def __init__(self, controller='motion/controller/joint_state_head', tolerance=0.17, timeout=10.0, joint_topic="joint_states", outcomes=['done', 'failed', 'timeout']): super(SetJointStateBase, self).__init__(outcomes=outcomes) # Store topic parameter for later use. self._controller = controller self._joint_topic = joint_topic self._tolerance = tolerance self._timeout = Duration.from_sec(timeout) # create proxies self._action_client = ProxyActionClient( {self._controller: SetOperationalAction}) self._pose_publisher = ProxyPublisher( {self._controller + '/in_joints_ref': JointState}) self._pose_subscriber = ProxySubscriberCached( {self._joint_topic: JointState}) # timestamp self._timestamp = None # error in enter hook self._error = False
def __init__(self, topic): super(StorePointcloudState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done'], output_keys = ['pointcloud']) self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({topic: PointCloud2}) self._pcl_topic = topic
def __init__(self): self._sm = None # set up proxys for sm <--> GUI communication # publish topics self._pub = ProxyPublisher({ 'flexbe/behavior_update': String, 'flexbe/request_mirror_structure': Int32 }) self._running = False self._stopping = False self._active_id = 0 self._starting_path = None self._current_struct = None self._struct_buffer = list() self._sync_lock = threading.Lock() self._outcome_topic = 'flexbe/mirror/outcome' # listen for mirror message self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached() self._sub.subscribe(self._outcome_topic, UInt8) self._sub.enable_buffer(self._outcome_topic) self._sub.subscribe('flexbe/mirror/structure', ContainerStructure, self._mirror_callback) self._sub.subscribe('flexbe/status', BEStatus, self._status_callback) self._sub.subscribe('flexbe/mirror/sync', BehaviorSync, self._sync_callback) self._sub.subscribe('flexbe/mirror/preempt', Empty, self._preempt_callback)
class PreemptableStateMachine(LockableStateMachine): """ A state machine that can be preempted. If preempted, the state machine will return the outcome preempted. """ _preempted_name = 'preempted' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(PreemptableStateMachine, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # always listen to preempt so that the behavior can be stopped even if unsupervised self._preempt_topic = 'flexbe/command/preempt' self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._preempt_topic: Empty}) self._sub.set_callback(self._preempt_topic, self._preempt_cb) def _preempt_cb(self, msg): if not self._is_controlled: PreemptableState.preempt = True @staticmethod def add(label, state, transitions=None, remapping=None): transitions[PreemptableState. _preempted_name] = PreemptableStateMachine._preempted_name LockableStateMachine.add(label, state, transitions, remapping) @property def _valid_targets(self): return super(PreemptableStateMachine, self)._valid_targets + [ PreemptableStateMachine._preempted_name ]
def __init__(self): '''Constructor''' super(AttachObjectState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed'], input_keys=['template_id', 'hand_side'], output_keys=['template_pose']) # Set up service for attaching object template self._service_topic = "/stitch_object_template" self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller( {self._service_topic: SetAttachedObjectTemplate}) # Set up subscribers for listening to the latest wrist poses self._wrist_pose_topics = dict() self._wrist_pose_topics['left'] = '/flor/l_arm_current_pose' self._wrist_pose_topics['right'] = '/flor/r_arm_current_pose' self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({ self._wrist_pose_topics['left']: PoseStamped, self._wrist_pose_topics['right']: PoseStamped }) self._sub.make_persistant(self._wrist_pose_topics['left']) self._sub.make_persistant(self._wrist_pose_topics['right']) self._failed = False
class StorePointcloudState(EventState): ''' Stores the latest pointcloud of the given topic. -- topic string The topic on which to listen for the pointcloud. #> pointcloud PointCloud2 The received pointcloud. <= done Pointcloud has been received and stored. ''' def __init__(self, topic): super(StorePointcloudState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done'], output_keys = ['pointcloud']) self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({topic: PointCloud2}) self._pcl_topic = topic def execute(self, userdata): if self._sub.has_msg(self._pcl_topic): userdata.pointcloud = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._pcl_topic) return 'done'
def __init__(self): '''Constructor''' super(GetCameraImageState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done'], output_keys=['camera_img']) self._img_topic = "/multisense/camera/left/image_rect_color" self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._img_topic: Image})
def execute(self, userdata): # This method is called periodically while the state is active. # Main purpose is to check state conditions and trigger a corresponding outcome. # If no outcome is returned, the state will stay active. for i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]: self._topic = "/ariac/logical_camera_" + str(i) self._start_time = (msg_path, msg_topic, fn) = rostopic.get_topic_type(self._topic) if msg_topic == self._topic: msg_type = self._get_msg_from_path(msg_path) self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: msg_type}) elapsed = rospy.get_rostime() - self._start_time while (elapsed.to_sec() < self._wait): elapsed = rospy.get_rostime() - self._start_time if self._sub.has_msg(self._topic): message = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._topic) for model in message.models: if model.type == userdata.part_type: userdata.bin = "bingr" + str(i) + "PreGrasp" userdata.camera_topic = "/ariac/logical_camera_" + str( i) userdata.camera_frame = "logical_camera_" + str( i) + "_frame" Logger.loginfo("bingr" + str(i) + "PreGrasp") userdata.ref_frame = "torso_main" return 'continue' Logger.loginfo("part_type not found") return 'failed'
