コード例 #1
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: sybrenstuvel/flickrapi
    def __init__(self, api_key, secret, username=None,
                 token=None, format='etree', store_token=True,
                 cache=False, token_cache_location=None,
        """Construct a new FlickrAPI instance for a given API key
        and secret.

            The API key as obtained from Flickr.

            The secret belonging to the API key.

            Used to identify the appropriate authentication token for a
            certain user.

            If you already have an authentication token, you can give
            it here. It won't be stored on disk by the FlickrAPI instance.

            The response format. Use either "xmlnode" or "etree" to get a parsed
            response, or use any response format supported by Flickr to get an
            unparsed response from method calls. It's also possible to pass the
            ``format`` parameter on individual calls.

            Disables the on-disk token cache if set to False (default is True).
            Use this to ensure that tokens aren't read nor written to disk, for
            example in web applications that store tokens in cookies.

            Enables in-memory caching of FlickrAPI calls - set to ``True`` to
            use. If you don't want to use the default settings, you can
            instantiate a cache yourself too:

            >>> f = FlickrAPI(u'123', u'123')
            >>> f.cache = SimpleCache(timeout=5, max_entries=100)

            If not None, determines where the authentication tokens are stored.

            Optional request timeout as float in seconds.

        self.default_format = format
        self._handler_cache = {}

        if isinstance(api_key, six.binary_type):
            api_key = api_key.decode('ascii')
        if isinstance(secret, six.binary_type):
            secret = secret.decode('ascii')

        if token:
            assert isinstance(token, auth.FlickrAccessToken)

            # Use a memory-only token cache
            self.token_cache = tokencache.SimpleTokenCache()
            self.token_cache.token = token
        elif not store_token:
            # Use an empty memory-only token cache
            self.token_cache = tokencache.SimpleTokenCache()
            # Use a real token cache
            self.token_cache = tokencache.OAuthTokenCache(api_key, username or '',

        self.flickr_oauth = auth.OAuthFlickrInterface(api_key, secret, self.token_cache,

        if cache:
            self.cache = SimpleCache()
            self.cache = None
コード例 #2
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: hongseokyoon/SimplyFlickr
    def __init__(self, api_key, secret=None, username=None,
            token=None, format='etree', store_token=True,
        """Construct a new FlickrAPI instance for a given API key
        and secret.
            The API key as obtained from Flickr.
            The secret belonging to the API key.
            Used to identify the appropriate authentication token for a
            certain user.
            If you already have an authentication token, you can give
            it here. It won't be stored on disk by the FlickrAPI instance.

            The response format. Use either "xmlnode" or "etree" to get a parsed
            response, or use any response format supported by Flickr to get an
            unparsed response from method calls. It's also possible to pass the
            ``format`` parameter on individual calls.

            Disables the on-disk token cache if set to False (default is True).
            Use this to ensure that tokens aren't read nor written to disk, for
            example in web applications that store tokens in cookies.

            Enables in-memory caching of FlickrAPI calls - set to ``True`` to
            use. If you don't want to use the default settings, you can
            instantiate a cache yourself too:

            >>> f = FlickrAPI(api_key='123')
            >>> f.cache = SimpleCache(timeout=5, max_entries=100)
        self.api_key = api_key
        self.secret = secret
        self.default_format = format
        self.__handler_cache = {}

        if token:
            # Use a memory-only token cache
            self.token_cache = SimpleTokenCache()
            self.token_cache.token = token
        elif not store_token:
            # Use an empty memory-only token cache
            self.token_cache = SimpleTokenCache()
            # Use a real token cache
            self.token_cache = TokenCache(api_key, username)

        if cache:
            self.cache = SimpleCache()
            self.cache = None
コード例 #3
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: sybrenstuvel/flickrapi
class FlickrAPI(object):
    """Encapsulates Flickr functionality.

    Example usage::

      flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(api_key)
      photos = flickr.photos_search(user_id='73509078@N00', per_page='10')
      sets = flickr.photosets_getList(user_id='73509078@N00')

    REST_URL = 'https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/'
    UPLOAD_URL = 'https://up.flickr.com/services/upload/'
    REPLACE_URL = 'https://up.flickr.com/services/replace/'

    def __init__(self, api_key, secret, username=None,
                 token=None, format='etree', store_token=True,
                 cache=False, token_cache_location=None,
        """Construct a new FlickrAPI instance for a given API key
        and secret.

            The API key as obtained from Flickr.

            The secret belonging to the API key.

            Used to identify the appropriate authentication token for a
            certain user.

            If you already have an authentication token, you can give
            it here. It won't be stored on disk by the FlickrAPI instance.

            The response format. Use either "xmlnode" or "etree" to get a parsed
            response, or use any response format supported by Flickr to get an
            unparsed response from method calls. It's also possible to pass the
            ``format`` parameter on individual calls.

            Disables the on-disk token cache if set to False (default is True).
            Use this to ensure that tokens aren't read nor written to disk, for
            example in web applications that store tokens in cookies.

            Enables in-memory caching of FlickrAPI calls - set to ``True`` to
            use. If you don't want to use the default settings, you can
            instantiate a cache yourself too:

            >>> f = FlickrAPI(u'123', u'123')
            >>> f.cache = SimpleCache(timeout=5, max_entries=100)

            If not None, determines where the authentication tokens are stored.

            Optional request timeout as float in seconds.

        self.default_format = format
        self._handler_cache = {}

        if isinstance(api_key, six.binary_type):
            api_key = api_key.decode('ascii')
        if isinstance(secret, six.binary_type):
            secret = secret.decode('ascii')

        if token:
            assert isinstance(token, auth.FlickrAccessToken)

            # Use a memory-only token cache
            self.token_cache = tokencache.SimpleTokenCache()
            self.token_cache.token = token
        elif not store_token:
            # Use an empty memory-only token cache
            self.token_cache = tokencache.SimpleTokenCache()
            # Use a real token cache
            self.token_cache = tokencache.OAuthTokenCache(api_key, username or '',

        self.flickr_oauth = auth.OAuthFlickrInterface(api_key, secret, self.token_cache,

        if cache:
            self.cache = SimpleCache()
            self.cache = None

    def __repr__(self):
        """Returns a string representation of this object."""

        return '[FlickrAPI for key "%s"]' % self.flickr_oauth.key

    __str__ = __repr__

    def trait_names(self):
        """Returns a list of method names as supported by the Flickr
        API. Used for tab completion in IPython.

            rsp = self.reflection_getMethods(format='etree')
        except FlickrError:
            return None

        return [m.text[7:] for m in rsp.getiterator('method')]

    def parse_xmlnode(self, rest_xml):
        """Parses a REST XML response from Flickr into an XMLNode object."""

        rsp = XMLNode.parse(rest_xml, store_xml=True)
        if rsp['stat'] == 'ok':
            return rsp

        err = rsp.err[0]
        raise FlickrError(six.u('Error: %(code)s: %(msg)s') % err, code=err['code'])

    @rest_parser('parsed-json', 'json')
    def parse_json(self, json_string):
        """Parses a JSON response from Flickr."""

        if isinstance(json_string, six.binary_type):
            json_string = json_string.decode('utf-8')

        import json
        parsed = json.loads(json_string)
        if parsed.get('stat', '') == 'fail':
            raise FlickrError(six.u('Error: %(code)s: %(message)s') % parsed,
        return parsed

    def parse_etree(self, rest_xml):
        """Parses a REST XML response from Flickr into an ElementTree object."""

            from lxml import etree as ElementTree
            LOG.info('REST Parser: using lxml.etree')
        except ImportError:
                import xml.etree.cElementTree as ElementTree
                LOG.info('REST Parser: using xml.etree.cElementTree')
            except ImportError:
                    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
                    LOG.info('REST Parser: using xml.etree.ElementTree')
                except ImportError:
                        import elementtree.cElementTree as ElementTree
                        LOG.info('REST Parser: elementtree.cElementTree')
                    except ImportError:
                            import elementtree.ElementTree as ElementTree
                        except ImportError:
                            raise ImportError("You need to install "
                                              "ElementTree to use the etree format")

        rsp = ElementTree.fromstring(rest_xml)
        if rsp.attrib['stat'] == 'ok':
            return rsp

        err = rsp.find('err')
        code = err.attrib.get('code', None)
        raise FlickrError(six.u('Error: %(code)s: %(msg)s') % err.attrib, code=code)

    def __getattr__(self, method_name):
        """Returns a CallBuilder for the given method name."""

        # Refuse to do anything with special methods
        if method_name.startswith('_'):
            raise AttributeError(method_name)

        # Compatibility with old way of calling, i.e. flickrobj.photos_getInfo(...)
        if '_' in method_name:
            method_name = method_name.replace('_', '.')

        return CallBuilder(self, method_name='flickr.' + method_name)

    def do_flickr_call(self, _method_name, timeout=None, **kwargs):
        """Handle all the regular Flickr API calls.


            etree = flickr.photos.getInfo(photo_id='1234')
            etree = flickr.photos.getInfo(photo_id='1234', format='etree')
            xmlnode = flickr.photos.getInfo(photo_id='1234', format='xmlnode')
            json = flickr.photos.getInfo(photo_id='1234', format='json')

        params = kwargs.copy()

        # Set some defaults
        defaults = {'method': _method_name,
                    'format': self.default_format}
        if 'jsoncallback' not in kwargs:
            defaults['nojsoncallback'] = 1
        params = self._supply_defaults(params, defaults)

        LOG.info('Calling %s', defaults)

        return self._wrap_in_parser(self._flickr_call,

    def _supply_defaults(self, args, defaults):
        """Returns a new dictionary containing ``args``, augmented with defaults
        from ``defaults``.

        Defaults can be overridden, or completely removed by setting the
        appropriate value in ``args`` to ``None``.

        result = args.copy()
        for key, default_value in six.iteritems(defaults):
            # Set the default if the parameter wasn't passed
            if key not in args:
                result[key] = default_value

        for key, value in six.iteritems(result.copy()):
            # You are able to remove a default by assigning None, and we can't
            # pass None to Flickr anyway.
            if value is None:
                del result[key]

        return result

    def _flickr_call(self, timeout=None, **kwargs):
        """Performs a Flickr API call with the given arguments. The method name
        itself should be passed as the 'method' parameter.

        Returns the unparsed data from Flickr::

            data = self._flickr_call(method='flickr.photos.getInfo',
                photo_id='123', format='rest')

        LOG.debug("Calling %s" % kwargs)

        # Return value from cache if available
        if self.cache and self.cache.get(kwargs):
            return self.cache.get(kwargs)

        reply = self.flickr_oauth.do_request(self.REST_URL, kwargs, timeout=timeout)

        # Store in cache, if we have one
        if self.cache is not None:
            self.cache.set(kwargs, reply)

        return reply

    def _wrap_in_parser(self, wrapped_method, parse_format, *args, **kwargs):
        """Wraps a method call in a parser.

        The parser will be looked up by the ``parse_format`` specifier. If there
        is a parser and ``kwargs['format']`` is set, it's set to ``rest``, and
        the response of the method is parsed before it's returned.

        # Find the parser, and set the format to rest if we're supposed to
        # parse it.
        if parse_format in rest_parsers and 'format' in kwargs:
            kwargs['format'] = rest_parsers[parse_format][1]

        LOG.debug('Wrapping call %s(self, %s, %s)' % (wrapped_method, args, kwargs))
        data = wrapped_method(*args, **kwargs)

        # Just return if we have no parser
        if parse_format not in rest_parsers:
            return data

        # Return the parsed data
        parser = rest_parsers[parse_format][0]
        return parser(self, data)

    def _extract_upload_response_format(self, kwargs):
        """Returns the response format given in kwargs['format'], or
        the default format if there is no such key.

        If kwargs contains 'format', it is removed from kwargs.

        If the format isn't compatible with Flickr's upload response
        type, a FlickrError exception is raised.

        # Figure out the response format
        response_format = kwargs.get('format', self.default_format)
        if response_format not in rest_parsers and response_format != 'rest':
            raise FlickrError('Format %s not supported for uploading '
                              'photos' % response_format)

        # The format shouldn't be used in the request to Flickr.
        if 'format' in kwargs:
            del kwargs['format']

        return response_format

    def upload(self, filename, fileobj=None, timeout=None, **kwargs):
        """Upload a file to flickr.

        Be extra careful you spell the parameters correctly, or you will
        get a rather cryptic "Invalid Signature" error on the upload!

        Supported parameters:

            name of a file to upload
            an optional file-like object from which the data can be read
            title of the photo
            description a.k.a. caption of the photo
            space-delimited list of tags, ``'''tag1 tag2 "long tag"'''``
            "1" or "0" for a public resp. private photo
            "1" or "0" whether friends can see the photo while it's
            marked as private
            "1" or "0" whether family can see the photo while it's
            marked as private
            Set to "1" for Photo, "2" for Screenshot, or "3" for Other.
            Set to "1" to keep the photo in global search results, "2"
            to hide from public searches.
            The response format. You can only choose between the
            parsed responses or 'rest' for plain REST.
            Optional timeout for the HTTP request, as float in seconds.

        The ``fileobj`` parameter can be used to monitor progress via
        a callback method. For example::

            class FileWithCallback(object):
                def __init__(self, filename, callback):
                    self.file = open(filename, 'rb')
                    self.callback = callback
                    # the following attributes and methods are required
                    self.len = os.path.getsize(path)
                    self.fileno = self.file.fileno
                    self.tell = self.file.tell

                def read(self, size):
                    if self.callback:
                        self.callback(self.tell() * 100 // self.len)
                    return self.file.read(size)

            fileobj = FileWithCallback(filename, callback)
            rsp = flickr.upload(filename, fileobj, parameters)

        The callback method takes one parameter:
        ``def callback(progress)``

        Progress is a number between 0 and 100.

        return self._upload_to_form(self.UPLOAD_URL, filename, fileobj, timeout=timeout, **kwargs)

    def replace(self, filename, photo_id, fileobj=None, timeout=None, **kwargs):
        """Replace an existing photo.

