self._failed = False
def __init__(self, robot_name): ''' Constructor ''' super(Pos2Robot, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed'], input_keys=['c_pos'], output_keys=['pos']) self.robot_name = robot_name self.pos2robot_service = self.robot_name + '/eye2base' self.pos2robot_client = ProxyServiceCaller( {self.pos2robot_service: eye2base})
def __init__(self, model_name, output_frame_id): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(LocateFactoryDeviceState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['succeeded', 'failed'], output_keys = ['pose']) # Store state parameter for later use. self._failed = True # initialize service proxy self._srv_name = '/gazebo/get_model_state' self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._srv_name: GetModelState}) self._srv_req = GetModelStateRequest() self._srv_req.model_name = model_name # TODO: change parameter name self._srv_req.relative_entity_name = output_frame_id # TODO: change parameter name
def __init__(self, target, service_name, srv_type): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(MAVROSServiceCaller, self).__init__(outcomes=['Done', 'Failed']) #To catch the sent srv_type in the state parameter types = {"CommandBool": CommandBool, "SetMode": SetMode} self._topic = service_name self._target = target self._srv_type = types[srv_type] self.service_client = ProxyServiceCaller( {self._topic: self._srv_type}) # pass required clients as dict (topic: type) #self._proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy(self._topic,dist) # Store state parameter for later use. Logger.loginfo("initiated %s service caller" % self._topic)
def __init__(self, enable, service_name): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(VacuumGripperControlState, self).__init__(outcomes=['continue', 'failed']) # initialize service proxy self._srv_name = service_name self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._srv_name: VacuumGripperControl}) self._srv_req = VacuumGripperControlRequest() if enable: self._srv_req.enable = True else: self._srv_req.enable = False
def __init__(self): super(StopHandTracking, self).__init__(outcomes=['done']) self.TRACKING_TOPIC = '/handtracking_server/stop' self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({ self.TRACKING_TOPIC: Handtracking }) Logger.loginfo('waiting for handtracking service server') while not self._srv.is_available(self.TRACKING_TOPIC): rospy.Rate(10).sleep() Logger.loginfo('service found.')
def __init__(self, activation): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(ControlFeederState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['succeeded', 'failed']) # Store state parameter for later use. self._activation = activation # initialize service proxy if self._activation: self._srv_name = '/start_spawn' else: self._srv_name = '/stop_spawn' self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._srv_name: Empty}) self._srv_req = EmptyRequest()
def __init__(self, service, value): super(SetBoolState, self).__init__(outcomes=['true', 'false', 'failure'], output_keys=['success', 'message']) # Store state parameter for later use. self._value = value self._service = service # get service caller self._service_caller = ProxyServiceCaller({service: SetBool}) self._response = None # It may happen that the service caller fails to send the action goal. self._error = False
def __init__(self, name, timeout=2.0): """Constructor""" super(CheckForPersonState, self).__init__(outcomes=['found', 'not_found', 'failed']) self._name = name self._mutex = Lock() self._people = [] self._timeout = timeout self._start_time = None self._callback_received = False self._transform_topic = '/clf_perception_vision/people/raw/transform' self._service_name = 'pepper_face_identification' self._service_proxy = ProxyServiceCaller( {self._service_name: DoIKnowThatPerson}) self._transform_listener = ProxySubscriberCached( {self._transform_topic: ExtendedPeople})
def __init__(self, pose_topic, follow_joint_state_controller='joint_state_head', discomfort_time=1000.0, neck_control_parameteres=[-0.13, 0.3, 0.20, 0.2], deactivate=True, controlled_chains=['head', 'eyes']): super(SweetieBotFollowHeadPoseSmart, self).__init__(outcomes=['failed', 'too_close']) # store state parameter for later use. self._pose_topic = pose_topic if len(neck_control_parameteres) != 4: raise TypeError( 'SweetieBotFollowHeadPoseSmart: neck_control_parameteres must be float[4]' ) self._neck_params = neck_control_parameteres self._discomfort_time = discomfort_time self._controller = 'motion/controller/' + follow_joint_state_controller self._deactivate = deactivate self._control_head = 'head' in controlled_chains self._control_eyes = 'eyes' in controlled_chains # setup proxies self._set_operational_caller = ProxyServiceCaller( {self._controller + '/set_operational': SetBool}) self._pose_subscriber = ProxySubscriberCached( {self._pose_topic: PoseStamped}) self._joints_publisher = ProxyPublisher( {self._controller + '/in_joints_ref': JointState}) # head inverse kinematics self._ik = HeadIK() # state self._neck_angle = None self._comfortable_stamp = None # error in enter hook self._error = False
class precise_movement(EventState): ''' Example for a state to demonstrate which functionality is available for state implementation. This example lets the behavior wait until the given target_time has passed since the behavior has been started. -- target_heading float Time which needs to have passed since the behavior started. <= Done Given time has passed. <= Failed Example for a failure outcome. ''' def __init__(self, mode, target_distance): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(MovementServiceCaller, self).__init__(outcomes = ['Done', 'Failed']) #To catch the sent srv_type in the state parameter self._topic = "/autonomous/precise_movement" self._srv_type = dist self._mode = mode self._target = target_distance self.service_client = ProxyServiceCaller({self._topic: self._srv_type}) # pass required clients as dict (topic: type) Logger.loginfo("initiated %s service caller" %self._topic)