def blockhash(aInputImage, lHashSize=256, bFlipHandling=False, bDebug=False): dImgDimension = math.sqrt(lHashSize) if not float(dImgDimension).is_integer(): raise Exception("The squareroot of the hash size has to be an int") lImgDimension = int(dImgDimension) if __is_odd(lImgDimension): raise Exception("The squareroot of the hash size has to be even") # fliphandling if bFlipHandling: aInputImage = fliphandling.handle_flip(aInputImage) if bDebug: __show_image(aInputImage) aGrayScaleImage = __convert_image_to_grayscale(aInputImage) aWorkingImage = __resize_image(aGrayScaleImage, lImgDimension, lImgDimension) lHeight, lWidth = aWorkingImage.shape # you can use it here if your blocks are single pixels only dMedianValue = np.median(aWorkingImage) aBlockHash = np.zeros((lImgDimension, lImgDimension), dtype=bool) for x in range(lHeight): for y in range(lWidth): # if block is bigger than one pixel, use mean of block if aWorkingImage[x, y] >= dMedianValue: aBlockHash[x, y] = True return aBlockHash.flatten()
def average_hash(image, hash_size=8, bFlipHandling=False): """ Average Hash computation Implementation follows Step by step explanation: @image must be a PIL instance. """ if hash_size < 0: raise ValueError("Hash size must be positive") # fliphandling if bFlipHandling: image = fliphandling.handle_flip(image) # reduce size and complexity, then covert to grayscale # image = image.convert("L").resize((hash_size, hash_size), # Image.ANTIALIAS) image = __convert_image_to_grayscale(image) pixels = __resize_image_downscale(image, hash_size, hash_size) # find average pixel value; 'pixels' is an array of the pixel values, # ranging from 0 (black) to 255 (white) # pixels = numpy.array(image.getdata()).reshape((hash_size, hash_size)) avg = pixels.mean() # create string of bits diff = pixels > avg # make a hash return diff.flatten()
def dhash_vertical(image, hash_size=8, bFlipHandling=False): """ Difference Hash computation. following computes differences vertically @image must be a PIL instance. """ # fliphandling if bFlipHandling: image = fliphandling.handle_flip(image) # resize(w, h), but numpy.array((h, w)) image = __convert_image_to_grayscale(image) pixels = __resize_image_downscale(image, hash_size, hash_size + 1) # TODO: right order? # compute differences between rows diff = pixels[1:, :] > pixels[:-1, :] return diff.flatten()
def phash_simple(image, hash_size=8, highfreq_factor=4, bFlipHandling=False): """ Perceptual Hash computation. Implementation follows @image must be a PIL instance. """ # fliphandling if bFlipHandling: image = fliphandling.handle_flip(image) import scipy.fftpack img_size = hash_size * highfreq_factor image = __convert_image_to_grayscale(image) pixels = __resize_image_downscale(image, img_size, img_size) dct = scipy.fftpack.dct(pixels) dctlowfreq = dct[:hash_size, 1:hash_size + 1] avg = dctlowfreq.mean() diff = dctlowfreq > avg return diff.flatten()
def dhash(image, hash_size=8, bFlipHandling=False): """ Difference Hash computation. following computes differences horizontally @image must be a PIL instance. """ # resize(w, h), but numpy.array((h, w)) if hash_size < 0: raise ValueError("Hash size must be positive") # fliphandling if bFlipHandling: image = fliphandling.handle_flip(image) image = __convert_image_to_grayscale(image) pixels = __resize_image_downscale(image, hash_size + 1, hash_size) # compute differences between columns diff = pixels[:, 1:] > pixels[:, :-1] return diff.flatten()
