def FindP_WellPad(Plot_P = True, WellPadNumber = 1, WindSpeed = 2, WindDirection = 0): #Plot_P is a boolean that determines whether or not the probability distribution is plotted FD = flightdata.FlightData(); FD.import_wellpad_components("./METEC Site Data/equipment_tags/Pad {}.kml".format(WellPadNumber)) #FD.import_inflight_measurements("./METEC Site Data/sample_uas_dataset.csv") #use this to find the size of the well pad #determine the range of the coordinates so that we can shift them to make all coordinates (i*delta_x, j*delta_y, k*delta_z) min_x =0; min_y=0; min_z = 0; max_x=0; max_y=0; max_z=0; for item in FD.wellpad_components: if item.pos[0]<min_x: min_x = item.pos[0] elif item.pos[0]>max_x: max_x = item.pos[0] if item.pos[1]<min_y: min_y = item.pos[1] elif item.pos[1]>max_y: max_y = item.pos[1] if item.pos[2]>max_z: max_z = item.pos[2] """ for item in FD.inflight_data['x']: if item<min_x: min_x = item; elif item>max_x: max_x = item; for item in FD.inflight_data['y']: if item<min_y: min_y = item; elif item>max_y: max_y = item; for item in FD.inflight_data['z']: if item<min_z: min_z = item; elif item>max_z: max_z = item; """ #shift all coordinates Shift = [min_x-40, min_y-40,0]; for i in range(0,len(FD.wellpad_components)): #add 3m to the z component of the component location since we don't have the real height of the components FD.wellpad_components[i].pos = FD.wellpad_components[i].pos - Shift + [0,0,3]; ''' FD.inflight_data['x'] = FD.inflight_data['x'] - min_x; FD.inflight_data['y'] = FD.inflight_data['y'] - min_y; FD.inflight_data['z'] = FD.inflight_data['z'] - min_z; ''' #define the size of the wellpad, in meters size = [max_x-(min_x)+60, max_y-(min_y)+60, max_z+6]; print(size) #try changing these numbers as necessary grid_size = (200,200,20); #define wind speed as initial speed #may want to change this to use current wind speed in future #also need to check that wind direction is defined the way we think if WellPadNumber == 1: WindSpeed = FD.inflight_data['wind_speeds'][0]; WindDirection = FD.inflight_data['wind_directions'][0]; Dist = ProbDist(size, grid_size, FD.wellpad_components, WindSpeed, WindDirection); Spacing = [size[0]/grid_size[0], size[1]/grid_size[1], size[2]/grid_size[2]]; if Plot_P: #define a 2D array that is a layer of the probability distribution P_layer = np.zeros((grid_size[0], grid_size[1])) for i in range(grid_size[0]): for j in range(grid_size[1]): P_layer[i,j] = Dist.P[i,j,9]; X = np.zeros(grid_size[0]) Y = np.zeros(grid_size[1]) for i in range(grid_size[0]): X[i] = i*Spacing[0] + Shift[0]; for j in range(grid_size[1]): Y[j] = j*Spacing[1] + Shift[1]; Xm, Ym = np.meshgrid(X,Y,indexing='ij') plt.contourf(Xm,Ym, P_layer) plt.colorbar() for item in FD.wellpad_components: plt.plot(item.pos[0]+Shift[0], item.pos[1]+Shift[1],'ko') plt.xlabel('x (m)') plt.ylabel('y (m)') plt.title('Initial Probability Distribution for Well Pad {}'.format(WellPadNumber)) return Dist.P, Spacing, Shift
if __name__ == "__main__": browser = screenshot.loadmap() if browser == None: print("unable to load browser!") else: print("browser loaded!") alarms = dict() # dictonary of all aircraft that have triggered the alarm # Indexed by it's hex code, each entry contains a tuple of # the aircraft data at the closest position so far, and a # counter. Once the airplane is out of the alarm zone, # the counter is incremented until we hit [abovetustin_wait_x_updates] # (defined above), at which point we then Tweet fd = flightdata.FlightData() lastTime = fd.time while True: sleep(abovetustin_sleep_time) fd.refresh() if fd.time == lastTime: continue lastTime = fd.time print("Now: {}".format(fd.time)) current = dict() # current aircraft inside alarm zone # loop on all the aircarft in the receiver for a in fd.aircraft:
def get_data_source(): return flightdata.FlightData(data_url=g_data_url, parser=get_driver()['data']())