コード例 #1
    def truth(self, i: FiniteTrace, pos: int = 0):
        f1 = self.formulas[0]
        f2 = LTLfUntil(
            self.formulas[1:]) if len(self.formulas) > 2 else self.formulas[1]

        a = any(f2.truth(i, j) for j in range(pos, i.last() + 1))
        b = all(
            f1.truth(i, k) for j in range(pos,
                                          i.last() + 1) for k in range(pos, j))

        return any(
            f2.truth(i, j) and all(f1.truth(i, k) for k in range(pos, j))
            for j in range(pos,
                           i.last() + 1))
コード例 #2
def test_ltlf_example_readme():
    from flloat.parser.ltlf import LTLfParser
    from flloat.semantics.traces import FiniteTrace

    parser = LTLfParser()
    formula = "F (A & !B)"
    parsed_formula = parser(formula)

    t1 = FiniteTrace.from_symbol_sets([{}, {"A"}, {"A"}, {"A", "B"}])
    assert parsed_formula.truth(t1, 0)

    t2 = FiniteTrace.from_symbol_sets([{}, {"A", "B"}, {"B"}])
    assert not parsed_formula.truth(t2, 0)

    dfa = parsed_formula.to_automaton()
    assert dfa.accepts(t1.trace)
    assert not dfa.accepts(t2.trace)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_ltlf.py プロジェクト: aadeshnpn/flloat
    def setup_class(cls):
        cls.parser = LTLfParser()

        cls.trace = FiniteTrace.from_symbol_sets([
コード例 #4
def test_truth():
    sa, sb = "a", "b"
    a, b = PLAtomic(sa), PLAtomic(sb)

    i_ = PLFalseInterpretation()
    i_a = PLInterpretation({sa})
    i_b = PLInterpretation({sb})
    i_ab = PLInterpretation({sa, sb})

    tr_false_a_b_ab = FiniteTrace([i_, i_a, i_b, i_ab, i_])

    tt = LDLfLogicalTrue()
    ff = LDLfLogicalFalse()

    assert tt.truth(tr_false_a_b_ab, 0)
    assert not ff.truth(tr_false_a_b_ab, 0)
    assert not LDLfNot(tt).truth(tr_false_a_b_ab, 0)
    assert LDLfNot(ff).truth(tr_false_a_b_ab, 0)
    assert LDLfAnd([LDLfPropositional(a),
                    LDLfPropositional(b)]).truth(tr_false_a_b_ab, 3)
    assert not LDLfDiamond(RegExpPropositional(PLAnd([a, b])), tt).truth(
        tr_false_a_b_ab, 0)

    parser = LDLfParser()
    trace = FiniteTrace.from_symbol_sets([{}, {"A"}, {"A"}, {"A", "B"}, {}])

    formula = "<true*;A&B>tt"
    parsed_formula = parser(formula)
    assert parsed_formula.truth(trace, 0)

    formula = "[(A+!B)*]<C>tt"
    parsed_formula = parser(formula)
    assert not parsed_formula.truth(trace, 1)

    formula = "<(<!C>tt)?><A>tt"
    parsed_formula = parser(formula)
    assert parsed_formula.truth(trace, 1)

    formula = "<!C+A>tt"
    parsed_formula = parser(formula)
    assert parsed_formula.truth(trace, 1)
コード例 #5
def test_ldlf_example_readme():
    from flloat.parser.ldlf import LDLfParser

    parser = LDLfParser()
    formula = "<true*; A & B>tt"
    parsed_formula = parser(formula)

    assert str(parsed_formula) == "<((true)* ; (B & A))>(tt)" or str(
        parsed_formula) == "<((true)* ; (A & B))>(tt)"
    assert parsed_formula.find_labels() == {c for c in "AB"}

    from flloat.semantics.traces import FiniteTrace

    t1 = FiniteTrace.from_symbol_sets([{}, {"A"}, {"A"}, {"A", "B"}, {}])
    assert parsed_formula.truth(t1, 0)

    t2 = FiniteTrace.from_symbol_sets([{}, {"A"}, {"B"}])
    assert not parsed_formula.truth(t2, 0)

    dfa = parsed_formula.to_automaton()
    assert dfa.accepts(t1.trace)
    assert not dfa.accepts(t2.trace)
コード例 #6
 def truth(self, i: FiniteTrace, pos: int = 0):
     return PLAtomic(self.s).truth(i.get(pos))
コード例 #7
 def truth(self, i: FiniteTrace, pos: int = 0):
     return pos < i.last() and self.f.truth(i, pos + 1)
コード例 #8
 def truth(self, tr: FiniteTrace, start: int = 0, end: int = 0):
     return end == start + 1 \
             and end <= tr.last() \
             and self.pl_formula.truth(tr.get(start))
コード例 #9
 def truth(self, i: FiniteTrace, pos: int = 0):
     # last + 1 in order to include the last step
     return any(
         self.r.truth(i, pos, j) and self.f.truth(i, j)
         for j in range(pos,
                        i.last() + 1))