        Supported parameters:

            name of a file to upload
            an optional file-like object from which the data can be read
            the ID of the photo to replace
            The response format. You can only choose between the
            parsed responses or 'rest' for plain REST. Defaults to the
            format passed to the constructor.
            Optional timeout for the HTTP request, as float in seconds.


        if not photo_id:
            raise IllegalArgumentException("photo_id must be specified")

        kwargs['photo_id'] = photo_id
        return self._upload_to_form(self.REPLACE_URL, filename, fileobj, timeout=timeout, **kwargs)

    def _upload_to_form(self, form_url, filename, fileobj=None, timeout=None, **kwargs):
        """Uploads a photo - can be used to either upload a new photo
        or replace an existing one.

        form_url must be either ``FlickrAPI.flickr_replace_form`` or

        if not filename:
            raise IllegalArgumentException("filename must be specified")
        if not self.token_cache.token:
            raise IllegalArgumentException("Authentication is required")

        kwargs['api_key'] = self.flickr_oauth.key

        # Figure out the response format
        response_format = self._extract_upload_response_format(kwargs)

        # Convert to UTF-8 if an argument is an Unicode string
        kwargs = make_bytes(kwargs)

        return self._wrap_in_parser(self.flickr_oauth.do_upload, response_format,
                                    filename, form_url, kwargs, fileobj, timeout=timeout)

    def token_valid(self, perms=u'read'):
        """Verifies the cached token with Flickr.

        If the token turns out to be invalid, or with permissions lower than required,
        the token is erased from the token cache.

        @return: True if the token is valid for the requested parameters, False otherwise.

        token = self.token_cache.token

        if not token:
            return False

        # Check token for validity
        self.flickr_oauth.token = token

            resp = self.auth.oauth.checkToken(format='etree')
            token_perms = resp.findtext('oauth/perms')
            if token_perms == token.access_level and token.has_level(perms):
                # Token is valid, and for the expected permissions.
                return True

        except FlickrError:
            # There was an error talking to Flickr, we assume this is due
            # to an invalid token.

        # Token was for other permissions, so erase it as it is
        # not usable for this request.
        self.flickr_oauth.token = None
        del self.token_cache.token

        return False

    def authenticate_console(self, perms=u'read'):
        """Performs the authentication/authorization, assuming a console program.

        Shows the URL the user should visit on stdout, then waits for the user to authorize
        the program.

        if isinstance(perms, six.binary_type):
            perms = six.u(perms)

        token = self.flickr_oauth.get_access_token()
        self.token_cache.token = token

    def authenticate_via_browser(self, perms=u'read'):
        """Performs the authentication/authorization, assuming a console program.

        Starts the browser and waits for the user to authorize the app before continuing.

        if isinstance(perms, six.binary_type):
            perms = six.u(perms)

        token = self.flickr_oauth.get_access_token()
        self.token_cache.token = token

    def authenticate_for_test(self, perms=u'read'):
        """Skips a bit of the authentication/authorization, for unit tests.

        if isinstance(perms, six.binary_type):
            perms = six.u(perms)

        token = self.flickr_oauth.get_access_token()
        self.token_cache.token = token

    def get_request_token(self, oauth_callback=None):
        """Requests a new request token.

        Updates this OAuthFlickrInterface object to use the request token on the following
        authentication calls.

        @param oauth_callback: the URL the user is sent to after granting the token access.
            If the callback is None, a local web server is started on a random port, and the
            callback will be http://localhost:randomport/

            If you do not have a web-app and you also do not want to start a local web server,
            pass oauth_callback='oob' and have your application accept the verifier from the
            user instead.


    def auth_url(self, perms=u'read'):
        """Returns the URL the user should visit to authenticate the given oauth Token.

        Use this method in webapps, where you can redirect the user to the returned URL.
        After authorization by the user, the browser is redirected to the callback URL,
        which will contain the OAuth verifier. Set the 'verifier' property on this object
        in order to use it.

        In stand-alone apps, authenticate_via_browser(...) may be easier instead.

        return self.flickr_oauth.auth_url(perms=perms)

    def get_access_token(self, verifier=None):
        """Exchanges the request token for an access token.

        Also stores the access token for easy authentication of subsequent calls.

        @param verifier: the verifier code, in case you used out-of-band communication
            of the verifier code.

        if verifier is not None:
            self.flickr_oauth.verifier = verifier

        self.token_cache.token = self.flickr_oauth.get_access_token()

    def data_walker(self, method, searchstring='*/photo', **params):
        """Calls 'method' with page=0, page=1 etc. until the total
        number of pages has been visited. Yields the photos

        Assumes that ``method(page=n, **params).findall(searchstring)``
        results in a list of interesting elements (defaulting to photos),
        and that the toplevel element of the result contains a 'pages'
        attribute with the total number of pages.

        page = 1
        total = 1  # We don't know that yet, update when needed
        while page <= total:
            # Fetch a single page of photos
            LOG.debug('Calling %s(page=%i of %i, %s)' %
                      (method.__name__, page, total, params))
            rsp = method(page=page, **params)

            photoset = rsp.getchildren()[0]
            total = int(photoset.get('pages'))

            photos = rsp.findall(searchstring)

            # Yield each photo
            for photo in photos:
                yield photo

            # Ready to get the next page
            page += 1

    def walk_contacts(self, per_page=50, **kwargs):
        """walk_contacts(self, per_page=50, ...) -> \
                generator, yields each contact of the calling user.

                the number of contacts that are fetched in one call to

        Other arguments can be passed, as documented in the
        flickr.contacts.getList_ API call in the Flickr API
        documentation, except for ``page`` because all pages will be
        returned eventually.

        .. _flickr.contacts.getList:

        Uses the ElementTree format, incompatible with other formats.

        return self.data_walker(self.contacts_getList, searchstring='*/contact',
                                per_page=per_page, **kwargs)

    def walk_photosets(self, per_page=50, **kwargs):
        """walk_photosets(self, per_page=50, ...) -> \
                generator, yields each photoset belonging to a user.

                the number of photosets that are fetched in one call to

        Other arguments can be passed, as documented in the
        flickr.photosets.getList_ API call in the Flickr API
        documentation, except for ``page`` because all pages will be
        returned eventually.

        .. _flickr.photosets.getList:

        Uses the ElementTree format, incompatible with other formats.

        return self.data_walker(self.photosets_getList, searchstring='*/photoset',
                                per_page=per_page, **kwargs)

    def walk_set(self, photoset_id, per_page=50, **kwargs):
        """walk_set(self, photoset_id, per_page=50, ...) -> \
                generator, yields each photo in a single set.

                the photoset ID
                the number of photos that are fetched in one call to

        Other arguments can be passed, as documented in the
        flickr.photosets.getPhotos_ API call in the Flickr API
        documentation, except for ``page`` because all pages will be
        returned eventually.

        .. _flickr.photosets.getPhotos:

        Uses the ElementTree format, incompatible with other formats.

        return self.data_walker(self.photosets_getPhotos,
                                photoset_id=photoset_id, per_page=per_page, **kwargs)

    def walk_user(self, user_id='me', per_page=50, **kwargs):
        """walk_user(self, user_id, per_page=50, ...) -> \
                generator, yields each photo in a user's photostream.

                the user ID, or 'me'
                the number of photos that are fetched in one call to

        Other arguments can be passed, as documented in the
        flickr.people.getPhotos_ API call in the Flickr API
        documentation, except for ``page`` because all pages will be
        returned eventually.

        .. _flickr.people.getPhotos:

        Uses the ElementTree format, incompatible with other formats.

        return self.data_walker(self.people_getPhotos,
                                user_id=user_id, per_page=per_page, **kwargs)

    def walk_user_updates(self, min_date, per_page=50, **kwargs):
        """walk_user_updates(self, user_id, per_page=50, ...) -> \
                generator, yields each photo in a user's photostream updated \
                after ``min_date``


                the number of photos that are fetched in one call to

        Other arguments can be passed, as documented in the
        flickr.photos.recentlyUpdated API call in the Flickr API
        documentation, except for ``page`` because all pages will be
        returned eventually.

        .. _flickr.photos.recentlyUpdated:

        Uses the ElementTree format, incompatible with other formats.

        return self.data_walker(self.photos_recentlyUpdated,
                                min_date=min_date, per_page=per_page, **kwargs)

    def walk(self, per_page=50, **kwargs):
        """walk(self, user_id=..., tags=..., ...) -> generator, \
                yields each photo in a search query result

        Accepts the same parameters as flickr.photos.search_ API call,
        except for ``page`` because all pages will be returned

        .. _flickr.photos.search:

        Also see `walk_set`.

        return self.data_walker(self.photos.search,
                                per_page=per_page, **kwargs)
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self,
        """Construct a new FlickrAPI instance for a given API key
        and secret.
            The API key as obtained from Flickr.
            The secret belonging to the API key.
            Used to identify the appropriate authentication token for a
            certain user.
            If you already have an authentication token, you can give
            it here. It won't be stored on disk by the FlickrAPI instance.

            The response format. Use either "xmlnode" or "etree" to get a parsed
            response, or use any response format supported by Flickr to get an
            unparsed response from method calls. It's also possible to pass the
            ``format`` parameter on individual calls.

            Disables the on-disk token cache if set to False (default is True).
            Use this to ensure that tokens aren't read nor written to disk, for
            example in web applications that store tokens in cookies.

            Enables in-memory caching of FlickrAPI calls - set to ``True`` to
            use. If you don't want to use the default settings, you can
            instantiate a cache yourself too:

            >>> f = FlickrAPI(api_key='123')
            >>> f.cache = SimpleCache(timeout=5, max_entries=100)

        self.api_key = api_key
        self.secret = secret
        self.default_format = format

        self.__handler_cache = {}

        if token:
            # Use a memory-only token cache
            self.token_cache = SimpleTokenCache()
            self.token_cache.token = token
        elif not store_token:
            # Use an empty memory-only token cache
            self.token_cache = SimpleTokenCache()
            # Use a real token cache
            self.token_cache = TokenCache(api_key, username)

        if cache:
            self.cache = SimpleCache()
            self.cache = None
コード例 #5
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: hongseokyoon/SimplyFlickr
class FlickrAPI(object):
    """Encapsulates Flickr functionality.
    Example usage::
      flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(api_key)
      photos = flickr.photos_search(user_id='73509078@N00', per_page='10')
      sets = flickr.photosets_getList(user_id='73509078@N00')
    flickr_host = "api.flickr.com"
    flickr_rest_form = "/services/rest/"
    flickr_auth_form = "/services/auth/"
    flickr_upload_form = "/services/upload/"
    flickr_replace_form = "/services/replace/"

    def __init__(self, api_key, secret=None, username=None,
            token=None, format='etree', store_token=True,
        """Construct a new FlickrAPI instance for a given API key
        and secret.
            The API key as obtained from Flickr.
            The secret belonging to the API key.
            Used to identify the appropriate authentication token for a
            certain user.
            If you already have an authentication token, you can give
            it here. It won't be stored on disk by the FlickrAPI instance.

            The response format. Use either "xmlnode" or "etree" to get a parsed
            response, or use any response format supported by Flickr to get an
            unparsed response from method calls. It's also possible to pass the
            ``format`` parameter on individual calls.

            Disables the on-disk token cache if set to False (default is True).
            Use this to ensure that tokens aren't read nor written to disk, for
            example in web applications that store tokens in cookies.

            Enables in-memory caching of FlickrAPI calls - set to ``True`` to
            use. If you don't want to use the default settings, you can
            instantiate a cache yourself too:

            >>> f = FlickrAPI(api_key='123')
            >>> f.cache = SimpleCache(timeout=5, max_entries=100)
        self.api_key = api_key
        self.secret = secret
        self.default_format = format
        self.__handler_cache = {}

        if token:
            # Use a memory-only token cache
            self.token_cache = SimpleTokenCache()
            self.token_cache.token = token
        elif not store_token:
            # Use an empty memory-only token cache
            self.token_cache = SimpleTokenCache()
            # Use a real token cache
            self.token_cache = TokenCache(api_key, username)

        if cache:
            self.cache = SimpleCache()
            self.cache = None

    def __repr__(self):
        '''Returns a string representation of this object.'''

        return '[FlickrAPI for key "%s"]' % self.api_key
    __str__ = __repr__

    def trait_names(self):
        '''Returns a list of method names as supported by the Flickr
        API. Used for tab completion in IPython.

            rsp = self.reflection_getMethods(format='etree')
        except FlickrError:
            return None

        def tr(name):
            '''Translates Flickr names to something that can be called

            >>> tr(u'flickr.photos.getInfo')
            return name[7:].replace('.', '_')

        return [tr(m.text) for m in rsp.getiterator('method')]

    def parse_xmlnode(self, rest_xml):
        '''Parses a REST XML response from Flickr into an XMLNode object.'''

        rsp = XMLNode.parse(rest_xml, store_xml=True)
        if rsp['stat'] == 'ok':
            return rsp
        err = rsp.err[0]
        raise FlickrError(u'Error: %(code)s: %(msg)s' % err)

    def parse_etree(self, rest_xml):
        '''Parses a REST XML response from Flickr into an ElementTree object.'''

            import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
        except ImportError:
            # For Python 2.4 compatibility:
                import elementtree.ElementTree as ElementTree
            except ImportError:
                raise ImportError("You need to install "
                    "ElementTree for using the etree format")

        rsp = ElementTree.fromstring(rest_xml)
        if rsp.attrib['stat'] == 'ok':
            return rsp
        err = rsp.find('err')
        raise FlickrError(u'Error: %(code)s: %(msg)s' % err.attrib)

    def sign(self, dictionary):
        """Calculate the flickr signature for a set of params.
            a hash of all the params and values to be hashed, e.g.
            ``{"api_key":"AAAA", "auth_token":"TTTT", "key":


        data = [self.secret]
        for key in sorted(dictionary.keys()):
            datum = dictionary[key]
            if isinstance(datum, unicode):
                raise IllegalArgumentException("No Unicode allowed, "
                        "argument %s (%r) should have been UTF-8 by now"
                        % (key, datum))
        md5_hash = md5(''.join(data))
        return md5_hash.hexdigest()

    def encode_and_sign(self, dictionary):
        '''URL encodes the data in the dictionary, and signs it using the
        given secret, if a secret was given.
        dictionary = make_utf8(dictionary)
        if self.secret:
            dictionary['api_sig'] = self.sign(dictionary)
        return urllib.urlencode(dictionary)
    def __getattr__(self, attrib):
        """Handle all the regular Flickr API calls.

            etree = flickr.photos_getInfo(photo_id='1234')
            etree = flickr.photos_getInfo(photo_id='1234', format='etree')
            xmlnode = flickr.photos_getInfo(photo_id='1234', format='xmlnode')
            json = flickr.photos_getInfo(photo_id='1234', format='json')

        # Refuse to act as a proxy for unimplemented special methods
        if attrib.startswith('_'):
            raise AttributeError("No such attribute '%s'" % attrib)

        # Construct the method name and see if it's cached
        method = "flickr." + attrib.replace("_", ".")
        if method in self.__handler_cache:
            return self.__handler_cache[method]
        def handler(**args):
            '''Dynamically created handler for a Flickr API call'''

            if self.token_cache.token and not self.secret:
                raise ValueError("Auth tokens cannot be used without "
                                 "API secret")

            # Set some defaults
            defaults = {'method': method,
                        'auth_token': self.token_cache.token,
                        'api_key': self.api_key,
                        'format': self.default_format}

            args = self.__supply_defaults(args, defaults)

            return self.__wrap_in_parser(self.__flickr_call,
                    parse_format=args['format'], **args)

        handler.method = method
        self.__handler_cache[method] = handler
        return handler
    def __supply_defaults(self, args, defaults):
        '''Returns a new dictionary containing ``args``, augmented with defaults
        from ``defaults``.