def execute(self, userdata): # This method is called periodically while the state is active. # Main purpose is to check state conditions and trigger a corresponding outcome. # If no outcome is returned, the state will stay active. # One of the outcomes declared above. for i in [1,2,3,4,5,6]: self._topic = "/ariac/logical_camera_stock"+str(i) self._start_time = (msg_path, msg_topic, fn) = rostopic.get_topic_type(self._topic) if msg_topic == self._topic: msg_type = self._get_msg_from_path(msg_path) self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: msg_type}) elapsed = rospy.get_rostime() - self._start_time; while (elapsed.to_sec() < self._wait): elapsed = rospy.get_rostime() - self._start_time; if self._sub.has_msg(self._topic): message = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._topic) for model in message.models: if model.type == userdata.part_type: if userdata.arm_id == "Right_Arm": userdata.gantry_pos = "Gantry_Part"+str(i)+"_R" elif userdata.arm_id == "Left_Arm": userdata.gantry_pos = "Gantry_Part"+str(i)+"_L" userdata.camera_topic = "/ariac/logical_camera_stock"+str(i) userdata.camera_frame = "logical_camera_stock"+str(i)+"_frame" Logger.loginfo("Gantry_Part"+str(i)) if i < 5: return 'bin' else: return 'shelf' Logger.loginfo("part_type not found") return 'not_found'
def __init__(self, hand, force_threshold=1.5): '''Constructor''' super(WaitForForceState, self).__init__(outcomes=['success', 'failure']) self._action_name = rospy.get_name() self._prefix = "meka_roscontrol" self._client = {} self._movement_finished = {} self.force_variation = {} self.force_bias = {} self.previous_force = {} self._r = rospy.Rate(100) self._threshold = force_threshold # store latest planning scene self.current_planning_scene = None self.force_variation['left_arm'] = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) self.force_variation['right_arm'] = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) self.force_bias['left_arm'] = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) self.force_bias['right_arm'] = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) self.previous_force['left_arm'] = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) self.previous_force['right_arm'] = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) self._current_val = 0 self._group = hand + '_arm' self.sub_left = ProxySubscriberCached( {'/meka_ros_pub/m3loadx6_ma30_l0/wrench': WrenchStamped}) self.sub_right = ProxySubscriberCached( {'/meka_ros_pub/m3loadx6_ma29_l0/wrench': WrenchStamped})
class ShowPictureWebinterfaceState(EventState): ''' Displays the picture in a web interface ># Image Image The received Image <= done Displaying the Picture ''' def __init__(self): super(ShowPictureWebinterfaceState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['tweet', 'forget'], input_keys = ['image_name']) self._pub_topic = '/webinterface/display_picture' self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._pub_topic: String}) self._sub_topic = '/webinterface/dialog_feedback' self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._sub_topic: String}) def execute(self, userdata): if self._sub.has_msg(self._sub_topic): msg = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._sub_topic) if == 'yes': print 'show_picture_webinterface_state, returning tweet' return 'tweet' else: print 'show_picture_webinterface_state, returning forget' return 'forget' def on_enter(self,userdata): self._sub.remove_last_msg(self._sub_topic) self._pub.publish(self._pub_topic, String(userdata.image_name))
class DetectPersonState(EventState): """ Detects the nearest person and provides their pose. -- wait_timeout float Time (seconds) to wait for a person before giving up. #> person_pose PoseStamped Pose of the nearest person if one is detected, else None. <= detected Detected a person. <= not_detected No person detected, but time ran out. """ def __init__(self, wait_timeout): super(DetectPersonState, self).__init__(outcomes=["detected", "not_detected"], output_keys=["person_pose"]) self._wait_timeout = rospy.Duration(wait_timeout) self._topic = "/people_tracker/pose" self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: PoseStamped}) self._start_waiting_time = None def execute(self, userdata): if > self._start_waiting_time + self._wait_timeout: userdata.person_pose = None return "not_detected" if self._sub.has_msg(self._topic): userdata.person_pose = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._topic) return "detected" def on_enter(self, userdata): self._sub.remove_last_msg(self._topic) self._start_waiting_time =
class GenericSub(EventState): ''' GenericPubSub state subscribes to a given topic (Int32 message only) and will not move forward until a response is recieved. This is meant to be a template to be modified to your needs it is not super useful in its current state. Intended mostly for communicating with arduino ''' def __init__(self, subtopic): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(GenericSub, self).__init__(outcomes=["completed", "failed"]) # Store state parameters for later use. self._subtopic = subtopic self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._subtopic: Int32}) #rospy.init_node('reset_control', anonymous=True) def execute(self, userdata): #publish to arduino #while(1): if self._sub.has_msg(self._subtopic): msg = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._subtopic) print(msg) # in case you want to make sure the same message is not processed twice: self._sub.remove_last_msg(self._subtopic) return "completed"
def __init__(self): '''Constructor''' super(GetLaserscanState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done'], output_keys=['laserscan']) self._scan_topic = "/multisense/lidar_scan" self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._scan_topic: LaserScan})