def wuhash(aInputImage, lMaxSideSize=500, bRotationHandling=False, bFlipHandling=False, bDebug=False): # fliphandling if bFlipHandling: aInputImage = fliphandling.handle_flip(aInputImage) if bDebug: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4), (ax5, ax6)) = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(10, 15)) # handling of to big images - custom made - not part of the algo lImgHeight = aInputImage.shape[0] lImgWidth = aInputImage.shape[1] if lImgHeight > lMaxSideSize or lImgWidth > lMaxSideSize: #print("imput image to big for radon transform, performing downscale") dScaleFactor = lMaxSideSize / max(lImgHeight, lImgWidth) aInputImage = __downscale_image(aInputImage, dScaleFactor=dScaleFactor) aGrayScaleImage = __convert_image_to_grayscale(aInputImage) # ----- step 1 :: Radon transform aTheta = np.arange(180) aSinogram = radon(aGrayScaleImage, theta=aTheta, circle=False) aSinogram = __remove_zero_rows(aSinogram) if bDebug: ax1.set_title("Sinogram") ax1.imshow(aSinogram,, aspect='auto') ax1.set_xlabel(r"$\theta$") ax1.set_ylabel(r"$\rho$") ax1.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 181, 15)) # --- rotation handling if bRotationHandling: aSinogram = __rotation_handling(aSinogram) if bDebug: ax2.set_title("Sinogram rotated") ax2.imshow(aSinogram,, aspect='auto') ax2.set_xlabel(r"$\theta$") ax2.set_ylabel(r"$\rho$") ax2.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 181, 15)) # ------ step 2 :: 800 Blocks - mean value aMeanBlocks = __resize_image(aSinogram, 20, 40) # Note: this is not the original implementation, but it is very close to it if bDebug: ax3.set_title("Mean Blocks") ax3.imshow(aMeanBlocks,, aspect='auto') # ---------- step 3 :: 2 level haar wavelet transform aWaveletHeightFrequencies = np.zeros((20, 20)) for nr_col in range(aMeanBlocks.shape[1]): # take high frequency part only aWaveletHeightFrequencies[:, nr_col] = pywt.wavedec(aMeanBlocks[:, nr_col], "Haar", level=2)[2] if bDebug: ax4.set_title("Wavelet\n(high frequency components)") ax4.imshow(aWaveletHeightFrequencies,, aspect='auto') # ----- step 4 fft reals part aFFT = np.zeros(aWaveletHeightFrequencies.shape) for nr_col in range(aWaveletHeightFrequencies.shape[1]): aFFT[:, nr_col] = np.real(np.fft.fft(aWaveletHeightFrequencies[:, nr_col])) if bDebug: ax5.set_title("FFT\n(reals components)") ax5.imshow(aFFT,, aspect='auto') # ----- step 6 - calculate mean and hash lFFTHeight, lFFTWidth = aFFT.shape aHashBlock = np.zeros(aFFT.shape, dtype=bool) #dMeanThreshold = np.mean(aFFT) for nr_col in range(lFFTWidth): dMeanThreshold = np.mean(aFFT[:, nr_col]) for nr_row in range(lFFTHeight): if aFFT[nr_row, nr_col] >= dMeanThreshold: aHashBlock[nr_row, nr_col] = 1 if bDebug: ax6.set_title("Hash") ax6.imshow(aHashBlock,, aspect='auto') if bDebug: fig.tight_layout() plt.savefig("test_wu_hash.png") # return the hash flattened columnwise return aHashBlock.flatten('F')
def whash(image, hash_size=8, image_scale=None, mode='haar', remove_max_haar_ll=True, bFlipHandling=False): """ Wavelet Hash computation. based on @image must be a PIL instance. @hash_size must be a power of 2 and less than @image_scale. @image_scale must be power of 2 and less than image size. By default is equal to max power of 2 for an input image. @mode (see modes in pywt library): 'haar' - Haar wavelets, by default 'db4' - Daubechies wavelets @remove_max_haar_ll - remove the lowest low level (LL) frequency using Haar wavelet. """ # fliphandling if bFlipHandling: image = fliphandling.handle_flip(image) import pywt if image_scale is not None: assert image_scale & (image_scale - 1) == 0, "image_scale is not power of 2" else: # TODO: correct translation? vvvv image_natural_scale = 2**int(numpy.log2(min(image.shape[:2]))) image_scale = max(image_natural_scale, hash_size) ll_max_level = int(numpy.log2(image_scale)) level = int(numpy.log2(hash_size)) assert hash_size & (hash_size - 1) == 0, "hash_size is not power of 2" assert level <= ll_max_level, "hash_size in a wrong range" dwt_level = ll_max_level - level image = __convert_image_to_grayscale(image) pixels = __resize_image_downscale(image, image_scale, image_scale) pixels = pixels.astype(float) pixels /= 255 # Remove low level frequency LL(max_ll) if @remove_max_haar_ll using haar # filter if remove_max_haar_ll: coeffs = pywt.wavedec2(pixels, 'haar', level=ll_max_level) coeffs = list(coeffs) coeffs[0] *= 0 pixels = pywt.waverec2(coeffs, 'haar') # Use LL(K) as freq, where K is log2(@hash_size) coeffs = pywt.wavedec2(pixels, mode, level=dwt_level) dwt_low = coeffs[0] # Substract median and compute hash med = numpy.median(dwt_low) diff = dwt_low > med return diff.flatten()