        Defaults can be overridden, or completely removed by setting the
        appropriate value in ``args`` to ``None``.

        >>> f = FlickrAPI('123')
        >>> f._FlickrAPI__supply_defaults(
        ...  {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': None, 'token': None},
        ...  {'baz': 'foobar', 'room': 'door'})
        {'foo': 'bar', 'room': 'door'}

        result = args.copy()
        for key, default_value in defaults.iteritems():
            # Set the default if the parameter wasn't passed
            if key not in args:
                result[key] = default_value

        for key, value in result.copy().iteritems():
            # You are able to remove a default by assigning None, and we can't
            # pass None to Flickr anyway.
            if result[key] is None:
                del result[key]
        return result

    def __flickr_call(self, **kwargs):
        '''Performs a Flickr API call with the given arguments. The method name
        itself should be passed as the 'method' parameter.
        Returns the unparsed data from Flickr::

            data = self.__flickr_call(method='flickr.photos.getInfo',
                photo_id='123', format='rest')

        LOG.debug("Calling %s" % kwargs)

        post_data = self.encode_and_sign(kwargs)

        # Return value from cache if available
        if self.cache and self.cache.get(post_data):
            return self.cache.get(post_data)

        url = "http://" + self.flickr_host + self.flickr_rest_form
        flicksocket = urllib2.urlopen(url, post_data)
        reply = flicksocket.read()

        # Store in cache, if we have one
        if self.cache is not None:
            self.cache.set(post_data, reply)

        return reply
    def __wrap_in_parser(self, wrapped_method, parse_format, *args, **kwargs):
        '''Wraps a method call in a parser.

        The parser will be looked up by the ``parse_format`` specifier. If there
        is a parser and ``kwargs['format']`` is set, it's set to ``rest``, and
        the response of the method is parsed before it's returned.

        # Find the parser, and set the format to rest if we're supposed to
        # parse it.
        if parse_format in rest_parsers and 'format' in kwargs:
            kwargs['format'] = 'rest'

        LOG.debug('Wrapping call %s(self, %s, %s)' % (wrapped_method, args,
        data = wrapped_method(*args, **kwargs)

        # Just return if we have no parser
        if parse_format not in rest_parsers:
            return data

        # Return the parsed data
        parser = rest_parsers[parse_format]
        return parser(self, data)

    def auth_url(self, perms, frob):
        """Return the authorization URL to get a token.

        This is the URL the app will launch a browser toward if it
        needs a new token.
            "read", "write", or "delete"
            picked up from an earlier call to FlickrAPI.auth_getFrob()


        encoded = self.encode_and_sign({
                    "api_key": self.api_key,
                    "frob": frob,
                    "perms": perms})

        return "http://%s%s?%s" % (self.flickr_host, \
                self.flickr_auth_form, encoded)

    def web_login_url(self, perms):
        '''Returns the web login URL to forward web users to.

            "read", "write", or "delete"
        encoded = self.encode_and_sign({
                    "api_key": self.api_key,
                    "perms": perms})

        return "http://%s%s?%s" % (self.flickr_host, \
                self.flickr_auth_form, encoded)

    def __extract_upload_response_format(self, kwargs):
        '''Returns the response format given in kwargs['format'], or
        the default format if there is no such key.

        If kwargs contains 'format', it is removed from kwargs.

        If the format isn't compatible with Flickr's upload response
        type, a FlickrError exception is raised.

        # Figure out the response format
        format = kwargs.get('format', self.default_format)
        if format not in rest_parsers and format != 'rest':
            raise FlickrError('Format %s not supported for uploading '
                              'photos' % format)

        # The format shouldn't be used in the request to Flickr.
        if 'format' in kwargs:
            del kwargs['format']

        return format

    def upload(self, filename, callback=None, **kwargs):
        """Upload a file to flickr.

        Be extra careful you spell the parameters correctly, or you will
        get a rather cryptic "Invalid Signature" error on the upload!

        Supported parameters:

            name of a file to upload
            method that gets progress reports
            title of the photo
            description a.k.a. caption of the photo
            space-delimited list of tags, ``'''tag1 tag2 "long
            "1" or "0" for a public resp. private photo
            "1" or "0" whether friends can see the photo while it's
            marked as private
            "1" or "0" whether family can see the photo while it's
            marked as private
            Set to "1" for Photo, "2" for Screenshot, or "3" for Other.
            Set to "1" to keep the photo in global search results, "2"
            to hide from public searches.
            The response format. You can only choose between the
            parsed responses or 'rest' for plain REST.

        The callback method should take two parameters:
        ``def callback(progress, done)``
        Progress is a number between 0 and 100, and done is a boolean
        that's true only when the upload is done.

        return self.__upload_to_form(self.flickr_upload_form,
                filename, callback, **kwargs)
    def replace(self, filename, photo_id, callback=None, **kwargs):
        """Replace an existing photo.

        Supported parameters:

            name of a file to upload
            the ID of the photo to replace
            method that gets progress reports
            The response format. You can only choose between the
            parsed responses or 'rest' for plain REST. Defaults to the
            format passed to the constructor.

        The callback parameter has the same semantics as described in the
        ``upload`` function.
        if not photo_id:
            raise IllegalArgumentException("photo_id must be specified")

        kwargs['photo_id'] = photo_id
        return self.__upload_to_form(self.flickr_replace_form,
                filename, callback, **kwargs)
    def __upload_to_form(self, form_url, filename, callback, **kwargs):
        '''Uploads a photo - can be used to either upload a new photo
        or replace an existing one.

        form_url must be either ``FlickrAPI.flickr_replace_form`` or

        if not filename:
            raise IllegalArgumentException("filename must be specified")
        if not self.token_cache.token:
            raise IllegalArgumentException("Authentication is required")

        # Figure out the response format
        format = self.__extract_upload_response_format(kwargs)

        # Update the arguments with the ones the user won't have to supply
        arguments = {'auth_token': self.token_cache.token,
                     'api_key': self.api_key}

        # Convert to UTF-8 if an argument is an Unicode string
        kwargs = make_utf8(arguments)
        if self.secret:
            kwargs["api_sig"] = self.sign(kwargs)
        url = "http://%s%s" % (self.flickr_host, form_url)

        # construct POST data
        body = Multipart()

        for arg, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            part = Part({'name': arg}, value)

        filepart = FilePart({'name': 'photo'}, filename, 'image/jpeg')

        return self.__wrap_in_parser(self.__send_multipart, format,
                url, body, callback)

    def __send_multipart(self, url, body, progress_callback=None):
        '''Sends a Multipart object to an URL.
        Returns the resulting unparsed XML from Flickr.

        LOG.debug("Uploading to %s" % url)
        request = urllib2.Request(url)
        (header, value) = body.header()
        request.add_header(header, value)
        if not progress_callback:
            # Just use urllib2 if there is no progress callback
            # function
            response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
            return response.read()

        def __upload_callback(percentage, done, seen_header=[False]):
            '''Filters out the progress report on the HTTP header'''

            # Call the user's progress callback when we've filtered
            # out the HTTP header
            if seen_header[0]:
                return progress_callback(percentage, done)            
            # Remember the first time we hit 'done'.
            if done:
                seen_header[0] = True

        response = reportinghttp.urlopen(request, __upload_callback)
        return response.read()

    def validate_frob(self, frob, perms):
        '''Lets the user validate the frob by launching a browser to
        the Flickr website.
        auth_url = self.auth_url(perms, frob)
            browser = webbrowser.get()
        except webbrowser.Error:
            if 'BROWSER' not in os.environ:
            browser = webbrowser.GenericBrowser(os.environ['BROWSER'])

        browser.open(auth_url, True, True)
    def get_token_part_one(self, perms="read", auth_callback=None):
        """Get a token either from the cache, or make a new one from
        the frob.
        This first attempts to find a token in the user's token cache
        on disk. If that token is present and valid, it is returned by
        the method.
        If that fails (or if the token is no longer valid based on
        flickr.auth.checkToken) a new frob is acquired. If an auth_callback 
        method has been specified it will be called. Otherwise the frob is
        validated by having the user log into flickr (with a browser).
        To get a proper token, follow these steps:
            - Store the result value of this method call
            - Give the user a way to signal the program that he/she
              has authorized it, for example show a button that can be
            - Wait for the user to signal the program that the
              authorization was performed, but only if there was no
              cached token.
            - Call flickrapi.get_token_part_two(...) and pass it the
              result value you stored.
        The newly minted token is then cached locally for the next
            "read", "write", or "delete"
            method to be called if authorization is needed. When not
            passed, ``self.validate_frob(...)`` is called. You can
            call this method yourself from the callback method too.

            If authorization should be blocked, pass
            The auth_callback method should take ``(frob, perms)`` as
        An example::
            (token, frob) = flickr.get_token_part_one(perms='write')
            if not token: raw_input("Press ENTER after you authorized this program")
            flickr.get_token_part_two((token, frob))

        Also take a look at ``authenticate_console(perms)``.

        # Check our auth_callback parameter for correctness before we
        # do anything
        authenticate = self.validate_frob
        if auth_callback is not None:
            if hasattr(auth_callback, '__call__'):
                # use the provided callback function
                authenticate = auth_callback
            elif auth_callback is False:
                authenticate = None
                # Any non-callable non-False value is invalid
                raise ValueError('Invalid value for auth_callback: %s'
                        % auth_callback)

        # see if we have a saved token
        token = self.token_cache.token
        frob = None

        auth_url  = None
        nsid      = None
        # see if it's valid
        if token:
            LOG.debug("Trying cached token '%s'" % token)
                rsp = self.auth_checkToken(auth_token=token, format='xmlnode')

                # see if we have enough permissions
                tokenPerms = rsp.auth[0].perms[0].text
                if tokenPerms == "read" and perms != "read": token = None
                elif tokenPerms == "write" and perms == "delete": token = None
                if token:
                  nsid  = rsp.auth[0].user[0]['nsid']
            except FlickrError:
                LOG.debug("Cached token invalid")
                token = None

        # get a new token if we need one
        if not token:
            # If we can't authenticate, it's all over.
            if not authenticate:
                raise FlickrError('Authentication required but '
                        'blocked using auth_callback=False')

            # get the frob
            LOG.debug("Getting frob for new token")
            rsp = self.auth_getFrob(auth_token=None, format='xmlnode')

            frob = rsp.frob[0].text
            #authenticate(frob, perms)
            auth_url  = self.auth_url(perms, frob)

        return (token, frob, nsid, auth_url)
    def get_token_part_two(self, (token, frob)):
        """Part two of getting a token, see ``get_token_part_one(...)`` for details."""

        # If a valid token was obtained in the past, we're done
        if token:
            LOG.debug("get_token_part_two: no need, token already there")
            self.token_cache.token = token
            return token
        LOG.debug("get_token_part_two: getting a new token for frob '%s'" % frob)

        return self.get_token(frob)
コード例 #6
class FlickrAPI(object):
    """Encapsulates Flickr functionality.
    Example usage::
      flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(api_key)
      photos = flickr.photos_search(user_id='73509078@N00', per_page='10')
      sets = flickr.photosets_getList(user_id='73509078@N00')

    flickr_host = "api.flickr.com"
    flickr_rest_form = "/services/rest/"
    flickr_auth_form = "/services/auth/"
    flickr_upload_form = "/services/upload/"
    flickr_replace_form = "/services/replace/"

    def __init__(self,
        """Construct a new FlickrAPI instance for a given API key
        and secret.
            The API key as obtained from Flickr.
            The secret belonging to the API key.
            Used to identify the appropriate authentication token for a
            certain user.
            If you already have an authentication token, you can give
            it here. It won't be stored on disk by the FlickrAPI instance.

            The response format. Use either "xmlnode" or "etree" to get a parsed
            response, or use any response format supported by Flickr to get an
            unparsed response from method calls. It's also possible to pass the
            ``format`` parameter on individual calls.

            Disables the on-disk token cache if set to False (default is True).
            Use this to ensure that tokens aren't read nor written to disk, for
            example in web applications that store tokens in cookies.