class CheckCurrentControlModeState(EventState): ''' Implements a state where the robot checks its current control mode. -- target_mode enum The control mode to check for being the current one (e.g. 3 for stand, 6 for manipulate). The state's class variables can also be used (e.g. CheckCurrentControlModeState.STAND). -- wait bool Whether to check once and return (False), or wait for the control mode to change (True). #> control_mode enum The current control mode when the state returned. <= correct Indicates that the current control mode is the target/expected one. <= incorrect Indicates that the current control mode is not the target/expected one. ''' NONE = 0 FREEZE = 1 STAND_PREP = 2 STAND = 3 STAND_MANIPULATE = 3 WALK = 4 STEP = 5 MANIPULATE = 6 USER = 7 CALIBRATE = 8 SOFT_STOP = 9 def __init__(self, target_mode, wait = False): ''' Constructor ''' super(CheckCurrentControlModeState, self).__init__(outcomes=['correct', 'incorrect'], output_keys=['control_mode']) self._status_topic = '/flor/controller/mode' self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._status_topic: VigirAtlasControlMode}) self._sub.make_persistant(self._status_topic) self._target_mode = target_mode self._wait = wait def execute(self, userdata): ''' Execute this state ''' if self._sub.has_msg(self._status_topic): msg = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._status_topic) userdata.control_mode = msg.bdi_current_behavior if msg.bdi_current_behavior == self._target_mode: return 'correct' elif not self._wait: return 'incorrect' def on_enter(self, userdata): if self._wait: Logger.loghint("Waiting for %s" % str(self._target_mode))
def __init__(self): """Constructor""" super(KeepLookingAt, self).__init__(outcomes=['failed'], input_keys=['ID']) self.entities_topic = "/entities" self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self.entities_topic: Entities}) self.pubp = rospy.Publisher("/sara_head_pitch_controller/command", Float64, queue_size=1) self.puby = rospy.Publisher("/sara_head_yaw_controller/command", Float64, queue_size=1) # Reference from and reference to self.service = get_directionRequest() self.service.reference = "head_xtion_link" self.service.origine = "base_link" self.Entity = None self.serviceName = '/get_direction' Logger.loginfo('waiting for service '+str(self.serviceName)) self.serv = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.serviceName, get_direction) self._active = True try: self.serv.wait_for_service(1) except: self._active = False
class PreemptableStateMachine(LoopbackStateMachine): """ A state machine that can be preempted. If preempted, the state machine will return the outcome preempted. """ _preempted_name = 'preempted' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # add preempted outcome if len(args) > 0: args[0].append(self._preempted_name) else: outcomes = kwargs.get('outcomes', []) outcomes.append(self._preempted_name) kwargs['outcomes'] = outcomes super(PreemptableStateMachine, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # always listen to preempt so that the behavior can be stopped even if unsupervised self._preempt_topic = 'flexbe/command/preempt' self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._preempt_topic: Empty}) self._sub.set_callback(self._preempt_topic, self._preempt_cb) def _preempt_cb(self, msg): if not self._is_controlled: PreemptableState.preempt = True rospy.loginfo("--> Preempted requested while unsupervised")
class GetLaserscanState(EventState): """ Grabs the most recent laserscan data. #> laserscan LaserScan The current laser scan. <= done Scanning data is available. """ def __init__(self): """Constructor""" super(GetLaserscanState, self).__init__(outcomes=["done"], output_keys=["laserscan"]) self._scan_topic = "/multisense/lidar_scan" self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._scan_topic: LaserScan}) def execute(self, userdata): if self._sub.has_msg(self._scan_topic): userdata.laserscan = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._scan_topic) return "done" def on_enter(self, userdata): pass
def __init__(self, topic = 'move_base_simple/goal'): """Constructor""" super(GetPoseState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done'], output_keys=['goal']) self._topic = topic self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: PoseStamped}) self._goal_pose = None
def __init__(self, target_time, velocity, rotation_rate, cmd_topic='/create_node/cmd_vel', sensor_topic='/create_node/sensor_state'): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(CreateTimedTwistState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed']) # Store state parameter for later use. self._target_time = rospy.Duration(target_time) self._twist = TwistStamped() self._twist.twist.linear.x = velocity self._twist.twist.angular.z = rotation_rate # The constructor is called when building the state machine, not when actually starting the behavior. # Thus, we cannot save the starting time now and will do so later. self._start_time = None self._done = None # Track the outcome so we can detect if transition is blocked self._sensor_topic = sensor_topic self._cmd_topic = cmd_topic self._sensor_sub = ProxySubscriberCached( {self._sensor_topic: CreateSensorState}) self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._cmd_topic: TwistStamped})
def __init__(self): super(hsr_SpeechRecognitionByHeadMic,self).__init__(outcomes=['recognition'],output_keys=['recognition']) self._topic = "/hsrb/voice/text" self.Speech2Text_CB = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: RecognitionResult}) #self.led_cli = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('em_led_action', ledAction) # LED self.goal = ledGoal() p = subprocess.Popen("rosservice call /hsrb/voice/stop_recognition '{}'", shell=True)
class GetCameraImageState(EventState): ''' Grabs the most recent camera image. #> camera_img Image The current color image of the left camera. <= done Image data is available. ''' def __init__(self): '''Constructor''' super(GetCameraImageState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done'], output_keys=['camera_img']) self._img_topic = "/multisense/camera/left/image_rect_color" self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._img_topic: Image}) def execute(self, userdata): if self._sub.has_msg(self._img_topic): userdata.camera_img = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._img_topic) return 'done' def on_enter(self, userdata): pass
class CheckCurrentControlModeState(EventState): ''' Implements a state where the robot checks its current control mode. -- target_mode enum The control mode to check for being the current one (e.g. 3 for stand, 6 for manipulate). The state's class variables can also be used (e.g. CheckCurrentControlModeState.STAND). -- wait bool Whether to check once and return (False), or wait for the control mode to change (True). #> control_mode enum The current control mode when the state returned. <= correct Indicates that the current control mode is the target/expected one. <= incorrect Indicates that the current control mode is not the target/expected one. ''' NONE = 0 FREEZE = 1 STAND_PREP = 2 STAND = 3 STAND_MANIPULATE = 3 WALK = 4 STEP = 5 MANIPULATE = 6 USER = 7 CALIBRATE = 8 SOFT_STOP = 9 def __init__(self, target_mode, wait=False): ''' Constructor ''' super(CheckCurrentControlModeState, self).__init__(outcomes=['correct', 'incorrect'], output_keys=['control_mode']) self._status_topic = '/flor/controller/mode' self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached( {self._status_topic: VigirAtlasControlMode}) self._sub.make_persistant(self._status_topic) self._target_mode = target_mode self._wait = wait def execute(self, userdata): ''' Execute this state ''' if self._sub.has_msg(self._status_topic): msg = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._status_topic) userdata.control_mode = msg.bdi_current_behavior if msg.bdi_current_behavior == self._target_mode: return 'correct' elif not self._wait: return 'incorrect' def on_enter(self, userdata): if self._wait: Logger.loghint("Waiting for %s" % str(self._target_mode))
def __init__(self, sentence, input_keys=[], emotion=0, block=True): """Constructor""" super(SaraSay, self).__init__(outcomes=['done'], input_keys=input_keys) if not (isinstance(sentence, types.LambdaType) and sentence.__name__ == "<lambda>") and len(input_keys) is not 0: raise ValueError( "In state " + type(self).__name__ + " saying \"" + sentence + "\", you need to define a lambda function for sentence.") # Get parameters self.msg = say() self.sentence = sentence self.emotion = UInt8() = emotion self.block = block # Set topics self.emotion_topic = "sara_face/Emotion" self.say_topic = "/say" self.sayServiceTopic = "/wm_say" self.emotionPub = ProxyPublisher({self.emotion_topic: UInt8}) # Prepare wm_tts if self.block: self.sayClient = ProxyServiceCaller( {self.sayServiceTopic: say_service}) else: self.sayPub = ProxyPublisher({self.say_topic: say}) # Initialise the face sub self.emotionSub = ProxySubscriberCached({self.emotion_topic: UInt8}) self.lastEmotion = None
class MirrorState(EventState): ''' This state will display its possible outcomes as buttons in the GUI and is designed in a way to be created dynamically. ''' def __init__(self, target_name, target_path, given_outcomes, outcome_autonomy): super(MirrorState, self).__init__(outcomes=given_outcomes) self.set_rate(100) self._target_name = target_name self._target_path = target_path self._outcome_topic = 'flexbe/mirror/outcome' self._pub = ProxyPublisher() self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._outcome_topic: UInt8}) def execute(self, userdata): if self._sub.has_buffered(self._outcome_topic): msg = self._sub.get_from_buffer(self._outcome_topic) if < len(self.outcomes): rospy.loginfo("State update: %s > %s", self._target_name, self.outcomes[]) return self.outcomes[] try: self.sleep() except ROSInterruptException: print('Interrupted mirror sleep.') def on_enter(self, userdata): self._pub.publish( 'flexbe/behavior_update', String("/" + "/".join(self._target_path.split("/")[1:])))
def __init__(self, ref_frame, camera_topic, camera_frame): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(DetectPartCameraState, self).__init__(outcomes=['continue', 'failed'], output_keys=['pose']) self.ref_frame = ref_frame self._topic = camera_topic self._camera_frame = camera_frame self._connected = False self._failed = False # tf to transfor the object pose self._tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer( rospy.Duration(10.0)) #tf buffer length self._tf_listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self._tf_buffer) # Subscribe to the topic for the logical camera (msg_path, msg_topic, fn) = rostopic.get_topic_type(self._topic) if msg_topic == self._topic: msg_type = self._get_msg_from_path(msg_path) self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: msg_type}) self._connected = True else: Logger.logwarn( 'Topic %s for state %s not yet available.\nFound: %s\nWill try again when entering the state...' % (self._topic,, str(msg_topic)))
def __init__(self): """ Constructor """ super(WaitForOpenDoorState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done']) self._topic = '/laser/srd_front/scan' self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: LaserScan})
def __init__(self, outcomes = ['unknown'], pose_ns = 'saved_msgs/joint_state', tolerance = 0.17, joint_topic = "joint_states", timeout = 1.0): # Process supplied pose list. Note it must be processed befor superclass constructor is called, # beacuse it changes 'outcomes' list due to side effect. # check if 'unknown' outcome is present if 'unknown' not in outcomes: raise RuntimeError, '"unknown" should presents in state outcomes' # remove 'unknown' while preserving items order poses_names = [ outcome for outcome in outcomes if outcome != 'unknown' ] # Load poses from paramere server. Pose is loaded in form dict(joint name -> position), # but they are stored as a list of tuples (pose_name, pose_dict) to preserve order. self._poses = [ (name, self.load_joint_state(pose_ns, name)) for name in poses_names ] # Call superclass constructor. super(CheckJointState, self).__init__(outcomes = outcomes) # Subscribe to the joint topic. self._joint_topic = joint_topic self._pose_subscriber = ProxySubscriberCached({ self._joint_topic: JointState }) # Store topic parameter for later use. self._tolerance = tolerance self._timeout = Duration.from_sec(timeout) # timestamp self._timestamp = None