            Enables in-memory caching of FlickrAPI calls - set to ``True`` to
            use. If you don't want to use the default settings, you can
            instantiate a cache yourself too:

            >>> f = FlickrAPI(api_key='123')
            >>> f.cache = SimpleCache(timeout=5, max_entries=100)

        self.api_key = api_key
        self.secret = secret
        self.default_format = format

        self.__handler_cache = {}

        if token:
            # Use a memory-only token cache
            self.token_cache = SimpleTokenCache()
            self.token_cache.token = token
        elif not store_token:
            # Use an empty memory-only token cache
            self.token_cache = SimpleTokenCache()
            # Use a real token cache
            self.token_cache = TokenCache(api_key, username)

        if cache:
            self.cache = SimpleCache()
            self.cache = None

    def __repr__(self):
        '''Returns a string representation of this object.'''

        return '[FlickrAPI for key "%s"]' % self.api_key

    __str__ = __repr__

    def trait_names(self):
        '''Returns a list of method names as supported by the Flickr
        API. Used for tab completion in IPython.

            rsp = self.reflection_getMethods(format='etree')
        except FlickrError:
            return None

        def tr(name):
            '''Translates Flickr names to something that can be called

            >>> tr(u'flickr.photos.getInfo')

            return name[7:].replace('.', '_')

        return [tr(m.text) for m in rsp.getiterator('method')]

    def parse_xmlnode(self, rest_xml):
        '''Parses a REST XML response from Flickr into an XMLNode object.'''

        rsp = XMLNode.parse(rest_xml, store_xml=True)
        if rsp['stat'] == 'ok':
            return rsp

        err = rsp.err[0]
        raise FlickrError(u'Error: %(code)s: %(msg)s' % err)

    def parse_etree(self, rest_xml):
        '''Parses a REST XML response from Flickr into an ElementTree object.'''

            import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
        except ImportError:
            # For Python 2.4 compatibility:
                import elementtree.ElementTree as ElementTree
            except ImportError:
                raise ImportError("You need to install "
                                  "ElementTree for using the etree format")

        rsp = ElementTree.fromstring(rest_xml)
        if rsp.attrib['stat'] == 'ok':
            return rsp

        err = rsp.find('err')
        raise FlickrError(u'Error: %(code)s: %(msg)s' % err.attrib)

    def parse_json(self, json_string):
        '''Parses a REST JSON response from Flickr into an dict object.'''

            import json as json
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError("You need to be able to import"
                              "json for using the json format")

        json_string = json_string[14:-1]
        rsp = json.loads(json_string)
        if rsp['stat'] == 'ok':
            return rsp

        err = rsp['err']
        raise FlickrError(u'Error: %(code)s: %(msg)s' % err)

    def sign(self, dictionary):
        """Calculate the flickr signature for a set of params.
            a hash of all the params and values to be hashed, e.g.
            ``{"api_key":"AAAA", "auth_token":"TTTT", "key":


        data = [self.secret]
        for key in sorted(dictionary.keys()):
            datum = dictionary[key]
            if isinstance(datum, unicode):
                raise IllegalArgumentException(
                    "No Unicode allowed, "
                    "argument %s (%r) should have been UTF-8 by now" %
                    (key, datum))
        md5_hash = md5(''.join(data))
        return md5_hash.hexdigest()

    def encode_and_sign(self, dictionary):
        '''URL encodes the data in the dictionary, and signs it using the
        given secret, if a secret was given.

        dictionary = make_utf8(dictionary)
        if self.secret:
            dictionary['api_sig'] = self.sign(dictionary)
        return urllib.urlencode(dictionary)

    def __getattr__(self, attrib):
        """Handle all the regular Flickr API calls.

            etree = flickr.photos_getInfo(photo_id='1234')
            etree = flickr.photos_getInfo(photo_id='1234', format='etree')
            xmlnode = flickr.photos_getInfo(photo_id='1234', format='xmlnode')
            json = flickr.photos_getInfo(photo_id='1234', format='json')

        # Refuse to act as a proxy for unimplemented special methods
        if attrib.startswith('_'):
            raise AttributeError("No such attribute '%s'" % attrib)

        # Construct the method name and see if it's cached
        method = "flickr." + attrib.replace("_", ".")
        if method in self.__handler_cache:
            return self.__handler_cache[method]

        def handler(**args):
            '''Dynamically created handler for a Flickr API call'''

            if self.token_cache.token and not self.secret:
                raise ValueError("Auth tokens cannot be used without "
                                 "API secret")

            # Set some defaults
            defaults = {
                'method': method,
                'auth_token': self.token_cache.token,
                'api_key': self.api_key,
                'format': self.default_format

            args = self.__supply_defaults(args, defaults)

            return self.__wrap_in_parser(self.__flickr_call,

        handler.method = method
        self.__handler_cache[method] = handler
        return handler

    def __supply_defaults(self, args, defaults):
        '''Returns a new dictionary containing ``args``, augmented with defaults
        from ``defaults``.

        Defaults can be overridden, or completely removed by setting the
        appropriate value in ``args`` to ``None``.

        >>> f = FlickrAPI('123')
        >>> f._FlickrAPI__supply_defaults(
        ...  {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': None, 'token': None},
        ...  {'baz': 'foobar', 'room': 'door'})
        {'foo': 'bar', 'room': 'door'}

        result = args.copy()
        for key, default_value in defaults.iteritems():
            # Set the default if the parameter wasn't passed
            if key not in args:
                result[key] = default_value

        for key, value in result.copy().iteritems():
            # You are able to remove a default by assigning None, and we can't
            # pass None to Flickr anyway.
            if result[key] is None:
                del result[key]

        return result

    def __flickr_call(self, **kwargs):
        '''Performs a Flickr API call with the given arguments. The method name
        itself should be passed as the 'method' parameter.
        Returns the unparsed data from Flickr::

            data = self.__flickr_call(method='flickr.photos.getInfo',
                photo_id='123', format='rest')

        LOG.debug("Calling %s" % kwargs)

        post_data = self.encode_and_sign(kwargs)

        # Return value from cache if available
        if self.cache and self.cache.get(post_data):
            return self.cache.get(post_data)

        url = "https://" + self.flickr_host + self.flickr_rest_form
        flicksocket = urllib2.urlopen(url, post_data)
        reply = flicksocket.read()

        # Store in cache, if we have one
        if self.cache is not None:
            self.cache.set(post_data, reply)

        return reply

    def __wrap_in_parser(self, wrapped_method, parse_format, *args, **kwargs):
        '''Wraps a method call in a parser.

        The parser will be looked up by the ``parse_format`` specifier. If there
        is a parser and ``kwargs['format']`` is set, it's set to ``rest``, and
        the response of the method is parsed before it's returned.

        # Find the parser, and set the format to rest if we're supposed to
        # parse it.
        if parse_format in rest_parsers and 'format' in kwargs:
            kwargs['format'] = 'rest'
        if parse_format == "json":
            kwargs['format'] = 'json'

        LOG.debug('Wrapping call %s(self, %s, %s)' %
                  (wrapped_method, args, kwargs))

        data = wrapped_method(*args, **kwargs)
        # Just return if we have no parser
        if parse_format not in rest_parsers:
            return data

        # Return the parsed data
        parser = rest_parsers[parse_format]
        return parser(self, data)

    def auth_url(self, perms, frob):
        """Return the authorization URL to get a token.

        This is the URL the app will launch a browser toward if it
        needs a new token.
            "read", "write", or "delete"
            picked up from an earlier call to FlickrAPI.auth_getFrob()


        encoded = self.encode_and_sign({
            "api_key": self.api_key,
            "frob": frob,
            "perms": perms

        return "http://%s%s?%s" % (self.flickr_host, \
                self.flickr_auth_form, encoded)

    def web_login_url(self, perms):
        '''Returns the web login URL to forward web users to.

            "read", "write", or "delete"

        encoded = self.encode_and_sign({
            "api_key": self.api_key,
            "perms": perms

        return "http://%s%s?%s" % (self.flickr_host, \
                self.flickr_auth_form, encoded)

    def __extract_upload_response_format(self, kwargs):
        '''Returns the response format given in kwargs['format'], or
        the default format if there is no such key.

        If kwargs contains 'format', it is removed from kwargs.

        If the format isn't compatible with Flickr's upload response
        type, a FlickrError exception is raised.

        # Figure out the response format
        format = kwargs.get('format', self.default_format)
        if format not in rest_parsers and format != 'rest':
            raise FlickrError('Format %s not supported for uploading '
                              'photos' % format)

        # The format shouldn't be used in the request to Flickr.
        if 'format' in kwargs:
            del kwargs['format']

        return format

    def upload(self, filename, callback=None, **kwargs):
        """Upload a file to flickr.

        Be extra careful you spell the parameters correctly, or you will
        get a rather cryptic "Invalid Signature" error on the upload!

        Supported parameters:

            name of a file to upload
            method that gets progress reports
            title of the photo
            description a.k.a. caption of the photo
            space-delimited list of tags, ``'''tag1 tag2 "long
            "1" or "0" for a public resp. private photo
            "1" or "0" whether friends can see the photo while it's
            marked as private
            "1" or "0" whether family can see the photo while it's
            marked as private
            Set to "1" for Photo, "2" for Screenshot, or "3" for Other.
            Set to "1" to keep the photo in global search results, "2"
            to hide from public searches.
            The response format. You can only choose between the
            parsed responses or 'rest' for plain REST.

        The callback method should take two parameters:
        ``def callback(progress, done)``
        Progress is a number between 0 and 100, and done is a boolean
        that's true only when the upload is done.

        return self.__upload_to_form(self.flickr_upload_form, filename,
                                     callback, **kwargs)

    def replace(self, filename, photo_id, callback=None, **kwargs):
        """Replace an existing photo.

        Supported parameters:

            name of a file to upload
            the ID of the photo to replace
            method that gets progress reports
            The response format. You can only choose between the
            parsed responses or 'rest' for plain REST. Defaults to the
            format passed to the constructor.

        The callback parameter has the same semantics as described in the
        ``upload`` function.

        if not photo_id:
            raise IllegalArgumentException("photo_id must be specified")

        kwargs['photo_id'] = photo_id
        return self.__upload_to_form(self.flickr_replace_form, filename,
                                     callback, **kwargs)

    def __upload_to_form(self, form_url, filename, callback, **kwargs):
        '''Uploads a photo - can be used to either upload a new photo
        or replace an existing one.

        form_url must be either ``FlickrAPI.flickr_replace_form`` or

        if not filename:
            raise IllegalArgumentException("filename must be specified")
        if not self.token_cache.token:
            raise IllegalArgumentException("Authentication is required")

        # Figure out the response format
        format = self.__extract_upload_response_format(kwargs)

        # Update the arguments with the ones the user won't have to supply
        arguments = {
            'auth_token': self.token_cache.token,
            'api_key': self.api_key

        # Convert to UTF-8 if an argument is an Unicode string
        kwargs = make_utf8(arguments)

        if self.secret:
            kwargs["api_sig"] = self.sign(kwargs)
        url = "http://%s%s" % (self.flickr_host, form_url)

        # construct POST data
        body = Multipart()

        for arg, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            part = Part({'name': arg}, value)

        filepart = FilePart({'name': 'photo'}, filename, 'image/jpeg')

        return self.__wrap_in_parser(self.__send_multipart, format, url, body,

    def __send_multipart(self, url, body, progress_callback=None):
        '''Sends a Multipart object to an URL.
        Returns the resulting unparsed XML from Flickr.

        LOG.debug("Uploading to %s" % url)
        request = urllib2.Request(url)

        (header, value) = body.header()
        request.add_header(header, value)

        if not progress_callback:
            # Just use urllib2 if there is no progress callback
            # function
            response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
            return response.read()

        def __upload_callback(percentage, done, seen_header=[False]):
            '''Filters out the progress report on the HTTP header'''

            # Call the user's progress callback when we've filtered
            # out the HTTP header
            if seen_header[0]:
                return progress_callback(percentage, done)

            # Remember the first time we hit 'done'.
            if done:
                seen_header[0] = True

        response = reportinghttp.urlopen(request, __upload_callback)
        return response.read()

    def validate_frob(self, frob, perms):
        '''Lets the user validate the frob by launching a browser to
        the Flickr website.

        auth_url = self.auth_url(perms, frob)
            browser = webbrowser.get()
        except webbrowser.Error:
            if 'BROWSER' not in os.environ:
            browser = webbrowser.GenericBrowser(os.environ['BROWSER'])

        browser.open(auth_url, True, True)

    def get_token_part_one(self, perms="read", auth_callback=None):
        """Get a token either from the cache, or make a new one from
        the frob.
        This first attempts to find a token in the user's token cache
        on disk. If that token is present and valid, it is returned by
        the method.
        If that fails (or if the token is no longer valid based on
        flickr.auth.checkToken) a new frob is acquired. If an auth_callback 
        method has been specified it will be called. Otherwise the frob is
        validated by having the user log into flickr (with a browser).
        To get a proper token, follow these steps:
            - Store the result value of this method call
            - Give the user a way to signal the program that he/she
              has authorized it, for example show a button that can be
            - Wait for the user to signal the program that the
              authorization was performed, but only if there was no
              cached token.
            - Call flickrapi.get_token_part_two(...) and pass it the
              result value you stored.
        The newly minted token is then cached locally for the next
            "read", "write", or "delete"
            method to be called if authorization is needed. When not
            passed, ``self.validate_frob(...)`` is called. You can
            call this method yourself from the callback method too.

            If authorization should be blocked, pass
            The auth_callback method should take ``(frob, perms)`` as
        An example::
            (token, frob) = flickr.get_token_part_one(perms='write')
            if not token: raw_input("Press ENTER after you authorized this program")
            flickr.get_token_part_two((token, frob))

        Also take a look at ``authenticate_console(perms)``.

        # Check our auth_callback parameter for correctness before we
        # do anything
        authenticate = self.validate_frob
        if auth_callback is not None:
            if hasattr(auth_callback, '__call__'):
                # use the provided callback function
                authenticate = auth_callback
            elif auth_callback is False:
                authenticate = None
                # Any non-callable non-False value is invalid
                raise ValueError('Invalid value for auth_callback: %s' %

        # see if we have a saved token
        token = self.token_cache.token
        frob = None

        # see if it's valid
        if token:
            LOG.debug("Trying cached token '%s'" % token)
                rsp = self.auth_checkToken(auth_token=token, format='xmlnode')

                # see if we have enough permissions
                tokenPerms = rsp.auth[0].perms[0].text
                if tokenPerms == "read" and perms != "read": token = None
                elif tokenPerms == "write" and perms == "delete": token = None
            except FlickrError:
                LOG.debug("Cached token invalid")
                token = None

        # get a new token if we need one
        if not token:
            # If we can't authenticate, it's all over.
            if not authenticate:
                raise FlickrError('Authentication required but '
                                  'blocked using auth_callback=False')

            # get the frob
            LOG.debug("Getting frob for new token")
            rsp = self.auth_getFrob(auth_token=None, format='xmlnode')

            frob = rsp.frob[0].text
            authenticate(frob, perms)

        return (token, frob)

    def get_token_part_two(self, (token, frob)):
        """Part two of getting a token, see ``get_token_part_one(...)`` for details."""

        # If a valid token was obtained in the past, we're done
        if token:
            LOG.debug("get_token_part_two: no need, token already there")
            self.token_cache.token = token
            return token

        LOG.debug("get_token_part_two: getting a new token for frob '%s'" %

        return self.get_token(frob)
コード例 #7
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: 0x90Sleds/flickr_downloader
    def __init__(self,
        """Construct a new FlickrAPI instance for a given API key
        and secret.

            The API key as obtained from Flickr.

            The secret belonging to the API key.

            Used to identify the appropriate authentication token for a
            certain user.