class GetLaserscanState(EventState): ''' Grabs the most recent laserscan data. #> laserscan LaserScan The current laser scan. <= done Scanning data is available. ''' def __init__(self): '''Constructor''' super(GetLaserscanState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done'], output_keys=['laserscan']) self._scan_topic = "/multisense/lidar_scan" self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._scan_topic: LaserScan}) def execute(self, userdata): if self._sub.has_msg(self._scan_topic): userdata.laserscan = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._scan_topic) return 'done' def on_enter(self, userdata): pass
class GetCameraImageState(EventState): ''' Grabs the most recent camera image. #> camera_img Image The current color image of the left camera. <= done Image data is available. ''' def __init__(self): '''Constructor''' super(GetCameraImageState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done'], output_keys = ['camera_img']) self._img_topic = "/multisense/camera/left/image_rect_color" self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._img_topic: Image}) def execute(self, userdata): if self._sub.has_msg(self._img_topic): userdata.camera_img = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._img_topic) return 'done' def on_enter(self, userdata): pass
def __init__(self, distance=1, ReplanPeriod=0.5): """Constructor""" super(SaraFollow, self).__init__(outcomes=['failed'], input_keys=['ID']) # Prepare the action client for move_base self._action_topic = "/move_base" self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: MoveBaseAction}) # Initialise the subscribers self.entities_topic = "/entities" self._pose_topic = "/robot_pose" self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({ self._pose_topic: Pose, self.entities_topic: Entities }) # Get the parameters self.targetDistance = distance self.ReplanPeriod = ReplanPeriod # Initialise the status variables self.MyPose = None self.lastPlanTime = 0
def __init__(self, leap_motion_topic, exit_states, pose_topic='', parameters=[2.0, 0.02, 0.2]): super(LeapMotionMonitor, self).__init__( outcomes=['no_object', 'still_object', 'moving_object'], output_keys=['pose']) # store state parameter for later use. self._leap_topic = leap_motion_topic self._pose_topic = pose_topic self._exit_states = exit_states self._detecton_period = parameters[0] self._position_tolerance = parameters[1] self._orientation_tolerance = parameters[2] # setup proxies self._leap_subscriber = ProxySubscriberCached( {self._leap_topic: leapros}) if self._pose_topic: self._pose_publisher = ProxyPublisher( {self._pose_topic: PoseStamped}) else: self._pose_publisher = None # pose buffers self._pose = None self._pose_prev = None self._pose_averaged = None self._nonstillness_stamp = None
def __init__(self): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(Arm_Control_State_GR, self).__init__(outcomes = ["continue", "failed"]) self._pub = ProxyPublisher({"sim2real/reset_status": Int32}) self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({"sim2real/reset": Int32})
class ContinueButton(EventState): ''' Reads on a topic to see for the continue button. <= done Continue if button pressed. ''' def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' super(ContinueButton, self).__init__(outcomes=['true', 'false']) self._topic = "/continue_button" self._connected = False self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: Bool}) def execute(self, userdata): Logger.loginfo('Waiting for the continue button') if self._sub.has_msg(self._topic): message = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._topic) self._sub.remove_last_msg(self._topic) if return 'true' else: return 'false'
class PreemptableStateMachine(LoopbackStateMachine): """ A state machine that can be preempted. If preempted, the state machine will return the outcome preempted. """ _preempted_name = 'preempted' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # add preempted outcome if len(args) > 0: args[0].append(self._preempted_name) else: outcomes = kwargs.get('outcomes', []) outcomes.append(self._preempted_name) kwargs['outcomes'] = outcomes super(PreemptableStateMachine, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # always listen to preempt so that the behavior can be stopped even if unsupervised self._preempt_topic = 'flexbe/command/preempt' self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._preempt_topic: Empty}) self._sub.set_callback(self._preempt_topic, self._preempt_cb) def _preempt_cb(self, msg): if not self._is_controlled: PreemptableState.preempt = True
class MonitorPerceptState(EventState): ''' Monitors the hector worldmodel for percepts and triggers a detection event if a percept has a high-enough support. -- required_support float Support threshold which needs to be reached before an event is triggered. -- percept_class string Class name of percepts to be monitored. -- track_percepts bool Defines if this state should track previously detected percepts. Recommended if it is not desired to react multiple times on the same percept. #> object_id string Identifier of the detected object. #> object_pose PoseStamped Pose of the detected object. #> object_data float[] Data associated with this object. <= detected Percept is detected. ''' def __init__(self, required_support, percept_class, track_percepts = True): ''' Constructor ''' super(MonitorPerceptState, self).__init__(outcomes=['detected'], output_keys=['object_id', 'object_pose', 'object_data']) self._topic = '/worldmodel/objects' self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: ObjectModel}) self._required_support = required_support self._percept_class = percept_class self._track_percepts = track_percepts self._percepts = list() def execute(self, userdata): if self._sub.has_msg(self._topic): msg = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._topic) objects = filter(lambda obj: #obj.state.state == ObjectState.ACTIVE \ == self._percept_class \ and >= self._required_support \ and not in self._percepts, msg.objects ) for obj in objects: if self._track_percepts: self._percepts.append( (x,y,z) = (obj.pose.pose.position.x, obj.pose.pose.position.y, obj.pose.pose.position.z) Logger.loginfo('Detected %s percept with id: %s\nPosition: (%.1f, %.1f, %.1f)' % (self._percept_class,, x, y, z)) userdata.object_id = userdata.object_pose = PoseStamped(header=obj.header, pose=obj.pose.pose) userdata.object_data = return 'detected'
class GetWristPoseState(EventState): ''' Retrieves the current wrist pose from the corresponding ROS topic. ># hand_side string Wrist whose pose will be returned (left, right) #> wrist_pose PoseStamped The current pose of the left or right wrist <= done Wrist pose has been retrieved. <= failed Failed to retrieve wrist pose. ''' def __init__(self): '''Constructor''' super(GetWristPoseState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done', 'failed'], input_keys = ['hand_side'], output_keys = ['wrist_pose']) # Set up subscribers for listening to the latest wrist poses self._wrist_pose_topics = dict() self._wrist_pose_topics['left'] = '/flor/l_arm_current_pose' self._wrist_pose_topics['right'] = '/flor/r_arm_current_pose' self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({ self._wrist_pose_topics['left']: PoseStamped, self._wrist_pose_topics['right']: PoseStamped}) self._sub.make_persistant(self._wrist_pose_topics['left']) self._sub.make_persistant(self._wrist_pose_topics['right']) self._failed = False def execute(self, userdata): if self._failed: return 'failed' else: return 'done' def on_enter(self, userdata): self._failed = False # Read the current wrist pose and write to userdata try: wrist_pose_topic = self._wrist_pose_topics[userdata.hand_side] wrist_pose = self._sub.get_last_msg(wrist_pose_topic) userdata.wrist_pose = wrist_pose rospy.loginfo('Retrieved %s wrist pose: \n%s', userdata.hand_side, wrist_pose) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Failed to get the latest wrist pose:\n%s' % str(e)) self._failed = True return
def __init__(self): super(GetRobotPose, self).__init__(outcomes = ['succeeded'], output_keys = ['pose']) self._objectTopic = '/robot_pose' self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._objectTopic: PoseStamped}) self._succeeded = False
def __init__(self): """ Constructor """ self._sm = None smach.set_loggers( rospy.logdebug, rospy.logwarn, rospy.logdebug, rospy.logerr # hide SMACH transition log spamming ) # set up proxys for sm <--> GUI communication # publish topics self._pub = ProxyPublisher({"flexbe/behavior_update": String, "flexbe/request_mirror_structure": Int32}) self._running = False self._stopping = False self._active_id = 0 self._starting_path = None self._current_struct = None self._outcome_topic = "flexbe/mirror/outcome" self._struct_buffer = list() # listen for mirror message self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached() self._sub.subscribe(self._outcome_topic, UInt8) self._sub.enable_buffer(self._outcome_topic) self._sub.subscribe("flexbe/mirror/structure", ContainerStructure, self._mirror_callback) self._sub.subscribe("flexbe/status", BEStatus, self._status_callback) self._sub.subscribe("flexbe/mirror/sync", BehaviorSync, self._sync_callback) self._sub.subscribe("flexbe/mirror/preempt", Empty, self._preempt_callback)
def __init__(self): '''Constructor''' super(GetCameraImageState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done'], output_keys = ['camera_img']) self._img_topic = "/multisense/camera/left/image_rect_color" self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._img_topic: Image})
def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' self._sm = None # set up proxys for sm <--> GUI communication # publish topics self._pub = ProxyPublisher({'/flexbe/behavior_update': String, '/flexbe/request_mirror_structure': Int32}) self._running = False self._stopping = False self._active_id = 0 self._starting_path = None self._current_struct = None self._outcome_topic = '/flexbe/mirror/outcome' self._struct_buffer = list() # listen for mirror message self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached() self._sub.subscribe(self._outcome_topic, UInt8) self._sub.enable_buffer(self._outcome_topic) self._sub.subscribe('/flexbe/mirror/structure', ContainerStructure, self._mirror_callback) self._sub.subscribe('/flexbe/status', BEStatus, self._status_callback) self._sub.subscribe('/flexbe/mirror/sync', BehaviorSync, self._sync_callback) self._sub.subscribe('/flexbe/mirror/preempt', Empty, self._preempt_callback)
class MirrorState(EventState): ''' This state will display its possible outcomes as buttons in the GUI and is designed in a way to be created dynamically. ''' def __init__(self, target_name, target_path, given_outcomes, outcome_autonomy): ''' Constructor ''' super(MirrorState, self).__init__(outcomes=given_outcomes) self._rate = rospy.Rate(100) self._given_outcomes = given_outcomes self._outcome_autonomy = outcome_autonomy self._target_name = target_name self._target_path = target_path self._outcome_topic = 'flexbe/mirror/outcome' self._pub = ProxyPublisher() #{'flexbe/behavior_update': String} self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._outcome_topic: UInt8}) def execute(self, userdata): ''' Execute this state ''' if JumpableStateMachine.refresh: JumpableStateMachine.refresh = False self.on_enter(userdata) if self._sub.has_buffered(self._outcome_topic): msg = self._sub.get_from_buffer(self._outcome_topic) if < len(self._given_outcomes): rospy.loginfo("State update: %s > %s", self._target_name, self._given_outcomes[]) return self._given_outcomes[] try: self._rate.sleep() except ROSInterruptException: print 'Interrupted mirror sleep.' def on_enter(self, userdata): #rospy.loginfo("Mirror entering %s", self._target_path) self._pub.publish('flexbe/behavior_update', String("/" + "/".join(self._target_path.split("/")[1:])))