            If you already have an authentication token, you can give
            it here. It won't be stored on disk by the FlickrAPI instance.

            The response format. Use either "xmlnode" or "etree" to get a parsed
            response, or use any response format supported by Flickr to get an
            unparsed response from method calls. It's also possible to pass the
            ``format`` parameter on individual calls.

            Disables the on-disk token cache if set to False (default is True).
            Use this to ensure that tokens aren't read nor written to disk, for
            example in web applications that store tokens in cookies.

            Enables in-memory caching of FlickrAPI calls - set to ``True`` to
            use. If you don't want to use the default settings, you can
            instantiate a cache yourself too:

            >>> f = FlickrAPI(u'123', u'123')
            >>> f.cache = SimpleCache(timeout=5, max_entries=100)

            If not None, determines where the authentication tokens are stored.

            Optional request timeout as float in seconds.

        self.default_format = format
        self._handler_cache = {}

        if isinstance(api_key, six.binary_type):
            api_key = api_key.decode('ascii')
        if isinstance(secret, six.binary_type):
            secret = secret.decode('ascii')

        if token:
            assert isinstance(token, auth.FlickrAccessToken)

            # Use a memory-only token cache
            self.token_cache = tokencache.SimpleTokenCache()
            self.token_cache.token = token
        elif not store_token:
            # Use an empty memory-only token cache
            self.token_cache = tokencache.SimpleTokenCache()
            # Use a real token cache
            self.token_cache = tokencache.OAuthTokenCache(
                api_key, username or '', path=token_cache_location)

        self.flickr_oauth = auth.OAuthFlickrInterface(api_key,

        if cache:
            self.cache = SimpleCache()
            self.cache = None
コード例 #8
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: 0x90Sleds/flickr_downloader
class FlickrAPI(object):
    """Encapsulates Flickr functionality.

    Example usage::

      flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(api_key)
      photos = flickr.photos_search(user_id='73509078@N00', per_page='10')
      sets = flickr.photosets_getList(user_id='73509078@N00')

    REST_URL = 'https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/'
    UPLOAD_URL = 'https://up.flickr.com/services/upload/'
    REPLACE_URL = 'https://up.flickr.com/services/replace/'

    def __init__(self,
        """Construct a new FlickrAPI instance for a given API key
        and secret.

            The API key as obtained from Flickr.

            The secret belonging to the API key.

            Used to identify the appropriate authentication token for a
            certain user.

            If you already have an authentication token, you can give
            it here. It won't be stored on disk by the FlickrAPI instance.

            The response format. Use either "xmlnode" or "etree" to get a parsed
            response, or use any response format supported by Flickr to get an
            unparsed response from method calls. It's also possible to pass the
            ``format`` parameter on individual calls.

            Disables the on-disk token cache if set to False (default is True).
            Use this to ensure that tokens aren't read nor written to disk, for
            example in web applications that store tokens in cookies.

            Enables in-memory caching of FlickrAPI calls - set to ``True`` to
            use. If you don't want to use the default settings, you can
            instantiate a cache yourself too:

            >>> f = FlickrAPI(u'123', u'123')
            >>> f.cache = SimpleCache(timeout=5, max_entries=100)

            If not None, determines where the authentication tokens are stored.

            Optional request timeout as float in seconds.

        self.default_format = format
        self._handler_cache = {}

        if isinstance(api_key, six.binary_type):
            api_key = api_key.decode('ascii')
        if isinstance(secret, six.binary_type):
            secret = secret.decode('ascii')

        if token:
            assert isinstance(token, auth.FlickrAccessToken)

            # Use a memory-only token cache
            self.token_cache = tokencache.SimpleTokenCache()
            self.token_cache.token = token
        elif not store_token:
            # Use an empty memory-only token cache
            self.token_cache = tokencache.SimpleTokenCache()
            # Use a real token cache
            self.token_cache = tokencache.OAuthTokenCache(
                api_key, username or '', path=token_cache_location)

        self.flickr_oauth = auth.OAuthFlickrInterface(api_key,

        if cache:
            self.cache = SimpleCache()
            self.cache = None

    def __repr__(self):
        """Returns a string representation of this object."""

        return '[FlickrAPI for key "%s"]' % self.flickr_oauth.key

    __str__ = __repr__

    def trait_names(self):
        """Returns a list of method names as supported by the Flickr
        API. Used for tab completion in IPython.

            rsp = self.reflection_getMethods(format='etree')
        except FlickrError:
            return None

        return [m.text[7:] for m in rsp.getiterator('method')]

    def parse_xmlnode(self, rest_xml):
        """Parses a REST XML response from Flickr into an XMLNode object."""

        rsp = XMLNode.parse(rest_xml, store_xml=True)
        if rsp['stat'] == 'ok':
            return rsp

        err = rsp.err[0]
        raise FlickrError(six.u('Error: %(code)s: %(msg)s') % err,

    @rest_parser('parsed-json', 'json')
    def parse_json(self, json_string):
        """Parses a JSON response from Flickr."""

        if isinstance(json_string, six.binary_type):
            json_string = json_string.decode('utf-8')

        import json
        parsed = json.loads(json_string)
        if parsed.get('stat', '') == 'fail':
            raise FlickrError(six.u('Error: %(code)s: %(message)s') % parsed,
        return parsed

    def parse_etree(self, rest_xml):
        """Parses a REST XML response from Flickr into an ElementTree object."""

            from lxml import etree as ElementTree
            LOG.info('REST Parser: using lxml.etree')
        except ImportError:
                import xml.etree.cElementTree as ElementTree
                LOG.info('REST Parser: using xml.etree.cElementTree')
            except ImportError:
                    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
                    LOG.info('REST Parser: using xml.etree.ElementTree')
                except ImportError:
                        import elementtree.cElementTree as ElementTree
                        LOG.info('REST Parser: elementtree.cElementTree')
                    except ImportError:
                            import elementtree.ElementTree as ElementTree
                        except ImportError:
                            raise ImportError(
                                "You need to install "
                                "ElementTree to use the etree format")

        rsp = ElementTree.fromstring(rest_xml)
        if rsp.attrib['stat'] == 'ok':
            return rsp

        err = rsp.find('err')
        code = err.attrib.get('code', None)
        raise FlickrError(six.u('Error: %(code)s: %(msg)s') % err.attrib,

    def __getattr__(self, method_name):
        """Returns a CallBuilder for the given method name."""

        # Refuse to do anything with special methods
        if method_name.startswith('_'):
            raise AttributeError(method_name)

        # Compatibility with old way of calling, i.e. flickrobj.photos_getInfo(...)
        if '_' in method_name:
            method_name = method_name.replace('_', '.')

        return CallBuilder(self, method_name='flickr.' + method_name)

    def do_flickr_call(self, method_name, timeout=None, **kwargs):
        """Handle all the regular Flickr API calls.


            etree = flickr.photos.getInfo(photo_id='1234')
            etree = flickr.photos.getInfo(photo_id='1234', format='etree')
            xmlnode = flickr.photos.getInfo(photo_id='1234', format='xmlnode')
            json = flickr.photos.getInfo(photo_id='1234', format='json')

        params = kwargs.copy()

        # Set some defaults
        defaults = {'method': method_name, 'format': self.default_format}
        if 'jsoncallback' not in kwargs:
            defaults['nojsoncallback'] = 1
        params = self._supply_defaults(params, defaults)

        LOG.info('Calling %s', defaults)

        return self._wrap_in_parser(self._flickr_call,

    def _supply_defaults(self, args, defaults):
        """Returns a new dictionary containing ``args``, augmented with defaults
        from ``defaults``.

        Defaults can be overridden, or completely removed by setting the
        appropriate value in ``args`` to ``None``.

        result = args.copy()
        for key, default_value in six.iteritems(defaults):
            # Set the default if the parameter wasn't passed
            if key not in args:
                result[key] = default_value

        for key, value in six.iteritems(result.copy()):
            # You are able to remove a default by assigning None, and we can't
            # pass None to Flickr anyway.
            if value is None:
                del result[key]

        return result

    def _flickr_call(self, timeout=None, **kwargs):
        """Performs a Flickr API call with the given arguments. The method name
        itself should be passed as the 'method' parameter.

        Returns the unparsed data from Flickr::

            data = self._flickr_call(method='flickr.photos.getInfo',
                photo_id='123', format='rest')

        LOG.debug("Calling %s" % kwargs)

        # Return value from cache if available
        if self.cache and self.cache.get(kwargs):
            return self.cache.get(kwargs)

        reply = self.flickr_oauth.do_request(self.REST_URL,

        # Store in cache, if we have one
        if self.cache is not None:
            self.cache.set(kwargs, reply)

        return reply

    def _wrap_in_parser(self, wrapped_method, parse_format, *args, **kwargs):
        """Wraps a method call in a parser.

        The parser will be looked up by the ``parse_format`` specifier. If there
        is a parser and ``kwargs['format']`` is set, it's set to ``rest``, and
        the response of the method is parsed before it's returned.

        # Find the parser, and set the format to rest if we're supposed to
        # parse it.
        if parse_format in rest_parsers and 'format' in kwargs:
            kwargs['format'] = rest_parsers[parse_format][1]

        LOG.debug('Wrapping call %s(self, %s, %s)' %
                  (wrapped_method, args, kwargs))
        data = wrapped_method(*args, **kwargs)

        # Just return if we have no parser
        if parse_format not in rest_parsers:
            return data

        # Return the parsed data
        parser = rest_parsers[parse_format][0]
        return parser(self, data)

    def _extract_upload_response_format(self, kwargs):
        """Returns the response format given in kwargs['format'], or
        the default format if there is no such key.

        If kwargs contains 'format', it is removed from kwargs.

        If the format isn't compatible with Flickr's upload response
        type, a FlickrError exception is raised.

        # Figure out the response format
        response_format = kwargs.get('format', self.default_format)
        if response_format not in rest_parsers and response_format != 'rest':
            raise FlickrError('Format %s not supported for uploading '
                              'photos' % response_format)

        # The format shouldn't be used in the request to Flickr.
        if 'format' in kwargs:
            del kwargs['format']

        return response_format

    def upload(self, filename, fileobj=None, timeout=None, **kwargs):
        """Upload a file to flickr.

        Be extra careful you spell the parameters correctly, or you will
        get a rather cryptic "Invalid Signature" error on the upload!

        Supported parameters:

            name of a file to upload
            an optional file-like object from which the data can be read
            title of the photo
            description a.k.a. caption of the photo
            space-delimited list of tags, ``'''tag1 tag2 "long tag"'''``
            "1" or "0" for a public resp. private photo
            "1" or "0" whether friends can see the photo while it's
            marked as private
            "1" or "0" whether family can see the photo while it's
            marked as private
            Set to "1" for Photo, "2" for Screenshot, or "3" for Other.
            Set to "1" to keep the photo in global search results, "2"
            to hide from public searches.
            The response format. You can only choose between the
            parsed responses or 'rest' for plain REST.
            Optional timeout for the HTTP request, as float in seconds.

        The ``fileobj`` parameter can be used to monitor progress via
        a callback method. For example::

            class FileWithCallback(object):
                def __init__(self, filename, callback):
                    self.file = open(filename, 'rb')
                    self.callback = callback
                    # the following attributes and methods are required
                    self.len = os.path.getsize(path)
                    self.fileno = self.file.fileno
                    self.tell = self.file.tell

                def read(self, size):
                    if self.callback:
                        self.callback(self.tell() * 100 // self.len)
                    return self.file.read(size)

            fileobj = FileWithCallback(filename, callback)
            rsp = flickr.upload(filename, fileobj, parameters)

        The callback method takes one parameter:
        ``def callback(progress)``

        Progress is a number between 0 and 100.

        return self._upload_to_form(self.UPLOAD_URL,

    def replace(self,
        """Replace an existing photo.

        Supported parameters:

            name of a file to upload
            an optional file-like object from which the data can be read
            the ID of the photo to replace
            The response format. You can only choose between the
            parsed responses or 'rest' for plain REST. Defaults to the
            format passed to the constructor.
            Optional timeout for the HTTP request, as float in seconds.


        if not photo_id:
            raise IllegalArgumentException("photo_id must be specified")

        kwargs['photo_id'] = photo_id
        return self._upload_to_form(self.REPLACE_URL,

    def _upload_to_form(self,
        """Uploads a photo - can be used to either upload a new photo
        or replace an existing one.

        form_url must be either ``FlickrAPI.flickr_replace_form`` or

        if not filename:
            raise IllegalArgumentException("filename must be specified")
        if not self.token_cache.token:
            raise IllegalArgumentException("Authentication is required")

        kwargs['api_key'] = self.flickr_oauth.key

        # Figure out the response format
        response_format = self._extract_upload_response_format(kwargs)

        # Convert to UTF-8 if an argument is an Unicode string
        kwargs = make_bytes(kwargs)

        return self._wrap_in_parser(self.flickr_oauth.do_upload,

    def token_valid(self, perms=u'read'):
        """Verifies the cached token with Flickr.

        If the token turns out to be invalid, or with permissions lower than required,
        the token is erased from the token cache.

        @return: True if the token is valid for the requested parameters, False otherwise.

        token = self.token_cache.token

        if not token:
            return False

        # Check token for validity
        self.flickr_oauth.token = token

            resp = self.auth.oauth.checkToken(format='etree')
            token_perms = resp.findtext('oauth/perms')
            if token_perms == token.access_level and token.has_level(perms):
                # Token is valid, and for the expected permissions.
                return True

        except FlickrError:
            # There was an error talking to Flickr, we assume this is due
            # to an invalid token.

        # Token was for other permissions, so erase it as it is
        # not usable for this request.
        self.flickr_oauth.token = None
        del self.token_cache.token

        return False

    def authenticate_console(self, perms=u'read'):
        """Performs the authentication/authorization, assuming a console program.

        Shows the URL the user should visit on stdout, then waits for the user to authorize
        the program.

        if isinstance(perms, six.binary_type):
            perms = six.u(perms)

        token = self.flickr_oauth.get_access_token()
        self.token_cache.token = token

    def authenticate_via_browser(self, perms=u'read'):
        """Performs the authentication/authorization, assuming a console program.

        Starts the browser and waits for the user to authorize the app before continuing.

        if isinstance(perms, six.binary_type):
            perms = six.u(perms)

        token = self.flickr_oauth.get_access_token()
        self.token_cache.token = token

    def authenticate_for_test(self, perms=u'read'):
        """Skips a bit of the authentication/authorization, for unit tests.

        if isinstance(perms, six.binary_type):
            perms = six.u(perms)

        token = self.flickr_oauth.get_access_token()
        self.token_cache.token = token

    def get_request_token(self, oauth_callback=None):
        """Requests a new request token.