def __init__(self, topic): '''Constructor''' super(TestSubState, self).__init__(outcomes=['received', 'unavailable'], output_keys=['result']) self._topic = topic self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: String}) self._msg_counter = 0 self._timeout = + rospy.Duration(1.5)
def __init__(self, wait_timeout): super(DetectPersonState, self).__init__(outcomes=["detected", "not_detected"], output_keys=["person_pose"]) self._wait_timeout = rospy.Duration(wait_timeout) self._topic = "/people_tracker/pose" self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: PoseStamped}) self._start_waiting_time = None
def __init__(self): super(ShowPictureWebinterfaceState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['tweet', 'forget'], input_keys = ['image_name']) self._pub_topic = '/webinterface/display_picture' self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._pub_topic: String}) self._sub_topic = '/webinterface/dialog_feedback' self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._sub_topic: String})
class PreemptableState(LoopbackState): """ A state that can be preempted. If preempted, the state will not be executed anymore and return the outcome preempted. """ _preempted_name = "preempted" preempt = False switching = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # add preempted outcome if len(args) > 0 and type(args[0]) is list: # need this ugly check for list type, because first argument in CBState is the callback args[0].append(self._preempted_name) else: outcomes = kwargs.get("outcomes", []) outcomes.append(self._preempted_name) kwargs["outcomes"] = outcomes super(PreemptableState, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__execute = self.execute self.execute = self._preemptable_execute self._feedback_topic = "/flexbe/command_feedback" self._preempt_topic = "/flexbe/command/preempt" self._pub = ProxyPublisher() self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached() def _preemptable_execute(self, *args, **kwargs): preempting = False if self._is_controlled and self._sub.has_msg(self._preempt_topic): self._sub.remove_last_msg(self._preempt_topic) self._pub.publish(self._feedback_topic, CommandFeedback(command="preempt")) preempting = True rospy.loginfo("--> Behavior will be preempted") if PreemptableState.preempt: PreemptableState.preempt = False preempting = True rospy.loginfo("Behavior will be preempted") if preempting: self.service_preempt() self._force_transition = True return self._preempted_name return self.__execute(*args, **kwargs) def _enable_ros_control(self): super(PreemptableState, self)._enable_ros_control() self._pub.createPublisher(self._feedback_topic, CommandFeedback) self._sub.subscribe(self._preempt_topic, Empty) PreemptableState.preempt = False def _disable_ros_control(self): super(PreemptableState, self)._disable_ros_control() self._sub.unsubscribe_topic(self._preempt_topic)
def __init__(self): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(MarkPoint, self).__init__(outcomes = ['succeeded'], output_keys = ['pose']) #self._topic = '/move_base/simple_goal' #self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._topic: PoseStamped}) self._objectTopic = '/robot_pose' self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._objectTopic: PoseStamped})
def __init__(self, topic, timeout = 0): super(GetPointcloudState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done', 'timeout'], output_keys = ['pointcloud']) self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({topic: PointCloud2}) self._pcl_topic = topic self._timeout = timeout self._timeout_time = None
class DetectObjectNew(EventState): ''' Observe the update of objects in the worldmodel. ># type string object_type to be found ># state string state the object should be in <= found Object was found #> pose PoseStamped Pose of the object, which was detected #> object_id string object_id of detected object ''' def __init__(self): super(DetectObjectNew, self).__init__(outcomes = ['found'], input_keys =['type', 'state', 'pose'], output_keys = ['pose', 'object_id']) self._objectTopic = '/worldmodel/object' self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._objectTopic: Object}) def execute(self, userdata): current_obj = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._objectTopic) if current_obj: if == userdata.type and current_obj.state.state == userdata.state: userdata.pose = PoseStamped() userdata.pose.pose = current_obj.pose.pose userdata.pose.header.stamp = userdata.pose.header.frame_id = 'map' userdata.object_id = Logger.loginfo('detected %(x)s' % { 'x': }) return 'found' def on_enter(self, userdata): pass def on_exit(self, userdata): pass def on_start(self): pass def on_stop(self): pass
class DetectObject(EventState): ''' Observe the update of objects (victims) in the worldmodel. When its state is 'active', we return it. ># pose PoseStamped Pose of object <= found Victim was found #> pose PoseStamped Pose of the object, which was detected #> victim string object_id of detected victim ''' def __init__(self): super(DetectObject, self).__init__(outcomes = [ 'found'], input_keys =['pose'], output_keys = ['pose', 'victim']) self._objectTopic = '/worldmodel/object' self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._objectTopic: Object}) def execute(self, userdata): current_obj = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._objectTopic) if current_obj: if == 'victim' and current_obj.state.state == 2: userdata.pose = PoseStamped() userdata.pose.pose = current_obj.pose.pose userdata.pose.header.stamp = userdata.pose.header.frame_id = 'map' userdata.victim = Logger.loginfo('detected %(x)s' % { 'x': }) return 'found' def on_enter(self, userdata): pass def on_exit(self, userdata): pass def on_start(self): pass def on_stop(self): pass