        Updates this OAuthFlickrInterface object to use the request token on the following
        authentication calls.

        @param oauth_callback: the URL the user is sent to after granting the token access.
            If the callback is None, a local web server is started on a random port, and the
            callback will be http://localhost:randomport/

            If you do not have a web-app and you also do not want to start a local web server,
            pass oauth_callback='oob' and have your application accept the verifier from the
            user instead.


    def auth_url(self, perms=u'read'):
        """Returns the URL the user should visit to authenticate the given oauth Token.

        Use this method in webapps, where you can redirect the user to the returned URL.
        After authorization by the user, the browser is redirected to the callback URL,
        which will contain the OAuth verifier. Set the 'verifier' property on this object
        in order to use it.

        In stand-alone apps, authenticate_via_browser(...) may be easier instead.

        return self.flickr_oauth.auth_url(perms=perms)

    def get_access_token(self, verifier=None):
        """Exchanges the request token for an access token.

        Also stores the access token for easy authentication of subsequent calls.

        @param verifier: the verifier code, in case you used out-of-band communication
            of the verifier code.

        if verifier is not None:
            self.flickr_oauth.verifier = verifier

        self.token_cache.token = self.flickr_oauth.get_access_token()

    def data_walker(self, method, searchstring='*/photo', **params):
        """Calls 'method' with page=0, page=1 etc. until the total
        number of pages has been visited. Yields the photos

        Assumes that ``method(page=n, **params).findall(searchstring)``
        results in a list of interesting elements (defaulting to photos),
        and that the toplevel element of the result contains a 'pages'
        attribute with the total number of pages.

        page = 1
        total = 1  # We don't know that yet, update when needed
        while page <= total:
            # Fetch a single page of photos
            LOG.debug('Calling %s(page=%i of %i, %s)' %
                      (method.__name__, page, total, params))
            rsp = method(page=page, **params)

            photoset = rsp.getchildren()[0]
            total = int(photoset.get('pages'))

            photos = rsp.findall(searchstring)

            # Yield each photo
            for photo in photos:
                yield photo

            # Ready to get the next page
            page += 1

    def walk_contacts(self, per_page=50, **kwargs):
        """walk_contacts(self, per_page=50, ...) -> \
                generator, yields each contact of the calling user.

                the number of contacts that are fetched in one call to

        Other arguments can be passed, as documented in the
        flickr.contacts.getList_ API call in the Flickr API
        documentation, except for ``page`` because all pages will be
        returned eventually.

        .. _flickr.contacts.getList:

        Uses the ElementTree format, incompatible with other formats.

        return self.data_walker(self.contacts_getList,

    def walk_photosets(self, per_page=50, **kwargs):
        """walk_photosets(self, per_page=50, ...) -> \
                generator, yields each photoset belonging to a user.

                the number of photosets that are fetched in one call to

        Other arguments can be passed, as documented in the
        flickr.photosets.getList_ API call in the Flickr API
        documentation, except for ``page`` because all pages will be
        returned eventually.

        .. _flickr.photosets.getList:

        Uses the ElementTree format, incompatible with other formats.

        return self.data_walker(self.photosets_getList,

    def walk_set(self, photoset_id, per_page=50, **kwargs):
        """walk_set(self, photoset_id, per_page=50, ...) -> \
                generator, yields each photo in a single set.

                the photoset ID
                the number of photos that are fetched in one call to

        Other arguments can be passed, as documented in the
        flickr.photosets.getPhotos_ API call in the Flickr API
        documentation, except for ``page`` because all pages will be
        returned eventually.

        .. _flickr.photosets.getPhotos:

        Uses the ElementTree format, incompatible with other formats.

        return self.data_walker(self.photosets_getPhotos,

    def walk_user(self, user_id='me', per_page=50, **kwargs):
        """walk_user(self, user_id, per_page=50, ...) -> \
                generator, yields each photo in a user's photostream.

                the user ID, or 'me'
                the number of photos that are fetched in one call to

        Other arguments can be passed, as documented in the
        flickr.people.getPhotos_ API call in the Flickr API
        documentation, except for ``page`` because all pages will be
        returned eventually.

        .. _flickr.people.getPhotos:

        Uses the ElementTree format, incompatible with other formats.

        return self.data_walker(self.people_getPhotos,

    def walk_user_updates(self, min_date, per_page=50, **kwargs):
        """walk_user_updates(self, user_id, per_page=50, ...) -> \
                generator, yields each photo in a user's photostream updated \
                after ``min_date``


                the number of photos that are fetched in one call to

        Other arguments can be passed, as documented in the
        flickr.photos.recentlyUpdated API call in the Flickr API
        documentation, except for ``page`` because all pages will be
        returned eventually.

        .. _flickr.photos.recentlyUpdated:

        Uses the ElementTree format, incompatible with other formats.

        return self.data_walker(self.photos_recentlyUpdated,

    def walk(self, per_page=50, **kwargs):
        """walk(self, user_id=..., tags=..., ...) -> generator, \
                yields each photo in a search query result

        Accepts the same parameters as flickr.photos.search_ API call,
        except for ``page`` because all pages will be returned

        .. _flickr.photos.search:

        Also see `walk_set`.

        return self.data_walker(self.photos.search,
コード例 #9
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: arsfeld/conduit
class FlickrAPI:
    """Encapsulates Flickr functionality.
    Example usage::
      flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(api_key)
      photos = flickr.photos_search(user_id='73509078@N00', per_page='10')
      sets = flickr.photosets_getList(user_id='73509078@N00')
    flickr_host = "api.flickr.com"
    flickr_rest_form = "/services/rest/"
    flickr_auth_form = "/services/auth/"
    flickr_upload_form = "/services/upload/"
    flickr_replace_form = "/services/replace/"

    def __init__(self, api_key, secret=None, fail_on_error=None, username=None,
            token=None, format='xmlnode', store_token=True, cache=False):
        """Construct a new FlickrAPI instance for a given API key
        and secret.
            The API key as obtained from Flickr.
            The secret belonging to the API key.
            If False, errors won't be checked by the FlickrAPI module.
            Deprecated, don't use this parameter, just handle the FlickrError
            Used to identify the appropriate authentication token for a
            certain user.
            If you already have an authentication token, you can give
            it here. It won't be stored on disk by the FlickrAPI instance.

            The response format. Use either "xmlnode" or "etree" to get a parsed
            response, or use any response format supported by Flickr to get an
            unparsed response from method calls. It's also possible to pass the
            ``format`` parameter on individual calls.

            Disables the on-disk token cache if set to False (default is True).
            Use this to ensure that tokens aren't read nor written to disk, for
            example in web applications that store tokens in cookies.

            Enables in-memory caching of FlickrAPI calls - set to ``True`` to
            use. If you don't want to use the default settings, you can
            instantiate a cache yourself too:

            >>> f = FlickrAPI(api_key='123')
            >>> f.cache = SimpleCache(timeout=5, max_entries=100)
        if fail_on_error is not None:
            LOG.warn("fail_on_error has been deprecated. Remove this "
                     "parameter and just handle the FlickrError exceptions.")
            fail_on_error = True

        self.api_key = api_key
        self.secret = secret
        self.fail_on_error = fail_on_error
        self.default_format = format
        self.__handler_cache = {}

        if token:
            # Use a memory-only token cache
            self.token_cache = SimpleTokenCache()
            self.token_cache.token = token
        elif not store_token:
            # Use an empty memory-only token cache
            self.token_cache = SimpleTokenCache()
            # Use a real token cache
            self.token_cache = TokenCache(api_key, username)

        if cache:
            self.cache = SimpleCache()
            self.cache = None

    def __repr__(self):
        '''Returns a string representation of this object.'''

        return '[FlickrAPI for key "%s"]' % self.api_key
    __str__ = __repr__

    def trait_names(self):
        '''Returns a list of method names as supported by the Flickr
        API. Used for tab completion in IPython.

        rsp = self.reflection_getMethods(format='etree')

        def tr(name):
            '''Translates Flickr names to something that can be called

            >>> tr(u'flickr.photos.getInfo')
            return name[7:].replace('.', '_')

        return [tr(m.text) for m in rsp.getiterator('method')]

    def parse_xmlnode(self, rest_xml):
        '''Parses a REST XML response from Flickr into an XMLNode object.'''

        rsp = XMLNode.parse(rest_xml, store_xml=True)
        if rsp['stat'] == 'ok' or not self.fail_on_error:
            return rsp
        err = rsp.err[0]
        raise FlickrError(u'Error: %(code)s: %(msg)s' % err)

    def parse_etree(self, rest_xml):
        '''Parses a REST XML response from Flickr into an ElementTree object.'''

        # Only import it here, to maintain Python 2.4 compatibility
        import xml.etree.ElementTree

        rsp = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(rest_xml)
        if rsp.attrib['stat'] == 'ok' or not self.fail_on_error:
            return rsp
        err = rsp.find('err')
        raise FlickrError(u'Error: %s: %s' % (
            err.attrib['code'], err.attrib['msg']))

    def sign(self, dictionary):
        """Calculate the flickr signature for a set of params.
            a hash of all the params and values to be hashed, e.g.
            ``{"api_key":"AAAA", "auth_token":"TTTT", "key":


        data = [self.secret]
        for key in sorted(dictionary.keys()):
            datum = dictionary[key]
            if isinstance(datum, unicode):
                raise IllegalArgumentException("No Unicode allowed, "
                        "argument %s (%r) should have been UTF-8 by now"
                        % (key, datum))
        md5_hash = md5.new()
        return md5_hash.hexdigest()

    def encode_and_sign(self, dictionary):
        '''URL encodes the data in the dictionary, and signs it using the
        given secret, if a secret was given.
        dictionary = make_utf8(dictionary)
        if self.secret:
            dictionary['api_sig'] = self.sign(dictionary)
        return urllib.urlencode(dictionary)
    def __getattr__(self, attrib):
        """Handle all the regular Flickr API calls.

            xmlnode = flickr.photos_getInfo(photo_id='1234')
            xmlnode = flickr.photos_getInfo(photo_id='1234', format='xmlnode')
            json = flickr.photos_getInfo(photo_id='1234', format='json')
            etree = flickr.photos_getInfo(photo_id='1234', format='etree')

        # Refuse to act as a proxy for unimplemented special methods
        if attrib.startswith('_'):
            raise AttributeError("No such attribute '%s'" % attrib)

        # Construct the method name and see if it's cached
        method = "flickr." + attrib.replace("_", ".")
        if method in self.__handler_cache:
            return self.__handler_cache[method]
        def handler(**args):
            '''Dynamically created handler for a Flickr API call'''

            if self.token_cache.token and not self.secret:
                raise ValueError("Auth tokens cannot be used without "
                                 "API secret")

            # Set some defaults
            defaults = {'method': method,
                        'auth_token': self.token_cache.token,
                        'api_key': self.api_key,
                        'format': self.default_format}

            args = self.__supply_defaults(args, defaults)

            return self.__wrap_in_parser(self.__flickr_call,
                    parse_format=args['format'], **args)

        handler.method = method
        self.__handler_cache[method] = handler
        return handler
    def __supply_defaults(self, args, defaults):
        '''Returns a new dictionary containing ``args``, augmented with defaults
        from ``defaults``.

        Defaults can be overridden, or completely removed by setting the
        appropriate value in ``args`` to ``None``.

        >>> f = FlickrAPI('123')
        >>> f._FlickrAPI__supply_defaults(
        ...  {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': None, 'token': None},
        ...  {'baz': 'foobar', 'room': 'door'})
        {'foo': 'bar', 'room': 'door'}

        result = args.copy()
        for key, default_value in defaults.iteritems():
            # Set the default if the parameter wasn't passed
            if key not in args:
                result[key] = default_value

        for key, value in result.copy().iteritems():
            # You are able to remove a default by assigning None, and we can't
            # pass None to Flickr anyway.
            if result[key] is None:
                del result[key]
        return result

    def __flickr_call(self, **kwargs):
        '''Performs a Flickr API call with the given arguments. The method name
        itself should be passed as the 'method' parameter.
        Returns the unparsed data from Flickr::

            data = self.__flickr_call(method='flickr.photos.getInfo',
                photo_id='123', format='rest')

        LOG.debug("Calling %s" % kwargs)

        post_data = self.encode_and_sign(kwargs)

        # Return value from cache if available
        if self.cache and self.cache.get(post_data):
            return self.cache.get(post_data)

        url = "http://" + FlickrAPI.flickr_host + FlickrAPI.flickr_rest_form
        flicksocket = urllib.urlopen(url, post_data)
        reply = flicksocket.read()

        # Store in cache, if we have one
        if self.cache is not None:
            self.cache.set(post_data, reply)

        return reply
    def __wrap_in_parser(self, wrapped_method, parse_format, *args, **kwargs):
        '''Wraps a method call in a parser.

        The parser will be looked up by the ``parse_format`` specifier. If there
        is a parser and ``kwargs['format']`` is set, it's set to ``rest``, and
        the response of the method is parsed before it's returned.

        # Find the parser, and set the format to rest if we're supposed to
        # parse it.
        if parse_format in rest_parsers and 'format' in kwargs:
            kwargs['format'] = 'rest'

        LOG.debug('Wrapping call %s(self, %s, %s)' % (wrapped_method, args,
        data = wrapped_method(*args, **kwargs)

        # Just return if we have no parser
        if parse_format not in rest_parsers:
            return data

        # Return the parsed data
        parser = rest_parsers[parse_format]
        return parser(self, data)

    def auth_url(self, perms, frob):
        """Return the authorization URL to get a token.

        This is the URL the app will launch a browser toward if it
        needs a new token.
            "read", "write", or "delete"
            picked up from an earlier call to FlickrAPI.auth_getFrob()


        encoded = self.encode_and_sign({
                    "api_key": self.api_key,
                    "frob": frob,
                    "perms": perms})

        return "http://%s%s?%s" % (FlickrAPI.flickr_host, \
            FlickrAPI.flickr_auth_form, encoded)

    def web_login_url(self, perms):
        '''Returns the web login URL to forward web users to.

            "read", "write", or "delete"
        encoded = self.encode_and_sign({
                    "api_key": self.api_key,
                    "perms": perms})

        return "http://%s%s?%s" % (FlickrAPI.flickr_host, \
            FlickrAPI.flickr_auth_form, encoded)

    def upload(self, filename, callback=None, **arg):
        """Upload a file to flickr.

        Be extra careful you spell the parameters correctly, or you will
        get a rather cryptic "Invalid Signature" error on the upload!

        Supported parameters:

            name of a file to upload
            method that gets progress reports
            title of the photo
            description a.k.a. caption of the photo
            space-delimited list of tags, ``'''tag1 tag2 "long
            "1" or "0" for a public resp. private photo
            "1" or "0" whether friends can see the photo while it's
            marked as private
            "1" or "0" whether family can see the photo while it's
            marked as private

        The callback method should take two parameters:
        def callback(progress, done)
        Progress is a number between 0 and 100, and done is a boolean
        that's true only when the upload is done.
        For now, the callback gets a 'done' twice, once for the HTTP
        headers, once for the body.

        if not filename:
            raise IllegalArgumentException("filename must be specified")
        # verify key names
        required_params = ('api_key', 'auth_token', 'api_sig')
        optional_params = ('title', 'description', 'tags', 'is_public', 
                           'is_friend', 'is_family')
        possible_args = required_params + optional_params
        for a in arg.keys():
            if a not in possible_args:
                raise IllegalArgumentException("Unknown parameter "
                        "'%s' sent to FlickrAPI.upload" % a)

        arguments = {'auth_token': self.token_cache.token,
                     'api_key': self.api_key}

        # Convert to UTF-8 if an argument is an Unicode string
        arg = make_utf8(arguments)
        if self.secret:
            arg["api_sig"] = self.sign(arg)
        url = "http://" + FlickrAPI.flickr_host + FlickrAPI.flickr_upload_form

        # construct POST data
        body = Multipart()

        for a in required_params + optional_params:
            if a not in arg:
            part = Part({'name': a}, arg[a])

        filepart = FilePart({'name': 'photo'}, filename, 'image/jpeg')

        return self.__send_multipart(url, body, callback)
    def replace(self, filename, photo_id):
        """Replace an existing photo.

        Supported parameters:

            name of a file to upload
            the ID of the photo to replace
        if not filename:
            raise IllegalArgumentException("filename must be specified")
        if not photo_id:
            raise IllegalArgumentException("photo_id must be specified")

        args = {'filename': filename,
                'photo_id': photo_id,
                'auth_token': self.token_cache.token,
                'api_key': self.api_key}

        args = make_utf8(args)
        if self.secret:
            args["api_sig"] = self.sign(args)
        url = "http://" + FlickrAPI.flickr_host + FlickrAPI.flickr_replace_form

        # construct POST data
        body = Multipart()

        for arg, value in args.iteritems():
            # No part for the filename
            if value == 'filename':
            part = Part({'name': arg}, value)

        filepart = FilePart({'name': 'photo'}, filename, 'image/jpeg')

        return self.__send_multipart(url, body)

    def __send_multipart(self, url, body, progress_callback=None):
        '''Sends a Multipart object to an URL.
        Returns the resulting XML from Flickr.

        LOG.debug("Uploading to %s" % url)
        request = urllib2.Request(url)
        (header, value) = body.header()
        request.add_header(header, value)
        if progress_callback:
            response = reportinghttp.urlopen(request, progress_callback)
            response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
        rspXML = response.read()

        return self.parse_xmlnode(rspXML)

    def test_failure(cls, rsp, exception_on_error=True):
        """Exit app if the rsp XMLNode indicates failure."""

        LOG.warn("FlickrAPI.test_failure has been deprecated and will be "
                 "removed in FlickrAPI version 1.2.")

        if rsp['stat'] != "fail":
        message = cls.get_printable_error(rsp)
        if exception_on_error:
            raise FlickrError(message)

    def get_printable_error(cls, rsp):
        """Return a printed error message string of an XMLNode Flickr response."""

        LOG.warn("FlickrAPI.get_printable_error has been deprecated "
                 "and will be removed in FlickrAPI version 1.2.")

        return "%s: error %s: %s" % (rsp.name, \
            cls.get_rsp_error_code(rsp), cls.get_rsp_error_msg(rsp))

    def get_rsp_error_code(cls, rsp):
        """Return the error code of an XMLNode Flickr response, or 0 if no

        LOG.warn("FlickrAPI.get_rsp_error_code has been deprecated and will be "
                 "removed in FlickrAPI version 1.2.")

        if rsp['stat'] == "fail":
            return int(rsp.err[0]['code'])

        return 0

    def get_rsp_error_msg(cls, rsp):
        """Return the error message of an XMLNode Flickr response, or "Success"
        if no error.

        LOG.warn("FlickrAPI.get_rsp_error_msg has been deprecated and will be "
                 "removed in FlickrAPI version 1.2.")

        if rsp['stat'] == "fail":
            return rsp.err[0]['msg']

        return "Success"

    def validate_frob(self, frob, perms):
        '''Lets the user validate the frob by launching a browser to
        the Flickr website.
        auth_url = self.auth_url(perms, frob)
        webbrowser.open(auth_url, True, True)
    def get_token_part_one(self, perms="read"):
        """Get a token either from the cache, or make a new one from
        the frob.
        This first attempts to find a token in the user's token cache
        on disk. If that token is present and valid, it is returned by
        the method.
        If that fails (or if the token is no longer valid based on
        flickr.auth.checkToken) a new frob is acquired.  The frob is
        validated by having the user log into flickr (with a browser).
        To get a proper token, follow these steps:
            - Store the result value of this method call
            - Give the user a way to signal the program that he/she
              has authorized it, for example show a button that can be
            - Wait for the user to signal the program that the
              authorization was performed, but only if there was no
              cached token.
            - Call flickrapi.get_token_part_two(...) and pass it the
              result value you stored.
        The newly minted token is then cached locally for the next
            "read", "write", or "delete"           
        An example::
            (token, frob) = flickr.get_token_part_one(perms='write')
            if not token: raw_input("Press ENTER after you authorized this program")
            flickr.get_token_part_two((token, frob))
        # see if we have a saved token
        token = self.token_cache.token
        frob = None

        # see if it's valid
        if token:
            LOG.debug("Trying cached token '%s'" % token)
                rsp = self.auth_checkToken(auth_token=token, format='xmlnode')

                # see if we have enough permissions
                tokenPerms = rsp.auth[0].perms[0].text
                if tokenPerms == "read" and perms != "read": token = None
                elif tokenPerms == "write" and perms == "delete": token = None
            except FlickrError:
                LOG.debug("Cached token invalid")
                token = None

        # get a new token if we need one
        if not token:
            # get the frob
            LOG.debug("Getting frob for new token")
            rsp = self.auth_getFrob(auth_token=None, format='xmlnode')

            frob = rsp.frob[0].text

            # validate online
            self.validate_frob(frob, perms)

        return (token, frob)
    def get_token_part_two(self, (token, frob)):
        """Part two of getting a token, see ``get_token_part_one(...)`` for details."""

        # If a valid token was obtained in the past, we're done
        if token:
            LOG.debug("get_token_part_two: no need, token already there")
            self.token_cache.token = token
            return token
        LOG.debug("get_token_part_two: getting a new token for frob '%s'" % frob)

        return self.get_token(frob)
コード例 #10
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: mpm2050/Raven
class FlickrAPI:
    u"""Encapsulates Flickr functionality.
    Example usage::
      flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(api_key)
      photos = flickr.photos_search(user_id='73509078@N00', per_page='10')
      sets = flickr.photosets_getList(user_id='73509078@N00')
    """ #$NON-NLS-1$
    flickr_host = u"api.flickr.com" #$NON-NLS-1$
    flickr_rest_form = u"/services/rest/" #$NON-NLS-1$
    flickr_auth_form = u"/services/auth/" #$NON-NLS-1$
    flickr_upload_form = u"/services/upload/" #$NON-NLS-1$
    flickr_replace_form = u"/services/replace/" #$NON-NLS-1$

    def __init__(self, api_key, secret=None, fail_on_error=None, username=None,
            token=None, format=u'xmlnode', store_token=True, cache=False): #$NON-NLS-1$
        u"""Construct a new FlickrAPI instance for a given API key
        and secret.
            The API key as obtained from Flickr.
            The secret belonging to the API key.
            If False, errors won't be checked by the FlickrAPI module.
            Deprecated, don't use this parameter, just handle the FlickrError
            Used to identify the appropriate authentication token for a
            certain user.
            If you already have an authentication token, you can give
            it here. It won't be stored on disk by the FlickrAPI instance.

            The response format. Use either "xmlnode" or "etree" to get a parsed
            response, or use any response format supported by Flickr to get an
            unparsed response from method calls. It's also possible to pass the
            ``format`` parameter on individual calls.

            Disables the on-disk token cache if set to False (default is True).
            Use this to ensure that tokens aren't read nor written to disk, for
            example in web applications that store tokens in cookies.

            Enables in-memory caching of FlickrAPI calls - set to ``True`` to
            use. If you don't want to use the default settings, you can
            instantiate a cache yourself too:

            >>> f = FlickrAPI(api_key='123')
            >>> f.cache = SimpleCache(timeout=5, max_entries=100)
        """ #$NON-NLS-1$
        if fail_on_error is not None:
            LOG.warn(u"fail_on_error has been deprecated. Remove this " #$NON-NLS-1$
                     u"parameter and just handle the FlickrError exceptions.") #$NON-NLS-1$
            fail_on_error = True

        self.api_key = api_key
        self.secret = secret
        self.fail_on_error = fail_on_error
        self.default_format = format
        self.__handler_cache = {}

        if token:
            # Use a memory-only token cache
            self.token_cache = SimpleTokenCache()
            self.token_cache.token = token
        elif not store_token:
            # Use an empty memory-only token cache
            self.token_cache = SimpleTokenCache()
            # Use a real token cache
            self.token_cache = TokenCache(api_key, username)

        if cache:
            self.cache = SimpleCache()
            self.cache = None

    def __repr__(self):
        u'''Returns a string representation of this object.''' #$NON-NLS-1$

        return u'[FlickrAPI for key "%s"]' % self.api_key #$NON-NLS-1$
    __str__ = __repr__

    def trait_names(self):
        u'''Returns a list of method names as supported by the Flickr
        API. Used for tab completion in IPython.
        ''' #$NON-NLS-1$

        rsp = self.reflection_getMethods(format=u'etree') #$NON-NLS-1$

        def tr(name):
            u'''Translates Flickr names to something that can be called

            >>> tr(u'flickr.photos.getInfo')
            ''' #$NON-NLS-1$
            return name[7:].replace(u'.', u'_') #$NON-NLS-2$ #$NON-NLS-1$

        return [tr(m.text) for m in rsp.getiterator(u'method')] #$NON-NLS-1$

    @rest_parser(u'xmlnode') #$NON-NLS-1$
    def parse_xmlnode(self, rest_xml):
        u'''Parses a REST XML response from Flickr into an XMLNode object.''' #$NON-NLS-1$

        rsp = XMLNode.parse(rest_xml, store_xml=True)
        if rsp[u'stat'] == u'ok' or not self.fail_on_error: #$NON-NLS-2$ #$NON-NLS-1$
            return rsp
        err = rsp.err[0]
        raise FlickrError(u'Error: %(code)s: %(msg)s' % err) #$NON-NLS-1$

    @rest_parser(u'etree') #$NON-NLS-1$
    def parse_etree(self, rest_xml):
        u'''Parses a REST XML response from Flickr into an ElementTree object.''' #$NON-NLS-1$

        # Only import it here, to maintain Python 2.4 compatibility
        import xml.etree.ElementTree

        rsp = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(rest_xml)
        if rsp.attrib[u'stat'] == u'ok' or not self.fail_on_error: #$NON-NLS-2$ #$NON-NLS-1$
            return rsp
        err = rsp.find(u'err') #$NON-NLS-1$
        raise FlickrError(u'Error: %s: %s' % ( #$NON-NLS-1$
            err.attrib[u'code'], err.attrib[u'msg'])) #$NON-NLS-2$ #$NON-NLS-1$

    def sign(self, dictionary):
        u"""Calculate the flickr signature for a set of params.
            a hash of all the params and values to be hashed, e.g.
            ``{"api_key":"AAAA", "auth_token":"TTTT", "key":

        """ #$NON-NLS-1$

        data = [self.secret]
        for key in sorted(dictionary.keys()):
            datum = dictionary[key]
            if isinstance(datum, unicode):
                raise IllegalArgumentException(u"No Unicode allowed, " #$NON-NLS-1$
                        u"argument %s (%r) should have been UTF-8 by now" #$NON-NLS-1$
                        % (key, datum))
        md5_hash = md5.new()
        md5_hash.update(u''.join(data)) #$NON-NLS-1$
        return md5_hash.hexdigest()

    def encode_and_sign(self, dictionary):
        u'''URL encodes the data in the dictionary, and signs it using the
        given secret, if a secret was given.
        ''' #$NON-NLS-1$
        dictionary = make_utf8(dictionary)
        if self.secret:
            dictionary[u'api_sig'] = self.sign(dictionary) #$NON-NLS-1$
        return urllib.urlencode(dictionary)
    def __getattr__(self, attrib):
        u"""Handle all the regular Flickr API calls.

            xmlnode = flickr.photos_getInfo(photo_id='1234')
            xmlnode = flickr.photos_getInfo(photo_id='1234', format='xmlnode')
            json = flickr.photos_getInfo(photo_id='1234', format='json')
            etree = flickr.photos_getInfo(photo_id='1234', format='etree')
        """ #$NON-NLS-1$

        # Refuse to act as a proxy for unimplemented special methods
        if attrib.startswith(u'_'): #$NON-NLS-1$
            raise AttributeError(u"No such attribute '%s'" % attrib) #$NON-NLS-1$

        # Construct the method name and see if it's cached
        method = u"flickr." + attrib.replace(u"_", u".") #$NON-NLS-3$ #$NON-NLS-2$ #$NON-NLS-1$
        if method in self.__handler_cache:
            return self.__handler_cache[method]
        def handler(**args):
            u'''Dynamically created handler for a Flickr API call''' #$NON-NLS-1$

            if self.token_cache.token and not self.secret:
                raise ValueError(u"Auth tokens cannot be used without " #$NON-NLS-1$
                                 u"API secret") #$NON-NLS-1$

            # Set some defaults
            defaults = {u'method': method, #$NON-NLS-1$
                        u'auth_token': self.token_cache.token, #$NON-NLS-1$
                        u'api_key': self.api_key, #$NON-NLS-1$
                        u'format': self.default_format} #$NON-NLS-1$

            args = self.__supply_defaults(args, defaults)
            args = make_utf8(args)

            return self.__wrap_in_parser(self.__flickr_call,
                    parse_format=args[u'format'], **args) #$NON-NLS-1$

        handler.method = method
        self.__handler_cache[method] = handler
        return handler
    def __supply_defaults(self, args, defaults):
        u'''Returns a new dictionary containing ``args``, augmented with defaults
        from ``defaults``.