class DetectPersonState(EventState): ''' Detects the nearest person and provides their pose. -- wait_timeout float Time (seconds) to wait for a person before giving up. #> person_pose PoseStamped Pose of the nearest person if one is detected, else None. <= detected Detected a person. <= not_detected No person detected, but time ran out. ''' def __init__(self, wait_timeout): super(DetectPersonState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['detected', 'not_detected'], output_keys = ['person_pose']) self._wait_timeout = rospy.Duration(wait_timeout) self._topic = '/people_tracker/pose' self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: PoseStamped}) self._start_waiting_time = None def execute(self, userdata): if > self._start_waiting_time + self._wait_timeout: userdata.person_pose = None print 'detect_person_state: did not detect any person' return 'not_detected' if self._sub.has_msg(self._topic): userdata.person_pose = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._topic) print 'detect_person_state: detected a person' return 'detected' def on_enter(self, userdata): print 'detect_person_state: trying to detect a person' self._sub.remove_last_msg(self._topic) self._start_waiting_time =
class TakePictureState(EventState): ''' Stores the picture of the given topic. #> Image Image The received pointcloud. <= done The picture has been received and stored. ''' def __init__(self): super(TakePictureState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done'], output_keys = ['Image']) self._topic = '/head_xtion/rgb/image_rect_color' self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic:Image}) def execute(self, userdata): if self._sub.has_msg(self._topic): userdata.Image = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._topic) return 'done'
def on_enter(self, userdata): if not self._connected: (msg_path, msg_topic, fn) = rostopic.get_topic_type(self._topic) if msg_topic == self._topic: msg_type = self._get_msg_from_path(msg_path) self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: msg_type}) self._connected = True Logger.loginfo('Successfully subscribed to previously unavailable topic %s' % self._topic) else: Logger.logwarn('Topic %s still not available, giving up.' % self._topic) if self._connected and self._clear and self._sub.has_msg(self._topic): self._sub.remove_last_msg(self._topic)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(OperatableStateMachine, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._message = None = None self.autonomy = None self._autonomy = {} self._ordered_states = [] self._pub = ProxyPublisher() self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ManuallyTransitionableState, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._force_transition = False self.__execute = self.execute self.execute = self._manually_transitionable_execute self._feedback_topic = '/flexbe/command_feedback' self._transition_topic = '/flexbe/command/transition' self._pub = ProxyPublisher() self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached()
class GetPointcloudState(EventState): ''' Retrieves the latest pointcloud on the given topic. -- topic string The topic on which to listen for the pointcloud. -- timeout float Optional timeout in seconds of waiting for a pointclod. Set to 0 in order to wait forever. #> pointcloud PointCloud2 The received pointcloud. <= done Pointcloud has been received and is now available in userdata. <= timeout No pointcloud has been received, but maximum waiting time has passed. ''' def __init__(self, topic, timeout = 0): super(GetPointcloudState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done', 'timeout'], output_keys = ['pointcloud']) self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({topic: PointCloud2}) self._pcl_topic = topic self._timeout = timeout self._timeout_time = None def execute(self, userdata): if self._sub.has_msg(self._pcl_topic): userdata.pointcloud = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._pcl_topic) return 'done' if self._timeout_time < return 'timeout' def on_enter(self, userdata): self._timeout_time = + rospy.Duration(self._timeout)
def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' = None Logger.initialize() #ProxyPublisher._simulate_delay = True #ProxySubscriberCached._simulate_delay = True # prepare temp folder rp = rospkg.RosPack() self._tmp_folder = os.path.join(rp.get_path('flexbe_onboard'), 'tmp/') if not os.path.exists(self._tmp_folder): os.makedirs(self._tmp_folder) sys.path.append(self._tmp_folder) # prepare manifest folder access manifest_folder = os.path.join(rp.get_path('flexbe_behaviors'), 'behaviors/') rospy.loginfo("Parsing available behaviors...") file_entries = [os.path.join(manifest_folder, filename) for filename in os.listdir(manifest_folder) if not filename.startswith('#')] manifests = sorted([xmlpath for xmlpath in file_entries if not os.path.isdir(xmlpath)]) self._behavior_lib = dict() for i in range(len(manifests)): m = ET.parse(manifests[i]).getroot() e = m.find("executable") self._behavior_lib[i] = {"name": m.get("name"), "package": e.get("package_path").split(".")[0], "file": e.get("package_path").split(".")[1], "class": e.get("class")} # rospy.loginfo("+++ " + self._behavior_lib[i]["name"]) self._pub = ProxyPublisher() self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached() self.status_topic = '/flexbe/status' self.feedback_topic = '/flexbe/command_feedback' self._pub.createPublisher(self.status_topic, BEStatus, _latch = True) self._pub.createPublisher(self.feedback_topic, CommandFeedback) # listen for new behavior to start self._running = False self._switching = False self._sub.subscribe('/flexbe/start_behavior', BehaviorSelection, self._behavior_callback) # heartbeat self._pub.createPublisher('/flexbe/heartbeat', Empty) self._execute_heartbeat() rospy.sleep(0.5) # wait for publishers etc to really be set up self._pub.publish(self.status_topic, BEStatus(code=BEStatus.READY)) rospy.loginfo('\033[92m--- Behavior Engine ready! ---\033[0m')