        Defaults can be overridden, or completely removed by setting the
        appropriate value in ``args`` to ``None``.

        >>> f = FlickrAPI('123')
        >>> f._FlickrAPI__supply_defaults(
        ...  {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': None, 'token': None},
        ...  {'baz': 'foobar', 'room': 'door'})
        {'foo': 'bar', 'room': 'door'}
        ''' #$NON-NLS-1$

        result = args.copy()
        for key, default_value in defaults.iteritems():
            # Set the default if the parameter wasn't passed
            if key not in args:
                result[key] = default_value

        for key, value in result.copy().iteritems():
            # You are able to remove a default by assigning None, and we can't
            # pass None to Flickr anyway.
            if result[key] is None:
                del result[key]
        return result

    def __flickr_call(self, **kwargs):
        u'''Performs a Flickr API call with the given arguments. The method name
        itself should be passed as the 'method' parameter.
        Returns the unparsed data from Flickr::

            data = self.__flickr_call(method='flickr.photos.getInfo',
                photo_id='123', format='rest')
        ''' #$NON-NLS-1$

        LOG.debug(u"Calling %s" % kwargs) #$NON-NLS-1$

        post_data = self.encode_and_sign(kwargs)

        # Return value from cache if available
        if self.cache and self.cache.get(post_data):
            return self.cache.get(post_data)

        url = u"http://" + FlickrAPI.flickr_host + FlickrAPI.flickr_rest_form #$NON-NLS-1$
        flicksocket = urllib.urlopen(url, post_data)
        reply = flicksocket.read()

        # Store in cache, if we have one
        if self.cache is not None:
            self.cache.set(post_data, reply)

        return reply
    def __wrap_in_parser(self, wrapped_method, parse_format, *args, **kwargs):
        u'''Wraps a method call in a parser.

        The parser will be looked up by the ``parse_format`` specifier. If there
        is a parser and ``kwargs['format']`` is set, it's set to ``rest``, and
        the response of the method is parsed before it's returned.
        ''' #$NON-NLS-1$

        # Find the parser, and set the format to rest if we're supposed to
        # parse it.
        if parse_format in rest_parsers and u'format' in kwargs: #$NON-NLS-1$
            kwargs[u'format'] = u'rest' #$NON-NLS-2$ #$NON-NLS-1$

        LOG.debug(u'Wrapping call %s(self, %s, %s)' % (wrapped_method, args, #$NON-NLS-1$
        data = wrapped_method(*args, **kwargs)

        # Just return if we have no parser
        if parse_format not in rest_parsers:
            return data

        # Return the parsed data
        parser = rest_parsers[parse_format]
        return parser(self, data)

    def auth_url(self, perms, frob):
        u"""Return the authorization URL to get a token.

        This is the URL the app will launch a browser toward if it
        needs a new token.
            "read", "write", or "delete"
            picked up from an earlier call to FlickrAPI.auth_getFrob()

        """ #$NON-NLS-1$

        encoded = self.encode_and_sign({
                    u"api_key": self.api_key, #$NON-NLS-1$
                    u"frob": frob, #$NON-NLS-1$
                    u"perms": perms}) #$NON-NLS-1$

        return u"http://%s%s?%s" % (FlickrAPI.flickr_host, FlickrAPI.flickr_auth_form, encoded) #$NON-NLS-1$

    def web_login_url(self, perms):
        u'''Returns the web login URL to forward web users to.

            "read", "write", or "delete"
        ''' #$NON-NLS-1$
        encoded = self.encode_and_sign({
                    u"api_key": self.api_key, #$NON-NLS-1$
                    u"perms": perms}) #$NON-NLS-1$

        return u"http://%s%s?%s" % (FlickrAPI.flickr_host, FlickrAPI.flickr_auth_form, encoded) #$NON-NLS-1$

    def upload(self, fileStream, callback=None, **arg):
        u"""Upload a file to flickr.

        Be extra careful you spell the parameters correctly, or you will
        get a rather cryptic "Invalid Signature" error on the upload!

        Supported parameters:

            file to upload
            method that gets progress reports
            title of the photo
            description a.k.a. caption of the photo
            space-delimited list of tags, ``'''tag1 tag2 "long
            "1" or "0" for a public resp. private photo
            "1" or "0" whether friends can see the photo while it's
            marked as private
            "1" or "0" whether family can see the photo while it's
            marked as private

        The callback method should take two parameters:
        def callback(progress, done)
        Progress is a number between 0 and 100, and done is a boolean
        that's true only when the upload is done.
        For now, the callback gets a 'done' twice, once for the HTTP
        headers, once for the body.
        """ #$NON-NLS-1$

        if not fileStream:
            raise IllegalArgumentException(u"fileStream must be specified") #$NON-NLS-1$
        # verify key names
        required_params = (u'api_key', u'auth_token', u'api_sig') #$NON-NLS-3$ #$NON-NLS-2$ #$NON-NLS-1$
        optional_params = (u'title', u'description', u'tags', u'is_public',  #$NON-NLS-4$ #$NON-NLS-3$ #$NON-NLS-2$ #$NON-NLS-1$
                           u'is_friend', u'is_family', u'hidden') #$NON-NLS-2$ #$NON-NLS-1$ #$NON-NLS-3$
        possible_args = required_params + optional_params
        for a in arg.keys():
            if a not in possible_args:
                raise IllegalArgumentException(u"Unknown parameter " #$NON-NLS-1$
                        u"'%s' sent to FlickrAPI.upload" % a) #$NON-NLS-1$

        arguments = {u'auth_token': self.token_cache.token, #$NON-NLS-1$
                     u'api_key': self.api_key} #$NON-NLS-1$

        # Convert to UTF-8 if an argument is an Unicode string
        arg = make_utf8(arguments)
        if self.secret:
            arg[u"api_sig"] = self.sign(arg) #$NON-NLS-1$
        url = u"http://" + FlickrAPI.flickr_host + FlickrAPI.flickr_upload_form #$NON-NLS-1$

        return self._sendFile(url, arg, fileStream)
#        # construct POST data
#        body = Multipart()
#        for a in required_params + optional_params:
#            if a not in arg:
#                continue
#            part = Part({u'name': a}, arg[a]) #$NON-NLS-1$
#            body.attach(part)
#        filepart = FilePart({u'name': u'photo'}, filename, u'image/jpeg') #$NON-NLS-3$ #$NON-NLS-2$ #$NON-NLS-1$
#        body.attach(filepart)
#        return self.__send_multipart(url, body, callback)
    def replace(self, filename, fileStream, photo_id):
        u"""Replace an existing photo.

        Supported parameters:

            name of a file to upload
            file to upload
            the ID of the photo to replace
        """ #$NON-NLS-1$
        if not fileStream:
            raise IllegalArgumentException(u"fileStream must be specified") #$NON-NLS-1$
        if not photo_id:
            raise IllegalArgumentException(u"photo_id must be specified") #$NON-NLS-1$

        args = {u'filename': filename, #$NON-NLS-1$
                u'photo_id': photo_id, #$NON-NLS-1$
                u'auth_token': self.token_cache.token, #$NON-NLS-1$
                u'api_key': self.api_key} #$NON-NLS-1$

        args = make_utf8(args)
        if self.secret:
            args[u"api_sig"] = self.sign(args) #$NON-NLS-1$
        url = u"http://" + FlickrAPI.flickr_host + FlickrAPI.flickr_replace_form #$NON-NLS-1$

        del args[u"filename"] #$NON-NLS-1$

        return self._sendFile(url, args, fileStream)

#        # construct POST data
#        body = Multipart()
#        for arg, value in args.iteritems():
#            # No part for the filename
#            if value == u'filename': #$NON-NLS-1$
#                continue
#            part = Part({u'name': arg}, value) #$NON-NLS-1$
#            body.attach(part)
#        filepart = FilePart({u'name': u'photo'}, filename, u'image/jpeg') #$NON-NLS-3$ #$NON-NLS-2$ #$NON-NLS-1$
#        body.attach(filepart)
#        return self.__send_multipart(url, body)

    def _sendFile(self, url, params, fileStream):
        params[u"photo"] = fileStream #$NON-NLS-1$
        request = ZSimpleTextHTTPRequest(url)
        rspXML = request.getResponse()
        return self.parse_xmlnode(rspXML)
    # end sendFile()

    def __send_multipart(self, url, body, progress_callback=None):
        u'''Sends a Multipart object to an URL.
        Returns the resulting XML from Flickr.
        ''' #$NON-NLS-1$

        LOG.debug(u"Uploading to %s" % url) #$NON-NLS-1$
        request = urllib2.Request(url)
        (header, value) = body.header()
        request.add_header(header, value)
        if progress_callback:
            response = reportinghttp.urlopen(request, progress_callback)
            response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
        rspXML = response.read()

        return self.parse_xmlnode(rspXML)

    def test_failure(cls, rsp, exception_on_error=True):
        u"""Exit app if the rsp XMLNode indicates failure.""" #$NON-NLS-1$

        LOG.warn(u"FlickrAPI.test_failure has been deprecated and will be " #$NON-NLS-1$
                 u"removed in FlickrAPI version 1.2.") #$NON-NLS-1$

        if rsp[u'stat'] != u"fail": #$NON-NLS-2$ #$NON-NLS-1$
        message = cls.get_printable_error(rsp)
        if exception_on_error:
            raise FlickrError(message)

    def get_printable_error(cls, rsp):
        u"""Return a printed error message string of an XMLNode Flickr response.""" #$NON-NLS-1$

        LOG.warn(u"FlickrAPI.get_printable_error has been deprecated " #$NON-NLS-1$
                 u"and will be removed in FlickrAPI version 1.2.") #$NON-NLS-1$

        return u"%s: error %s: %s" % (rsp.name, cls.get_rsp_error_code(rsp), cls.get_rsp_error_msg(rsp)) #$NON-NLS-1$

    def get_rsp_error_code(cls, rsp):
        u"""Return the error code of an XMLNode Flickr response, or 0 if no
        """ #$NON-NLS-1$

        LOG.warn(u"FlickrAPI.get_rsp_error_code has been deprecated and will be " #$NON-NLS-1$
                 u"removed in FlickrAPI version 1.2.") #$NON-NLS-1$

        if rsp[u'stat'] == u"fail": #$NON-NLS-2$ #$NON-NLS-1$
            return int(rsp.err[0][u'code']) #$NON-NLS-1$

        return 0

    def get_rsp_error_msg(cls, rsp):
        u"""Return the error message of an XMLNode Flickr response, or "Success"
        if no error.
        """ #$NON-NLS-1$

        LOG.warn(u"FlickrAPI.get_rsp_error_msg has been deprecated and will be " #$NON-NLS-1$
                 u"removed in FlickrAPI version 1.2.") #$NON-NLS-1$

        if rsp[u'stat'] == u"fail": #$NON-NLS-2$ #$NON-NLS-1$
            return rsp.err[0][u'msg'] #$NON-NLS-1$

        return u"Success" #$NON-NLS-1$

    def validate_frob(self, frob, perms):
        u'''Lets the user validate the frob by launching a browser to
        the Flickr website.
        ''' #$NON-NLS-1$
        auth_url = self.auth_url(perms, frob)
        webbrowser.open(auth_url, True, True)
    def get_token_part_one(self, perms=u"read"): #$NON-NLS-1$
        u"""Get a token either from the cache, or make a new one from
        the frob.
        This first attempts to find a token in the user's token cache
        on disk. If that token is present and valid, it is returned by
        the method.
        If that fails (or if the token is no longer valid based on
        flickr.auth.checkToken) a new frob is acquired.  The frob is
        validated by having the user log into flickr (with a browser).
        To get a proper token, follow these steps:
            - Store the result value of this method call
            - Give the user a way to signal the program that he/she
              has authorized it, for example show a button that can be
            - Wait for the user to signal the program that the
              authorization was performed, but only if there was no
              cached token.
            - Call flickrapi.get_token_part_two(...) and pass it the
              result value you stored.
        The newly minted token is then cached locally for the next
            "read", "write", or "delete"           
        An example::
            (token, frob) = flickr.get_token_part_one(perms='write')
            if not token: raw_input("Press ENTER after you authorized this program")
            flickr.get_token_part_two((token, frob))
        """ #$NON-NLS-1$
        # see if we have a saved token
        token = self.token_cache.token
        frob = None

        # see if it's valid
        if token:
            LOG.debug(u"Trying cached token '%s'" % token) #$NON-NLS-1$
                rsp = self.auth_checkToken(auth_token=token, format=u'xmlnode') #$NON-NLS-1$

                # see if we have enough permissions
                tokenPerms = rsp.auth[0].perms[0].text
                if tokenPerms == u"read" and perms != u"read": token = None #$NON-NLS-2$ #$NON-NLS-1$
                elif tokenPerms == u"write" and perms == u"delete": token = None #$NON-NLS-2$ #$NON-NLS-1$
            except FlickrError:
                LOG.debug(u"Cached token invalid") #$NON-NLS-1$
                token = None

        # get a new token if we need one
        if not token:
            # get the frob
            LOG.debug(u"Getting frob for new token") #$NON-NLS-1$
            rsp = self.auth_getFrob(auth_token=None, format=u'xmlnode') #$NON-NLS-1$

            frob = rsp.frob[0].text

            # validate online
            self.validate_frob(frob, perms)

        return (token, frob)
    def get_token_part_two(self, (token, frob)):
        u"""Part two of getting a token, see ``get_token_part_one(...)`` for details.""" #$NON-NLS-1$

        # If a valid token was obtained in the past, we're done
        if token:
            LOG.debug(u"get_token_part_two: no need, token already there") #$NON-NLS-1$
            self.token_cache.token = token
            return token
        LOG.debug(u"get_token_part_two: getting a new token for frob '%s'" % frob) #$NON-NLS-1$

        return self.get_token(frob)